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Energy Reconstruction and high-speed Data Transmission with FPGAs for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter at LHCStärz, Steffen 08 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The Liquid Argon calorimeter of the ATLAS detector at CERN near Geneva is equipped with improved readout and trigger electronics for the operation at higher luminosity LHC in the frame of several upgrades (Phase-0, I, and II). Special attention is given to an early digitisation of detector raw data and their following digital data transmission and processing via FPGAs already for the Level-1 trigger. The upgrades additionally foresee to provide higher spatial granularity information for the Level-1 trigger in order to improve its performance for low momentum single particles at increased collision rates.
The first part of this dissertation contains the development and implementation of a modular detector simulation framework, AREUS, which allows to analyse different filter algorithms for the energy reconstruction as well as their performance with respect to the expected digitised detector raw data. In this detector simulation framework the detailed algorithmic functionality of the FPGAs has been taken into account. Various filter algorithms, especially the Optimal Filter and a Wiener Filter with Forward Correction, are discussed with regard to their performance in energy reconstruction of the future Liquid Argon calorimeter trigger system.
In the second part of this thesis, the high-speed data transfer for the acquisition of the trigger data is being developed. For this purpose, a generic 10 Gigabit Ethernet UDP stack is designed in VHDL, that is currently applied in an ALTERA® Stratix-IV FPGA as part of the readout electronics of a demonstrator setup in the context of the Phase-0 Upgrade. After implementation in a prototype electronics board, data transfer from the detector front-end is realised. A successful test in the demonstrator setup installed in the ATLAS detector verifying the correct transmission of the Liquid Argon calorimeter trigger signals concludes this work. / Das Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeter des ATLAS-Detektors am CERN bei Genf wird für den Betrieb am LHC mit erhöhter Luminosität im Rahmen mehrerer Upgrades (Phase-0, I und II) mit verbesserter Auslese- und Triggerelektronik ausgestattet. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt hierbei auf der frühzeitigen Digitalisierung der Detektorrohdaten und deren folgende digitale Übertragung sowie Verarbeitung mittels FPGAs bereits für den Level-1 Trigger. Die Upgrades sehen zusätzlich vor, dem Level-1 Trigger eine höhere Ortsauflösung bereitzustellen um seine Leistungsfähigkeit der Energierekonstruktion von niedrigenergetischen Teilchen bei erhöhter Kollisionsrate zu verbessern.
Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beinhaltet die Entwicklung und Umsetzung einer modularen Detektorsimulationsumgebung, AREUS, mit der verschiedene Filteralgorithmen zur Energierekonstruktion sowie deren Performanz in Abhängigkeit der erwarteten digitalisierten Detektorrohdaten analysiert werden können. Dabei wurde in der Simulationsumgebung die Funktionalität der Rechenarithmetik der später verwendeten FPGAs berücksichtigt. Verschiedener Filteralgorithmen, im Besonderen der Optimal Filter und ein Wiener Filter mit Korrekturglied, werden im Hinblick auf ihre Performanz der Energierekonstruktion für das zukünftige Triggersystem des Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeters diskutiert.
Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenübertragung zur Erfassung von Triggerdaten. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein generischer 10 Gigabit Ethernet UDP Stack in VHDL entworfen, der als Teil der Ausleseelektronik eines Demonstrator-Testaufbaus im Rahmen des Phase-0 Upgrades in einem ALTERA® Stratix-IV FPGA aktuell zum Einsatz kommt. Nach Implementierung in einem Prototypen einer Auslesekarte konnte ein Transfer von Detektordaten realisiert werden. Eine Überprüfung am Demonstrator-Testaufbau, welcher im ATLAS Detektor installiert ist, schließt diese Dissertation ab. Sie hat eine korrekte Übertragung von Triggersignalen des Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeters erfolgreich bestätitgt.
