Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urbanrural relationship"" "subject:"urbanorural relationship""
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Les espaces ruraux à l'heure du tourisme citadin : l'exemple du delta du Yangzi - Chine / Rural areas at the time of city dwellers tourism : the example of the Yangzi Delta - ChinaVeron, Emmanuel 02 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les dynamiques touristiques, contemporaines des réformes, dans les espaces ruraux de la mégalopole du delta du Yangzi. Le processus du tourisme dans les espaces ruraux est étudié au regard des politiques de modernisation rurale (encadrées par l'État central, décentralisées aux échelons locaux, en lien avec des acteurs privés) d'une part, et des mutations des perceptions des citadins de la classe moyenne, bénéficiant de temps libre, de moyens économiques et matériels d'autre part. Les pratiques touristiques ont été envisagées du point de vue de l'expérience des touristes et des motivations de départ. Les campagnes constituent une forme originale de tourisme, dont les aménagements se déclinent selon quatre types : bourg, village, parc à thème et parc naturel. Les lieux touristiques dans les campagnes ont ensuite été analysés selon trois entrées : modernisation rurale, construction identitaire et outil d'aménagement local. Finalement, les espaces ruraux touristiques, circonscrits à des lieux balisés, contribuent aux dynamiques spatiales et économiques de la région du delta du Yangzi, dominée par la métropole de Shanghai. Par ailleurs, le tourisme dans les campagnes participe à la construction de territorialités des provinces et des municipalités. / This thesis examines the tourist dynamic, contemporary of reforms, in rural areas of the megalopolis of the Yangzi Delta. The tourism process in rural areas is studied with regard to rural modernization policies (supervised by the central government, decentralized to local levels, in conjunction with private actors) on the one hand, and urban perceptions mutations of the middle class, enjoying free time, economic resources and the other materials on the other band. Tourist practices have been considered from the perspective of the experience of tourists and starting motivations. The countryside is an original form of tourism; the facilities are divided into four categories: village, town, ù1eme park and natural Park. The tourist places in the countryside were then analyzed according to three inputs: rural modernization, construction of identity and local planning tool. Finally, rural tourism areas, conscripts marked places, contribute firstly to spatial and economic dynamics of the Yangtze Delta region, dominated by the metropolis of Shanghai and the other in territorialities construction of provinces and municipalities.
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A mobilidade da força de trabalho no centro da relação campo-cidade e a produção do espaço geográfico no município de Vitória da Conquista-BAOliveira, Verônica Ferraz de 17 May 2018 (has links)
This study discusses the urban-rural relationship and space production, presenting the
centrality of the labor force as basis, and as empirical arguments: the city of Vitória da
Conquista-BA. Hence, the study aims to analyze the links of the rural with the urban and
space production, based on the mobility of the labor force in this city. The theoretical
foundation discusses the conceptual approaches of the urban-rural relationship, the concepts
and historical evolution of labor, with its different phases, as well as migration conceptions
and historicity, human movements and mobility, in order to answer questions regarding the
urban-rural relationship. In terms of methodological aspects, an intense bibliographic review
and application of questionnaires was carried out. In addition, semi-structured interviews and
direct observation were performed from 2014 to 2018. The analyses provided support to the
findings which go beyond the objectives of the proposed research project regarding the urbanrural
relationship, since a broad study on rural population was carried out, to understand the
connection it has to its municipality. In the investigation process, a significant connection
between the countryside with Vitória da Conquista was observed through several elements,
nonetheless the labor force mobility stands out. It was also noted that this displacement does
not lead to a significant loss in the connection and condition of rural citizen. The fixed and
social-spatial flows were also identified, which result from the displacement of people
according to their labor activities, as well as the contributive factors to such process.
Furthermore, the space production was found as an intrinsic procedure to guide the process of
urban-rural relationship, since the movement of people from one place to the other
dialectically affects the space, both rural and urban. Additionally, the research revealed the
absence of some infrastructural aspects in the villages, such as: mailing services, banks,
lottery kiosks, hospitals, schools, police precinct, among others. This deficiency causes an
intense articulation with the municipality, for people stated they need to move around daily to
use bank, health, education services, and still need to go to the city to buy groceries, clothes
and other goods, as the villages do not have sufficient commerce to satisfy daily product’s
needs. The analyses revealed the precariousness of labor that is the reality of the rural citizen
of Vitória da Conquista, as the rates of unemployed and unregistered workers are high.
Moreover, poor levels of schooling were observed, with evidence of astonishing illiteracy.
