Spelling suggestions: "subject:"upward enfluence"" "subject:"upward ainfluence""
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The relationship between Upward Influence Styles and SalaryKu, Lan-Hsing 17 July 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to find out the Upward-Influence factors, which were used by domestic employees. In addition, by applying cluster analysis, this paper tried to identify the types of upward influence and the salary differentials between those types. As follows, one may see the research results:
1.This research finds five major upward influence strategies namely, Upward Tactics, Reason, Ingratiation, Image Management and Blocking. Among these five upward influence strategies, the one most frequently utilized by domestic employees is Reason (mean=2.9, SD=0.791).
2.By using a hierarchical cluster analysis of five upward influence strategies, we identified four types that characterized the way employees influence their superiors. ¡§Shotgun¡¨ employees used most upward influence and emphasized upward tactics and blocking; ¡§Gentle¡¨ employees used an average amount of upward influence and emphasized reason and ingratiation; ¡§Passive¡¨ employees used little upward influence with their superiors; and ¡§Bystander¡¨ employees, 41.3% of the sample, used moderate upward influence.
3.There are salary differentials between four upward influence types. ¡§Gentle¡¨ employees had significantly highest salaries than others. On the contrary, ¡§Passive¡¨ employees received lowerest salaries. There is no significantly salary differential between ¡§Shotgun¡¨ and ¡§Bystander¡¨ employees.
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Relationships of Machiavellianism and Upward Influence TacticsPeng, Yen-Chi 31 July 2006 (has links)
Influence behaviors have generally been affected by personality. In organizational research, Machiavellianism has commonly been defined as the need to develop and defend one¡¦s power and success. Thus, Machiavellianism more likely that personality may predict use of these influence tactics. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships of Machiavellianism and upward influence tactics, and examine the moderating effect of demographic variables.
This study selected 2828 business employee to answer the questionnaire, and there are 2761 copies valid return. A factor analysis, there are five dimensions of upward influence tactics: upward device, rational persuasion, impression management, ingratiation and pressure. The result showed that (1) there are hypotheses supported for strongly positive relationship between Machiavellianism and upward influence tactics, (2) the moderating effect of demographic variables were partly supported in this study.
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The Reconstruction of Upward Influence Behavior Instrument ¡V An Empirical Analysis in TaiwanLee, Chun-ming 17 August 2006 (has links)
¡@¡@The study began with a review of the upward influence literature for the past twenty years, then integrated the several important instruments of upward influence behaviors, and developed a new questionnaire. A pretest was conducted to find out the improper items and the questionnaire was revised. The formal questionnaire was administered to a sample of 2536 full time employees in different organizations in Taiwan. Based on factor analysis and different concepts, this study developed two upward influence instruments.(1) The upward influence tactics instrument¡GThere are five dimensions of upward influence tactics: rational, upward manipulation, image management, ingratiation, obstruct.(2) The upward influence strategies instrument¡GThere are three dimensions of upward influence strategies: strong, soft, and rational.
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Relationship between upward influence tactics and job satisfactionSu, Chen-shih 12 July 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between upward influence tactics and job satisfaction from the employees in Taiwan , According to the results of analyses conducted on data collected from 2761 employees. The seven personal characteristics variables examined were gender, age, education, marriage, With subordinates the manager to work together as colleagues the period of service, in office the organization work period of service and position . Results indicated the importance of upward influence tactics and individual differences on assessments of job satisfaction as follows:
First, the upward political line obtains five constructions surface by way of the host ingredient analysis, the naming is:
(1) rationality convinces
(2) exchange and upwardly demands
(3) image to manage
(4) fawns on
(5) hindrance to exert pressure
Second, the work satisfies the feeling to obtain six constructions surface by way of the host ingredient analysis, the naming is:
(1) work achievement feeling
(2) compensation satisfies
(3) boss to satisfy
(4) is promoted the opportunity
(5) colleague to relate
(6) work support
Third, personal characteristics variable and relations upward political behavior:
(1) male are more than in the upward political behavior activity the female.
(2) work period of service 3~10 year or 30~40 year-old age level for political behavior operation degree most exuberant time.
(3) high school record, mostly also is the upward political behavior highly by chance.
(4) with subordinates the manager to work together as colleagues the period of service to be longer, the upward political behavior utilization regulation goes past high.
