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A death and a marriage : an examination of the literature occasioned by the death of Henry Prince of Wales and the marriage of his sister Princess Elizabeth, 1612-13Corbin, Peter Francis January 1966 (has links)
This dissertation examines the occasional literature - elegies, sermons, marriage poems, Basques, and pamphlets - composed on the death of Henry Prince of Wales in November 1612, and the marriage of his sister, Princess Elizabeth, to Frederick V Elector Palatine, in the following February. An attempt has beon made to note the themes, conventions and images commonly used in the literature, and the way in which individual writers and poets handle them has been discussed. In addition the relationship between the personalities of the Prince and Princess, in so far as they can be ascertained, and the view of them presented to the reader by the literature has been explored. The far reaching political and religious implications of the events, dwelt on at considerable length by a number of writers and poets, have also been discussed in so far as they are reflected in the prose and verse written for the occasions. The relevant social background of the contributors to the bodies of literature, together with that of their patrons and dedicatees has also been explored in an attempt to discover the relationship of writers and patrons to the events, and so offer a partial explanation for the remarkable outpouring of commemorative volumes. Finally the imaginative literature of the years 1612-15 has been examined In order to trace the influence of the events in a wider field.
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Linking Developer Experience with Lambda and Smart Pointer UsageRoos, Marcus, Karlsson, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Assessing developer’s experience and proficiency haslong been a tough task for recruiters to tackle properly. Afunctional programming concept known as lambdas has been proven to be an indicator of more experienced developers. Previous existing studies also showed that GitHub repositories with more experienced developers use lambda functions to a greater extent. Previous research raises the question of whether other functional programming concepts such as smart pointers can be a potential indicator of a developer’s experience. To the best of our knowledge, no attempts have been made to link lambda or smart pointer usage to the individual GitHub developer’s experience level. This thesis aims to address this gap and investigate if lambda or smart pointers be linked to an individual developer’s experience level. To achieve this, we propose a new metric called User Repository Experience (URE), which will rank the developers within a repository in different percentiles. We also developed a tool that analyze the commits found in GitHub repositories, locates lambda and smart pointers and links them to the URE metric, this data is then saved to a log file. We designed a second tool that parses the log files and then prints the data in a readable format. The results from this study showed that lambda and smart pointers are both valid and promising indicators of experience, and thus the URE is a potential metric for representing more experienced developers.
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Prophylaktischer und therapeutischer Einsatz von Braunkohle-Huminstoffen in der Nutz- und ZierfischzuchtHeidrich, Stefan 04 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
F�r die Therapie und Prophylaxe von Fischkrankheiten stehen nur wenige geeignete und zugelassene Medikamente zur Verf�gung. Daher kommt der Suche nach wirksamen und f�r Tier, Verbraucher und Umwelt sicheren Alternativen in der Fischhaltung eine besondere Bedeutung zu. �ber positive Effekte beim oralen Einsatz von Huminstoffen an landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren, Zootieren und Heimtieren liegen eine Vielzahl von Berichten vor. Deshalb sollten in der vorliegenden Studie Huminstoffe (HS) in der �u�erlichen Anwendung bei Zierfischen und in der oralen Verabreichung �ber das Futter bei Nutzfischen n�her untersucht werden. Dazu wurden zwei Versuche (B I: Dauer 4 Tage; B II: Dauer 12 Tage) an Goldfischen (Carassius auratus) unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, zwei Aufzuchtversuche (F I: Kv bis K3, Dauer: 1.000 Tage: F II: K0 bis K1, Dauer: 150 Tage) an Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) in der Teichwirtschaft und ein Aufzuchtversuch (F III: vorgestreckte Brut bis 30 g Lebendmasse, 166 Tage) an Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) unter Laborbedingungen durchgef�hrt. Als Versuchsparameter dienten Mortalit�t und Morbidit�t, Wachstum und Futteraufwand in den Aufzuchtversuchen, pathologisch anatomische (einschlie�lich histologischer Befunde in B I und F II), parasitologische, bakteriologische und virologische Kriterien. Die Wasserqualit�t wurde regelm��ig ermittelt. In den Versuchen B I und B II wurde eine 10%ige Na-Humat-L�sung (HS vom Typ WH 67 SNa der Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) dem H�lterungswasser so zugesetzt, dass eine Na-Humat-Konzentration von 10 mg L-1 entstand. Zweij�hrige, multifaktoriell erkrankte Goldfische (B I: N=2 x 322, B II: N=2 x 100) wurden dem Na-Humat-Bad t�glich f�r die Dauer einer Stunde (B I) bzw. von 1,5 bis 2 Stunden (B II) ausgesetzt. Die HS-Badehandlungen f�hrten in beiden Versuchen zu einer Senkung der Verluste (Mortalit�tsrate in B I: 0,6 versus 4,7 %, p<0,0005; B II: 8 versus 16 %, p<0,05). Bei Versuchsende war in den Versuchsgruppen (Na-Humat-Bad) der Gesundheitszustand, beurteilt nach �u�erlich sichtbaren Ver�nderungen an Haut, Flossen und Kiemen, deutlich verbessert (B I: p<1�10-16; B II: p<0,001). So waren (Signifikanzangaben nur f�r B II) vor allem H�morrhagien der Haut und der Flossen (p<0,05), Flossenrand- und Kiemennekrosen (p<0,05) sowie akute Kiemenentz�ndungen (p<0,02) verringert. Die Badebehandlungen bewirkten weiter eine