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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JONATAS DOS SANTOS GROSMAN 04 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Utilizar representações fornecidas por um grande modelo pré-treinado tornou-se a principal estratégia para alcançar o estado da arte nas mais variadas tarefas. Um grande modelo pré-treinado recentemente proposto, wav2vec 2.0, foi seminal para vários outros trabalhos sobre pré-treinamento de grandes modelos em dados de fala. Muitos modelos estão sendo pré-treinados usando a mesma arquitetura baseada em transformer que o wav2vec 2.0 e estão obtendo o estado da arte em várias tarefas relacionadas à fala. No entanto, poucos trabalhos propuseram maiores análises sobre o comportamento desses modelos em diferentes cenários de fine-tuning. Nosso trabalho visa analisar esse modelo sobre dois aspectos diferentes. O primeiro é sobre a transferibilidade entre línguas desses modelos. Nossos experimentos nos mostraram que o tamanho dos dados usados durante o pré-treinamento desses modelos não é tão crucial para a transferibilidade quanto a diversidade. Percebemos que o desempenho das línguas indo-europeias é superior ao das línguas não indo-europeias nos modelos avaliados. Vimos uma transferência positiva de conhecimento entre línguas usando modelos monolinguais, o que foi percebido em todos os idiomas que usamos, mas foi mais evidente quando o idioma usado durante o pré-treinamento era mais semelhante ao idioma do fine-tuning. O segundo aspecto que investigamos em nosso trabalho é quão bem esses modelos se comportam em cenários de desbalanceamento de dados, onde há um subconjunto mais representativo no conjunto de dados do fine-tuning. Nossos resultados mostraram que o desbalanceamento dos dados no fine-tuning geralmente afeta o resultado final dos modelos, com melhor desempenho nos subconjuntos mais representativos. No entanto, uma maior variabilidade no conjunto de treinamento favorece o desempenhodo modelo para um subconjunto mais representativo. Porém essamaior variabilidade nos dados não favoreceu os idiomas não vistos durante o treinamento. Observamos também que os modelos parecem mais robustos em lidar com o desbalanceamento de gênero do que idade ou sotaque. Com esses achados, esperamos ajudar a comunidade científica na utilização de modelos pré-treinados existentes, bem como auxiliar no pré-treinamento de novosmodelos. / [en] Using representations given by a large pre-trained model has become the primary strategy to reach the state-of-the-art in the most varied tasks. A recently proposed large pre-trained model, wav2vec 2.0, was seminal for several other works on pre-training large models on speech data. Many models are being pre-trained using the same transformer-based architecture as wav2vec 2.0 and are getting state-of-the-art in various speech-related tasks. However, few works have proposed further analysis of these models in different finetuning scenarios. Our work investigates these models concerning two different aspects. The first is about the cross-lingual transferability of these models. Our experiments showed us that the size of data used during the pre-training of these models is not as crucial to the transferability as the diversity. We noticed that the performance of Indo-European languages is superior to non-Indo- European languages in the evaluated models. We have seen a positive crosslingual transfer of knowledge using monolingual models, which was noticed in all the languages we used but was more evident when the language used during the pre-training was more similar to the downstream task language. The second aspect we investigated in our work is how well these models perform in data imbalance scenarios, where there is a more representative subset in the fine-tuning dataset. Our results showed that data imbalance in fine-tuning generally affects the final result of the models, with better performance in the most representative subsets. However, greater variability in the training set favors model performance for a more representative subset. Nevertheless, this greater variability in the data did not favor languages not seen during training. We also observed that the models seem more robust in dealing with gender imbalance than age or accent. With these findings, we hope to help the scientific community in the use of existing pre-trained models, as well as assist in the pre-training of new models.

Influence of individual difference factors on volunteer willingness to be trained

Kim, May 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Att gå från expert till novis i en produktionsinriktad perioperativ vård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / To go from expert to novice in a production-oriented perioperative care : A qualitative interview study

