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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti rozvoje udržitelné dopravy v Praze / Possibilities for developing sustainable transport in Prague

Macháč, Richard January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the issue of sustainable transport. In the theoretical part, the emphasis is placed on setting the concept of sustainable transport into a broader context; it also describes various factors influencing the choice of the means of transport, which is crucial for transport planning. Furthermore, it describes a set of diverse tools used for transport regulation. At the end of the theoretical part, it mentions specific approaches implemented in selected cities all over the world. The practical part is based on a significant personal research, which helps to understand the issues of transport in a selected area of Prague. On the basis of this research, it subsequently suggests possible measures that might lead to a decrease in the intensity of automobile transport in the aforementioned area. Most of those measures can be similarly applied in other city areas as well.

Human mobility behavior : Transport mode detection by GPS data

Sadeghian, Paria January 2021 (has links)
GPS tracking data are widely used to understand human travel behavior and to evaluate the impact of travel. A major advantage with the usage of GPS tracking devices for collecting data is that it enables the researcher to collect large amounts of highly accurate and detailed human mobility data. However, unlabeled GPS tracking data does not easily lend itself to detecting transportation mode and this has given rise to a range of methods and algorithms for this purpose. The algorithms used vary in design and functionality, from defining specific rules to advanced machine learning algorithms. There is however no previous comprehensive review of these algorithms and this thesis aims to identify their essential features and methods and to develop and demonstrate a method for the detection of transport mode in GPS tracking data. To do this, it is necessary to have a detailed description of the particular journey undertaken by an individual. Therefore, as part of the investigation, a microdata analytic approach is applied to the problem areas, including the stages of data collection, data processing, analyzing the data, and decision making. In order to fill the research gap, Paper I consists of a systematic literature review of the methods and essential features used for detecting the transport mode in unlabeled GPS tracking data. Selected empirical studies were categorized into rule-based methods, statistical methods, and machine learning methods. The evaluation shows that machine learning algorithms are the most common. In the evaluation, I compared the methods previously used, extracted features, types of dataset, and model accuracy of transport mode detection. The results show that there is no standard method used in transport mode detection. In the light of these results, I propose in Paper II a stepwise methodology to detect five transport modes taking advantage of the unlabeled GPS data by first using an unsupervised algorithm to detect the five transport modes. A GIS multi-criteria process was applied to label part of the dataset. The performance of the five supervised algorithms was evaluated by applying them to different portions of the labeled dataset. The results show that stepwise methodology can achieve high accuracy in detecting the transport mode by labeling only 10% of the data from the entire dataset.  For the future, one interesting area to explore would be the application of the stepwise methodology to a balanced and larger dataset. A semi-supervised deep-learning approach is suggested for development in transport mode detection, since this method can detect transport modes with only small amounts of labeled data. Thus, the stepwise methodology can be improved upon for further studies.

Klaipėdos miesto subalansuota susisiekimo sistema / Sustainable transportation system in Klaipeda City

Dambrauskienė, Daiva 21 July 2004 (has links)
The subject of the work is Sustaqinable transportation system in Klaipeda city. The work covers the analysis of the importance of the transportation system in Klaipeda city in the context of global transportation system in Lithuania and EU. It provides with a number of soliutions corresponding to the provisions of White Paper on European Transport policy for 2010 and designed to achieve the sustainability of the existing transportation system. The progressive management of the transportation system invoking strategies and principles of the sustainable policy is proposed as one of the main soliutions for sustainable transportation. The establishment of a unified automatic ticketing system and an innovative transport mode is also proposed for the optimization of the operation of public transport in Klaipeda city. The work includes the research on the formation and the structure of parking places in the central part of Klaipeda city. The action plan and detailed, feasible solutions are proposed for the systematic development of the parking places. Sustainabgle transportation system in Klaipeda city is shaped with a view of creating proper conditions for both society and environment, harmonizing their interaction, and proposing strategy of sustainable transportation system suitable for unique surroundings of the city.

