Spelling suggestions: "subject:"btraditional communities"" "subject:"bytraditional communities""
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De posseiro a assentado: a reinvenção da comunidade do Guapiruvu na construção contraditória do assentamento agroambiental Alves, Teixeira e Pereira, Sete Barras-SP / From squatter to settler: the reinvention of the Guapiruvu community in the contradictory establishment of the agro-environmental settlement Alves, Teixeira and Pereira, Sete Barras - São PauloCarina Inserra Bernini 16 December 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa aborda o processo de construção do assentamento agroambiental PDS Alves, Teixeira e Pereira, localizado no bairro do Guapiruvu (Sete Barras-SP), a partir da análise do processo de redefinição dos usos da terra e da floresta nesse território. Para isso, analisa as diferenças de interesse quanto ao uso da terra e da mata do assentamento existentes entre os grupos (comunidade, associação local e Estado) envolvidos na construção do mesmo e os fundamentos de tais diferenças. A pesquisa se apóia em extenso trabalho de campo, desenvolvido com base na observação participante e em entrevistas abertas, além de levantamento bibliográfico e documental. Localizado no Vale do Ribeira-SP, o bairro do Guapiruvu é vizinho ao Parque Estadual Intervales, Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral. Após 40 anos de luta pela terra, a comunidade do Guapiruvu teve os seus direitos sobre a terra reconhecidos, porém sob a condição de vê-la transformada em um assentamento agroambiental e, com isso, tem tido que se submeter a novas orientações e restrições em relação aos sistemas agrícolas e de manejo adotados. A combinação entre luta pela terra e ambientalismo mostrou-se decisiva para assegurar a permanência da comunidade em seu território. Mas a relação entre a espacialização das políticas agrárias e ambientais, que se desdobram no Plano de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do assentamento, e a territorialidade dos assentados desencadeou novas contradições e desafios que se somaram a outros já existentes. Esta situação tem revelado a necessidade de refletirmos sobre os limites apresentados pela solução da questão agrária pela via ambiental. Tal procedimento desloca do centro do embate político a questão da terra, conflito em torno do qual delimitam-se claramente diferentes posições de classe, e a submete à ideologia ambientalista. Neste contexto, a comunidade camponesa do Guapiruvu passa a ter o dever de assegurar o manejo sustentável de seu território, segundo parâmetros definidos externamente, em nome do interesse geral da sociedade, enquanto continua a ser assegurada aos capitalistas a liberdade para degradar a natureza em outras áreas. / This current study deals with the process of establishment of the agro-environmental settlement PDS Alves, Teixeira and Pereira, located in the Guapiruvu community (Sete Barras, São Paulo, Brazil), through an analysis of the process of redefinition of the uses of the land and the forest in this territory. In order to do this, the differences of interest that exist, with regard to land and forest use, among the groups (community, local association, and State) involved in the establishment of the settlement are analyzed, as are the foundations for such differences. The research is based on extensive fieldwork developed through participatory observation and open interviews, in addition to bibliographical and documental research. Located in the Ribeira Valley of the state of São Paulo, the Guapiruvu community neighbors the Intervales State Park, a conservation unit with integral protection. After forty years of struggling for the land, the rights of the Guapiruvu community over the land were recognized, but under the condition of seeing the land transformed into an agro-environmental settlement. With this, the community has had to submit to new guidelines and restrictions in relation to the agricultural and management systems adopted. The combination of struggle for land and environmental activism proved decisive in guaranteeing the permanence of the community in their territory. However, the relationship between the spatialization of agrarian and environmental policies, which are reflected in the settlement\'s Sustainable Development Plan, and the territoriality of the settlers brought about new contradictions and challenges that joined others already in existence. This situation has revealed the need to reflect on the limitations presented by resolving the agrarian question through an environmental route. Such a procedure displaces the question of land a conflict around which different positions of class are clearly demarcated from the center of the political debate and submits it to environmental ideology. In this context, the rural community of Guapiruvu thus has the responsibility of assuring the sustainable management of its territory, in accordance with externally defined parameters, in the name of the general interest of society, while capitalists continue to be assured the freedom to degrade nature in other areas.
