Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1translation model"" "subject:"atranslation model""
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Institutional translation, ethnolinguistic fragmentation and the formation of hybrid identities : a multidisciplinary study of regional integration in Africa and the European Union / Traduction institutionnelle, fragmentation ethnolinguistique et formation d’identités hybrides : une étude pluridisciplinaire de l’intégration régionale en Afrique et dans l’Union européenneKuto, Emmanuel Kobena 13 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la manière dont le modèle de traduction institutionnelle qui s’est mis en place au sein de l’Union européenne pourrait être adapté à la situation africaine afin de résoudre ce que son auteur considère comme le principal obstacle au développement de ce continent, à savoir sa fragmentation ethnolinguistique. Rédigée en anglais et composée de six chapitres, elle se situe au croisement de la Traductologie (son principal point d’ancrage théorique), des politiques linguistiques et des théories du développement. Avec plus de deux mille langues différentes, l'Afrique constitue en effet le summum de la fragmentation ethnolinguistique. Dans la Babel africaine, les États sont constitués de différentes tribus dont les seuls liens sont les langues européennes métropolitaines fonctionnant comme langues officielles. Cependant, moins d'un quart des Africains parlent ces langues officielles. Parallèlement, l'accès aux bienfaits de l’existence – emploi, soins de santé, justice et éducation – est lié à la capacité de parler les langues officielles, ce qui entraîne l'exclusion et la non-participation d’une grande partie des populations. Les Africains n'accèdent, ne créent ni ne diffusent de connaissances dans leurs propres langues. De même, il y a très peu de fertilisation croisée des savoirs, ce qui conduit à l'existence d’innombrables Afriques parallèles et incompatibles. L'intégration régionale, proclamée urbi et orbi comme la solution à la « tragédie de la croissance africaine », est pour l’essentiel un échec. Se fondant sur l'exemple de l'Union européenne, cette thèse affirme et entend démontrer que la traduction institutionnelle, par assurance, familiarisation et hybridation, réduira la souffrance des Africains, favorisera la bonne gouvernance grâce à la participation universelle et à la responsabilisation des élites, tout en facilitant la fertilisation croisée des Afriques parallèles et incompatibles d’aujourd’hui. La traduction permet de nouer des liens affectifs positifs ; la véhicularité métaphorique de la traduction engendre une identité africaine hybride et collective qui renforcera l'intégration régionale, permettant ainsi de réduire, voire d’éliminer, la souffrance perpétuelle en Afrique. En revanche, la théorie et le modèle opérationnel de traduction institutionnelle pratiqués actuellement en Afrique, à la fois européens et pro-institutions, sont mal adaptés pour réduire la souffrance en Afrique. L’auteur propose donc une théorie et un modèle opérationnel de traduction institutionnelle pro-personnes pour l’Afrique. / This thesis is a reflection on how the European Union’s translational model could be adapted to alleviate what its author considers the main hurdle to Africa’s development, i.e. ethnolinguistic fragmentation. Written in English and comprising six chapters, it is thus at the crossroads of translation studies (its mainstay), language policy-making and development, and nurtured by works from those three disciplines. With over two thousand different languages, Africa is the epitome of ethnolinguistic fragmentation (the sheer number of languages, the proliferation of very small minority languages and the hundreds of linguistic groups that straddle two or more states), leading to low intercommunity linguistic bonding indices. In the African Babel, metropolitan European languages bind different tribes into nation states. However, less than a quarter of Africans speak the official languages. At the same time, access to the good things of life – employment, health care, justice and education – is tied to the ability to speak the official languages, leading to exclusion and non-participation. Africans do not access, create and disseminate (indigenous) knowledge in their own languages and there is very little cross-fertilisation of knowledges leading to the existence of many parallel and compartmentalised Africas. Regional integration, widely acclaimed as the solution to the African “growth tragedy”, has all but failed. Drawing from the example of the European Union, it is argued that institutional translation, through assurance, familiarization and hybridization, will make the good things of life accessible to all Africans, promote good governance through universal participation and elite accountability as well as facilitate the cross-fertilisation of compartmentalized Africas. This will reduce suffering in Africa thereby engendering positive affect, which in turn boosts the vehicularity of institutional translation. Institutional translation will ultimately help create a hybrid and collective African identity that will boost regional integration and alleviate, if not end, perennial suffering in Africa. The European institution-centred theory and practice model of institutional translation currently pertaining does not reduce suffering in Africa. An Africa-specific people-centred theory and practice model of institutional translation is outlined.
