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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liderazgo Transformacional y su impacto en la Cultura Organizacional en las empresas pertenecientes a la Asociación Alpaca del Perú, año 2018 / Transformational Leadership and its impact on Organizational Culture in companies belonging to the Alpaca Association of Peru, 2018

Rios Macedo, Natalia Andrea, Horna Cerna, Brian Ricardo 31 May 2019 (has links)
Durante años, diversos investigadores han realizado estudios sobre el liderazgo transformacional, lo cual ha permitido entender que esta variable es crucial en las empresas permitiendo el funcionamiento y logro de objetivos. De esta forma se ha apreciado que la cultura organizacional tiene un rol importante para las metas de la organización. Es por ello, que en este trabajo de investigación se busca la relación del liderazgo transformacional y su impacto en la cultura organizacional en las empresas pertenecientes a la Asociación Alpaca del Perú, año 2018. En primer lugar, en el Capítulo I, se desarrollará el marco teórico el cual contiene una investigación de fuentes primarias donde se definen las dos variables de estudio, relata sus antecedentes, objetivos, alcances, ventajas y dimensiones. También, se encontrará información del sector donde detallará la situación de las empresas en la región de estudio. En segundo lugar, en el Capítulo II se detallará la realidad de la problemática y el plan de investigación, el cual se relaciona a los objetivos e hipótesis general y específicos. En el Capítulo III se desarrollará la parte de metodología de investigación. En el Capítulo IV se podrá verificar el desarrollo de la entrevista a profundidad y las encuestas a los trabajadores del sector. En quinto lugar, en el Capítulo V se desarrollará el análisis de los resultados de la investigación. Por último, se detallarán las conclusiones, recomendaciones, validación de la hipótesis en base a los resultados obtenidos. / For years, several researchers have conducted studies on transformational leadership. The results of their analysis have led to a better understanding on how crucial this variable for the companies, allowing a proper functioning and achievement of objectives. Likewise, it has been identified that the organizational culture has an important role for the goals of the organization. For this reason, in this research work, the relationship of transformational leadership and its impact on the organizational culture in the alpaca companies of Arequipa’s region in 2018 will be sought. In the first place, in Chapter I, the theoretical framework will be developed, conducting an investigation of primary sources where the two variables of study are defined, as well as their antecedents, objectives, scope, advantages and dimensions. The information of the sector where the situation of the companies in the study region will also be detailed, allowing to finally establish the existing relationship of transformational leadership and organizational culture. On second place, Chapter II presents the problematic and the research plan, which is related to the objectives and general and specific hypotheses. Thirdly, Chapter III develops the research methodology, in which the research design, population; sample for the qualitative and quantitative parts was defined. Fourthly, in Chapter IV the conduction of the interviews and the surveys of the workers in the sector can be verified. Fifth, the analysis of the results of the investigation will be developed in Chapter V. Finally, the conclusions, recommendations, validation of the hypothesis based on the results obtained will be detailed. / Tesis

Strategies to Reduce Job Dissatisfaction within 911 Call Centers

Marshall, Gary 01 January 2019 (has links)
In 2017, more than 6.9 million employees parted ways with their employer because of voluntary employee turnover, layoffs, or terminations. Emergency call center supervisors who fail to implement adequate job satisfaction strategies experience reduced productivity and increased voluntary turnover. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies some southern Ontario 911 call center supervisors used to reduce job dissatisfaction. The conceptual framework supporting the study was the competing values framework. The population included 6 supervisors of 911 call centers in the province of Ontario, Canada, who successfully implemented job satisfaction strategies. Data were collected from interviews with the leaders and documentation. Data were analyzed using Yin's 5-step process. Three themes emerged: provide supportive leadership, create a balanced culture, and provide non-financial rewards. The implications for positive social change include healthy working communities through decreased job dissatisfaction resulting in organizations' greater productivity and provision of services.