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Contribution to the construction of the Insertable B-Layer of ATLAS for high luminosity upgrade and Research for invisible Higgs / Contribution a la construction du detecteur interne d’ATLAS pour la phase haute luminosité et Recherche de boson de Higgs en mode invisibleBassalat, Ahmed 16 December 2015 (has links)
Pour la deuxième période de prise des données du LHC (Run 2) de 2015 - 2022, une quatrième couche de senseurs pixels a été installée dans le détecteur de l’existence ATLAS sur un tube de faisceau de plus petit diamètre afin d’ajouter de la redondance pour améliorer la reconstruction des trajectoires des particules chargées. Ce détecteur du pixel permettra d’assurer un suivi de la qualité de l’étiquetage des mesons b haute luminosité (b-tagging). Au cours des deux dernières années plusieurs composants ont été produits et assemblés sur des structures de soutien appelées échelles. Au total, 20 échelles ont été construites et qualifiées en cardere d’un procédé d’assurance qualité définie par ATLAS au CERN. Quatorze échelles ont été intégrées sur le tube de faisceau. Ceci constitue la première partie de la thèse dédiée à la partie construction du détecteur. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la recherche de boson de Higgs issu de collisions proton proton l’énergie du 8 TeV centre de masse de, se désintégrant en particules invisibles une luminosité integrée de 20.3 fb−1 enregistrées par le détecteur ATLAS au LHC. Les résultats sont interprétés dans les modèles de matière noire Higgs portail(Higgs portal Dark Matter). / For Run 2 of the LHC a fourth, innermost Pixel Detector layer on a smaller radius beampipe has been installed in the ATLAS Detector to add redundancy against radiation damage ofthe current Pixel Detector and to ensure a high quality tracking and b-tagging performance ofthe Inner Detector over the coming years until the High Luminosity Upgrade. State of the artcomponents have been produced and assembled onto support structures known as staves overthe last two years. In total, 20 staves have been built and qualified in a designated QualityAssurance setup at CERN of which 14 have been integrated onto the beam pipe. In the secondpart, A search for a Higgs boson produced via vector-boson fusion and decaying into invisibleparticles is discussed, using 20.3 fb−1 of proton proton collision data at the centre of massenergy of 8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. For a Higgs boson with a massof 125 GeV, assuming the Standard Model production cross section, an upper bound of 0.28is set on the branching fraction of H →invisible at 90% confidence level, where the expectedupper limit is 0.31. The results are interpreted in model of Higgs portal dark matter where thebranching fraction limit is converted into upper bounds on the dark matter nucleon scatteringcross section as a function of the dark matter particle mass, and compared to results from thedirect dark matter detection experiments.
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Energy Reconstruction and high-speed Data Transmission with FPGAs for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter at LHCStärz, Steffen 19 May 2015 (has links)
The Liquid Argon calorimeter of the ATLAS detector at CERN near Geneva is equipped with improved readout and trigger electronics for the operation at higher luminosity LHC in the frame of several upgrades (Phase-0, I, and II). Special attention is given to an early digitisation of detector raw data and their following digital data transmission and processing via FPGAs already for the Level-1 trigger. The upgrades additionally foresee to provide higher spatial granularity information for the Level-1 trigger in order to improve its performance for low momentum single particles at increased collision rates.
The first part of this dissertation contains the development and implementation of a modular detector simulation framework, AREUS, which allows to analyse different filter algorithms for the energy reconstruction as well as their performance with respect to the expected digitised detector raw data. In this detector simulation framework the detailed algorithmic functionality of the FPGAs has been taken into account. Various filter algorithms, especially the Optimal Filter and a Wiener Filter with Forward Correction, are discussed with regard to their performance in energy reconstruction of the future Liquid Argon calorimeter trigger system.
