Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tylosin"" "subject:"tylosine""
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Überprüfung der Wirkungen von Tylosinphosphat auf Mastleistung, die Frequenz von Atemwegserkrankungen und Produktqualität beim Mastschwein /Gaumann, Horst. January 2003 (has links)
Eidgenössische Techn. Hochschule, Diss., 2003--Zürich.
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Alternative strategies to reduce liver abscess incidence and severity in feedlot cattle.Müller, Hans Christian January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / James S. Drouillard / Since the 1960’s liver abscess incidence and severity have been identified as a problem associated with feeding high concentrate finishing rations to feedlot cattle. Liver abscesses lead to decreased feedlot performance and decreased carcass value. Tylosin phosphate is a macrolide antibiotic commonly used by feedlots throughout the United States and has been shown to successfully control liver abscesses. In 2013, the FDA issued Guidance for Industry #213, which encourages reduced usage of medically important classes of antibiotics, such as macrolides, in animal feed. This will be achieved by implementing veterinary oversight of these drugs via Veterinary Feed Directives (VFD). Thus, it is of importance to find alternative strategies to reduce usage of tylosin in finishing rations to control liver abscesses. One strategy that has been suggested is increasing dietary roughage concentration. However, this isn’t a viable option as increasing dietary roughage concentration not only leads to a decline in feedlot performance, hot carcass weight, and dressing percentage, but also has an environmental impact. Available research has also indicated that increasing dietary roughage has no impact on liver abscess incidence or severity. Our research objective was therefore to identify alternative strategies to reduce liver abscess incidence. Our first trial evaluated the impact of antioxidants on liver abscess incidence and severity. Treatments consisted of a control treatment (basal diet containing 200 IU/d α-tocopherol acetate), and an antioxidant treatment (basal diet containing 2000 IU/d α-tocopherol acetate and 500 mg/d crystalline ascorbate). Treatments were randomly assigned to 390 crossbred heifers. No differences in feedlot performance were detected; however, there was a tendency for improved feed intake (P = 0.075) and feed efficiency (P = 0.066) for heifers that received the antioxidant treatment. An increased number of yield grade 3 carcasses (P = 0.03) and fewer yield grade 1 carcasses (P < 0.01) was observed in the antioxidant treatment group. No differences were detected between treatments for other carcass characteristics or liver abscess incidence and severity. Another trial evaluated intermittent tylosin feeding and its impact on liver abscess incidence and antimicrobial resistant Enterococcus spp. when compared to continuous tylosin feeding. One of 3 treatments were randomly assigned to 312 crossbred steers: negative control (no tylosin fed throughout the feeding period); positive control (tylosin fed throughout the feeding period); or intermittent treatment (tylosin fed intermittently throughout the feeding period: 1week on, 2 weeks off). Fecal samples were collected on day 0, 20, and 118 to characterize antimicrobial resistant Enterococcus spp. By design, the intermittent treatment consumed 60% less tylosin than the positive control group. No differences were detected between treatments for feedlot performance. Liver abscess incidence was greatest for the negative control, and least for the positive control and intermittent treatments, with no difference being detected between the latter two treatments (P = 0.716). Antimicrobial resistance was unaffected by treatment, but was affected by sampling time. We concluded that supplementing antioxidants is not a viable option to reduce liver abscess incidence and severity, and that tylosin usage can be decreased without adversely affecting performance or liver abscess incidence.
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Facilitated Transport of Antibiotics by Biochar Under Rainfall SimulationsAndrea Jayne Funk (7481834) 17 October 2019 (has links)
From an agronomic perspective, the spreading of manure (sometimes containing antibiotics) onto
agricultural fields is beneficial to the soil as a renewable source of
fertilizer by increasing organic matter and providing nutrient inputs for
crops. However, the use of antibiotics can be excessive, resulting in manures
containing residual antibiotics contaminating soils and waterways. Thus, there
is a need to improve existing or develop new management practices to minimize
the losses of antibiotics from manure entering waterways and groundwater.
Biochar is a carbon-rich material produced from the oxygen-free pyrolysis of
biomass. Generally, biochars have high surface area and sorb organic compounds
and trace metals; thus, it is reasonable to hypothesize that biochars sorb
antibiotics. The main goal of this research was to investigate if incorporated
biochar to soil facilitates the transport of antibiotics under simulated
rainstorm events. The specific objectives were to investigate the losses of
surface-applied antibiotics to soils with different (1) application rates of
biochar and rainfall intensities, and (2) if the losses were antibiotic
type-dependent. <br>
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Effect of limonene on ruminal Fusobacterium necrophorumSaed Samii, Sina January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Evan C. Titgemeyer / Seven ruminally cannulated heifers approximately 225 kg initial BW were used in a 7 × 4 Youden square design to determine the effects of different levels of limonene on ruminal Fusobacterium necrophorum populations. Treatments included: 1) control, 2) limonene at10 mg/kg diet DM, 3) limonene at 20 mg/kg diet DM, 4) limonene at 40 mg/kg diet DM, 5) limonene at 80 mg/kg diet DM, 6) CRINA-L (a blend of essential oil components) at 180 mg/kg diet DM, 7) tylosin at 12 mg/kg diet DM. Each period included 11 d with 10 d washouts between periods. Samples were collected on d 0 (before treatment initiation), 4, 7, and 10 for measuring F. necrophorum by most probable number (MPN) method using selective culture medium. Results indicate that CRINA-L (P = 0.52) and tylosin (P = 0.19) did not affect ruminal F. necrophorum populations. Limonene linearly decreased (P = 0.03) F. necrophorum populations, and the optimal dietary concentration for limonene was 40 mg/kg DM. Limonene did not affect ruminal degradation rate of lysine, NH3 concentration, or VFA profiles in ruminal fluid. Limonene was useful for reducing ruminal concentrations of F. necrophorum. It may have potential to control liver abscesses, although further research will be needed to assess the effect of limonene under feedlot conditions.
