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Avaliação da implementação do sistema cook-chill em unidade de alimentação e nutrição - UAN / Evaluation of cook-chill system implementation on foodserviceKarina de Oliveira Calheiros 23 February 2016 (has links)
Eficácia, aperfeiçoar a produção, minimizar custos relativos e otimizar recursos disponíveis são desafios aos quais se deparam os serviços de alimentação coletiva no Brasil. Este estudo procurou avaliar os recursos disponíveis de uma unidade de alimentação e nutrição - UAN, visando subsidiar a implementação do sistema cook-chill. Para realização do estudo foram utilizados dois tipos de proteína animal, o lagarto (músculo semitendinosus) e o peito de frango (pectoralis major) com o emprego das técnicas cook-chill e convencional. O estudo foi divido em três etapas. A primeira avaliou a capacidade instalada a partir da observação dos recursos necessários, tais como, mão de obra empregada, estrutura física relacionada a equipamentos e custo. Os resultados evidenciaram um baixo índice de produtividade de mão de obra quando comparado a outras UAN. O custo total da preparação alimentícia aumentou 2,7% com o emprego da técnica cook-chill quando comparado à técnica convencional. Este aumento foi causado principalmente pelo maior tempo no emprego da mão de obra, de consumo de energia elétrica e no uso da capacidade instalada. Esta, por sua vez pode ser considerada suficiente para a implementação da técnica cook-chill. Na segunda etapa, identificou-se os pontos críticos de controle - PCC - de preparações com o emprego da técnica cook-chill. Testes preliminares definiram o tempo e temperatura do tratamento térmico empregado, devendo ser a temperatura de forno de 160°C até atingir 89°C no centro geométrico por 4 minutos para carne bovina (lagarto) e 2 minutos para carne a base de ave (peito de frango), respectivamente, num tempo total de processo de 2 horas e 25 minutos, binômios suficientes para reduzir 11D do microrganismo alvo do estudo, o Clostridium botulinun type E. Para o emprego da técnica cook-chill, identificou-se como pontos críticos de controle, a partir do método recomendado pelo Codex alimentarius, as etapas de cocção, armazenamento e regeneração, para as duas preparações. Na terceira etapa aplicou-se a técnica cook-chill visando comparar os resultados em relação aos aspectos sensoriais, físicos, químicos e microbiológicos com a técnica convencional. O rendimento total das preparações com o emprego da técnica convencional foi menor quando comparado ao cook-chill, para ambas as proteínas, exceto nas amostras de lagarto com cook-chill que tiveram um rendimento maior no armazenamento durante cinco dias, justificado pela influência da retenção de água provido pelo acondicionamento em saco a vácuo. O emprego da técnica cook-chill e o tempo de armazenamento não influenciaram nos resultados para pH, força de cisalhamento e cor objetiva, para nenhum dos tipos de carnes. As contagens microbiológicas revelaram-se satisfatórias, mesmo para as amostras armazenadas sob refrigeração no período mais longo. Quanto à análise sensorial as duas técnicas obtiveram uma aceitação acima de 60% nos atributos sensoriais avaliados. Concluiu-se que a UAN poderá substituir a técnica convencional, uma vez que obteve resultados satisfatórios de aceitação da técnica cook-chill, principalmente no tempo de armazenamento em até 5 dias a 3°C, e demais análises. Do mesmo modo, essa técnica apresentou-se vantajosa devido à maior facilidade operacional, sugerindo a redução do tempo de produção, a otimização da mão de obra e equipamentos disponíveis o favorecimento do aumento da produção. / Effectiveness, improving the production, minimize costs and optimize available resources are challenges which face the collective power services in Brazil. This study sought to evaluate the resources of a unit of foodservice, aiming to support the implementation of the cook-chill system. To conduct the study were used two types of animal protein, the semitendinosus beef and fillet of chicken breast (pectoralis major) with the use of cook-chill techniques (zero time and five days of storage) and conventional. The study was divided into three stages. First, it was evaluated the installed capacity from observing the necessary resources, such as labour, physical structure related to equipment and cost analysis. While using conventional techniques, the results showed a low labor productivity rate when compared to other foodservice units. The total cost increased to 2.7% with the use of cook-chill technique when compared to the conventional technique, caused mainly by higher use of labor, consumption of electricity and installed capacity, which may be considered sufficient for the implementation of the cook-chill