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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktorer som påverkar den trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnaden för äldre personer : en litterturöversikt / Factors affecting the pressure ulcer prevention care for the older people : a literature review

Eriksson Lindfeldt, Moa, Koskinen, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Trycksår definieras som en lokal skada i huden och/eller i underliggande vävnad som uppstår till följd av ett kraftigt eller långvarigt tryck med eller utan kombination av skjuv. Skadan har en negativ inverkan på personens livskvalité, såväl fysisk, psykiskt och socialt. Trots att riskfaktorer och förebyggande åtgärder är väl kända så minskar inte prevalensen av trycksår. Sjuksköterskan är ansvarig för den trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnaden. För att säkerställa att omvårdnaden som ges är patientsäker och av god kvalité ansvarar sjuksköterskan för att ordinera evidensbaserade omvårdnadsåtgärder anpassade efter patientens behov och förutsättningar. Syfte Syftet var att belysa faktorer som påverkar den trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnaden för äldre personer inom slutenvården. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt genomfördes för att besvara studiens syfte. Från litteratursökningar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL framkom 19 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvantitativ samt kvalitativ metod. Kvalitén av artiklarna granskades enligt Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. Genom en integrerad dataanalys formulerades tre huvudkategorier med tillhörande subkategorier. Resultat Från litteraturöversiktens resultat framgick det att trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnad för äldre inom slutenvården utfördes i varierande grad. Faktorer som påverkade utvecklingen samt uppkomsten av trycksår inkluderade sjuksköterskans utbildning, patientens medverkan, utförandet av förebyggande åtgärder samt användningen av riskbedömningar, hjälpmedel och dokumentation av trycksårsarbetet. Slutsats Genom att utföra trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnad och ta i beaktande de faktorer som kan påverka omvårdnaden, framkom det att antalet trycksår minskade. För att uppnå en lyckad trycksårsprevention krävs evidensbaserad kunskap och utbildning hos de kliniskt verksamma sjuksköterskorna. Det krävs även ett stöd från verksamheten för att minska sjuksköterskornas arbetsbelastning och motverka tidsbristen för omvårdnaden. / Background Pressure ulcers are defined by a local damage in the skin and/or underlying tissue that occurs as a result of heavy and/or prolonged pressure with or without the combination of sheer. The damage has a negative impact on the person's quality of life both physically, mentally and socially. Despite riskfactors and preventative interventions being well known, the prevalence of pressure ulcers does not decrease. The nurse is responsible for the nursing care given to prevent pressure ulcers. To ensure that the care provided is patient-safe and of good quality, the nurse is responsible for prescribing evidence-based interventions according to the patients’ needs and condition. Aim The aim of this literature review was to shed light on factors affecting the pressure ulcer prevention care for older people in inpatient care. Method A non-systematic literature review was conducted. Searches in the databases PubMed and CINAHL resulted in 19 scientific articles with both quantitative and qualitative design. The quality of the articles was assessed according to Sophiahemmet university’s evaluation basis. Through an integrated data analysis, three main categories were formulated with associated subcategories. Results The results showed that the pressure ulcer prevention care for the older people in inpatient care was carried out in varying degrees. Factors that affected the development and onset of pressure ulcers included the nurse’s education, patients’ participation, the performance of preventative measures and the use of risk assessments, aids and documentation of the pressure ulcer care. Conclusions By performing pressure ulcer prevention care and considering the factors that can affect the care, it was found that the number of pressure ulcers decreased. To achieve successful pressure ulcer prevention, evidence-based knowledge and education of the clinically active nurses is required. Support from the organization is required to reduce the nurses workload and counteract the lack of time for nursing.

