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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energeticky úsporná budovy penzionu U vinice / Energy Efficient Budillding of Guesthouse "In the vineyard"

Hlubinka, Josef January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this master project is to design a nearly zero-energy building of a guesthouse with a restaurant in the village Vrbice u Velkých Pavlovic. The project contains architectural-construction part and concept of building services. As the third part there is a design and concept of a wastewater treatment wetland system. The building has two floors. On the ground floor there is a restaurant, kitchen, reception and technical facilities, the premises of the 2 nd floor contain guest rooms. The structural system is designed from ceramic blocks with thermal insulation from mineral wool. Horizontal load-bearing structures and stair construction are designed from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The building has a warm flat roof. The building has a mechanical heat recovery ventilation. For heating and water heating there is a heat pump and a condensing boiler, for cooling there is a multi-split and VRV system. The building also includes a storage reservoir for collecting rainwater and photovoltaic panels on the roof. The building site contains also an outdoor park, storage with carport and a garden with wastewater treatment wetland technologies and biotope lake. The project was carried out by the ArchiCad and Autocad programme.

Innover pour les services d’assainissement en zone tropicale : approche technique par filtres plantés de végétaux et accompagnement par modélisation participative / Innovation for sanitation services in tropical area : technical aproach by French system of vertical flow treatment wetland, and support through companion modeling

Lombard-Latune, Rémi 20 March 2019 (has links)
Les Objectifs de Développement Durable visent d'ici 2030 un « accès pour tous à des services d'assainissement et d'hygiène adéquats, en mettant fin à la défécation à l'air libre ». Un service d'assainissement peut-être défini par ses composantes techniques et sociales, et leurs interactions. Dans l'optique de proposer des pistes d'améliorations des services d'assainissement en zone tropicale, les travaux de cette thèse ont porté à la fois sur des infrastructures de traitement et sur l'implication de l'ensemble des acteurs dans la définition du service. L'analyse croisée des contextes des départements d'outre-mer (DOM) français et du Sénégal a permis d'identifier des contraintes qui pèsent sur le secteur de l'assainissement en zone tropicale. Du point de vue des infrastructures de traitement, ces contraintes nous ont amenées à proposer des procédés issus de la famille des Filtres Plantés de Végétaux (FPV) comme solutions à priori pertinentes. Cette thèse présente leurs adaptations à la zone tropicale, en détaillant les choix retenus pour le dimensionnement, la conception des filtres et le choix des végétaux. Une centaine de campagnes de suivi ont été réalisées sur 7 stations pilotes en tailles réelles, à travers les 5 DOM. Les résultats montrent que malgré une plus grande compacité, le dimensionnement proposé permet de conserver des niveaux de traitement au moins comparables à ceux observés en climat tempéré. Compte tenu des contraintes climatiques et organisationnelles en milieu tropical, une analyse de leur résilience à des perturbations et de leur fiabilité de traitement a été réalisée par une étude statistique sur les données produites par l'autosurveillance réglementaire. Elle montre que les FPV sont également plus fiables que les procédés de traitement conventionnel les plus répandus pour les petites collectivités. Ce qui s'explique à la fois par la barrière physique que représente ces procédés de cultures fixées sur support fin ainsi que par des besoins en entretien plus réduits. Le deuxième axe de recherche part du constat