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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche d’interactants du domaine immunosuppresseur des protéines d’enveloppe rétrovirales / Research of Interactors of the Immunosuppressive Domain of Retroviral Envelope Proteins

Malicorne, Sébastien 19 December 2018 (has links)
La plupart des virus ont développé des mécanismes de résistance ou de suppression du système immunitaire pour parvenir à infecter durablement leur hôte. Ces mécanismes demeurent encore imparfaitement connus. Un domaine immunosuppresseur (IS) a été identifié au niveau de la région transmembranaire des protéines d’enveloppe des rétrovirus endogènes ou infectieux. Ce domaine hautement conservé a été décrit par exemple comme inhibant l’activation lymphocytaire. Dans le laboratoire, il a été caractérisé en particulier via des expériences de rejet de cellules tumorales in vivo, ce qui a permis de définir des mutations inactivatrices. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de résistance des rétrovirus au système immunitaire, mes travaux de thèse ont porté sur l’identification de la ou des protéines capables d’interagir avec le domaine IS. Plusieurs approches cellulaires et moléculaires ont été développées, basées pour la plupart sur l’utilisation de sondes fluorescentes obtenues par synthèse chimique, constituées des domaines IS provenant de différents rétrovirus. Dans un premier temps, les cellules du système immunitaire qui lient les protéines virales ont été identifiées : les lymphocytes B et les cellules myéloïdes (monocytes, cellules dendritiques et macrophages). Dans un second temps, des expériences de co-immunoprécipitation et de chromatographie d’affinité couplées à la spectrométrie de masse ont été réalisées dans le but d’identifier sur ces cellules les protéines membranaires responsables de ces liaisons. Plusieurs agents de couplages chimiques ont été utilisés afin de maintenir les liaisons domaine IS - protéine de faibles affinités. En raison de résultats non-reproductibles obtenus au cours de ces expériences, des tests de liaison du domaine IS sur des cellules transfectées avec des banques d’ADNc, ou lors d’expériences de double hybride ont été réalisées. Ces deux approches ont permis d’identifier des protéines membranaires potentiellement impliquées dans la liaison du domaine IS : les protéines X1 et X2. Les co-transfections de vecteurs d’expression du domaine IS et de X2 ont mis en évidence des interactions protéiques au cours d’expériences de co-immunoprécipitation et de microscopie confocale, en particulier avec le domaine IS du rétrovirus HIV-1. Concernant X1, sa transfection induit la liaison cellulaire des domaines IS de HERV-W et MLV. En revanche, aucune interaction directe entre X1 et le domaine IS n’a pu être démontrée, notamment dans des expériences de co-immunoprécipitation et de microscopie confocale.La découverte des protéines membranaires qui interagissent avec le domaine IS demeure un enjeu critique pour la compréhension des voies de signalisation et de transcription qui permettent aux rétrovirus d’exercer leur effet sur le système immunitaire, l’objectif de ces travaux étant d’identifier à terme des nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques.En conclusion, même si des travaux complémentaires demeurent nécessaires, les protéines X1 et X2 pourraient contribuer à l’immunosuppression rétrovirale. / Most viruses have developed mechanisms of resistance or suppression of the immune system to achieve lasting infection of their host. These mechanisms are still imperfectly known. An immunosuppressive (IS) domain has been identified in the transmembrane region of envelope proteins of endogenous or infectious retroviruses. This highly conserved domain has been described, for example, as inhibiting lymphocyte activation. In the laboratory, it has been characterized by tumor cell rejection experiments in vivo, which has made it possible to define inactivating mutations. In order to better understand the mechanisms of resistance of retroviruses to the immune system, my thesis focused on the identification of the protein(s) interacting with the IS domain. Several cellular and molecular approaches have been developed, based for the most part on the use of fluorescent probes obtained by chemical synthesis, consisting of IS domains from different retroviruses. At first, immune system cells that bind viral proteins have been identified: B cells and myeloid cells (monocytes, dendritic cells and macrophages). In a second step, co-immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry were performed to identify on these cells the membrane proteins responsible for these bonds. Several chemical coupling agents have been used to prevent detachment of low affinity binding between proteins and the IS domain. Due to non-reproducible results obtained during these experiments, IS domain binding assays on cells transfected with cDNA libraries, or in double hybrid experiments were performed. These two approaches made it possible to identify membrane proteins potentially involved in the binding of the IS domain: the X1 and X2 proteins. Co-transfections of IS domain and X2 expression vectors demonstrated protein interactions in co-immunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy experiments, particularly with the IS domain of the HIV-1 retrovirus. Concerning X1, its transfection induces binding of the IS domains of HERV-W and MLV on cells membrane. On the other hand, no direct interaction between X1 and the IS domain could be demonstrated, especially in co-immunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy experiments.The discovery of membrane proteins that interact with the IS domain remains a critical issue for understanding the signaling and transcription pathways that allow retroviruses to exert their effect on the immune system, the aim of this work being to identify new therapeutic targets.In conclusion, although further work is still needed, the X1 and X2 proteins may contribute to retroviral immunosuppression.