technique. In the second stage, it was identified the critical control points - CCP - of preparations with the use of cook-chill technology. Preliminary tests defined time and temperature of cooking should be 160°C of oven temperature, up to reach 89°C at geometric center for 4 minutes, to semitendinosus beef, and 2 minutes for the chicken breast, respectively, in a total time process of 2 hours and 25 minutes, binomial of time enough to reduce 11D of the study target microorganism, Clostridium botulinun type E. For the implementation of the cook-chill technique it was identified, as critical control points from the method recommended by the Codex alimentarius, the steps of cooking, storage and regeneration, for both of preparations. The third stage applied the cook-chill technique in order to compare its results with the conventional technique, on the sensory, physical, chemical and microbiological aspects. The overall process yield with the conventional technique was lower than in the cook-chill technique for both proteins, except in the lizard samples cook-chill with time of storage of 5 days, that shown a higher process yield, that can be explained by the influence of water retention provided by storage in a vacuum bag. The use of cook-chill technique did not influence the results for pH, shear force, objective color, the storage time, for any of the types of meats, as well as microbiological counts proved to be satisfactory even for the preparations of meats under longer periods of refrigeration. The sensory analysis of two techniques gained acceptance over 60% in the sensory attributes evaluated. In conclusion, the foodservice unit can replace the conventional technique for cook-chill technique, according to satisfactory results of analyzed parameters, particularly for storage time up to 5 days at 3°C, also provides greater operational convenience, reduced production time, and labour optimization creating conditions for further production increase.
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中唐樂府詩研究張修蓉, ZHANG, XIU-RONG Unknown Date (has links)
比興 二、諷諭三、結構第六節:小跋
詞的興起七、中唐樂府詩的影響附:參考書目 /
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Cereal rye (CR), the most common and effective nitrogen (N) scavenging
cover crop option in the Midwest, is often utilized in cropping systems to
reduce nitrate loss for environmental benefits. To increase environmental
efficiency in Midwest corn cropping systems, we must increase the overall
adoption of CR. However, due to the yield reduction potential (6%) for corn
planted after CR termination, CR is primarily recommended before soybean. To
increase CR adoption, we must develop adaptive fertilizer management practices
that achieve competitive grain yields relative to cropping systems where CR is
not adopted. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to determine (1) the
effect of CR and starter nitrogen rate on corn growth and nitrogen content. (2)
the optimum starter nitrogen rate to achieve agronomic optimum corn yield
following CR. (3) the impact of phosphorus (P) at starter on plant growth,
nitrogen content, and yield with the inclusion of CR. For our study, five
starter N rates were applied in a 5x5 cm band to both CR and non-CR plots,
concentrations ranged from 0-84 kg N ha<sup>-1 </sup>in 28 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>
intervals. Total N applied was the same for each treatment, relative to its
location, and was split between starter N at planting and sidedress applied at
growth stage V6 relatively. Although CR termination took place at least two
weeks before planting, CR decreased corn grain yield at one of three locations
by an average of 8%, nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE) by 27%, and R6 total N content
by 23%, relative to the conventional control (non-CR 0N), when no starter N was
applied. At one of three locations, starter N rates of 56 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>,
56 kg N ha<sup>-1 </sup>plus 17 kg P ha<sup>-1</sup>, and 84 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>
increased corn grain yield, in CR plots, and 56 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> plus 17 kg
P ha<sup>-1</sup> increased corn grain yield in non-CR plots. Phosphorus increased
corn grain N content at growth stage R6 in one of three locations and did not
impact corn grain yield at all locations. We conclude that the inclusion of
starter N at planting has the potential to increase agronomic productivity in
CR corn cropping systems in soil environments with a high capacity to
mineralize soil N. However, further research is required to refine our starter
N results to find an optimum starter N rate to apply before planting corn
following CR.
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