Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ransformations dde"" "subject:"ransformations dee""
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L'expérience artistique en prison : d'une triple inertie à l'expérimentation de transformations sociales / The artistic experience in prison : from a triple inertia to the experimentation of social transformationsDelannoy, Leïla 03 March 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche, menée dans le cadre d'un doctorat de sociologie sous la direction de Philippe Combessie, repose principalement sur une enquête de 24 mois dans des ateliers de création artistique installés dans la maison d’arrêt pour hommes du centre pénitentiaire de Marseille, que nous avons conjuguée à une enquête de 13 mois dans le centre éducatif fermé de Montfavet. Le travail engagé a surtout reposé sur la volonté d'examiner le maillage entre art, prison et société, considérant finalement que l'enfermement le plus visible pouvait, quand il devenait le point central d'une expérience artistique de collaboration entre le dedans et le dehors, permettre de mener une réflexion sur d'autres types de cloisonnements à l’oeuvre dans la société. Prenant appui sur un dispositif de création collaborative, développé avec des groupes de participants incarcérés et de la société civile, nous nous sommes questionnée sur son sens, ses fonctions, ses effets, à trois niveaux : individuel, institutionnel et sociétal. Nous avons envisagé cette action artistique comme un terrain d’expérimentation de transformations multiples et avons élaboré comme point d’appui conceptuel la notion de triple inertie. Il nous fallait alors tenter une analyse qui ne compartimente pas les impacts en fonction des différents champs de répercussion, s'appuyant sur une perspective d'analyse des agencements préexistants et des réagencements produits. C'est ainsi qu'a émergé une problématique centrale, constituant une armature pour structurer l'ensemble des questions que nous souhaitions abordées dans ce travail, et qui peut ainsi se formuler : en quoi l'expérience artistique collaborative en prison, dans une dynamique transformative, constitue une mise en mouvement et un dépassement des inerties et frontières carcérales à trois niveaux indissociables, individuel, institutionnel et sociétal? / This research, led for the purpose of a PhD in sociology under the supervision of Philippe Combessie, is based on a 24 months long study in the artistic experience workshops set up inside the Marseille correctional institution, combined with a 13 months study in Montfavet’s closed educative center. The work that has been undertaken rested upon the ability to examine the links between, art, prison and society, arguing that the most visible imprisonment can, when it becomes the central point of an artistic experience of collaboration between the inside and the outside, give the possibility to think of new forms of confinement at work in society. This project was developed according to an apparatus of collaborative creation established with various groups of participants that were either in custody or coming from civil society. Its meaning, its functions, and its effects, were questioned on three levels: individual, institutional, and societal. This artistic action came about as a space of experimentation for various transformations and gave the possibility to coin the notion of triple inertia, hereby used as conceptual tool. It was important to bring about an analysis that did not divide the impacts in terms of the various fields of repercussion, and instead, relied on an analysis of both pre-existing layouts, and the new forms of layouts produced. That is how the central issue emerged, becoming the framework that would structure the totality of the questions that were to be discussed in this work, and that can be stipulated as such: How does the collaborative artistic experience in prison, through a transformative dynamic, constitute a movement as well as an overcoming of inertias and prison frontiers on three inseparable levels, individual, institutional and societal.