L'ulcère de Buruli dans un centre de santé rural au Bénin

Debacker, Martine M.J. 15 April 2005 (has links)
Notre travail porte sur tous les cas UB enregistrés entre 1997 et 2003 au Centre Sanitaire Nutritionnel Gbemoten (CSNG) de Zagnanado dans la région du Zou au Bénin. Une base de données a été créée et a permis d’analyser divers aspects de l’UB. Ces analyses ont donné lieu à diverses publications dont les résultats essentiels sont repris ci-dessous.<p>Une première publication porte sur 1700 cas consécutifs admis au CSNG entre 1997 et 2001. Ces données nous ont permis d’illustrer l’évolution du nombre des cas d’UB au cours des années, par département et par sous-préfecture. Le nombre de patients UB qui se présentent au centre est fonction de différents facteurs comme par exemple l’ouverture d’autres centres de traitement, l’organisation de campagnes d’information sur l’UB mais aussi de changements dans l’environnement. Au niveau des formes de la maladie, nous avons montré que les formes non ulcérées sont aussi fréquentes que les formes ulcérées. La forme de la maladie est liée au délai à consulter le CSNG. Les atteintes osseuses sont fréquentes et sont présentes chez plus de 13% des cas. Au fil des années, le délai à consulter le CSNG ainsi que la durée de l’hospitalisation ont été fortement réduits, passant de 4 mois à 1 mois dans le premier cas et de 9 mois à 1 mois en ce qui concerne l’hospitalisation. Les personnes ressources à cibler lors des campagnes de sensibilisation sur la maladie ont été identifiées. Il s’agit des anciens malades, qui dans 68% des cas, réfèrent les nouveaux malades au CSNG.<p>Une deuxième publication, portant sur la même période, nous a permis de mettre en évidence pour la première fois des taux d’UB élevés chez les sujets de 60 ans et plus, probablement du fait d’une diminution de leur immunité. Chez les 60 ans et plus, les hommes sont plus à risque de développer un UB que les femmes. Par contre aucune différence dans le risque d’UB en fonction du sexe n’est trouvée chez les moins de 60 ans. Les lésions d’UB prédominent au niveau des membres inférieurs pour tous les groupes d’âge. Du fait de leur petite stature, les enfants ont une répartition des lésions qui touchent tout le corps. Chez les adultes, les femmes présentent plus de lésions que les hommes au niveau de la tête, du cou et du tronc. Les sujets de moins de 15 ans développent souvent des lésions multifocales, associées à des atteintes osseuses. Ces atteintes osseuses constituent les formes graves de la maladie.<p>Notre troisième publication porte sur le suivi des malades au niveau des villages, entre mars 2000 et février 2001, afin de déterminer les taux de récurrences de l’UB. Le taux de récurrence de la maladie est faible (6.1%) pour un temps de suivi des malades allant jusqu’à 7 ans. La majorité des malades soignés au CSNG étaient en bonne santé. Nous n’avons néanmoins pu retrouver qu’un nombre limité de malades.<p>Dans notre quatrième publication, nous avons pu mettre en évidence le développement d’un UB sur le site d’une morsure humaine. La surface de la peau du malade a pu être contaminée par M. ulcerans et la morsure (= traumatisme) a occasionné l’entrée de M. ulcerans dans le derme. Une autre explication plausible est que la morsure ait réactivé un foyer latent de M. ulcerans au niveau du site de la morsure.<p>Notre base de données nous a également permis de contribuer à d’autres études, notamment celles sur l’influence du BCG et de la schistosomiase sur l’UB. Dans les deux cas, nous trouvons une association significative avec les formes graves de l’UB, l’absence de vaccination BCG et la schistosomiase favorisant le développement de formes osseuses. Aucun lien n’a pu être établi entre la présence ou l’absence de l’infection à Schistosoma haematobium et l’UB.<p>Dans la dernière partie de notre travail, nous nous sommes attachés à l’étude de quelques facteurs de risque de l’UB. Nous avons montré que l’UB est essentiellement associé à l’âge, le lieu de résidence et le type d’eau utilisé. Pour les sujets de 5 ans et plus, le risque d’UB est plus élevé chez les sujets vaccinés à la naissance avec le BCG. L’analyse par strate d’âge des sujets âgés de 5 ans et plus, nous a permis de voir que dans le groupe des 50 ans et plus l’influence du type d’eau utilisé est moindre que dans les autres groupes d’âge, laissant envisager qu’un autre facteur entre en jeu :une réactivation de la maladie à la faveur d’une baisse d’immunité. <p>Notre étude démontre que la prise en charge de l’UB doit être pluridisciplinaire et doit pouvoir englober diverses interventions telles que :<p>- les campagnes d’information à la population,<p>- la formation du personnel sanitaire ainsi qu’une implication de l’état,<p>- une bonne prise en charge des malades au niveau des centres de traitement de l’UB en collaboration avec les laboratoires régionaux et internationaux,<p>- la confirmation microbiologique des cas,<p>- la mise en place d’un suivi des malades en s’appuyant sur les structures déjà mises en place pour d’autres maladies,<p>- la mise à disposition des populations de sources d’eau potable (puits, pompes) qui par la même occasion permettront de limiter/diminuer d’autres affections liées à la consommation d’eau non potable,<p>- la poursuite des activités de recherche sur un éventuel vaccin ou une médication appropriée, ainsi que sur le réservoir de M. ulcerans afin de pouvoir mettre en place des stratégies de prévention de la maladie.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Systematic overviews of the randomised evidence for the effects of traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and selective inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase-2 on vascular and upper gastrointestinal outcomes