geringere Auspr�gung integument�rer Mykosen der Haut, Flossen und Kiemen durch Pilze der Gattung Saprolegnia (p<0,05). Der Befall von Haut und Kiemen mit vorrangig protozo�ren Ektoparasiten konnte insgesamt ebenso vermindert werden (p<0,01) wie der Befall der Kiemen mit Ichthyophthirius sp. (p<0,05). Aus der beobachteten Milderung von Krankheitssymptomen umweltbedingter, bakterieller, ektoparasit�rer und mykotischer Genese nach Na-Humat-B�dern bei Goldfischen kann auf einen gewebeprotektiven, antiphlogistischen, antimykotischen und antiparasit�ren Effekt der Na-Humat-Behandlung geschlossen werden. In der Aufzucht von Karpfen (F I) und Regenbogenforellen (F III) wurden dem Futter 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (HS vom Typ WH 67 A), im Karpfenversuch F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat (HS vom Typ WH 67 G, beide Produkte: Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) zugesetzt. In F I und F III wurde ein gleiches pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Forellen, in F II ein pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Karpfen eingesetzt. In Versuch F I (Besatzdichte der beiden Teiche (0,2 ha) jeweils 35.000 Kv ha-1) wiesen die Karpfen der Versuchs- gegen�ber der Kontrollgruppe h�here mittlere K�rpermassen auf. Der Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen bewegte sich mit einer Ausnahme (zu geringer Stichprobenumfang) zwischen p<0,05 (65 versus 45 g, 114. Tag) und p<0,0001 (1.146 versus 855 g, Versuchsende 1000. Tag). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand des ersten Versuchsjahres war durch HS um 34 % verbessert. Die Futterquotienten in der zweiten und dritten Aufzuchtperiode waren durch die subjektive Futterzumessung (Nichtber�cksichtigung zwischenzeitlicher Verluste) verf�lscht. In Versuch F II (Besatzdichten der 2 x 3 Teiche (0,25 ha) 20.000, 30.000 bzw. 40.000 K0 ha-1) erhielten die Br�tlinge �ber die ersten zwei Wochen kein zus�tzliches Futter (nur Naturnahrung), anschlie�end wurde Weizenschrot zugef�ttert, erst ab dem 63. Tag das Versuchs- bzw. Kontrollfutter f�r 87 Tage. Bei Versuchsende war in den Gruppen der h�chsten Besatzdichte die Mortalit�t durch HS um ca. 20 % verringert (p<0,0001). Die Abfischungsmassen waren bei geringer Besatzdichte ann�hernd gleich, bei mittlerer Besatzdichte war die Kontrollgruppe, bei h�chster Besatzdichte die Versuchsgruppe favorisiert (statistische Pr�fung wegen des Fehlens von Einzeldaten nicht m�glich). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand war in den HS-Gruppen bei geringer bzw. h�chster Besatzdichte um 5 bzw. 17 % verringert. In beiden Versuchen, F I und F II, wurde eine deutliche Verringerung des Gehaltes der inneren Organe Leber, Niere und Milz an fakultativ pathogenen Aeromonas- und Pseudomonas spp. nachgewiesen (p<0,05). Bei der Aufzucht von Regenbogenforellen (F III; N=2 x 25) trugen die durch den HS-Zusatz bedingten Ver�nderungen der Konsistenz von Futter und Kot zur Verminderung einer starken Belagbildung (Bewuchs aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen) sowie zur Vermeidung von Wassertr�bungen in den Aquarien, insbesondere bei h�heren Temperaturen, bei. Signifikante Unterschiede in den Kenndaten von Wachstum und Futteraufwand wurden nicht beobachtet. Insgesamt gesehen erscheint aber der Zusatz von 5 % HS zum Futter als zu hoch gew�hlt, da sich der Futteraufwand in den HS-Gruppen bei Ber�cksichtigung der Gesamtfuttermenge (einschlie�lich des 5%igen HS-Zusatzes) �berwiegend ung�nstiger gestaltete. Die Effekte der oralen Applikation von 5 % HS im Futter sind damit weit weniger augenf�llig als nach �u�erlicher Anwendung. Die zootechnischen Parameter waren �berwiegend mehr oder weniger unver�ndert; allein in Versuch F I war die K�rpermasse in der HS-Gruppen im Versuchsverlauf (Stichproben und Abfischung) in der Regel signifikant h�her als in der Kontrollgruppe. Von k�nftiger Bedeutung f�r die Aquarienhaltung von Fischen (und m�glicherweise in Klein- und Zierteichen) k�nnte die beobachtete Wasserkl�rung und die Verminderung einer Belagbildung aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen sein. Eine intestinale Wirkung der HS wird insoweit unterstellt, als in beiden Karpfenversuchen die inneren Organe einen verminderten Befall an beweglichen Aeromonaden und Pseudomonaden aufwiesen. / Prophylactic and therapeutic use of brown coal-derived humic substances of the type WH 67 in finfish and ornamental fish farming On the market, there is a limited number of suitable and approved drugs available for therapy and prophylaxis of fish diseases. The search for alternatives which are both effective and safe for animals, consumers and environment is therefore of special importance. There are numerous reports on positive effects of orally administered humic substances (HS) on agricultural livestock, zoo animals and pets. Therefore, the present study aimed on effects of HS for both external treatment of ornamental fish and oral application on culture fish via feed. Two experiments on goldfish (Carassius auratus) (exp. B I: 4 days; exp. B II: 12 days), and on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (exp. F I: 1,000 days, fry to 3-year-old fish ; exp. F II: 150 days, fry to young-of-the-year size) were carried out under pond culture conditions. Additionally, one experiment on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was carried out in the laboratory (exp. F III: 166 days, fingerlings up to 30 g body weight). The following parameters were examined: mortality, morbidity, growth, feed conversion ratio (exp. F I, F II, F III only), pathologic anatomical criteria (including histological examination of fish from B I and F II), parasitological investigation, bacteriological and virological state. Water quality was regularly examined as well. In the experiments B I and B II, a 10% sodium-humate solution (type WH 67 SNa, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed into the water until a sodium-humate concentration of 10 mg L-1 was