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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les vicissitudes d'un outil cosmologique: la raie Lyman-alpha

Atek, Hakim 11 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'exploration de l'Univers lointain connait présentement un essor sans précédent, grâce notamment à une instrumentation de pointe en perpétuelle amélioration. Les galaxies primordiales sont devenues accessibles par une signature spectrale très intense : la raie de recombinaison de l'hydrogène Lyα. En procède une pléthore d'applications cosmologiques, qui demeurent cependant très fragiles et en proie à diverses incertitudes. En cause, la complexité du transfert radiatif de Lyα, qui est une raie résonante. La présente thèse a pour principal objectif la calibration et la consolidation des quantités, observations et interprétations astrophysiques basées sur l'émission Lyα, en particulier dans l'univers lointain. L'approche principale consiste à observer les analogues locaux des galaxies a flambée de formation d'étoiles distantes, permettant une étude détaillée de la physique Lyα à haute résolution grâce au télescope spatial Hubble. Une étude numérique présente ensuite la simulation du transfert radiatif de Lyα dans les galaxies locales et à un décalage spectral de 3, et le lien entre différentes populations de galaxies. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce travail présente une estimation empirique d'une quantité physique cruciale pour la calibration des observables Lyα, à savoir la fraction d'échappement fesc(Lyα), ainsi que les caractéristiques physiques des émetteurs Lyα détectés par GALEX.

Packaging designs for ultraviolet light emitting diodes

Habtemichael, Yishak Tekleab 14 August 2012 (has links)
Aluminum Gallium Nitride (AlGaN) / Gallium Nitride (GaN) based deep ultraviolet (DUV) light emitting didoes (LEDs) with emission wavelengths between 200-280 nm enable key emerging technologies such as water/air purification and sterilization, covert communications and portable bio-agent detection/identification systems for homeland security, and surface and medical device sterilization. These devices produce a large amount of undesired heat due to low quantum efficiencies in converting electrical input to optical output. These low efficiencies are attributed to difficulties in the growth&doping of AlₓGa₁₋ₓN materials and UV absorbing substrates leading to excessive joule heating, which leads to device degradation and a spectral shift in the emission wavelength. With this regard, effective thermal management in these devices depends on the removal of this heat and reduction of the junction temperature. This is achieved by decreasing the package thermal resistance from junction-to-air with cost-effective solutions. The use of heat sinks, thermal interface materials, and high conductivity heat spreaders is instrumental in the reduction of the overall junction-to-air thermal resistance. This thesis work focuses on thermal modeling of flip-chip packaged deep UV LEDs to gain a better understanding of the heat propagation through these devices as well as the package parameters that have the biggest contributions to reducing the overall thermal resistance. A parametric study focusing on components of a lead frame package is presented to ascertain the thermal impacts of various package layers including contact metallizations, thermal spreading sub-mounts, and thermal interface materials. In addition the use of alternative thermal interface materials such as phase change materials and liquid metals is investigated experimentally.

