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Hjälpmedlet som får livet att rulla vidareAl-Assaf, Sara, Lindqvist, Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
Välfärdsstaten i Sverige styrs av politikerna som sätter regler för hjälpmedelshan-teringen dock så är kommunerna självstyrda vilket konstaterar i att individens rättigheter kan påverkas då kommunerna följer sina egna bestämmelser. De pro-fessionella ska vägleda individen till rätt hjälpmedel genom en behovsbedömning och sträva efter individens självständighet. Målet är att möjliggöra att individen upplever delaktighet, självständigt liv och har möjligheten till ett aktivt liv som ingår i kriterierna för mänskliga rättigheter. Individen bör bli hörd för att kunna ha möjligheten att vara delaktig i samhället som alla andra. En bidragande faktor till delaktighet kan vara rätt anpassat hjälpmedel i form av en rullstol som upp-fyller individens behov. Individen bör ha fler valmöjligheter i det upphandlade hjälpmedelssortimentet som bör erbjudas och inte begränsas av bland annat kommunen. Då samhället ständigt förändras bör hjälpmedelsproduktionen följa samhällets utveckling och producera produkter med Universal design det vill säga produkter som möjliggöra fler användningsområden. / The welfare state in Sweden is govern by the politicians who sets regulations of the processing aids, though the municipalities is autonomous which state in the individual’s rights can be affected as the municipalities follow their own regula-tions. The professionals shall guide the individual to right accessibility aid through a needs assessment and strive after the individual’s independence. The goal is to enable the individual experiencing participation, independent life and the opportunity for an active life which is a part of the criteria for human rights. The individual should be heard in order to have the opportunity to participate in society as everyone else. A contributing factor to participation can be right adapted accessibility aid in form of a wheelchair that fulfills the individual’s need. The individual should have more options in the procured accessibility aid assortment which should be offered and not restricted by inter alia the municipal-ity. As society is constantly changing, the accessibility aid production should follow the development of society and produce products with Universal design i.e. products that enables more applications.The study was based on a semi-structured interview with six participants. Based on the study, it appeared that the representatives considered that the provision of assistive technology could increase the individual's empowerment and contribute to society. The representatives relate to the human rights and laws of society and the workplace as well as the professional knowledge. It can be emphasized that further research was needed in the area of recreational aids.
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The United Nations and Regional Security: Europe and Beyond.Pugh, Michael C., Sidhu, W.P.S. January 2003 (has links)
No / Events in Europe over the past decade or so have created a dynamic requiring significant conceptual and practical adjustments on the part of the the United Nations and a range of regional actors, including the EU, NATO, and the OSCE. This volume explores the resulting collaborative relationships in the context of peace operations in the Balkans, considering past efforts and developing specific suggestions for effective future interactions between the UN and its regional partners. The authors also consider the implications of efforts in Europe for the regionalization of peace and security operations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
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L’Union européenne et le maintien de la paix / The European Union and PeacekeepingDucroquetz, Florence 30 November 2010 (has links)
Depuis 2001, l'UE a mené plus d'une vingtaine d'opérations militaires et de missions civiles, et elle est désormais considérée comme une organisation majeure dans le domaine du maintien de la paix.Longtemps perçue comme une organisation intergouvernementale, la mise en place d'une structure européenne de gestion des crises intégrée au coeur de l'organisation, ainsi que la délégation de la gestion courante de la crise aux organes européens, ont participé à l'autonomisation progressive de l'UE par rapport à ses Etats membres. Cette autonomisation de l'organisation se manifeste également dans l'ordre juridique international. Tout un corps de règles s'applique alors à l'UE du fait de son intervention dans l'ordre juridique international, notamment les règles relatives à la responsabilité internationale des organisations régionales. L'intervention effective de l'Union européenne dans le domaine du maintien de la paix – en tant qu'organisation régionale – s'inscrit dans un cadre juridique imprécis. Or, le phénomène de régionalisation a pu être interprété comme portant préjudice au système de sécurité collective instauré par la Charte des Nations unies. Partant,deux aspects de l'intervention effective de l'UE appellent analyse : celui de la conformité de son action au cadre onusien et celui de sa contribution aux évolutions du maintien de la paix / Since 2001, the EU has conducted more than twenty military operations and civilian missions, and is now seen as one of the leading organizations in the field of peacekeeping. For a long time perceived as an intergovernmental organization, the establishment of an integrated structure for crisis management into the heart of the organization, as well as the delegation of this crisis management to the different European organs, have contributed to the gradual empowerment of the EU toward its member states. This process of becoming autonomous is also evident in the international legal order. A large set of rules thus applies to the EU due to its involvement in the international legal order, including rules relating to the international responsibility for regional organizations. The effective intervention of the European Union in the field of peacekeeping – as a regional organization– is in keeping with an unclear legal framework. However, the phenomen on of regionalization could have been interpreted as prejudicing the collective security system established by the UN Charter.Two aspects of the effective intervention of the European Union call for analysis : the conformity of its action to the UN framework and its contribution to the evolution of peacekeeping