Bhala, Neeraj January 2013 (has links)
<b>Background:</b> Comparative assessments of the vascular and upper gastrointestinal risks of different regimens of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are required. <b>Methods:</b> Meta-analyses were conducted, using individual participant data where possible, of placebo-controlled trials of a selective cyclo-oxygenase [COX]-2 inhibitor ('coxib') or traditional NSAID, or randomised trials of a coxib versus traditional NSAIDs. A prespecified subdivision of traditional NSAID regimens of those with antiplatelet activity (mainly naproxen) and those without (mainly diclofenac) was made. Primary outcomes were major vascular events (MVEs; nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke or vascular death) and upper gastrointestinal complications (UGICs; perforation, obstruction or bleed). <b>Findings:</b> Searches identified 788 trials: 200 comparisons of a coxib vs placebo (88,604 participants, mean follow-up 0.60 years), 206 comparisons of a traditional NSAID vs placebo (43,482 participants, 0.46 years) and 149 comparisons of a coxib vs traditional NSAID (137,466 participants, mean follow-up 0.95 years). Compared to placebo, allocation to a coxib increased the risk of MVEs (rate ratio 1.38, 95&percnt; CI 1.14-1.66), vascular mortality (1.58, 1.11-2.24) and UGICs (1.81, 1.17-2.81). Overall, in the population studied, coxibs were associated with three additional major vascular events (one fatal) and two (rarely fatal) upper gastrointestinal complications per 1000 person-years exposure. There was no evidence of heterogeneity by duration of follow-up, coxib type, dose (other than for celecoxib), or patient characteristics, for the primary outcomes. The risk of MVEs for traditional NSAIDs without antiplatelet activity (mostly diclofenac 75mg bd or ibuprofen 800mg tds) were comparable to coxibs (1.40, 1.15-1.72); but the risk of UGICs (1.98, 1.39-2.84) was significantly greater. For traditional NSAIDs with antiplatelet activity (mostly naproxen 500mg bd) there were no significant excess of MVEs (0.84, 0.66-1.08), but UGICs were substantially increased (4.06, 2.85-5.78). Both coxibs and traditional NSAIDs increased risk of hospitalisation for heart failure by about two-fold. <b>Interpretation:</b> The vascular and upper gastrointestinal risks of coxibs and high-dose tNSAID regimens can be predicted, allowing the choice of analgesia to be tailored for particular patients.

Leg ulceration in young people who inject drugs : causative factors, and how harm may be reduced : a mixed methods approach