UV index measurement and model agreement: uncertainties and limitations

Badosa i Franch, Jordi 27 September 2005 (has links)
En les últimes dècades, l'increment dels nivells de radiació solar ultraviolada (UVR) que arriba a la Terra (principalment degut a la disminució d'ozó estratosfèric) juntament amb l'augment detectat en malalties relacionades amb l'exposició a la UVR, ha portat a un gran volum d'investigacions sobre la radiació solar en aquesta banda i els seus efectes en els humans. L'índex ultraviolat (UVI), que ha estat adoptat internacionalment, va ser definit amb el propòsit d'informar al públic general sobre els riscos d'exposar el cos nu a la UVR i per tal d'enviar missatges preventius. L'UVI es va definir inicialment com el valor màxim diari. No obstant, el seu ús actual s'ha ampliat i té sentit referir-se a un valor instantani o a una evolució diària del valor d'UVI mesurat, modelitzat o predit. El valor concret d'UVI està afectat per la geometria Sol-Terra, els núvols, l'ozó, els aerosols, l'altitud i l'albedo superficial.Les mesures d'UVI d'alta qualitat són essencials com a referència i per estudiar tendències a llarg termini; es necessiten també tècniques acurades de modelització per tal d'entendre els factors que afecten la UVR, per predir l'UVI i com a control de qualitat de les mesures. És d'esperar que les mesures més acurades d'UVI s'obtinguin amb espectroradiòmetres. No obstant, com que els costs d'aquests dispositius són elevats, és més habitual trobar dades d'UVI de radiòmetres eritemàtics (de fet, la majoria de les xarxes d'UVI estan equipades amb aquest tipus de sensors). Els millors resultats en modelització s'obtenen amb models de transferència radiativa de dispersió múltiple quan es coneix bé la informació d'entrada. No obstant, habitualment no es coneix informació d'entrada, com per exemple les propietats òptiques dels aerosols, la qual cosa pot portar a importants incerteses en la modelització. Sovint, s'utilitzen models més simples per aplicacions com ara la predicció d'UVI o l'elaboració de mapes d'UVI, ja que aquests són més ràpids i requereixen menys paràmetres d'entrada.Tenint en compte aquest marc de treball, l'objectiu general d'aquest estudi és analitzar l'acord al qual es pot arribar entre la mesura i la modelització d'UVI per condicions de cel sense núvols.D'aquesta manera, en aquest estudi es presenten comparacions model-mesura per diferents tècniques de modelització, diferents opcions d'entrada i per mesures d'UVI tant de radiòmetres eritemàtics com d'espectroradiòmeters. Com a conclusió general, es pot afirmar que la comparació model-mesura és molt útil per detectar limitacions i estimar incerteses tant en les modelitzacions com en les mesures. Pel que fa a la modelització, les principals limitacions que s'han trobat és la falta de coneixement de la informació d'aerosols considerada com a entrada dels models. També, s'han trobat importants diferències entre l'ozó mesurat des de satèl·lit i des de la superfície terrestre, la qual cosa pot portar a diferències importants en l'UVI modelitzat. PTUV, una nova i simple parametrització pel càlcul ràpid d'UVI per condicions de cel serens, ha estat desenvolupada en base a càlculs de transferència radiativa. La parametrització mostra una bona execució tant respecte el model base com en comparació amb diverses mesures d'UVI. PTUV ha demostrat la seva utilitat per aplicacions particulars com ara l'estudi de l'evolució anual de l'UVI per un cert lloc (Girona) i la composició de mapes d'alta resolució de valors d'UVI típics per un territori concret (Catalunya). En relació a les mesures, es constata que és molt important saber la resposta espectral dels radiòmetres eritemàtics per tal d'evitar grans incerteses a la mesura d'UVI. Aquest instruments, si estan ben caracteritzats, mostren una bona comparació amb els espectroradiòmetres d'alta qualitat en la mesura d'UVI. Les qüestions més importants respecte les mesures són la calibració i estabilitat a llarg termini. També, s'ha observat un efecte de temperatura en el PTFE, un material utilitzat en els difusors en alguns instruments, cosa que potencialment podria tenir implicacions importants en el camp experimental.Finalment, i pel que fa a les comparacions model-mesura, el millor acord s'ha trobat quan es consideren mesures d'UVI d'espectroradiòmetres d'alta qualitat i s'usen models de transferència radiativa que consideren les millors dades disponibles pel que fa als paràmetres òptics d'ozó i aerosols i els seus canvis en el temps. D'aquesta manera, l'acord pot ser tan alt dins un 0.1º% en UVI, i típicament entre menys d'un 3%. Aquest acord es veu altament deteriorat si s'ignora la informació d'aerosols i depèn de manera