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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da resposta dinâmica experimental de uma passarela tubular mista, aço-concreto, submetida ao caminhar humano. / Experimental analysis of dynamic response of a tubular composite steel-concrete footbridge, submitted to human walking.

José Eduardo Villarroel Zúñga 19 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de investigação experimental dinâmica sobre estrutura real de uma passarela tubular mista aço-concreto. O sistema estrutural objeto deste trabalho corresponde a uma passarela composta por três vãos (32,5m, 17,5m e 20,0m, respectivamente) e dois balanços (7,50m e 5,0m, respectivamente), com comprimento total de 82,5m. A passarela com estrutura contínua de aço com as ligações soldadas se apoia em quatro pórticos também de aço. Estruturalmente está constituída por duas treliças planas que se interligam através de contraventamentos horizontais fixados na corda superior e inferior da treliça e lajes de concreto, formando um sistema misto com interação completa. A estrutura está submetida correntemente à travessia de pedestres e ciclistas. Testes experimentais foram realizados sobre o sistema estrutural e confrontados com resultados numéricos. Para a modelagem numérica do sistema são empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos (MEF), por meio do programa ANSYS. Os resultados experimentais são analisados de acordo com a metodologia desenvolvida, sendo realizada análise modal experimental para a determinação das propriedades dinâmicas: freqüências, modos e taxa de amortecimento, enquanto que os resultados da estrutura, em termos de aceleração de pico, são comparados com os valores limites propostos por diversos autores, normas e recomendações de projeto, para uma avaliação do desempenho da estrutura em relação a vibração quando solicitada pelo caminhar dos pedestres no que diz respeito a critério para conforto humano. / This research has as main objective the development of a dynamical experimental investigation of a real structure a tubular composite steel-concrete footbridge. The structural system of this study corresponds to a footbridge composed by three spans (32,5m, 17,5m and 20,0m, respectively) and two overhangs (7,50m and 5,0m, respectively), spanning 82,5m. The investigated structural model is composed by a continuous tubular steel structure with welded connections supported by four double file steel columns. It is structurally composed of two plane trusses are intertwined by horizontal bracing set in upper and lower chord of the truss and slabs of concrete, forming effective composite with complete interaction. This structure is currently submitted to pedestrians and cyclists crossing. Experimental tests were carried out on the structural system and with the numerical results. For the numerical modeling, discretization techniques via finite element method were applied, based on the ANSYS program. The experimental results were analyzed according to the developed methodology, and a modal analysis was implemented to determine the dynamical properties: frequencies, mode shapes and modal damping ratio, while the structure results in terms of peak acceleration, was obtained and compared to the limit values proposed by several authors and design recommendations, for the structure performance by pedestrian walking regarding the acceptance criteria for human comfort.

Identificação de parâmetros de motor de indução linear tubular para extração de petróleo. / Identification of parameters of the tubular linear induction motor for the extraction of oil.