Val av färdmedel till externa köpcentra : En studie av Valbo köpcentrum

Jakobsson, Isak January 2008 (has links)
<p>We travel more nowadays. The increasing travel rate generates greenhouse gases which in the long run cause an increasing number of natural disasters over the world. Car traffic is a major contributor to this development. Out-of-town shopping centres have historically good accessibility for car traffic. This study aims to look into what are the factors that influence the choice of transport mode for dwellers in the outskirts of a town when going to out-of-town shopping centres. It also examines how changes in the public transport system influence this choice. More specifically it looks into the effects and attitudes to direct busses and free home deliverance of large articles.</p><p>The study was made up of two questionnaires and some statistical observations. The first questionnaire was sent out to 400 dwellers in Sätra, an urban district on the outskirts of the town Gävle. The respondents were asked about their attitudes to choice of transport modes. Thereafter a direct bus route was arranged during one Saturday, with free home deliverance of large articles from certain shops. The number of travelers for the direct bus route and for the competing bus routes was surveyed. A survey of the corresponding day the year before was also carried out. The second questionnaire was handed out on the direct busses. The respondents were asked to evaluate the tryout of the direct bus and the free home deliverance.</p><p>The results of the first questionnaire showed that the supply of different shops was the main argument why respondents traveled to Valbo instead of Gävle or Sätra centrum. The main factors for the respondents to choose to go by bus to Valbo were lower bus ticket price, short travel time and the thought of a better environment. 77 percent did not think that a buss stop nearer their residence would make them go by bus to Valbo more often. A major portion of the respondents considered that a direct bus to Valbo and free home deliverance would make them choose bus as transport mode more often.</p><p>The observations of the number of bus travelers showed that 152 persons did travel with the direct bus during the tryout-day. It also showed that the competing bus routes had a slightly greater number of travelers on the day of the tryout compared to the corresponding day the year before.</p><p>The results of the second questionnaire showed that the majority of the respondents got to know about the tryout through a dispatch in their mailboxes. Most of the respondents experienced the tryout direct bus ride as “very good”. If there had been no tryout direct bus that day 22 percent of the respondents reported that they still would have chosen bus as transport mode, 8 percent would have gone by car and another 22 percent would have gone to Gävle centrum instead. A major portion of the respondents wished to travel with the direct bus on either workdays or weekends in the future. Short travel time was considered to be the chief factor for a successful direct bus route. Though there were few respondents who used the free home deliverance of large articles many of them believed that they would use it in the future if more shops would participate. Comfort and safety on the busses and home deliverance of articles were considered to be things that could be improved.</p><p>When studying choice of transport modes you should consider the starting point of the shopping trip; it is not always the same as the residency but are rather more complex (Ibrahim, 2003). Furthermore a longer period of time could have been considered to carry out the surveys. The car travelers’ positive attitudes to a direct bus route may partly be explained by the short travel time that comes with a direct bus; which also means that the probability increases for car travelers to change transport mode (Nurdeen et al., 2007).</p><p>Free home deliverance of large articles may work as a “surplus value”, which also may have long-lasting impact on the choice of transport mode (Taniguchi & Fujii, 2006). A co-ordinate system for home deliverance of articles could moreover contribute in counteracting the habit of car travelers to use the car as a “convenient shopping trolley” (Dieleman et al., 2002, s.525) as a purpose of its own.