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La protection de la culture des communautés traditionnelles : Réflexion à partir des droits d’auteur français et brésilien et du droit international / Protecting the culture of traditional communities : Reflection on French and Brazilian copyright and international lawMattes, Anita 14 June 2017 (has links)
L’étude des rapports de la culture des communautés traditionnelles et du droit implique une vision large, mêlant approche comparative et internationale, car les conceptions sont variées et les instruments divers. Au Brésil, pays doté d’une grande diversité culturelle, la nécessité de la protection de la culture populaire est une demande croissante, justifiée et nécessaire. La France, de son côté, présente le double avantage d’être le berceau du droit d’auteur et de connaître, elle aussi, une part de culture traditionnelle. En outre, dès les années 1970, le mouvement international autochtone occupe progressivement une place grandissante dans les débats internationaux.Deux axes émergent alors pour tendre à protéger la culture des communautés traditionnelles. Il ressort d’abord des processus de négociations internationaux la possible utilisation des instruments classiques de protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle. A ensuite émergé, ces dernières années, une tendance à l’élaboration d’une protection spécifique de la culture traditionnelle.Dans cette perspective, l’analyse comparative des systèmes juridiques français et brésilien enrichit la réflexion sur des régimes dont la mise en œuvre effective s’avère particulièrement complexe. Cette thèse invite aussi à s’interroger sur les raisons de ce dysfonctionnement, en livrant une étude portant sur plusieurs instruments normatifs. Le résultat est une analyse à trois focales (internationale, nationale et, dans certains cas, locale) qui vise à mettre en évidence les enjeux majeurs de la régulation de la culture traditionnelle. / The study of the relationship between the culture of traditional communities and law implies having a wide perspective, combining a comparative and an international approach, as the concepts are varied and the instruments diverse. In Brazil, a country with a great cultural diversity, the need for the protection of popular culture is a growing, justified and necessary demand. France, on the other hand, has both the benefit of being the birthplace of copyright and possessing, too, a part of traditional culture. In addition, since the 1970s, the international indigenous movement gradually took a growing place in international debates.Thus, two directions rise attempting to protect the culture of traditional communities. Firstly, the possible use of traditional instruments for the protection of intellectual property rights will result from the international negotiating processes. In addition, in recent years, the tendency of elaborating a specific protection for traditional culture has emerged. In this perspective, the comparative analysis of the French and Brazilian legal systems can allow us to broaden our reflection on regimes whose effective implementation seems to be particularly complex. This thesis prompts us to question the reasons for this dysfunction by providing a study on several normative instruments. The result is a three-level analysis (international, national and, in some cases, local) aiming to highlight the major challenges of regulating traditional culture.
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A legal history of traditional leadership in South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho / by Khunou, Samuel FreddyKhunou, Samuel Freddy January 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: The main aim of the study is to examine and pursue research
regarding the history and role of law in the disintegration of the institutions of
traditional leadership in South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho in order to make
recommendations regarding the challenges and opportunities facing traditional
authorities in these countries. The traditional systems, roles and functions of
these institutions are traced from the pre-colonial era up to the period of
democratic regimes in these countries. This study is based on the premises that
the jurisprudence of the institution of traditional leadership is as old as mankind
and that this institution is rooted in the rural soil of African communities.
Research Methodology: This study is based on legal comparative research with
reference to South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho. A literature survey of the most
important sources dealing with history, legislation and policy documents was
Conclusion and Recommendations: The institution of traditional leadership is
one of the oldest traditional institutions of governance in South Africa, Botswana
and Lesotho. During the pre-colonial era traditional authorities constituted an
important component in the traditional system of the administration of the
traditional community. Traditions placed a great amount of responsibility on
traditional leaders to look after the best interests of their communities. When the
colonial government took over the reigns of these three countries, they changed
the pre-colonial form and nature of traditional authorities. These colonial
governments exercised control over traditional leaders and allowed minimum
independence in their traditional rule.
The post-colonial governments of South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho retained
the institution of traditional leadership. The Constitutions of these countries
provide the legal framework for the recognition and functioning of the office of
traditional leaders. However, it has been noted in this study that the relationship
between the traditional leaders and the governments of these countries has been
a mixture of conflict and cordiality. One of the reasons for this uneasy
relationship between the traditional leaders and the central governments of these
countries is that the status, authority, power and functions of traditional leaders
have been reduced considerably when new institutions such as Local
Governments, Land Boards, District Councils and Village District Councils were
given powers and functions previously exercised by traditional leaders.