Forsberg, Elisabet, Rosengren, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Operationssjuksköterskan har ett betydande och komplext yrkesansvar som innefattar en rad olika specifika kompetenser inom den högteknologiska perioperativa vården. Då den nyutbildade operationssjuksköterskan besitter färre kunskaper och har mindre erfarenhet kan den perioperativa vården upplevas som mer utmanande. Syfte: Att beskriva nyutbildade operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin första tid i yrket samt vilka utmaningar de upplever inom perioperativ vård. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. 11 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyutbildade operationssjuksköterskor genomfördes och analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det övergripande temat i resultatet var: Att gå från expert till novis i en produktionsinriktad perioperativ vård, som visar komplexiteten i att gå från allmänsjuksköterska till att bli nybörjare på nytt inom operationssjukvård och att acceptera sin roll som novis. Två kategorier beskrev nyutbildade operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser och vilka utmaningar som de upplevde: Att växa in i en ny yrkesroll och Att arbeta i en produktiv arbetsmiljö. Konklusion: Kollegorna var en stor del i tryggheten och var viktiga för att kunna hantera oförutsedda och obekanta situationer. De försökte acceptera sin roll som novis samtidigt som de upplevde egna prestationskrav. Arbetet upplevdes som utmanande då det bestod av en balansgång mellan produktivitet och säkerställandet av en god och säker vård för patienten. / Introduction: The operating theatre nurse (OTN) has a significant and complex professional responsibility that includes a number of different specific competencies in the highly productive perioperative care. As the newly trained OTN´s possesses less knowledge and have less experience, perioperative care can be perceived as more challenging. Aim: To describe newly trained OTN´s experiences of their first time in the profession and the challenges they experience in perioperative care. Method: Qualitative method with inductive approach and semi-structured interviews with 11 OTN´s. Data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The overall theme of the result was: Going from an expert to a novice in a production-oriented perioperative care, which shows the complexity of going from a general nurse to a beginner again in surgical care, and accepting their role as a novice. Two categories described newly trained OTN´s experiences and the challenges they experienced: To grow into a new professional role and To work in a productive work environment. Conclusion: Colleagues were a big part of feeling confident and they were important to being able to handle unforeseen and unfamiliar situations. They tried to accept their role as novices while experiencing their own performance requirements. The work was perceived as challenging as it consisted of a balance between productivity and ensuring good and safe care for the patient.

The implementation of the integrated management of childhood illnesses strategy

Pillay, Udesvari 02 1900 (has links)
This non-experimental, descriptive, quantitative survey attempted to evaluate IMCI implementation in the eThekwini district of KwaZulu -Natal. The study focused on IMCI implementation by IMCI trained registered nurses, health facility support and follow-up and supervision. The research population comprised of all IMCI trained registered nurses working in health facilities in the eThekwini district. The convenient sample consisted of 40 research subjects. Data was collected by means of an interview schedule and a checklist, and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2007. Findings of the study revealed that many of the IMCI trained registered nurses were unable to assess, classify and treat the sick child comprehensively and consistently. The recommended follow-up visit at six weeks after completion of IMCI training, and lack of on-going supervision remains an area of concern. Recommendations were that district or clinic supervisors can enhance the skills of IMCI trained registered nurses through recommended follow-up visits and on-going supervision and the provision of updated IMCI chart booklets. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Learning partial grapheme synaesthesia

Forssman, Nicholas Brian 01 1900 (has links)
Synaesthesia is a variation of normal human perception. A grapheme synaesthete, for example, can experience extra sensations, such as colours when seeing letters and/or numbers. Synaesthetic ability is commonly developed at an early age, and is linked to a genetic pre-disposition; however, there is a learnt component, as one must also learn to read and write to develop grapheme synaesthesia. To explore the extent to which synaesthesia can be learnt, a training method was employed, which was first used by Colizoli, Murre and Rouw (2012). In order to learn their own coloured letters a group of non-synaesthetic individuals read colour books, which are free eBooks reproduced to have four letters consistently appear in colour. Before and after reading, the participants completed a modified Stroop-design based on Mills (1999), which was used to measure if they had learnt the two key characteristics of synaesthesia, namely an involuntary and automatic reaction to letters. Both the colour reading (n=15) and control (n=6) groups did not have a significant involuntary reaction to letters. However, it was found that the participants had significantly more automatic reactions to letters. This included the control group, who did not read in colour, which suggests that merely completing the modified Stroop test is enough to learn the automatic characteristic of grapheme synaesthesia. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Computer Science Education at The Claremont Colleges: The Building of an Intuition

Burke, Lauren 01 January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I discuss how the undergraduate computer scientist is trained, and how they learn what I am calling computational intuition. Computational intuition describes the methodology in which computer scientists approach their problems and solve them through the use of computers. Computational intuition is a series of skills and a way of thinking or approaching problems that students learn throughout their education. The main way that computational intuition is taught to students is through the experience they gain as they work on homework and classwork problems. To develop computational intuition, students learn explicit knowledge and techniques as well as knowledge that is tacit and harder to teach within the lectures of a classroom environment. Computational intuition includes concepts that professors and students discuss which include “computer science intuition,” “computational thinking,” general problem solving skills or heuristics, and trained judgement. This way of learning is often social, and I draw on the pedagogy of cognitive apprenticeship to understand the interactions between the professors, tutors, and other students help learners gain an understanding of the “computer science intuition.” It is this method of thinking that computer scientists at the Claremont Colleges have stated as being one of the most essential items that should be taught and gained throughout their education and signals a wider understanding of computer science as a field.

