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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool : tradução e adaptação transcultural para a língua portuguesa

Silveira, Isabelle Andrade January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-03-07T18:26:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabelle Andrade Silveira.pdf: 1744842 bytes, checksum: 517b4f56d05e86c90f2f3978129e864a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-07T18:26:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabelle Andrade Silveira.pdf: 1744842 bytes, checksum: 517b4f56d05e86c90f2f3978129e864a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Mestrado Acadêmico em Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde / Introdução: O Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool é um instrumento desenvolvido no Canadá especificamente para avaliar úlceras de perna. Composto por 14 itens classificados como domínios avaliados clinicamente e 3 domínios avaliados pelo paciente. A primeira parte do instrumento avalia as características da lesão e a segunda parte avalia a intensidade e frequência da dor e a qualidade de vida. Objetivos: Traduzir e adaptar transculturamente o LUMT para língua portuguesa do Brasil; Validar o conteúdo do instrumento traduzido através do Comitê de Juízes; Avaliar a praticabilidade da versão final do instrumento em pacientes com úlceras de perna. Método: Pesquisa metodológica que seguiu as etapas de tradução e adaptação transcultural recomendadas por Guillemin, Bombardier e Beaton (1993), as quais incluem: tradução inicial; síntese das traduções; retrotradução; avaliação das versões por um comitê de juízes e a realização do pré-teste. O protocolo de pesquisa foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal Fluminense e aprovado sob o número 1.585.542, CAAE 56252216.2.0000.5243. Resultados: Na primeira etapa, foram realizadas duas traduções do instrumento e das instruções; na segunda etapa em uma reunião consensual com as duas tradutoras e as autoras desse estudo as discrepâncias entre as traduções iniciais foram resolvidas e gerada uma versão síntese; na terceira etapa, a versão síntese do instrumento e das instruções foram retrotraduzidas para o inglês por duas tradutoras independentes a fim de verificar a equivalência com a versão original e nenhuma destas apresentou discrepâncias importantes em relação ao instrumento original; na quarta etapa, um comitê de juízes analisou a versão síntese e as retrotraduções com relação à equivalência semântica e idiomática e julgou adequada a versão do instrumento em língua portuguesa; na quinta e última etapa o LUMT na língua portuguesa foi aplicado por enfermeiros em pacientes com úlceras de perna e avaliada sua praticabilidade na prática clínica, e o mesmo foi considerado apropriado e aplicável. Conclusão: Atingiu-se o objetivo proposto de realizar a tradução e adaptação transcultural do LUMT para a língua portuguesa do Brasil. Durante as etapas percorridas foi viável perceber a viabilidade da utilização do mesmo na realidade brasileira. Este estudo metodológico contribui para a área da saúde na disponibilização de um instrumento específico para avaliação de úlceras de perna e para a comparação de resultados internacionalmente de forma mais acurada e fidedigna, fortalecendo a homogeneidade dos dados coletados / Introduction: The Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool is a tool developed in Canada specifically to evaluate leg ulcers. Composed of 14 items classified as domains assessed clinically and 3 domains assessed by the patient. The first part of the instrument evaluates the characteristics of the lesion and the second part evaluates the intensity and frequency of pain and quality of life. Objectives: To translate and adapt culturally the LUMT into Portuguese of Brazil; Validate the instrument content translated through the Judges Committee; To evaluate the feasibility of the final version of the instrument in patients with leg ulcers. Method: Methodology research that followed the steps of translation and cultural adaptation recommended by Guillemin, Bombardier and Beaton (1993), which include: initial translation; synthesis of translations; back translation; evaluation of versions by a panel of judges and the pretest. The research protocol was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Medical School of the Universidade Federal Fluminense and approved under number 1585542, CAAE 56252216.2.0000.5243. Results: In the first stage, there were two translations of the instrument and instructions; in the second stage in a consensus meeting with the two translators and the authors of this study the discrepancies between the initial translations were resolved and generated a summary version; the third step, the synthesis version of the instrument and instructions were back-translated into English by two independent translators to verify the equivalence with the original version and none of them was important discrepancies in the original instrument; the fourth stage, a committee of judges examined the synthesis version and back translations regarding the semantic and idiomatic equivalence and deemed appropriate instrument version in Portuguese; in the fifth and final stage, the LUMT in Portuguese was applied by nurses in patients with leg ulcers and assessed its feasibility in clinical practice, and it was considered appropriate and applicable. Conclusion: It was reached the proposed objective of performing the translation and cultural adaptation of LUMT into Portuguese of Brazil. During the covered steps it was possible to realize the feasibility of using the same in the Brazilian reality. This methodological study contributes to the health sector in the provision of a specific instrument for evaluating leg ulcers and to compare results internationally more accurately and reliably, strengthening the homogeneity of the data collected