The post-colonial transformation of traditional leadership in these three countries
has led to a steep decline in the authority of traditional leaders. In order to
encourage active participation of the traditional leaders in the new democratic
structures and bodies, the institution of traditional leadership must be adapted to
the changing political, social and economic environments. Rural local
government bodies and the national governments of these countries should not
view the institutions of traditional leadership as competitors for political power.
The post-colonial governments of South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho should
introduce traditional leaders as equal partners in the development and
advancement of rural communities. In order to achieve this goal the governments
of these countries should empower and capacitate traditional leaders so that they
do not become misfits in the new constitutional and democratic settlements. / Thesis (LL.D. (Indigenous Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Resultados da avaliação do manejo florestal comunitário sobre os meios de vida de seus protagonistas: destaque para conservação ambiental em detrimento a produção e autonomia / Results of evaluation of community forest management on livelihoods of its protagonist: emphasis on environmental conservation rather than production and autonomyWaldhoff, Philippe 24 February 2015 (has links)
As mudanças nas políticas públicas ambientais que ocorreram a partir da década de 1990 têm levado comunidades tradicionais a trilharem novos caminhos na busca da adequação aos paradigmas contemporâneos de produção, renda e legalização ambiental. Neste contexto, passa a ser adotado um modelo de manejo florestal comunitário introduzido por agentes externos às comunidades. Este modelo tem sido objeto de avaliações econômicas que apontam para a inviabilidade financeira dos projetos, a despeito de outros benefícios sociais e ambientais. Os objetivos desta tese foram: analisar os desafios vivenciados pelas comunidades tradicionais para se adequarem às novas políticas ambientais e avaliar os resultados de projetos de manejo comunitários em relação aos meios de vidas de seus protagonistas. Será o modelo introduzido manejo florestal viável? Quais os resultados que os projetos que adotaram este modelo alcançaram em relação aos meios de vida? A tese compreende quatro estudos de casos, apresentados em capítulos. As análises e avaliações dos projetos foram realizadas utilizando-se como marco analítico os \"meios de vida sustentáveis\" (capital humano, social, físico, financeiro e natural). O levantamento de dados foi realizado por meio dos métodos de entrevistas, diálogo mediado pela floresta, pesquisa documental e observação participante. Os dados foram analisados com base em análise interpretativa, triangulação de dados, estatística descritiva, análise de variância e testes de médias. O primeiro estudo de caso analisou o projeto de manejo florestal de uma associação comunitária, no município de Boa Vista do Ramos - AM, no seu trajeto de organização social até a obtenção da licença ambiental e da certificação florestal. O segundo estudo, comparou os resultados advindos da extração de madeira entre extratores que desenvolveram projetos de manejo florestal, com os resultados daqueles que permaneceram praticando a extração ilegal de madeira. O terceiro e o quarto estudos de caso foram desenvolvidos na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (RDSM). Um avaliando os resultados do manejo florestal comunitário e outro avaliando resultados de um esquema de REDD+ denominado Programa Bolsa Floresta, ambos em relação aos meios de vida de seus protagonistas. Os resultados gerais da pesquisa indicam que o modelo introduzido manejo florestal não se apresenta, ao menos sem um forte suporte externo, como um meio de vida sustentável para as comunidades tradicionais. O capital natural mostrou os melhores resultados e o capital financeiro, os piores. Os resultados indicam um viés das políticas públicas florestais a favor da conservação ambiental em detrimento da produção florestal. Em relação específica ao esquema de REDD+, os moradores da RDSM não o identificam como um mecanismo que contribui com o capital natural, porém, há uma percepção de melhorias relativas aos outros capitais. Conclui-se que: para o manejo florestal comunitário tornar-se um meio de vida sustentável, devem ser centrados esforços em questões de educação e capacitação das populações e valorização dos conhecimentos tradicionais (capital humano); fortalecimento das redes sociais/institucionais e estímulo à participação efetiva (capital social); maior autonomia, equidade e projetos de geração de renda (capital financeiro); para além de projetos que visem prioritariamente à conservação ambiental (capital natural). / Changes in environmental policy that have occurred since the 1990s has led traditional communities to tread new paths in search of adaptation to contemporary paradigms of production, income and environmental legalization. In this context, starts to be adopted a model of community forestry introduced by external agents to communities. This model has been the subject of economic evaluations that link to the financial unfeasibility of projects, regardless of other social and environmental benefits. The objectives of this thesis were: analyze the challenges experienced by traditional communities to conform to new environmental policies and evaluate community management projects in relation to the livelihoods of its protagonists. Is the introduced forest management model viable? What results the projects that have adopted this model have achieved in relation to the livelihoods? The thesis comprises four case studies presented in chapters. The analysis and evaluation of the projects were carried out using the \"sustainable livelihoods framework\" (human, social, physical, financial and natural, capitals). The survey was conducted through interviews, forest