An Omega-Based Bacterial One-Hybrid System for the Determination of Transcription Factor Specificity

Noyes, Marcus Blaine 20 March 2009 (has links)
From the yeast genome completed in 1996 to the 12 Drosophilagenomes published earlier this year; little more than a decade has provided an incredible amount of genomic data. Yet even with this mountain of genetic information the regulatory networks that control gene expression remain relatively undefined. In part, this is due to the enormous amount of non-coding DNA, over 98% of the human genome, which needs to be made sense of. It is also due to the large number of transcription factors, potentially 2,000 such factors in the human genome, which may contribute to any given network directly or indirectly. Certainly, one of the central limitations has been the paucity of transcription factor (TF) specificity data that would aid in the prediction of regulatory targets throughout a genome. The general lack of specificity data has hindered the prediction of regulatory targets for individual TFs as well as groups of factors that function within a common regulatory pathway. A large collection of factor specificities would allow for the combinatorial prediction of regulatory targets that considers all factors actively expressed in a given cell, under a given condition. Herein we describe substantial improvements to a previous bacterial one-hybrid system with increased sensitivity and dynamic range that make it amenable for the high-throughput analysis of sequence-specific TFs. Currently we have characterized 108 (14.3%) of the predicted TFs in Drosophilathat fall into a broad range of DNA-binding domain families, demonstrating the feasibility of characterizing a large number of TFs using this technology. To fully exploit our large database of binding specificities, we have created a GBrowse-based search tool that allows an end-user to examine the overrepresentation of binding sites for any number of individual factors as well as combinations of these factors in up to six Drosophila genomes (veda.cs.uiuc.edu/cgi-bin/gbrowse/gbrowse/Dmel4). We have used this tool to demonstrate that a collection of factor specificities within a common pathway will successfully predict previously validated cis-regulatory modules within a genome. Furthermore, within our database we provide a complete catalog of DNA-binding specificities for all 84 homeodomains in Drosophila. This catalog enabled us to propose and test a detailed set of recognition rules for homeodomains and use this information to predict the specificities of the majority of homeodomains in the human genome.

Mechanismus und Regulation der subzellulären Lokalisation von Saccharose-Synthase