In the second part of this thesis, the high-speed data transfer for the acquisition of the trigger data is being developed. For this purpose, a generic 10 Gigabit Ethernet UDP stack is designed in VHDL, that is currently applied in an ALTERA® Stratix-IV FPGA as part of the readout electronics of a demonstrator setup in the context of the Phase-0 Upgrade. After implementation in a prototype electronics board, data transfer from the detector front-end is realised. A successful test in the demonstrator setup installed in the ATLAS detector verifying the correct transmission of the Liquid Argon calorimeter trigger signals concludes this work. / Das Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeter des ATLAS-Detektors am CERN bei Genf wird für den Betrieb am LHC mit erhöhter Luminosität im Rahmen mehrerer Upgrades (Phase-0, I und II) mit verbesserter Auslese- und Triggerelektronik ausgestattet. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt hierbei auf der frühzeitigen Digitalisierung der Detektorrohdaten und deren folgende digitale Übertragung sowie Verarbeitung mittels FPGAs bereits für den Level-1 Trigger. Die Upgrades sehen zusätzlich vor, dem Level-1 Trigger eine höhere Ortsauflösung bereitzustellen um seine Leistungsfähigkeit der Energierekonstruktion von niedrigenergetischen Teilchen bei erhöhter Kollisionsrate zu verbessern.
Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beinhaltet die Entwicklung und Umsetzung einer modularen Detektorsimulationsumgebung, AREUS, mit der verschiedene Filteralgorithmen zur Energierekonstruktion sowie deren Performanz in Abhängigkeit der erwarteten digitalisierten Detektorrohdaten analysiert werden können. Dabei wurde in der Simulationsumgebung die Funktionalität der Rechenarithmetik der später verwendeten FPGAs berücksichtigt. Verschiedener Filteralgorithmen, im Besonderen der Optimal Filter und ein Wiener Filter mit Korrekturglied, werden im Hinblick auf ihre Performanz der Energierekonstruktion für das zukünftige Triggersystem des Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeters diskutiert.
Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenübertragung zur Erfassung von Triggerdaten. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein generischer 10 Gigabit Ethernet UDP Stack in VHDL entworfen, der als Teil der Ausleseelektronik eines Demonstrator-Testaufbaus im Rahmen des Phase-0 Upgrades in einem ALTERA® Stratix-IV FPGA aktuell zum Einsatz kommt. Nach Implementierung in einem Prototypen einer Auslesekarte konnte ein Transfer von Detektordaten realisiert werden. Eine Überprüfung am Demonstrator-Testaufbau, welcher im ATLAS Detektor installiert ist, schließt diese Dissertation ab. Sie hat eine korrekte Übertragung von Triggersignalen des Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeters erfolgreich bestätitgt.
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Mechanismus pro upgrade BIOSu v Linuxu / Generic BIOS Update Mechanism for LinuxMariščák, Igor January 2008 (has links)
This work provides overview of creating of a simple driver for the BIOS flash memory by accessing the physical computer memory. Although, the BIOS is one of a system's core components, there is no standardized update mechanism approach. Purpose of thesis is to create module driver by taking advantage of existing interface subsystem MTD, to suggest and implement driver for one specific device to Linux kernel operating system. Also explains technique allowing write access to registers of the flash memory with utilization of configuration file.
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Simulation Studies of Digital Filters for the Phase-II Upgrade of the Liquid-Argon Calorimeters of the ATLAS Detector at the High-Luminosity LHCMadysa, Nico 14 June 2021 (has links)
Am Large Hadron Collider und am ATLAS-Detektor werden umfangreiche Aufrüstungsarbeiten vorgenommen. Diese Arbeiten sind in mehrere Phasen gegliedert und umfassen unter Anderem Änderungen an der Ausleseelektronik der Flüssigargonkalorimeter; insbesondere ist es geplant, während der letzten Phase ihren Primärpfad vollständig auszutauschen. Die Elektronik besteht aus einem analogen und einem digitalen Teil: während ersterer die Signalpulse verstärkt und sie zur leichteren Abtastung verformt, führt letzterer einen Algorithmus zur Energierekonstruktion aus. Beide Teile müssen während der Aufrüstung verbessert werden, damit der Detektor interessante Kollisionsereignisse präzise rekonstruieren und uninteressante effizient verwerfen kann.