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Influência dos teores de Nb e Zr e do processamento sobre a microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas de ligas U - Nb - Zr. / Influence of Nb and Zr contents and for thermomechanical processing over the microstructure and mechanical properties of U-Nb-Zr alloys.Nathanael Wagner Sales Morais 22 January 2018 (has links)
Ligas de Urânio são candidatas ao uso como combustível nuclear em reatores avançados, dentre essas ligas se destacam as ligas de Urânio com Nióbio e com Zircônio. Este trabalho investigou como os teores de Nb e Zr, assim como a processamento termomecânico afetam as microestruturas e as propriedades mecânicas de 3 ligas U-XNb-YZr onde X+Y=12. Duas amostras contendo 50g cada, foram fabricadas através de fusão à plasma nos teores U-3Nb-9Zr (liga 39), U- 6Nb-6Zr (liga 66) e U-9Nb-3Zr (liga 93). Uma das amostras de cada liga foi tratada termicamente por 5h a 1000°C para a realização de homogeneização química. A amostra homogeneizada e a amostra bruta de fusão de cada liga foram conjuntamente encapsuladas em aço para a realização de laminação a quente seguida de um recozimento final a 1000°C por 2h. À rota adotada pela amostra bruta de fusão chamou-se \" Rota C\" e a rota adotada pela amostra homogeneizada chamou-se \"Rota H\". A caracterização microestrutural foi feita por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Todas as amostras, independente do processamento, apresentaram precipitados ricos em Nióbio e Zircônio em adição a uma matriz rica em Urânio. A caracterização das amostras brutas de fusão mostra que os teores de elementos de liga influenciam diretamente a morfologia das dendritas evidentes na microestrutura assim como das demais fases presentes em cada amostra. A liga 39 apresentou predominantemente fase ?\', a liga 66 a fase ?\" com traços de fase y e a liga 93 a fase y com traços de fase ?\". Após o tratamento térmico de homogeneização, a liga 39 apresentou fase ?\" na forma celular enquanto a liga 66 apresentou as fases y0 e y e a liga 93 apresentou apenas fase y. As propriedades mecânicas das ligas foram avaliadas por ensaios de dureza e de dobramento simples. As amostras da Rota C apresentaram redução de dureza em relação à condição inicial. Todas as microestruturas das amostras laminadas a quente exibiram duas fases ricas em U. A liga 39 apresentou as fases ?\" na forma celular e ?\' após a laminação a quente. Após o recozimento final na rota C, a liga 39 apresentou fase ?\" na forma acicular enquanto as ligas 66 e 93 apresentaram as fases ?\" e y após a laminação e fase y. A fração de área da amostra pobre em U elevou-se nas ligas 39 e 66 e reduziu-se na liga 93. As amostras da Rota H apresentaram redução de dureza em relação à condição bruta de fusão. A liga 39 apresentou fase ?\" na forma celular com orientação e traços da fase ?, a liga 66 exibiu as fases y0 e y e a liga 93 as fases y e y0. Após o recozimento final, a liga 39 mostrou-se novamente na forma ?\" na forma celular, mas sem orientação. A liga 66 apresentou fase y e a liga 93 fase y0. Os testes de dobramento simples mostraram que as ligas da Rota C exibem plasticidade, retendo parte da deformação plástica após a ruptura das amostras testadas. Já as amostras da Rota H mostraram comportamento super elástico, possibilitando maiores deformações mas sem reter deformação plástica após a ruptura das amostras. A melhor relação entre deformação total e residual foi observada na liga 93 fabricada pela Rota C. As análises nos perfis de fratura das amostras da Rota C mostram fraturas transgranulares em todas as amostras. O perfil de fratura de na amostra recozida liga 39 mostra que a fase ?\" na forma acicular tende a deforma-se por deslizamento. As análises dos perfis de fratura nas amostras da Rota H confirmaram a ausência de deformação plástica mesmo em escala microscópica. Para essa condição, a fase ?\" na forma celular com orientação (liga 39) aparenta deformar-se por maclação. As análises de superfície de fratura indicam que a fase pobre em U tem participação durante o processo de crescimento e propagação da fratura na Rota H, atuando como caminho para bifurcação de trincas acelerando o processo de ruptura, enquanto na Rota C, a fase pobre em U deforma-se conjuntamente com a matriz de U. Em uma segunda etapa do trabalho, a estabilidade das microestruturas resultantes na amostras processadas foi investigada por Ensaios de Calorimetria Diferencial Exploratória (DSC) e por calorimetria de queda livre (esta apenas para a amostra 93 da rota H). O teor de Nb e Zr também afeta a estabilidade das fases presentes em cada amostra. foram realizados com as amostras da condição homogeneizada e laminada. A quantidade de transformações assim como o estado final de cada liga diferiu de acordo com a razão Nb/Zr. Após o ciclo de aquecimento e resfriamento da análise térmica, a liga 39 apresentou fase ?