This fact is closely related to the labor activities rural workers perform, namely:
housekeepers, construction workers, maids, security guards, janitors, etc. In such sense, the
thesis that labor is a key category in the urban-rural relationship in the city of Vitória da
Conquista-BA is confirmed. / Este estudo discute a relação campo-cidade e a produção do espaço, apresentando como base
fundante a centralidade da força de trabalho, e sustentação empírica o município de Vitória da
Conquista-BA. Portanto, o estudo tem como o objetivo analisar as vinculações do rural com o
urbano e a produção do espaço, fundando-se na mobilidade da força de trabalho, neste
município. O alicerce teórico discute as abordagens conceituais da relação campo cidade, os
conceitos e a evolução histórica do trabalho, preenchida por suas diferentes fases, bem como
as concepções e historicidade das migrações, deslocamentos e mobilidades humanas, no
intuito de responder a questionamentos acerca da relação do rural com o urbano. Quanto aos
aspectos metodológicos, foi efetivada uma intensa revisão bibliográfica e aplicados
questionários. Além disso, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações
diretas, nos anos de 2014 a 2018. As análises deram suporte às descobertas que vão para além
dos objetivos propostos no projeto de pesquisa acerca da relação campo-cidade, pois foi
realizado um amplo estudo sobre a população rurícola, para entender a ligação que ela possui
com a sede do seu município. No processo de investigação, verificou-se uma articulação
significativa do campo com Vitória da Conquista, por meio de vários elementos, mas a
mobilidade da força do trabalho é o que mais se destaca. Constatou-se, ainda, que esse
deslocamento não provoca, de forma expressiva, a perda do vínculo e da condição de homem
rural. Foram identificados, também, os fixos e fluxos socioespaciais advindos do
deslocamento de pessoas em função de suas atividades laborativas, bem como os fatores que
contribuem para este processo. Ademais, descobriu-se a produção do espaço como
procedimento intrínseco ao processo norteador da relação campo-cidade, pois o movimento
que as pessoas realizam de um lugar para outro produz dialeticamente o espaço, tanto do rural
quanto do urbano. Além disso, a pesquisa revelou a falta de alguns aspectos infraestruturais
nas vilas, como: serviços de correios, bancos, lotéricas, hospitais, escolas, delegacia, dentre
outros. Esta carência promove uma articulação intensa com a sede do município, porque as
pessoas declararam que necessitam se deslocar, cotidianamente, para utilização de serviços
bancários, de saúde, de educação e ainda precisam ir à cidade para fazer compras de
alimentos, de roupas e de outros bens, uma vez que as vilas não possuem comércio que supra
as necessidades dos produtos utilizados no dia a dia. As análises revelaram a precariedade do
trabalho em que vive o homem da zona rural de Vitória da Conquista, pois os índices de
trabalhadores que não possuem vínculo empregatício e direitos trabalhistas são altos. Além do
mais, observou-se, também, um grau de escolaridade baixo, com indicativos surpreendentes
de analfabetismo. Este fato está intimamente relacionado com as atividades que os
trabalhadores rurícolas desenvolvem, quais sejam: empregadas domésticas, pedreiros,
faxineiras, vigilantes, zeladores etc. Nesse sentido, confirma-se a tese de que a mobilidade da
força de trabalho é uma categoria central na relação entre campo e cidade, no município de
Vitória da Conquista-BA. / São Cristóvão, SE
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A la recherche de la maille territoriale intermédiaire : approche comparée des recompositions et de l'aménagement des territoires en Rhône-Alpes (France) et en Catalogne (Espagne) / In search of an intermediate local government : a comparative study of territorial reshaping and spatial-planning in Rhône-Alpes (France) and Catalunya (Spain)Vergnaud, Guillaume 15 October 2011 (has links)
La France et l’Espagne connaissent depuis plus de vingt ans des processus de recompositions territoriales, dont l’un des enjeux est la création de nouveaux territoires intermédiaires à l’échelle locale (structures intercommunales, “Pays” en France, comarcas en Espagne). Entre commune/municipio et département/provincia, ces derniers sont censés favoriser une refonte de l’organisation territoriale, mais aussi le développement de nouveaux modes de gestion territoriale, plus intégrés et plus horizontaux. À partir des exemples des régions Rhône-Alpes et Catalogne, parmi les premières à développer ces nouveaux espaces locaux, cette thèse interroge leur caractère intermédiaire et le type d’intermédiarité qui les caractérisent. L’analyse révèle la fragilité des mailles intermédiaires en construction, liée à l’échec de leurs potentielles fonctions d’intermédiarité et à la faiblesse née de leur caractère intermédiaire : elles connaissent une neutralisation interne et externe, et peinent donc à trouver leur légitimité par rapport aux niveaux existants et à d’autres nouveaux découpages locaux. La multiplication de ces derniers, qui révèle autant qu’elle explique l’échec des mailles étudiées, montre cependant que c’est moins l’échelle ou le niveau intermédiaire qui sont en cause que les modalités de leur construction. En s’appuyant sur un vaste corpus législatif et sur des enquêtes de terrain (Pays Roannais, comarques du Bages et d’Osona), en croisant de multiples échelles spatio-temporelles dans l’analyse de ces découpages locaux, ce travail invite à systématiser, dans le cadre d’une possible convergence européenne, les études géographiques des systèmes d’administration territoriale. / For more than twenty years, France and Spain have undergone various processes of territorial reshaping, among which the creation of new intermediate authorities at the local scale (inter-city structures, Pays in France, comarcas in Spain). Halfway between commune/municipio and département/provincia, these government units are intended to favor the reform of the territorial organization as well as the design of better integrated and more horizontal territorial management policies. Based on the case studies of pioneer regions Rhône-Alpes and Catalunya, among the first to develop these new local spaces, this work questions the level of intermediateness that characterizes these local units under construction. It shows that the failure of their potential intermediate functions is due to their intermediate nature which itself makes them very fragile. They are subject to both internal and external neutralization and struggle to assert their legitimacy vis à vis existing government levels and other new local territories. The dramatic increase of the latter shows that it is the way the intermediate local units under study are built rather than their mere intermediate scale that explains their failure. Based on a large corpus of legislative material, on field studies (Pays Roannais, comarques of Bages and Osona) and on a multi-level cross-analysis in both space and time, this work aims to systematise the geographical approach of local government systems, a methodology particularly relevant in the perspective of converging local policies at the European level.
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