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The Sorption and Transformation of Tylosin and Progesterone by SoilsKreinberg, Allison J. 14 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Sorption of veterinary antibiotics to woodchipsAjmani, Manu January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Alok Bhandari / In the upper Midwest, subsurface tile drainage water is a major contributor of nitrate (NO[subscript]3–N) coming from fertilizers and animal manure. Movement of NO[subscript]3-N through tile drainage into streams is a major concern as it can cause eutrophication and hypoxia conditions, as in the Gulf of Mexico. Denitrifying bioreactors is one of the pollution control strategies to treat contaminated tile drainage water. These bioreactors require four conditions which are: 1) organic carbon source, 2) anaerobic conditions, 3) denitrifying bacteria and 4) influent NO[subscript]3-N. This research focuses on investigating fate of veterinary antibiotics in woodchips commonly used in in-situ reactors. Tylosin (TYL) and sulfamethazine (SMZ) are two veterinary antibiotics which are most commonly used in the United States and can be found in tile water after manure is land applied. Partition coefficients of TYL and SMZ on wood were determined by sorption experiments using fresh woodchips and woodchips from an in situ reactor. It was concluded that the woodchips were an effective means to sorb the veterinary antibiotics leached into the tile water after application of animal manure. Linear partition coefficients were calculated and phase distribution relationships were established for both the chemicals. The fresh woodchips gave inconclusive data but predictions could be made by the information determined in the experiments using woodchips from a ten year old woodchip bioreactor. Desorption was also studied and the likelihood of desorption was predicted using the Apparent Hysteresis Index. Overall, it was found that the old woodchips allowed for quick sorption of both antibiotics. It was also found that SMZ had reversible sorption on old woodchips. Thus, it was concluded that the woodchip bioreactor would not be effective for removal of veterinary antibiotics from tile drainage. More research is required for the fate of TYL and to confirm the conclusion.
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Επίδραση του ιοντικού περιβάλλοντος στη λειτουργία αντιβιοτικών που αναστέλλουν την πρωτεϊνική σύνθεσηΠετρόπουλος, Αλέξανδρος Δ. 23 December 2008 (has links)
Τα ριβοσώματα, οι μακρομοριακές μεταφραστικές μηχανές που είναι
υπεύθυνες για την πρωτεϊνική σύνθεση, αποτελούν έναν από τους
κυριότερους κυτταρικούς στόχους των αντιβιοτικών, που χορηγούνται για
αντιμικροβιακή θεραπεία. Μελέτες για περισσότερο από 40 χρόνια δείχνουν
ότι το κατάλληλο ιοντικό περιβάλλον (μονοσθενή, δισθενή κατιόντα και
πολυαμίνες) είναι απαραίτητο για τη σωστή ριβοσωματική λειτουργία, ενώ
παράλληλα επηρεάζει τις αλληλεπιδράσεις του με διάφορους προσδέτες.
Παρόλα αυτά η μοριακή βάση της επίδρασης του ιοντικού περιβάλλοντος στο
μηχανισμό δράσης των αντιβιοτικών δεν έχει ενδελεχώς μελετηθεί. Στόχος της
παρούσας διατριβής είναι η διερεύνηση του μηχανισμού δράσης
αντιβιοτικών που αναστέλλουν την πρωτεϊνική σύνθεση σε συνθήκες που
προσομοιάζουν με τις φυσιολογικές του κυττάρου και η μελέτη της επίδρασης
του ιοντικού περιβάλλοντος στη δράση αυτών. Τα αντιβιοτικά που
μελετήθηκαν ήταν: α) η βλαστισιδίνη, ως κλασικός αναστολέας της
πεπτιδυλοτρανσφεράσης (ΡΤάσης), β) το μακρολίδιο τυλοσίνη που
αναστέλλει την ΡΤάση, αλλά παράλληλα προσδένεται στην αρχή του τούνελ
εξόδου και παρεμποδίζει την πολυπεπτιδική αλυσίδα να εξέλθει από το
ριβόσωμα, και γ) τα μακρολίδια ερυθρομυκίνη (πρώτης γενεάς),
αζιθρομυκίνη (δεύτερης γενεάς) και τελιθρομυκίνη (μακρολίδιο τρίτης γενεάς
ή κετολίδιο), η δράση των οποίων έγκειται στην παρεμπόδιση του τούνελ
εξόδου. Εξίσου σημαντική φαίνεται να είναι η επίδραση των μακρολιδίων στη
συγκρότηση της 50S ριβοσωματικής υπομονάδας.