In the company of nurses : the history of the British Army Nursing Service in the Great War, Edinburgh University Press, October 2014

McEwen, Yvonne Therese January 2016 (has links)
This is the first monograph to be published on the work of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (QAIMNS) in the Great War. The historiography of British military nursing during this period is scant, and research based monograph are negligible. What exists, does not focus specifically on the work of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, (QAIMNS) the Reserve, (QAIMNSR) or the Territorial Force Nursing Service (TFNS) but tends to concentrate on the work of the volunteer, untrained, Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) nurses. Unfortunately, this has resulted in factually inaccurate representations of British WW1 nursing. The mass mobilisation of nurses by professional and voluntary nursing services led to rivalry between the different groups and my research addresses the relationship that develop between the trained and volunteer nurses. Also, my research examines the climatic and environmental conditions that impacted upon the effective delivery of nursing and casualty care and the mismanagement of services and supplies by the War Office and the Army Medical Services. Additionally, the political controversies and scandals over inadequate planning for the care, treatment and transportation of mass casualties is addressed. Furthermore, diseases and traumatic injuries sustained by nurses on active service are examined and, shell-shock, hitherto considered a combatants' condition is cited in relation to mental health issues of nurses on active service. Moreover, my research examines the deaths and disability rates within the ranks of nursing services. My research features individual awards for acts of bravery and mentioned in Dispatches. On the Home Front the politics of nursing are addressed. Nurses campaigned for professional recognition and many were supportive of universal suffrage and they argued for both professional and personal liberation. The struggle for professional recognition led to divisions within the civilian nursing leadership because they failed to arrive at a consensus on the content of the Nurse Registration Bill. Also, the supply of nurses for the war effort was consistently problematic and this led the Government to establish the Supply of Nurses Committee. Before it had its first sitting it had already become contentious and controversial. The issues are discussed. Using extensive primary sources, the monograph moves away from the myths, and uncritical and overly romanticised views of WW1 military nursing. It is hoped that by examining the personal, professional and political issues that impacted upon nurses the monograph will make a significant contribution to the historiography of WW1 military nursing and to the history of the Great War more generally.

Avaliação sensorial e de atividade antibacteriana de diferentes condimentos vegetais em preparação alimentar com frango cozido.