Redesign of a generic human limb pressure device – towards early diagnosis of pressure ulcer risk patients

Länne Rosenlund, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
This report is a Bachelor thesis in the field of product development and design. It includes a literature review in the field of pressure ulcers and diabetes as well as a design process. The writer of this report, Hanna Länne Rosenlund, is a Mechanical Engineering student at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University. The focus of the education lies within product development and design. Pressure ulcers are a growing health care problem due to an increase in the mean life expectancy as well as an increase in diabetes in the world population. Patients with artificial limbs are often victims of pressure ulcers due to prolonged pressures from the prosthetic sockets on already sensitive areas of the body. Research in the field of pressure-induced injuries is currently taking place at Jönköping University. Their knowledge in finite element modelling and orthopaedic engineering made the research project, PEOPLE, possible. PEOPLE is a collaboration project between the School of Engineering and the School of Health and Welfare at Jönköping University as well as three company partners. In the project they aim to develop a device that will apply pressure to a lower limb while a MR camera takes scans of the limb. The images are later analysed closely by use of the finite element model, which means that all the different tissue properties will be collected for a computer simulation. In that way the tissues reactions to more extreme forms of pressure can be evaluated. This will contribute to the research in hope of eventually being able to predict whether or not a person might be at risk of developing pressure ulcers. A design of the prototype’s chassis was needed to optimize ease of use for both patient and staff, user options to expand research abilities, and sustainability. The design process includes product decomposition, concept generation, conceptual design, brainstorming, design for assembly, and design for component manufacturing, which generated several concepts. The final concept was decided by use of Pugh’s-matrices. The different concepts and the final concept were created in the computer aided design programme, Solid Works. The work resulted in a highly adjustable two-piece concept with optimized ease of use and sustainability due to the use of a Velcro strap. The prototype will come in two different sizes and will be mountable by a developed screwing system and therefore easy to pack, store and replace. It will also contain a new pressure relief system for a more comfortable patient experience. For further development of chassis of this kind, a replaceable pressure relief system would enhance the comfort when usage of larger limbs. When the device will be available for testing, a patient’s point of view can be taken in to consideration for a more reliable thesis and for further optimization of the comfort. / Detta är ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå inom ämnet produktutveckling och design. I arbetet ingår en litterär överblick och sammanfattning av forskning i ämnet angående trycksår och diabetes, samt en designprocess. Författaren, Hanna Länne Rosenlund studerar Maskinteknik med inriktning Produktutveckling och Design på Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola. Trycksår är ett växande problem inom vården på grund av en ökning i medellivslängden samt en ökning av diabetesdiagnoser hos världens befolkning. Patienter med proteser faller ofta offer för trycksår på grund av extrema och långvariga tryckförhållanden där proteserna är lokaliserade. Ett område som redan är känsligare för tryck. Forskning inom tryckframkallande skador pågår just nu på Jönköping University. Deras kunskap inom finita elements modellering samt ortopedingenjörsteknik har gjort detta forskningsprojekt möjligt. Forskningsprojektet heter PEOPLE och är ett samverkningsprojekt mellan Tekniska Högskolan, Hälsohögskolan samt tre företagspartners. Tillsammans siktar de mot att utveckla en prototyp som ska utsätta en lem för ett konstant tryck medan en MR kamera scannar vävnaden. En finit elements modell av lemmen skapas sedan för närmre granskning av vävnaden hos individen. Vävnadens egenskaper samlas sedan för en simulering då man kan utvärdera hur vävnaden skulle reagera på mer extrema former av tryck. På så sätt kan prototypen bidra till forskningen inom ämnet för att förhoppningsvis kunna förutspå ifall en person är vid risk för att utveckla trycksår eller inte. En omkonstruktion av prototypens chassi har utvecklats för att optimera användarvänligheten för både patient och personal, användarmöjligheten för forskningssyfte, samt för att bättre bidra till en mer hållbar lösning. Designprocessen har inkluderat teorier såsom produktnedbrytning, konceptgenerering, konceptutveckling, brainstorming, design for assembly och design for manufacturing som alla har hjälpt till att generera koncept. Det slutgiltiga konceptet valdes med hjälp av Pugh matriser. Koncepten samt det slutliga konceptet skapades i ett CAD (computer aided design) program, Solid Works. Arbetet resulterade i ett justerbart tvådelat koncept med optimerad användarvänlighet och hållbarhet genom att använda sig av ett kardborreband. Prototypen kommer att finnas i två olika storlekar och vara monterbar genom att det går att skruva bort chassit och på så sätt optimera packning, hantering och förvaring. Det kommer också att innehålla ett nyutvecklat system för att underlätta fördelningen av tryck på motsatt sida från indenteringen. För fortsatt utveckling av chassit hade ett utbytbart system för tryckavledning optimerat produkten ytterligare då komforten hade ökat vid användning på större lemmar. När produkten finns tillgänglig för testning i framtiden kommer en patients syn vara möjlig att ta med och på så sätt förstärka trovärdigheten av arbetet samt bidra till fortsatt strävande för komfort.