reached. Two-year old, multifactorially diseased goldfish (B I: N= 2 x 322; B II: N= 2 x 100) were daily exposed to this water for a period of one (B I) and 1.5-2 (B II) hours, respectively. In both experiments the treatment of fish reduced in mortality (B I: 0.6 vs. 4.7 %, p<0.0005; B II: 8 vs. 16 %, p<0.05). Moreover, at the end of the experiments the sodium-humate treated fish showed a significantly improved health state (B I: p<10-16; B II: p<0.001) as indicated by externally visible changes of the skin, fins and gills. Specifically, reductions in haemorrhage of skin and fins (B II: p <0.05), and fin and gill necroses (B II: p<0.05), and gill inflammations (B II: p<0.02) were noted. Additionally, the sodium-humate treatment reduced integumental mucoses of skin, fins and gills (p<0.05) caused by Saprolegnia sp. The infection of skin and gills with protozoan parasites was reduced (p<0.01) as well. Ichthyophthirius sp. infections of the gills dropped significantly (p<0.05) in the treated fish groups as compared to the controls. Due to the observed mitigation of disease symptoms of environmental, bacterial, parasitic and fungal origin after a sodium-humate bath treatment of goldfish, a tissue protective, antiphlogistic, antimycotic and antiparasitic effect of sodium-humate can be concluded. For rearing of carp (F I) and rainbow trout (F III), 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (type WH 67 A, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed among the feed, while for the experiment F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Carbon-Isolat (type WH 67 G, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was added. In F I and F III a complete feed for trout was applied whereas for F II a complete feed for carp was used. In experiment F I (stocking density of both ponds 35,000 carp fry per ha) test fish revealed a higher mean body weight compared to the controls. With one exception (sample size to small), the difference between the groups was either significant (day 114: 65 vs. 45 g, p<0.05) or highly significant (day 1000: 1,146 versus 855 g, p<0.0001). The feed conversion ratio of the first experimental year (expurgated by HS-uptake) improved by 34 % due to HS application. Feed conversion ratio of the second and third year were falsified because of subjective feeding (which does not consider occurring losses). In experiment F II (stocking density of the 2 x 3 ponds (0,25 ha) were 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 individuals per ha, respectively) no additional feed was given to the hatched fry during the first two weeks so that all the fish lived on natural feed items. Afterwards, bruised wheat grain was given until from day 63 either test or control feed was applied for a total of 87 days. At the end of the experiment, at the highest stocking density the mortality was significantly (p<0.0001) decreased by 20% in the test group supplied with HS. At low stocking density the total weight of fish at harvest was not different between the test and control group. However, at medium stocking density the average body weight was higher in the control whereas reverse conditions were observed at the highest stocking density (due to a loss of data no statistical analysis was possible). The feed conversion ratio (expurgated by the uptake of humic substances) was decreased in the test groups of low (5 %) and high (17 %) density. In both experiments (F I and F II) significantly reduced infections of the internal organs liver, kidney and spleen with potentially pathogenic Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp. were detected. In the rainbow trout rearing (F III; N = 2 x 25), the HS-caused changes in consistency of feed and faeces impaired the formation of heavy algal films and large microorganism populations, and contributed to less turbid water turbidity in the aquaria, particularly at high temperatures. Significant differences in growth and feed conversion ratio could not be observed. In general, the addition of 5 % HS to the feed is regarded as being too high because the total amount of feed given (inclusive 5 % HS) is considered. The feed conversion ratio was higher in most of the HS-groups. Effects of oral application of 5 % HS in feed were thus less obvious than the bath treatment. Zootechnical parameters, in general, did not change. Merely in experiment F I the body weight of the HS-groups was significantly higher than that of the controls. In aquaria and small ponds used for ornamental fish breeding the observed cleaning of water and reduced formation of algal films and microorganism populations caused by HS could be of future importance. Intestinal effects of HS are assumed as internal organs revealed a reduced infection with both motile aeromonads and pseudomonads.
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Human Health Risk Assessment for Petroleum Refining Industry of the Remaining Air Toxics after MACT I Emissions ReductionsRoa, Nadia C. 07 August 2008 (has links)
Inhalation risks on human health for hazardous air pollutants emitted from MACT I petroleum refining industry were determined using EPA HEM-3 Program. Methodology included compiling vertical and fugitive emissions from 2002 National Emissions Inventory for sources inside two facilities in Louisiana, 'Motiva Norco' and 'Valero St. Charles' refineries. Six cases were modeled applying EPA criteria, where cancer risks are 'low' if the probability is. 1/1, 000, 000, and non-cancer risks are harmful when hazard quotient is > 1. It was demonstrated that fugitive emissions have more impact on human health than the verticals because of their significant portion of the total refining emissions. HAPs can cause moderate adverse effects in humans living nearby refineries, as 113 people resulted in high risk of respiratory problems with Valero emissions, 4571 people resulted in 'moderate' risk of getting cancer with Motiva emissions, 2702 people with Valero emissions, and 11, 282 people with both refineries' emissions.