\', a liga 66 fase ?\" e a liga 93 fase y. No ensaio de calorimetria por queda livre foi possível observar as diferentes etapas de reação de envelhecimento da matriz g, correspondendo a à transformação y -> y0 (entre 525 e 530 K), a transformação y -> ?\". (entre 623 e 651 K) e à transformação y\' -> y3+? (entre 825 e 925 K). / Uranium alloys are candidates to be used as nuclear fuel in research reactors, among the U alloys, the Nb and Zr containing alloys are promising. This work evaluated how the Nb and Zr content and the thermomechanical processing affects the microstructure and mechanical properties of 3 alloys U-XNb-YZr were X+Y=12. Two 50g slugs of each sample were fabricated using plasma arc melting according to U-3Nb-9Zr (alloy 39), U-6Nb-6Zr (alloy 66) and U-9Nb-3Zr (alloy 93). One slug of each alloy was heat treated for 5h at 1000°C to perform the chemical homogenization. The homogenized sample and the as-cast one were encapsulated in the same steel frame in order to perform hot rolling. After the rolling process, the samples were annealed by 2h at 1000°C. The route that uses only as-cast samples was nominated \"Route C\" and the route that uses the homogenized sample was nominated \"Route H\". The microstructural characterization was performed by optical and scanning electron microscopy. All samples, regardless the processing route, presented Nb and Zr rich precipitates in addition to U rich matrix. The characterization of as-cast samples shows that the content of the alloying element has a direct influence on dendrite morphology as in the phases presented for each alloy. The alloy 39 presented predominantly ?\' phase, the alloy 66 the ?\" phase with a small quantity of ? phase and the alloy 93 presented the ? phase with small quantity of ?\" phase. Afte the homogenization, the alloy 39 presented cellular ?\" phase, the alloy 66 presented ?0 and ?, the alloy 93 presented only ? phase. The mechanical properties were evaluated by hardness measurements and free bending tests. The Route C samples presented hardness reduction in comparison to the initial condition. All microstructures of hot-rolled samples of this route exhibit two U rich phases. The alloy 39 exhibited cellular ?\" and ?\', after the final annealing the alloy 39 presented acicular ?\". The alloys 66 and 93 exhibited ?+?\" after hot rolling and ? phase after the final annealing. The area fraction of poor U phase increased in the alloys 39 and 66, but reduced in alloy 93. The Route H samples presented hardness reduction in comparison to as-cast samples. The alloy 39 presented cellular oriented ?\" phase and a small quantity of ? phase. The alloy 66 exhibited ?0 and ?, the alloy 93 ? and ?0. After the final annealing, the alloy 39 presented the ?\" again, but without orientation. The alloy 66 presented ? phase and the alloy 93 presented ?0. The free bending tests show that Route C samples have real plasticity, retaining part of deformation after rupturing as plastic strain. The Route H samples exhibited superelastic behavior, allowing higher deformations but retaining no plastic strain after sample breaking. The better balance between total and residual strain was observed in alloy 93 fabricated by Route C. The cracking profile analysis of Route C samples shows transgranular fractures in all samples. The Cracking profile of final 39 sample shows that acicular ?\" tends to deform by slipping. The cracking profile analysis of Route H samples confirmed the absence of plasticity even on the microscopic scale. This condition, the oriented cellular ?\" phase (alloy 39) apparently deforms by twinning. The crack surface analysis indicates that the U poor phase has a direct participation in crack growing and propagation, acting as forking points to the fracture and accelerating the fracture process. In the Route C samples, the poor U phase deforms alongside the U matrix. The stability of resulting microstructures of homogenized and hot rolled samples was investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Drop Differential Scanning Calorimetry (only for the homogenized hot rolled 93 sample). The Nb and Zr also affect the stability of present phases in each sample. The number of transformations and the final structure is directly influenced by the Nb/Zr ratio. After the thermal cycle imposed by the DSC analysis, the alloy 39 exhibited ?\' phase, the alloy 66 exhibited ?\" phase and the alloy 93 exhibited ? phase. The Drop-DSC allowed observing the different stages of reaction in ? matrix, corresponding to ? -> ?0 (between 525 and 530 K), ? -> ?\" transformation (between 623 and 651 K) and ?\' -> ?3+? transformation (between 825 and 925 K).