Coull, Alison Frances January 2016 (has links)
The thesis explores chronic leg ulceration experienced by young people who inject drugs (PWID). The applied health research study, in two phases, used a sequential explanatory mixed methods design. Phase 1 involved a survey of 200 people who injected drugs to investigate the prevalence of skin problems and leg ulceration, together with the identification of risk factors for ulceration. Phase 2 involved a series of fifteen qualitative semi-structured interviews that explored the results relating to risk factors with a sample of PWID who had experienced leg ulceration, and investigated participants’ perceptions of appropriate harm reduction methods. Main findings There were three research questions in this study: 1) What is the extent of skin problems and chronic leg ulceration in young people who inject drugs? The study identified a high prevalence of leg ulceration as 15%. 60% of the sample had experienced a skin problem. Each reported skin complication is clearly defined. 2) What causes chronic leg ulceration in young people who inject drugs? Leg ulceration experienced by PWID in this study was directly linked to deep vein thrombosis (DVT), as well as injecting in the groin and the leg. DVT was strongly associated with groin and leg injecting. The acceptance amongst injectors of the groin and leg as a site of choice has occurred with a lack of awareness of the long-term consequences of damage to the limb. 3) What are appropriate harm reduction measures in young people who inject drugs? Harm reduction methods related to the development of leg ulceration have been absent across schools and drug services. Training for healthcare workers which enables them to identify risk factors should be developed, and harm reduction information related to leg ulceration should be included in drug education within schools, and instigated within drugs services. This applied health research has led to a number of practice-focused recommendations surrounding clinical care including early detection of venous insufficiency and accessible services to prevent, assess, and treat venous disease in PWID. The original contribution to knowledge is three-fold: 1. Leg ulcers have been found to be highly prevalent in young people who inject drugs. 2. Ulceration is predominantly caused by venous thrombosis due to injecting in the legs or groin. 3. Harm reduction related to the development of venous disease has lacked impact and effect.

Praxe založená na důkazech v oblasti prevence a péče o dekubity v intenzivní péči / Evidence-based practice in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in intensive care patients

Příhodová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Pressure ulcers are one of the quality indicators of nursing care, their presence reduces the quality of life of the patient, leads to a prolongation of hospitalization, increases costs of care and affects the budget of a health care facility. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel or the European Advisory Board on issues of bedsores (EPUAP) leads and supports all European countries in their efforts to prevent and treat pressure sores. EPUAP working group has developed guidelines for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. One of the important factors in providing the highest quality of nursing care is the ability of nurses to practically use the research results in the nursing process. This thesis deals with the effective use of the latest advances in the prevention of pressure sores and their treatment in the intensive care in Czech Republic. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the latest methods of prevention of pressure sores and care, according to Evidence-based practice principles EPUAP and analyze their practical implementation in selected intensive care wards. Quantitative research was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire in the population of nurses working in intensive care. The results of the research show that nurses working in intensive care, implement...

Terapia celular em úlceras crônicas com implante de células tronco mesenquimais associadas a plasma rico em plaquetas. / Cell therapy in chronic ulcers with implant of mesenchymal stem cells associated with platelet-rich plasma.

Stessuk, Talita 13 May 2016 (has links)
Doenças crônicas sistêmicas, em especial o diabetes mellitus, favorecem o aparecimento e a continuidade de lesões dermo-epidérmicas, sendo o impacto econômico e social significativo. No âmbito da medicina regenerativa para o tratamento de lesões cutâneas crônicas, o emprego clínico da bioengenharia de tecidos associada à terapia celular tem sido considerado uma promissora alternativa terapêutica. Neste contexto, o estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a eficácia terapêutica no tratamento de úlceras cutâneas de pacientes diabéticos, empregando células-tronco mesenquimais do tecido adiposo (CT-TA) associadas a plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) obtido de sangue autólogo. A pesquisa aplicada foi composta por seis pacientes diabéticos e portadores de úlceras cutâneas crônicas. A reepitelização total ocorreu em 5 das 9 lesões tratadas, sendo o índice de cicatrização médio superior a 70% após 3 meses da aplicação. Desta forma, é possível concluir que a terapia com CT-TA associadas a PRP proporciona uma redução na área ulcerosa de lesões cutâneas crônicas em pacientes diabéticos. / Systemic chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus, favor the emergency and continuity of dermal-epidermal lesions, being significant the economic and social impact. Within the regenerative medicine field for treatment of cutaneous chronic wounds, the clinical use of tissue bioengineering and cell therapy has been considered as a promising therapeutic alternative. In this context, the present study aims to evaluate the therapeutic efficiency, using adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC) associated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) obtained from autologous blood, for the treatment of cutaneous ulcers from diabetic patients. The applied research was composed of six diabetic patients with chronic skin ulcers. The total re-epithelialization occurred in 5 of the 9 lesions treated, and the average wound healing index greater than 70% after 3 months of application. In this way, it can be concluded that ADSC therapy associated with PRP provides a reduction in ulcer area of chronic skin lesions in diabetic patients.