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The impact of institutions of governance on communities’ livelihoods and sustainable conservation in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP): the study of Makuleke and Sengwe communitiesMuzeza, Darlington January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Technology in Environmental Health
In the Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Environmental and Occupational Studies
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013 / Southern Africa region is experiencing a multiplicity of transfrontier conservation projects, which simply put in its metaphorical name ‘Peace Parks’. The rapid growth of transfrontier conservation areas present the fulfilment of a vision of a ‘boundless’ and ‘borderless’ Southern Africa, straddling geo-political boundaries of once colonially imposed cartography of sovereign statism. The ecological amalgamation of these vast conservation areas are underpinned by various social, political, ecological and economic fundamentals envisioned by governments in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region together with conservation partners to transform the life of people and enhance sustainable management of natural resources. The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP) that involves Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, was born out of this vision. Equally so, from its conceptualisation, the GLTP sought to achieve sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, promote economic growth, support rural development, be a building block for peace and regional economic integration. The planners also criticized inappropriate geo-political boundaries imposed by colonialism, which historically separated biospheres and the people of identical culture. The artificiality of boundaries, therefore, obstructed cultural links of communities and restricted wildlife migration as well. This affected natural dispersion of fugitive wildlife. Thus, the GLTP’s ambitious conservation plan address these issues. In so doing, the GLTP governance architecture as it stands today produced multi-level governance institutions whose approaches were found in this study to be at variance with local people’s livelihood expectations and conservation processes. It is in this view that this research sought to examine the impact of governance institutions on communities’ livelihoods and sustainable conservation of natural resources in the GLTP. Using various methods of empirical research such as interviews, household questionnaires, focus group discussions (including using the Schutte Scale), field observations and secondary data analysis, the researcher found that the current GLTP institutional configurations and its resource governance philosophy are at variance with local natural resource governance processes, and contradict local resource needs. Thus, there is inherent mistrust and conflict over skewed natural resource benefits. Most of them benefits accrue to government entities and the private companies that invested in tourism. Furthermore, it was found that the GLTP administrative governance architecture from the onset, presented complex competing environmental interests among conservation stakeholders against those of communities. The GLTP resource governance as it stands, is conspicuously not inclusive with the local communities playing a minimal role to leverage on the abundant natural resource for to support local livelihoods. One thing that came out clearly from the research is that they are not included to participate in conservation of the GLTP natural resources. This study therefore argues that there is potential to jeopardize prospects for the GLTP to achieve its objectives of sustainable conservation, promoting rural development and reduction of rural poverty. Empirically, it was also confirmed that the GLTP is at cross-purpose with the expectations of the communities. Local participation in sustainable conservation is consequentially subdued and weak. Perhaps, if the lofty aims of the GLTP are to be achieved, this study noted that the local people prefer the natural resources governance, conservation decision-making processes and conservation stakeholder relationships to be fair and acceptable to a cross-section of stakeholders. This includes ascertaining broad participation of the local people in conservation and environmental decision-making as crucial ingredients in guaranteeing local livelihoods and motivating communities to support conservation initiatives through use of wildlife proceeds for the development of communities. In addition, a concern was raised that powerful state agencies and conservation organisations are at the fore in defining institutional processes and resource governance systems with no regard to the local institutions. Thus, the envisaged win-win situation in conservation to transform rural communities is far from being realised. The GLTP governance structure forecloses the local people from participation. Consequently, local conservation morale and collaboration has adversely diminished, with overt preponderance of multi-level institutional processes over local processes in terms of natural resource management. This has tended to marginalise local institutions and prevent the local people from complementing conservation efforts. Manifestly, there is deep-seated livelihood insecurity, local environmental conservation marginalisation. This led the study to question the sustainability of the GLTP considering its exclusionary governance approach when dealing with communities.
Another major concern is that planning of eco-tourism projects are paternalistically government led processes and exclusively private sector driven than being community oriented. Concerns arise that the much-lauded and publicized promise of eco-tourism benefits to the communities, have not materialised in the last ten years since the GLTP establishment in 2002. This has led local communities to question the GLTP’s economic benefits and impact on their lives. Instead of working with communities as equal stakeholders, the GLTP governance architecture has isolated them from playing an effective collaborative role in conservation and reaping of benefits.
It was observed that the attendant GLTP governance trajectories reflect a narrow web of contesting conservation interests at variance with communities’ expectations. The heavy-handed administrative role of multi-level institutions and that of conservation agencies, have therefore, not fostered synergies for local residents’ participation in the management of natural resources. The elusiveness of the GLTP governance therefore puts it far from ensuring that
the local people are part of conservation processes, hence falling short of capturing local contributions and local buy-in. Such governance injunctions complicate guaranteeing equal opportunity of resource access and equity, and it is less enabling for communities to hold together, cooperate and collaborate in conservation. Perhaps, an ideal situation would be to have a resource governance system that prevents the ‘tragedy of the commons’ and at the same time preventing the ‘tragedy of the local common man’. In this regard, this research made proposal in chapter 8, suggesting a synergised governance, decision-making and an a cocktail of an amalgam economic framework that can be adopted to solve the problems identified. These frameworks enable local people’s resource rights to be realised and the fusion of local expectations for conservation sustainability. This study aimed at examining the GLTP governance process impact on Makuleke and Sengwe communities in terms of their livelihoods, local participation in natural resource conservation and participation in natural resource decision-making process in the governance of the GLTP.
