Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2university socialization"" "subject:"_university socialization""
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[pt] Pesquisou-se as práticas culturais dos estudantes dos
cursos de licenciatura da UFRJ com o objetivo de verificar
a hipótese de que as variáveis nas práticas culturais
destes jovens estudantes universitá¡rios, analisadas segundo
suas inserções na universidade por centros universitários
(CFCH, CCMN, CCS e CLA), podem ser atribuídas também ao que
se propôs como variáveis de convivialidades, além das
variáveis explicativas tradicionais (sócio-econômicas e
demográficas). O questionário, respondido por 369
estudantes dos cursos de licenciatura da UFRJ alunos do
curso de Psicologia da Educação II em 2003/2, com pelo
menos dois anos de vida universitária, foi construído a
partir de 4 constructos: Protoculturas, Culturas de volume,
Culturas de lazer e Culturas sóciodigitais. A análise,
descritiva simples, seguida por análise descritiva
discriminante, multivariada, em caráter exploratório,
indicou que aqueles 4 constructos não chegam a discriminar
as práticas culturais dos estudantes, por centro
universitário, o que impediu que a hipótese fosse
comprovada. Esta mesma análise indicou outras
possibilidades de agrupamento das variáveis, nas quais o
contato com a cultura linguística (lecto-escrita) e a
cultura tecno-científica (sociodigital) podem ter
importante papel na comprovação da hipótese. A leitura e o
contato com a música permitiram indicar alguns perfis da(s)
juventude(s), por centro, porém sem dimensão conclusiva. / [en] The Cultural practices of future teachers attending
Education courses at UFRJ were studied in order to verify
the hypothesis that the variations of the cultural
practices of these young students, analyzed according their
university centers (CFCH, CCMN, CCS e CLA), can also be
attributed to what is being proposed here as variable of
acquaintanceship, besides the traditional (socioeconomic
and demographic) explanatory variables. The questionnaire,
answered by 369 students attending the Psychology of
Education II course, in the year 2003, with at least two
years of university experience, was designed based on 4
constructs: protocultures; culture of volume; leisure
cultures; and socio-digital cultures. The simple
descriptive analysis was followed by the discriminative
descriptive analysis, multivariated, which at least in an
exploratory basis avoided that the hypothesis should be
confirmed. That analysis indicated another possibilities to
group the variables where the linguistic cultures (written-
reading matter) and the techno-scientific cultures (socio-
digital) can play an important role to the confirmation of
the hypothesis. The reading matter and the link with music
were aspects that allowed develop some profiles of the
several youths, by center, however without conclusive
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La construction des inégalités sociales dans le système éducatif au Liban : étude de cas d'un groupe de boursiers dans une université d'élite. / Construction of social inequalities in the Lebanese education system : Case study of a group of scholarship students in an elite university.Nimer, Maissam 07 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le processus de construction des inégalités sociales à travers le système éducatif dans le contexte libanais. Elle met en évidence la place occupée par différents types d'appartenances et de contextes sociaux dans l'accès à l’école et certains enjeux spécifiques à la société libanaise.À partir de l’étude d'un dispositif de bourses, financé par une agence internationale d’aide au développement, qui sélectionne des étudiants de milieu modeste et leur permet de les inscrire dans une université privée, cette recherche s’intéresse à la construction des dispositions à la « réussite » à travers diverses instances de socialisation à l'école et à l'université, qui déterminent la manière dont les étudiants boursiers se saisissent de la chance qui leur est offerte pour s'élever sur l'échelle sociale. Des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des étudiants, enseignants et responsables, des analyses de documents et des observations participantes ont été réalisées pendant quatre années au sein de l'université d'accueil.Nos résultats montrent que les dispositions construites avant l’accès à l’université sont le produit des trajectoires différenciées par le volume de capital scolaire ou culturel détenu par la famille, la stabilité financière de la famille, le rapport aux valeurs traditionnelles ou religieuses et l'origine géographique. Les pratiques et les dispositions familiales, socialement et culturellement situées, transmises à l’individu, sont confrontées à l’université à d’autres modes de socialisation. Une fois à l'université, ces dispositions se transforment en inégalités dans la manière dont les individus répondent aux attentes normatives du dispositif de bourses. Il ressort de ces vagues consécutives de socialisations, différents profils de boursiers mettant en lien le contexte dans lequel l'individu a grandi et été socialisé et la manière de vivre le parcours universitaire et de se construire des projets d'avenir.L’intérêt du cas étudié est de mettre en lumière certains enjeux spécifiques à la société libanaise, tout en déconstruisant quelques idées préconçues sur les déterminismes religieux ou communautaires entre autres. / This thesis explores the construction process of social inequalities through Lebanese education system and demonstrates the role of different social affiliations or contexts in access to education within the Lebanese society. Through the case study of a scholarship program, financed by an international development agency which selects students from underprivileged backgrounds and gives them access to a private university, it looks into the ways in which individuals construct dispositions to "success" through several instances of socialization at school and at university which in turn determines the way they seize this opportunity to climb the social ladder. The results of this study are based on data obtained through semi-structured interviews with students, teachers and supervisors, student files and participant observations within the host university over four academic years.My results show that dispositions constructed before entering university are the product of trajectories differentiated by volume of family’s cultural capital, its financial stability, its relation to traditional or religious values and its geographical origin. The practices and dispositions of families appear to be socially and culturally centered, transmitted to the individual, and followed by other types of socializations at university. Once at university, these dispositions were transformed into inequalities through individuals’ reactions to normative expectations of the scholarship program. Different profiles of students emerge from these consecutive waves of socializations, linking the context in which an individual was socialized to the way he/she experiences university and constructs future plans.The key contribution of this study is to shed light on certain challenges specific to the Lebanese society, whilst deconstructing preconceived ideas on determinisms based on religious and confessional belonging among others.
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