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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nano-objets tout organiques pour la thérapie photodynamique biphotonique / soft organic nanoparticles for two photon photodynamic therapy

Sourdon, Aude 16 December 2013 (has links)
La thérapie photodynamique est fondée sur l’activation sélective par la lumière de médicaments appelés photosensibilisateurs. Non toxique en l’absence d’excitation lumineuse, le photosensibilisateur est capable, une fois excité, de transférer son énergie pour former de l’oxygène singulet qui induit la mort de la cellule. L’utilisation d’une excitation biphotonique offre de nouvelles perspectives pour la thérapie photodynamique du cancer. En effet, la dépendance quadratique de l’absorption à deux photons (ADP) avec l’intensité du laser permet une très grande sélectivité spatiale, ce qui rend possible un traitement plus sélectif des tumeurs, et la lumière infra-rouge utilisée permet le traitement de tumeurs plus profondes. Dans ce travail, nous avons développé une famille de nano-objets tout organiques pour la thérapie photodynamique biphotonique. Ils présentent des sections efficaces d’ADP très élevées dans la gamme spectrale d’intérêt biologique et leur efficacité a été démontrée in vitro. / Photodynamic therapy is based on the selective activation by light of drugs called photosensitizers. Non-toxic in the absence of excitation light, the photosensitizer is able, upon excitation, to transfer energy to produce singlet oxygen, which induces cell death. Two-photon excitation offers new perspectives for photodynamic therapy of cancer. Indeed, the quadratic dependence of two-photon absorption (TPA) with the laser intensity allows high spatial selectivity, which enables a more selective treatment of tumors, and the use of infrared light allows treatment of deeper tumors. In this work, we have developed a family of fully organic nano-objects for two-photon photodynamic therapy. They exhibit very high TPA cross-sections in the biological spectral range of interest and their efficiency has been demonstrated in vitro.

Elaboration of fluorescent molecular probes and molecular-based nanoparticles for bioimaging purposes / Elaboration de sondes moléculaires fluorescentes et de nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes pour l’imagerie du vivant

Mastrodonato, Cristiano Matteo 31 August 2017 (has links)
Les techniques de fluorescence sont des outils de choix pour l’étude et la compréhension fine des processus biologiques. Ceci requiert toutefois l’utilisation de sondes fluorescentes parfaitement adaptées au but visé et répondant aux différentes exigences requises pour l’application visée. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés à l’élaboration de sondes biphotoniques de pH adaptées à une mesure très sensible de faibles variations de pH autour du pH neutre. Les variations et gradients de pH sont en effet impliqués dans un certain nombre de processus biologiques importants et peuvent être associées à des dysfonctionnements liés à certaines maladies. Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes de pH fluorescentes présentant à la fois un comportement ratiométrique, une forte sensibilité autour du pH neutre et facilement excitables dans le proche IR par absorption à deux photons. Ces sondes de structure quadrupolaire et bolamamphiphile permettent ainsi la détection ratiométrique du pH dans des environnements biologiques au moyen d'une excitation biphotonique dans le proche IR. En parallèle, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’élaboration de nanoparticules hyperbrillantes dédiées à l’imagerie biologique par microscopie de fluorescence induite par excitation à deux photons. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement attachées au design de nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes constituées de molécules organiques de bas poids moléculaire (FONs). Cette approche offre en effet une grande flexibilité et la possibilité d’accéder à des nanosondes ayant des brillances comparables aux très populaires quantum dots mais moins toxiques et plus facilement dégradables. L’ingénierie moléculaire des fluorophores utilisés pour la préparation des FON est cruciale puisqu’elle influence fortement à la fois les propriétés photophysiques (brillance, couleur…) et leur propriétés physico-chimiques (stabilité chimique et structurale, stabilité colloïdale). Dans ce contexte, une librairie de nouveaux chromophores dipolaires a été synthétisée et utilisées pour la préparation de FON par la méthode de nano-précipitation. Leurs propriétés ont été étudiées afin de déterminer la relation entre la structure du chromophore et les propriétés globales des nanoparticules constituées de ces colorants. Ce travail a permis d’identifier les paramètres structuraux permettant d’accéder à des nanoparticules présentant à la fois une brillance exceptionnelle, une émission modulable du vert au rouge et proche IR et une remarquable stabilité colloïdale. Ces nanoparticules présentent des potentialités majeures pour l’imagerie in vivo par excitation et détection dans le proche IR. / Fluorescence-based techniques are popular tools for the study and understanding of biological processes. This has prompted continuous research aimed at the development of a wide range of fluorescent probes specifically designed for specific applications. Among them, fluorescent pH probes are of much interest as pH variations or gradients are involved in many biological events and anomalous alterations are often related to the onset of dysfunctions and diseases. In this framework we have developed a series of promising two-photon pH fluorescent molecular probes. These quadrupolar bolaamphiphilic probes are of great interest, as they combine a steep pH dependence of their optical properties close to neutral pH, ratiometric behavior and large response to two-photon (2P) excitation in the NIR region. As such they offer much promise for ratiometric detection of the pH in biological environments and in situ monitoring of acidification. In parallel, we have been interest in the design of ultrabright nanoparticles for bioimaging purpose (in particular highly sensitive optical imaging). We chose to focus on Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles made of organic molecules with low molecular weight (FONs) as they offer a flexible route and promising alternatives to toxic quantum dots. In this case the design of the dye used as building blocks of the FONs is of crucial importance and strongly influence the chemical and physical properties of the nanoparticles generated, such as their one and two-photon brightness and both their structural and colloidal stability. In that context a library of novel dipolar chromophores have been synthesized and used to prepare FONs using the nanoprecipitation method. Their properties were thoroughly investigated in order to determine the relationship between the molecular design of the isolated dye and the overall properties of the nanoparticles made of these dyes. As a result, Hyperbright FONs emitting in the green to NIR region and combining giant brightness and remarkable stability have been achieved. They offer major promise for bioimaging based on both excitation and detection in the NIR region.