Wagner Marques Rossini 22 February 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta a identificação de parâmetros de motor de indução linear tubular para a extração de petróleo, denominado de MATÆOS -- Motor Assíncrono Tubular para Aplicação na Extração de Óleo Subterrâneo. O primeiro passo para a identificação de parâmetros do motor foi a implementação da bancada de testes com o seu sistema de controle e supervisório. O modelo adotado corresponde à situação de operação em regime estacionário e consiste no circuito contendo resistores e indutores tradicionalmente utilizado para representar motores de indução. A identificação dos parâmetros foi realizada por meio de um procedimento de otimização tomando por base o balanço de potência do motor. Para isso, em função dos parâmetros do modelo, definiu-se e minimizou-se uma medida de erro entre as potências medidas e as calculadas pelo modelo para um conjunto pré-fixado de escorregamentos. A solução desse problema de otimização foi obtida por meio de uma busca exaustiva, uma vez que o número de variáveis independentes do problema é pequeno e uma região contendo o ponto de mínimo é conhecida com razoável confiança. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os valores dos parâmetros nominais a quente apresentam algumas diferenças em relação àqueles produzidos pelo método de identificação. Essas diferenças se devem possivelmente a variações nas características térmicas do motor e a erros introduzidos pelos instrumentos de medida. O modelo identificado apresentou uma menor disponibilidade de força e um pior rendimento quando comparado com os valores de projeto do modelo nominal a quente. Apesar disto, verificou-se uma boa proximidade entre a curva característica do modelo e as obtidas experimentalmente. / This work presents the identification of parameters of the tubular linear induction motor for the extraction of oil, called MATÆOS - which is the Portuguese acronym for Asynchronous Tubular Motor for Application to Subterranean Oil Extraction. The first step to the identification of the motor parameters was the implementation of the supervisory and control system for the test bench. The model, which is the usual one containing resistors and inductors, represents the motor operating in steady-state. The parameter identification problem was written as an optimization problem based on the motor power balance. An error between the measured power and the one given by the model was defined and minimized with respect to the model parameters in correspondence to a given set of slipping frequencies. The numerical solution to this problem was obtained by an exhaustive search algorithm. This choice was made because the number of independent variables is small and a region containing the solution is known with a significant degree of confidence. The results obtained show that the nominal values of the model parameters differ slightly from those produced by the identification method. Possibly, such differences are due to the variations in the model caused by temperature changes and to the measurement errors. The identified model presented both a lower available force and a worst efficiency when compared to the nominal design values for the warm motor. Despite this the characteristic curve of the model was quite close to the nominal design one.

Controle de sistema de mancais magnéticos ativos para um motor de indução linear tubular. / Control system applied to active magnetic bearings for a tubular linear induction motor.

Leandro Henrique Monaco 08 October 2012 (has links)
Para aplicações de extração de petróleo de poços em terra foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo Aplicado (LMAG) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo um protótipo de motor de indução linear tubular (MILT), onde o movimento axial do secundário do motor aciona diretamente a bomba de extração situada no fundo do poço. Numa segunda etapa, foi prevista a substituição dos mancais mecânicos por dois mancais magnéticos ativos (AMBs), que permitem melhor movimentação e praticamente nenhum atrito, reduzindo o desgaste causado por impurezas contidas no petróleo extraído, e consequentemente os esforços de manutenção. Todavia, o protótipo atual possui apenas um mancal magnético, e o outro é mecânico. O presente trabalho apresenta a instalação do segundo mancal magnético ao protótipo do MILT, e propõe realizar o controle do sistema de mancais magnéticos para o MILT, tendo em vista um problema multivariável, onde as posições do secundário do motor em relação aos dois mancais são correlacionadas, bem como as ações de controle sobre os mesmos. O trabalho faz uma revisão do sistema atual com um AMB, abordando sua concepção física, modelagem e o controlador, e tal controlador é replicado para o segundo AMB. Um novo modelo é apresentado, considerando o comportamento multivariável dos dois AMBs, e um sistema de controle robusto multivariável é projetado, através da técnica LQG/LTR. Resultados de simulação do novo controlador são analisados e comparados com os resultados experimentais do controlador atual aplicado aos dois AMBs, e apresentam-se as conclusões. / For onshore oil extraction applications, a tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) prototype was developed by Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory (LMAG) of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, on which the axial movement of the motor secondary drives the suction pump, placed in the down hole of the oil well. In a second step, it was planned to replace the mechanical bearings by two Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB), in order to have better movement and practically no friction, reducing damages caused by impurities in the oil, thus reducing maintenance effort. Nevertheless, the actual prototype has only one AMB, being the other one a mechanical bearing. This paper presents the installation of the second AMB onto TLIM prototype, and a proposal to implement the control algorithm for the TLIM magnetic bearing system, considering now a multivariable problem, where the position of the motor secondary for both AMB are related, as well as control efforts. The present work review the actual system with only one AMB, approaching its physical construction, mathematical model and applied control system; and this control system is applied to the second AMB. A new model is presented, considering the AMB system multivariable behavior, and a multivariable robust control system is then designed, using LQG/LTR approach. Simulation results for the new controller are analyzed and compared to experimental results from the actual controller applied to both AMB, and some conclusions are presented.