(5) in management level, Regarding upward political behavior by chance degree, the high social class position manager and center the social class position manager obviously is higher than the basic unit social class managers.
Fourth, personal characteristics variable and satisfies the relations with the work:
(1)different personal characteristics variable all has in the work achievement feeling reveals the difference.
(2)besides the education level, different personal characteristics variable and satisfies in the compensation on all has reveals the difference.
(3)except outside the sex, the age, the education level, other four item of personal characteristics variable and satisfies in the boss on all has reveals the difference.
(4)except outside the age, the education level, the marriage, other four item of personal characteristics variable in is promoted in the opportunity to have reveals the difference.
(5)only has the sex, is in office the organization work period of service, work official rank three item of personal characteristics variable relates in the colleague on has reveals the difference.
(6)except outside the sex, the education level, the marriage, other four item of personal characteristics variable all has in the work support reveals the difference.
Fifth, controls personal characteristics variable, satisfies the relations in view of the upward political behavior and the work, after correlation analysis result:
(1)regarding the work achievement feeling influence, "the rationality convinces" and "fawns on" presents is being connected, but "the exchange and the upward demand" presents causes the negative effect.
(2)regarding salary satisfied influence, "exchange and upward demand" the upward political behavior effect is best, but uses "the hindrance exerts pressure" the way, then possibly instead causes the negative effect.
(3)regarding the boss satisfied influence, the utilization "fawns on" the effect is best, adopts "the hindrance exerts pressure" the way to be able to appear the negative effect.
(4)regarding is promoted the opportunity influence, adopts "the exchange and the upward demand" is easiest to achieve the expectation goal.
(5)influence which relates regarding the colleague, "the rationality convinces" and "fawns on" has the frontage to strengthen the influence, but "the exchange and the upward demand" and "the hindrance exerts pressure" has the negative destruction influence.
(6)regarding the work support influence, adopts "the exchange and the upward demand" the upward political behavior effect is best, but "the hindrance exerts pressure" can have the negative effect.
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The Effect Of Upward Influence Behavior On Manager¡¦s Leadership¡V With the Variables of Employee¡¦s personality traits.Wu, Yu-ting 10 August 2007 (has links)
This search was conducted to focus on the effect of upward influence behavior on manager¡¦s leadership , and find out if Employee¡¦s personality traits affect the relationship. Based on the result of statistical analysis on 575 questionnaires from the employees in the technology industry, the following findings were obtained:
1.By using the factor analysis, there are four different types of upward influence behavior ¡GRational Persuasion, Tricking and Impeding , Image Management, Ingratiating .
2. a. The upward influence behavior of rational persuasion with gender, marital status, job level, age and educational background has significantly effect.
b. The upward influence behavior of ingratiating with marital status, job level, age and educational background has significantly effect.
3. a. Manager¡¦s transformational leadership affects the usage of employee¡¦s the upward influence behavior of rational persuasion and ingratiating.
b. Manager¡¦s transactional leadership affects the usage of employee¡¦s the upward influence behavior of rational persuasion and ingratiating.
4. a. Employee¡¦s personal traits change the effect of upward influence behavior of tricking and impeding on manager¡¦s transformational leadership.
b. Employee¡¦s personal traits change the effect of upward influence behavior of tricking and impeding on manager¡¦s transactional leadership.
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The relationship of upward political behavior and job satisfaction in public departmentSheng, I-I 08 February 2002 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between upward influence tactics and job satisfaction from the Kaoshong city bus, According to the results of analyses conducted on data collected from 282 employees. The six individual difference variables examined were gender, age, marriage, tenure, position, and education. Results indicated the importance of upward influence tactics and individual differences on assessments of job satisfaction as follows:
Dimensionality of Organizational Politics Behaviors
The responses to the upward influence of organizational politics behaviors were subjected to principal components analysis with Varimax rotation. A three-factor solution was found to be most interpretable, with loadings of .50 and above used as an item retention criterion, resulting in a total of 21items being retained across the three tactical importances. It is comprised three subscales: (1)Rational Persuasion,(2)association,(3)Political tactics.
Relationship between individual difference and Upward Influence of Organizational Politics Behaviors
1.Male¡¦s ¡§Association¡¨ behavior is stronger than female.
