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Super-modular Textures : Comparisons in Practical ApplicationsSvetoft, John January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to compare the products of two different work flows in a practical environment. The work flows in question are those of building environments using super-modular textures versus the more conventional method of unique textures. The tests will try to establish whether or not the theory of the super-modular work flow holds up in practice, i.e. if the result is actually as optimized has the theory outlines. The data of interest is gathered through tests in the Unreal Development Kit, which is a free version of the commercial Unreal engine. Results are compiled into graphs in order to give a clear overview of the differences between the two products. The results show that in the context of the tests performed the super-modular workflow allocates less memory than what can be achieved using uniquely mapped assets and that the average draw calls remain the same regardless of method.
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SYMBOLER I SPELMILJÖER : Externa visuella referenser i spelvärldar / SYMBOLS IN GAME ENVIRONMENTS : External visual references in game worldsNylund, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Detta arbete som utgår ifrån ett perceptions- och semiotiskt perspektiv undersöker om det är möjligt att med enbart visuella symboler i en 3D-miljö, referera till ett kunskapsämne utanför spelvärlden som spelaren är fördjupad i . Detta gjordes genom att producera en 3D-miljö av ett kontor och sedan placera ett flertal symboler från nordisk mytologi och nordisk historik mellan 800- och 1000-talet i denna kontorsmiljö. Sedan fick respondenter utforska miljön och besvara en enkät i en kvantitativ undersökning där frågor ställdes angående respondentens uppfattning om miljön, om de fann objekt i miljön "utstickande" och om de fann symboliska objekt och varför. Med detta arbete som grund kan framtida arbeten fördjupa sig ytterligare om symboler och hur de används i spelmiljöer.
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Introdução ao desenvolvimento de jogos digitais utilizando o motor de jogo UDKMarques, Gabriel Cavalcanti 05 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-05 / The research addresses the issue of development of digital games using UDK game engine. It is to provide the potential for development of the UDK game engine, addressing the aspects and characteristics of a digital game production and the ontological stages of development as: brainstorming, concept art, three-dimensional modeling and level design. We also intend to produce material for use as a guide in the development of digital games with the UDK game engine. We find our justification in the fact that the UDK is a free game engine widely used for high-quality standard games, but is lacking in specific introductory materials. Theoretically this research is based on the concepts of development addressed by authors such as Rabin (2012; 2013), Novak (2010; 2011), Thorn (2011), among others, adopting methodology directed to the ontological artistic aspects of the development of digital games. Theoretically, this research is based on the concepts of development addressed by authors such as Rabin (2012; 2013), Novak (2010; 2011), Thorn (2011), among others, adopting methodology directed to the ontological artistic aspects of the development of digital games, according to Petry (2003). Focused on the production of a tutorial, the research also aims to create a navigable prototype illustrating how the tutorial material may result in a digital game or inland environment with a high standard of aesthetic experience and quality / A pesquisa aborda a questão do desenvolvimento de jogos digitais utilizando o motor de jogo UDK. A mesma visa apresentar os potenciais de desenvolvimento do motor de jogo UDK, abordando os aspectos e as especificidades de produção de um jogo digital e as etapas ontológicas de desenvolvimento como: brainstorm, arte de conceito, modelagem tridimensional e design de nível. Pretende-se também produzir material para ser utilizado como guia no desenvolvimento de jogos digitais com o motor de jogo UDK. Encontramos nossa justificativa no fato de que a UDK é um motor de jogo free largamente utilizado para jogos de alto padrão de qualidade, porém encontra-se carente de materiais específicos introdutórios. Teoricamente essa pesquisa fundamenta-se nos conceitos de desenvolvimento abordados por autores como Rabin (2012; 2013), Novak (2010; 2011), Thorn (2011), entre outros, adotando metodologia voltada para os aspectos artísticos ontológicos do desenvolvimento de jogos digitais, segundo Petry (2003). Voltada para a produção de um tutorial, a pesquisa também visa à criação de um protótipo navegável ilustrando como o material do tutorial pode resultar em um jogo digital ou ambiente navegável com um alto padrão de experiência estética e qualidade
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Visual Programming with the Unreal Development KitWilhelmsson, Patrik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the differences of programming with the Unreal Engine 3’s visual scripting tool Kismet versus traditional programming. A simple action adventure game was developed with the Unreal Development Kit (UDK) in order to gain experience with the tool. UDK is the free version of Epic Games’ game engine Unreal Engine 3. The resulting game has a mixture of a third person behind the character default camera and fixed camera angles. The gameplay is simple; the playable character can run, investigate the level, shoot and lift and push objects. The game focused on exploration and puzzle solving. The writer found programming with Kismet to be easy to get into and highly useful. It was preferred over traditional programming for beginners. The same principles of planning ahead before writing code applied even to visual programming. It was concluded that good structure to the code was very important for larger sequences in order to have readable code. For complex gameplay classes the Unreal Engine 3’s own programming language UnrealScript was preferred. The resulting opinions of programming with a visual language are of highly subjective nature and suggestions for further studies were given.