Efeitos da temperatura e velocidade superficial em sistema anaeróbio de duas fases tratando esgoto sanitário sintético em reatores horizontais com células imobilizadas / not available

Marcio Gomes Barboza 20 September 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou o efeito da temperatura nos sistemas aneróbios com células imobilizadas tendo como estudo de caso um sistema anaeróbio em duas fases. Inicialmente, foram realizados experimentos preliminares com um sistema em duas fases composto por Reator Acidogênico Horizontal Tubular (RAHT) seguido de Reator Anaeróbio Horizontal de Leito Fixo (RAHLF), nas temperaturas de 15ºC, 20ºC e 25ºC. Os resultados mostraram que o RAHT alcançou 48% de remoção de DQO e que a desvantagem da ausência de microrganismos consumidores de H2 no sistema praticamente não afetou a produção de ácido acético. Pôde-se observar que na faixa de temperatura estudada o RAHT não apresentou mudanças significativas em seu desempenho. Posteriormente foram realizados experimentos com cinco reatores metanogênicos do tipo RAHLF, alimentados com esgoto sintético simulando o efluente do RAHT, com velocidades de 10,4 cm/h, a 52,0 cm/h e temperatura de 15ºC a 35ºC. Os resultados permitiriam o desenvolvimento de um modelo empírico-estatístico para simulação do desempenho dos reatores, tendo como variáveis a velocidade superficial do líquido sobre as biopartículas e a temperatura de operação. Os resultados preditos pelo modelo demonstraram boa representatividade dos valores experimentais. Com isso, foi possível observar as influências da velocidade superficial (vs) e da temperatura, nas concentrações residuais de substrato (Sr) e nas constantes cinéticas aparentes de primeira ordem (K1app). Conclui-se então, que apesar do aumento de vs resultar em maiores valores de K1app, também foi observado aumento no valor de Sr indicando que existe um tempo de contato mínimo entre os microrganismos e o substrato. / The effects of temperature and superficial velocity in an anaerobic methanogenic immobilized cell rector of a two phase-system were investigated. Preliminarily, a Tubular Horizontal Acidogenic Reactor (THAR) followed by Horizontal-flow Anaerobic Immobilized Biomass (HAIB) composed the experimental system, operated at the temperatures of 15°C, 20°C and 25°C. COD removal efficiency of 48% was observed in the THAR. Likewise, the disadvantage of the absence of H2-consumer methanogenics microorganisms in the system almost did not affect the production of acetic acid. The temperature variation has not caused significant changes in the THAR performance. The next step was the development of experiments using five methanogenics HAIB reactors fed on synthetic wastewater simulating THAR effluent having superficial velocities from 10,4 cm/h to 52,0 cm/h and temperature from 15°C to 35°C. The results enabled the development of a statistical-empiric modeling to simulate the reactors performance using the liquid superficial velocities and the temperature operation as model variables. The model demonstrated a good agreement with the experimental values. The influence of the superficial velocities (vs) and temperature, in the substrate residual concentration (Sr) and in the first order (K1app) apparent kinetic constant was observed. Despite the K1app values have increased largely with vs, the Sr concentration also increased. These results permit to conclude that a minimum contact time between the microorganisms and the substrate may be necessary in such processes.

