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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leierskapstyl en werksbevrediging binne die volwassene-onderwyskonteks : 'n gevallestudie / Leadership style and work satisfaction in an adult education context : a case study

Booyse, Cornelius Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die uitsluitlike doel van die studie was om die navorsingsprobleem, naamlik om vas te stel op watter wyse die leierskapstyl van opleidingsbestuurders die werksbevrediging van opleidingskonsultante beïnvloed wat volwassene-onderwys binne ʼn bepaalde bankgroep in Suid-Afrika verskaf, aan te spreek. Die navorser het bepaalde leierskapstyle (naamlik die demokratiese-, outokratiese- en laissez-faire leierskapstyle) en werksbevredigingskomponente geselekteer (naamlik ondersteuning, verhoudings en bemagtiging) ten einde dié ondersoek te doen. ʼn Vraelys is ontwerp wat as kwantitatiewe navorsingsinstrument gebruik is om navorsingsdata elektronies te versamel oor respondente se biografiese besonderhede, hulle bestuurder se leierskapstyl en respondente se persepsies van hul eie werksbevrediging. Een-en-negentig (91) uit eenhonderd sewe-en-dertig (137) respondente het die vraelys per e-pos voltooi, wat ʼn responskoers van 66.42% verteenwoordig. Uit die navorsingsresultate en -analise het dit geblyk dat leierskapstyl wél die persepsies van respondente oor elk van die werksbevredigingskomponente statisties beduidend beïnvloed het. / The sole aim of this study was to address the research problem, namely to determine the way in which the leadership style of training managers influences the work satisfaction of training consultants that provide adult education within a specific bank group in South Africa. The researcher selected specific leadership styles for the purpose of thís study (namely the democratic, outocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles) and work satisfaction components (namely support, relationships and empowerment) to carry out thís investigation. A questionnaire was designed which was used as quantitive research instrument to gather research data electronically about respondents’ biographical details, their manager’s leadership style and the perceptions of respondents regarding their own work satisfaction. Ninety-one (91) out of one-hundred-and-thirty-seven (137) respondents completed the questionnaire by email, which represents a response rate of 66.42%. Out of the research and analysis results it became evident that leadership style indeed influenced the perceptions of respondents over each of the work satisfaction components in a statistically significant way. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Volwassene-onderwys)

Missions exposure and training : the development and assessment of a cross-cultural training programme for two-thirds world msiionaries Two-thirds world missionaries

Barron, Charles Donovan 31 July 2007 (has links)
Those who take the Great Commission of Christ seriously realise that enlarging today's mission force is crucial. The Two-thirds World church is in a prime position to meet the need. Cross-cultural mission training would greatly enhance and accelerate the fulfilling of Christ's final mandate to the Church. As founding director of Missions Exposure and Training (MET), a Christian ministry located in Pretoria, South Africa, the author of the thesis lays out the details of the programme for the reader. MET is the case study being considered, with particular emphasis placed on Missionary Candidate School (MCS), the backbone of MET. Before MET is introduced, the thesis begins with the challenge facing the universal Church today: the need to strengthen and enlarge the current mission force. The theological implications of Jesus Christ's mandate to the Church, the missionary purpose of the Church, as well as eschatological concerns build a strong argument for the need of a larger mission force. Demographic changes taking place within the Church mean that Two-thirds World Christians should be considered as a primary resource for cross-cultural mission endeavours. To maximise the potential of the new recruits, which the writer refers to as 'missionary candidates,' further discussion is given for the need of systematic training and equipping of Two-thirds World missionaries. After describing MET and MCS, the programme is critically evaluated. MCS is proven to be effective in training African men and women for intercultural Christian mission service, and as such it becomes a model worth investigating. The clear findings that result from the candid evaluation, and assessments made in light of current theological and missiological issues, should prove to be beneficial to those developing programmes with the purpose of training and equipping Two-thirds World missionaries. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Training as a tool for SMME development within the youth sector of the KOSH area