Design and synthesis of ultra-bright organic nanoparticles (ONPs) for bioimaging / Elaboration et caractérisation de nanoparticules ultra-brillantes, fonctionnalisées et biocompatibles, pour applications en biologie et en médecine

Pagano, Paolo 06 July 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation de nano-objets luminescents en milieu biologique est devenue très répandue, notamment en vue d’applications biomédical est elles que l’imagerie, la thérapie et le diagnostic. Jusqu’à récemment, les principaux travaux réalisés dans ce domaine concernaient les nanoparticules de silice dopées ou fonctionnalisées avec des molécules organiques, les nanoparticules d’or et les nanoparticules semi-conductrices (quantum dots, i.e., QDs). Toutefois, un certain nombre de limitations demeurent pour les applications dans le domaine du vivant, en lien notamment avec des problèmes de stabilité, de biocompatibilité et de toxicité ou encore de biodégradabilité. En parallèle,un certain nombre de molécules organiques fluorescentes non-toxiques ont été utilisées comme sondes fluorescentes en milieu biologique, mais leur brillance demeure limitée. L’idée directrice de la thèse est de concevoir et synthétiser de nouveaux chromophores organiques présentant une émission modulable (du visible au proche infrarouge) et adaptés à la préparation de nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes (FONs) combinant à la fois une brillance extrêmement élevée, une excellente stabilité colloïdale et une photostabilité adaptée à leur utilisation en imagerie in vitro et in vivo. De tels nanoobjets ultra-brillants pourraient alors représenter une alternative très intéressante aux nanoparticules actuellement les plus utilisées en imagerie de fluorescence du vivant (QDs). Le manuscrit décrit la synthèse et les propriétés de plusieurs classes de molécules fluorescentes spécifiquement conçues pour former des telles FONS par auto-assemblage dans l’eau. La préparation de ces FONs est présentée et leurs propriétés étudiées et discutées. Enfin des applications concrètes en bio-imagerie sont présentées. / Nowadays the use of bright luminescent nano-objects in biological environment is a topic that is gaining more and more importance, especially for biomedical applications such as imaging, the rapyand diagnostic. So far, numerous studies have been conducted with gold nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles (doped or functionalized with organic molecules), as well as semiconductor nanoparticles (quantum dots, i.e., QDs). However, most of these nanoparticles suffer from drawbacks (in terms of stability, biocompatibility, eco-toxicity or degradability). On the other hand, several nontoxic fluorescent molecular probes have been widely used, but most of the time their brightness remain modest in biological environments compared to QDs. Our idea is to engineer new organicchromophores with tunable emission wavelength (from visible to near infrared) for further preparation of organic fluorescent nanoparticles (so called FONs) that display giant one-photon and two-photonbrightness, as well as good colloidal and chemical stability, and suitable photostability for in vitro andin vivo imaging. As such, these FONs would represent interesting alternatives to QDs for use in bioimaging. This manuscript describes the synthesis and characterization of new classes of fluorescent molecules specifically engineered as building blocks for the fast preparation of such nanoparticles byself-aggregation in water. The FONs were fully characterized from both morphological and photophysical points of view and further used in bioimaging.