mediated dialogue, documental research and participant observation. Data were analyzed using interpretative analysis, triangulation, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and tests for difference of means. The first case study examined the forest management project in a community association, in Boa Vista do Ramos county, Amazonas state, in their path of social organization to obtain the environmental license and forest certification. The second case study compared the results derived from logging between extractors that developed forest management projects, with the results of those who remained practicing illegal logging. The third and fourth case studies were developed within the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve. One evaluating the outcomes of community forest management and other evaluating the outcomes of a REDD+ scheme, called Bolsa Floresta Program, both in relation to the livelihoods of its protagonists. The overall results of the survey indicate that the introduced forest management model does not present itself, at least without strong external support, as a sustainable livelihood for traditional communities. The natural capital showed the best results and financial capital, the worst. The results indicate a bias of forest policy in favor of environmental conservation at the expense of forest production. In specific relation to the REDD + scheme, residents of RDSM not identify it as a mechanism that contributes to the natural capital, however, there is a perception regarding other capital improvements. It is concluded that for the community forest management become a sustainable livelihood, efforts should be focused on issues of education and empowerment of people and appreciation of traditional knowledge (human capital); strengthening social / institutional networks and encouraging effective participation (social capital); greater autonomy, equity and income generating projects (financial capital); in addition to projects that aim primarily to environmental conservation (capital natural).
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Resultados da avaliação do manejo florestal comunitário sobre os meios de vida de seus protagonistas: destaque para conservação ambiental em detrimento a produção e autonomia / Results of evaluation of community forest management on livelihoods of its protagonist: emphasis on environmental conservation rather than production and autonomyPhilippe Waldhoff 24 February 2015 (has links)
As mudanças nas políticas públicas ambientais que ocorreram a partir da década de 1990 têm levado comunidades tradicionais a trilharem novos caminhos na busca da adequação aos paradigmas contemporâneos de produção, renda e legalização ambiental. Neste contexto, passa a ser adotado um modelo de manejo florestal comunitário introduzido por agentes externos às comunidades. Este modelo tem sido objeto de avaliações econômicas que apontam para a inviabilidade financeira dos projetos, a despeito de outros benefícios sociais e ambientais. Os objetivos desta tese foram: analisar os desafios vivenciados pelas comunidades tradicionais para se adequarem às novas políticas ambientais e avaliar os resultados de projetos de manejo comunitários em relação aos meios de vidas de seus protagonistas. Será o modelo introduzido manejo florestal viável? Quais os resultados que os projetos que adotaram este modelo alcançaram em relação aos meios de vida? A tese compreende quatro estudos de casos, apresentados em capítulos. As análises e avaliações dos projetos foram realizadas utilizando-se como marco analítico os \"meios de vida sustentáveis\" (capital humano, social, físico, financeiro e natural). O levantamento de dados foi realizado por meio dos métodos de entrevistas, diálogo mediado pela floresta, pesquisa documental e observação participante. Os dados foram analisados com base em análise interpretativa, triangulação de dados, estatística descritiva, análise de variância e testes de médias. O primeiro estudo de caso analisou o projeto de manejo florestal de uma associação comunitária, no município de Boa Vista do Ramos - AM, no seu trajeto de organização social até a obtenção da licença ambiental e da certificação florestal. O segundo estudo, comparou os resultados advindos da extração de madeira entre extratores que desenvolveram projetos de manejo florestal, com os resultados daqueles que permaneceram praticando a extração ilegal de madeira. O terceiro e o quarto estudos de caso foram desenvolvidos na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (RDSM). Um avaliando os resultados do manejo florestal comunitário e outro avaliando resultados de um esquema de REDD+ denominado Programa Bolsa Floresta, ambos em relação aos meios de vida de seus protagonistas. Os resultados gerais da pesquisa indicam que o modelo introduzido manejo florestal não se apresenta, ao menos sem um forte suporte externo, como um meio de vida sustentável para as comunidades tradicionais. O capital natural mostrou os melhores resultados e o capital financeiro, os piores. Os resultados indicam um viés das políticas públicas florestais a favor da conservação ambiental em detrimento da produção florestal. Em relação específica ao esquema de REDD+, os moradores da RDSM não o identificam como um mecanismo que contribui com o capital natural, porém, há uma percepção de melhorias relativas aos outros capitais. Conclui-se que: para o manejo florestal comunitário tornar-se um meio de vida sustentável, devem ser centrados esforços em questões de educação e capacitação das populações e valorização dos conhecimentos tradicionais (capital humano); fortalecimento das redes sociais/institucionais e estímulo à participação efetiva (capital social); maior autonomia, equidade e projetos de geração de renda (capital financeiro); para além de projetos que visem prioritariamente à conservação ambiental (capital natural). / Changes in environmental policy that have occurred since the 1990s has led traditional communities