In dieser Dissertation werden Simulationsstudien präsentiert, die sowohl die analoge als auch die digitale Auslese der Flüssigargonkalorimeter optimieren. Die Korrektheit der Simulation wird mithilfe von Kalibrationsdaten geprüft, die im sog. Run 2 des ATLAS-Detektors aufgenommen worden sind. Der Einfluss verschiedener Parameter der Signalverformung auf die Energieauflösung wird analysiert und die Nützlichkeit einer erhöhten Abtastrate von 80 MHz untersucht. Des Weiteren gibt diese Arbeit eine Übersicht über lineare und nichtlineare Energierekonstruktionsalgorithmen. Schließlich wird eine Auswahl von ihnen hinsichtlich ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit miteinander verglichen.
Es wird gezeigt, dass ein Erhöhen der Ordnung des Optimalfilters, der gegenwärtig verwendete Algorithmus, die Energieauflösung um 2 bis 3 % verbessern kann, und zwar in allen Regionen des Detektors. Der Wiener Filter mit Vorwärtskorrektur, ein nichtlinearer Algorithmus, verbessert sie um bis zu 10 % in einigen Regionen, verschlechtert sie aber in anderen. Ein Zusammenhang dieses Verhaltens mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit fälschlich detektierter Kalorimetertreffer wird aufgezeigt und mögliche Lösungen werden diskutiert.:1 Introduction
2 An Overview of High-Energy Particle Physics
2.1 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
2.2 Verification of the Standard Model
2.3 Beyond the Standard Model
3 LHC, ATLAS, and the Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
3.1 The Large Hadron Collider
3.2 The ATLAS Detector
3.3 The ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4 Upgrades to the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4.1 Physics Goals
4.2 Phase-I Upgrade
4.3 Phase-II Upgrade
5 Noise Suppression With Digital Filters
5.1 Terminology
5.2 Digital Filters
5.3 Wiener Filter
5.4 Matched Wiener Filter
5.5 Matched Wiener Filter Without Bias
5.6 Timing Reconstruction, Optimal Filtering, and Selection Criteria
5.7 Forward Correction
5.8 Sparse Signal Restoration
5.9 Artificial Neural Networks
6 Simulation of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics
6.2 Hit Generation and Sampling
6.3 Pulse Shapes
6.4 Thermal Noise
6.5 Quantization
6.6 Digital Filters
6.7 Statistical Analysis
7 Results of the Readout Electronics Simulation Studies
7.1 Statistical Treatment
7.2 Simulation Verification Using Run-2 Data
7.3 Dependence of the Noise on the Shaping Time
7.4 The Analog Readout Electronics and the ADC
7.5 The Optimal Filter (OF)
7.6 The Wiener Filter
7.7 The Wiener Filter with Forward Correction (WFFC)
7.8 Final Comparison and Conclusions
8 Conclusions and Outlook
Appendices / The Large Hadron Collider and the ATLAS detector are undergoing a comprehensive upgrade split into multiple phases. This effort also affects the liquid-argon calorimeters, whose main readout electronics will be replaced completely during the final phase. The electronics consist of an analog and a digital portion: the former amplifies the signal and shapes it to facilitate sampling, the latter executes an energy reconstruction algorithm. Both must be improved during the upgrade so that the detector may accurately reconstruct interesting collision events and efficiently suppress uninteresting ones.
In this thesis, simulation studies are presented that optimize both the analog and the digital readout of the liquid-argon calorimeters. The simulation is verified using calibration data that has been measured during Run 2 of the ATLAS detector. The influence of several parameters of the analog shaping stage on the energy resolution is analyzed and the utility of an increased signal sampling rate of 80 MHz is investigated. Furthermore, a number of linear and non-linear energy reconstruction algorithms is reviewed and the performance of a selection of them is compared.