d'un manque de concertation entre acteurs au moment de la planification de l'assainissement, étape qui préside à la construction du système d'assainissement. En particulier, les utilisateurs, leurs besoins et leurs contraintes sont très peu et mal pris en compte. La modélisation d'accompagnement pourrait permettre de créer à la fois un support (le modèle) permettant de discuter des choix techniques et de leurs conséquences, ainsi que le cadre dans lequel les différents acteurs pourraient échanger leurs points de vue et trouver un consensus soutenable. Un processus de modélisation d'accompagnement a été conçu et mis en place sur la planification de l'assainissement dans 2 zones (urbaine et rurale) du Sénégal. Il nécessitait, pour proposer des scénarios viables, d'intégrer une part non négligeable de connaissances expertes. Centré sur les populations, ce processus a permis la création d'un premier modèle générique sur l'accès à l'assainissement qui prend la forme d'un jeu de rôle. La pertinence de tels outils dans la caractérisation des besoins des usagers a été évaluée. Par ailleurs, l'attention a été portée sur l'acceptation par les usagers du service proposé et sa traduction en volonté de contribution / Sustainable Develoment Goals aim by 2030, to « achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation », by « using safely managed sanitation services ». Sanitation service can be defined by its technical and social components, and their interactions. This thesis focuses on both treatment infrastructures and involvement of all the stakeholders into service definition. Cross analysis of French Overseas Territories (FOT) and Senegal contexts, has identified common constraints that weigh on sanitation sector in tropical areas. From treatment infrastructure point of view, these constraints lead to suggest treatment wetlands systems and particularly French vertical-flow treatment wetland (FS-VFTW) to easier sludge managment, as a relevant solution. Their adaptation for tropical climate is the subjet of the first axis of our work. It aimed at defining their adaptation in terms of design, plant choices and defining the treatment wetlands type to implement according to outlet requirements. A hundred of 24h sampling campains were performed on 7 full scale demonstration plants, accross the 5 FOTs. Results show that despite more compacity, the proposed design allows maintaining performances at least similar to those observed in temperate climate. Due to climatic and organizational constraints inn tropical climate, a statistical analysis has been done to point out the resilience and reliability of the systems based on regulatory selfmonitoring data. It highlights the fact that FS-VFTWs are more reliable than most of the conventional treatment processes when applied for small size communities. Their physical barrier (filter) and their lower maintenance requirement explain this observation. The second axis of our research is based on an observed lack of consultation between stakeholders during the sanitation planning phase, which is responsible for the construction of the sanitation system. In particular, the users, their needs and their constraints are poorly and badly taken into account. Companion modeling approach could create both a support (the model) for discussing technical choices, as well as the framework within which the stakeholders could exchange points of view and find a sustainable consensus. Such a process has been developed and implemented for sanitation planning in 2 areas (urban and rural) of Senegal. Focused on household population, this process has led to create a generic model for sanitation access, embodied as a role playing game, which include a significant part of expert knowledge. The relevance of such tools in the characterization of user needs has been evaluated. In addition, attention was paid to users' acceptance of the proposed service and its translation into a willingness to contribute