A new future for an historic Methodist Church

Wagner, Mark Wesley 18 July 2020 (has links)
The United Methodist Church (UMC) in America has seen a steady decrease in the number of millennials who regularly participate in the life of the church. In my own church, Ellensburg United Methodist Church (EUMC), one of the fears many congregants have is that while we seek to adapt in order to reach millennials, we may forfeit our Wesleyan heritage. This project seeks to develop a strategic plan to guide the growth and development of EUMC that’s focused on engaging millennials and increasing the congregation’s knowledge of our Wesleyan heritage, utilizing Aubrey Malphur’s model for advanced strategic church planning.

Reshape Your Organizational Culture with a Holistic, Action-based Framework

Doucette, Wendy, Tolley, Rebecca 01 April 2022 (has links)
What we’ll talk about today: Strategies for regaining perspective and balance at a pace wholly determined by the individual which require little training and expense Benefits: renewed motivation, increased calm, and less reactivity at the individual level With transformational leadership, potential for change at the organizational level

Female Leadership; Navigating the Organizational Context

Axelsson, Therese, Jacobsson, Aqvelina, Lagerlöf, Nike January 2022 (has links)
Background: Today, women and men do not share leadership positions equally within the organizational context. In turn, leadership, particularly transformational leadership, which is mainly used by female leaders, is essential for organizations. Within the organization, the leaky pipeline is a reason why female leaders face gender-specific challenges in their roles as leaders. Further, some aspects provide support for women in the organizational context. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding how these female leaders can overcome these gender-specific challenges.   Purpose: This thesis aims to investigate how Swedish female middle managers can navigate the hinders and helpers they experience within the organizational context.    Method: The thesis was conducted in a qualitative approach with an interpretivist paradigm. The findings were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of Swedish female middle managers in the context of private companies and the municipal sector. The empirical findings were analyzed and coded systematically using Gioia’s et al. (2013) method. As a result, a framework emerged based on the existing literature in line with an inductive approach.    Conclusion: This study proposes the Female Leaders Navigation Framework as a help for the female leaders to navigate in the organizational context. Four navigations: 1) Mindset, 2) Awareness, 3) Preparation, and 4) Communication can be implemented by the female leader to navigate the perceived hinders and helpers in the organizational context.

"Det är enklare att leda i framgång" : En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelser av att leda och motivera sina medarbetare på distans

Lundbäck, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Året 2020 blev ett minst sagt ett annorlunda år vilket lett till förändrade arbetsförhållanden inom ett flertal organisationer, som på grund av Covid-19 fått anpassa verksamheten till att arbeta på distans. Fler digitala möten och en avsaknad av de vardagliga sociala kontakterna på kontoret kan leda till att cheferna måste finna nya sätt att leda och motivera sina medarbetare på. Därav väcktes ett intresse att studera hur chefer inom en privat organisation som tvingats ställa om till distansarbete kan leda och upprätthålla en motivation hos sina medarbetare, trots en avsaknad av ett nära arbete på kontoret. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka chefers upplevelser av att leda och motivera på distans. För att besvara syftet och studiens fyra forskningsfrågor bestod den insamlade empirin av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer som ansvarar över minst fem medarbetare inom den valda organisationen. Undersökningen följde en abduktiv ansats och ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Studiens teoretiska avsnitt delades in i kategorierna ”Tidigare forskning” som inkluderar vetenskapliga artiklar som är av relevans för det valda området och ”Teori” innehållande ledarskaps - och motivationsteorier. Resultatet visade att det verkar krävas mer tid och engagemang från cheferna för att kunna leda och motivera sina medarbetare på distans. Det visade sig att en aktiv kommunikation, skapande av delaktighet genom dagliga möten, rutiner och samtal kan vara ett sätt att upprätthålla medarbetarnas motivation. Resultatet visade även att distansarbetet kan ha medfört både möjligheter och utmaningar med att leda och motivera på distans, vilket är något som cheferna bör ta i beaktande för att öka medarbetarnas motivation och engagemang vid distansarbetet.