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A problemática econômica e geográfica em que se inserem a gestão dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares e os modernos métodos para sua incineração / The final destination of domiciliar solid residues in our country and the of modern DSR incineration methodsAbbas, José Eduardo 02 June 2008 (has links)
A destinação final dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares (RSD) constitui, em nosso país, um problema de graves proporções. Os impactos ambientais e sociais que representam as práticas de aterramento desses resíduos conjugam-se, nas grandes cidades, com a carência de áreas apropriadas a estas finalidades devido aos elevados (e crescentes) índices de concentração demográfica e de ocupação imobiliária. As práticas de aterramento dos RSD em lixões, aterros controlados ou em aterros sanitários constituem, em nosso país, o método fundamental de destinação final destes resíduos, causando graves alterações no espaço geográfico. Diante disso, existem, em operação há mais de três décadas em países da Europa e em outros locais, tecnologias avançadas de incineração dos RSD, que os transformam em energia térmica e elétrica. As justificativas ao fato de não existirem, ainda, em operação no nosso país essas usinas de incineração dos RSD remetem-se às dúvidas quanto à superioridade de seu desempenho econômico e ambiental em relação aos processos de aterramento destes resíduos. Este trabalho de pesquisa demonstra a superioridade econômica e ambiental dos modernos métodos de incineração dos RSD e questiona as políticas internacionais de transferência de tecnologias para o cuidado de questões ambientais preconizadas sob a égide do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Faz-se uma crítica aos limites da Economia Ambiental, que atém-se aos aspectos de preservação ecológica sem definir horizontes econômicos a serem buscados através das atividades humanas, e demonstra-se alguns efeitos que o mercado internacional dos créditos de carbono, instituído a partir da ratificação do protocolo de Kyoto, vem exercendo na gestão dos RSD num país como o Brasil. / The final destination of domiciliar solid residues (DSR) triggers a problem of serious proportions in our country. Social and environmental impacts caused by earthing practices of these residues are combined, in big cities, with the lack of appropriate disposal areas due to escalating levels of demographic concentration and real estate occupation. Earthing practices of DSR in dumping grounds, controlled landfills or sanitary landfills constitute the main final destination method of residues, causing severe changes in the geographic space. Europe and other countries have been using, for more than three decades, advanced DSR incineration technics that transform the waste in thermic and electric energy. Our justification for not using the aforementioned units is due to the fact that there are doubts concerning the superiority of economic and environmental performances when compared to earthing processes. This research work displays the environmental and economic superiority of modern DSR incineration methods, and discusses international policies of transferring technology regarding environmental issues idealized on the concept of the sustainable development. Criticism is also mode towards the limits established by Environmental Economy, which clings to ecological preservation aspects without defining economic horizons to be achieved through the human activity. We finally demonstrate the influence of the carbon credits\' international market on the DSR management in a country like Brazil since the ratification of the Kyoto protocol.
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A problemática econômica e geográfica em que se inserem a gestão dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares e os modernos métodos para sua incineração / The final destination of domiciliar solid residues in our country and the of modern DSR incineration methodsJosé Eduardo Abbas 02 June 2008 (has links)
A destinação final dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares (RSD) constitui, em nosso país, um problema de graves proporções. Os impactos ambientais e sociais que representam as práticas de aterramento desses resíduos conjugam-se, nas grandes cidades, com a carência de áreas apropriadas a estas finalidades devido aos elevados (e crescentes) índices de concentração demográfica e de ocupação imobiliária. As práticas de aterramento dos RSD em lixões, aterros controlados ou em aterros sanitários constituem, em nosso país, o método fundamental de destinação final destes resíduos, causando graves alterações no espaço geográfico. Diante disso, existem, em operação há mais de três décadas em países da Europa e em outros locais, tecnologias avançadas de incineração dos RSD, que os transformam em energia térmica e elétrica. As justificativas ao fato de não existirem, ainda, em operação no nosso país essas usinas de incineração dos RSD remetem-se às dúvidas quanto à superioridade de seu desempenho econômico e ambiental em relação aos processos de aterramento destes resíduos. Este trabalho de pesquisa demonstra a superioridade econômica e ambiental dos modernos métodos de incineração dos RSD e questiona as políticas internacionais de transferência de tecnologias para o cuidado de questões ambientais preconizadas sob a égide do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Faz-se uma crítica aos limites da Economia Ambiental, que atém-se aos aspectos de preservação ecológica sem definir horizontes econômicos a serem buscados através das atividades humanas, e demonstra-se alguns efeitos que o mercado internacional dos créditos de carbono, instituído a partir da ratificação do protocolo de Kyoto, vem exercendo na gestão dos RSD num país como o Brasil. / The final destination of domiciliar solid residues (DSR) triggers a problem of serious proportions in our country. Social and environmental impacts caused by earthing practices of these residues are combined, in big cities, with the lack of appropriate disposal areas due to escalating levels of demographic concentration and real estate occupation. Earthing practices of DSR in dumping grounds, controlled landfills or sanitary landfills constitute the main final destination method of residues, causing severe changes in the geographic space. Europe and other countries have been using, for more than three decades, advanced DSR incineration technics that transform the waste in thermic and electric energy. Our justification for not using the aforementioned units is due to the fact that there are doubts concerning the superiority of economic and environmental performances when compared to earthing processes. This research work displays the environmental and economic superiority of modern DSR incineration methods, and discusses international policies of transferring technology regarding environmental issues idealized on the concept of the sustainable development. Criticism is also mode towards the limits established by Environmental Economy, which clings to ecological preservation aspects without defining economic horizons to be achieved through the human activity. We finally demonstrate the influence of the carbon credits\' international market on the DSR management in a country like Brazil since the ratification of the Kyoto protocol.