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Les gauchos et la mondialisation. Vulnérabilité et adaptation de l'élevage familial dans la dans la Pampa l'Uruguay, l'Argentine et le Brésil / Gauchos et Globalisation. Vulnerability and Adaptation of Family Livestock Producers in the Pampas of Uruguay, Argentina and BrazilLitre, Gabriela 11 May 2010 (has links)
L’élevage familial gaucho, une catégorie spéciale dans le monde de l’agriculture familiale, a été longuement ignoré par le milieu académique et par les décideurs. Le scénario où se déroule l’élevage familial gaucho – la Pampa – est un biome en profonde transformation qui, même riche, a le plus petit pourcentage de surface légalement protégée, en plus des passifs environnementaux à réversibilité difficile. Cette dévalorisation naît du manque de politiques d’appui au secteur et à l’exode massif des éleveurs familiaux qui, marginalisés ou forcés à choisir un système d’élevage en confinement des animaux [feedlot], finissent par louer ou vendre leurs terres à des entreprises multinationales dédiées aux monocultures de soja ou eucalyptus. Dans ce travail, nous analyserons les perceptions et les stratégies d’adaptation des éleveurs familiaux de viande bovine du biome Pampa de l’Argentine, de l’Uruguay et du Brésil face à la concurrence entre l’élevage traditionnel et l’agriculture à grande échelle. On utilise les concepts de vulnérabilité, résilience, adaptation et de double exposition aux risques climatiques et socio-économiques comme l’explication théorique plus consistante pour la réalité trouvée. Comme données primaires, nous avons interviewé 75 familles d’éleveurs [25 par pays] avec des formulaires semi-structurés qui cherchaient à identifier, à travers la méthode de l’analyse thématique, leurs modes de vie. C’est à partir de ces données que nous avons conclu que l’élevage familial gaúcho constitue un lien important entre emploi, production, durabilité et contention sociale. / Gaucho family livestock producers are a special social category in the family agriculure world. They have been traditionally ignored by researchers and decision-makers. Like their livelihoods, the context in which gaúcho family farming takes place – the Pampa biome – is also experiencing deep transformations. In spite of its rich biodiversity, the grasslands of the Pampas have one of the smallest areas of legally protected land in the world and is subject to environmental passives of difficult reversibility. This lack of interest in the Pampas and its family livestock producers has led to the absence of public policies tailored to that sector and the massive exodus of family farmers to the cities. Thus marginalized, and forced to intensify their production through systems such as feedlots, many of them choose to rent or directly sell their land to multinational soybean or eucalypt companies. We have conducted a thematic analysis of 75 semi-structured interviews to family livestock producers [25 per country]. The semi-structured questionnaires aimed at discovering their livelihoods and adaptation strategies. We use the concepts of adaptation, resilience, vulnerability and the double exposure framework as theoretical tools to explain this complex reality. We conclude that gaucho family livestock production is a positive link between employement, production, sustainability and social contention.
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Intermittency in reversible martensitic transformations / Intermittence dans les transformations martensitiques réversiblesBarrera, Noemi 26 March 2015 (has links)
Les Transformation Martensitiques (TM) sont des transitions du premier ordre entre des phases cristallines qui caractérisent une classe intéressante de matériaux intelligents, les Alliages à Mémoire de Forme (AMF). Ces alliages métalliques furent découverts dans les années 1930 environ. Ils sont surtout intéressants car ils combinent deux effets particuliers : l'effet de mémoire de forme et la pseudo-élasticité. L'effet mémoire de forme consiste à mémoriser une configuration particulière et la retrouver après des cycles thermiques ou mécaniques. La Pseudo-Elasticité consiste à rejoindre des niveaux de déformation très grands qui sont, en général, plus typiques du caoutchouc que des métaux. Dans cette thèse, nous avons traité la caractérisation des transformations martensitiques en analysant des points de vue différents. La compréhension du fonctionnement des AMFs est fondamentale pour plusieurs types d'applications industrielles. Elle constitue encore un domaine de recherche très ouvert. (...) / This thesis deals with the characterization of Martensitic Transformations (MT) that are first order phase transitions among different solid states with different crystalline structures. These transitions are at the basis of the behavior of a class of smart materials, called Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). This work combines an experimental study of a mechanically-induced martensitic transformation in a Cu-Al-Be single crystal and a macroscopic model for the reproduction of permanent effects in cyclic temperature-induced and stress-induced transitions. From the experimental point of view, the novelties are in the device that has been built and used for the test and in the full-field measurement technique at the basis of the data treatment. The especially designed gravity-based device allows for a uni-axial and uni-directional tensile test with slow loading rates. Simultaneously, the full-field measurement technique, known as grid method, provides high-resolution two-dimensional strain maps during all the transformation. With all the data collected during the test, we characterize for the first time the two-dimensional strain intermittency in a number of ways, showing heavy-tailed distributions for the strain avalanching over almost six decades of magnitude. In parallel, we develop a macroscopic mathematical model for the description of fatigue and permanent effects in several kinds of martensitic transformations. We show an easy way to calibrate the model parameters in the simple one-dimensional case. Moreover, we compare the numerical results with experimental data for different tests and specimens and obtain a good qualitative agreement.