Fabricação de microambientes para crescimento celular utilizando polimerização via absorção de dois fótons / Fabrication of micro-environments to study cell growth by two-photon absorption polymerization

Salas, Oriana Ines Avila 25 November 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, demonstramos a fabricação de microambientes tridimensionais para investigar o crescimento celular. Inicialmente, desenvolvemos um sistema de microfabricação que utiliza fotopolimerização via absorção de dois fótons, com o qual se pode fabricar um conjunto de microestruturas com formas e espaçamentos pré-determinados. Este sistema de fabricação utiliza pulsos de femtossegundos, provenientes de um laser de Ti:safira operando em 790 nm. A intensidade destes pulsos é alta o bastante para induzir a absorção de dois fótons no fotoiniciador, o qual é responsável por promover a polimerização em uma resina acrílica. A natureza não linear da absorção de dois fótons confina a excitação ao volume focal, permitindo a fabricação de estruturas tridimensionais com alta resolução espacial. Para a obtenção dos microambientes, foi necessário o desenvolvimento de um sistema opto-mecânico de movimentação, tanto do feixe quando do substrato da amostra. Com esta técnica, fabricamos microambientes compostos de estruturas com diferentes formas (paralelepípedos, cilindros e cones) e espaçamentos, os quais foram caracterizados através de microscopia óptica e eletrônica. Para demonstrar a viabilidade destes microambientes para a investigação do crescimento celular, estes foram utilizados para monitorar o desenvolvimento da célula Michigan Cancer Foundation-7 (MCF-7), uma linhagem celular de adenocarcinoma de mama que apresenta fenótipo tumoral amplamente utilizada como modelo de estudo para câncer de mama. Observamos, via microscopia óptica de transmissão e fluorescência, o desenvolvimento das células MCF-7 nos distintos microambientes. Nossos resultados indicam uma melhor aderência e, portanto, desenvolvimento celular nas microestruturas cilíndricas. Observamos ainda uma maior densidade de células nos microambientes com estruturas separadas de 12 µm, a qual diminui com o aumento do espaçamento, de tal forma que para o microambiente com 30 µm, por exemplo, poucas células são observadas. Portanto, nossos resultados demonstram que os microambientes desenvolvidos são viáveis para estudos mais aprofundados em biologia celular, com potenciais aplicações em engenharia de tecido. / In this work we have demonstrated the fabrication of tridimensional microenvironments for the investigation of cell growth. Initially we have developed a two-photon absorption photopolymerization microfabrication system, which allows producing a set of microstructures with predetermined forms and spacing. This fabrication system uses femtosecond pulses from a Ti: sapphire laser operating at 790 nm. These pulses are intense enough to induce two-photon absorption by the photoinitiator, that is responsible for promoting the polymerization in an acrylic resin. The nonlinear nature of the two-photon absorption confines the excitation to the focal volume, allowing the fabrication of tridimensional structures with high spatial resolution. In order to obtain the microenvironments, it was necessary to develop a movement system for both the laser beam and the sample substrate. With this technique we have fabricated microenvironments composed by structures with different geometries (parallelepipeds, cylinders and cones) and spacing, which were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopes. To demonstrate the feasibility of the microenvironments for the investigation of cell growth, the samples were used to monitor de development of the Michigan Cancer Foundation-7 cell (MCF-7), a lineage of breast adenocarcinoma that has a tumoral phenotype and is highly used as a model in breast cancer studies. We have observed, through conventional optical and fluorescence microscopy, the growth of the MCF-7 cells in the various microenvironments. Our results indicate a better adhesion and, therefore, better development of cells on the cylindrical microstructures. We also observe a higher cell density in the microenvironments with microstructures having a spacing of 12 µm, which reduces as the distance between microstructures increases, in such a way that for the microenvironment with 30 µm spacing, for example, just a few cells are observed. Thus, our results demonstrate that the produced microenvironments are applicable in deeper studies in microbiology, with potential application in tissue engineering.