Rodrigues, Felícia January 2009 (has links)
A partir da atividade antibacteriana in vitro, predeterminada em doze plantas com indicativo etnográfico condimentar, testou-se este atributo in loco no modelo caldo com frango cozido. Primeiramente, procedeu-se ao treinamento de 10 avaliadores, segundo a legislação vigente quanto ao Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, oportunizando conhecimentos prévios sobre as plantas: salsa (Petroselinum sativum), manjerona branca (Origanum X aplii), manjerona preta (Origanum majorana), manjericão (Ocimum basilicum), sálvia (Salvia officinalis), tomilho (Thymus vulgaris), anis verde (Ocimum selloi), alfavaca (Ocimum gratissimum), alho nirá (Allium tuberosum), alho poró (Allium porrum), cúrcuma (Curcuma longa) e pimenta dedode- moça (Capsicum baccatum). Realizou-se, através da adição individualizada desses condimentos ao caldo com frango cozido, um Teste de Aceitação tipo escala hedônica, selecionando, dentre os doze condimentos, quatro deles que se destacaram sensorialmente, quais sejam: pimenta dedo-de-moça, alho nirá, alho poró e tomilho. Foi feito, então, um Teste de Aceitação de quantidades denominadas pequena, média e grande destes quatro condimentos, para determinação de sua intensidade sensorialmente melhor aceita. As quantidades eleitas (0,5 g de pimenta dedo-de-moça, 15 g de alho nirá, 15 g de alho poró e 5 g de tomilho) foram acrescidas ao caldo com frango cozido, sendo estes desafiados frente a Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229) a 10 UFC/ml, tendo como grupo-controle o caldo com frango cozido sem condimentos. O crescimento bacteriano foi aferido a cada duas horas após a inoculação, até às 24 horas de confronto, utilizando-se meio seletivo para coliformes termoresistentes e incubação constante a 25ºC em DBO, sendo atribuídos valores arbitrários às variações logarítmicas de crescimento. Comparados ao controle, todos os tratamentos condimentados apresentaram, individualmente, atividade antibacteriana significativa, mesmo que sem significância quando comparados entre si. Contudo, em relação ao tempo de início da atividade antibacteriana, destacou-se a pimenta dedo-de-moça, enquanto que, em relação ao prolongamento dessa ação no tempo, destacou-se o tomilho. As plantas condimentares testadas tiveram sua atividade anticoliforme termo-resistente comprovada in loco, indicando sua aplicabilidade relacionada à qualificação sanitária e sensorial de caldo com frango cozido nos paradigmas da alimentação e nutrição sustentáveis. / From the antibacterial activity of 12 spice plants predetermined in tests in vitro by the Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul’s researchers, this activity was tested in the model “broth with cooked chicken”. A ten panelists group was firstly trained, as prescribed by the Free and Informed Consent, providing knowledge about the previously studied plants: parsley (Petroselinum sativum), marjoram (Origanum X aplii and Origanum majorana), basil (Ocimum basilicum), common sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), anis-like spice (Ocimum selloi), african basilicum (Ocimum gratissimum), nirá garlic (Allium tuberosum), leek (Allium porrum), turmeric (Curcuma longa) and “dedo-de-moça” chili (Capsicum baccatum). Those spices were individualized added in the broth, then were tested by an Acceptation Hedonic Test Scale-like, to provide the four more sensory acceptable: “dedo-de-moça” chili, nirá garlic, leek and thyme. A new Acceptation Test was performed using small, medium and large quantities of those spices, establishing their more acceptable sensory intensities. The elected quantities (0,5 g of “dedo-de-moça” chili, 15 g of nirá garlic, 15 g of leek and 5 g of thyme) was singly added to the broth with chicken, then challenged with Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229), in a 10 CFU/mL concentration. The control-group was the broth without spices. The bacterial growth was measured each two hours after the inoculation, until the 24 hours of confront, using a selective medium for thermoresistant coliforms under constant incubation at 25ºC in DBO. Arbitrary values were assigned to the logarithmic growth variations. Compared to the control-group, all the spiced treatments presented significant antibacterial activity, with no significant activity when compared with each other. However, in regard of the antibacterial activity starting time, “dedo-de-moça” chili stood out, whereas the thyme stood out in regard of the activity time extension. The spice plants tested had your anti thermoresistant coliforms activity testified in loco, indicating their applicability in the sanitary and sensory sustainable nourish qualification.

A critique of "cultural fit" in relation to the recruitment of Indian Information Technologists for the Y2K project in Australia.

Booth, Judith, kimg@deakin.edu.au,jillj@deakin.edu.au,mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
In this study of intercultural communication, I investigate the multi-faceted meaning of the expression " cultural fit " in the sense that it is used by recruiters when shortlisting Indian information technologists to fill skills shortages for the Y2K project in Australia. The data is in the form of ten videotaped interviews in Bangalore and the recruiter commentary on those tapes in Melbourne. A crucial decision to be made by recruiters in any shortlisting process is " How will the candidate fit into the workplace?" This question becomes more problematical when applied to overseas-trained professionals. I take a critical approach, drawing principally on the research traditions of linguistics where studies of intercultural communication and workplace interaction intersect, employing chiefly the tools of Critical Discourse Analysis and Interactional Sociolinguistics and the more abstract notions of Bourdieu. A bridge between these different discourse approaches is provided by Sarangi & Roberts < 1999 < who show the connection between the larger institutional order and interactional routines, through an elaboration of frontstage talk and backstage talk following Goffman < 1959 < . An analysis of the interviews < frontstage talk < reveals "cultural fit" to involve a knowledge of institutional talk, in particular, directness. The recruiter commentary < backstage talk < draws attention to issues of intelligibility, body language, technical expertise and workplace values. the study shows that Indian Information Technologists have "partial fit" in that they possess technical fit but do not demonstrate, or lack the opportunity to demonstrate in the interview, Australian workplace values such as small talk, humour and informality. The recruiter judgments were fleeting and apart from checking for intelligibility, were made on the basis of candidates' body language thus highlighting its importance and its relative absence from the discourse approaches mentioned above. This study shows clearly that there is room for more communicative flexibility on the part of all the stakeholders.