Ο μηχανισμός δράσης των αντιβιοτικών και η επίδραση του ιοντικού
περιβάλλοντος στη δράση τους έγινε αρχικά με κινητικές μελέτες. Το
πειραματικό σύστημα που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν η αντίδραση
πουρομυκίνης, η οποία μας έδωσε τη δυνατότητα τιτλοδότησης των ενεργών
ριβοσωμάτων. Βάσει αυτού μελετήθηκαν τα αντιβιοτικά βλαστισιδίνη και
τυλοσίνη που αναστέλλουν άμεσα την ΡΤάση, ενώ για τη μελέτη των
υπολοίπων μακρολιδίων διεξήχθησαν πειράματα συναγωνιστικής αναστολής.
Ως γνωστό, τα μακρολίδια ερυθρομυκίνη, αζιθρομυκίνη και τελιθρομυκίνη μοιράζονται κοινές θέσεις πρόσδεσης στο ριβόσωμα με την τυλοσίνη. Έτσι,
για την εύρεση των σταθερών πρόσδεσης αυτών στο ριβόσωμα έγινε
συναγωνισμός με τυλοσίνη. Τα πειράματα συναγωνισμού
πραγματοποιήθηκαν, επωάζοντας το ριβόσωμα με μείγμα μακρολιδίου και
τυλοσίνης, και τιτλοδοτώντας την απομένουσα δραστικότητα του
ριβοσώματος με την αντίδραση πουρομυκίνης απομακρύνοντας την
περίσσεια αντιβιοτικών. Σε παράλληλα πειράματα, το ριβόσωμα
προεπωάστηκε αρχικά με το μακρολίδιο και στη συνέχεια προστέθηκε
τυλοσίνη, η οποία ανιχνεύει το εναπομείναν ριβοσωματικό σύμπλοκο. Επειδή
η σταθερά συγγένειας στη δεύτερη περίπτωση βρέθηκε μικρότερη (ισχυρότερη
πρόσδεση αντιβιοτικού) συμπεράναμε, ότι ο μηχανισμός πρόσδεσης του
αντιβιοτικού είναι βραδύς και ακολουθεί δυο στάδια. Βασιζόμενοι στις τιμές
των σταθερών συγγένειας σε πειράματα αναγέννησης του ριβοσωματικού
συμπλόκου από την απενεργοποιημένη μορφή του, προσδιορίστηκαν
ξεχωριστά όλες οι κινητικές παράμετροι που χαρακτηρίζουν την πρόσδεση
του αντιβιοτικού στο ριβόσωμα. Συγκρίναμε τις παραμέτρους αυτές και
γενικότερα την ισχύ πρόσδεσης των αντιβιοτικών στο ριβόσωμα σε πέντε
ιοντικές συνθήκες: (α) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM NH4+, (β) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM
NH4+, 100 μΜ σπερμίνη, (γ) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM NH4+, 50 μΜ σπερμίνη και
2 mM σπερμιδίνη, (δ) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM NH4+ ριβοσωματικό σύμπλοκο
φωτοσημασμένο με 100 μΜ ΑΒΑ-σπερμίνη, και (ε) 10 mM Mg2+, 100 mM
NH4+. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι οι πολυαμίνες βελτιώνουν την πρόσδεση
της βλαστισιδίνης, αλλά μειώνουν την πρόσδεση των μακρολιδίων. Η
επίδραση των ιόντων Mg2+ προσομοιάζει εκείνης των πολυαμινών, αλλά είναι
λιγότερο αποτελεσματική, αφού 100 μΜ σπερμίνης επιφέρουν μεγαλύτερη
αναστολή πρόσδεσης, από ότι 10 mM Mg2+.
Για να ερμηνευτεί σε μοριακό επίπεδο η επίδραση της σπερμίνης στη
συγγένεια των αντιβιοτικών έναντι του ριβοσώματος, οι θέσεις πρόσδεσης
των πολυαμινών στο ριβόσωμα προσδιορίστηκαν με φωτοσήμανση
συγγένειας, χρησιμοποιώντας ως μοριακό ανιχνευτή ένα φωτοδραστικό
ανάλογο της σπερμίνης, την ΑΒΑ-σπερμίνη. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποκάλυψαν ότι οι πολυαμίνες προσδένονται σε γειτονικές θέσεις προς τα αντιβιοτικά,
επηρεάζοντας την τοπική διαμόρφωση και το φορτίο.