Transformativt ledarskap vid tvingande distansarbete / Transformational leadership during forced remote working

Hamlund, Johanna, Olsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
I mars 2020 drabbades världen av Covid-19 pandemin vilket för många människor innebar en förändring av hur och vart arbetet utfördes. För att minska smittspridningen i samhället har många organisationer anpassat arbetssättet och ett distansarbete har införts, vilket har varit mer eller mindre tvingande på många arbetsplatser. Att arbeta på distans under en längre period kan vara utmanande och det nya arbetssättet kan innebära omställningar för hela organisationen, vilket även skulle kunna innebära en påverkan av hur ledarskapet tillämpas på distans. Denna studie har fokuserat på det transformativa ledarskapet och syftet med studien har varit att utveckla kunskapen om hur transformativt ledarskap kan tillämpas för att leda under ett tvingande distansarbete. Studien har använt sig av en abduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi valdes för att fånga hur ledare upplever det tvingande distansarbetet som Covid-19 pandemin medfört. Vid analys av empiri har en tematisk analys använts för att finna viktiga teman i respondenternas utsagor samt likheter och skillnader mellan respondenternas upplevelser kopplat till studiens syfte. Studiens teoretiska avsnitt bygger på vetenskapliga artiklar med fokus på studiens nyckelbegrepp; pandemi, distansarbete och transformativt ledarskap. Det empiriska materialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts med sju första linjens chefer inom olika branscher. Denna studie visar på att respondenterna, med hjälp av vissa anpassningar, även under tvingande distansarbete har möjlighet att tillämpa transformativt ledarskap. De anpassningar som respondenterna gjort har utifrån teorin identifierats som transformativa ledarskapskomponenter, vilket bland annat har varit att utveckla kommunikationen för att ha löpande uppföljningar och kunna se hur medarbetarna mår och har det. Detta visar på tydliga indikationer att en ledare med en transformativ ledarskapsstil, vid distansarbete, kan bidra med att förbättra möjligheterna för medarbetarna att skapa en god balans mellan arbete och privatliv. / In March 2020 was the world hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which for many people meant that they needed to change the way they work and where the work was carried out. In order to reduce the spread of infection in the society many organizations adapted the work mode and remote working was introduced as a new way of working. Working remotely has therefore been more or less mandatory in many workplaces. Working remotely for a longer period of time can be challenging and the new way of working can imply adjustments for the entire organization, which could also have an impact on how leadership is exercised. This study has focused on transformational leadership and the purpose of the study was to develop the knowledge about how transformational leadership can be exercised in order to lead during forced remote work. The study has used an abductive approach and a qualitative research strategy was chosen to capture the leaders’ experiences of the forced remote work that was a consequence of the pandemic. A thematic analysis was used to analyse the empirical data in order to find important the mesin the respondents’ statements, as well as finding similarities and differences between the respondents’ experiences linked to the purpose of this study. The theory section in this study is based on scientific articles that are focusing on the study’s keywords; pandemic, remote work and transformational leadership. The empirical material consists of semistructured interviews conducted with seven first-line managers in various industries. This study shows that the respondents, with some adaptations, still have the possibility to exercise transformational leadership during forced remote work. Based on the theory in this study, the adjustments that the respondents have made have been identified as transformational leadership behaviors. Which among other things have meant that the respondents have developed the communication in order to have on going follow-ups tosee how employees are doing. This clearly indicates that a leader with a transformational leadership style, when working remotely, can contribute with opportunities for employees to find a good balance between work and private life.

Rektors ledarskap och organisation i Montessorifriskolor – en intervjustudie av tre rektorer