Efeitos da radiação ultra-sônica pulsada e de baixa intensidade sobre o mal perfurante plantar (MPP), manifestação cutânea decorrente da Hanseníase / Effects of the low intensity pulsed ultrasound on the Hansen’s perforating plantar disease (MPP), cutaneous manifestation from Hansen’s disease

Fabio Campanelli 18 January 2005 (has links)
Diante de pesquisas realizadas com o 5Ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade na regeneração de pele de ratos submetidos a queimaduras provocadas por calor (ALVES, 1988) e em pacientes portadores de úlceras tróficas de perna (HILÁRIO, 1993) se propôs estudar os efeitos do ultra-Som pulsado de baixa intensidade em pacientes com Mal de Hansen (MH) cujas manifestações cutâneas eram caracterizadas como o Mal Perfurante Plantar (MPP) e úlceras do tegumento, sendo que o emprego do ultra-som pulsado e de baixa intensidade mostrou-se eficaz na reparação das referidas lesões. O presente trabalho foi realizado em pacientes assistidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) na cidade de Bebedouro-SP lotados no setor de Vigilância Epidemiológica. A casuística constitui-se de seis pacientes apresentando MPP nos quais aplicou-se o ultra-som pulsado (U.S.P.) em uma freqüência de três vezes por semana no mesmo período circadiano. Os tratamentos tiveram duração variando entre vinte e quarenta minutos consoante a extensão das lesões cutânea. Independente do tempo das lesões não foi estabelecido previamente o número de aplicações a serem executadas, mas as aplicações foram realizadas até a obtenção da cicatrização total das lesões. A evolução das lesões até a cicatrização foi feita mediante o emprego de um software especialmente desenvolvido para tal finalidade e documentados fotograficamente. Não houve correlação entre o número de aplicações com o tamanho da lesão ou com o tempo decorrido do aparecimento das mesmas, embora a extensão e a forma das diferentes ulcerações não sejam equivalentes, quer no tempo de evolução, quer na profundidade das lesões, os resultados dos tratamentos com U.S.P. e de baixa intensidade mostraram-se segundo a metodologia de avaliação ser altamente satisfatório para o tratamento de lesões cutâneas decorrente da Hanseníase / Based on researches carried out with the low intensity pulsed ultrasound on the regeneration of burned rat skin previously exposed to heat and on legs trophic ulcers we proposed to study the effects of the low intensity pulsed ultrasound on Hansen’s disease patients whose cutaneous manifestations were characterized as the MPP. The study was carried out on six patients supported by the Public Health Care System (SUS/PHCS) in the city of Bebedouro- SP, crowded on the Epidemiological Observation ward. The low intensity pulsed ultrasonic radiation administrations were carried out three times a week on the same circadian. Irradiation time varied from twenty to forty minutes according to the extension of the lesion. The number of the administrations, which were carried out until the complete lesion cicatrisation in all patients, was not previously stipulated. Evaluation of cicatrisation was carried out making use of software and photographs taken at the beginning of the treatment and after every ten administrations of the pulsed ultrasound until the complete ulcers cicatrisation. It was not observed any correlation between number of ultrasound applications and area of the lesion or age of them. Although extension and shape were not equivalent, according to these results, pulsed low intensity ultrasound can be considered as an adjunctive treatment for cutaneous manifestations of Hansen’s disease