to tread new paths in search of adaptation to contemporary paradigms of production, income and environmental legalization. In this context, starts to be adopted a model of community forestry introduced by external agents to communities. This model has been the subject of economic evaluations that link to the financial unfeasibility of projects, regardless of other social and environmental benefits. The objectives of this thesis were: analyze the challenges experienced by traditional communities to conform to new environmental policies and evaluate community management projects in relation to the livelihoods of its protagonists. Is the introduced forest management model viable? What results the projects that have adopted this model have achieved in relation to the livelihoods? The thesis comprises four case studies presented in chapters. The analysis and evaluation of the projects were carried out using the \"sustainable livelihoods framework\" (human, social, physical, financial and natural, capitals). The survey was conducted through interviews, forest mediated dialogue, documental research and participant observation. Data were analyzed using interpretative analysis, triangulation, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and tests for difference of means. The first case study examined the forest management project in a community association, in Boa Vista do Ramos county, Amazonas state, in their path of social organization to obtain the environmental license and forest certification. The second case study compared the results derived from logging between extractors that developed forest management projects, with the results of those who remained practicing illegal logging. The third and fourth case studies were developed within the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve. One evaluating the outcomes of community forest management and other evaluating the outcomes of a REDD+ scheme, called Bolsa Floresta Program, both in relation to the livelihoods of its protagonists. The overall results of the survey indicate that the introduced forest management model does not present itself, at least without strong external support, as a sustainable livelihood for traditional communities. The natural capital showed the best results and financial capital, the worst. The results indicate a bias of forest policy in favor of environmental conservation at the expense of forest production. In specific relation to the REDD + scheme, residents of RDSM not identify it as a mechanism that contributes to the natural capital, however, there is a perception regarding other capital improvements. It is concluded that for the community forest management become a sustainable livelihood, efforts should be focused on issues of education and empowerment of people and appreciation of traditional knowledge (human capital); strengthening social / institutional networks and encouraging effective participation (social capital); greater autonomy, equity and income generating projects (financial capital); in addition to projects that aim primarily to environmental conservation (capital natural).
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A legal history of traditional leadership in South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho / by Khunou, Samuel FreddyKhunou, Samuel Freddy January 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: The main aim of the study is to examine and pursue research
regarding the history and role of law in the disintegration of the institutions of
traditional leadership in South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho in order to make
recommendations regarding the challenges and opportunities facing traditional
authorities in these countries. The traditional systems, roles and functions of
these institutions are traced from the pre-colonial era up to the period of
democratic regimes in these countries. This study is based on the premises that
the jurisprudence of the institution of traditional leadership is as old as mankind
and that this institution is rooted in the rural soil of African communities.
Research Methodology: This study is based on legal comparative research with
reference to South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho. A literature survey of the most
important sources dealing with history, legislation and policy documents was
Conclusion and Recommendations: The institution of traditional leadership is
one of the oldest traditional institutions of governance in South Africa, Botswana
and Lesotho. During the pre-colonial era traditional authorities constituted an
important component in the traditional system of the administration of the
traditional community. Traditions placed a great amount of responsibility on
traditional leaders to look after the best interests of their communities. When the
colonial government took over the reigns of these three countries, they changed
the pre-colonial form and nature of traditional authorities. These colonial
governments exercised control over traditional leaders and allowed minimum
independence in their traditional rule.
The post-colonial governments of South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho retained
the institution of traditional leadership. The Constitutions of these countries
provide the legal framework for the recognition and functioning of the office of
traditional leaders. However, it has been noted in this study that the relationship
between the traditional leaders and the governments of these countries has been
a mixture of conflict and cordiality. One of the reasons for this uneasy
relationship between the traditional leaders and the central governments of these
countries is that the status, authority, power and functions of traditional leaders
have been reduced considerably when new institutions such as Local
Governments, Land Boards, District Councils and Village District Councils were
given powers and functions previously exercised by traditional leaders.