Holtgräwe, Daniela L. 31 October 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Assoziation von Saccharose-Synthase (SUS) mit subzellulären Strukturen. Durch cDNA-Durchmusterungen konnten proteinogene Bindepartner von SUS sowie Aktin identifiziert und zum Teil verifiziert werden. Die dritte Isoform SuS3 aus Mais wurde auf molekularer Ebene identifiziert und das rekombinante Protein biochemisch charakterisiert. Trotz signifikanter Sequenzunterschiede zwischen den SUS-Isoformen, wurden ähnliche katalytische Eigenschaften und mögliche posttranslationale Modifikationen der Enzyme nachgewiesen, darunter die Redox-Modifikation der Enzymaktivität und das Potential zur reversiblen Phosphorylierung. Der Einfluss der Phoshorylierung von SUS auf dessen enzymatische und assoziative Aktivität wurde mittels mutagenisiertem Protein untersucht und zeigte kein stark verändertes Verhalten infolge der Mutationen. Eine metabolische Regulation der SUS-Aktin-Wechselwirkung durch Zucker konnte bestätigt und die katalytische Aktivität von SUS in Gegenwart von Aktin gezeigt werden. Assoziationsstudien von Aktin mit synthetischen Peptiden sowie immunologische Untersuchungen lieferten Hinweise für die Aktinbindedomäne in SUS. Co-Pelletierungsexperimente zeigten die Assoziation von SUS mit Mikrotubuli aus Rinderhirn. In vitro konkurriert SUS mit Aldolase um die Bindung an Miktotubuli. Als proteinogene Bindepartner von SUS wurden einige im Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel sowie im 26S-Proteasom-Komplex involvierte Proteine identifiziert. Ebenso wurde eine Glutathion-Peroxidase identifiziert, die ubiquitäre Transkriptakkumulation dokumentiert und die katalytische Aktivität des rekombinanten Proteins gezeigt. Eine weitere cDNA-Durchmusterung führte zur Identifikation verschiedener glykolytischer Enzyme als potentielle Interaktionspartner von Mais-Aktin sowie zu Bindepartnern, die nach Sequenzanalyse Domänen mit Homologien zu bekannten ABPs aus tierischen Organismen zeigten.

Localization of a Microsporidia ADAM (A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease Domain) Protein and Identification of Potential Binding Partners.

Jolly, Carrie E. 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Microsporidia are spore-forming, obligate intracellular pathogens typically associated with opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals. Treatment options for microsporidia infections in humans are limited and additional research is necessary to create better therapeutic agents. For many pathogenic organisms, adhesion to the host cell surface is a prerequisite for tissue colonization and invasion. Our previous research has demonstrated a direct relationship between adherence of microsporidia spores to the surface of host cells and infectivity in vitro. In an effort to better understand adherence, we have turned our attention to determining what proteins may be involved in this process. Examination of the Encephalitozoon cuniculi genome database revealed a gene encoding a protein with sequence homology to members of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family of type I transmembrane glycoproteins. The microsporidia ADAM (MADAM) protein is of interest because ADAMs are known to be involved in a variety of biological processes including cell adhesion, proteolysis, cell fusion, and signaling. The objectives for this study were to examine the localization of MADAM, analyze its potential involvement during adherence and/or host cell infection, and to identify potential binding partners or substrates. Through the use of immunoelectron transmission microscopy, we demonstrated that MADAM is localized to the surface exposed exospore, plasma membrane, and the polar sac-anchoring disk complex (a bell-shaped structure at the spore apex involved in the infection process). Location of MADAM within the exospore and polar sac-anchoring disk suggests that MADAM is in a position to facilitate spore adherence or host cell infection. Thus far, we have been unable to conclusively demonstrate that MADAM is involved in either event. Through the use of a yeast two-hybrid system, we were able to identify polar tube protein 3 (PTP3) as a potential binding partner or substrate for the MADAM protein. The interaction between MADAM and PTP3 was confirmed by in vitro co-immunoprecipitation. PTP3 is hypothesized to be involved in the process of polar tube extrusion by stabilizing the interaction between PTP1-PTP2 polymers. Further analysis of the interaction between MADAM and PTP3 may lead to a better understanding of the events that occur during polar tube extrusion.