Finite element analysis of tubular track system

Verlinde, Karel Jef Stefaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Tubular Track (TT) railway system is a twin beam modular railway system consisting of two reinforced concrete (RC) beams on which steel rails are continuously supported. The beams are linked with galvanised steel gauge tie bars and continuously supported by soil foundations, and can be used to replace conventional sleeper and ballast railway support. The TT railway system has in the past been analysed with various analysis methods, but were found to obtain con icting results. The con icting results means that one of the analysis methods used for the analysis and design of TT railway sections is either an underestimation or overestimation of section displacements, forces, and stresses; or both methods could even be incorrect. The main emphasis of this investigation is therefore to develop and verify static and dynamic analysis methods and modeling techniques which can be used to simulate the TT railway system accurately. The results and models of the previous analyses are not explicitly investigated in this dissertation, but serve as a motivation for this investigation. The TT system is supported by several soil strata providing vertical support, but geometrically modeling the subgrade strata in the analysis models adds a high level of complexity, and is not feasible for general analysis where soil conditions are mostly unknown. The elastic foundation theory is therefore used to accurately simulate the interaction between beam and foundation and therefore su ciently simpli es the analysis models. Simpli cation of a subgrade foundation by simulating a soil sti ness supporting the TT beam is investigated and analysed by comparing nite element analysis (FEA) results of various soil models using parameters of four known soil formations currently in use at TT railway sections. The FEA of the subgrade formations indicates that there is a linear relationship between the modulus of subgrade reaction for a square plate bearing test and a rectangular, in nitely long plate representing the subgrade support for the TT beams. A square plate bearing test can therefore be performed on site and modi ed to represent the actual subgrade support sti ness of the TT railway structure, whereafter it can be used for the analysis and design of the TT system using one of the proposed analysis methods. The analysis models used range from simple theoretical models based on elastic foundation principles, to two-dimensional (2D) beam elements, and ultimately to complex three-dimensional (3D) solid nite element models. The models used for the analyses are the Single and Double Beam elastic foundation, PROKON 2D beams, ABAQUS 2D beams and ABAQUS 3D solid element models. The alternative analysis methods considered should provide a clear indication of which analysis methods are accurate and feasible for design of the TT system. An in-situ reference model with known de ections and design parameters speci c to a TT railway section is used to analyse the di erent analysis methods' accuracy and validity. The Double Beam, ABAQUS 2D and ABAQUS 3D models were found to provide very similar displacements, bending moments and shear forces for a static analysis, whereas the PROKON and Single Beam models provide unsatisfactory results. The PROKON beam model underestimates the bending moments and shear forces in the rail, and overestimates bending moments and shear forces in the RC beam by a considerably margin. This result can lead to the underdesigning of the rail which could possibly force the RC beam to be subjected to larger maximum bending moments and shear forces than for what it was originally designed for, thereby nullifying or possibly even exceeding the amount for which it was overdesigned. This e ectively accelerates material fatigue, which might be the possible cause of the small cracks in the RC beams which have been found on some TT railway sections, which is currently being investigated. A graphical user interface of the Double Beam method is provided for quick and e cient analysis. Empirical methods used to simulate the dynamic nature of a railway system are often used in the industry to simplify the dynamic loading by determining a dynamic amplitude factor (DAF) to be applied to a static load. An implicit dynamic FEA is therefore performed to obtain the DAF for the reference section, which is subsequently used for the comparison with in-situ de ection results. The results of dynamic analysis validates the proposed empirical analysis method, as the displacements obtained were very similar to actual eld test results, thereby also verifying the accuracy of the proposed analysis methods. The sensitivity of the TT system to design parameters is also investigated to indicate to which parameters the design is sensitive to and where small variations of these parameters require due consideration for future and analysis of the TT railway system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Tubular Track (TT) spoorweg stelsel is 'n dubbel