The post-colonial transformation of traditional leadership in these three countries
has led to a steep decline in the authority of traditional leaders. In order to
encourage active participation of the traditional leaders in the new democratic
structures and bodies, the institution of traditional leadership must be adapted to
the changing political, social and economic environments. Rural local
government bodies and the national governments of these countries should not
view the institutions of traditional leadership as competitors for political power.
The post-colonial governments of South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho should
introduce traditional leaders as equal partners in the development and
advancement of rural communities. In order to achieve this goal the governments
of these countries should empower and capacitate traditional leaders so that they
do not become misfits in the new constitutional and democratic settlements. / Thesis (LL.D. (Indigenous Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Comunidades tradicionais de pesca artesanal marinha na Paraíba: realidade e desafiosAraújo, Ismael Xavier de 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Cavalcante (leo.ocavalcante@gmail.com) on 2018-04-17T14:38:06Z
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Arquivototal.pdf: 2899186 bytes, checksum: 1514ed37935ed49e7f5cb98a73c26440 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-17T14:38:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-10 / There is a significant diversity of social movements, forming networks of solidarity that need to be studied, strengthened or even created, in order to prevent many territories from succumbing to the force of capital and their ways of transcending the urban, Creating the false idea that traditional peoples or communities are incompatible with urban space and its urbanity. The urban model and its complexity, in the way that reaches the traditional communities of artisanal fishing are contributing to generate the disinterest of the artisanal fisherman for the fishing activity and other activities related to the sea. The lack of planning and management of the authorities with the housing situation of the fishermen and their work situation have taken the fishermen and the authorities to an imaginary of disbelief in this economic activity exerted centuries ago in the Brazilian coast. The most viable solution can be found in a sea management system that contains elements that benefit fishermen in their most diversified work and income possibilities related to the sea, notably the coast of Paraíba. In this sense, in the search for fomenting a discussion about a new look at artisanal fishing and the professionals who execute it aims, in a general way, to propose a model of marine artisanal fishing development in Paraíba. To do so, the research is qualitative because it presents the historical materialist way of looking at reality, the research method is case study, the methodological procedures and the research instrument interview are considered the most satisfactory mechanisms to arrive at a truth and consequently, the thesis. In this perspective, some priorities for the implementation of fisheries management are considered essential, such as ice factory, fuel subsidy, production outflow guarantee, small company benefiting production, as well as implementation of fisheries for fishermen, are some examples of the real needs of the artisanal fishermen of Paraíba. As a solution it is possible to discuss the creation of small fishing terminals on beaches with a greater concentration of fishermen, which would serve as propellants for fishing, at the same time as they would serve as areas for processing and sale of production, as well as inspection and training for professionals With regard to empowerment, fisheries, aquaculture and tourism-related activities. From this perspective, the vision of artisanal fisheries is Covered to the management of the sea, because it is considered here that economic activities must be diversified to guarantee work and income throughout the year, just as a model of management of the sea must propose its Zoning, considering areas of fishing, diving, aquaculture and bathing, both on the beaches and on the sand banks. The management of the sea linked to the territorialisation of traditional fishing communities tends to bring an organization and dynamics to the artisanal fishing sector and its complexity. / Existe uma diversidade significativa de movimentos sociais, formando redes solidárias que precisam ser estudadas, fortalecidas ou mesmo criadas, no sentido de impedir que muitos territórios venham a sucumbir à força do capital e suas formas de se travestir no urbano, criando a falsa ideia de que os povos ou comunidades tradicionais são incompatíveis com o espaço urbano e sua urbanidade. O modelo urbano e sua complexidade, da maneira que alcança as comunidades tradicionais de pesca artesanal estão contribuindo para gerar o desinteresse do pescador artesanal pela atividade pesqueira e demais atividades relacionadas ao mar. A falta de planejamento e gestão das autoridades com a situação de moradia dos pescadores