Estudo e aplicações do fenômeno de absorção de dois fótons em moléculas azo-aromáticas / Studies and applications of two-photon absorption in azo-aromatic molecules

Neves, Ubaldo Martins das 16 August 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos o processo de absorção de dois fótons em compostos azoaromáticos, abordando tanto aspectos fundamentais quanto aplicados. Moléculas azo-aromáticos têm recebido especial atenção nos últimos anos devido as suas potencias aplicações em dispositivos para armazenamento óptico de informação, modulação da luz e geração de relevos em superfície, processes estes associados ao mecanismo de foto isomerização. Os trabalhos apresentados nessa tese tiveram como principal foco explorar o fenômeno de absorção de dois fótons, utilizando a propriedade de foto-isomerização das moléculas azo-aromáticas. Nosso objetivo foi estudar as vantagens que podem ser obtidas pela utilização de pulsos intensos de luz, que interagem de maneira não linear com a matéria, para desenvolver aplicações utilizando compostos azo-aromáticos. Inicialmente, estudamos o processo de absorção de dois fótons em uma nova família de compostos azo-aromáticos, denominados Salen Dyes. Investigamos a influencia da presença de íons metálicos no processo de absorção de dois fótons dessas moléculas. Nossos resultados mostraram que, devido a ausência de conjugação entre as estruturas azo-aromáticas conectadas pelo metal, este tem pouca influência no processo não linear estudado. Pelo uso de um modelo de soma de estado para a seção de choque de absorção de dois fótons, fomos capazes de determinar os momentos de dipolo de transição destas moléculas. Em seguida, implementamos uma técnica para estudar o processo de armazenamento óptico, induzido através da orientação molecular dos compostos azo-aromáticos, via absorção de dois fótons. Observamos que de fato é possível se observar birrefringência induzida por dois fótons nestas moléculas, a qual esta confinada ao volume focal, conforme demonstrado pela obtenção de armazenamento tri-dimensional. Finalmente, exploramos o processo de controle coerente via formatação de pulsos ultra-curtos para manipular o processo de birrefringência induzida por dois fótons em compostos azo-aromáticos. Foi demonstrado que apenas a através da manipulação da fase do pulso ultra-curto, é possível modular a birrefringência induzida em filmes de compostos azo-aromáticos. / Here we investigated fundamental and applied aspects of the two-photon absorption process in azoaromatic compounds. Azoaromatic molecules have been studied in the last few years due to their applications in optical storage devices, light modulators and surface relief gratings, processes related to the photo-isomerization mechanism. The main focus of the results presented in this thesis was to explore the two-photon absorption process, taking advantage of the intrinsic photo-isomerization of the azo-aromatic chromophores. Our main goal was to study the advantages of utilizing intense pulses, which promote nonlinear excitation, to develop application with azo-aromatic compounds. Initially, we studied the two-photon absorption process in a new class of azo-aromatic compounds, named Salen Dyes. We investigated the influence of metal ions, presented in the Salen Dyes structure, on the two-photon absorption spectrum. Our results revealed that the metals have practically no influence in the nonlinear optical properties due to the lack of conjugation between the azo-moieties in the Salen Dyes. Through a theoretical model based on a sum-over-states calculation, we were able to determine the transition dipole moment of these molecules. Subsquently, we implememnted a technique to study the two-photon induced birefringence, resulting from the molecular re-orientation, in azo-aromatic compounds. We observed that the two-photon induced birefringence is confined to the focal volume, s demonstrated in a three dimensional optical storage experiment. Finally, we used coherent control processes to manipulate the two-photon induced birefringence in azo-compounds. It was demonstrated that it is possible to modulate the optically induced birefringence by manipulating the phase of the ultra-short pulses, via pulse shaping techniques.