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Towards a Conceptual Framework for Persistent Use: A Technical Plan to Achieve Semantic Interoperability within Electronic Health Record SystemsBlackman-Lees, Shellon 01 January 2017 (has links)
Semantic interoperability within the health care sector requires that patient data be fully available and shared without ambiguity across participating health facilities. The need for the current research was based on federal stipulations that required health facilities provide complete and optimal care to patients by allowing full access to their health records. The ongoing discussions to achieve interoperability within the health care industry continue to emphasize the need for healthcare facilities to successfully adopt and implement Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Reluctance by the healthcare industry to implement these EHRs for the purpose of achieving interoperability has led to the current research problem where it was determined that there is no existing single data standardization structure that can effectively share and interpret patient data within heterogeneous systems. The current research used the design science research methodology (DSRM) to design and develop a master data standardization and translation (MDST) model that allowed seamless exchange of healthcare data among multiple facilities. To achieve interoperability through a common data standardization structure, where multiple independent data models can coexist, the translation mechanism incorporated the use of the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Using RDF, a universal exchange language, allowed for multiple data models and vocabularies to be easily combined and interrelated within a single environment thereby reducing data definition ambiguity. Based on the results from the research, key functional capabilities to effectively map and translate health data were documented. The research solution addressed two primary issues that impact semantic interoperability – the need for a centralized standards repository and a framework that effectively maps and translates data between various EHRs and vocabularies. Thus, health professionals have a single interpretation of health data across multiple facilities which ensures the integrity and validity of patient care. The research contributed to the field of design science development through the advancements of the underlying theories, phases, and frameworks used in the design and development of data translation models. While the current research focused on the development of a single, common information model, further research opportunities and recommendations could include investigations into the implementation of these types of artifacts within a single environment at a multi-facility hospital entity.
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Stream-based statistical machine translationLevenberg, Abby D. January 2011 (has links)
We investigate a new approach for SMT system training within the streaming model of computation. We develop and test incrementally retrainable models which, given an incoming stream of new data, can efficiently incorporate the stream data online. A naive approach using a stream would use an unbounded amount of space. Instead, our online SMT system can incorporate information from unbounded incoming streams and maintain constant space and time. Crucially, we are able to match (or even exceed) translation performance of comparable systems which are batch retrained and use unbounded space. Our approach is particularly suited for situations when there is arbitrarily large amounts of new training material and we wish to incorporate it efficiently and in small space. The novel contributions of this thesis are: 1. An online, randomised language model that can model unbounded input streams in constant space and time. 2. An incrementally retrainable translationmodel for both phrase-based and grammarbased systems. The model presented is efficient enough to incorporate novel parallel text at the single sentence level. 3. Strategies for updating our stream-based language model and translation model which demonstrate how such components can be successfully used in a streaming translation setting. This operates both within a single streaming environment and also in the novel situation of having to translate multiple streams. 4. Demonstration that recent data from the stream is beneficial to translation performance. Our stream-based SMT system is efficient for tackling massive volumes of new training data and offers-up new ways of thinking about translating web data and dealing with other natural language streams.
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Methodism and public life in Zimbabwe : an analysis of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Zimbabwe's impact on politics from 1891-1980Madhiba, Simon 07 December 2011 (has links)
This study is a historical analytical investigation and theological interpretation of Wesleyan Methodists' political teaching and practice in Zimbabwe from 1891 to 1980. In an attempt to come up with an informed interpretation of the political teaching and activities, the study traced Wesleyan Methodist political praxis John Wesley, the founder of Methodism and interpreted his teaching and practice from a third world perspective. That perspective was used as a basis for evaluating the contextualisation of his teaching by Wesleyan Methodists in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean Wesleyan Methodists' political teaching and practice during the colonial era were explored using four themes: politics of land, race relationships, Federation and war. Two hypothetical statements were tested in this study: Wesleyan Methodism outlines a framework for constructive participation in politics, and the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Zimbabwe provided and supported positions of political leadership in Zimbabwe. The objectives of this study are to: unveil successes and failures of Wesleyan Methodists in Zimbabwean political arena, expose the historical significance of Wesleyan Methodist influence in politics for Zimbabwean history and present a historical account of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Zimbabwe. The methodology preferred in this study included oral history and a combination of the ecumenical and southern approaches to Church history. The study utilised archival and oral data as primary sources, the translation model of contextual theology, holistic framework for analysing history, the principle of the overriding right and the conflict transformation model as part of the methodology. Through the use of the translation model of contextual theology, the study revealed how John Wesley used principles from the Christian message and Church tradition in addressing his political context. The study exposed that John Wesley was obsessed with accountability to God and constituency, respect for every person, respect for political structures as well as authorities and relationships among people as fundamental pillars in political activities. He