e sua situação de trabalho têm levado os pescadores e as autoridades a um imaginário de descrença nesta atividade econômica exercida há séculos na costa brasileira. A solução mais viável pode ser encontrada num sistema de gestão do mar, que contenha elementos que beneficiem os pescadores em suas diversas possiblidades de trabalho e renda relacionadas com o mar, notadamente o mar da costa paraibana. Neste sentido, na busca por fomentar uma discussão sobre um novo olhar em relação à pesca artesanal e os profissionais que a executam, se objetiva, de forma geral, propor um modelo de desenvolvimento da pesca artesanal marinha na Paraíba. Para tanto, a pesquisa é qualitativa por apresentar a forma materialista histórica de ver a realidade, o método de pesquisa Estudo de Caso, os procedimentos metodológicos e o instrumento de pesquisa entrevista são considerados os mecanismos mais satisfatórios para se chegar a uma verdade e consequentemente, a tese. Nesta perspectiva, algumas prioridades para a implementação da gestão da pesca são consideradas essenciais, como fábrica de gelo, subsídio para combustível, garantia de escoamento da produção, pequena empresa que beneficie a produção, como também implementação de pesqueiros para os pescadores, são alguns exemplos das reais necessidades dos pescadores artesanais da Paraíba. Como solução é possível discutir a criação de pequenos terminais pesqueiros por praias com maior concentração de pescadores, que serviriam como propulsores da pesca, ao mesmo tempo em que serviriam como espaços para beneficiamento e venda da produção, como também de fiscalização e formação para os profissionais no tocante à empoderamento, pesca, aquicultura e atividades ligadas ao turismo. Nesta perspectiva, a visão sobre a pesca artesanal é abrangida para a uma gestão do mar, pois aqui se considera que atividades econômicas devem ser diversificadas para garantir trabalho e renda ao longo do ano, assim como um modelo de gestão do mar deve propor o seu zoneamento, considerando áreas de pesca, mergulho, aquícolas e banhos, tanto nas praias como nos bancos de areais. A gestão do mar atrelada à territorialização das comunidades tradicionais de pesca tende a trazer uma organização e dinâmica ao setor da pesca artesanal e sua complexidade.
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O cotidiano da infância e das práticas educativas da educação do campo : categorias em construção na história da educaçãoAraújo, Elis Regina Nunes Mota 26 March 2016 (has links)
This work deals with the theme of childhood and educational practices in peasant school of field education. It tries to understand the daily life of childhood in a rural community with economic, social and cultural practices of field life, from the perspective of adults and children who live there and constitute a community. The empirical research has been developed in the Fortaleza Settlement, located in the village Aningas, municipality of Nossa Senhora da Glória, Sergipe. The issues addressed in this research focuse on the daily life of peasant childhood in community and educational practices of the settlement school, from the perspective of Social History of Childhood studies and methodological orientation of observation and analysis of which transits between the totality, the specificity and uniqueness of this object of study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, records in the diary of field and of the drawings of children in the period from June 2014 and March 2015. The results show that the struggle for land means the fight for school education and that the daily life of childhood has job, interlocked with playing (wheel, tag, hide and seek), as a relevant element in the formation of the subjects, what evidences there is specificity in field childhood, historically demarcated by contradictions. / O presente trabalho versa sobre o tema da infância campesina e das práticas educativas em escola da educação do campo. Busca compreender o cotidiano da infância em uma comunidade rural com práticas econômicas, sociais e culturais próprias da vida do campo, na perspectiva dos adultos e das crianças que lá vivem e constituem uma comunidade. A investigação empírica foi desenvolvida no Assentamento Fortaleza, localizado no Povoado Aningas, município de Nossa Senhora da Glória-SE. As questões tratadas nesta investigação centram-se no cotidiano da infância campesina na comunidade e nas práticas educativas da escola do assentamento, sob a perspectiva dos estudos da História Social da Infância e orientação metodológica de observação e de análise do que transita entre a totalidade, a especificidade e a singularidade do objeto de estudo. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, dos registros no diário de campo e dos desenhos das crianças no período compreendido entre junho de 2014 e março de 2015. Os resultados demonstram que a luta pela terra implica a luta pela educação escolar e que o cotidiano da infância tem o trabalho, entrecruzado com brincadeiras (roda, pega-pega, esconde-esconde), como elemento relevante na formação dos sujeitos, o que evidencia haver especificidade na infância campesina, demarcada historicamente por contradições.