Efeitos da terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (685 e 830 nm) na taxa de proliferação bacteriana e na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em modelo animal / Effects of low-level laser therapy (685 and 830 nm) in bacterial growth and wound healing in animal models

Libanore, Daniel Zucchi 25 April 2008 (has links)
Recursos fisioterapêuticos tem sido utilizados no tratamento de úlceras de perna como a terapia a laser de baixa intensidade. A contaminação bacteriana dessas úlceras é freqüente constituindo-se numa importante complicação da cicatrização. Assim, busca-se investigar os efeitos dessa terapêutica frente às culturas de diferentes espécies bacterianas in vitro e in vivo. Utilizou-se aparelho laser modelo Theralase III-DMC (685 e 830 nm) e diferentes doses (1,2 e 4J). Foram utilizados bactérias, S. aureus ATCC 6538 (Gram+) e P. aeruginosa ATCC 15442 (Gram-), reativadas em B.H.I.Agar inclinado a 37 graus C/24h. Após as bactérias foram re-suspensas em B.H.I. caldo/37 graus Celsius/20h, centrifugadas 3x/15min/4.500rpm, seguida de lavagens e homogeneização. A suspensão foi diluída em placas de cultura celular de 96 poços, submetidas a diluições seriadas sucessivas, encontrando as diluições ideais de \'10 POT.-12\' bactérias/ml para S. aureus e \'10 POT.-15\' bactérias/ml para P. aeruginosa. As soluções bacterianas foram irradiadas com laser de diferentes comprimentos de onda (685 e 830 nm) e diferentes doses (1, 2 e 4J). Dez micro litros da solução bacteriana do último poço foram semeados em placa de petri nos meios Mc Conkey Agar e B.H.I.-Agar bactérias Gram positiva e negativa respectivamente para posterior contagem das unidades formadoras de colônia (U.F.C.´s.). Foram semeadas 10 placas para cada dose de diferente comprimento de onda e espécie bacteriana diferente e 10 placas para o grupo controle, ou seja, sem irradiação laser. Nos estudos in vivo, foram utilizados coelhos, machos, neozelandeses pesando aproximadamente 1,5 Kg. A anestesia foi feita com 1,5 ml/animal de ketamina 100 mg e xylzina 1,0 ml/animal. Foram feitas 6 feridas de 6 mm de diâmentro (punch) em cada orelha, constituindo-se cada animal, um grupo (n=12). As feridas foram previamente contaminadas com S. aureus (G+) e P. aeruginosa (G-). Os animais foram divididos em Grupo 1 (laser 685 nm + G+), Grupo 2 (laser 830 nm + G+), Grupo 3 (laser 685 nm + G-), Grupo 4 (laser 830 nm + G-), Grupo 5 (apenas laser 685 nm), Grupo 6 (apenas laser 830 nm), Grupo 7 (lasers 685 e 830 nm + G-), Grupo 8 (lasers 685 e 830 nm + G+). As úlceras foram fotografadas nos tempos de 24h, 3 dias, 7 dias, 10 dias, 13 dias e 16 dias e posteriormente analisadas com programa Image J, realizadas pelo mesmo indivíduo. Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste estatístico ANOVA e pós-teste de Bonferroni para múltiplas amostras não paramétricas. No experimento in vitro foi observado que todas as doses laser utilizadas tiveram efeito inibitório no crescimento bacteriano em ambas as espécies, sendo esse efeito maior na dose de 4 J/\'CM POT.2\', nos diferentes comprimentos de onda utilizados (685 nm e 830 nm), mesmo quando esses foram usados de forma consecutiva. In vivo, observou-se que no 3º dia pós cirúrgico houve uma diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos 1 e 6. No 7º dia a diferença estatística aconteceu entre os grupos 1 e 4. No 10º dia, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significante entre as áreas dos grupos. No 13º dia observou-se diferença estatística entre todos os grupos quando comparados com os grupos 7 e 8 (lasers 685 e 830 nm + G+). No 