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Effect of finite temperatures on the elementary mechanisms of plastic deformation in amorphous materials / Effet d'une faible température sur les mécanismes élémentaires de la déformation plastique dans les matériaux amorphesChattoraj, Joyjit 23 September 2011 (has links)
Par la mise en œuvre de simulations numériques d'un modèle bidimensionnel de verre de Lennard-Jones, nous étudions l'effet de la température sur les mécanismes élémentaires de la déformation dans les matériaux amorphes. Nous présentons un ensemble très complet de données couvrant plusieurs décades de taux de cisaillement à différentes températures en dessous et jusqu'à la transition vitreuse. Les mesures, qui portent sur la diffusion transverse, la contrainte macroscopique ainsi que sur des champs mésoscopiques (déformation, contrainte) et leurs corrélations spatiales, conduisent à proposer que la dynamique des avalanches identifiée précédemment dans les simulations athermiques continue d'être à l'œuvre - en restant presque inchangée - jusqu'à la transition vitreuse. Nous arguons que dans la gamme de paramètres utilisée l'effet des fluctuations thermiques revient à déplacer les seuils auxquels les événements dissipatifs se produisent, ce qui se traduit par une forte baisse du niveau de contrainte macroscopique aux températures les plus basses / Using numerical simulations of a model two-dimensional Lennard-Jones glass, we study the effect of small temperatures on the elementary mechanisms of deformation in amorphous materials. A very extensive data set covering several decades of shear rate at various temperatures below and up to the glass transition was compiled. Measurements, which include transverse diffusion, macroscopic stress, and coarse-grained fields (strain, stress) and their spatial correlations, lead us to propose that the avalanche dynamics previously identified in athermal simulations continues to be at work -- and nearly unchanged -- up to the glass transition. It is then argued that in this range, thermal fluctuation essentially shift the strains at which dissipative events take place, which results in a sharp drop of the macroscopic stress level at the lowest temperatures
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Development of Methods to Identify Thermophysical Properties of Complex Media / Développement de méthodes pour la caractérisation de propriétés thermophysiques de matériaux à structure complexeEl Rassy, Elissa 24 October 2019 (has links)
Les matériaux à structures complexes (anisotropes, multicouches et hétérogènes comme poreux) sont de plus en plus utilisés dans de nombreuses applications (ex. automobile,aéronautique, industrie chimique, génie civil et biomédical), notamment en raison de leur amélioration des propriétés mécaniques et physiques. L’identification des propriétés thermophysiques de ces matériaux devient un enjeu incontournable dans plusieurs applications afin de prédire correctement l’évolution de la température au sein de ces structures et d’assurer le contrôle et la modélisation des transferts de chaleur au cours des processus. Dans ce contexte,l’identification des propriétés thermophysiques de tels matériaux, suscitent depuis de nombreuses années une préoccupation importante et croissante. La principale caractéristique de cette thèse concerne la mise en œuvre d’une méthode d’identification directe et simultanée des diffusivités thermiques de matériaux monocouches ou multicouches à l’aide d’un modèle3D transitoire analytique et d’une expérience unique et non intrusive. La méthode proposée est d’abord validée sur un matériau monocouche opaque et isotrope, puis appliquée et vérifiée sur un matériau orthotrope. La méthode d’identification est basée sur l’expérience bien connue de la méthode flash, qui utilise l’évolution de la température sur la face avant ou arrière de l’échantillon, enregistrée via une caméra infrarouge, pour identifier les paramètres inconnus. Compte tenu de la complexité et de la non-linéarité du problème inverse, un algorithme d’optimisation hybride couplant un algorithme stochastique (Optimisation par essaims particulaires) et un déterministe (de type gradient), a été choisi. L’estimation repose sur la minimisation de l’écart entre les mesures et la réponse d’un modèle semi-analytique inspiré de l’approche des quadripôles thermiques qui prédit l’évolution de la température sur la face avant ou la face arrière. L’excitation thermique, générée par un laser CO2, est représentée par un flux de chaleur localisé imposé qui peut être de type Dirac ou créneau. Les estimations sont comparées aux valeurs trouvées dans la littérature et aux résultats obtenus en utilisant d’autres méthodes bien établies. Enfin, quelques améliorations de la méthode sont étudiées, en termes de temps de calcul et de précision, avec