Ressonância de Fano na absorção de dois fótons em defeitos cristalinos / Fano ressonances in the two photon absorption of defects in solids

Souza, Gabriel Pinto de 18 January 1984 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos a forma de linha na absorção de dois fotons nas transições 4f7 de defeitos cristalinos superpostas com bandas de absorção multifonons. Escrevemos o perfil de linha sob a forma de Fano. O íon em estudo é Eu++ como defeito em um cristal de CaF2. Apresentamos o desenvolvimento da instrumentação necessária para realização do experimento, e obtemos resultados de ótima qualidade. / In this work we study the absorption of two photons in the electronic transition within the 4f 7configuration wich is superposed to the vibronic structure of 4f 7 - 4f65d transition. We describe the line shape with the Fano\'s formalism. The study was carried out on Eu+2 doped CaF2. The experimental apparatus was build and the results obtained are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions.

"Estudo da birrefringência fotoinduzida por um e dois fótons em compostos azoaromáticos da família salen". / "One and two-photon induced birefringence in Salen dye cast films"

Cardoso, Marcos Roberto 22 July 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos resultados de birrefringência opticamente induzida via absorção de um e dois fótons em filmes casting de poli (metil metacrilato) (PMMA), contendo uma nova série de compostos azoaromáticos chamados de corantes Salen, os quais podem ser usados em aplicações de memória óptica. Para a birrefringência opticamente induzida por um fóton, foi necessário um tempo de escrita maior para os compostos com metal na estrutura em comparação com o composto Salen que não contém metal, provavelmente devido a agregações do grupo azoaromático na estrutura do polímero diminuindo a mobilidade molecular. Além disso, como uma novidade em memórias ópticas deste tipo, birrefringência opticamente induzida por dois fótons pôde ser realizada nos filmes de Salen, o que pode permitir sua aplicação em memória óptica tridimensional. / In this work we present the one- and two-photon optically induced birefringence in cast films of amorphous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), containing a new series of organometallic azoaromatic compounds, referred to as Salen dyes, which may be used in optical storage applications. For the one-photon optically induced birefringence, longer writing times were required for the organometallic compounds in comparison with the nonmetal one, probably due to the higher degree of aggregation in the azoaromatic moieties that precludes molecular orientation. Furthermore, as a novelty concerning optical storage, two-photon optically induced birefringence could be achieved in the Salen dyes guest-host films, which allows their application in three-dimensional optical memories.

Design and synthesis of molecular nanotools for bioimaging and two-photon induced photorelease / Conception et synthèse d’objets moléculaires nanométriques pour la bio imagerie et le photo clivage par absorption à deux photons