16º de segmento todas as feridas encontavam-se cicatrizadas. A terapia a laser de baixa intensidade apresentou efeito inibitório do crescimento bacteriano in vitro e nos estudos in vivo, mostrando-se capaz de acelerar o processo de cicatrização de feridas, mesmo contaminadas com diferentes espécies bacterianas. / Physical therapeutic resources have been used to treat leg ulcers, such as laser therapy of low intensity. Bacterial contamination of these ulcers often constitutes itself into a major complication of healing. Thus, search up to investigate the effects of this therapy off the cultures of different bacterial species in vitro and in vivo. It was used laser device model Theralase III-DMC (685 e 830 nm) in different doses (1, 2 e 4J). It was used bacteria S. aureus ATCC 6538 (Gram+) and P. aeruginosa ATCC 15442 (Gram-), reativated in tilted BHI-Agar to 37 Celsius degrees/24h. After the bacteria were re-suspended in broth B.H.I. to 37 Celsius degrees for 20h, centrifuged 3x/15min/4.500rpm, followed by washing and homogenization. The suspension was diluted in 96 wells cell culture plates, and submitted to successive serial dilutions, finding the ideas dilutions of \'10 POT.-12\' bacteria/ml for S. aureus and \'10 POT.-15\' bacteria/ml for P. aeruginosa. The bacterial solutions were irradiated with different wavelength of laser (685 e 830 nm) and different doses (1, 2 e 4J). Ten microliters of bacterial solution from the last well were sowed in Petri´s plate with Mc Conkey agar and BHI-agar to bacterias Gram positive and negative respectively for further counting of colony forming units (CFU´s). Ten plates for each dose of different wavelength and different bacterial species were sowed and 10 boards for the control group, without laser irradiation. In the in vivo studies were used New Zealand male rabbits, weighing approximately 1.5 Kg. Anesthesia was made with 1.5 ml of ketamine 100 mg and xylzina 1.0 mL/animal. Six punched wounds were made in each ear, and each animal constituted a group (n=12). The wounds were previously contaminated with S. aureus (G+) and P. aeruginosa (G-). The animals were divided in Group 1 (laser 685 nm + G+), Group 2 (laser 830 nm + G+), Group 3 (laser 685 nm + G-), Group 4 (laser 830 nm + G-), Group 5 (only laser 685 nm), Group 6 (only laser 830 nm), Group 7 (lasers 685 e 830 nm + G-), Group 8 (lasers 685 e 830nm + G+). The ulcers were photographed in times of 24h, 3, 7, 10, 13 and 16 days and then analyzed with ImageJ software, conducted by the same individual. The results were analyzed by non parametric ANOVA statistical test and post-test for multiple samples by Bonferroni´s test. In the in vitro experiments was observed that all the laser doses used presented an inhibitory effect on bacterial growth in both species, and this effect was greater using the dose of 4J in different wavelengths (685 nm, 830 nm), even when these were applied consecutively. In vivo, it was observed that in the 3rd day after surgery there was a statistically significant difference between groups 1 and 6. In the 7th day happened to statistical difference between groups 1 and 4. In the 10th day there was no statistically significant difference among the areas of groups. In the 13th day there was statistical difference between all groups when compared with groups 7 and 8 (685 and 830 nm lasers + G+). In the 16th to follow all the wounds had been healed. The laser therapy of low intensity showed inhibitory effect of bacterial growth in vitro and in vivo studies and it were able to accelerate the wound healing, even contaminated with different bacterial species.