It is demonstrated that increasing the order of the Optimal Filter, the algorithm currently in use, improves energy resolution by 2 to 3 % in all detector regions. The Wiener filter with forward correction, a non-linear algorithm, gives an improvement of up to 10 % in some regions, but degrades the resolution in others. A link between this behavior and the probability of falsely detected calorimeter hits is shown and possible solutions are discussed.:1 Introduction
2 An Overview of High-Energy Particle Physics
2.1 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
2.2 Verification of the Standard Model
2.3 Beyond the Standard Model
3 LHC, ATLAS, and the Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
3.1 The Large Hadron Collider
3.2 The ATLAS Detector
3.3 The ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4 Upgrades to the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4.1 Physics Goals
4.2 Phase-I Upgrade
4.3 Phase-II Upgrade
5 Noise Suppression With Digital Filters
5.1 Terminology
5.2 Digital Filters
5.3 Wiener Filter
5.4 Matched Wiener Filter
5.5 Matched Wiener Filter Without Bias
5.6 Timing Reconstruction, Optimal Filtering, and Selection Criteria
5.7 Forward Correction
5.8 Sparse Signal Restoration
5.9 Artificial Neural Networks
6 Simulation of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics
6.2 Hit Generation and Sampling
6.3 Pulse Shapes
6.4 Thermal Noise
6.5 Quantization
6.6 Digital Filters
6.7 Statistical Analysis
7 Results of the Readout Electronics Simulation Studies
7.1 Statistical Treatment
7.2 Simulation Verification Using Run-2 Data
7.3 Dependence of the Noise on the Shaping Time
7.4 The Analog Readout Electronics and the ADC
7.5 The Optimal Filter (OF)
7.6 The Wiener Filter
7.7 The Wiener Filter with Forward Correction (WFFC)
7.8 Final Comparison and Conclusions
8 Conclusions and Outlook
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Irrigation scheduling, crop choices and impact of an irrigation technology upgrade on the Kansas High Plains AquiferUpendram, Sreedhar January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agricultural Economics / Jeffrey M. Peterson / The High Plains aquifer is a primary source of irrigation in western Kansas. Since World War II, producers increased irrigation and the irrigated acreage with the widespread adoption of newer irrigation technologies, causing a reduction in the saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer. In an effort to conserve water and reduce further decline of the aquifer, the state of Kansas administered cost-share programs to producers who upgraded to an efficient irrigation system. But evidence suggests that the efforts to reduce water consumption have been undermined by producers, who under certain conditions have increased irrigation and irrigated acreage of high-valued and water-intensive crops. The state of Kansas is in a quandary to reduce water consumption and stabilize the saturated thickness of the aquifer while maintaining the economic viability of irrigated agriculture.
A producer is faced with the choice of crop, irrigation timing and irrigation technology at the start of the season. This research identifies the conditions for risk-efficient crop choices and estimates the effect of an irrigation technology upgrade on the aquifer. Simulation models based on data from Tribune, Kansas were executed under various scenarios, varying by crop (corn or sorghum), irrigation system (conventional center-pivot or center-pivot with drop nozzles) and well capacity (190, 285 or 570 gallons per minute). Each well capacity was associated with a pre-season soil moisture level (0.40, 0.60 or 0.80 of field capacity). Each scenario was simulated over weather data observed during the 36-year period (1971-2006).
Results indicate that producers with slower wells could maximize their net returns while conserving water by choosing less water-intensive crops like sorghum, while irrigating with a conventional center-pivot irrigation system. Producers with faster wells could maximize net returns by choosing water-intensive crops like corn and irrigate with the more efficient center-pivot with drop nozzle irrigation system. In order to reduce groundwater consumption and maintain the saturated thickness of the aquifer, water policies should internalize the interests of all stakeholders and be a combination of irrigation technology, economic factors, hydrological conditions, agronomic practices, conservation practices and local dynamics of the region.