Moiloa, Moeti Justice 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An effort to enhance job creation and to alleviate poverty amongst the youth as an important sector of the South African society has created a need to determine the relevance of training as a way of promoting SMME development in the KOSH area. Training is an important tool for SMME development. Based on the above analysis, the objectives of the study are to assess the relevance of training provided in relation to the economic profile and business opportunities in the KOSH area and to assess the effectiveness of training that is provided by various agencies in the KOSH area. The study also looks into the business and employment opportunities put in place to help youth participation after undergoing training. The study focuses on training as a tool for SMME development within the youth sector of the KOSH area. It mainly deals with the importance of training, which if conducted in a proper manner, should contribute to the development of SMME. While policies and institutions have been put in place to provide technical and business training skills in the KOSH area, targeting both women and youth who aspires to be entrepreneurs, there seem to be not significant expansion of the small business in order to create job opportunities. The status quo remains. Participants from these training programmes are pursuing their traditional form of business and there is little, if any, innovation and diversification in economic activities in this sector. Conclusions based on the study indicate that training should be an integral component for any SMME development strategy. Programmes promoting entrepreneurial culture should target all studying young people, and also those not enrolled at institutions of learning. The private sector seems to be playing a minimal role in the provision of training. This sector's contribution in training programmes, in a partnership with pubic institutions, is lacking. After care services to trainees is not provided for adequately. Planning for effective SMME training in the KOSH area should further take into consideration technology, social, economic, political and institutional factors which are affecting it at the moment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 'n poging om werkskepping te bevorder en armoede onder die jeug te verlig, as 'n belangrike fokuspunt in die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap, is dit belangrik om te bepaal wat die relevansie van opleiding is ter bevordering van SMME ontwikkeling in die KOSHgebied. Gebaseer op 'n ontleding in die verband is die oogmerke van die studie om 'n waardebepaling te doen ten opsigte van die toepaslikheid van opleiding in die KOSH-gebied, en om die doeltreffendheid van opleiding wat veskaf word deur die onderskeie agentskappe in die KOSH-gebied te evalueer. Die studie fokus op opleiding as instrument vir SMME ontwikkeling. Dit ontleed hoofsaaklik die belang en waarde van die opleiding wat, indien korrek toegepas, kan bydra tot die ontwikkeling van SMME's. Alhoewel beleid en institusionele reelings voorsiening maak vir opleiding in tegniese- en besigheidsvaardighede, en bemarking spesifiek fokus op vrouens en die jeug wat entrepreneurskap bevordering betref; blyk dit dat daar nie beduidende groei is in die skepping van werksgeleenthede nie. Die status quo word gehandhaaf; deelnemers volg hul tradisionele vorme van ondernemerskap of besigheid en daar bestaan min, indien enige vernuwende denke en diversifikasie in ekonomiese aktiwiteite. Samevattings gebaseer op die studie dui daarop dat opleiding 'n integrale element van enige SMME-ontwikkelingstrategie moet wees. Programme ter bevordering van 'n interpreneurskultuur moet gerig wees op beide jongmense in akademiese instellings en die nie-skoolgaande jeug. Vennootskapspogings deur die private- en openbare sektor, skyn te kort te skiet aan koordinering in die verskaffing van opleiding. Die privaat sektor se rol is onvoldoende en daar word nie vir 'n nasorgdiens voorsiening gemaak nie. Beplanning vir effektiewe SMME opleiding in die KOSH-gebied moet verder tegnologiese, sosiale, ekonomiese, politiese, en institusionele faktore in aanmerking neem wat dit tans beinvloed.

An evaluation of the Masupa-Tsela Youth Pioneers Program implemented by the Eastern Cape Department of Social Development and Special Programs within Mhlontlo Local Municipality