Cueto Díaz, Eduardo 16 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse, nous introduisons le concept de nanodot organique (OND) comme une alternative aux quantum dots (QDs). Ces nano émetteurs «tout organique» sont préparés par synthèse bottom-up et contrôle,à l’échelle du nanoobjet, de la réponse optique par confinement du chromophore au sein d’une structure dendritique. Ceci conduit à des nanoobjets présentant une brillance exceptionnelle à un ou deux photons en faisant des composés d’intérêt majeur pour l’imagerie in vivo. Le deuxième chapitre décrit la synthèse et la caractérisation de la première famille d’OND hydrophiles. Deux types d’absorbeurs à deux photons ont été sélectionnés car présentant des propriétés optiques et des structures différentes. Ensuite, l’hydro solubilité a été assurée par l’accrochage de groupes H2N(CH2)2NEt2 à la périphérie. Dans les chapitres 3 et 4, nous proposons une alternative aux OND cationiques par greffage de chaîne polyéthylèneglycol à la périphérie. Ceci améliore la solubilité et la biocompatibilité. Un OND hydrosoluble bimodal pouvant être utilisé en IRM du19Fet imagerie de fluorescence est également préparé. Dans ce chapitre l’étude par RMN et par imagerie confocale de trois dendrimères à cœur cyclophosphazène est également décrite. Finalement, le chapitre 5 décrit la préparation de systèmes synergique agissant en tandem pour la photo libération d’un substrat «en cage». Nous avons démontré qu’en combinant une antenne collectrice avec des unités encagées,il est possible d’obtenir une libération efficace de molécules actives. Par ingénierie moléculaire nous avons préparé trois systèmes synergiques différents: (i) Une triade symétrique basée sur un chromophore portant des chaîne hydrophile TEG et connecté à unités PPG encageant une unité glutamate (ii) Une dyade comportant un chromophore et une unité PPG au sein d’une architecture phosphorée, finalement (iii) une unité dendritique portant une unité encageante et 5 absorbeurs à deux photons / In the first chapter of this dissertation, we introduce the concept of organic nanodot (OND) as an alternative to quantum dots (QDs).These purely organic nanoemitters are obtained from a rational and bottom-up route based on the control, at the single nano-object level, of the optical responses via the covalent confinement of optimized chromophores within dendrimericarchitectures. This led to tuneable nano-objects which show record one-and two-photon brightness and have been shown to be a major interest for in vivoimaging.The second chapter describes the synthesis and structural characterization of the first family of ONDwith hydrophilic properties. Two different 2P absorber modules were selected for this aim, displaying different structural and optical properties. Then, the water solubility will be ensured by linking H2N(CH2)2NEt2.at the periphery. In Chapter 3and 4we propose an alternative to the cationic ONDs by replacing the external layer, with polyethylene glycol (neutral). This synthetic approach favorsthe hydrosolubility, and the compatibility in biological environment. Awater-soluble organic nanodot-based probethat could be used for both 19F MRI and optical fluorescence imagingis alsoprepared. In the same chapter, confocal imaging and NMR studies of three types of dendrimers with a cyclotriphosphazene core are described.Finally, the aim of chapter 5is the synthesis of synergic systems acting in tandem for the photorelease of a caged substrate. We demonstrate that combining a light harvesting antenna group with uncaging subunits leads to the efficient release of active molecules. Molecular engineering allowed us to prepare three different synergic systems, (i) a symmetrical tandem triad structure, based on one chromophore bearing hydrophilic TEG chains, which is directly connected to two PPG units caging one molecule of glutamate respectively, (ii) a dyad system bearing one chromophore and one PPG in phosphorus scaffold, finally (iii) a dendritic scaffold bearing 6 available position that was coated both with one equivalent ofuncaging moietyand the remaining positions with 2P absorbing modules.

Novel diagnostic technologies for optical communication systems

Watts, Regan Trevor January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to develop novel technologies for measuring the physical characteristics of high-speed pulse trains, for use in performance monitoring applications. This thesis describes the development of three separate techniques that perform measurements in either the time domain, frequency domain or the phase space of the optical signal. The first section investigates phase-sensitive pulse measurement techniques. A high- resolution SHG-FROG apparatus was custom-designed to measure 40GHz RZ pulse trains, from which an operational characterisation of a Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) was realised. A numerical model of a nonlinear pulse compressor was developed to compress 40GHz RZ pulses from 8.5ps down to 3.4ps. These pulses were time-division multiplexed to 80GHz, and phase-retrievals of the 80GHz pulse trains were measured. A comparison between the techniques of SHG-FROG and linear spectrogram has been undertaken for 10GHz pulse sources, exposing SHG-FROG's weaknesses at this particular repetition rate. The second section investigates a simple, time-averaged, nonlinear detection technique. Two-photon absorption in a GaAs/InGaAs quantum-well laser diode was used to measure the duty cycle (and by extension, the pulse duration) of a range of pulse sources. This technique was further developed to measure the extinction ratio of NRZ pulse trains. Additionally, the pulse duration of a mode-locked laser source was measured using the nonlinear absorption in a 1-m length of As2Se3 Chalcogenide glass fiber. This demonstrates that the nonlinear properties of this glass may well find application in future instrumentation. The third section investigates the development of an ultra-high resolution swept heterodyne spectrometer. This spectrometer was used to spectrally-distinguish repetitive 8-bit NRZ patterns at 2.5Gbit/s. It was also used to measure the chirp parameter of an X-cut LiNbO3 MZM, revealing a chirp parameter of απ/2 < 0.1 across a modulation band- width of 250-2500MHz. Additionally, the distinctive CW spectrum of a DFB laser diode was measured. Analysis of the measured CW spectrum yielded a linewidth enhancement factor of α≃ 1.8 and also the relative intensity noise of the DFB laser diode.