</p><p>The study has showed that direct bus routes between urban districts on the outskirts of towns and out-of-town shopping centres probably will make more shoppers choose bus as transport mode. This is possible even without affecting the competing bus routes to decrease in number of travelers. However it will be necessary with further surveys on how direct bus routes do affect foot and bicycle traffic to city centres and urban district centres. In additition the study of Valbo showed that free home deliverance of articles could make more shoppers choose bus more often as transport mode.</p> / <p>Vi reser allt mer och med det ökar utsläppen av växthusgaser som i ett långt perspektiv orsakar naturkatastrofer. Trafiken, och särskilt biltrafiken, bidrar med en stor del till detta. Externa köpcentra är historiskt sett attraktioner som är lättillgängliga för bilresenärer. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av färdmedel till externa köpcentra för boende i ytterstadsdelar samt hur förändringar inom kollektivtrafiken påverkar detta val. Mer specifikt undersöker studien effekterna av och attityderna till en direktbusslinje och gratis hemkörning av större varor för bussresenärer.</p><p>Studien utgjordes av två enkätundersökningar samt statistiska observationer. Den första enkätundersökningen skickades ut till 400 personer bosatta i ytterstadsdelen Sätra, Gävle. Respondenterna tillfrågades om attityder till val av färdmedel. Därefter ordnades en direktbusslinje mellan Sätra och det externa köpcentret Valbo köpcentrum under en lördag, med gratis hemkörning av varor från vissa butiker. Antalet resenärer uppmättes för direktbusslinjen samt för de konkurrerande busslinjerna under lördagen och två andra närliggande lördagar. Dessutom jämfördes dessa lördagar med motsvarande lördagar året innan. Den andra enkätundersökningen genomfördes på direktbussarna, där resenärerna blev tillfrågade att utvärdera försöket med direktbussarna och den fria hemkörningen.</p><p>Resultaten av den första enkätundersökningen visade att utbudet av butiker var den största orsaken till varför respondenter åkte till Valbo köpcentrum istället för Gävle/Sätra centrum. De viktigaste faktorerna för att respondenter skulle välja buss till Valbo var lägre biljettpris, kort restid samt tanken på en bättre miljö. 77 procent ansåg inte att en busshållplats närmare deras bostad skulle göra att de valde buss oftare. En stor del av respondenterna menade att en direktbuss till Valbo köpcentrum respektive gratis hemkörning skulle kunna göra att de oftare valde buss som färdmedel.</p><p>Observationerna av antal bussresenärer visade att 152 personer valde att åka med direktbussen under försöksdagen. De konkurrerande busslinjerna hade ett något högre antal resenärer på försöksdagen jämfört med motsvarande dag året innan.</p><p>Resultaten av den andra enkätundersökningen visade att majoriteten av respondenterna hade fått reda på försöksdagen genom ett utskick i brevlådan. De flesta upplevde färden med direktbussen som ”mycket bra”. Om direktbussen inte hade gått hade 22 procent ändå valt buss som färdmedel, 8 procent hade valt bil medan 22 procent hade åkt till Gävle centrum istället. En stor del av respondenter önskade resa med direktbussen på både vardagar och helger. Kort restid ansågs vara den viktigaste faktorn för en lyckad direktbusslinje. Trots ett lågt utnyttjande av den fria hemkörningen av större varor menade en stor del av respondenterna att de skulle utnyttja det i framtiden om fler butiker deltog. Hemkörning av varor samt komfort och säkerhet på bussarna ansågs vara saker som kunde förbättras.</p><p>För studier av val av färdmedel bör hänsyn tas till shoppingresans startpunkt, vilket inte alltid är hemmet (Ibrahim, 2003). Vidare kunde en längre studieperiod ha gett bättre resultat. Bilresenärernas positiva inställning till en direktbusslinje kan delvis förklaras med att direktbussen förkortar restiden med buss, vilket i sig ökar sannolikheten för bilresenärer att byta färdmedel (Nurdeen et al., 2007).</p><p>Gratis hemkörning av varor fungerar som ett slags mervärde, som även kan ha bestående inverkan på valet av färdmedel (Taniguchi & Fujii, 2006). En samordnad hemkörning av varor skulle dessutom kunna bidra till att minska bilresenärers vana att som självändamål använda bilen som transportvagn för varor (Dieleman et al., 2002).</p><p>Studien visade på att direktbusslinjer mellan ytterstadsdelar och externa köpcentra förmodligen kommer att göra att fler shoppare väljer buss som färdmedel. Detta är möjligt utan att konkurrerande busslinjer förlorar resenärer. Däremot krävs vidare studier om hur direktbusslinjer påverkar gång- och cykeltrafiken till stadsdelscentra och stadskärnors centra. Vidare visade studien att gratis hemkörning av varor kan tänkas göra att fler shoppare väljer buss som färdmedel.</p>