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The regional response to the crisis in ColombiaKaiser, Daniel R. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis focuses on the regional response to the crisis in Colombia. The major conclusions of the thesis are that the crisis directly affects the security of Colombia's neighbors; that the use of military force will be the most important element in a strategy to restore security and that the Colombian military will require external military assistance to do so; that while Colombia's neighbors have traditionally rejected ideas of intervention, there are indications that they may be willing to participate in such an endeavor; and that while less politically risky courses of action are more likely to occur, a regional military force operating in a peacemaking role will be the most effective course of action towards restoring security in Colombia and the region. These conclusions are reached through an examination of the conflict's effect on Colombia and its neighbors, the capabilities of the Colombian security forces, the history of regional cooperative efforts, and recent political rhetoric and policy decisions region-wide. / Major, United States Marine Corps
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Il ruolo della Cina nel mondo post-bipolare. Uno studio sulle tendenze della politica estera cinese nell'epoca delle relazioni internazionali deboli / China's Role in the Post-Bipolar World. A Study on the Tendencies of Chinese Foreign Policy in the Era of Weak International RelationsANDORNINO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 04 July 2007 (has links)
All'inizio del xxi secolo la crescita economica e politica della repubblica popolare cinese è la più dinamica nel sistema internazionale. Mediante un'analisi della transizione che il sistema stesso sta attraversando, e utilizzando una varietà di indicatori (relazioni multilaterali/bilaterali, comportamento di voto in sede gnu, influenza nella periferia del sistema, evoluzione interna), questo lavoro tenta di cartografare il nuovo ruolo giocato dalla Cina sulla scena politica globale. / At the dawn of the xxi century, the people's republic of China's growth in economic and political influence is the most striking phenomenon in the international system. coupling an analysis of the changes that the system itself is undergoing with a variety of country-specific indicators (multilateral/bilateral relations, voting behaviour at the UN, activities in the periphery of the system, internal dynamics), this work aims at mapping the new role played by China in the international system.
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機構安置之兒童及少年人權保障法制 – 以兒童國際人權公約及英國兒童法為借鏡 / A Child-Rights approach to institutional child care in Taiwan - international conventions and the UK Children's Act 1989林沛君, Lin, Peggy Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
我國每年有將近4,000名基於家庭功能喪失、遭受虐待抑或本身行為等因素而進入安置機構的兒童及少年,這些兒少是我們社會中最為弱勢的一群人之一,他們在機構內是否獲得必要之協助及照顧,對於這群兒少未來的成長及發展係至關重要。然而近年來國內許多學者針對機構內兒少權益遭受剝奪或侵害的問題已提出應有所變革的呼籲及建言,希望能獲得政府及社會的關注。本文希望能藉由對於國內相關法律規範之整理以及比較法的研究,對於社會工作研究者所提出 之種種涉及機構內兒少權益的問題提出法律面的觀點及思考。
聯合國1989年兒童權利公約已明確宣示兒童為權利的主體,此一宣示對於兒童具有劃時代的意義。兒童從過去歷史中「不被看見的人」轉而成為「被保護的客體」,如今已然具有「權利主體」的地位。依據聯合國兒童權利委員會就兒童權利公約所為之闡釋,唯有將兒童的法律地位由「被保護的客體」提升為「權利主體」,即所謂「典範移轉」(paradigm shift)的思維,方能具體落實兒童的權利主體性。藉由近年來英國學者對於英國法院就兒童權利之判解實務所提出之批評及思辨,筆者嘗試說明除應於法律制定時正視兒童各項權利及其保障外,在司法審判實務上,「典範移轉」所要求的是法院應將兒童的權利置於裁判的天平並確實加以檢視。在英國,法院長期以「兒童福祉」而非「兒童權利」作為判決考量中心點的做法,亦已引發學者批評為不符合兒童權利的思潮發展。
對於國家究竟應如何提供被安置兒少所需之安置服務以及應如何確保其權利,本文係以英國為比較法之借鏡,並說明英國兒童安置之法律規範係以兒童權利為核心,特別著重就安置服務的提供應彰顯兒童的個體性,以及兒童應獲得必要的協助以確保其權利的行使。具體而言,本文指出英國為保障被安置兒童之權益建置了諸多的法律機制,其中包括藉由不同位階之法律規範及指導方針縝密地規範安置保護的執行、安置事件中法律監護人的設置、地方政府與民間安置機構委外契約就兒童安置成果約定的具體化、被安置兒童申訴機制的完備、以及由獨立性外部機關來執行安置機構的評鑑等。本文最後並藉由國際公約及比較法的省思,對我國相關法制提出初步之修法建議。 / Around 4,000 children in Taiwan today live in residential institutions due to domestic violence, family dysfunction or as a consequence of their own behaviour. These children are among the country’s most vulnerable. In this thesis, I intend to consider the rights of children living in such institutions, with a view to recommending that Taiwan’s legal framework be based on a ‘child rights’ approach’.
The importance of the status of children as rights-holders has long been recognised by the international community. The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child stated that a ‘paradigm shift’ is needed to change the perception of children as ‘objects in need of assistance and protection’ to holders of non-negotiable rights. To bring about this ‘paradigm shift’, as argued by leading children’s law academics in England, I shall stress that not only is there a need for children’s rights to be given prominence in domestic legislation, but domestic courts, lawyers, social workers and those who work with children must also take children’s rights more seriously.
In this thesis, in an overview of the English child-care legislative framework, I shall identify the key features of a child-care system that I believe is centred on children and their rights. I shall then reflect on the present state of institutional child care in Taiwan, placing emphasis on those aspects of the English model that I consider may be used as references for its development.
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