Segmentação e quantificação de tecidos em imagens coloridas de úlceras de perna. / Segmentation and quantification of tissues in leg ulcers color images

Perez, Andres Anobile 31 August 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de avaliação e monitoramento de pacientes com úlceras de perna baseada nas características dos tecidos internos dessas feridas. Os tecidos internos podem ser classificados como granulado, fibrina e necrosado, e a avaliação da área de cada um desses tecidos fornece para o clínico dados referentes ao estado da úlcera.A metodologia extrai essas informações a partir de imagens digitalizadas das lesões. Para tanto, a área referente à úlcera é segmentada e em seguida a área interna processada por uma rede neural, que tem o propósito de classificar cada ponto para um dos tecidos analisados. Os algoritmos desenvolvidos operam sobre imagens coloridas, já que cada tecido em uma imagem só pode ser identificado por sua cor. Este trabalho propõe ainda uma metodologia de extração de características das lesões através de uma forma não invasiva utilizando, para tanto, algoritmos de visão computacional. / The aim of this work was the development of a monitoring and evaluation methodology of leg ulcers patients based on the features of the inner tissues of these wounds. The internal tissues can be classified as granulation, slough and necrotic, and the evaluation of the area of each one of these tissues can be used by the specialist to help with the patient''s diagnosis. The methodology extracts these information from the wound digitized images. For this, the wound area is segmented and the inner region or the segmented area is processed by a neural network that classifies each point of the analyzed tissues. The developed algorithms operate on color images since each tissue in an image can only be analyzed by its colors. In this work has also proposed a feature extraction methodology of the wounds through a non-invasive way using computer vision algorithms.

O efeito da terapia laser de baixa intensidade nos espectros de luz visível e infravermelha em culturas de Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudômonas aeruginosa e Escherichia coli isoladas in vitro / The effect of low level laser therapy spectra in the visible and infrared light in cultures of de Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli isolated in vitro

Sousa, Natanael Teixeira Alves de 03 April 2014 (has links)
A terapia laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI) vem sendo utilizada no tratamento de feridas devido aos seus efeitos cicatrizantes. No entanto, espécies bacterianas podem ser detectadas em úlceras cutâneas crônicas, não estando claro quais os melhores parâmetros a serem utilizados para se obter maior eficácia da inibição das bactérias que podem vir a colonizar essas feridas, já que são escassos os estudos que associam diferentes linhagens de bactérias, com diferentes comprimentos de onda e fluências da TLBI. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a influência da TLBI no crescimento bacteriano in vitro. Para realização do estudo foram utilizadas linhagens da S. aureus (ATCC 25923), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) e E. coli (ATCC 25922), as quais foram repicadas e incubadas por um período de 24 horas, à temperatura de 37º C. Após o crescimento bacteriano, as células foram suspensas em solução fisiológica com turvação de 0,5 na escala de McFarland (1,5 X 108 UFC/mL-1). Em seguida foram realizadas cinco diluições seriadas até alcançar a concentração de 1,5 X 103 UFC/mL-1. Uma alíquota de 300 L desta suspenção foi transferida para poços da placa de microtitulação e então expostas a irradiação. A seguir uma fração de 100 L foi espalhada sobre a superfície do meio de cultura sólido Mueller-Hinton em placas de Petri (90 x 15 mm), incubada a 37° C e após 24, 48 e 72 horas foram realizadas às contagens de UFC (unidades formadoras de colônias). A irradiação laser (laserpulse - Ibramed® Amparo, SP Brasil) foi realizada nos comprimentos de onda de 450, 660, 830 e 904 nm, nas fluências de 0 (controle), 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 J/cm2, aplicado de forma direta e perpendicular a placa, a uma distância de 2 mm, sobre uma área de 1 cm2. Todos os dados foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk, sendo os dados referentes a contagem das UFC submetidos ao teste de Kruskal Wallis e post hoc de Dunn com nível de significância de 5%. A irradiação laser inibiu o crescimento da S. aureus em todos os comprimentos de ondas testados, nas fluências superiores a 12 J/cm², com maiores taxas de inibição em 24 J/cm2 (79,6%). Ao analisar o comportamento da taxa de inibição bacteriana, pode-se observar uma tendência similar entre todos os comprimentos de onda. No entanto, para a P. aeruginosa a TLBI foi capaz de inibir o crescimento em todos os comprimentos de onda, somente na fluência de 24 J/cm², não sendo possível identificar um padrão de inibição. A E. coli apresentou um padrão de inibição nos comprimentos de onda de 450 e 830 nm. Para os comprimentos de onda de 660 e 904 nm pode-se identificar inibição somente em 12 e 18 J/cm2, respectivamente. Assim, pode-se afirmar que a TLBI foi capaz de inibir o crescimento bacteriano em todos os comprimentos de onda, não apresentando o mesmo padrão de inibição entre as espécies bacterianas, comprimento de onda e fluências testadas, se mantendo por até 72 horas após a irradiação. / Low level laser therapy (LLLT) has been used in treatment of wounds due your healing effects. Some bacteria\'s species can be detected in almost all chronic ulcers, being not clear which are the best parameters to more effective inhibition of bacteria that may colonize these wounds. There are just a few studies that relate different bacteria types with different wavelength and different fluence of LLLT. Thus, the study objective is analyze the LLLT effect of bacterial growth in vitro. In this study were used S. aureus (ATCC 25923), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) and E. coli (ATCC 25922), which were transplanted and incubated for 24 hours at a temperature of 37° C. After bacterial growth, the cells were suspended in saline with a turbidity of 0.5 McFarland scale (1.5 X 108 CFU/mL-1). Next, five serial dilutions were performed to achieve a concentration of 1.5 X 103 CFU/mL-1. An aliquot 300 L of this suspension was transferred to wells of a microtiter plate and then exposed to irradiation. Then 100 L of a fraction was spread on the surface of solid culture medium Mueller-Hinton in Petri dishes (90 x 15 mm) plates, incubated at 37° C and after 24, 48 and 72 hours to CFU counts were made (colony forming units). The laser irradiation (Laserpulse - Ibramed® - Amparo, SP - Brazil) was performed at wavelengths of 450, 660, 830 and 904 nm, the fluence of 0 (control), 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 J/cm2 and applied directly perpendicular to the plate at a distance of 2 mm over an area of 1 cm2. All data were subjected to test normality the Shapiro-Wilk test, and the data for CFU counts submitted to test the Kruskal Wallis test and post hoc Dunn\'s test with a significance level of 5%. The laser irradiation inhibited the growth of S. aureus in all wavelengths tested in the higher fluences to 12 J/cm2, with higher rates of 24 J/cm2 inhibition (79.6%). In analyzing the behavior of the rate of bacterial inhibition, one can observe a similar trend among all wavelengths. However, for the LLLT P. aeruginosa was able to inhibit the growth of all wavelengths, the only fluence 24 J/cm2, it is not possible to identify a standard of inhibition. E. coli showed a standard of inhibition at a wavelength of 450 and 830 nm. For the wavelengths of 660 and 904 nm can be identified only inhibition at 12 and 18 J/cm2, respectively. Thus, it can be stated that LLLT was able to inhibit bacterial growth in all wavelengths, not presenting the same standard inhibition among bacterial species, the wavelength and fluence tested by keeping for up to 72 hours after irradiation.