Modélisation et optimisation de l’assise d’un fauteuil roulant pour handicapé afin d’améliorer le confort d’un point de vue médical / Modeling and optimization of the wheelchair cushion for handicapped to improve the comfort and prevention pressure ulcers from a medical point of view.

Bui, He Thong 17 January 2018 (has links)
Ma thèse a pour objectifs d’étudier et d’améliorer le confort d’un coussin d’assise dans le cas d’un fauteuil roulant pour handicapé, afin de limiter au mieux, l’apparition des escarres.Mes travaux ont pour principal objectif de modéliser et de simuler numériquement un coussin de type nid d’abeille de marque ‘‘Stimulite® Honeycomb Cushion’’ en contact avec un fessier afin de pouvoir (i) modéliser le comportement mécanique de contact, (ii) d’évaluer la pression ainsi que la distribution des contraintes à l’interface coussin/fessier, et (iii) d’intégrer les échanges thermomécaniques.Par ailleurs, des essais expérimentaux ont été effectués pour quantifier les lois de comportement des matériaux constituants le coussin nid d’abeille. J’ai également utilisé une nappe permettant de mesurer la pression à l’interface coussin/fessier. Parallèlement, une caméra infrarouge a été utilisée pour mesurer la répartition de la température sur le coussin et le fessier pour une personne assise pendant une durée variable. / The aim of this thesis is to study and improve the comfort of a wheelchair cushion for handicapped, to reduce the appearance of pressure ulcers.In the study, the main objective is to model and simulate numerically a type of cushion, namely ‘‘Stimulite® Honeycomb Cushion Classis’’, in contact with a buttocks-tissue in order to (i) model the mechanical behavior of contact, (ii) evaluate the pressure and the stress distribution at the interface cushion/buttock-tissue, and (iii) integrate thermo-mechanical exchanges.Moreover, the experimental tests were carried out to quantify the law of behavior of material constituent of the honeycomb cushion. I also used a pressure-mapping sensor TexiMat® to measure the pressure at the interface cushion/buttocks-tissue.Meanwhile, an infrared camera was used to measure the temperature distribution on the cushion and buttocks-tissue of a person sitting during variable periods.