Xalisa, Qaqamba Yvonne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the advent of democracy in South Africa, the government has prioritized youth development in the country. The strides made by government include setting up institutional arrangements, developing policies and implementing programmes targeting young people in the country. However, despite the efforts made to develop young people, the youth transition to adulthood is still extremely difficult, more especially for unemployed black females who reside in rural areas. Youth unemployment is the biggest problem affecting the youth in South Africa and globally, and the majority of the unemployed youth have been categorised as ‘Not in Education, Employment or Training’ (NEET). Being unemployed and also not being in education or training to prepare for future employment, limits future employability of the NEETs. The Department of Social Development and Special Programmes in the Eastern Cape Province implemented the Masupa-Tsela Youth Pioneers Programme (MYPP) to intervene in the high rate of youth unemployment in the Province. The programme in the Province was never evaluated and as a result there is no evidence of the success or failure of this youth programme. This study evaluates the implementation of the MYPP with a particular focus in Mhlontlo Local Municipality within O.R. Tambo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. Mhlontlo Local Municipality is a rural municipality characterized by high youth unemployment, high youth poverty, low levels of education among youth and low literacy levels among adults. The purpose of the study was to explore and discover whether the intended outcomes of the MYPP were achieved and what the specific challenges of the youth were. Evaluation research is used in this study to explore the MYPP. Evaluation research assesses the conceptualization, implementation, and impact of development programmes and projects. The data collected during this study through focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, and document review, revealed that the programme mostly achieved its intended outcomes, although there are areas that need to be improved in the future implementation of the programme. However, the goals and outcomes of the MYPP were not adequate to address the size of the challenge. On the basis of the findings of this study the researcher recommends that youth development programmes should be implemented in the context of sustainable development and young people must be placed at the centre of that development as agents of change in their communities. The researcher also recommends outcomes based planning in the Department, up-scaling of the programme, regular evaluation of the design, implementation and results of a youth programme as well as improved participation of the youth in the programmes designed to improve their lives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die regering het sedert die koms van demokrasie in Suid-Afrika jeugontwikkeling in die land geprioritiseer. Die vooruitgang wat gemaak is, sluit in die opstel van institusionele reëlings , die ontwikkeling van beleid en die implementering van programme wat gerig is tot jong mense in die land. Maar ten spyte van die pogings om jong mense te ontwikkel, vind die jeug die oorgang na volwassenheid nog steeds baie moeilik, veral vir werklose swart vroue wat in landelike gebiede woon . Werkloosheid onder jeug is die grootste probleem wat die jeug in Suid -Afrika en in die wêreld ondervind, en die meerderheid van die werklose jeug word gekategoriseer as "Nie in onderwys, beroep of opleiding nie' (NOBOe). Om werkloos te wees en ook nie in onderwys of opleiding om voor te berei vir toekomstige indiensneming nie, beperk toekomstige indiensneembaarheid van die NOBOe . Die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling en Spesiale Programme in die Oos-Kaap het die Masupa Tsela - Jeug Pioneers Programme (MJPP) geïmplementeer om in te gryp in die hoë werkloosheidskoers onder die jeug in die Provinsie. Die programme in die provinsie is nooit geëvalueer en as gevolg is daar geen bewyse van die sukses of mislukking van hierdie jeug programme nie. Hierdie studie evalueer die implementering van die MJPP met 'n spesifieke fokus op Mhlontlo Plaaslike Munisipaliteit in die Tambo -distriksmunisipaliteit in die Oos-Kaap. Mhlontlo Plaaslike Munisipaliteit is 'n landelike munisipaliteit wat gekenmerk word deur hoë werkloosheid onder die jeug, hoë jeug armoede, lae vlakke van onderwys onder die jeug en lae vlakke van geletterdheid onder volwassenes . Die doel van die studie was om te ondersoek en vas te stel of die beoogde uitkomste van die MYPP bereik is en wat die spesifieke uitdagings van die jeug was. Evaluering navorsing is in hierdie studie gebruik om die MJPP te verken. Evalueringsnavorsing evalueer die konseptualisering, implementering en die impak van die ontwikkeling van programme en projekte . Die data wat ingesamel is tydens hierdie studie deur middel van fokusgroepe, onderhoude, vraelyste , en dokument hersiening, het aan die lig gebring dat die programme meestal sy doel bereik het, maar daar is gebiede van die implementering van die programme wat in die toekoms verbeter sal moet word. Maar die doelwitte en uitkomste van die MYPP was nie voldoende om die grootte van die uitdaging aan te spreek nie. Op grond van die bevindinge van hierdie studie beveel die navorser uitkomsgebaseerse beplanning in die Departement voor, vergroting van die programme , gereëlde evaluering van die ontwerp, implementering en resultate van 'n jeug programme sowel as die verbeterde deelname van die jeug in die programme wat ontwerp word om hul lewens te verbeter.

Principals and their possible power to influence quality education

Le Roux, Moses Jakobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The National Department of Basic Education is aware that it is not succeeding in providing quality education for all school children. At present the performance of grade 3 and grade 6 learners, in both international and local assessment, is a matter for great concern. The results suggest that most learners lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. Learners’ performance in the National Senior Certificate Examinations is also far from what it should be. The way in which schools are managed largely determines the quality of education learners receive. As the managers of schools, therefore, principals are held responsible for the poor performance of learners during these annual systemic evaluations. The study aimed to investigate whether the school principals are aware of their powers and whether they perceive themselves as able to use their power to influence school practices positively and thus promote quality education. The study indicates that principals rely on a combination of positional and personal power sources to promote quality education. The study also indicates that principals are aware of their power but have a limited understanding of the concept of power. They also seem to lack the knowledge and understanding to exercise these powers effectively. Although they seem able to exercise considerable power in different situations, principals are reluctant to use their power. It seems that various external and internal factors influence their ability to use their power effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen Afrikaanse opsomming

