Spelling suggestions: "subject:"uppsala"" "subject:"ppsala""
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Intern e-mailkommunikation på Akademiska sjukhusets röntgenavdelning : en kvalitativ intervjuundersökningWikmark, Magnus January 2008 (has links)
Purpose of the essay: The purpose of the essay is to, from the view of the nurses working at the x-ray infirmary; see how the internal e-mail communication is working as the main digital communication method at the x-ray infirmary. Material/Method: The material has been collected using qualitative interviews with eight nurses working at the x-ray infirmary. The material has then been analyzed through a theoretical perspective based on The Media Richness theory. Main results: The results of the investigation have shown that the nurses see the internal e-mail communication as relatively poor. The information that is sent out by their superiors is often too extensive, this making the screening work an extra work burden. These e-mails are also supplied to the whole infirmary instead of being addressed to specific individuals. Seen through a media richness perspective, the e-mail is a mediumrich communication medium that well could be used in the everyday communication at the infirmary as the main communication agent. The problem is how the superiors design the information that they send out. The mid-rich medium that is e-mail gives the infirmary an information uncertainty that is not dealt with.
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Studentens lyckliga dar : Om representationen av upsaliensiskt studentliv på 1860- och 1870-talen i memoarerFahlén Godö, Oskar January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the representation of student life in Uppsala in the 1860s and 1870s in memoirs. This purpose is achieved by contextualising the memoirs in two different analyses. In the first, the representation of student life in the memoirs is compared to that in another literary genre, the university novel, and it is found that the two representational forms paint completely contradictory pictures, where in the novels the higher education is depicted as rotten and in dire need of reformation, whereas in the memoirs the system, albeit somewhat flawed, works. The memoirs and the novels thus seem to be competing systems of representation, created in different discourses, wherein the purpose and nature of higher education widely differed. In the second analysis, the examination of the memoirs is based on research concerning the nation building process in Sweden during the 19th century. The representation of student life in the memoirs fits well into this process, the stories of carnivals, of the drill of the special student militia and, especially, of the abundant student male choir singing, creates a picture of students as a defined societal group with a special political agenda. This place in society is idealized, the male choir singers are, for example, depicted as an avant-garde of national consciousness, and depicted as mainly harmonious
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Internationalization Process of Thai Office Furniture Company in India: A case study of Rockworth Public Company Limitednetwong, weeraya, trakarnthai, priyawat January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the internationalization process by investigate how Rockworth Public Company Limited manage internationalization in Indian market efficiently. Additionally, we aim to improve our understanding and knowledge in international business comprehensively.
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Dokumentationsprocessen. En dokumentering av föremål på Smålands Nation / The process of documentation. A documentation of objects at Smålands nationBergkvist, Moa, Lönner, Pernilla January 2010 (has links)
This essay aims to report on the process of our documentation of art objects in the care of Smålands nation in Uppsala as a part of our education in museology and cultural heritage studies. The nation has a long history and our documentation shows many valuable objects reflecting this. The care of these objects is substandard and in great need of change. Our work process has involved photography and research about each object, the information has then been registered in our catalogue. The documentation has, besides the catalogue, generated a plan for future management and storage of the collection. We hope that this documentation has, besides the catalogue, generated a plan for future management and storage of the collection. We hope that this documentation, in addition to knowledge about preventive conservation, will result in a change of attitude towards the cultural heritage of the nation.
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Svenska Lantchips : Och deras internationaliseringsprocessBerglund, Carl January 2007 (has links)
Svenska Lantchips is a Swedish SME sized snack manufacturer. Being a small, medium sized, family-owned business with branches throughout the world, they make an interesting company for a case study. The case study I have conducted focuses on the internationalisation process of this family owned company – how they, despite their size, find ways to keep up an unique business structure, designed for internationalisation.The aim of this essay is to compare Svenska Lantchips’ internationalisation process with traditional internationalisation theories and see if these are compatible with this company. The theories used are The Uppsala Model, The Network Model, and The Born Global Theory, with The Born Global Theory representing the younger generation of models.After undertaking an in-depth interview with Michael Hansen, business developer at Svenska Lantchips, I collated a substantial amount of material, which I have used as the basis of this essay. Theories of storytelling have been used to interpret the information I got from Michael Hansen. Michael Hansen was chosen not only for his role as a business developer, but he is also the co-founder of the company, together with his wife, and brother in law. Previous research was studied to get information about attitudes within this research field today. The result from this thesis is that Svenska Lantchips have forged their own distinctive route out on the global market. Despite being a relatively small, family-owned company, with a low dependency on sophisticated technologies, they have managed to expand and internationalise at an impressive rate. By opening factories on foreign markets, sometimes even before exporting to them, they have produced a unique competitive advantage. Their internationalisation process at times more closely resembles that of a high-tech, innovative company, than a small, family-owned firm. The driving force behind them is their personal determination, and the philosophy that the world is one big market; they refuse to see cultural and geographical differences as an obstacle.