balk modulêre treinspoor sisteem bestaande uit twee gewapende beton balke waarop staal spore voortdurend ondersteun word. Die balke word gekoppel deur gegalvaniseerde staal stawe vir laterale styfheid en word deurlopend ondersteun deur grond fondamente, en kan gebruik word om konvensionele dwarslêer en ballast spoorweg ondersteuning te vervang. Die TT spoorweg stelsel was in die verlede met verskeie analiseringsmetodes ontleed, maar het teenstrydige resultate gewerf. Die teenstrydige resultate beteken dat een van die analise metodes wat gebruik word vir die analisering en ontwerp van TT spoorweg seksies 'n onderskatting of oorskatting van verplasings, kragte, en spannings is; of beide metodes kan selfs verkeerd wees. Die hoofklem van hierdie ondersoek is dus die ontwikkeling en veri kasie van statiese en dinamiese analitiese metodes en modellering tegnieke wat gebruik kan word om die TT spoorweg stelsel akkuraat te simuleer. Die resultate en modelle van die vorige ontledings word nie uitdruklik in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek nie, maar dien as 'n motivering van hierdie ondersoek. Die TT stelsel word ondersteun deur verskeie grond strata wat vertikale ondersteuning verskaf, maar meetkundige modellering van die grond strata in die ontledingsmodelle veroorsaak 'n hoë vlak van kompleksiteit wat nie bruikbaar is vir algemene analises waar grondeienskappe meestal onbekend is. Die elastiese fondament teorie word daarom gebruik om die interaksie tussen die balk en die fondament akkuraat te simuleer, en vereenvoudig dus die analitiese modelle voldoende. Vereenvoudiging van 'n grond fondament deur 'n grond styfheid ondersteuning van die TT balk te simuleer is ondersoek en ontleed deur die resultate van eindige element analises van verskillende grond modelle te vergelyk. Bekende ontwerp parameters van vier bekend grondformasies wat tans gebruik word by TT spoorweg seksies word vir hierdie analises gebruik. Die eindige element analises van die grondformasies dui daarop aan dat daar 'n lineêre verwantskap tussen die modulus van grond reaksie vir 'n vierkantige plaat dratoets en 'n reghoekige, oneindige lang plaat dratoets bestaan. 'n Vierkantige plaat dratoets kan dus op terrein uitgevoer en aangepas word om die werklike styfheid van die grond ondersteuning van die TT spoorweg sisteem voor te stel. Die analitiese modelle wat gebruik word wissel van eenvoudige teoretiese modelle wat gebaseer is op elastiese fondament beginsels, twee-dimensionele (2D) balk elemente, asook komplekse driedimensionele (3D) soliede eindige element modelle. Die modelle wat gebruik is vir die ondersoek is die Enkel en Dubbel Balk elastiese fondament, PROKON 2D balke, ABAQUS 2D balke en ABAQUS 3D soliede element modelle. Hierdie reeks bied 'n duidelike aanduiding watter analiseringsmetodes akkuraat en haalbaar is vir die ontwerp van die TT stelsel. 'n In-situ verwysingsmodel met bekende de eksies en ontwerp parameters wat spesi ek is vir 'n TT spoorweg seksie word gebruik om die akkuraatheid en geldigheid van die verskillende analitiese metodes te analiseer. Die Dubbel Balk, ABAQUS 2D en ABAQUS 3D modelle verkry baie soortgelyke verplasings, buigmomente en skuifkragte vir 'n statiese analise, terwyl die PROKON en Enkel Balk modelle onbevredigende resultate verkry. Die PROKON model onderskat die maksimum buigmomente en skuifkragte in die staal spoor, en oorskat buigmomente en skuifkragte in die gewapende beton balk. Hierdie resultaat kan moontlik lei tot die onderontwerp van die staal spoor en dwing moontlik vir die gewapende beton balk om blootgestel te word aan groter buigmomente en skuifkragte as vir wat dit oorspronklik ontwerp is, en verontagsaam sodoende moontlik die kragte waarvoor dit oorontwerp is. Dit versnel e ektief materiaal vermoeiing, wat die moontlike oorsaak is van die klein krake wat gevind is in die gewapende beton balke op sommige TT spoorweg seksies wat tans ondersoek word. 'n Gra ese gebruikerskoppelvlak van die Dubbel Balk model is verskaf vir vinnige en doeltre ende ontleding. Empiriese metodes om die dinamiese aard van 'n spoorweg-stelsel te simuleer word dikwels gebruik in die bedryf om dinamiese belasting te vereenvoudig deur middel van die gebruik van 'n dinamiese amplitude faktor (DAF) wat op 'n statiese belasting aangewend word. 'n Implisiete dinamiese eindige element analise word dus uitgevoer om die DAF te ondersoek, wat daarna gebruik word vir die vergelyking met die in-situ de eksie resultate van die in-situ verwysingsmodel. Die resultate van die dinamiese analise bevestig dat die voorgestelde empiriese analise metode gebruik kan word, omdat die verplasings wat verkry baie soortgelyk was aan werklike veld toets resultate, en daardeur ook die veri ëring van die akkuraatheid van die voorgestelde analise metodes bewerkstellig. Die sensitiwiteit van die TT stelsel vir ontwerp parameters word ook ondersoek om aan te dui watter parameters die ontwerp voor sensitief is, en waar klein variasie in hierdie ontwerp parameters behoorlike oorweging vereis vir die toekomstige analisering en ontwerp van die TT spoorweg stelsel.