Elucidating the molecular functions of ImuA and ImuB in bacterial translesion DNA synthesis

Lichimo, Kristi January 2024 (has links)
Bacterial DNA replication can stall at DNA lesions, leading to cell death if the damage fails to be repaired. To circumvent this, bacteria possess a mechanism called translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) to allow DNA damage bypass. The ImuABC TLS mutasome comprises the RecA domain-containing protein ImuA, the inactive polymerase ImuB, and the error-prone polymerase ImuC. ImuA and ImuB are necessary for the mutational function of ImuC that can lead to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as seen in high-priority pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Understanding how ImuA and ImuB contribute to this function can lead to new targets for antimicrobial development. This research aims to discover the molecular functions of ImuA and ImuB homologs from Myxococcus xanthus through structural modelling and biochemical analyses. ImuA was discovered to be an ATPase whose activity is enhanced by DNA. Based on predicted structural models of the ATPase active site, I identified the critical residues needed for ATP hydrolysis, and found that the ImuA C-terminus regulates ATPase activity. Further, ImuA and ImuBNΔ34 (a soluble truncation of ImuB) display a preference for longer single-stranded DNA and overhang DNA substrates, and their affinity for DNA was quantified in vitro. To better understand how ImuA and ImuB assemble in the TLS mutasome, bacterial two-hybrid assays determined that ImuA and ImuB can self-interact and bind one another. Mass photometry revealed that ImuA is a monomer and ImuBNΔ34 is a trimer in vitro. ImuA and ImuBNΔ34 binding affinity was quantified in vitro at 1.69 μM ± 0.21 by microscale thermophoresis, and removal of the ImuA C-terminus weakens this interaction. Lastly, ImuA and ImuBNΔ34 secondary structures were quantified using circular dichroism spectroscopy, and ImuA was modified to enable crystallization for future structural studies. Together, this research provides a better understanding of ImuABC-mediated TLS, potentially leading to novel antibiotics to reduce the clinical burden of AMR. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis is fueled by the emergence of multi-drug resistant microbes, posing a major threat to global health and disease treatment. Bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics through mutations in the genome. When the genome becomes damaged, bacteria can acquire these mutations by an error-prone replication mechanism called translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). In some bacteria, TLS involves a specialized enzyme complex, consisting of proteins ImuA, ImuB and ImuC, allowing replication past bulky DNA damage and lesions. The goal of this thesis is to investigate how the ImuA and ImuB proteins contribute to the functioning of this mistake-making machinery. I used biochemical and biophysical methods to identify ImuA and ImuB interactions with each other and themselves. I discovered that ImuA is an enzyme that uses energy to enhance its binding to DNA, and determined the specific amino acids involved in this function.

Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Ferredoxin Redoxsystems von Toxoplasma gondii