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Die Sacherschliessung an der ETH-Bibliothek ZürichPika, Jiri 30 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Abgerundet wurde die Thematik durch Berichte aus Bibliotheken, so der ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich. Jiri Pika berichtet von Nutzer-Anforderungen und den Versuchen der Bibliothekare, diese z.B. durch Einsatz von Klassifikation zu erfüllen.
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Neues aus dem UDC-Consortium, Den Haag und der ETH-Bibliothek, ZürichPika, Jiri 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
UDC-Consortium und ETH-Bibliothek : Kurzbericht
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Klassifikationslandschaft aus Schweizer Sicht: UDK, DDC oder RVK -…?Peichl, Gerald, Ruch, Sarah 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Magazine werden geöffnet, die hauseigene Systematik stößt mit der Zeit an ihre Grenzen oder Einspareffekte durch Fremddaten sollen realisiert werden. Gründe, sich für eine neue oder verbesserte Klassifikation zu entscheiden gibt, es einige. Mit einem Rückblick auf die Geschichte, einem Überblick über die verwendeten Klassifikationen und einer kurzen theoretischen Fundierung zeigen die beiden Vortragenden anhand der RVK und der UDK und aktueller Beispiele aus der Schweiz, welche Klassifikation der richtige Weg in die Zukunft sein könnte.
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Human - Virtual Agent InteractionSchanche, Anders January 2012 (has links)
This thesis was carried out at Imagination Studios in Uppsala. IMS is a motion capture studio that alsodoes animation. Motion capture is the capturing of (generally) human motions to make 3Danimations look more realistic. In motion capture, the actors have to imagine the scene. The goal ofthis thesis is to help the motion capture actor by creating a tool that lets the actor interact with avirtual agent that represents his acting partner. Scenarios and a video sketch were created todescribe how the interaction can work. The Microsoft Kinect is used to capture the motions of theactor and recognize gestures. These gestures are then responded to by a virtual agent that isdisplayed in a 3D environment created in the Unreal Development Kit. Programming was done in C++and UnrealScript to make this solution work. Motions were recorded and applied to the virtual agentto create realistic animations that are played in response to the actor's gestures. The final product isan interactive application that can be used to immerse a person in an acting scenario.
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NR Primjena biostimulatora u proizvodnji begonije (Begonia semperflorens Link.et Otto) i kadifice (Tagetes patula L.) / Biostimulants application in production begonia (Begonia semperflorens Link et. Otto) and marigold (Tagetes patula L.)Zeljković Svjetlana 29 November 2013 (has links)
<p>U ovom istraživanju je utvrđen uticaj primjene biostimulatora na morfološke i fiziološke parametre rasta i razvoja, te na mineralni sastav kod sezonskog cvijeća, kadifice i stalnocvjetajuće begonije. Uticaj biostimulatora je ispitan kroz tri godine istraživanja u zaštićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju. Istraživanje je provedeno na mladim biljkama-rasadu prije presađivanja i na odraslim biljkama. U fazi rasada primjenjen je biostimulator Radifarm, a u fazi odraslih biljaka primjenjeni su biostimulatori Megafol, Kendal i Viva. Tretman sa primjenjenim biostimulatorima, u sve tri godine istraživanja i oba načina uzgoja, je značajno uticao na povećanje svježe i suhe mase korijena i nadzemnog dijela ispitivanih cvjetnih vrsta. Takođe, svi praćeni morfološki parametri rasta i razvoja bili su pod pozitivnim uticajem tretmana biostimulatorima. Kod rasada kadifice i stalnocvjetajuće begonije, tretman Radifarmom je snizio sadržaj prolina u listovima te se i na taj način potvrdio pozitivan uticaj biostimulatora na smanjenje abiotskog stresa. Svi primjenjeni biostimulatori su značajno ubrzali cvjetanje i produžili vrijeme cvatnje u poređenju sa kontrolnim biljkama. Tretmani biostimulatorima su uticali na povećanje ukupnog sadržaja svih elemenata ishrane u cijelim biljkama kadifice i stalnocvjetajuće begonije. Rezultati pokazuju korist primjene biostimulatora u uzgoju sezonskog cvijeća u fazi rasada, ali i u fazi uzgoja na otvorenom polju, jer pozitivno utiču na procese rasta i razvoja kroz ublažavanje abiotskog stresa uzrokovanog presađivanjem. Na kraju, javlja se potreba za daljim istraživanjem mogućnosti primjene biostimulatora i na druge poljoprivredne kulture, kao preporučljive tehnološke mjere zaštite životne sredine, jer primjenom biostimulatora ne dolazi do ispiranja azotnih materija u dublje slojeve zemljišta.