Understanding primary school teachers' knowledge and attitudes around HIV and AIDS

Tayob, Hawa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Teachers have been strategically positioned to mediate information that might lead to increased HIV and AIDS knowledge and preventative measures among school-based youth. This study attempted to understand such teachers' knowledge and attitudes within a particular social context using the Bio-ecological systems model of Bronfenbrenner. The systems model provided the framework for understanding teachers' knowledge and attitudes of HIV and AIDS given their choices in terms of background, knowledge, attitude, and their links with multiple systems. The study was conducted within the qualitative paradigm. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen intermediate phase primary school teachers from seven primary schools in Phillipi, Cape Town. This study showed that teachers were aware of being part of complex systems. They expressed their difficulties with teaching HIV and AIDS education in the classroom, particularly conditioned by cultural taboos. This study further showed that teachers. interactions, particularly with people living with HIV and AIDS, changed their knowledge of, and attitudes towards, HIV and AIDS and the teaching thereof. It also pointed to the dissonance between teachers' beliefs and behaviours in serving people living with HIV and AIDS. For some teachers, religious beliefs provided the means with which to deal with the HIV and AIDS pandemic. For others, particularly some female teachers, unequal gendered roles and expectations with regard to sex and sexuality in their communities had a direct impact on the spread of HIV and AIDS and safe-sex practices (knowledge) in their communities. Finally, teachers were actively and critically engaged with systems that impact upon them; particularly, the Macrosystem of the Education Department (in this case, the Western Cape), and the Microsystems of the societies and communities within which their schools were located. In summary, the study showed that a contextual, system-related approach to teachers in the classroom highlighted how they related to HIV and AIDS. Such complex, and inter-connected relations cannot be ignored by teachers, educators, policy-makers, material developers and trainers. More studies will give us a better model of the challenges and opportunities facing those who are helping stem the tide of the pandemic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwysers is in 'n strategiese posisie om inligting oor te dra aan jong leerders wat sal lei tot meer kennis van MIV en ook sal voorkom dat dit versprei. In hierdie studie is onderneem om onderwysers se kennis en denkwyse in 'n besondere sosiale verband te verstaan, deur gebruik te maak van die Bio-ekologiese stelsels-model van Bronfenbrenner. Die stelsels-model voorsien die raamwerk om onderwysers se kennis en houdings van MIV/VIGS te verstaan, aangesien hulle keuses maak in terme van hulle agtergrond, kennis, denkwyse en hulle kontak met meervoudige stelsels. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in die kwalitatiewe paradigma. Halfgestruktureerde onderhoude is uitgevoer met dertien intermediêre fase primêre-skool onderwysers by sewe primêre skole in Philippi, Kaapstad. Hierdie studie het bewys dat onderwysers bewus is daarvan dat hulle deel vorm van ingewikkelde stelsels. Hulle het te kenne gegee dat hulle dit moeilik vind om MIV/VIGS opvoeding te gee in die klaskamer, veral as gevolg van kulturele taboes. Hierdie studie het ook bewys dat onderwysers se interaksie, veral met mense wat met MIV/VIGS saamleef, hulle kennis van en houding teenoor MIV/VIGS, en die onderrig daarvan, verander het. Dit het ook die verskil tussen onderwysers se godsdienstige oortuigings en houdings uitgewys wanneer hulle in kontak kom met mense wat met MIV/VIGS saamleef. Sommige onderwysers het hulle godsdienstige oortuigings gebruik wanneer hulle met die MIV/VIGS pandemie gewerk het. Sommige onderwyseresse veral, het gevind dat ongelyke geslagsrolle en verwagtinge ten opsigte van seks en seksualiteit in hulle gemeenskappe 'n direkte invloed gehad het op die verspreiding van MIV/VIGS en veilige sekspraktyke in hulle gemeenskappe. Onderwysers was aktief betrokke by stelsels wat 'n invloed op hulle gehad het, veral die Makrostelsel van die Onderwysdepartement (in hierdie geval die Wes-Kaap), en die Mikrostelsels van die samelewings en gemeenskappe waar die skole hulself bevind. In opsomming, het hierdie studie bewys hoedat 'n kontekstuele, stelsel- verwante benadering tot onderwysers in die klaskamer in verhouding staan met kennis en houdings teenoor MIV/VIGS. Sulke komplekse en onderlinge verhoudings kan nie deur onderwysers, beleidmakers, materiële ontwikkelaars en afrigters geïgnoreer word nie. Verdere navorsing en studies sal vir ons 'n meer effektiewe model bied van die uitdagings en geleenthede wat onderwysers in die gesig staar en wat sal help om die pandemie hok te slaan.