important del valor d'albedo de dispersió simple dels aerosols. Altres dades d'entrada del model, com ara l'albedo superficial i els perfils d'ozó i temperatura introdueixen una incertesa menor en els resultats de modelització. / The increase in solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) levels reaching the Earth surface during the last decades (mostly induced by the stratospheric ozone depletion), together with a detected increase in UVR-related diseases, has lead to a high volume of investigations about this band of the solar radiation and its effects on human beings.The ultraviolet Index (UVI), which is currently internationally adopted, was defined in order to disseminate information to the public about the risks of exposing the naked body to UVR and to send preventive messages. UVI was initially defined as the maximum daily value. However, the current use of this index has been widened and nowadays it makes sense to refer to an instantaneous value or to the evolution of the measured, modelled, or predicted UVI during the day. The actual value of UVI is affected by the Sun-Earth geometry, clouds, ozone, aerosols, altitude and ground albedo. High quality UVI measurements are essential as a reference and to study long-term trends; accurate modelling techniques are needed to understand the way factors affect UVR, to predict UVI, and as a quality control of the measurements. For the UVI measurement, best accuracy is expected with data from spectroradiometers. However, since the costs of these devices are expensive, data from erythemal radiometers are more commonly available (most UVI networks are equipped with this latter type of sensors). Best UVI modelling performance is found with multi-scattering radiative transfer models when the input information is well known. However, some relevant input information, such as the aerosol optical properties, is usually not available which can lead to large modelling uncertainties. More simple models are often used for applications such as UVI prediction or elaboration of UVI maps, as they are much faster and require less input parameters.Considering this framework, the general objective of this work is to analyse the agreement that can be reached between modelled and measured UVI for cloudless conditions.For this, model-measurement comparisons are presented for different modelling techniques, for several input options, and for UVI measured by both erythemal radiometers and spectroradiometers. As a general conclusion, it can be stated that the comparison of modelled vs. measured UVI is very useful to detect limitations and estimate uncertainties in both the modelling and measurements.As far as modelling is concerned, the main limitations found are the lack of knowledge in the aerosol information considered as input. Also, important differences are found between the ozone column from satellite and from ground based measurements, which lead to important differences in the modelled UVI.PTUV, a new simple parameterisation for fast UVI calculations for cloudless conditions, has been developed based on radiative transfer calculations. The parameterisation shows a good performance both with respect to the base model and to diverse UVI measurements. PTUV has demonstrated to be useful for particular applications such as to study the annual UVI variation at a particular site (Girona) and to build high resolution maps of typical UVI for a territory (Catalonia).Regarding the measurements, it is found that the use of the actual spectral response of the erythemal radiometers is very important to avoid large uncertainties in the measured UVI. If well characterised, the erythemal radiometers compare reasonably well with high quality spectroradiometers when measuring UVI. Major issues with respect to the measurements are long term calibration accuracy and stability. Also, a temperature effect in PTFE, a material used as diffuser in some instruments, has been observed, which could have potentially important implications in the experimental field. Finally, and concerning the model-measurement comparisons, the best agreement has been found when high quality spectroradiometric UVI measurements are considered and radiative transfer models are applied taking into account the best data available regarding aerosol and ozone optical parameters and their changes in time. In this case, the agreement can be as high as 0.1% in UVI, and typically less than 3%. This agreement deteriorates greatly if aerosols are ignored, and depends importantly on the aerosol single scattering albedo. Other data, such as ground albedo or the actual atmospheric temperature and ozone profiles, introduce lower uncertainty in the modelling results.

