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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enjeux des mutations et des recompositions du foncier autour de Bamako (Mali) / The stakes of land changes and reconstructions around Bamako (Mali)

Fofana, Sory Ibrahima 10 March 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’urbanisation galopante, l’étude des enjeux des mutations et des recompositions du foncier autour de Bamako (Mali) laisse transparaître des transformations importantes du foncier et permet d’appréhender les inégalités d’accès et les contraintes auxquelles les populations rurales sont confrontées. La forte croissance démographique constatée dans les villes aussi bien que dans les communes périphériques, est source de profondes mutations foncières et d’enjeux importants. Ces espaces sont affectés par de rapides et multiples transformations dans un contexte de décentralisation favorisé par un libéralisme économique depuis l’avènement de la démocratie. L’objectif principal de cette recherche est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des mutations du foncier agricole et de leur rôle dans l’approvisionnement de la ville de Bamako. A travers les enquêtes basées sur l’observation sur le terrain, l’enquête par questionnaire et celle par entretien, la thèse se propose ainsi d’analyser les enjeux fonciers, les acteurs du jeu foncier, le rôle du péri urbain dans l’approvisionnement de la ville, les conflits engendrés afin de mieux comprendre les mutations et les recompositions foncières dans les espaces péri urbains. Les résultats de l’étude révèlent que la ville de Bamako qui connaît une urbanisation rapide entretient des relations réciproques et complémentaires avec les communes rurales péri-urbaines. Nous partons des usages du foncier agricole péri urbain dans quatre collectivités territoriales de Baguinéda, Sanankoroba, Kambila et N’Gabacoro Droit, pour y étudier l’évolution du foncier périurbain, ses mutations, les stratégies et les pratiques des acteurs dans le processus d’accaparement foncier. Cette situation est l’une des causes des conflits fonciers impliquant de nombreux acteurs (l’État, les autorités coutumières, les paysans, les citadins et les ruraux, lesparticuliers) et auxquels des solutions définitives doivent être trouvées. Cette thèse s’attache à analyser les mutations foncières dans les espaces péri urbains de Bamako et les enjeux qui en découlent. / In an uncontrolled urbanization context, the study of issues, mutations and reconstructions of land around Bamako (Mali) shows major transformations of land and allows us to understand the inequalities of access and constraints that rural people face. The high demographic growth recorded in cities as well as in peripheral towns, is a source of deep land transfers and important issues. These areas affected by rapid and multiple transformations in the context of decentralization is favored by economic liberalism since the advent of democracy. The main objective of this research is to contribute to a better understanding of agricultural land changes and their role in the supply of the city of Bamako. Through investigations based on field observation, questionnaire survey and interviews, the thesis is thus to analyze land issues, the different participants in the land transfer process, the peri urban role in supplying the city, the conflicts generated, to better understand the changes and the land reconstructions in periurban areas. The results of the study reveal that the city of Bamako, having a rapid urbanization, develops reciprocal and complementary relationship with rural peri urban suburbs. We start from the agricultural peri-urban land uses in four local authorities Baguinéda, Sanankoroba Kambila and N'Gabacoro Droit, to study the evolution of suburban land, its mutations, the actors’ strategies and practices in land grabbing process. This is one of the causes of land conflicts involving many actors (the State, customary communities, farmers, rural citizens, individuals), to what, permanent solutions must be found. This thesis aims at analyzing the land transfers in the urban areas of Bamako and the issues that stem from them.

Les Systèmes d'Information Urbanisés : étude et analyse de leur performance / The urbanization of information systems : study and analyze of their performance