Dagvattenutredning för Hamrebäcken : Utredning av föroreningsbelastning och framtagande av åtgärdsförslag för att förbättra vattenkvaliteten / Stormwater pollution of the Hamrebäcken stream : Investigating the pollutant load in order to develop measures to increase the ecological and chemical status of the stream

Feltelius, Vilhelm January 2015 (has links)
Hamrebäcken rinner genom östra delen av Västerås och har Mälaren som recipient. Under bäckens flödesväg tillkommer dagvatten och föroreningar i form av näringsämnen och tungmetaller från dess avrinningsområde. Bäcken utgör ett av de mest prioriterade vattendragen i Västerås gällande utsläpp av dagvatten. Detta examensarbete har utförts med syftet att utreda föroreningssituationen för Hamrebäcken och hur dess recipient Mälaren påverkas. Examensarbetet syftade även till att undersöka reningseffekten för en befintlig dagvattendamm samt att utifrån ett kostnads- och reningsperspektiv beskriva ett antal åtgärdsförslag för att uppnå en förbättring av bäckens ekologiska och kemiska status. Utvärdering av Hamrebäckens föroreningsbelastning samt reningseffekt för befintlig dagvattendamm och åtgärdsförslag utfördes med hjälp av den Excelbaserade dagvatten- och recipientmodellen StormTac.   Resultatet från studien visade att den modellerade belastningen från flera av bäckens delavrinningsområden överskrider föreslagna riktvärden för mindre vattendrag. Den totala belastningen från Hamrebäckens avrinningsområde överskrider i fallet för föroreningarna bly och suspenderat material även föreslagna riktvärden för Mälaren. Modellering av den befintliga dammen indikerar att anläggningen är underdimensionerad i förhållande till dess belastningsyta. Dammens reningseffekt uppnår inte heller effektmålen i Västerås stads handlingsplan för dagvatten. Ett förslag om utbyggnation av dammen har tagits fram utifrån litteraturstudie och tillgänglig yta för åtgärden. Den simulerade ombyggnationen uppnådde inte uppsatta effektmål men gav en betydande ökning i reningseffekt. Åtgärder som syftar till att öka dammens avskiljningsförmåga bör därför utredas ytterligare.   Fyra ytterligare åtgärdsförslag togs fram och reningseffekten av dessa modellerades i StormTac. Detta inkluderade två olika placeringar av dagvattendammar, en skärmbassäng med flytande våtmark, samt en konstruerad våtmark. Från genomförd modellering rekommenderas vidare utredning av åtgärdsförslagen inkluderande ett anläggande av en skärmbassäng med flytande våtmark, alternativt en konstruerad våtmark. Detta då dessa åtgärdsförslag uppnådde effektmålen för rening enligt Västerås stads handlingsplan för dagvatten. Åtgärdsförslagen skilde sig något åt gällande kostnadseffektivitet. Detta ansågs dock inte ensamt vara argument nog för att motivera anläggning av något åtgärdsförslag till följd av osäkerheter i det beräknade resultatet. Att en skärmbassäng kan utföras i närtid och inte kräver några ingrepp i avrinningsområdet kan anses som ytterligare argument för installation av anläggningen. En konstruerad våtmark kan i sin tur motiveras med att anläggningen bidrar till att höja det estetiska och ekologiska värdet av området. Dessa argument bör beaktas i valet av metod och det fortsatta arbetet med att minska områdets föroreningsbelastning och förbättra bäckens ekologiska och kemiska status. / Hamrebäcken is a small stream in Västerås, which flows through the eastern part of the city. Along it’s course to Lake Mälaren, the stream receives polluted stormwater containing such as heavy metals and nutrients. The primary objective of this master thesis was to investigate the level of pollutants in Hamrebäcken. A secondary objective was to study the reduction efficiency of an existing wet stormwater treatment pond in the area, and propose ways in which to achieve a higher ecological and chemical status for the stream. The stormwater and recipient software model StormTac was used to estimate the level of pollutants and to investigate the reduction efficiencies of different stormwater treatment facilities.   The study revealed that pollutant levels were too high for several of the subwatersheds, based on the recommended guidance for small streams. The pollutant load for the total watershed exceeded the guidance levels for Lake Mälaren for lead and suspended solids. Modelling the reduction efficiency of the existing wet pond indicated that the pond’s size was inadequate to cater for the quantity of incoming stormwater in need of treatment. Subsequently, the pollution reduction efficiency of the pond was not meeting those objectives set out in the Stormwater Action Plan developed by Västerås municipality. A proposal for rebuilding the pond was therefore developed, taking into account the existing conditions of the area and using recommendations from literature. When modeled in StormTac, the modified pond showed a substantial increase in reduction efficiency compared to that of the existing pond. Despite not reaching the objectives of the Action Plan, this suggested that it would be beneficial to investigate measures that increase the reduction efficiency of the existing wet pond further. As a result, an additional four alternatives for reducing the pollutant load of Hamrebäcken were developed using StormTac. These consisted of two wet stormwater treatment ponds at different locations within the watershed, a screen basin with floating treatment wetlands, and a constructed wetland.   The modeling revealed that the most feasible of the investigated measures was an installation of either a screen basin with floating treatment wetlands or a constructed wetland, both measures adjacent to the outlet of Hamrebäcken. This was mainly due to the modeled reduction capacity of these measures where the reduction objectives of the Action Plan were reached. A difference in cost effectiveness was found between the different measures. This was however not considered to solely be argument to justify the implementation of a certain measure due to uncertainties in the modelled result. The fact that a screen basin can be installed in the near future and without occupying space in the watershed are additional arguments for the use of this measure. A constructed wetland can in return be motivated by a potential increase in esthetic and ecological value of the area. These arguments should be considered in the continued investigation of choosing a measure for reducing the pollutant load of Hamrebäcken and to achieve a higher ecological and chemical status for the stream.