une optimisation des conditions expérimentales241RÉSUMÉ(durée et intensité des créneaux, face de mesure. . . ). La méthode est ensuite généralisée aux matériaux multicouches, puis appliquée expérimentalement à un matériau bicouche. Cette stratégie, qui peut être considérée comme une tâche difficile, est motivée par l’impossibilité,dans certains cas, de séparer les 2 couches, en particulier pour les revêtements déposés sur des substrats, qui sera la dernière application investiguée dans ce travail. Une analyse de sensibilité est souvent effectuée afin de tester la faisabilité de l’estimation et de la comparaison,pour les matériaux à deux couches et multicouches, de plusieurs configurations possibles en termes de faces d’excitation/de mesures. La pré-évaluation des méthodes d’identification et les études paramétriques sont effectuées à l’aide de données synthétiques bruitées et obtenues à l’aide du modèle ou d’un code numérique d’éléments finis (pseudo-expérience) afin de vérifier la faisabilité et la robustesse des approches. L’une des caractéristiques les plus distinctes de cette approche est que l’estimation peut être réalisée, et avec succès, sans aucune connaissance préalable de la forme ou de l’intensité de l’excitation. En effet, outre l’estimation simultanée des diffusivités thermiques, la méthode peut prédire la quantité de chaleur absorbée parle matériau ainsi que la distribution spatiale de l’excitation thermique. / Advanced materials with complex structures (anisotropic, multilayers and heterogeneous like porous) are increasingly used in many applications, (e.g. automotive, aeronautics, chemical industry, civil and biomedical engineering) due to their advantages, in terms of mechanical and physical properties enhancements. Estimating thermophysical properties of such materials becomes a crucial issue in several applications in order to correctly predict temperature evolution inside these structures and to ensure the control and the modelling of heat transfers through the processes. In this context, the identification of such materials thermophysical properties, has taken from many years, a significant and increasing concern. The main feature of this thesis relies on the devolvement of a direct and simultaneous identification method of the thermal diffusivities of monolayer or multilayer materials using an analytical 3D transient model and a unique and non-intrusive experiment. The proposed method is firstly validated on an isotropic opaque monolayermaterial, then applied and verified on an orthotropic one. The identificationmethod is based on the well-known flash-method experiment whose temperature evolution on the front or rear face on the sample, recorded via an IR camera, is used to identify the unknown parameters. Considering the complexity, and the non-linearity of the inverse problem, a hybrid optimization algorithm combining a stochastic algorithm (Particles Swarm Optimization) and a deterministic one (gradient based), has been chosen. This minimization procedure is applied to fit the observation to the output of a pseudo- analytical model inspired from the thermal quadrupoles approach that predicts the temperature evolution on the front or rear face. The thermal excitation, generated by a CO2 laser, is mimicked by an imposed localized heat flux that may be of Dirac or pulse type. The estimations are compared with values from literature and results obtain from well-established methods. Finally, some improvement of the method are investigated, in terms of time consumption and accuracy, with an optimization of the experiment design (pulse time and intensity, measurement face). The method is then generalised to multi-layer materials, then applied experimentally to a two-layer material. This strategy, which can be considered as a challenging task, is motivated by the impossibility, in some cases, to separate the 2 layers, especially for coatings deposited on substrates which is the last application investigated in this work. A sensitivity analysis is often conducted in order to test the feasibility of the estimation and compare, for two-layer and multilayers materials, several possible configurations in terms of excitation/measurements faces. Pre-evaluation of the overall identification methods and parametric studies are performed using synthetic noisy data generated using the model or a numerical finite element code(pseudo-experiment) to verify the approaches feasibility and robustness. One of the most distinctive features of our approach is that the estimation may be successfully achieved without any a priori knowledge about the shape or the intensity of the excitation. Indeed, besides the simultaneous estimation of the thermal diffusivities, the method predicts the total amount of heat absorbed by the material as well as the space shape of the thermal excitation.