Επιβεβαίωση του μηχανισμού δράσης και της επίδρασης των
πολυαμινών έγινε με ανάλυση αποτυπώματος. Σύμφωνα με την τεχνική αυτή,
τα μακρολίδια προσδενόμενα στο ριβόσωμα προστατεύουν ορισμένα
νουκλεοτίδια από την επίδραση χημικών τροποποιητών. Τα αποτελέσματα
έδειξαν ότι τα αντιβιοτικά διέρχονται μια ενδιάμεση κατάσταση πρόσδεσης
στο ριβόσωμα δεσμευόμενα αρχικά στην είσοδο του τούνελ εξόδου και στη
συνέχεια εισχωρώντας βαθύτερα σε αυτό. Η φύση της ενδιάμεσης κατάστασης
εξαρτάται από τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά του κάθε μακρολιδίου. Η
επίδραση των πολυαμινών στο μηχανισμό πρόσδεσης ελέγχθηκε
επαναλαμβάνοντας τα πειράματα χημικής προστασίας παρουσία αυτών. Τα
αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι η μείωση της πρόσδεσης των μακρολιδίων στο
ριβόσωμα επιτελείται κυρίως μέσω της επίδρασης των πολυαμινών στη
δέσμευση του υδρόφοβου λακτονικού δακτυλίου. Τα ιδιαίτερα
χαρακτηριστικά του κάθε αντιβιοτικού επηρεάζουν ποικιλοτρόπως το μέγεθος
της επίδρασης αυτής.
Στο τελευταίο κομμάτι της διατριβής μελετήθηκε η ισχύς των
μακρολιδίων, υπολογίζοντας την αναστολή που προκαλούν στο συζευγμένο
σύστημα μεταγραφής-μετάφρασης του γονιδίου της GFP πρωτεΐνης, και τα
αποτελέσματα επιβεβαίωσαν τα κινητικά δεδομένα πρόσδεσης των
μακρολιδίων στο ριβόσωμα-στόχο. Σε υψηλή συγκέντρωση ιόντων Mg2+ η
τυλοσίνη έχει μεγαλύτερη ισχύ, ενώ σε χαμηλή συγκέντρωση ιόντων απουσία
ή παρουσία πολυαμινών η αζιθρομυκίνη. Η τελιθρομυκίνη παρουσίασε τη
χαμηλότερη ισχύ πρόσδεσης στο ριβόσωμα και αναστολής της πρωτεϊνικής
σύνθεσης. Επιπρόσθετα, ελέγχθηκε πιθανή επίδραση των μακρολιδίων στην
πρόσδεση των υποστρωμάτων (tRNAs) στην Α-, Ρ- και Ε- θέση του
ριβοσώματος, στη μετατόπιση αυτών από την Α- στην Ρ- θέση και στη
μεταφραστική πιστότητα του ριβοσώματος. Βρήκαμε ότι τα μακρολίδια δεν
μπορούν να επηρεάσουν αυτά τα στάδια της ριβοσωματικής λειτουργίας. / Ribosomes, the macromolecular translating machines responsible for
protein biosynthesis, are the most common targets for many antibacterial
agents. Experiments for more than 40 years have demonstrated that a distinct
ionic environment (monovalent, divalent cations and polyamines) is essential
for ribosomal functions and their interactions with the ligands. Nevertheless,
the molecular basis of the ionic environment’s influence on antibiotic
mechanism of action has never been precisely elucidated.
The aim of this thesis was first to investigate the mechanism of action
of several antibiotics –inhibitors of protein synthesis, under ionic conditions
close to the cell environment and second, to clarify the role of the ionic
environment on their mechanism of action. The antibiotics studied were: a)
blasticidin-S, a classic inhibitor of peptidyl tranferase (PTase) activity, b)
tylosin which inhibits PTase, but in parallel binds at the entrance of exit
tunnel and blocks the passage of the nascent polypeptide chain, and c)
erythromycin (a first generation macrolide), azithromycin (a second
generation macrolide), and telithromycin (a third generation macrolide,
ketolide), that blocks the exit tunnel.
The mechanism of action of antibiotics and the influence of ionic
environment on antibiotic potency was studied primarily with kinetic
methods. The experimental procedure was based on the puromycin reaction,
performed under conditions allowing the estimation of the catalytic rate
constant. Using this experimental approach we studied the mechanism of
action of blasticidin and tylosin which directly inhibit PTase. For studying
the other macrolides, experiments employing competitive kinetics were
performed. Erythromycin, azithromycin and telithromycin share common
binding sites on ribosomes with tylosin. Thus, to estimate the kinetic
constants of their interactions with ribosomes, competitive kinetic
experiments were carried out in the presence of tylosin. Namely, a posttranslocation
ribosomal complex formed from Escherichia coli 70S ribosomes
bearing tRNAPhe at the E-site and AcPhe-tRNA at the P-site (complex-C) was incubated with a mixture of each macrolide and tylosin for the desired time
intervals. The rest of ribosomal activity was titrated by the puromycin
reaction. In parallel experiments, complex-C was pre-incubated with each one
of the macrolides and then reacted with tylosin. The rest of complex-C activity
was again titrated with the puromycin reaction. Since the affinity constant
obtained by the second series of experiments was less than that obtained by
the first series of experiments, we concluded that the mechanism of action of
antibiotics follows a slow onset inhibition process, which includes two steps.