Trabelsi, Leila 14 November 2014 (has links)
L’urbanisation des Systèmes d’Information (SI) est une démarche efficace pour la maîtrise de la complexité de l’organisation. Elle renforce la cohérence du SI et permet de l’aligner sur sa stratégie globale. Elle permet également d’aboutir à l’agilité du SI. Cette démarche présente des avantages considérables comme la réduction des coûts informatiques, un meilleur positionnement dans un environnement concurrentiel et une intégration des innovations technologiques afin de garantir l’évolutivité du SI. Par conséquent, l’inscription d’une entreprise dans un projet de refonte d’un SI devient primordiale. Comprendre le succès des SI est un défi complexe ou une réflexion sur l'évaluation des SI doit être appropriée pour capturer l'ampleur des besoins des utilisateurs et des retombées organisationnelles du SI Urbanisé (SIU). L’objet de ce travail est d’évaluer le succès du SI avant et après une démarche d’urbanisation que nous avons accompagné et modélisé. Cette recherche fournit l’une des premières validations empirique quantitative du le performance des SIU et identifie les dimensions qui agissent sur la perception de l’utilisation et les bénéfices nets du SIU. Le travail constitue une tentative qui ne manque pas d’ambition à la compréhension et l’étude de la dynamique de changement d’un SI existant à un SIU. / The urbanization of Information Systems (IS) is an efficient approach to control the complexity of the organization. It strengthens the coherence of IS and aligns it with the business strategy which allows leading to the agility. This approach has significant advantages such as reducing Information Technologies (IT) costs, enhancing the IS position in a competitive environment and ensuring the scalability and sustainability of the IS through the integration of technological innovations. Owing to these factors, the urbanization is considered as a strategic business decision. Thus, its embedding becomes a necessity in order to improve the IS practice. However, apprehending the IS success is a complex challenge due to the lack of global standard assessment criteria of the Urbanized IS (UIS). Commonly, the IS must be appropriate to satisfy user needs and to generate organizational benefits. In this context, the aim of this work is to introduce conceptual framework that enables the evaluation of the IS success after the embedding of urbanization process. This study provides a quantitative empirical validation of the success of UIS and identifies important aspects that influences the perception of the use and net benefits of UIS. The findings present an exploratory validation of urbanization success. The proposed model for the evaluation of UIS has been empirically tested on survey data. The empirical tests highlight the significant causal relationships between UIS constructs such as Quality and use, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits. This work is an ambition attempt to understand and study of the dynamics of change of the existing IS to an UIS.

Voortrekker Road palimpsest: A study in social, spatial and temporal flux in the city

Ferguson, Sophia Margaretha January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / With its Afrikaner Nationalist past and its current status as an Afropolitan hub, Voortrekker Road simultaneously constitutes a place of separation and transgression, resulting in a quotidian tableau of urban life that could in some ways be read as a microcosm of social dynamics in contemporary South Africa. This thesis is a study on the intersecting microhistories at play in Voortrekker Road as a site of fractured negotiation within South Africa as a transitional society, and a place where multiple historical narratives intersect and become rewritten. In interpreting and portraying the layered, entangled histories, attention will be paid to microhistories and the fragment in order to steer away from totalising perspectives. Furthermore, the study draws heavily on the theories of Walter Benjamin in order to position a montage approach to history at the center of interpreting the historical layers enveloped along the road. A montage approach to historical thinking aims to deviate from the deterministic method of Hegelianism. Gyanendra Pandey emphasises how ‘part of the importance of the “fragmentary” point of view lies in that it resists the drive for a shallow homogenization and for other, potentially richer definitions of the “nation” and the future political community.’ Particular attention is paid to the microhistories and intimate business praxis amongst migrant entrepreneurs and informal businesses in order to consider the explosive creative refunctioning of Voortrekker Road in relation to its socially engineered segregationist history. In consideration of Voortrekker Road as a startling respite from xenophobic violence, the study considers the infusions of affect into the cityscape. As AbdouMaliq Simone aptly prompts ‘What are some of the ways in which urban residents are building a particular emotional field in the city, trying to restore a very physical sense of connection to one another?’