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Catchment scale influences on brown trout fry populations in the Upper Ure catchment, North YorkshireHiggins, David Ian January 2011 (has links)
A multi-scale approach for restoration site selection is presented and applied to an upland catchment, the River Ure, North Yorkshire. Traditional survey methods, advances in remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and risk-based fine sediment modelling using the SCIMAP module are combined to gather data at the catchment-scale through to the in-stream habitat-scale. The data gathered have been assessed against spatially distributed brown trout fry populations using Pearson’s correlation and multiple stepwise regressions. Fine sediment was shown to have a positive correlation with fry populations when upland drainage channels (grips) were added to the SCIMAP model. This suggests risk from peatland drainage is realised further down the catchment where eroded sediments are deposited. Farm-scale SCIMAP modelling was tested against farmers’ knowledge with variable results. It appears there is a cultural response to risk developed over generations. Management of meadows and pasture land through sub-surface drainage and stock rotation resulted in the risk being negated or re-routed across the holding. At other locations apparently low-risk zones become risky through less sensitive farming methods. This multi-scale approach reveals that the largest impacts on brown trout recruitment operate at the habitat-adjacent scale in tributaries with small upstream areas. The results show a hierarchy of impact, and risk-filters, arising from different intensity land management. This offers potential for targeted restoration site selection. In low-order streams it seems that restoration measures which exclude livestock, and provide bankside shading, can be effective. At such sites the catchment-scale shows a reduced signal on in-stream biota. Thus, brown trout stocks could be significantly enhanced by targeting restoration at riffle-habitat zones and adjacent land in order to disconnect the stream from farm-derived impacts and through adding structure to the stream channel.
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Prophylaktischer und therapeutischer Einsatz von Braunkohle-Huminstoffen in der Nutz- und ZierfischzuchtHeidrich, Stefan 06 December 2004 (has links)
F�r die Therapie und Prophylaxe von Fischkrankheiten stehen nur wenige geeignete und zugelassene Medikamente zur Verf�gung. Daher kommt der Suche nach wirksamen und f�r Tier, Verbraucher und Umwelt sicheren Alternativen in der Fischhaltung eine besondere Bedeutung zu. �ber positive Effekte beim oralen Einsatz von Huminstoffen an landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren, Zootieren und Heimtieren liegen eine Vielzahl von Berichten vor. Deshalb sollten in der vorliegenden Studie Huminstoffe (HS) in der �u�erlichen Anwendung bei Zierfischen und in der oralen Verabreichung �ber das Futter bei Nutzfischen n�her untersucht werden. Dazu wurden zwei Versuche (B I: Dauer 4 Tage; B II: Dauer 12 Tage) an Goldfischen (Carassius auratus) unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, zwei Aufzuchtversuche (F I: Kv bis K3, Dauer: 1.000 Tage: F II: K0 bis K1, Dauer: 150 Tage) an Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) in der Teichwirtschaft und ein Aufzuchtversuch (F III: vorgestreckte Brut bis 30 g Lebendmasse, 166 Tage) an Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) unter Laborbedingungen durchgef�hrt. Als Versuchsparameter dienten Mortalit�t und Morbidit�t, Wachstum und Futteraufwand in den Aufzuchtversuchen, pathologisch anatomische (einschlie�lich histologischer Befunde in B I und F II), parasitologische, bakteriologische und virologische Kriterien. Die Wasserqualit�t wurde regelm��ig ermittelt. In den Versuchen B I und B II wurde eine 10%ige Na-Humat-L�sung (HS vom Typ WH 67 SNa der Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) dem H�lterungswasser so zugesetzt, dass eine Na-Humat-Konzentration von 10 mg L-1 entstand. Zweij�hrige, multifaktoriell erkrankte Goldfische (B I: N=2 x 322, B II: N=2 x 100) wurden dem Na-Humat-Bad t�glich f�r die Dauer einer Stunde (B I) bzw. von 1,5 bis 2 Stunden (B II) ausgesetzt. Die HS-Badehandlungen f�hrten in beiden Versuchen zu einer Senkung der Verluste (Mortalit�tsrate in B I: 0,6 versus 4,7 %, p<0,0005; B II: 8 versus 16 %, p<0,05). Bei Versuchsende war in den Versuchsgruppen (Na-Humat-Bad) der Gesundheitszustand, beurteilt nach �u�erlich sichtbaren Ver�nderungen an Haut, Flossen und Kiemen, deutlich verbessert (B I: p<1�10-16; B II: p<0,001). So waren (Signifikanzangaben nur f�r B II) vor allem H�morrhagien der Haut und der Flossen (p<0,05), Flossenrand- und Kiemennekrosen (p<0,05) sowie akute Kiemenentz�ndungen (p<0,02) verringert. Die Badebehandlungen bewirkten weiter eine geringere Auspr�gung integument�rer Mykosen der Haut, Flossen und Kiemen durch Pilze der Gattung Saprolegnia (p<0,05). Der Befall von Haut und Kiemen mit vorrangig protozo�ren Ektoparasiten konnte insgesamt ebenso vermindert werden (p<0,01) wie der Befall der Kiemen mit Ichthyophthirius sp. (p<0,05). Aus der beobachteten Milderung von Krankheitssymptomen umweltbedingter, bakterieller, ektoparasit�rer und mykotischer Genese nach Na-Humat-B�dern bei Goldfischen kann auf einen gewebeprotektiven, antiphlogistischen, antimykotischen und antiparasit�ren Effekt der Na-Humat-Behandlung geschlossen werden. In der Aufzucht von Karpfen (F I) und Regenbogenforellen (F III) wurden dem Futter 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (HS vom Typ WH 67 A), im Karpfenversuch F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat (HS vom Typ WH 67 G, beide Produkte: Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) zugesetzt. In F I und F III wurde ein gleiches pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Forellen, in F II ein pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Karpfen eingesetzt. In Versuch F I (Besatzdichte der beiden Teiche (0,2 ha) jeweils 35.000 Kv ha-1) wiesen die Karpfen der Versuchs- gegen�ber der Kontrollgruppe h�here mittlere K�rpermassen auf. Der Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen bewegte sich mit einer Ausnahme (zu geringer Stichprobenumfang) zwischen p<0,05 (65 versus 45 g, 114. Tag) und p<0,0001 (1.146 versus 855 g, Versuchsende 1000. Tag). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand des ersten Versuchsjahres war durch HS um 34 % verbessert. Die Futterquotienten in der zweiten und dritten Aufzuchtperiode waren durch die subjektive Futterzumessung (Nichtber�cksichtigung zwischenzeitlicher Verluste) verf�lscht. In Versuch F II (Besatzdichten der 2 x 3 Teiche (0,25 ha) 20.000, 30.000 bzw. 40.000 K0 ha-1) erhielten die Br�tlinge �ber die ersten zwei Wochen kein zus�tzliches Futter (nur Naturnahrung), anschlie�end wurde Weizenschrot zugef�ttert, erst ab dem 63. Tag das Versuchs- bzw. Kontrollfutter f�r 87 Tage. Bei Versuchsende war in den Gruppen der h�chsten Besatzdichte die Mortalit�t durch HS um ca. 20 % verringert (p<0,0001). Die Abfischungsmassen waren bei geringer Besatzdichte ann�hernd gleich, bei mittlerer Besatzdichte war die Kontrollgruppe, bei h�chster Besatzdichte die Versuchsgruppe favorisiert (statistische Pr�fung wegen des Fehlens von Einzeldaten nicht m�glich). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand war in den HS-Gruppen bei geringer bzw. h�chster Besatzdichte um 5 bzw. 17 % verringert. In beiden Versuchen, F I und F II, wurde eine deutliche Verringerung des Gehaltes der inneren Organe Leber, Niere und Milz an fakultativ pathogenen Aeromonas- und Pseudomonas spp. nachgewiesen (p<0,05). Bei der Aufzucht von Regenbogenforellen (F III; N=2 x 25) trugen die durch den HS-Zusatz bedingten Ver�nderungen der Konsistenz von Futter und Kot zur Verminderung einer starken Belagbildung (Bewuchs aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen) sowie zur Vermeidung von Wassertr�bungen in den Aquarien, insbesondere bei h�heren Temperaturen, bei. Signifikante Unterschiede in den Kenndaten von Wachstum und Futteraufwand wurden nicht beobachtet. Insgesamt gesehen erscheint aber der Zusatz von 5 % HS zum Futter als zu hoch gew�hlt, da sich der Futteraufwand in den HS-Gruppen bei Ber�cksichtigung der Gesamtfuttermenge (einschlie�lich des 5%igen HS-Zusatzes) �berwiegend ung�nstiger gestaltete. Die Effekte der oralen Applikation von 5 % HS im Futter sind damit weit weniger augenf�llig als nach �u�erlicher Anwendung. Die zootechnischen Parameter waren �berwiegend mehr oder weniger unver�ndert; allein in Versuch F I war die K�rpermasse in der HS-Gruppen im Versuchsverlauf (Stichproben und Abfischung) in der Regel signifikant h�her als in der Kontrollgruppe. Von k�nftiger Bedeutung f�r die Aquarienhaltung von Fischen (und m�glicherweise in Klein- und Zierteichen) k�nnte die beobachtete Wasserkl�rung und die Verminderung einer Belagbildung aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen sein. Eine intestinale Wirkung der HS wird insoweit unterstellt, als in beiden Karpfenversuchen die inneren Organe einen verminderten Befall an beweglichen Aeromonaden und Pseudomonaden aufwiesen. / Prophylactic and therapeutic use of brown coal-derived humic substances of the type WH 67 in finfish and ornamental fish farming On the market, there is a limited number of suitable and approved drugs available for therapy and prophylaxis of fish diseases. The search for alternatives which are both effective and safe for animals, consumers and environment is therefore of special importance. There are numerous reports on positive effects of orally administered humic substances (HS) on agricultural livestock, zoo animals and pets. Therefore, the present study aimed on effects of HS for both external treatment of ornamental fish and oral application on culture fish via feed. Two experiments on goldfish (Carassius auratus) (exp. B I: 4 days; exp. B II: 12 days), and on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (exp. F I: 1,000 days, fry to 3-year-old fish ; exp. F II: 150 days, fry to young-of-the-year size) were carried out under pond culture conditions. Additionally, one experiment on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was carried out in the laboratory (exp. F III: 166 days, fingerlings up to 30 g body weight). The following parameters were examined: mortality, morbidity, growth, feed conversion ratio (exp. F I, F II, F III only), pathologic anatomical criteria (including histological examination of fish from B I and F II), parasitological investigation, bacteriological and virological state. Water quality was regularly examined as well. In the experiments B I and B II, a 10% sodium-humate solution (type WH 67 SNa, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed into the water until a sodium-humate concentration of 10 mg L-1 was reached. Two-year old, multifactorially diseased goldfish (B I: N= 2 x 322; B II: N= 2 x 100) were daily exposed to this water for a period of one (B I) and 1.5-2 (B II) hours, respectively. In both experiments the treatment of fish reduced in mortality (B I: 0.6 vs. 4.7 %, p<0.0005; B II: 8 vs. 16 %, p<0.05). Moreover, at the end of the experiments the sodium-humate treated fish showed a significantly improved health state (B I: p<10-16; B II: p<0.001) as indicated by externally visible changes of the skin, fins and gills. Specifically, reductions in haemorrhage of skin and fins (B II: p <0.05), and fin and gill necroses (B II: p<0.05), and gill inflammations (B II: p<0.02) were noted. Additionally, the sodium-humate treatment reduced integumental mucoses of skin, fins and gills (p<0.05) caused by Saprolegnia sp. The infection of skin and gills with protozoan parasites was reduced (p<0.01) as well. Ichthyophthirius sp. infections of the gills dropped significantly (p<0.05) in the treated fish groups as compared to the controls. Due to the observed mitigation of disease symptoms of environmental, bacterial, parasitic and fungal origin after a sodium-humate bath treatment of goldfish, a tissue protective, antiphlogistic, antimycotic and antiparasitic effect of sodium-humate can be concluded. For rearing of carp (F I) and rainbow trout (F III), 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (type WH 67 A, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed among the feed, while for the experiment