Based on secondary plots and on kinetic plots derived from regeneration of
complex-C, we measured the kinetic parameters participating in the kinetic
model. Thus, the potency of each antibiotic was determined under five
different ionic conditions: (a) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM NH4+, (b) 4,5 mM Mg2+,
150 mM NH4+, 100 μΜ spermine, (c) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM NH4+, 50 μΜ
spermine and 2 mM spermidine, (d) 4,5 mM Mg2+, 150 mM NH4+, and
ribosomal complex photolabelled with 100μΜ ΑΒΑ-spermine, and (e) 10 mM
Mg2+, 100 mM NH4+. Processing of the data led us to the conclusion that
polyamines and Mg2+ ions increase the potency of blasticidin, but decrease the
potency of macrolides.
To explain the diverse action of polyamines and of the ionic
environment in general on antibiotic potency, the binding sites of spermine in
ribosomes were localized by photoaffinity labeling, using a photoactive
analogue of spermine, ABA-spermine. These experiments revealed that
polyamines bind at the vicinity of antibiotics, influencing the ionic charge and
the local conformation of rRNA.
Confirmation of the macrolide mechanism of action and verification of
the influence of polyamines on their potency was achieved by footprinting
analysis. According to this technique, macrolides bind to ribosomes and
protect specific nucleotides from modification by chemical reagents like DMS,
CMCT and kethoxal. The results demonstrated that the antibiotics (I) form an
encounter complex with complex-C (CI), in which the antibiotics occupy the
entrance of the exit tunnel. This intermediate complex is then isomerized slowly to a tighter complex (C*I) with which antibiotics move deeply in the
exit tunnel. The exact interactions stabilizing the intermediate complex
depend on the characteristic groups of each macrolide. The influence of
polyamines was checked by repeating the experiment in the presence of
polyamines. The results showed that polyamines reduce the macrolide
binding to ribosomes, by affecting mainly the interactions of the hydrophobic
lactone ring with the ribosome. The special characteristic groups of each
macrolide affect the polyamine action. The potency of macrolides action was
also estimated using a coupled transcription-translation system for GFP
expression. The results obtained were consistent with those produced by
kinetic analysis. In addition, we check for possible macrolide effects on tRNA
binding at the A-, P- and E- sites of the ribosome, on translocation, and on
translational fidelity. No strong effects were identified excluding the
macrolide from these ribosomal functions.
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von antibiotischen Leistungsförderern und ionophoren Antikokzidia auf die Inzidenz der Clostridium perfringens-Enterotoxämie des Huhnes nach experimenteller InfektionKöhler, Torsten 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Zum Studium des prophylaktischen Einflusses ausgewählter antibiotischer Leistungsförderer [Avilamycin (10 ppm), Avoparcin (15 ppm), Virginiamycin (20 ppm)] und ionophorer Antikokzidia [Monensin (100 ppm), Narasin (70 ppm)] sowie des metaphylaktischen bzw. therapeutischen Einsatzes von Tylosin [Tylan 0,5 g/l H2O] auf das Auftreten und die Ausprägung der Clostridium (Cl.) perfringens-Enterotoxämie (CPE) wurden Untersuchungen an insgesamt 33 Versuchsgruppen mit 825 Broilerküken durchgeführt. Die Erkrankung konnte mittels intraduodenaler Inokulation einer Vollkultur Cl. perfringens Typ A (ATCC 3624) sicher reproduziert werden. Die Morbiditätsrate betrug in allen infizierten Gruppen 100 %. An klinischer Symptomatik zeigte sich hauptsächlich profuser wässriger Durchfall. Schwerere Störungen, Apathie und Anorexie, waren selten und in allen beobachteten Fällen vom schnellen Tod des betreffenden Tieres begleitet. Allgemein fiel auf, daß die infizierten und nicht medikamentierten Tiere schneller und länger erkrankten. Bei infizierten und unmedikamentierten Tieren ergab sich eine Mortalitätsrate von 16 bis 36 %, in den medikamentierten Gruppen maximal 8 %. Tylosin zeigte eine sehr gute metaphylaktischen bzw. therapeutische Wirkung. Die Lebendmasseentwicklung betrachtend, konnte Avoparcin unter den Leistungsförderern beste Ergebnisse erzielen. Ähnliche Resultate wurden in den Kombinationsgruppen [Avilamycin plus Monensin oder Narasin] bzw. mittels Narasin erreicht. In absteigender Reihenfolge zeigten Avilamycin, Virginiamycin und Monensin