Val av färdmedel till externa köpcentra : En studie av Valbo köpcentrum

Jakobsson, Isak January 2008 (has links)
We travel more nowadays. The increasing travel rate generates greenhouse gases which in the long run cause an increasing number of natural disasters over the world. Car traffic is a major contributor to this development. Out-of-town shopping centres have historically good accessibility for car traffic. This study aims to look into what are the factors that influence the choice of transport mode for dwellers in the outskirts of a town when going to out-of-town shopping centres. It also examines how changes in the public transport system influence this choice. More specifically it looks into the effects and attitudes to direct busses and free home deliverance of large articles. The study was made up of two questionnaires and some statistical observations. The first questionnaire was sent out to 400 dwellers in Sätra, an urban district on the outskirts of the town Gävle. The respondents were asked about their attitudes to choice of transport modes. Thereafter a direct bus route was arranged during one Saturday, with free home deliverance of large articles from certain shops. The number of travelers for the direct bus route and for the competing bus routes was surveyed. A survey of the corresponding day the year before was also carried out. The second questionnaire was handed out on the direct busses. The respondents were asked to evaluate the tryout of the direct bus and the free home deliverance. The results of the first questionnaire showed that the supply of different shops was the main argument why respondents traveled to Valbo instead of Gävle or Sätra centrum. The main factors for the respondents to choose to go by bus to Valbo were lower bus ticket price, short travel time and the thought of a better environment. 77 percent did not think that a buss stop nearer their residence would make them go by bus to Valbo more often. A major portion of the respondents considered that a direct bus to Valbo and free home deliverance would make them choose bus as transport mode more often. The observations of the number of bus travelers showed that 152 persons did travel with the direct bus during the tryout-day. It also showed that the competing bus routes had a slightly greater number of travelers on the day of the tryout compared to the corresponding day the year before. The results of the second questionnaire showed that the majority of the respondents got to know about the tryout through a dispatch in their mailboxes. Most of the respondents experienced the tryout direct bus ride as “very good”. If there had been no tryout direct bus that day 22 percent of the respondents reported that they still would have chosen bus as transport mode, 8 percent would have gone by car and another 22 percent would have gone to Gävle centrum instead. A major portion of the respondents wished to travel with the direct bus on either workdays or weekends in the future. Short travel time was considered to be the chief factor for a successful direct bus route. Though there were few respondents who used the free home deliverance of large articles many of them believed that they would use it in the future if more shops would participate. Comfort and safety on the busses and home deliverance of articles were considered to be things that could be improved. When studying choice of transport modes you should consider the starting point of the shopping trip; it is not always the same as the residency but are rather more complex (Ibrahim, 2003). Furthermore a longer period of time could have been considered to carry out the surveys. The car travelers’ positive attitudes to a direct bus route may partly be explained by the short travel time that comes with a direct bus; which also means that the probability increases for car travelers to change transport mode (Nurdeen et al., 2007). Free home deliverance of large articles may work as a “surplus value”, which also may have long-lasting impact on the choice of transport mode (Taniguchi &amp; Fujii, 2006). A co-ordinate system for home deliverance of articles could moreover contribute in counteracting the habit of car travelers to use the car as a “convenient shopping trolley” (Dieleman et al., 2002, s.525) as a purpose of its own. The study has showed that direct bus routes between urban districts on the outskirts of towns and out-of-town shopping centres probably will make more shoppers choose bus as transport mode. This is possible even without affecting the competing bus routes to decrease in number of travelers. However it will be necessary with further surveys on how direct bus routes do affect foot and bicycle traffic to city centres and urban district centres. In additition the study of Valbo showed that free home deliverance of articles could make more shoppers choose bus more often as transport mode. / Vi reser allt mer och med det ökar utsläppen av växthusgaser som i ett långt perspektiv orsakar naturkatastrofer. Trafiken, och särskilt biltrafiken, bidrar med en stor del till detta. Externa köpcentra är historiskt sett attraktioner som är lättillgängliga för bilresenärer. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av färdmedel till externa köpcentra för boende i ytterstadsdelar samt hur förändringar inom kollektivtrafiken påverkar detta val. Mer specifikt undersöker studien effekterna av och attityderna till en direktbusslinje och gratis hemkörning av större varor för bussresenärer. Studien utgjordes av två enkätundersökningar samt statistiska observationer. Den första enkätundersökningen skickades ut till 400 personer bosatta i ytterstadsdelen Sätra, Gävle. Respondenterna tillfrågades om attityder till val av färdmedel. Därefter ordnades en direktbusslinje mellan Sätra och det externa köpcentret Valbo köpcentrum under en lördag, med gratis hemkörning av varor från vissa butiker. Antalet resenärer uppmättes för direktbusslinjen samt för de konkurrerande busslinjerna under lördagen och två andra närliggande lördagar. Dessutom jämfördes dessa lördagar med motsvarande lördagar året innan. Den andra enkätundersökningen genomfördes på direktbussarna, där resenärerna blev tillfrågade att utvärdera försöket med direktbussarna och den fria hemkörningen. Resultaten av den första enkätundersökningen visade att utbudet av butiker var den största orsaken till varför respondenter åkte till Valbo köpcentrum istället för Gävle/Sätra centrum. De viktigaste faktorerna för att respondenter skulle välja buss till Valbo var lägre biljettpris, kort restid samt tanken på en bättre miljö. 77 procent ansåg inte att en busshållplats närmare deras bostad skulle göra att de valde buss oftare. En stor del av respondenterna menade att en direktbuss till Valbo köpcentrum respektive gratis hemkörning skulle kunna göra att de oftare valde buss som färdmedel. Observationerna av antal bussresenärer visade att 152 personer valde att åka med direktbussen under försöksdagen. De konkurrerande busslinjerna hade ett något högre antal resenärer på försöksdagen jämfört med motsvarande dag året innan. Resultaten av den andra enkätundersökningen visade att majoriteten av respondenterna hade fått reda på försöksdagen genom ett utskick i brevlådan. De flesta upplevde färden med direktbussen som ”mycket bra”. Om direktbussen inte hade gått hade 22 procent ändå valt buss som färdmedel, 8 procent hade valt bil medan 22 procent hade åkt till Gävle centrum istället. En stor del av respondenter önskade resa med direktbussen på både vardagar och helger. Kort restid ansågs vara den viktigaste faktorn för en lyckad direktbusslinje. Trots ett lågt utnyttjande av den fria hemkörningen av större varor menade en stor del av respondenterna att de skulle utnyttja det i framtiden om fler butiker deltog. Hemkörning av varor samt komfort och säkerhet på bussarna ansågs vara saker som kunde förbättras. För studier av val av färdmedel bör hänsyn tas till shoppingresans startpunkt, vilket inte alltid är hemmet (Ibrahim, 2003). Vidare kunde en längre studieperiod ha gett bättre resultat. Bilresenärernas positiva inställning till en direktbusslinje kan delvis förklaras med att direktbussen förkortar restiden med buss, vilket i sig ökar sannolikheten för bilresenärer att byta färdmedel (Nurdeen et al., 2007). Gratis hemkörning av varor fungerar som ett slags mervärde, som även kan ha bestående inverkan på valet av färdmedel (Taniguchi &amp; Fujii, 2006). En samordnad hemkörning av varor skulle dessutom kunna bidra till att minska bilresenärers vana att som självändamål använda bilen som transportvagn för varor (Dieleman et al., 2002). Studien visade på att direktbusslinjer mellan ytterstadsdelar och externa köpcentra förmodligen kommer att göra att fler shoppare väljer buss som färdmedel. Detta är möjligt utan att konkurrerande busslinjer förlorar resenärer. Däremot krävs vidare studier om hur direktbusslinjer påverkar gång- och cykeltrafiken till stadsdelscentra och stadskärnors centra. Vidare visade studien att gratis hemkörning av varor kan tänkas göra att fler shoppare väljer buss som färdmedel.

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