The molecular basis for ER tubule formation

Brady, Jacob Peter January 2015 (has links)
Integral membrane proteins of the DP1 and reticulon families are responsible for maintaining the high membrane curvature required for both smooth ER tubules and the edges of ER sheets. Mutations in these proteins lead to motor neurone diseases such as hereditary spastic paraplegia. Reticulon/DP1 proteins contain Reticulon Homology Domains (RHD) that have unusually long (≈30 aa) hydrophobic segments and are proposed to adopt intramembrane helical hairpins that stabilise membrane curvature. I have uncovered the secondary structure and dynamics of the DP1 protein Yop1p and identified a C-terminal conserved amphipathic helix that on its own interacts strongly with negatively charged membranes and is necessary for membrane tubule formation. Analyses of DP1 and reticulon family members indicate that most, if not all, contain C-terminal sequences capable of forming amphipathic helices. Together, these results indicate that amphipathic helices play a previously unrecognised role in RHD membrane curvature stabilisation. This work paves the way towards full structure determination of Yop1p by solution state NMR and marks the first high structural resolution study on an RHD protein.

Charakterizace a chemická modifikace halloysitů / Characterisation and chemical modification of halloysites

Vašutová, Vlasta January 2010 (has links)
Twelve halloysites from different sources in Slovakia, Turkey, China, New Zealand and U.S.A. have been characterized by combination of analytical methods together with the commercial sample of halloysite supplied by Sigma-Aldrich. The aim of this work was to select suitable candidates for to be used as carriers of porphyrine photoactive molecules. In nature, the formation of halloysite is related to the weathering of magmatic rocks or to the hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks, frequently in the contact with limestones. Halloysite belong to the kaolinite group, but, contrarily to kaolinite, it contains molecules of water in the interlayer space. It occurs in two forms: hydrated halloysite (10 ?) and dehydrated halloysite (7 ?).Dehydrated halloysites contain more admixtures than hydrated ones ? typically kaolinite, quartz, cristobalite, alunite, gibbsite and in one case also potassium mica. In samples containing both dehydrated halloysite and kaolinite their 001 diffractions overlap. Interaction with formamide was used in these cases to increase the interlayer space of halloysite and thus shift its basal diffraction to lower angles. The basal 001 diffraction of kaolinite after this treatment remains on 7 ?. Silver thiourea method (AgTU) was used to measure the cationic exchange capacity (CEC). Silver...

"Avaliação da contaminação da água subterrânea de poços tubulares, por combustíveis fósseis, no município de Santo André, São Paulo: Uma contribuição à gestão ambiental" / EVALUATION OF UNDERGROUND WATER CONTAMINATION OF TUBULAR WELLS, BY FUELS OIL IN SANTO ANDRÉ CITY, SÃO PAULO STATE: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