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Performance evaluation of the SPS scraping system in view of the high luminosity LHCMereghetti, Alessio January 2015 (has links)
Injection in the LHC is a delicate moment, since the LHC collimation system cannot offer adequate protection during beam transfer. For this reason, a complex chain of injection protection devices has been put in place. Among them, the SPS scrapers are the multi-turn cleaning system installed in the SPS aimed at halo removal immediately before injection in the LHC. The upgrade in luminosity of the LHC foresees beams brighter than those currently available in machine, posing serious problems to the performance of the existing injection protection systems. In particular, the integrity of beam-intercepting devices is challenged by unprecedented beam parameters, leading to interactions potentially destructive. In this context, a new design of scrapers has been proposed, aimed at improved robustness and performance. This thesis compares the two scraping systems, i.e. the existing one and the one proposed for upgrade. Unlike any other collimation system for regular halo cleaning, both are "fast" systems, characterised by the variation of the relative distance between the beam and the absorbing medium during cleaning, which enhances the challenge on energy deposition values. Assets/liabilities of the two systems are highlighted by means of numerical simulations and discussed, with particular emphasis on energy deposition in the absorbing medium, time evolution of the beam current during scraping and losses in the machine. Advantages of the system proposed for upgrade over the existing one are highlighted. The analysis of the existing system takes into account present operational conditions and addresses the sensitivity to settings previously not considered, updating and extending past studies. The work carried out on the upgraded system represents the first extensive characterisation of a multi-turn cleaning system based on a magnetic bump. Results have been obtained with the Fluka-SixTrack coupling, developed during this PhD activity from its initial version to being a state-of-art tracking tool for cleaning studies in circular machines. Relevant contributions to the development involve the handling of time-varying impact conditions. An extensive benchmark against a test of the scraper blades with beam has been carried out, to verify the reliability of results. Effcts induced in the tested blades confirm the high values of energy deposition predicted by the simulation. Moreover, the comparison with the time profile of the beam intensity measured during scraping allowed the reconstruction of the actual settings of the blades during the test. Finally, the good agreement of the quantitative benchmark against readouts of beam loss monitors finally proves the quality of the analyses and the maturity of the coupling.
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Metodologia para avaliar o impacto de técnicas de repotenciação no desempenho de linhas de transmissão em regime permanente / Method for assessing the impact of transmission lines upgrade techniques on their steady-state performanceVenicio Ferreira de Almeida 29 October 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia para avaliar o impacto das diversas técnicas de repotenciação no desempenho de linhas de transmissão em regime permanente, visto que na atual literatura não existe uma análise abrangente que possa ser aplicada em qualquer linha de transmissão carente de repotenciação. A metodologia busca fornecer subsídios para escolha da técnica mais vantajosa para repotenciar uma linha, utilizando de forma extensiva, os fatores de desempenho, e de forma sintetizada, os índices de mérito agregado, que, avaliados individualmente e/ou em conjunto, propiciam informações qualificadas para as conclusões técnicas. Destaca-se que a proposição dos fatores de desempenho e dos índices de mérito são as principais contribuições deste trabalho. Para complementar a metodologia, uma análise de curtos-circuitos foi proposta. Os resultados da utilização da metodologia foram positivos, possibilitando verificar os ganhos de potência na transmissão de energia. Vale destacar a eficiência dos índices de mérito agregado, que identificaram a melhor técnica de repotenciação de forma sintetizada, resguardando a qualidade e enquadramento dos resultados nas normas regulamentadoras. / This work aims at proposing a methodology to assessing the impact of power upgrade techniques on the steady-state performance of transmission lines, since there is not anything similar to this in the technical literature. The proposed methodology aims at providing technical information to subside the choice of the best power line upgrade technique, by the extensive application of the performance factors and of the aggregate merit indices. It must be pointed out that the proposition of the performance factors and of the aggregate merit indices are the main contributions of this work. Additionally, a short circuit analysis was also proposed to assess the power upgrade techniques. The results after the method application were satisfactory and allowed verifying the surplus of power related to each upgrade technique. The contribution of the aggregate merit indices was very important to identifying the most favorable upgrade technique in a simple way, so that all statutory technical limits were not violated.