Transparent Oxide Semiconductors: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications

Wang, Kai January 2008 (has links)
Transparent oxide semiconductors (TOSs) are materials that exhibit electrical conduction and optical transparency. The traditional applications of these materials are transparent conducting oxides in flat-panel displays, light-emitting diodes, solar cells, and imaging sensors. Recently, significant research has been driven to extend state-of-the-art applications such as thin-film transistors (TFTs). A new and rapidly developing field is emerging, called transparent electronics. This thesis advances transparent electronics through developing a new technique to fabricate TOSs and demonstrating their applications to active semiconductor devices such as diodes and TFTs. Ion beam assisted evaporation (IBAE) is used to deposit two common TOSs: zinc oxide (ZnO) and indium oxide (In2O3). The detailed material study is carried out through various characterization of their electrical properties, chemical composition, optical properties, crystal structure, intrinsic stress, topology, and morphology, as well as an investigation of thin-film property as a function of the deposition parameters: ion flux and energy, and deposition rate. The study proves that IBAE technique provides the capability for fabricating TOSs with controllable properties. By utilizing the newly developed semiconducting ZnO, p-NiO/i-ZnO/n-ITO and n-ITO/i-ZnO/p-NiO heterostructure photodiodes with a low leakage are proposed and assessed. Analysis of their current-voltage characteristics and current transient behaviour reveals that the dominant source of leakage current stems from the deep defect states in the intrinsic zinc oxide layer, where its dynamic response at low signal levels is limited by the charge trapping. The exploration of the photoconduction mechanism and spectral response confirms that such photodiodes are potentially applicable for ultraviolet (UV) sensors. The comparative study of both device structures provides further insights into the leakage current mechanisms, p-i interface properties, and quantum efficiency. Secondly, with the novel semiconducting In2O3, TFTs are fabricated and evaluated. The device performance is optimized by addressing the source/drain contact issue, lowering the intrinsic channel resistance, and improving the dielectric/channel interface. The best n-channel TFT has a high field-effect mobility of ~30 cm^2/Vs, a high current ON/OFF ratio of ~10^8, and a sub-threshold slope of 2.0 V/decade. More important, high-performance indium oxide TFTs here are integrated with the silicon dioxide and silicon nitride gate dielectrics by conventional plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, which makes indium oxide TFT a competitive alternative for next generation TFTs to meet the technical requirements for flat-panel displays, large area imager arrays, and radio frequency identification tags. The stability study shows that indium oxide TFTs are highly stable with a very small threshold voltage shift under both a long-term constant voltage and long-term current stress. The dynamic behaviour indicates factors that affect the operation speed of such TFTs. A descriptive model is proposed to link the material properties and the processing issues with the device performance to facilitate further research and development of TOS TFTs. The research described in this thesis is one of the first investigations of the fabrication of TOSs by the IBAE and their applications to a variety of thin-film devices, particularly UV sensors and TFTs.

Transparent Oxide Semiconductors: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications

Wang, Kai January 2008 (has links)
Transparent oxide semiconductors (TOSs) are materials that exhibit electrical conduction and optical transparency. The traditional applications of these materials are transparent conducting oxides in flat-panel displays, light-emitting diodes, solar cells, and imaging sensors. Recently, significant research has been driven to extend state-of-the-art applications such as thin-film transistors (TFTs). A new and rapidly developing field is emerging, called transparent electronics. This thesis advances transparent electronics through developing a new technique to fabricate TOSs and demonstrating their applications to active semiconductor devices such as diodes and TFTs. Ion beam assisted evaporation (IBAE) is used to deposit two common TOSs: zinc oxide (ZnO) and indium oxide (In2O3). The detailed material study is carried out through various characterization of their electrical properties, chemical composition, optical properties, crystal structure, intrinsic stress, topology, and morphology, as well as an investigation of thin-film property as a function of the deposition parameters: ion flux and energy, and deposition rate. The study proves that IBAE technique provides the capability for fabricating TOSs with controllable properties. By utilizing the newly developed semiconducting ZnO, p-NiO/i-ZnO/n-ITO and n-ITO/i-ZnO/p-NiO heterostructure photodiodes with a low leakage are proposed and assessed. Analysis of their current-voltage characteristics and current transient behaviour reveals that the dominant source of leakage current stems from the deep defect states in the intrinsic zinc oxide layer, where its dynamic response at low signal levels is limited by the charge trapping. The exploration of the photoconduction mechanism and spectral response confirms that such photodiodes are potentially applicable for ultraviolet (UV) sensors. The comparative study of both device structures provides further insights into the leakage current mechanisms, p-i interface properties, and quantum efficiency. Secondly, with the novel semiconducting In2O3, TFTs are fabricated and evaluated. The device performance is optimized by addressing the source/drain contact issue, lowering the intrinsic channel resistance, and improving the dielectric/channel interface. The best n-channel TFT has a high field-effect mobility of ~30 cm^2/Vs, a high current ON/OFF ratio of ~10^8, and a sub-threshold slope of 2.0 V/decade. More important, high-performance indium oxide TFTs here are integrated with the silicon dioxide and silicon nitride gate dielectrics by conventional plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, which makes indium oxide TFT a competitive alternative for next generation TFTs to meet the technical requirements for flat-panel displays, large area imager arrays, and radio frequency identification tags. The stability study shows that indium oxide TFTs are highly stable with a very small threshold voltage shift under both a long-term constant voltage and long-term current stress. The dynamic behaviour indicates factors that affect the operation speed of such TFTs. A descriptive model is proposed to link the material properties and the processing issues with the device performance to facilitate further research and development of TOS TFTs. The research described in this thesis is one of the first investigations of the fabrication of TOSs by the IBAE and their applications to a variety of thin-film devices, particularly UV sensors and TFTs.