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A luta por direitos étnicos e coletivos frete à expansão do agronegócio: a experiência das comunidades tradicionais faxinalensesSilva Júnior, Gladstone Leonel da [UNESP] 03 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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silvajunior_gl_me_fran.pdf: 4130402 bytes, checksum: 0e99dc5456ed9d86519cedfa05dd90e6 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho propõe analisar e conceber instrumentos de construção de direitos étnicos e coletivos às comunidades tradicionais faxinalenses, localizadas no Centro-Sul do país. Isto, a partir de uma realidade agrária em que o modelo de desenvolvimento do agronegócio prevalece e recebe o incentivo do Estado brasileiro com o propósito de expansão do capital em detrimento do meio de vida dos povos tradicionais. A pesquisa apresenta as violações aos direitos coletivos e territoriais perpetrado pelos empreendimentos ligados ao agronegócio e pelos sujeitos que incorporam sua lógica de funcionamento. A partir de então, de forma crítica aos paradigmas vigentes no direito, vislumbra-se uma forma pluridimensional de manifestação do mesmo com o propósito de conceber uma retórica jurídica garantidora a estas comunidades. Além disso, aprecia-se a utilização da função social da propriedade em territórios tradicionalmente ocupados, relevando nesta análise a importância dos agentes que compõe este espaço social. Por fim, utilizam-se métodos e instrumentos jurídicos progressistas para possibilitar a efetivação de direitos étnicos e coletivos, potencializando um pluralismo jurídico emancipatório e que somente se justifica pela dinâmica das lutas sociais / This paper aims to analyze and develop tools for the construction of ethnic and collective rights to faxinalenses traditional communities, located in the Mid-South of country. This, from an agrarian reality in which the model of agribusiness development prevails and receives encouragement from the Brazilian state with the purpose of capital expansion at the expense of the livelihoods of traditional peoples. The research shows collective and territorial rights violations perpetrated by the enterprises related to agribusiness and the individuals who embody its logic of operation. Thereafter, in order to critique current paradigms in the law, envisions a pluri-dimensional manifestation of the same in order to devise a legal rhetoric guarantor to these communities. It also assesses the use of the social function of property in territories traditionally occupied, emphasizing in this analysis the importance of the agents that make up this social space. Finally, using legal methods and progressive instruments to enable the realization of ethnic and collective rights, empowering a legal pluralism emancipatory that is only justified by the dynamics of social struggles
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O cotidiano da infância e das práticas educativas da educação do campo : categorias em construção na história da educaçãoAraújo, Elis Regina Nunes Mota 26 March 2016 (has links)
This work deals with the theme of childhood and educational practices in peasant school of field education. It tries to understand the daily life of childhood in a rural community with economic, social and cultural practices of field life, from the perspective of adults and children who live there and constitute a community. The empirical research has been developed in the Fortaleza Settlement, located in the village Aningas, municipality of Nossa Senhora da Glória, Sergipe. The issues addressed in this research focuse on the daily life of peasant childhood in community and educational practices of the settlement school, from the perspective of Social History of Childhood studies and methodological orientation of observation and analysis of which transits between the totality, the specificity and uniqueness of this object of study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, records in the diary of field and of the drawings of children in the period from June 2014 and March 2015. The results show that the struggle for land means the fight for school education and that the daily life of childhood has job, interlocked with playing (wheel, tag, hide and seek), as a relevant element in the formation of the subjects, what evidences there is specificity in field childhood, historically demarcated by contradictions. / O presente trabalho versa sobre o tema da infância campesina e das práticas educativas em escola da educação do campo. Busca compreender o cotidiano da infância em uma comunidade rural com práticas econômicas, sociais e culturais próprias da vida do campo, na perspectiva dos adultos e das crianças que lá vivem e constituem uma comunidade. A investigação empírica foi desenvolvida no Assentamento Fortaleza, localizado no Povoado Aningas, município de Nossa Senhora da Glória-SE. As questões tratadas nesta investigação centram-se no cotidiano da infância campesina na comunidade e nas práticas educativas da escola do assentamento, sob a perspectiva dos estudos da História Social da Infância e orientação metodológica de observação e de análise do que transita entre a totalidade, a especificidade e a singularidade do objeto de estudo. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, dos registros no diário de campo e dos desenhos das crianças no período compreendido entre junho de 2014 e março de 2015. Os resultados demonstram que a luta pela terra implica a luta pela educação escolar e que o cotidiano da infância tem o trabalho, entrecruzado com brincadeiras (roda, pega-pega, esconde-esconde), como elemento relevante na formação dos sujeitos, o que evidencia haver especificidade na infância campesina, demarcada historicamente por contradições.
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