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Metodologia para avaliar o impacto de técnicas de repotenciação no desempenho de linhas de transmissão em regime permanente / Method for assessing the impact of transmission lines upgrade techniques on their steady-state performanceAlmeida, Venicio Ferreira de 29 October 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia para avaliar o impacto das diversas técnicas de repotenciação no desempenho de linhas de transmissão em regime permanente, visto que na atual literatura não existe uma análise abrangente que possa ser aplicada em qualquer linha de transmissão carente de repotenciação. A metodologia busca fornecer subsídios para escolha da técnica mais vantajosa para repotenciar uma linha, utilizando de forma extensiva, os fatores de desempenho, e de forma sintetizada, os índices de mérito agregado, que, avaliados individualmente e/ou em conjunto, propiciam informações qualificadas para as conclusões técnicas. Destaca-se que a proposição dos fatores de desempenho e dos índices de mérito são as principais contribuições deste trabalho. Para complementar a metodologia, uma análise de curtos-circuitos foi proposta. Os resultados da utilização da metodologia foram positivos, possibilitando verificar os ganhos de potência na transmissão de energia. Vale destacar a eficiência dos índices de mérito agregado, que identificaram a melhor técnica de repotenciação de forma sintetizada, resguardando a qualidade e enquadramento dos resultados nas normas regulamentadoras. / This work aims at proposing a methodology to assessing the impact of power upgrade techniques on the steady-state performance of transmission lines, since there is not anything similar to this in the technical literature. The proposed methodology aims at providing technical information to subside the choice of the best power line upgrade technique, by the extensive application of the performance factors and of the aggregate merit indices. It must be pointed out that the proposition of the performance factors and of the aggregate merit indices are the main contributions of this work. Additionally, a short circuit analysis was also proposed to assess the power upgrade techniques. The results after the method application were satisfactory and allowed verifying the surplus of power related to each upgrade technique. The contribution of the aggregate merit indices was very important to identifying the most favorable upgrade technique in a simple way, so that all statutory technical limits were not violated.
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Compétitivité et mise à niveau des entreprises dans les pays en transition. Le cas de l'Algérie / Competitiveness and upgrading of enterprises in transition economies. The case of AlgeriaAzouaou, Lamia 04 December 2012 (has links)
L’objectif principal de notre thèse consiste à évaluer l’impact du programme national de mise à niveau sur la compétitivité des PME/PMI algériennes qui ont suivi et finalisé ce type de programme. Pour ce faire, nous avons appliqué deux approches, il s’agit de l’approche univariée et l’approche multivariée. Dans la première approche, nous avons utilisé trois méthodes, à savoir : test de Student et test de Wilcoxon, en plus d’un modèle de régression simple. Tandis que dans, la seconde approche, nous avons appliqué un modèle de régression multiple. Par ailleurs, l'analyse empirique porte sur des données de panel d’un échantillon de 67 entreprises algériennes observées durant la période 1997 à 2008. Notre thèse est composée de quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers chapitres avaient pour objectif de faire le point sur la problématique de la compétitivité et de la mise à niveau des entreprises, en se référant à quelques expériences étrangères. Tandis que le troisième et le quatrième chapitre avaient pour objectif, d’abord, de présenter les stratégies et politiques de mise à niveau des PME/PMI algériennes afin d’effectuer une étude économétrique de l’effet escompté de la mise à niveau sur les différents indicateurs de compétitivité. / The principal aim of our thesis is to assess the impact of national program of upgrading on the competitiveness of Algerian Enterprises which have adopted and finalized this kind of program. To do this, we have applied two approaches in order to evaluate the impact of the upgrading; it is the univariate and multivariate approach. In the first approach, we have utilized three methods, namely: parametric test of Student and the nonparametric test of Wilcoxon, in addition a simple regression model. While the second approach apply a multiple regression model. Besides, the empirical analysis involves panel data of a sample of 67 Algerian enterprises observed during the period 1997 to 2008. Our thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter aims to introduce the theoretical sub-foundation useful for understanding the competitiveness while the upgrade strategies are stated in the second chapter. The third chapter presents upgrading strategies adopted in Algeria, and finally the last and fourth chapter presents the methodology and the results of the empirical evaluation of the upgrade program of the competitiveness of Algerian Enterprises.
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