Training intensity distribution, physiological adaptation and immune function in endurance athletes

Neal, Craig M. January 2011 (has links)
Exercise intensity and its distribution is probably the most important and most heavily debated variable of endurance training. Training induces adaptation but also induces stress responses. Controlling the training-intensity distribution may provide a mechanism for balancing these two effects. It has been reported that elite endurance athletes train with a high volume and load, relative to the sport. These athletes spend the vast majority (>80%) of training time at relatively low intensities (lower than the lactate threshold, zone one), and therefore <20% of training time above the lactate threshold (zones two and three). Experimental studies support the beneficial effects of a high training volume in zone one, and show detrimental effects of replacing zone one training with training in zone two. This is likely due to enhanced recovery from training in zone one compared with training in zone two. The acute recovery following training sessions in zones two and three has been reported to not be different, but the recovery following training in zone one has been reported to be faster. Improvements in physiological adaptation and endurance performance have been reported to be greater following training programmes with higher exercise intensities. Therefore, it has been suggested that a polarised training model, which includes ~80% of training in zone one with ~20% of training in zone three is more beneficial than a threshold training model, with the majority of training in zone two. However, research into an optimal training-intensity distribution is limited. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to assess the effectiveness of training-intensity distribution on the improvements in physiological adaptation, endurance performance and assess if manipulating training-intensity distribution had an effect on immune function. Study one revealed that the lactate threshold, the lactate turnpoint and maximal performance measures in swimming, cycling and running, assessed using the methods outlined in the study, are reproducible in trained endurance athletes. These tests can therefore be used by trained endurance athletes as part of a physiological testing programme to assess not only endurance performance, but also to demarcate training intensity zones for exercise intensity prescription and monitor moderate to large adaptations to training. Practitioners should take care when deciding on the duration between tests to test for adaptations from training, as adaptations need to be greater than these detected test-retest variations to be considered physiologically meaningful. To the best of the author’s knowledge, study two was the first study to have assessed training-intensity distribution in a group of multisport athletes. Training was monitored over a 6-month period, and testing took place every two months to assess the effect of the training on physiological adaptation. Although speculative due to the number of variables involved, the results suggest that a greater proportion of training time spent in zone one and a lower proportion of training time spent in zone two is beneficial to physiological adaptation. However, given the number of variables associated with assessing the training-intensity distribution in multisport athletes, it is not easy to draw conclusions as to the effectiveness of the training in the different disciplines on the key measures of adaptation in the different disciplines. Study two highlighted the need for future research to focus on experimental manipulation of training-intensity distribution and thus improve our understanding of its impact on the training-induced adaptations in endurance athletes. Study three manipulated the training-intensity distribution in trained endurance athletes in just one discipline, to reduce the number of variables involved. A polarised training model was compared to a threshold training model on the effectiveness to improve physiological adaptation and endurance performance. Results revealed that a polarised training model is recommended for trained cyclists wishing to maximally improve performance and physiological adaptation over a short-term (six week) training period. The first part of study four assessed the effect of a polarised and a threshold training model on immune function markers in trained cyclists. Both endurance training programmes had similar volume, and were sufficient to induce improvements in performance and physiological adaptation. However, despite likely differences in recovery, both training programmes had no effect on the proportion of low or high differentiated or senescent CD8+ or CD4+ T-cells in blood. Therefore, training adaptation was achieved at no cost to this particular aspect of immune function. From these results and evidence from previous studies, it seems likely that athletes need to be overreached to induce any change in immune function following a period of intensified training. The second part of study four assessed the impact of an ironman triathlon race on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) antibody titres and the frequency of low and high differentiated and senescent blood T-cells in trained endurance athletes. Previous work has revealed that an ironman triathlon race increases the proportion of senescent CD4+ T cells and decreases the proportion of naive CD4+ T cells, and thus induces changes the immune space which could leave an individual at a greater risk of infection. This study however, did not find any changes in the proportions of these T cell subsets following an ironman triathlon race. The mean results of this study suggest that there is no relationship between EBV and VZV-specific antibody concentrations and the proportion of senescent, low and highly differientiated T cells. However, on analysis of individual subject data, it seems possible that subjects with a high antibody titre for EBV or VZV 3 wks before a competition might be more at risk of infection post race. A greater subject number would be needed in order to make a more conclusive statement about this relationship. The results of this thesis suggest that future research is required in the area of training-intensity distribution. Firstly, our understanding of the physiological mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of a polarised training model in trained endurance athletes is limited, and thus studies should attempt to address this issue. Our current knowledge on the mechanisms underlying a blunted T cell response following strenous exercise is also limited. A change in the immune space to a greater proportion of senescent T cells and a lower proportion of naive T cells might contribute to this blunted response. In the current thesis however, the proportions of these T cell markers were unchanged following the training/racing interventions. It is possible that with a higher training load, there could be changes in these markers, and thus this is an exciting area that could have potential implications on athlete health. Finally, testing for antibody titres in endurance athletes is possibly an avenue to detect individuals at the greatest risk of infection if subjected to a large physical and/or mental stress. This could have implications on maintaining athlete health and therefore, allowing athletes to train consistently.

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