The Performance of Simple Artificial Floating Wetland Communities and Their Effects on Aquatic Nutrient Levels and Algal Abundance

Sleeth, Bradley L 01 January 2014 (has links)
Harmful algal blooms are exponential increases in autotrophic microorganisms that proliferate in such a way that the surrounding environment, the local economy and the health of regional populations are negatively affected. Among the causes of these blooms are anthropogenic inputs of excess nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment through overfertilization. Floating treatment wetlands (FTW) have emerged as a novel method of reducing the negative impacts of these nutrient inputs by using artificial rafts to float normally emergent wetland plants on the surface of water bodies to assimilate excess nutrients. Because their use is so new, only limited research has been performed on their effectiveness. This mesocosm-level study evaluated the performance of a FTW consisting of a community of yellow canna (Canna flaccida), blue flag iris (Iris hexagona) and bulltongue arrowhead (Saggittaria lancifolia) in simulated stormwater of varying nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. The community of plants displayed nitrogen limitation, while the cyanobacteria-dominated algal community that developed displayed phosphorus limitation, leading to the conclusion that in order for this community of macrophytes to limit algal growth, nitrogen must be present to support their growth and concurrent assimilation of the algae-limiting nutrient phosphorus. Canna and iris were found to significantly outperform arrowhead in terms of biomass gains. The study also showed that the size of the plants may be of great importance in the ability of FTWs to limit algal development. Despite the fact that the community of plants in this study were unable to limit the development of algae, the use of FTWs remains promising and further research should be done to continue to enhance our understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

Quantifying the Hydraulic Performance of Treatment Wetlands

Wahl, Mark D. 03 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Effet de l’espèce de plante en marais filtrants artificiels selon la saison, le type de marais filtrant et la nature des polluants

Gagnon, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a été codirigée par le Dr. Florent Chazarenc / Les marais filtrants artificiels sont communément utilisés pour le traitement des eaux usées municipales, mais ils peuvent aussi traiter une large gamme d’effluents à l’aide de différents types de marais filtrant et ce sous une variété de climats. Les plantes jouent un rôle central dans l’épuration des eaux, mais on peut se demander si ce rôle est le même sous toutes les conditions et ce pour les différentes espèces de plantes. Dans le cadre de cette étude, j’ai évalué l’influence de la présence ainsi que de l’espèce de plantes selon des conditions extrêmement différentes : 1) traitement de rejet de serre hydroponique par un marais filtrant à flux horizontal en conditions hivernales, 2) traitement des boues par un marais à flux vertical en conditions estivales. / Constructed wetlands (CWs) are commonly used to treat municipal wastewater, but they can also handle a wide range of effluents by using different types of CWs and under a variety of climatic conditions. Plants play a central role in CWs, but it is still unknown if the presence of plants or the choice of the species have the same influence under different conditions. In this study, I evaluated the influence of the presence and the species of plants under two very different conditions: 1) treatment of hydroponic wastewater by a horizontal flow CW in winter conditions, 2) sludge treatment by a vertical flow CW in summer conditions.

Devenir des résidus médicamenteux et de leur métabolites au sein des Zones de Rejet Végétalisées (ZRV) / Evaluation of surface flow treatment wetlands as a polishing step for small communities wastewater treatment plants : evaluation and modeling of hydraulic behavior, fate of macropollutants and pharmaceuticals

Nuel, Maximilien 19 September 2017 (has links)
Les Stations de Traitement des Eaux Usées (STEU) sont l'une des principales sources de rejet de résidus médicamenteux dans l'environnement. Depuis 2009, les Zones de Rejet Végétalisées (ZRV) sont mises en oeuvre entre le rejet de la STEU et le milieu récepteur, mais leurs capacités d'abattement sont encore peu étudiées. Pour combler ce manque, les performances d'épuration de 2 STEU et de leur ZRV, ont été évaluées pendant 2 années. Les résidus médicamenteux (86) ont eu une majorité de rendements d'épuration compris entre 30 et 70 % dans les ZRV et avec des maximums en été et des minimums en hiver. Relativement aux abattements observés sur les STEU en amont, la contribution des ZRV à l'épuration globale du site était inférieure à 30 % du flux entrant. Aussi, la réduction des volumes d'eau rejetés au milieu naturel a été corrélée avec une augmentation des concentrations en résidus médicamenteux. Par ailleurs, les plantes ont montré une capacité d'absorption des médicaments spécifique à l'espèce étudiée, alors que l'observation des concentrations dans les boues, a mis en évidence une tendance à une adsorption en été et un relargage en hiver des micro-polluants. / Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) are considered as one of the most important pharmaceutical compound discharges into the environment. Since 2009, French Water Agencies, promote Surface Flow Treatment Wetlands (SFTWs) at the outlet of WWTPs, between the WWTP and the receiving aquatic environment but their removal efficiencies are not well investigated. To overcome these lacks of knowledge, pollutant removal efficiencies of 2 WWTP and their SFTW were monitoring during 2 years. ln regard to pharmaceutical compounds (86), SFTW removal efficiency rates ranged from 30 to 70% with maximum values in summer and minimum values in winter. The SFTW removal efficiency contributions to WWTP were inferior to 30%. ln addition, SFTW inflow reductions were correlated with an increase of drug compound concentrations in the outflow. Furthermore, there was a specific absorption of these micro pollutants by plants whereas there were dynamic interactions between sampled mud and drugs residues with an adsorption during summer and a release during winter.