In-situ Monitoring of Photopolymerization Using Microrheology

Slopek, Ryan Patrick 18 July 2005 (has links)
Photopolymerization is the basis of several multi-million dollar industries including films and coating, inks, adhesives, fiber optics, and biomaterials. The fundamentals of the photopolymerization process, however, are not well understood. As a result, spatial variations of photopolymerization impose significant limitations on applications in which a high spatial resolution is required. To address these issues, microrheology was implemented to study the spatial and temporal effects of free-radical photopolymerization. In this work a photosensitive, acrylate resin was exposed to ultraviolet light, while the Brownian motion of micron sized, inert fluorescent tracer particles was tracked using optical videomicroscopy. Statistical analysis of particle motion yielded data that could then be used to extract rheological information about the embedding medium as a function of time and space, thereby relating UV exposure to the polymerization and gelation of monomeric resins. The effects of varying depth, initiator concentration, inhibitor concentration, composition of the monomer, and light intensity on the gelation process were studied. The most striking result is the measured difference in gelation time observed as a function of UV penetration depth. The observed trend was found to be independent of UV light intensity and monomer composition. The intensity results were used to test the accuracy of energy threshold model, which is used to empirically predict photo-induced polymerization. The results of this research affirm the ability of microrheology to provide the high spatial and temporal resolution necessary to accurately monitor the photopolymerization process. The experimental data provide a better understanding of the photo-induced polymerization, which could lead to expanded use and improved industrial process optimization. The use of microrheology to monitor photopolymerization can also aid in the development of predictive models and offer the ability to perform in-situ quality control of the process.

Interactions entre cations métalliques et dérivés des oxacalix[4]arènes

Mellah, Besma Arnaud, Françoise. Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse doctorat : Chimie-Physique : Strasbourg 1 : 2006. Thèse doctorat : Chimie-Physique : Bizerte - Tunisie : 2006. / Thèse soutenue en co-tutelle. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Notes bibliogr.

Solar ultraviolet radiation: monitoring, dosimetry and protection

Ho, Wing-kwok., 何永國. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Radioisotope / Master / Master of Philosophy

Ultraviolet stabilization and performance enhancement of nanostructured humidity sensors

Smetaniuk, Daniel Unknown Date
No description available.

Green Synthesis and Evaluation of Catalytic Activity of Sugar Capped Gold Nanoparticles

Kherde, Yogesh A. 01 August 2014 (has links)
Owing to the importance of gold nanoparticles in catalysis, designing of them has become a major focus of the researchers. Most of the current methods available for the synthesis of gold nanoaprticles (GNPs) suffer from the challenges of polydispersity, stability and use of toxic and harmful chemicals. To overcome these limitations of conventional methods, in our present study, we made an attempt to design a method for the green synthesis of monodispersed and stable gold nanoparticles by sugars which act as reducing and stabilizing agent. Characterization of synthesized nanoparticles was done by using various analytical techniques such as transmission electron microscope (TEM), dynamic light scattering spectroscopy (DLS), UV-Vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron dispersion spectroscopy. The synthesized sugar GNPs (S-GNPs) were spherical in shape and in the size range of 10 ± 5 nm. p-Nitrophenol reduction assay was used as a model system to determine the catalytic reduction activity of various sugar capped GNPs, monosaccharides (fructose), disaccharide (sucrose) and trisaccharide (raffinose) GNPs. The effect of temperature and the size of ligand on catalytic activity was also evaluated at different temperature using UV-Vis spectrometer. Using the spectroscopic data, rate constant (k) for three sugar capped GNPs was determined followed by its activation energy (Ea) and exponential (A) factor.

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