based these on his understanding of God's free grace, people's liberty to accept or reject that grace and the validity of popular religious expression. The study revealed that Wesleyan Methodists in Zimbabwe had a special relationship with the colonial government due to an invitation by Cecil John Rhodes for the church to participate in the Pioneer Column. The relationship determined how retrogressive or progressive ministers responded to government requirements and made demands on government until the country's independence in 1980. The study also exposed how retrogressive Wesleyan Methodists moved from acceptance and collaboration to acceptance and selective rejection of colonial policies and how both retrogressive and progressive ministers employed the concept of non-contestation of participation in armed conflict and throwing one’s lot on the expected side. It also showed how progressive ministers contributed to the political emancipation of Africans and the role played by the mission-educated elite in Zimbabwe. The study ended with pointing out that Zimbabwean Wesleyan Methodist political teaching and practice had very bright future prospects at the independence of the country in 1980. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Church History and Church Policy / Unrestricted
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Lean i hälso- och sjukvården - En studie på två kliniker i Region Jönköpings län / Lean in Healthcare - A study of two clinics in the Region Jönköping countyKijewski, Kristian, Jasarevic, Mensur January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Offentliga organisationer har under de senaste decennierna utsatts för förändring, detta till följd av ett ökat krav på effektivitet. Som svar på detta har styrinstrument (management verktyg) från industriella sammanhang hämtats för att bemöta denna effektivitet, ett av dessa verktyg är Lean, som i hälso- och sjukvården fått namnet Lean Healthcare. Lean kan ses vara ett koncept som färdats från tillverkningsindustrin in till hälso- och sjukvården där den översatts, något som medfört att det teoretiska ramverket översättningsmodellen används för att förstå denna översättning i hälso- och sjukvården. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förklara hur olika hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationer översätter Lean. Detta för att bidra med kunskap om vad Lean står för i hälso- och sjukvården, samt vilka möjligheter och svårigheter som existerar. Metodval: En kvalitativ flerfallstudie har genomförts för att kunna förstår hur Lean översatts i hälso- och sjukvården. Datainsamlingen har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer på kliniknivå vilket inneburit att vi haft kontakt med läkare, sjuksköterskor, fysiker, specialistsjuksköterskor, barnmorskor samt administrativ ledning. Vi har även tagit del av olika dokument som medfört en bredare förståelse för hur översättningen sett ut. Slutsatser: Vi har sett hur idén, Lean, genomgått olika faser i klinikerna där det översatts till att bli något eget i klinikernas lokala praktiker. Vi kan konstatera att Lean i hälso- och sjukvården blir något som står för effektivitet, processtänk, samarbete och problemlösning, standardisering, visualisering, att ledarna investerar i sina anställda samt mätning och sökande efter överlevnadsgrad. Vidare kan vi konstatera att Lean i hälso- och sjukvården skapar möjligheter då det lett till effektivare behandlingstid, bättre tillgänglighet av personal, förkortade ledtider, förbättrade patientflöden, bättre arbetsmiljö och en bättre struktur. Svårigheter som visat sig uppkomma är att finna balans och anpassning, svårigheter med professioner, svårigheter med koppling till det industriella sammanhanget samt den komplexitet som hälso- och sjukvården består av där oförutsägbara händelser ofta uppstår. / Background and discussion: Public organizations have in recent decades been subjected to change, and this is due to an increased demand for efficiency. The control instrument (management tool) from industrial settings has been taken in response to this efficiency and one of them is Lean, in Healthcare named “Lean Healthcare”. Lean can be seen as an idea that has been translated from the manufacturing industry to healthcare, and the theoretical framework translation model has been used to understand this in this paper. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe and explain how different healthcare organizations translate Lean. This is to provide knowledge of what Lean stands for in Healthcare, as well as the difficulties and opportunities that exist. Method: A qualitative case study has been conducted to understand how Lean is translated into Healthcare. Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews at the clinic level, which meant that we had contact with doctors, nurses, physicists, specialist nurses, midwifes and administrative management. We have also taken note of the documents that enabled us to have a broad understanding of how the translation looked which has given us an understanding of the opportunities and difficulties that existed. Conclusions: We have seen how the idea, Lean, has undergone various phases in both of the clinics, where it was translated into something local. We can conclude that Lean in Healthcare is something that stands for efficiency, the process of thinking, collaboration and problem solving, standardization, visualization, leaders investing in their employees, and measurement of quest for survival. Furthermore, we note that Lean in Healthcare creates opportunities as it leads to more effective treatment, better availability of personnel, shorter lead times, improved patient flow, better work, better structure and a better working environment. Difficulties arise as proven by finding balance and alignment, difficulties with professions, difficulties related to the industrial context and the complexity of healthcare where unpredictable events are common.
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Překlad z češtiny do angličtiny / Czech-English TranslationPetrželka, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce popisuje principy statistického strojového překladu a demonstruje, jak sestavit systém pro statistický strojový překlad Moses. V přípravné fázi jsou prozkoumány volně dostupné bilingvní česko-anglické korpusy. Empirická analýza časové náročnosti vícevláknových nástrojů pro zarovnání slov demonstruje, že MGIZA++ může dosáhnout až pětinásobného zrychlení, zatímco PGIZA++ až osminásobného zrychlení (v porovnání s GIZA++). Jsou otestovány tři způsoby morfologického pre-processingu českých trénovacích dat za použití jednoduchých nefaktorových modelů. Zatímco jednoduchá lemmatizace může snížit BLEU, sofistikovanější přístupy většinou BLEU zvyšují. Positivní efekty morfologického pre-processingu se vytrácejí s růstem velikosti korpusu. Vztah mezi dalšími charakteristikami korpusu (velikost, žánr, další data) a výsledným BLEU je empiricky měřen. Koncový systém je natrénován na korpusu CzEng 0.9 a vyhodnocen na testovacím vzorku z workshopu WMT 2010.
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