Mindrisz, Ana Copat 19 June 2006 (has links)
A contaminação de águas subterrâneas por hidrocarbonetos provenientes de postos de abastecimento de combustível tem sido objeto de crescente preocupação dos organismos ambientais de todo o mundo. Os compostos Benzeno, Tolueno, Etilbenzeno e Xilenos (BTEX), presentes nesses combustíveis, são extremamente tóxicos à saúde humana e podem inviabilizar a exploração de aqüíferos por eles contaminados e conseqüentemente os poços utilizados para abastecimento. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um diagnóstico da qualidade da água, com informações e análises, com o objetivo de retratar a situação dos poços artesianos destinados ao abastecimento de água, doméstico e comercial, na área urbana do município de Santo André, São Paulo. Foram avaliadas a presença dos micro poluentes BTEX, após a ocorrência de vazamentos de gasolina de tanques de armazenamento de combustível próximos a estes poços, em diferentes locais do município. Foram avaliados também parâmetros físico-químicos (cor, turbidez e cloro residual) bem como os elementos-traço, metais e os ânions fluoreto, sulfato, cloreto, nitrato e fosfato, como também os bacteriológicos (coliformes totais e termotolerantes, bactérias heterotróficas). Na definição dos locais amostrados, procurou-se primeiramente avaliar a série histórica de contaminação ambiental por postos de gasolina, avaliando o conjunto de informações do órgão ambiental do Estado e a representatividade espacial do problema. Para gerenciamento da qualidade da água subterrânea foi adotada a metodologia utilizada pela Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB), sendo realizado uma identificação prévia de Áreas Potenciais (AP) de contaminação, organizando um banco de dados sobre lixões e locais abandonados; cadastramento dos postos de serviço e poços utilizados pela população e inventário industrial com plantas ativas e abandonadas, levando-se em consideração o porte e a geração de resíduos (com o SEMASA), dessa forma priorizando os locais de monitoramento. Foi feito um cadastro dos locais e realizada uma investigação preliminar das áreas suspeitas. A amostragem e o monitoramento foram realizados e os resultados foram comparados com os valores orientadores para água subterrânea estabelecidos pela CETESB. Os resultados mostraram que nos doze poços avaliados, não foram encontrados valores de BTEX acima do permitido pela Portaria 518/2004 do Ministério de Saúde, em que o teor máximo permitido para o benzeno é de 5 µg L-1. Foi observado que em três poços há contaminação por nitrato, que é responsável pela indução da metaemoglobinemia. Foram avaliados também os possíveis processos ou mecanismos de remediação natural (biodegradação) ou induzida. / The contamination of underground waters by hydrocarbons originated from gas stations has been object of increasing preoccupation in environmental organization all over the world. The organic compounds Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX), present in these fuels, are extremely toxic to human health and could make impracticable the exploration of these contaminated waters by these kinds of pollutants and consequently the gasoline wells used for this purpose. In this work, it was carried out a diagnosis of the water quality with information and analyses, with the goals to snap shot the situation of the wells destinated to domestic and commercial supply of water in the urban area of Santo André city, São Paulo state. There have been evaluated the presence of micron pollutants BTEX, after contamination due to leaks in fuel storage tanks close to the wells, in different places of the city. The physical chemistry parameters like color, turbidity and residual chlorine were also evaluated as well as trace elements, metals, anions like fluorine, sulphates, chlorine, nitrates and phosphates and bacteriological (total coliphorms, themostable coliphorms, heterotrophic bacterias). On definition of the sampling area, it was sought, at first, the evaluation of environmental contaminations historical series by gas stations, evaluating the set of information available at government environmental organizations and spacial representativety of the problem. For administration of the underground water quality it was adopted the methodology used by Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB), being accomplished a previous identification of contamined potencial areas and organizing a data base on landfills disposal and negleted places; registration of gas station services and, wells used by the population, industrial inventory with active and negleted maps taking into consideration the size and residues generation (such as SEMASA), prioritizing in this way the monitoring places. It was made registrations of places and preliminary investigation of suspicious areas was accomplished. The sampling and monitoring were carried out and the results were compared with the standard values for underground water that are established by CETESB. The results showed that in the twelve wells evaluated were not found values of BTEX above the recommended by Law 518/2004 of the Health Ministry in which the allowed value for benzene is 5 µg L-1. It was observed that three of the twelve wells studied were contamined with nitrate, which is responsible for Methemoglobinemia induction. They were appraised also the processes or mechanisms of natural (biodegradation) or induced remediation.

Estudo da soldabilidade do tubo API 5L X80 utilizando os processos de soldagem eletrodo revestido e MAG com transferência controlada na raiz e enchimento com arame tubular autoprotegido. / Study of weldability of API 5L X80 steel pipe using the welding processes of shielded metal arc welding and GMAW-CT in the root pass and self shielded flux cored in filling and finishing passes.