Optische Spektroskopie zum Nachweis von Schimmelpilzen und deren Mykotoxine / Optical spectroscopy for the determination of mould and mycotoxins

Rasch, Claudia January 2010 (has links)
Gesunde sowie qualitativ hochwertige Nahrungsmittel sind wichtige Voraussetzungen, um einerseits die Lebensmittelsicherheit entlang der Wertschöpfungskette (Wachstum, Verarbeitung, Lagerung und Transport) und andererseits einen vorbeugenden Verbraucherschutz zu gewährleisten. Die Belastung der Nahrung mit Rückständen jeglicher Art war in letzter Zeit häufig Mittelpunkt heftiger öffentlicher Diskussionen. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass unter bestimmten Bedingungen durch Pilze gebildete Giftstoffe, so genannte Mykotoxine, die Ernteprodukte belasten und es bei deren Verzehr durch Menschen oder Tiere zu Vergiftungen kommen kann. Die FAO schätzt, dass etwa 25% der Weltproduktion von Nahrungsmitteln mit Mykotoxinen kontaminiert und in 20% der Getreideernte der Europäischen Union messbare Konzentrationen an Mykotoxinen detektierbar sind. Damit die Lebensmittelsicherheit weiterhin gewährleistet bleibt, werden neben den Routinemethoden schnellere und zerstörungsfreie Methoden benötigt, um die Lebensmittel direkt vor Ort auf Schimmelpilze und deren Mykotoxine zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit wird das Potenzial von ausgewählten optisch-basierten spektroskopischen Methoden für die in-situ bzw. in-line Detektion von Schimmelpilzen sowie Mykotoxinen in Getreide(produkten) untersucht. Es werden Absorptions- und Reflexionsmethoden einerseits und Fluoreszenztechniken andererseits eingesetzt. Die spektroskopischen Methoden werden dabei auf Proben unterschiedlicher Komplexität angewandt - beginnend mit der Untersuchung der photophysikalischen Eigenschaften der reinen Mykotoxine in Lösung über künstlich mit verschiedenen Mykotoxinen kontaminierten Getreideproben bis hin zu mit Pilzen befallenem Getreide und hochveredelte Lebensmittel (Wein und Bier) als Proben höchster Komplexität. / Problems of food safety have led to an increasing concern regarding contamination of foods and feeds with mycotoxins and the relevant toxigenic fungi, mainly Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium genera. There is a real need for rapid, sensitive and inexpensive sensors for the detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins, both in the field and after harvest in order to obtain real-time monitoring data on contamination and this assist in food safety assessment. This will result in an enormous cost saving to the farmers as well as to agro-food industry through the prevention and reduction of product recalls and reduced treatment costs. The German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has provided funding of more than 1.9 million Euros from July 2006 to December 2009 for the large joint project "ProSeso.net2" on the development of innovative sensor-based techniques and processes in the field of food quality and safety. In this research-project "Exploration of sustainability potentials by use of sensor-based technologies and integrated assessment models in the production chain of plant related food" 13 partners from universities, non-university institutions and industry cooperate within seven subprojects. The expected results shall contribute to maintain freshness and improve safety of the food production chain. In the subproject “Indicators and sensor technology for the identification of mycotoxin producing fungi in the processing of grain” spectroscopic methods are tested for in-situ and in-line detection of moulds and/or mycotoxins. This presentation focuses on some possible spectroscopic methods for the rapid detection of mycotoxins and fungi on grains. Methods based on one- and two-photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy are highly attractive because of their outstanding sensitivity and selectivity. In order to utilize a fluorescence technique for the analysis of the mycotoxins in food and feedstuff as well as for basic research on the fungal metabolism, the photochemistry and photophysics of the mycotoxins and fungi need to be elucidated in detail, especially the influence of solvent parameters such as polarity and pH value. Consequently, for a sensitive and selective spectroscopic analysis, it is indispensable to take the specific photophysic of the known mycotoxins into account in order to minimize serious limitations upon sensitivity, selectivity, and accuracy of a potential fluorescence-based sensing application. The spectroscopic techniques are complemented by chemometric tools (Principle Component Analysis) to extract the desired chemical information, e.g. with respect to presence of contaminations. The combination of data obtained from different spectroscopic methods (such as optimal excitation and emission wavelength, fluorescence decay times, and fluorescence quantum efficiency) on the one hand side and NIR spectroscopy on the other side shows promising results for the qualitative as well as quantitative identification of mycotoxins grains. Moreover, NIR reflectance spectra yield additional information on ingredients, moisture content, and the presence (or absence) of fungi in the sample.

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