Effet de l’espèce de plante en marais filtrants artificiels selon la saison, le type de marais filtrant et la nature des polluants

Gagnon, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Les marais filtrants artificiels sont communément utilisés pour le traitement des eaux usées municipales, mais ils peuvent aussi traiter une large gamme d’effluents à l’aide de différents types de marais filtrant et ce sous une variété de climats. Les plantes jouent un rôle central dans l’épuration des eaux, mais on peut se demander si ce rôle est le même sous toutes les conditions et ce pour les différentes espèces de plantes. Dans le cadre de cette étude, j’ai évalué l’influence de la présence ainsi que de l’espèce de plantes selon des conditions extrêmement différentes : 1) traitement de rejet de serre hydroponique par un marais filtrant à flux horizontal en conditions hivernales, 2) traitement des boues par un marais à flux vertical en conditions estivales. / Constructed wetlands (CWs) are commonly used to treat municipal wastewater, but they can also handle a wide range of effluents by using different types of CWs and under a variety of climatic conditions. Plants play a central role in CWs, but it is still unknown if the presence of plants or the choice of the species have the same influence under different conditions. In this study, I evaluated the influence of the presence and the species of plants under two very different conditions: 1) treatment of hydroponic wastewater by a horizontal flow CW in winter conditions, 2) sludge treatment by a vertical flow CW in summer conditions. / Cette thèse a été codirigée par le Dr. Florent Chazarenc

A biofilter process for phytoplankton removal prior to potable water treatment works : a field and laboratory study

Castro-Castellon, Ana January 2016 (has links)
Phytoplankton blooms compromise the quality of freshwater ecosystems and the efficient processing of water by treatment works worldwide. This research aims to determine whether in-situ filamentous biofiltration processes mediated by living roots and synthetic filters as media can reduce or remove the phytoplankton loading (micro-algae and cyanobacteria) prior to a potable water treatment works intake. The underlying biofiltration mechanisms were investigated using field and laboratory studies. A novel macroscale biofilter with three plant species, named the "Living-Filter", installed in Farmoor II reservoir, UK, was surveyed weekly for physicochemical and biological variables under continuous flow conditions during 17 weeks. The efficiency of a mesoscale biofilter using the aquatic plant Phalaris arundinacea and synthetic filters, was tested with Microcystis aeruginosa under continuous flow conditions and in batch experiments. The 'simultaneous allelochemical method' was developed for quantifying allelochemicals from Phalaris in aqueous samples. Microscale studies were used to investigate biofilter allelochemical release in response to environmental stressors and Microcystis growth inhibition in filtered and unfiltered aqueous root exudate. Results demonstrate that the removal of phytoplankton biomass by physical mechanisms has a removal efficiency of ≤45% in the "Living-Filter" (filamentous biofilter plus synthetic fabric) and that the removal of Microcystis biomass using only biofilters was 25%. Chemical mechanisms that reduce Microcystis cell numbers are mediated by allelochemicals released from biofilter roots. Root exudate treatments on Microcystis revealed that Microcystis growth is inhibited by allelochemicals, not by nutrient competition, and that protists and invertebrates play a role in removing Microcystis. Filamentous biofilters can remove phytoplankton biomass by physical, chemical and biological mechanisms. Biofilters and synthetic filters in combination improve removal efficiency. Application of macroscale biofilters prior to potable water treatment works benefits the ecosystem. Plant properties, biofilter size to surface water ratio, and retention time must be considered to maximise the benefits of biofiltration processes.

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