Svensson, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
Svensson, Elisabeth (2018). Rektors ledarskap och organisation i Montessori- friskolor – enintervjustudie av tre rektorer. (Principals leadership and organization in Montessori-schools - aninterview study of three principals). Pedagogik, Institutionen för Skolutveckling och ledarskap,Fakulteten för Lärande och samhälle, Malmö universitet.The research that has taken place has consisted of interviews with principals in two Montessorischools(F-6, F-9) and one Montessori-inspired school (F-6). My purpose with this study was toinvestigate how principals pedagogically lead and organize the daily work connected with how theschool structurally is built and lead. The interviews have been accomplished by a manual withquestions and are semi-structured. I have with a phenomenologically approach tried to describe,interpret and analyze the principals daily work from respondents own perspective. In my analysis,I have used the complexity theory in order to understand and interpret the complexity of the schoolorganization and two models of leadership, transformational and transactional leadership. Theresult of the analysis shows that the Montessori-school principals strategically consciously workwith attitudes and methods of working in the context of learning and teaching. I have identified abasis for how school leadership can be practised within the Montessori pedagogy. I have also in myanalysis established the fact that many of the characteristics of the Montessori pedagogy correspondwith what is stated in the curriculum of the compulsory school (Lgr 11). In relation to theleadership of the principals I have been able to state the fact that both a transformational and atransactional leadership are represented in the three schools. I have made the complexity in theprincipal’s leadership evident in the relation to the organization of the schools and have identifiedan obvious challenge and conflict of interest between the main organization, that is controlled bythe committee, and the principal and the staff of the the schools. My analysis clearly shows that theopinion of all three principals is that the daily work in the school organization is complex. I make acomparison with the complexity theory, which indicates that when the abstract and the simplifiedissues in the daily work meet with the more concrete and complex issues, this will cause difficultiesin the organization. .The study can hopefully increase the knowledge of principals’ leadershiprelated to the organization in Montessori-schools and be complementary to further research in thisfield.

How Do Leadership Behaviours Affect Employee Attitudes Towards Sustainability? A case study on IT consultancy Cybercom

Dul, Anna, Velin, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
While managers increasingly see the importance of corporate social responsibility, incorporating it in the business often fails (Keys et al., 2009). Organizational sustainability performance can improve if employees have positive attitudes towards sustainability (Wang et al., 2011). This thesis aims to explore how different leadership behaviours in case company Cybercom have influenced the attitudes of its employees. New analytical tools are developed for analysing the data collected through interviews with employees at Cybercom. The findings indicate several connections between the leadership behaviours studied, and the attitudinal components. One main finding was that all four leadership behaviours in Cybercom had, to a certain extent, led to the affective outcome of feeling that sustainability was more important, the cognitive outcome of learning about the business perspective of sustainability, and the behavioural outcome of communicating more or differently about sustainability. It is concluded that Cybercom has helped shape its employees’ attitudes through various factors such as employee training, leaders acting as role models and motivators, written materials and workshops.The theoretical contributions of this paper consist of new knowledge in the field of leadership shaping employee attitudes, as well as new analytical tools. The practical contributions of this paper are managerial implications for Cybercom.

Sustainable Leadership in Arts Education Using Alternative Resources in Pennsylvania Title I Schools

Potter, Stacy M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Budgetary constraints have led many educational leaders to limit arts education programming to students across the state of Pennsylvania. The purpose of this qualitative dissertation was to investigate how educational leaders sustain access to arts education programs using alternative budgetary resources for K-12 students in Pennsylvania Title I schools. This multiple case study provided analysis within and across Pennsylvania Title I schools to help fill a gap in the educational leadership literature regarding alternative budgeting strategies to meet programming needs. The conceptual framework integrated transformational leadership, principles of creativity, and budgetary strategies. Key research questions explored sustainability frameworks and the use of creative leadership strategies to guide budget allocations while analyzing how educational leaders employ constructs of transformational leadership theory to produce measures of accountability. The study of 15 school districts across Pennsylvania employed an in-depth interview process and document review. Multiple case study analysis allowed for the exploration of leadership decisions within the current financial landscape of Pennsylvania Title I public schools during the 2017-2018 school year. The study found that alternative budgetary resources were not confined to financial support but included strategic resource management, inclusive stakeholder practices, and synoptic performance. Each of these constructs extended knowledge in leadership practice and organizational outcomes. This study's findings may have practical applications in relation to sustained leadership for arts education programs using alternative resources in Pennsylvania Title I schools.

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