2.Clerk¡¦s ¡§Rational persuasion¡¨ behavior is stronger than driver and employee, and employee¡¦s ¡§rational persuasion¡¨ behavior is greater than driver.
3.Clerk¡¦s ¡§Political tactics¡¨ behavior is stringent than driver and employee.
4.Bachelor¡¦s level of education¡¦s ¡§Rational persuasion¡¨ behavior is stronger than the other¡¦s level of education.
Relationship between Upward Influence Behavior and Job Satisfaction
Except the association political behavior of upward influence There is no any relation to the job satisfaction.
Control some personal characteristics variable, reported special relationships
1.Reported positively correlations between ¡§Political tactics¡¨ and ¡§Special job satisfy¡¨ with male.
2.Reported positively correlations between ¡§Association¡¨ and ¡§Internal job motive¡¨ with junior.
3.Reported positively correlations between ¡§Political tactics¡¨ and ¡§Special job satisfy¡¨ with junior.
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An Examination of Followers' Upward InfluenceBrake, William A., brake 30 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Influencing the boss : correlates of upward influence strategiesByrne, Ros, n/a January 1994 (has links)
The research reported in this thesis examines some aspects of upward influence behaviours at work, and in particular, the relationship between type of influence behaviours used and a number of potential correlates, including sex of agent, sex of target, sex-role identity, locus of control, job level, job type (secretarial worker or not) and educational level of agent.
To examine these relationships. 64 male and 173 female white-collar workers (at AS01 to AS06 levels, or equivalent) in three large organisations in Canberra (A.C.T.) were surveyed, with a questionnaire containing measures of influence behaviours, attitudes to influencing upwards at work, a measure of sex-role identity, and a measure of locus of control beliefs, as well as demographic information.
The data gathered from this survey was analysed using univariate, bivariate. and multivariate methods.
Results showed limited support for stereotypical differences between males and females in influence behaviours used, and no support for
hypotheses involving sex of target, sex-role identity, or secretarial workers.
Influence behaviours previously identified as having positive outcomes for the agent were found in this study to be significantly associated with job level and educational level; influence behaviours previously identified as having negative outcomes for the agent were significantly associated with the tendency to explain outcomes in terms of control by powerful others, and with a sex-role identity characterised by negative masculinity traits. These findings suggest the importance of both structural and personal factors in choice of upward influence strategies at work.
Suggestions for further research are provided.
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向上影響策略能贏得主管的授權嗎?信任之中介歷程與權力距離傾向之調節效果研究 / Can Upward Influence Strategies Win the Delegation from Supervisors? The Mediating Effect of Trust and Moderating Effect of Power-Distance Orientation鄭仲廷, Cheng, Chung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採問卷調查法施測,共蒐集291對主管-部屬對偶樣本,研究結果顯示:部屬的向上影響策略對主管授權具有顯著的影響效果,且主管對部屬的人際信任會中介向上影響策略與主管授權之間的關係,此外,本研究亦發現主管的權力距離傾向會調節部屬向上影響策略(軟性策略、硬性策略)以及人際信任之間的關係。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制,及未來研究方向加以闡述。 / Upward influence strategy is a gradually concerned research topic, which is considered to be highly related to organization effectiveness and numerous job outcomes. However, most of studies explored this issue from subordinates’ perspective and focused on subordinates’ outcomes, such as job satisfaction, promotion and salary progression.
The present study aims at investigating the dynamic process of upward influence strategy from the perspectives of the supervisor, examining the relationship among upward influence strategies, interpersonal trust, delegation and power-distance orientation.
Results from over 200 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Taiwan generally supported the hypothesis. Supervisor-perceived subordinate’ s upward influence strategies, i.e. soft, hard, rational, had a significant impact on delegation through the mediating effect of interpersonal trust. In addition, supervisor’s power-distance orientation moderated the relationships between upward influence strategies (soft strategy, hard strategy) and interpersonal trust. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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中學生人際策略之研究-以建立對教師關係為例 / A Study of Interpersonal strategies in High School Students-- To Illustrate How They establish Upward Relation With Their Teachers陳秀碧, Hsiu-Pi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
三種情境; 向教師提出要求時、希望與教師建立良好關係或好印象時,所
本952人(男410人, 女542人)。研究工具包括「提出要求與使用方法」
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