Soeiro Junior, Jaime Casanova 05 April 2013 (has links)
Na indústria de petróleo e gás as tubulações são formas eficientes de transportar esses produtos ou seus derivados das regiões de exploração para as refinarias e em alguns casos até o consumidor. O principal tipo de aço utilizado na fabricação dessas tubulações são os aços ARBL que devido à boa relação entre resistência à tração e tenacidade a baixas temperaturas geram uma boa relação custo/benefício na utilização e na montagem de tubulações. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre a soldabilidade do tubo API 5L X80 construído com aço ARBL. Os corpos-de-prova utilizados foram anéis de 508 mm de diâmetro externo com espessura de parede de 19,0 mm. A soldagem foi executada com o processo eletrodo revestida no experimento 1, em um par de anéis, e o outro par de anéis foi soldado, na raiz, com o processo de soldagem MAG-TC e nos passes de enchimento e acabamento foi utilizado o processo arame tubular auto-protegido. Os resultados dos ensaios de resistência à tração, dobramento lateral e de Nick-Break demonstram que ambos os procedimentos de soldagem são qualificados pela norma API 1104. Associando o resultado do ensaio de Charpy V a 0°C e associando-o a quantificação das frações volumétricas de microconstituintes MA e a caracterização microestrutural é possível observar que os valores de energia absorvida na ZAC tem maior relação com o mecanismo de refino de grão, que melhora os valores obtidos, do que com a quantidade de fração volumétrica do microconstituinte MA. / In the oil and gas industries, pipelines are efficient ways of transporting these products, or its derivatives, from exploration regions to refineries and, in some cases, up to the final consumer. The main type of steel used in manufacturing these pipelines are HSLA steels that, due to the good relationship between tensile strength and toughness at low temperatures, create a cost/benefit ratio in the use and installation of these pipelines. This paper presents a study on the weldability of API 5L X80 HSLA pipe steel. The samples used were pipe rings with 508 mm outside diameter and a wall thickness of 19.0 mm. The root welding process was performed using SMAW in Experiment 1 with filing and finishing passes with SMAW. In the second experiment, the root pass were welded with GMAW-CT, and filling and finishing passes with FCAW-SS. Tensile test results, lateral bending tests and \'Nick-Break\' tests showed that both welding procedures were qualified according to API 1104 Standard. Associating these results with Charpy V test at 0°C and with quantification of volume fractions of MA microconstituent is possible to observe that the values of absorbed energy in the HAZ are more closely related to the mechanism of grain refinement, which improves the values obtained with the volume fraction of the amount of microconstituent MA.

Contribuição ao estudo das estruturas metálicas espaciais / Contribution to the study of space steel structures

Souza, Alex Sander Clemente de 29 April 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as estruturas metálicas espaciais abordando os seguintes aspectos: histórico e desenvolvimento, tipos, vantagens do sistema tridimensional e comportamento estrutural. Atenção especial é dispensada às tipologias de treliças espaciais mais comuns no Brasil, formadas por tubos circulares com variações de inércia nas extremidades. A influência da variação de inércia nas extremidades das barras no comportamento destes elementos isoladamente (resistência à compressão) e comportamento global da estrutura, foi estudada via elementos finitos. Descrevem-se vários sistemas de ligações patenteados utilizados em outros países e os comumente usados no Brasil. Apresentam-se resultados experimentais e teóricos de uma treliça espacial com dimensões em planta de 7,5 x 7,5 m. Na análise teórica foram considerados a variação de inércia nas barras e os efeitos da não linearidade geométrica. Analisou-se também, com as mesmas considerações anteriores, modelos de treliças espaciais de dimensões maiores que o modelo ensaiado. / This work presents a study of space steel structures including the following aspects: history and development, types, advantages of three-dimensional system and structural behaviour. It is given special attention to the most common types of space trusses in Brazil, composed of tubular sections bars with flattened ends. The influence of the variable stiffness on each element\'s behaviour (compressive strength) and on the global structural behaviour has been studied with the use of finite elements. Various patent connection systems used in other countries and those commonly used in Brazil are described. Experimental and theoretical results of a 7,5 m-long by 7,5 m-wide space truss are presented. In the theoretical analysis, variable stiffness and effects of geometrical non-linearity have been considered. Still applying the above considerations, larger space truss models have been also analysed.

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