Personer med kroniska venösa bensårs erfarenheter av bensår : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Lindahl, Elin, Rosenvall, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kroniska venösa bensår är ett bensår som inte läker inom sex veckor. Bensår kan förekomma på grund av olika omständigheter som underliggande sjukdom eller från yttre skada som leder till en cirkulationsstörning i benet och uppkommer då hudlagren bryts ner vilket kan påverka djupare vävnader. Vanlig behandling är kompressionsbehandling vilket kan behövas även efter läkning för att förebygga återkommande av bensår. Behandlingstiden är ofta lång vilket leder till kontakt med vården under en längre tid. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva personer med kroniska venösa bensårs erfarenheter av kroniska venösa bensår. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie som sammanställt 13 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Huvudresultat: I resultatet framkom det att flera av deltagarna i studierna fått en negativ påverkan i vardagen på grund av de symtom och behandling bensåren medförde. Kompressionsbehandling och sårvård visade sig vara påfrestande och kunde utföras både i deltagarnas egna hem och på mottagningar. Begränsningar i vardagen medförde att ångest och depression utvecklades och flera valde att självisolera sig. Information och stöd var en avgörande faktor som bidrog till att deltagarna hade bristande förståelse för behandlingen, vilket påverkade förtroendet för vårdpersonalen. Eget ansvar för rörelse och näringsrik kost visade sig ha en positiv effekt för hälsan och sårens läkningsprocess. Slutsats: Personers erfarenheter av kroniska venösa bensår innefattade flera negativa upplevelser som påverkade livskvaliteten. Information, kunskap och förståelse visade sig vara en betydande faktor i förhållandet mellan de utsatta personerna och sjuksköterskan. Mer kunskap och utbildning behövs inom området. / Background: Chronic venous leg ulcers are leg ulcers that do not heal within six weeks. Leg ulcers can occur due to various circumstances such as underlying disease or from external damage that leads to a circulatory disorder in the leg. Leg ulcers occur when the skin layers break down, which can affect deeper tissues. Common treatment is compression treatment which may be needed even after healing to prevent the recurrence of leg ulcers. The treatment time is often long, which leads to contact with healthcare personnel for a longer period of time. Aim: The purpose of the literature study was to describe people with chronic venous leg ulcers' experiences of chronic venous leg ulcers. Method: A descriptive literature study that compiled 13 scientific articles with a qualitative approach. Main results: The results showed that several of the participants in the studies had a negative impact on everyday life due to the symptoms and treatment caused by the leg ulcers. Compression therapy and wound care proved to be frustrating for the participants and could be performed both in their own homes and at clinics. Limitations in everyday life led to anxiety and depression developed and many chose to self-isolate. Information and support was a decisive factor that contributed to the participants in the result having a lack of understanding of the treatment, which affected the confidence of the care staff. Own responsibility for exercise and a nutritious diet proved to have a positive effect on health and the wound healing process. Conclusion: People's experiences of chronic venous leg ulcers include several negative experiences that affect the quality of life. Information, knowledge and understanding have proven to be a significant factor in the relationship between the vulnerable people and the nurse. More knowledge and education is needed in the area.

The chlorite-based drug WF10 constantly reduces hemoglobin A1c values and improves glucose control in diabetes patients with severe foot syndrome

Maraprygsavan, Paiboon, Mongkolsuk, Jarasporn, Arnhold, Jürgen, Kühne, Friedrich-Wilhelm January 2016 (has links)
Aims: The intravenous application of the chlorite-based drug solution WF10 is known to improve wound healing in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. In this retrospective study, we addressed the question, which effects are caused by this drug in patients with diabetic foot ulcers on the hemoglobin A1c value. Methods: Patients received five consecutive daily infusions of WF10. Three patients received a second cycle of WF10, and one patient a third cycle. Results: On a group of twelve patients with diabetic foot syndrome, WF10 gradually reduced the HbA1c values from a high-risk range (9.1 ± 1.6% (76 ± 13 mmol/mol)) into a low-risk range in all patients but one. These values remain low over at least 8 to 12 weeks after the administration of WF10. This drug improved also considerably wound healing processes in eleven patients. Conclusions: The chlorite component of WF10 is known to inactivate efficiently free cytotoxic hemoglobin forms that might accumulate in peripheral blood after hemolysis and induces the removal of predamaged red blood cells from circulation. By these mechanisms WF10 diminished toxic effects of hemolysis, improved microcirculation and glucose consumption in affected tissues, and prevented, thus, below knee amputation.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att förebygga trycksår - en litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of preventing pressure ulcers - a litterature review

Greén, Alice, Persson, Rebecca, Sixtensson, Madicken January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Effekten av två olika kompressionslindor vid läkning av venösa bensår