Kommunsjuksköterskans omvårdnadsdokumentation om bensår i hemsjukvård : En granskning av patientjournaler. / The Municipal registered nurses ́ care documentation about leg ulcer in home care practice : an audit of patient journals

Fahlgren & Pettersson, Stina & Marie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka kommunsjuksköterskan omvårdnadsdokumentation om bensår i hemsjukvård. Som metod valdes journalgranskning. Resultatet visade att omvårdnadsdokumentationen brister på många sätt. / Background: In Sweden, approximately 50 000 people suffers from slow-healing leg ulcers. The number of municipal registered nurses ́ has decreased in recent years. The municipal registered nurses ́ often hold function as an advisory consultant for the nursing staff and without participating in nursing care. This documentation is based on second-hand information from the nursing staff. Purpose: The aim was to investigate how municipal registered nurse care documents about leg ulcers in patients in home care practice. Method: An audit of patient journals was chosen to investigate how municipal registered nurse ́ care documents about leg ulcers in patients in home care practice. Results: The results are presented in five themes: contact cause, health and medical history, skin functions alternatively skin / tissue, skin action alternatively action / prescription skin / tissue and Ulcer case record. Beneath these themes the assessment of documentation was into incomplete, partially complete and complete. The result shows that the municipal registered nurse often documents in chronological order and not applying to the nursing process. The results also showed that the old documentation was not completed in the journal, which meant that it was difficult to follow a course of treatment. Discussion: The result shows that documentation in home care failures in many ways. Municipal registered nurse works as a consultant and is not involved in daily care. The documentation is based on second-hand information from the nursing staff and resulting in the documentation of leg ulcers is poor. Patient journals documentation was divided into different keyword, which means that it was difficult to follow the nursing process.

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