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Approvisionnement et usages du bois en Auvergne, du Second âge du Fer au Moyen Âge / Supply and uses of wood in Auvergne, from the Iron Age in the Middle AgesBlondel, François 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les bois gorgés d’eau sont des découvertes rares en archéologie, du fait des conditions inhérentes à leur conservation. Quand ils nous parviennent, ils livrent de nombreuses données sur la place de ce matériau pour les populations anciennes.L’Auvergne est un contexte privilégié pour leur conservation. Des milliers de bois issus de découvertes fortuites ou de fouilles archéologiques sont datés du Néolithique à l’époque moderne, mais le corpus couvre surtout le Second âge du Fer jusqu’au Moyen Âge.La diversité des bois permet d’appréhender les différents usages selon leur destination respective. Le bon état de nombreux éléments renseigne de différentes étapes de façonnage de l’abattage de l’arbre à sa mise en œuvre.Chaque bois est détaillé spécifiquement par domaine et catégorie pour être comparé aux vestiges d’autres régions. L’approche technologique et typologique est traitée le plus exhaustivement possible.Le spectre taxonomique renseigne les pratiques de collecte et leur évolution sur un espace forestier impacté par l’homme.L’apport de la dendrochronologie renseigne les évolutions des approvisionnements, principalement pour la construction, et dégage certains traits des pratiques sylvicoles sur les peuplements forestiers exploités. / Waterlogged woods are rare discoveries in archeology because of the conditions inherent in their conservation. When they reach us, they give a lot of data on the importance of this material for past populations.Auvergne is a privileged context for their conservation. Thousands of woods from fortuitous discoveries or archaeological excavations are dated from the Neolithic to the modern era, however the corpus covers mostly the Second Iron Age until the Middle Ages.The diversity of the woods enables a better understanding of different uses according to their respective destination.The state of conservation of many elements gives information about the different stages of shaping, from the felling of the tree to its implementation.Each wood is detailed specifically by field and category to be compared with the remains of other regions. The technological and typological approach is treated as exhaustively as possible.Taxonomic diversity documents collection practices and their evolution in a forest area impacted by humans.The contribution of dendrochronology informs the evolutions of supplies, mainly for the construction, and releases certain features of the silvicultural practices in the exploited forest stands.