</p> / <p>This research showed the effect of biostimulant application on morphophysiological growth and development indicators and plant mineral content of seasonal flowers, marigold and begonia. Biostimulant effect was investigated in three years, where plants were grown in greenhouse and in open field. Young seasonal plants before transplanting and adult plants after transplanting in open field were analysed to determine the influence of biostimulant application. Biostimulant Radifarm was applied before transplanting, and Megafol, Kendal and Viva after transplanting. Treatment with applied biostimulants, in three years of investigation and both growing conditions, significantly increased root and stem fresh and dry weight of seasonal flowers. Also, all morphological properties were under positive influence of biostimulants treatment. Furthermore, treatment with biostimulant Radifarm resulted by lower proline content in leaves, which confirmed positive effect biostimulant on abiotical stress conditions. All applied biostimulants, significantly increased earlier flowering and ensured longest flowering in marigold and begonia. The most significant influence of biostimulants application in role of plant nutrition was increased mineral nutrients total content in the whole plant in both sampling. Results showed advantage of biostimulants application in seasonal flowers seedlings production, but also after transplanting in open filed, because their application intensified growth process through damage reduction caused by abiotic stress during transplanting. At the end, there is a need for further investigation of biostimulant function, their application possibilities on others agricultural plants and their combinations in modern agriculture towards environmental friendly production strategy.</p>
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Sacherschließung in der Universitätsbibliothek DortmundAndersen, Christian 30 November 2004 (has links)
Über Sacherschließung in der UB Dortmund berichtete der zuständige Fachreferent Christian Andersen.
Die Universitätsbibliothek klassifizierte nach der DK, die Bibliothek der Pädagogischen Hochschule klassifizierte nach eigenem System. 1980 erfolgte die Fusion der beiden Bibliotheken mit der Begleiterscheinung, daß die beiden Systematischen Kataloge einerseits nach DK und andererseits nach eigener PHB-Systematik weitergeführt wurden. Für die Sachkataloge produzierte das System DOBIS Katalogzettel bis zur Abschaltung von DOBIS Ende 1991. Damit brachen die Zettelkataloge ab.
In einem Testlauf im Sommer 1990 hatten sich die Fachreferenten für die Nutzung der Fremddaten des HBZ entschieden. Außerdem stand die Möglichkeit der freien Schlagwortvergabe zur Verfügung. Eine Umstellung der DK-Notationen auf EDV-Recherche hätte großen manuellen Verbalisierungsaufwand benötigt, da die DK-Notation für sich genommen nicht aussagekräftig genug erschienen. Der DK-Teil des Zettelkatalogs wurde Anfang 2002 entsorgt; der PH-Teil steht heute in einem Magazin noch zur Verfügung, wird aber - sofern entdeckt - kaum genutzt.
Heute sind alle Bestände der UB im OPAC erreichbar. Sachlich suchen kann man gezielt nach Schlagwörtern oder Stichwörtern. Auch die Suche über alle Felder ist möglich. Nachteil: Fallweise gibt es große bis sehr große Treffermengen. Problem: Die durch die Retrokatalogisierung erfassten Altbestände sind fast gar nicht sachlich erschlossen; die Titel seit 1983 nur teilweise. Mit 1986 setzte die Übernahme der Schlagwortdaten der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (DNB) durch den HBZ-Verbund ein. Wünschenswert wäre es, die Altbestände durch automatische Indexierung zu erschließen.
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