Teachers' readiness to support children with Asperger's syndrome within mainstream schools

Spies, Hannalie Lehome 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In White Paper 6 (Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System), a framework was provided to establish an inclusive education and training system in South Africa. This development followed trends similar to those in other countries. The inclusive approach emerged as a key international policy at the World Conference on Special Needs Education in Salamanca, in 1994 in Spain. One of the implications of an inclusive education (IE) policy is the provision of appropriate educational opportunities for all learners, including those with disabilities, in the general education class. Therefore school policies that support this educational environment, and that provide administrative assistance, appropriate materials and resources, as well as qualified teachers, are needed. Literature states that teachers all over the world experience difficulties on different levels of IE. High school teachers, for instance, experience unique challenges and difficulties with the implementation of inclusive principles. Asperger's syndrome (AS), the focus of this study, is one of the disorders directly affected by an inclusive policy. The number of learners diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), as well as the number attending mainstream education, has grown worldwide. The characteristics of AS lead to challenges with learning behaviour and socialisation, and cause significant difficulties for classroom teachers, who need to maintain a learning environment that is conducive to learning by all learners. Although there is an increasing flow of information available relating to support, accommodations, methods and information, this does not ensure that educators will be aware of and effectively use these sources. Since teachers are the main team players in the successful implementation of IE, this study aimed to investigate exactly how ready they are to implement IE practices, especially with regard to supporting children diagnosed with AS. The theoretical framework on which this study was based was Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model. This study's research methodology can be described as basic qualitative research embedded within an interpretive paradigm. Purposive sampling was used to select participants from three different schools in the Western Cape Province in South Africa. Three methods of data collection were employed, namely reflective questions, as well as semi-structured individual and focus group interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. With Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model as the backdrop, the research findings indicate that the readiness of the participating teachers for IE, and therefore by implication their readiness to include learners with AS in the mainstream classes, is compromised. The findings indicate that this lack of readiness comprises factors on macro-, meso-, exo- and micro-system levels. These systems do not appear to be ready for IE, and therefore, although there is willingness to learn among the teachers in this study, it seems as though they are not ready for the inclusion of learners diagnosed with AS in their classes. Support needs to be aimed at increasing teachers' understanding of the philosophical principles of IE in general, but also increasing their knowledge of AS and providing them with practical suggestions regarding best practises relating to the inclusion of learners with AS in their mainstream classes. Since teachers seem not to be specialists in the support of learners with barriers to learning, professionals who will be able to support them in this regard need to be employed in the schools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Witskrif 6 (Spesiale Onderwysbehoeftes: Die Vestiging van 'n Inklusiewe Onderwys- en Opleidingstelsel) is 'n raamwerk verskaf vir die vestiging van 'n inklusiewe onderwys- en opleidingstelsel in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie ontwikkeling het gevolg op soortgelyke tendense in ander lande. Die inklusiewe benadering het na vore getree as 'n sleutel internasionale beleid by die Wêreldkongres oor Spesiale Onderwysbehoeftes wat in 1994 in Salamanca, Spanje gehou is. Een van die aspekte wat fundamenteel is tot die beleid van inklusiewe onderwys (IO) is die verskaffing van gepaste opvoedkundige geleenthede aan alle leerders, insluitend dié met gestremdhede, in die algemene klaskamer. Skoolbeleide wat hierdie opvoedkundige omgewing ondersteun, en wat administratiewe bystand, gepaste materiale en hulpbronne, sowel as gekwalifiseerde onderwysers verskaf, word benodig. Volgens die literatuur ervaar onderwysers die wêreld oor probleme op verskillende vlakke van IO. Hoërskoolonderwysers, byvoorbeeld, ervaar unieke uitdagings en probleme met die implementering van inklusiewe beginsels. Asperger se sindroom (AS), die fokus van hierdie studie, is een van die stoornisse wat direk deur 'n inklusiewe beleid geraak word. Die aantal leerders wat met outismespektrumstoornisse (ASS) gediagnoseer word, sowel as die aantal wat hoofstroomonderrig ontvang, neem wêreldwyd toe. Die kenmerke van AS lei tot uitdagings in leergedrag en sosialisering, en veroorsaak aansienlike probleme vir klasonderwysers, wat 'n leeromgewing moet kan onderhou waarin alle leerders die vermoë het om te leer. Hoewel daar 'n toenemende vloei van inligting is wat verband hou met ondersteuning, tegemoetkomings, metodes en inligting, verseker dit egter nie dat opvoeders bewus sal wees van hierdie bronne nie en hulle doeltreffend sal gebruik nie. Aangesien onderwysers die vernaamste spanlede is in die suksesvolle implementering van IO, was die doelwit van hierdie studie om ondersoek in te stel na presies hoé gereed hulle is om IO-praktyke te implementeer, veral met betrekking tot ondersteuning aan kinders wat met AS gediagnoseer is. Die teoretiese raamwerk waarop hierdie studie geskoei is, is Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese model. Die navorsingsmetodologie vir hierdie studie kan beskryf word as basiese kwalitatiewe navorsing ingebed in 'n interpretatiewe paradigma. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om deelnemers in drie verskillende skole in die Wes-Kaap provinsie in Suid-Afrika te selekteer. Drie dataversamelingsmetodes is gebruik, naamlik reflektiewe vrae, asook halfgestruktureerde individuele en fokusgroeponderhoude. Tematiese analise is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Met Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese model as agtergrond kon die navorsingsbevindings wys dat die gereedheid van die deelnemende onderwysers in hierdie studie vir IO, en by implikasie dus hulle gereedheid om leerders met AS in hoofstroomklasse in te sluit, onvoldoende is. Die bevindinge dui aan dat hierdie tekort aan gereedheid faktore op makro-, meso-, ekso- en mikro-sistemiese vlakke omvat. Hierdie stelsels blyk nie gereed vir IO te wees nie en hoewel daar 'n bereidheid is om te leer by die onderwysers in hierdie studie, is hulle nie gereed om leerders wat met AS gediagnoseer is, in hulle klasse in te sluit nie. Ondersteuning moet daarop gerig wees om die onderwysers se begrip van die filosofiese beginsels onderliggend aan IO in die algemeen te verhoog, sowel as hulle kennis van AS, en om hulle praktiese voorstelle te gee m.b.t. beste praktyk in verband met die insluiting van leerders met AS in hulle hoofstroomklasse. Aangesien dit voorkom asof onderwysers nie spesialiste is in die ondersteuning van leerders met struikelblokke tot leer nie, moet professionele persone wat hulle in hierdie opsig kan help, deur die skole aangestel word.