Aljaderi, Jacob, Nakos, Georgios January 2021 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING    Bakgrund: Venösa bensår är ett globalt vanligt förekommande fenomen, 1–2 % av jordens befolkning anses vara drabbade. Bensår skapar stort lidande för patientens fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Två vanliga förekommande problem är smärta och isolering. Det finns flera metoder för att läka venösa bensår där flerlagers-kompressionslinda anses vara en av det bästa metoderna. Att läka bensår skulle kunna minska patientlidandet.    Syfte: Att sammanställa och jämföra läkningseffekten av två- och fyra-lagerskompressionslindning hos patienter med venösa bensår.   Metod: En deskriptiv design med litteraturöversikt användes som metod där tio vetenskapliga kvantitativa originalartiklar inkluderades. Artikelsökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.   Resultat: Litteraturöversikten kunde inte påvisa en skillnad mellan 2LB- och 4LB-kompressiongrupperna för förbättrad och fullständig läkningsförmåga. Båda lindorna bekräftades ha en sårläkande effekt. Effekten av kompressionslindorna gav en mer påskyndad sårläkning, än hos patienter utan kompressionsbehandling. Majoriteten av de inkluderade studierna visade på ett liknande resultat i fullständig procentuell läkning mellan två-lagerkompressionslindning (2LB) och fyra-lagerkompressionslindning (4LB).   Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten visar att kompressionsbehandling med 2LB och 4LB har en likvärdig och god sårläkande effekt för patienter. Både 2LB och 4LB är mer gynnsam för sårläkning och välmående än utan kompressionsbehandling för patienter som lever med venösa bensår. / ABSTRACT Background: Venous leg ulcers is a globally common phenomenon, 1-2 % of the world’s population is believed to be affected. Leg ulcers causes great suffering for the patient's physical and mental health. Two common complications are pain and isolation. There are several methods to heal venous leg ulcers, multilayer-compression-therapy is considered one of the best methods. Healing leg ulcers could reduce patient suffering. Purpose: To compile and compare the healing effects of two- and four-layer compression therapy in patients with venous leg ulcers.   Method: A descriptive design with a literature review as method, with ten scientific quantitative original articles were included. Article searches was done in databases PubMed and CINAHL.   Results: The results did not show a difference between the 2LB and 4LB-groups regarding complete and improved healing. However, both methods had a healing effect. The bandages were more effective in accelerating healing in patients, than in patients without compression therapy. Most of the included studies showed a similar result in the percentage of complete healing effect between the two-layer compression therapy (2LB) and four-layer compression therapy (4LB).   Conclusion: This literature review demonstrated that compression therapy with 2LB and 4LB has an equally as well as good healing effect for patients. Both 2LB and 4LB are significantly more beneficial for wound healing and well-being than without compression therapy for patients living with venous leg ulcers.

Kan jag det här? Distriktssköterskors erfarenhet av sin kompetens och kompetensutveckling gällande kompressionsbehandling av venösa bensår.

Axelsson, Fanny, Kronholm, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med att Sveriges befolkning blir äldre ökar behovet av vård och kompressionsbehandling. För att kunna ge en optimal sårvård behöver distriktssköterskan ha kompetens inom venös insufficiens, sårläkningsprocessen, sårläkningshämmande faktorer, cirkulationsbedömning och kompressionsbehandling. Vid behandling av venösa bensår ska distriktssköterskor arbeta patientsäkert och ta ansvar för sina handlingar. Syfte: Beskriva hur distriktssköterskor erfar sin kompetens och behovet av kompetensutveckling gällande kompressionsbehandling av venösa bensår. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats tillämpades i studien. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio distriktssköterskor inom primärvården. Det insamlade materialet analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier. Kategorierna beskrev distriktssköterskors erfarenhet av sin kompetens samt resurser och strategier för kompetensutveckling. Distriktssköterskor som ofta utförde kompressionsbehandling ansåg sig ha kompetens inom området och hade förmågan att utföra en korrekt bedömning samt behandling. Distriktssköterskor som istället erfor sin kompetens som bristfällig uttryckte ofta utmaningar i arbetsmomentet. Utmaningar beskrevs vara att motivera patienter till att använda kompressionsbehandling samt att förmedla information om behandlingens fördelar. Slutsats: Kunskap inom kompressionsbehandling är en förutsättning för att vårda patienter med venösa bensår Kompetensutveckling samt stöd och kunskapsutbyte med medarbetare har fördelaktig inverkan på distriktssköterskans individuella kompetens. Hinder i kompetensutveckling var tidsbrist samt att utbildning inte prioriterades. / Background: As the population of Sweden grows older, the need for care and compression treatment increases. In order to provide optimal wound care, the district nurse needs to have expertise in venous insufficiency, the wounds healing process, inhibiting factors in wound healing, circulation assessment and compression treatment. When treating venous leg ulcers, the district nurses must work patient-safe and take responsibility for their actions. Aim: Describe how district nurses experience their competence and the need for competence development regarding compression treatment for venous leg ulcers. Method: A qualitative method with an inductive approach was applied in the study. The data collection was conducted with semi-structured interviews with ten district nurses in primary care. The collected material was analyzed on the basis of a qualitative content analysis.  Findings: The categories described district nurses' experience of their competence as well as resources and strategies for competence development. District nurses who often performed compression treatment considered themselves to have competence in the area and had the ability to perform a correct assessment and treatment. District nurses who experienced their skills as deficient often expressed challenges in the work step. Challenges were described as motivating patients to use compression therapy and providing information about the benefits of the treatment. Conclusion: Knowledge in compression treatment is a prerequisite for caring for patients with venous leg ulcers. Competence development and support and knowledge exchange with employees have a beneficial effect on the district nurse's individual competence. Lack of time and low prioritized education were described as obstacles in skills development.

Patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet vid svårläkta trycksår

Björk, Cecilia, Kaminska, Olivia January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund:Trycksårsproblematiken är omfattande och innebär lidande för patienter som drabbats i form fysiska, psykiska och sociala besvär. Lidandet innefattar även rädsla för smärtsamma och obehagliga behandlingar samt för de konsekvenser som dessa kan medföra i form av infektioner och amputationer eller för att såren inte ska läka. I sjuksköterskans arbete ingår att genom ett holistiskt synsätt och med evidensbaserade metoder söka förhindra och behandla trycksår. Syfte: Att belysa hur patienter med svårläkta trycksår upplever sin tillvaro ur ett livskvalitetsperspektiv. Metod: Uppsatsen har baserats på åtta studier med kvalitativ ansats och två studier med kvantitativ ansats. Materialet har analyserats förutsättningslöst. Vid kategoriseringen av analysinnehållet inspirerades författarna av WHO:s definition av livskvalitet. Studierna som valdes in för analys eftersöktes i CINAHL, Medline, AMED och Academic Search Elite. Resultat: Patienter med trycksår lider av såren på ett psykiskt, fysiskt och socialt plan vilket leder till en signifikant påverkan på upplevd livskvalitet. De patienter som berörs av trycksårsproblematik verkar vara benägna att använda andlighet, religion eller personlig tro för att klara av sin situation Slutsats: Patienter med trycksår upplever stora negativa förändringar i sitt dagliga liv och i hur de upplever sin livskvalitet. Det har framkommit att patienter med trycksår i hög grad påverkas av bemötandet från vårdpersonal och deras kompetens vilket är en indikator på att förbättringar inom dessa områden är av vikt. / Background: Pressure ulceration is a widely spread health issue leading to physical, mental and social suffering for people that are affected by the problem. The suffering also contains fear of numerous painful and unpleasant treatments as well as the possibility of being affected by negative treatment consequences such as infections or amputation. It also includes fear of that the wounds won’t heal properly. The work of the health-care professional contains a holistic approach towards the patient and trying to prevent as well as treat pressure ulceration through using evidence based methods. Aim: To highlight what effect hard to heal pressure ulceration has on individuals perception on their everyday life from a quality of life perspective. Method: This study is based on eight articles with a qualitative approach and two articles with a quantitative approach. The result from the articles was initially analyzed unconditionally. Throughout the categorization of the analyze material the authors of this study were inspired by WHO’s definition of health related quality of life. The studies that were chosen for analysis were searched for in CHINAHL, Medline, AMED and Academic Search Elite. Result: Individuals affected by pressure ulceration suffer on a physical, psychological and social level which has a significant effect on how they perceive their quality of life. In spite of that, these individuals seem to be prone to use spirituality, religion or personal beliefs as a way to cope with their situation. Conclusion: Major negative changes in daily life and in perceptions of quality of life are experienced by people that are affected by pressure ulcers. It has also emerged that people affected by pressure ulceration are highly affected by the approach from health-care professionals and their competence which is an indicator of that improvements in these areas are important.

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