Frohnecke, Nora 05 April 2018 (has links)
Toxoplasmose ist weltweit eine der am häufigsten auftretenden parasitären Zoonosen mit einer geschätzten Infektionsrate von über 30%. Toxoplasma gondii (Phylum: Apicomplexa) besitzt ein Plastid ähnliches Organell, den Apicoplasten. In diesem befindet sich das einzig bekannte Redoxsystem, welches aus der Ferredoxin-NADP+-Reduktase und Ferredoxin (Fd) besteht. Fd als Elektonendonator liefert Elektronen an verschiedene essentielle Stoffwechselwege, wie der Isoprenoidvorstufen- und Liponsäuresynthese. Um die bei einem Elektronentransfer benötigte direkte Protein-Protein-Interaktion eingehend zu analysieren, wurde ein bakterielles Reverse Two Hybrid System verwendet, womit die Interaktion von TgFd und TgLipA gezeigt werden konnte. Da angenommen wird, dass Fd eine zentrale Rolle in verschiedenen Stoffwechselwegen übernimmt, ist für einen Fd Knockout ein komplexer biochemischer Phänotyp zu erwarten, der möglicherweise zum Absterben der Parasiten führt. Zur Untersuchung dessen wurden zwei komplementäre Wege verfolgt. Eine der Strategien basierte auf dem grundsätzlichen Nachweis, dass Fd unerlässlich für das Überleben von T. gondii ist. Mit Hilfe des DiCre Systems sollte ein definierter genetischer Fd Knockout hergestellt werden, welcher jedoch nicht zweifelsfrei generiert werden konnte. Bei der zweiten Strategie kam ein konditionales Knockdown System zur Anwendung, bei welchem die Expression des Fd Gens nach Induktion herabreguliert wird. Mit Hilfe dessen konnten weitreichende Auswirkungen der Fd Defizienz auf T. gondii gezeigt werden: die Fettsäuresynthese der im Apicoplasten synthetisierten Fettsäuren ist reduziert sowie die Motilität durch eine beeinträchtigte Isoprenoidsynthese verringert, wodurch insgesamt drastische Auswirkungen auf das Parasitenwachstum gezeigt werden konnten. Beide Stoffwechsel sind vom Elektronendonator Fd abhängig und durch die Fd Herabregulation betroffen. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die essentielle Rolle des Fd-Redoxsystems von T. gondii. / Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses world-wide, around 30% of human beings are infected. Toxoplasma gondii (phylum: Apicomplexa) contains a unique intracellular organelle derived from plastids, called apicoplast. The only known redox system in the apicoplast consists of the ferredoxin NADP+-reductase and its redox partner, ferredoxin (Fd). The latter donates electrons to different essential metabolic pathways in the apicoplast like the last two enzymes of the isoprenoid precursor biosynthesis and the lipoic acid synthesis. To dissect protein protein interactions for an electron transfer a bacterial reverse two hybrid system was used. The physical interaction of both proteins TgFd and TgLipA could be shown. Fd is supposed to play an important role in diverse metabolic pathways, hence a knock-out of the Fd gene is expected to generate a complex biochemical phenotype and be lethal to the parasite. Therefore two complementary approaches were used to analyze the role of TgFd in this context. The first strategy shall verify the essentiality of TgFd for the survival of T. gondii. It is based on the DiCre system whereby a defined genetic knock out of TgFd is produced. Respectives parasites have been generated, but at the end no genetic Fd knock out could be produced. In the second approach a conditional knock-down was generated, where the expression of the TgFd gene is repressed after induction. The Fd deficiency has wide ranging effects on T. gondii: The fatty acid synthesis of the apicoplast-synthesized fatty acids is reduced as well as the motility is decreased due to an affected isoprenoid synthesis. In total this leads to a dramatic inhibition of parasite growth. Both metabolic pathways depend upon the electron carrier Fd and thus are affected by Fd deficiency. The results underline the essential role of the ferredoxin redoxsystem of T. gondii.

Investigation of Protein-protein Interactions within the Human Spliceosomal U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP Particle / Untersuchungen der Protein-Protein-Interaktionen innerhalb des humanen spleißosomalen U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-Partikels

Liu, Sunbin 28 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchungen zur Interaktion des Pathogenitätsfaktors P25 des beet necrotic yellow vein virus mit Proteinen der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris L.) / Characterisation of physical interactions between pathogenicity factor P25 of beet necrotic yellow vein virus and the sugar beet proteome (<i>Beta vulgaris</i> L.)

Thiel, Heike 21 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Translationsaktivatoren der mitochondrialen Cytochrom b-Synthese in Saccaromyces cerevisiae: Membranassoziation, Mutagenese und Protein-Wechselwirkungen von Cbs1p