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Studies on Multi-Dimensional and Consecutive Structural Transformations Based on Coordination Polymers / 配位高分子を基盤とした多次元ならびに逐次構造変換に関する研究Jing, Yao 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第24436号 / 理博第4935号 / 新制||理||1705(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 北川 宏, 教授 有賀 哲也, 教授 吉村 一良 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Concerted Molecular Displacements in a Thermally-induced Solid-State Transformation in Crystals of DL-NorleucineAnwar, Jamshed, Kendrick, John, Tuble, S.C. January 2007 (has links)
No / Martensitic transformations are of considerable technological importance, a particularly promising application being the possibility of using martensitic materials, possibly proteins, as tiny machines. For organic crystals, however, a molecular level understanding of such transformations is lacking. We have studied a martensitic-type transformation in crystals of the amino acid DL-norleucine using molecular dynamics simulation. The crystal structures of DL-norleucine comprise stacks of bilayers (formed as a result of strong hydrogen bonding) that translate relative to each other on transformation. The simulations reveal that the transformation occurs by concerted molecular displacements involving entire bilayers rather than on a molecule-by-molecule basis. These observations can be rationalized on the basis that at sufficiently high excess temperatures, the free energy barriers to concerted molecular displacements can be overcome by the available thermal energy. Furthermore, in displacive transformations, the molecular displacements can occur by the propagation of a displacement wave (akin to a kink in a carpet), which requires the molecules to overcome only a local barrier. Concerted molecular displacements are therefore considered to be a significant feature of all displacive transformations. This finding is expected to be of value toward developing strategies for controlling or modulating martensitic-type transformations.
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Translation and Transformation of Low Level Programs / Prevođenje i transformisanje programa niskog nivoaPracner Doni 17 April 2019 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents an approach for working with low level source code that enables automatic restructuring and raising the abstraction level of the programs. This makes it easier to understand the logic of the program, which in turn reduces the development time.The process in this thesis was designed to be flexible and consists of several independent tools. This makes the process easy to adapt as needed, while at the same time the developed tools can be used for other processes. There are usually two basic steps. First is the translation to WSL language, which has a great number of semantic preserving program transformations. The second step are the transformations of the translated WSL. Two tools were developed for translation: one that works with a subset of x86 assembly, and another that works with MicroJava bytecode. The result of the translation is a low level program in WSL.The primary goal of this thesis was to fully automate the selection of the transformations. This enables users with no domain knowledge to efficiently use this process as needed. At the same time, the flexibility of the process enables experienced users to adapt it as needed or integrate it into other processes. The automation was achieved with a <em>hill climbing </em>algorithm.Experiments that were run on several types of input programs showed that the results can be excellent. The fitness function used was a built-in metric that gives the “weight” of structures in a program. On input samples that had original high level source codes, the end result metrics of the translated and transformed programs were comparable. On some samples the result was even better than the originals, on some others they were somewhat more complex. When comparing with low level original source code, the end results was always significantly improved.</p> / <p>U okviru ove teze se predstavlja pristup radu sa programima niskog nivoa koji omogućava automatsko restrukturiranje i podizanje na više nivoe. Samim tim postaje mnogo lakše razumeti logiku programa što smanjuje vreme razvoja.Proces je dizajniran tako da bude fleksibilan i sastoji se od više nezavisnih alata. Samim tim je lako menjati proces po potrebi, ali i upotrebiti razvijene alate u drugim procesima. Tipično se mogu razlikovati dva glavna koraka. Prvi je prevođenje u jezik WSL,za koji postoji veliki broj transformacija programa koje očuvavaju semantiku. Drugi su transformacije u samom WSL-u. Za potrebe prevođenja su razvijena dva alata, jedan koji radi sa podskupom x86 asemblera i drugi koji radi sa MikroJava bajtkôdom. Rezultat prevođenja je program niskog nivoa u WSL jeziku.Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja je bila potpuna automatizacija odabira transformacija, tako da i korisnici bez iskustva u radu sa sistemom mogu efikasno da primene ovaj proces za svoje potrebe. Sa druge strane zbog fleksibilnosti procesa, iskusni korisnici mogu lakoda ga prošire ili da ga integrišu u neki drugi već postojeći proces.Automatizacija je postignuta pretraživanjem usponom (eng. hill climbing).Eksperimenti vršeni na nekoliko tipova ulaznih programa niskog nivoa su pokazali da rezultati mogu biti izuzetni. Za funkciju pogodnosti je korišćena ugrađena metrika koja daje “težinu” struktura u programu. Kod ulaza za koje je originalni izvorni kôd bio dostupan, krajnje metrike najboljih varijanti prevedenih i transformisanih programa su bile na sličnom nivou. Neki primeri su bolji od originala, dok su drugi bili nešto kompleksniji. Rezultati su uvek pokazivali značajna unapređenja u odnosu na originalni kôd niskog nivoa.</p>
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