eine geringere leistungsfördernde Wirkung. Die Bestimmung fäkaler bzw. ileozäkaler Clostridienkonzentrationen lebender, respektive verendeter Hühner erbrachte nur wenige und relativ unbedeutende statistisch gesicherte Korrelationen zu anderen Ergebnissen. Es konnten keine Zusammenhänge zwischen Erregerzahl und Lebendmassezunahme, bzw. Todesursache, aufgedeckt werden. Die Resultate aus allen Versuchen zusammenfassend, müssen den Kombinationen von Avilamycin mit Narasin bzw. Monensin beste Effekte hinsichtlich einer positiven Beeinflussung CPE-bedingter Morbidität, Mortalität und Lebendmasseverluste bescheinigt werden. Tylosin war in der Lage, die Verlustzahlen durch CPE rasch zu senken. Für die Ausprägung kompensatorischer Effekte hinsichtlich der Lebendmasseverluste unter der Infektion muß mit einer größeren Zeitspanne gerechnet werden. Die Polyether und auch Avilamycin sind als Futtermittelzusatzstoffe für die europäische Geflügelhaltung zugelassen. Durch die ständige Kokzidiosebedrohung in den Hühnerbeständen kann auf einen prophylaktischen Einsatz antikokzidieller Futtermittelzusatzstoffe momentan nicht verzichtet werden. Es ist zu vermuten, daß es durch den simultanen Einsatz von Polyether und Leistungsförderer zu einer positiven Beeinflussung der schädigenden Wechselwirkungen von Kokzidien und Cl. perfringens im Darm kommt. Bei vorhandener Empfindlichkeit der Eimerien sollte dies sowohl die Bekämpfung von CPE als auch von Kokzidiosen begünstigen. Der positive Eindruck von Avoparcin spielt, bedingt durch das europaweite Verbot, momentan für die Praxis keine Rolle. Die Entwicklungstendenzen auf dem Sektor antibiotisch wirksamer Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, eng verknüpft mit der bakteriellen Resistenzproblematik, werden in der Arbeit ausführlich diskutiert. / Investigations with 825 chickens in 33 trials were performed in order to find out the prophylactic effect of selected antibiotic growth promoters [avilamycin (10 ppm), avoparcin (15 ppm) virginiamycin (20 ppm)] and polyether ionophore antibiotics [monensin (100 ppm), narasin (70 ppm)] on the incidence of Clostridium (Cl.) perfringens enterotoxemia (CPE) in chickens as well as the therapeutic resp. metaphylactic influence of tylosin [Tylan 0,5 g/l H20]. The enterotoxemia could be reproduced regularly by intraduodenal infection with high numbers of vegetative cells of Cl. perfringens type A (ATCC 3624). The morbidity rate always reached 100 %. In spite of a profuse and watery diarrhoea the chickens normally showed no further considerable disturbances of the general status. Apathy or anorexia were rather rare and immediately followed by Exitus letalis of the related chickens. It was striking that the infected and non-medicated broilers contracted the disease more quickly and for a longer time. The mortality rate among the infected and non-medicated animals was 16 to 36 %, among the medicated groups max. 8 %. Tylosin showed a considerable metaphylactic effect in decreasing CPE mortality. The avoparcin group showed the best weight gain among the growth promoters, comparable to the results by means of the combinations [avilamycin + monensin or narasin] or narasin only. Decreasingly avilamycin, virginiamycin and monensin were less successful. Analysing the faecal resp. ileocecal quantities of Cl. perfringens adduced only a few statistically guaranteed correlation with other results. There was no causal connection between numbers of Cl. perfringens and life weight development. It was impossible to discover a numerical threshold of germs responsible for the death of the chickens. Summarising all the results of the entire attempts the combinations of avilamycin and narasin resp. monensin were the most effective concerning the reduction of morbidity, mortality and life weight losses by CPE. By application of tylosin it was possible to stop the mortality rate quickly. But it needs more time to achieve reductions of the CPE related weight losses. The two polyethers and also avilamycin are still admitted in the European Union. Currently an abandonment of anticoccidial feed supplements seems to be impossible due to the present danger of coccidiosis in poultry. By means of monensin/narasin plus avilamycin the adverse health effects of interactions of both pathogens should be reduced. Presupposing susceptibility of the coccida this should be a notable contribution to a better controlling and to the prevention of CPE and coccidiosis, too.