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Att försäkra nöjdhet : en studie av kundmötet på Länsförsäkringar Uppsalas hemsidaLindgren, Marie, Holmstrand, Karin January 2007 (has links)
Denna utredning handlar om hur Länsförsäkringar Uppsalas hemsida fungerar i mötet med kunder. Syftet är att klarlägga om, och i så fall hur, Länsförsäkringar Uppsala kan förbättra sin hemsida för att öka kundnöjdheten i mötet med sina försäkringskunder. Vår empiri utgår från personliga intervjuer med anställda vid företagets Internetgrupp, ett antal webbdesigners på externa företag samt ett urval kunder som köpt försäkring hos Länsförsäkringar Uppsala. Denna information har analyserats utifrån en studiespecifik modell, vilken bygger på teorier om försäkringsbranschen, kundnöjdhet och webbdesign. Utredningen pekar på att Länsförsäkringar Uppsala redan har en väl fungerande hemsida men att sidan genom förenklingar kan attrahera nya kunder samt öka kundnöjdheten hos de befintliga.
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Marknadsinformationens betydelse under internationalisering : Små- och medelstora företag med verksamhet i FrankrikeFerchichi, Soumaya, Belgacem, Monia January 2007 (has links)
Bakgrund: Avståndet mellan länder har försvunnit och världen har blivit mer homogen i och med globaliseringen. Många studier och praktiska exempel visar på att det fortfarande finns betydande skillnader i sättet att göra affärer, liksom i sättet att leda och organisera verksamhet i olika länder. Företag konfronteras därmed med många viktiga frågor i samband med ett internationaliseringsbeslut. Marknadsinformation spelar en central roll för företags utlandsetablering då kunskap om kunder, konkurrenter, intressenter samt om den institutionella och kulturella miljön ger företag starka konkurrensfördelar på marknaden. Allt fler företag inser vikten av att bevaka och analysera förändringar i omvärlden för att kunna ta väl underbyggda beslut under internationalisering. Marknadsinformation är en strategisk resurs och ett betydande konkurrensvapen. Det saknas dock fortfarande allmängiltiga teorier för företags internationaliseringsprocess och hur tillägnande av lämplig kunskap och marknadsinformation ska gå till. Marknadsinformationens positiva betydelse för ett företags internationalisering kan därför sägas vara en självklarhet snarare än ett väl kartlagt faktum. Syfte: är att analysera vilken betydelse små- och medelstora företag tilldelar marknadsinformation under internationalisering. Metod: En fallstudieliknandeliknande ansats har genomförts på tre svenska små- och medelstora modeföretag. Resultat och slutsats: Företagen i vår studie har följt en processlärande internationalisering, enligt Uppsala skolans antagande, som inneburit att kunskap och erfarenhet på den utländska marknaden förvärvats stegvis och att tillgång till betydande information avgjort etableringsstrategin samt företagens internationella framgångar.
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Miljöredovisningen som beslutsunderlag : en studie av Vattenfall AB Värme Upplsalas miljöredovisningTrägårdh, Anna, Al-Shamkhi, Nasrin January 2008 (has links)
I denna uppsats diskuteras problematiken kring användandet av miljöredovisningen som ett beslutsunderlag vid leverantörsval. Syftet är att ta reda på om Vattenfall AB Värme Uppsalas miljöredovisning uppfyller de krav som ställs på den av externa intressenter i egenskap av beslutsunderlag. För att uppfylla detta syfte har de externa intressenternas intressen representerats av IASB:s kvalitativa egenskaper. På grund av denna substitution har vi valt att samla in det empiriska materialet genom intervjuer med två anställda på Vattenfall AB Värme Uppsala som arbetar med miljöredovisningen. Empiriskt material har även insamlats genom en källanalys av ”Säkerhet, hälsa och miljö 2006” som är den publikation där Vattenfall AB Värme Uppsalas miljöredovisning ingår. Den teoretiska referensramen består av ISO 14001:s 17 kategorier av miljöledningssystemet, EMAS krav på offentliggörande av information samt de tidigare nämnda kvalitativa egenskaperna. Den slutsats som har uppnåtts genom att ställa empirin mot teorin är att de krav som antas ställas av externa intressenter på Vattenfall AB Värme Uppsalas miljöredovisning till viss del är uppfyllda. Företaget möter dock delvis problem när det gäller att realisera tankar som kan relateras till de kvalitativa egenskaperna.