Krause-Buchholz, Udo 27 September 2000 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Cbs1p und Cbs2p, zwei spezifische Translationsaktivatoren der COB-mRNA. Im Mittelpunkt standen sowohl die weitere molekularbiologische und biochemische Charakterisierung von Cbs1p als auch ein Screening von Interaktionskandidaten, die mit Cbs1p und/oder Cbs2p physikalisch wechselwirken könnten. Cbs1p liegt als peripheres Membranprotein fest mit der inneren Mitochondrienmembran matrixseitig assoziiert vor. Dabei spielen möglicherweise hydrophobe und/oder Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen mit integralen Membranproteinen eine essentielle Rolle bei der Membranverankerung von Cbs1p. Durch die Identifizierug von atmungsdefekten Cbs1p-Mutanten, deren Mutationen in Bereichen mit Homologie zu RNA-bindenden Proteinen liegt, verstärken sich die Hinweise zur Beteiligung von Cbs1p an der direkten physikalischen Wechselwirkung mit dem 5´-leader der COB-mRNA. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden,, dass die abspaltbare Präsequenz nicht notwendig für einen mitochondrialen Import ist. Die Ergebnisse präzisieren und erweitern das vorliegende Modell der Wirkungsweise der Translationsaktivatoren Cbs1p und Cbs2p (Michaelis, 1991). Aufgrund der Membranverankerung von Cbs1p wird auch die gebundene COB-mRNA in räumlicher Nähe zur Membran gebracht. Darüber hinaus definiert Cbs1p damit möglicherweise auch den Ort der Insertion des nascierenden Apocytochrom b in die Membran. Cbs2p vermittelt die Bindung zur kleinen Untereinheit der mitochondrialen Ribosomen und könnte seinerseits ebenfalls in Interaktionen mit Untereinheiten des bc1-Komplexes involviert sein.

Identification of novel sarcomeric modifiers of hypertrophy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using the yeast two-hybrid system