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Dietas e promotores de crescimento para passeriformes cativos. / Diets and Growth Promoters for captive passarinesOliveira, Michel Reis 14 December 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-14 / In order to assess growth promoters for Passaricultura two sequenced experiments were proposed: the first to find the most appropriate diet for nutrition of different species, establishing five treatments: T1 - Mixture of Grains, T2 - Extruded Feed, T3 - Commercial mash, T4 - Test and mash and Test mash with added grainwith added grains, tested in vitro, to microbiological safety and chemical quality through multiple samplings and tests in triplicate and in vivo for the maintenance and productivity of birds. The second aimed to test the effects of major antimicrobial available today, establishing five other treatments: T1 Control, T2 - sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, T3 - Sulfaquinoxaline and neomycin, T4 - Tylosin tartrate and Clopidol, and T5 - Clopidol tested in vivo for maintenance, productivity and sanitization of poultry , provided orally , added to the dry diet (diet), using the doses recommended by the manufacturers. In vivo tests, we used 50 females of polygamous Oryzoborus maximilliani (Weevil) and Serinus canarius (Canary), in equivalent proportions in each experiment (total 100 animals) with ten repetitions to five treatments, ad libitum treated,
then settling in a completely randomized design (CRD ) for the first experiment and Randomized block design (RBD) for the second experiment. Tukey test at 5 % significance level for multiple comparisons being used by SISVAR ® program for all variables of both experiments. Given the results of the first experiment , it was concluded that the use of dry feed grains to test without captive passerines is the most suitable for maintaining optimal conformation of birds and provide quality and food safety. In the second experiment treatments 4 and 5 were similar and with better results (p<0.5) in the control of coccidiosis and mycoplasmosis of birds in the other treatments, however the tartrate Tylosin and Clopidol ( T4 ) by itself treat drug combination, uses a lower dose of the same, assuming best value . / Com o objetivo de avaliar promotores de crescimento para a Passaricultura foram propostos dois experimentos sequenciados: o primeiro para encontrar a ração mais adequada para nutrição de diversas espécies, estabelecendo cinco tratamentos: T1 Mistura de Grãos, T2 Ração Extrusada, T3 Farelada Comercial, T4 Farelada Teste e T5 Farelada Teste com adição de grãos, testados tanto in vitro, para a segurança microbiológica e qualidade bromatológica, através de múltiplas amostragens e provas em triplicatas, quanto in vivo para a manutenção e produtividade das aves. O segundo objetivou testar os efeitos dos principais antimicrobianos disponíveis atualmente no mercado, estabelecendo outros cinco tratamentos: T1 - Controle, T2 Sulfametoxazol e Trimetoprima, T3 Sulfaquinoxalina e Neomicina, T4 Tartarato de Tilosina e Clopidol; e T5 Clopidol, testados in vivo para a manutenção, produtividade e sanitização das aves, fornecidos por via oral, adicionados a dieta seca (ração), utilizando-se as doses preconizadas pelos fabricantes. Os testes in vivo, utilizaram 50 fêmeas polígamas de Oryzoborus maximilliani (Bicudo) e Serinus canarius (Canário), em proporções equivalentes, em cada experimento (totalizando 100 animais) com dez repetições para cinco tratamentos, tratadas ad libidum, estabelecendo-se então, um delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), para o primeiro experimento e um Delineamento em Blocos Casualizado (DBC) para o segundo experimento, sendo utilizado o teste de Tuckey a 5% de significância para as comparações múltiplas através do programa SISVAR®, para todas as variáveis de ambos experimentos. Em vista dos resultados do primeiro experimento, concluiu-se que a utilização da ração farelada teste sem grãos para passeriformes cativos é o mais indicado, por manter a conformação ideal das aves e proporcionar qualidade e segurança alimentar. No segundo experimento os tratamentos 4 e 5, mostraram-se semelhantes e com melhores resultados (p<0,5) no controle da coccidiose e micoplasmoses dos pássaros em relação aos demais tratamentos, entretanto o Tartarato de Tilosina e Clopidol (T4) por se tratar de associação de fármacos, utiliza uma dose menor dos mesmos, pressupondo melhor custo benefício.
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von antibiotischen Leistungsförderern und ionophoren Antikokzidia auf die Inzidenz der Clostridium perfringens-Enterotoxämie des Huhnes nach experimenteller InfektionKöhler, Torsten 21 November 2000 (has links)