F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Carbon-Isolat (type WH 67 G, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was added. In F I and F III a complete feed for trout was applied whereas for F II a complete feed for carp was used. In experiment F I (stocking density of both ponds 35,000 carp fry per ha) test fish revealed a higher mean body weight compared to the controls. With one exception (sample size to small), the difference between the groups was either significant (day 114: 65 vs. 45 g, p<0.05) or highly significant (day 1000: 1,146 versus 855 g, p<0.0001). The feed conversion ratio of the first experimental year (expurgated by HS-uptake) improved by 34 % due to HS application. Feed conversion ratio of the second and third year were falsified because of subjective feeding (which does not consider occurring losses). In experiment F II (stocking density of the 2 x 3 ponds (0,25 ha) were 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 individuals per ha, respectively) no additional feed was given to the hatched fry during the first two weeks so that all the fish lived on natural feed items. Afterwards, bruised wheat grain was given until from day 63 either test or control feed was applied for a total of 87 days. At the end of the experiment, at the highest stocking density the mortality was significantly (p<0.0001) decreased by 20% in the test group supplied with HS. At low stocking density the total weight of fish at harvest was not different between the test and control group. However, at medium stocking density the average body weight was higher in the control whereas reverse conditions were observed at the highest stocking density (due to a loss of data no statistical analysis was possible). The feed conversion ratio (expurgated by the uptake of humic substances) was decreased in the test groups of low (5 %) and high (17 %) density. In both experiments (F I and F II) significantly reduced infections of the internal organs liver, kidney and spleen with potentially pathogenic Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp. were detected. In the rainbow trout rearing (F III; N = 2 x 25), the HS-caused changes in consistency of feed and faeces impaired the formation of heavy algal films and large microorganism populations, and contributed to less turbid water turbidity in the aquaria, particularly at high temperatures. Significant differences in growth and feed conversion ratio could not be observed. In general, the addition of 5 % HS to the feed is regarded as being too high because the total amount of feed given (inclusive 5 % HS) is considered. The feed conversion ratio was higher in most of the HS-groups. Effects of oral application of 5 % HS in feed were thus less obvious than the bath treatment. Zootechnical parameters, in general, did not change. Merely in experiment F I the body weight of the HS-groups was significantly higher than that of the controls. In aquaria and small ponds used for ornamental fish breeding the observed cleaning of water and reduced formation of algal films and microorganism populations caused by HS could be of future importance. Intestinal effects of HS are assumed as internal organs revealed a reduced infection with both motile aeromonads and pseudomonads.
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English Place-Names from a Scandinavian Perspective : A study on place-names in Herefordshire, Cumbria and the areas reachable by Viking ship through the Humber / Engelska ortsnamn ur ett Skandinaviskt perspektiv : en studie av ortnamn i Herefordshire, Cumbria och de områden som var nåbara med vikingaskepp via Humber.Kahnberg, Martin January 2021 (has links)
In an attempt to discern the prevalence of British place-names with a Scandinavian origin this paper is a small linguistic study on place-names in Herefordshire, Cumbria and the areas along rivers Trent and Ouse. Based on modern maps place-names were included in the study. Older forms of the place-names were retrieved, and these old forms were analysed in order to understand the modern versions of the place-names. Place-name elements were grouped and their frequencies calculated in an attempt to understand the distribution of elements in each area. 1300 place-names were categorised based on their presumed origin, though some lacked the necessary information. Several place-names were given new possible derivations based on their categorisation and the elements they contained. Modern place-name elements/features hinting at a possibly Scandinavian place-name in the past were identified and described. Possible geographical patterns of Scandinavian place-names were found in central Herefordshire, in south-eastern Cumbria and in north-western Yorkshire. Possible implications of the place-names and their geographical concentrations were considered, yielding a hint on an area that might have been pivotal in the evolution of Old English. / I ett försök att urskilja utbredningen av brittiska ortnamn med ett skandinaviskt ursprung är denna uppsats en liten språkvetenskaplig studie av ortnamn i Herefordshire, Cumbria och längs floderna Trent och Ouse. Utifrån moderna kartor i en viss upplösning inkluderades alla synliga ortnamn i områdena. Äldre versioner av ortnamnen samlades in, och dessa gamla former analyserades i syfte att undersöka bakgrunden till de moderna ortnamnsvarianterna. Ortnamnens delar grupperades och deras frekvenser beräknades i syfte att förstå hur dessa fördelades i de olika områdena. 1300 ortnamn kategoriserades utifrån deras förmodade ursprung, men några ortnamn saknade den nödvändiga information undersökningen krävde. Flera ortnamn fick nya tänkbara betydelser baserat på den kategori de tilldelats och de ortnamnsdelar de innehöll. Moderna ortnamnsdelar som skulle kunna indikera en forntida nordisk ortnamnsvariant identifierades och beskrevs. Tänkbara geografiska nordiska ortnamnsmönster upptäcktes i centrala Herefordshire, i sydöstra Cumbria och i nordvästra Yorkshire. Tänkbara implikationer av ortnamnen och deras geografiska koncentrationer betraktades, vilket resulterade i upptäckten av ett område som kan ha påverkat fornengelskans utveckling i väldigt hög utsträckning.
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