Todd, Carol 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs when the cardiomyocytes in the left ventricle become enlarged by increasing in mass in response to haemodynamic pressure overload. This can either be attributed to a normal physiological response to exercise or can be the result of a maladaptive process or disease state, such as chronic hypertension. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of Mendelian-inherited cardiac disease. A defining characteristic thereof is primary LVH that occurs when there are no other hypertrophy-predisposing conditions present. Therefore, HCM provides a unique opportunity to study the molecular determinants of LVH in the context of a Mendelian disorder, instead of in more complex disorders such as hypertension. Over 1000 HCM-causing mutations in 19 genes have been identified thus far, most of them encoding sarcomeric proteins residing in the sarcomeric C-zone. However, for many HCM patients no disease-causing genes have been identified. Moreover, studies have shown phenotypic variation in presentation of disease in, as well as between, families in which the same HCM-causing mutation segregates. This has led many investigators to conclude that genetic modifiers of hypertrophy exist. The aim of the study was to identify novel plausible HCM-causing or modifier genes by searching for interactors of a known HCM-causing protein, namely titin. The hypothesis was that genes encoding proteins, which interact with proteins that are encoded by known HCM-causative genes, may also be considered HCM-causing or may modify the HCM phenotype. To this end, the aim was to identify novel interactors of the 11-domain super-repeat region of titin, which resides within the sarcomeric C-zone, using yeast two-hybrid analysis. Five putative interactors of the 11-domain super-repeat region of titin were identified in this study. These interactions were subsequently verified by colocalisation in H9C2 rat cardiomyocytes, providing further evidence for possible interactions between titin and these proteins. The putative interactor proteins of titin determined from the Y2H library screen were: filamin C (FLNC), phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4 (PEBP4), heart-type fatty acid binding protein 3 (H-FABP3), myomesin 2 (MYOM2) and myomesin 1 (MYOM1). The FLNC gene could be a candidate for cardiac diseases, especially cardiomyopathies that are associated with hypertrophy or developmental defects. The putative interaction of titin and PEBP4 is speculated to be indicative of the formation of the interstitial fibrosis and myocyte disarray seen in HCM. Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein 3 has prognostic value to predict recurrent cardiac events. Its suggested interaction with titin is speculated to play a role in inhibiting its functional abilities. Myomesin 2 is jointly responsible, with MYOM1, for the formation of a head structure on one end of the titin string that connects the Z and M bands of the sarcomere. This is speculated to be linked to a developmental error with the result being a defect in sarcomeric structure formation, which could result in pathologies such as HCM. Therefore, these identified proteins could likely play a functional role in HCM due to their interactions with titin. This research could thus help with new insights into the further understanding of HCM patho-aetiology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Linker ventrikulêre hipertrofie (LVH) ontstaan wanneer die kardiomyosiete in die linkerventrikel vergroot as gevolg van 'n verhoging in massa in reaksie op hemodinamiese drukoorlading. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan 'n normale fisiologiese respons op oefening of kan die gevolg wees van 'n wanaangepaste of siektetoestand, soos chroniese hipertensie. Hipertrofiese kardiomiopatie (HKM) is die mees algemene vorm van Mendeliese oorerflike hartsiekte. 'n Bepalende eienskap daarvan is primêre LVH, wat plaasvind wanneer daar geen ander hipertrofie-predisponerende voorwaardes teenwoordig is nie. Gevolglik bied HKM 'n unieke geleentheid om die molekulêre derterminante van LVH te bestudeer, in die konteks van 'n Mendeliese oorerflike siekte, in plaas van om dit in die meer komplekse siektes soos hoë bloeddruk te bestudeer. Meer as 1000 HKM-veroorsakende mutasies is tot dusver in 19 gene geïdentifiseer. Die meeste van hulle kodeer vir sarkomeriese proteïene wat in die C-sone voorkom. Egter, vir baie HKM-pasiënte is geen siekte-veroorsakende gene al geïdentifiseer nie. Daarbenewens het studies getoon dat variasie in fenotipiese aanbieding van die siekte in, sowel as tussen, families voorkom wat dieselfde HKM-veroorsakende mutasie het. Dit het daartoe gelei dat baie navorsers tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het dat genetiese wysigers van hipertrofie wel bestaan. Die doel van die studie was om nuwe moontlike HKM-veroorsakende of wysiger-gene te identifiseer deur te soek vir interaktors van 'n bekende HKM-veroorsakende proteïen, naamlik titin. Die hipotese was dat gene wat vir proteïene kodeer, wat in wisselwerking is met proteïene wat geïnkripteer word deur bekende HKM-veroorsakende gene, ook oorweeg kan word om HKM te veroorsaak. Dit kan ook die HKM fenotipe verander. Dus was die doel om nuwe interaktors van die 11-domein super-herhaalstreek van titin, soos gevind binne die sarkomeriese C-sone, te identifiseer deur middel van gis-twee-hibried-analise. Vyf vermeende interaktors van die 11-domein super-herhaalstreek van titin is in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer. Hierdie interaksies is later geverifieer met behulp van ko-lokalisering in H9C2-rotkardiomyosiete, wat verdere bewyse vir moontlike interaksies tussen titin en hierdie proteïene verskaf. Die vermeende interaktor-proteïene van titin wat bepaal is vanaf die gis-twee-hibried-biblioteeksifting was as volg: filamin C (FLNC), phosphatidylethanolamine-bindingsproteïen 4 (PEBP4), hart-tipe-vetsuur bindingsproteïen 3 (H-FABP3), myomesin 2 (MYOM2) en myomesin 1 (MYOM1). Die FLNC-geen kan 'n kandidaat vir kardiale siektes, veral kardiomiopatieë, wees wat geassosieer word met hipertrofie of ontwikkelingsafwykings. Die vermeende interaksie van titin en PEBP4 dui daarop om 'n aanduiding te wees vir die vorming van die interstisiële fibrose en miokardiale wanorde, soos gesien in HKM. Hart-tipe-vetsuur bindingsproteïen 3 het prognostiese waarde om herhalende kardiale gebeure te voorspel. Verder dui sy voorgestelde interaksie met titin moontlik daarop dat dit 'n rol kan speel in die inhibering van sy funksionele vermoëns. Myomesin 2 tesame met MYOM1 is verantwoordelik vir die vorming van 'n kopstruktuur aan die een kant van die titinstring wat dan die Z- en M-bande van die sarkomeer verbind. Daar word vermoed dat dit gekoppel is aan 'n ontwikkelingsfout, met die gevolg dat daar 'n defek is in sarkomeriese struktuurvorming, wat weer kan lei tot patologieë soos HKM. / Mrs Wendy Ackerman / Prof Paul van Helden / National Research Foundation (NRF) / Stellenbosch University

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