Zum Studium des prophylaktischen Einflusses ausgewählter antibiotischer Leistungsförderer [Avilamycin (10 ppm), Avoparcin (15 ppm), Virginiamycin (20 ppm)] und ionophorer Antikokzidia [Monensin (100 ppm), Narasin (70 ppm)] sowie des metaphylaktischen bzw. therapeutischen Einsatzes von Tylosin [Tylan 0,5 g/l H2O] auf das Auftreten und die Ausprägung der Clostridium (Cl.) perfringens-Enterotoxämie (CPE) wurden Untersuchungen an insgesamt 33 Versuchsgruppen mit 825 Broilerküken durchgeführt. Die Erkrankung konnte mittels intraduodenaler Inokulation einer Vollkultur Cl. perfringens Typ A (ATCC 3624) sicher reproduziert werden. Die Morbiditätsrate betrug in allen infizierten Gruppen 100 %. An klinischer Symptomatik zeigte sich hauptsächlich profuser wässriger Durchfall. Schwerere Störungen, Apathie und Anorexie, waren selten und in allen beobachteten Fällen vom schnellen Tod des betreffenden Tieres begleitet. Allgemein fiel auf, daß die infizierten und nicht medikamentierten Tiere schneller und länger erkrankten. Bei infizierten und unmedikamentierten Tieren ergab sich eine Mortalitätsrate von 16 bis 36 %, in den medikamentierten Gruppen maximal 8 %. Tylosin zeigte eine sehr gute metaphylaktischen bzw. therapeutische Wirkung. Die Lebendmasseentwicklung betrachtend, konnte Avoparcin unter den Leistungsförderern beste Ergebnisse erzielen. Ähnliche Resultate wurden in den Kombinationsgruppen [Avilamycin plus Monensin oder Narasin] bzw. mittels Narasin erreicht. In absteigender Reihenfolge zeigten Avilamycin, Virginiamycin und Monensin eine geringere leistungsfördernde Wirkung. Die Bestimmung fäkaler bzw. ileozäkaler Clostridienkonzentrationen lebender, respektive verendeter Hühner erbrachte nur wenige und relativ unbedeutende statistisch gesicherte Korrelationen zu anderen Ergebnissen. Es konnten keine Zusammenhänge zwischen Erregerzahl und Lebendmassezunahme, bzw. Todesursache, aufgedeckt werden. Die Resultate aus allen Versuchen zusammenfassend, müssen den Kombinationen von Avilamycin mit Narasin bzw. Monensin beste Effekte hinsichtlich einer positiven Beeinflussung CPE-bedingter Morbidität, Mortalität und Lebendmasseverluste bescheinigt werden. Tylosin war in der Lage, die Verlustzahlen durch CPE rasch zu senken. Für die Ausprägung kompensatorischer Effekte hinsichtlich der Lebendmasseverluste unter der Infektion muß mit einer größeren Zeitspanne gerechnet werden. Die Polyether und auch Avilamycin sind als Futtermittelzusatzstoffe für die europäische Geflügelhaltung zugelassen. Durch die ständige Kokzidiosebedrohung in den Hühnerbeständen kann auf einen prophylaktischen Einsatz antikokzidieller Futtermittelzusatzstoffe momentan nicht verzichtet werden. Es ist zu vermuten, daß es durch den simultanen Einsatz von Polyether und Leistungsförderer zu einer positiven Beeinflussung der schädigenden Wechselwirkungen von Kokzidien und Cl. perfringens im Darm kommt. Bei vorhandener Empfindlichkeit der Eimerien sollte dies sowohl die Bekämpfung von CPE als auch von Kokzidiosen begünstigen. Der positive Eindruck von Avoparcin spielt, bedingt durch das europaweite Verbot, momentan für die Praxis keine Rolle. Die Entwicklungstendenzen auf dem Sektor antibiotisch wirksamer Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, eng verknüpft mit der bakteriellen Resistenzproblematik, werden in der Arbeit ausführlich diskutiert. / Investigations with 825 chickens in 33 trials were performed in order to find out the prophylactic effect of selected antibiotic growth promoters [avilamycin (10 ppm), avoparcin (15 ppm) virginiamycin (20 ppm)] and polyether ionophore antibiotics [monensin (100 ppm), narasin (70 ppm)] on the incidence of Clostridium (Cl.) perfringens enterotoxemia (CPE) in chickens as well as the therapeutic resp. metaphylactic influence of tylosin [Tylan 0,5 g/l H20]. The enterotoxemia could be reproduced regularly by intraduodenal infection with high numbers of vegetative cells of Cl. perfringens type A (ATCC 3624). The morbidity rate always reached 100 %. In spite of a profuse and watery diarrhoea the chickens normally showed no further considerable disturbances of the general status. Apathy or anorexia were rather rare and immediately followed by Exitus letalis of the related chickens. It was striking that the infected and non-medicated broilers contracted the disease more quickly and for a longer time. The mortality rate among the infected and non-medicated animals was 16 to 36 %, among the medicated groups max. 8 %. Tylosin showed a considerable metaphylactic effect in decreasing CPE mortality. The avoparcin group showed the best weight gain among the growth promoters, comparable to the results by means of the combinations [avilamycin + monensin or narasin] or narasin only. Decreasingly avilamycin, virginiamycin and monensin were less successful. Analysing the faecal resp. ileocecal quantities of Cl. perfringens adduced only a few statistically guaranteed correlation with other results. There was no causal connection between numbers of Cl. perfringens and life weight development. It was impossible to discover a numerical threshold of germs responsible for the death of the chickens. Summarising all the results of the entire attempts the combinations of avilamycin and narasin resp. monensin were the most effective concerning the reduction of morbidity, mortality and life weight losses by CPE. By application of tylosin it was possible to stop the mortality rate quickly. But it needs more time to achieve reductions of the CPE related weight losses. The two polyethers and also avilamycin are still admitted in the European Union. Currently an abandonment of anticoccidial feed supplements seems to be impossible due to the present danger of coccidiosis in poultry. By means of monensin/narasin plus avilamycin the adverse health effects of interactions of both pathogens should be reduced. Presupposing susceptibility of the coccida this should be a notable contribution to a better controlling and to the prevention of CPE and coccidiosis, too.
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