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Konceptbyte på Värmlands nation : Projekthantering och organisationsstruktur vid en studentnation i UppsalaKarlsson, Jon January 2008 (has links)
Studentorganisationen Värmlands nation i Uppsala genomdrev under våren och sommaren 2006 ett konceptbyte på sin dansklubb. Initiativet togs av nationsledningen, men genomförandet skedde i form av ett självständigt projekt drivet av projektanställda nationsmedlemmar. Den här uppsatsen studerar hur nationens ideella organisationsstruktur har påverkat projektarbetet. Detta görs främst genom intervjuer med berörda individer inom både nationen och projektet. Uppsatsen utgår från organisationsteori av Henry Mintzberg och projektteori av Anders Marttala, Kjell Nordberg och Anders Blomé. Värmlands nations organisationsform kännetecknas av ideella drivkrafter, informell kommunikation och att många olika individers diversifierade insatser resulterar i en mångfasetterad och stundtals svåröverblickbar helhet. Denna struktur har sina fördelar i en bred studentorganisation med väldefinierade och återkommande aktiviteter, men när den överfördes till ett tillfälligt projekt visade den sig skapa en hel del problem i form av oklara riktlinjer och svårdefinierade ansvarsfördelningar. Trots detta är det tydligt att arbetssättet inte varit enbart en nackdel; projektets lyckade resultat kan till viss del härledas de nationsaktivas självpåtagna insatser. Sammantaget kan dock ett behov av tydligare arbetsfördelning och klarare arbetsledning identifieras i uppsatsen.
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Marketing management at Uppsala University Hospital : a case study in Swedish health care marketing; MBA-thesis in marketingOlausson, Per-Håkan, Olausson, Carina January 2009 (has links)
Aim:The overall aim of this study was to obtain more knowledge on the implementation of health care marketing in Sweden, using Uppsala University Hospital (UUH) as a case study. Additionally, based on the results of this case study, the aim was also to give concrete suggestions on how to enable increased focus on the formulation and implementation of health care marketing management strategies. This gives the study a slightly normative approach and aim, since the line is not drawn at description and analysis but also advocate guidelines for the enabling of market orientation. Method: The chosen methodology of the study was qualitative, as the study sought to explore, interpret and gain a deeper knowledge of the research area. Three different strategies of primary data collection were used; (1) interviews with key hospital managers, (2) a survey sent to all heads of clinical departments (68 departments) and (3) the study of selected UUH internal documents and UUH internal material related to the subject. The massive data was consolidated, reported and analyzed as separate parts and as well as an overview analysis from a health care marketing management theoretical framework. Results & Conclusions:The study showed that UUH, despite the fact that they produce an annual revenue from health care services sales of approx 1,5 billion SEK, lacks almost every aspect of the tools and abilities necessary to function on a competitive marketplace. This included a non-marketing based planning process, the absence of a marketing organizational unit, no marketing research abilities etc. There were also facts pointing at severe flaws in the accounting systems, uncertainties of the legality of the current marketing activities and no marketing-stimulating incentive-systems in place. Besides these hard facts, the conservative, non-market oriented, organizational culture was deemed to make an attempted marketing adaption very hard to implement. The interviews provided valuable data for the structure and analysis. The survey had a very low response-rate, which didn´t provide any valuable data per se, but was interpreted to support the analysis of the organizational flaws in regard to marketing orientation. The internal document study also resulted in support of this analysis and increased the validity. Based on the analysis, a suggestion for a “road map” to successfully market-adapt Swedish health care was presented. Suggestions for future research:Health care marketing most likely constitute its own area of research which also is specific for Sweden, which gives infinite opportunities for further studies. The implementation of marketing strategies in health care is an area that really needs to be further studied, therefore a suggestion for future research is to try and find out just how to enable implementation of a marketing-orientation in an organization which never had one. Another suggestion for further research could be the study of how economic incentive systems and other means of co-worker stimulation influence the production of health care services. Contribution of the thesis:We believe that this study will strengthen the marketing understanding for UUH personnel at both managerial as well as all other organizational levels that are interested in the subject. We also believe that politicians, both locally and nationally, will benefit from practical knowledge regarding health care marketing mechanisms currently in place. Though conducted as a case study at one hospital, we deem that the analysis and suggestions are applicable for many other health care providers acting on the Swedish health care services marketplace, possibly contributing to the development of Swedish health care.
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