The professional development of Black South Africa nurses 1908-1994 : a historical perspective

Esterhuizen, Johanna Maria 11 February 2014 (has links)
The early professional history of black South African nurses has not been the principal focus of local historians. Consequently, a qualitative historical inquiry was conducted into the available literature on the economic, social, political and cultural factors that influenced the professional development of black South African nurses from 1908–1994. Non-probability, purposive sampling assisted in assembling a corpus of historically rich data for analysis using time-specific a priori codes. The findings revealed that; culturally, black South African nurses had to adapt to a Western-dominated scientific health view; educationally, they had to master specialised formal Western terminology presented in a ‘foreign’ language (English) and, socio-politically, they had to adapt to being regarded as an elitist middle-class in the black community while remaining marginalised in the white-dominated workplace. Recommendations include expanding the historical research base, designing more effective strategies for promoting cultural sensitivity, and prioritising the focus on teaching and student retention. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Conflicted custody: the unfolding of a professional problem-determined system

Fasser, Robyn Lesley 01 1900 (has links)
With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. xviii In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. ( Psychology)

An exploration of the factors that influence theological students in the area of moral development and decision-making in the charismatic tradition

Thomas, Dawie 22 July 2015 (has links)
Moral formation is a crucial aspect of the training that young Christian leaders have to be exposed to during their education. A holistic focus was adopted to analyse the nuances of the moral self and give moral formation the focus it requires. Three major areas of the moral self namely knowledge, emotion and socialization have been investigated. The study was exploratory in nature and made use of a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed with a constructivist framework using content analysis. Findings mainly related to the three areas under focus with the impact of emotions being the most prominent. The influence of the Holy Spirit was also a key finding as charismatic emerging adults depended on his guidance during moral decision making. The data also reflected the significant interaction and overlap of the three areas exercising an influence on emerging adults’ moral decision making. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

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