Current State and Future Prospects of Green Infrastructure in Slovakia

Uher, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Rising urbanisation, global warming and climate change are posing a threat to the environment. This work is dedicated to green infrastructure as a concept that is helping to mitigate the negative effects on the environment. Focus will be held on Slovakia and its progressiveness in the field of green infrastructure. The aim of this thesis is to find whether there are any obstructions in the process of the development of green infrastructure and also, analyze and evaluate the current and past projects and strategies to reflect how Slovakia has progressed in this field in the past 10 years. As a method, qualitative method of structured interviews has been selected. The interviews were conducted with four experts within the field of green infrastructure in Slovakia. Multiple obstacles have been found that propose negative influences on the implementation of green infrastructure. The major obstacles are the slowly adapting legislation, ownership relations, undersized funding and lack of documentation. The prioritisation of the grey infrastructure instead of green and blue is also present, as well as the insufficient awareness of the general public about the benefits of green infrastructure. Slovakia's progression in the theoretical aspect of green infrastructure could be perceived as positive over the past 10 years. Multiple adapted strategies, either from the European Union or Slovakia's own, represent the improvement as well as the terminology that is more included in the law and policies. From an empirical standpoint, it is not possible to evaluate the progression, due to the complexity of green infrastructure and a lack of documentation. Multiple issues are affecting the state of green infrastructure in Slovakia, however, it seems that Slovakia could be on the right track into the future. By addressing these issues, Slovakia could strive for a more sustainable environment and development in the future.

Investigating differences in the decay of divorce-induced residential mobility across gender and urbanisation

Bevan, Matthew Gareth January 2019 (has links)
Divorce is a life course event that triggers deviant, negative residential moves that symbolises the antithesis of climbing the traditional housing ladder, and sets individuals on an altered housing trajectory, typically associated with long-term instability compared to married counterparts. Studies have revealed that long-term instability associated with divorce is commonly connected to an increased probability of moving out of owner occupation that is greater and persists longer for women than men. Similarly, studies examining the immediate effects of divorce typically identify that women have a higher risk of moving out of the matrimonial home at the time of separation. No studies found have examined the time taken for divorcing individuals to assume their new altered housing trajectories. This study aims to develop an understanding in this regard by examining gendered differences in the time taken for individual mobility rates to assume their new housing trajectory, and considering what effects urbanisation has on divorce-induced mobility. Using the Swedish LISA database, groups of divorcing single parents with cohabiting children under 18 are compared to similar long-term divorcees whom are conceptualised to represent the post-divorce altered housing trajectory. Noteworthy findings include: 1) Divorce-induced mobility at the time of separation decays one year after divorce for Rural and Urban male groups, at which time the new housing trajectory was assumed. 2) The decay time for Big City males was four years. 3) The decay time for Urban females was four years, while Rural and Big City female groups remained at an elevated mobility state for all four years observed post-divorce. 4) Degree of Urbanisation has a significant impact for women, mobility was highest in Rural groups and lowest in Big City groups. However, no such effect is observed for males. This study is important to municipalities and urban planners because the findings presented here concerning gendered and regional impacts on mobility are relevant to forecasting housing demand. Moreover, national planners are concerned with regional inequalities and the finding that degrees of urbanisation has a mobility association for females, but not males, is interesting in light of Sweden’s rural development and gender equality goals.

Understanding urban ecologies in the context of local biodiversity and open space conservation agendas in two South African cities

Bux, Quraisha 06 May 2019 (has links)
South Africa is the third most biologically diverse country in the world and has developed advanced biodiversity legislation and policies to protect its natural environment. Biodiversity is the natural wealth of all living things on earth, from which a multitude of ecosystem services that sustain life emanate. The dramatic shift towards urban living however, places tremendous pressure on these biological resources. Local government has received international recognition as the level of government that is key to securing long-term global sustainability. The cities of Cape Town and Durban in South Africa have each developed their own biodiversity and open space conservation systems to conserve and protect the remaining biodiversity and open spaces within their respective municipal boundaries. The aim of this research was to explore the local biodiversity and open space conservation strategies in these two cities, with a view to understanding: (1) the informants, and emerging form, of urban conservation strategies in these two cities in light of their variable biophysical templates and histories; and (2) the physical landscape pattern in each city, and from this information, infer likely ecological outcomes, for these two cities. The study made use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results reveal that while both cities are facing similar issues in terms of biodiversity loss and natural habitats becoming increasingly fragmented, the way in which these issues manifest in these different cities is unique. The City of Cape Town is highly developed and fragmented but has more land secured under its conservation plan compared to the City of Durban. Durban however, has a large rural land component which remains under the governance of traditional leaders. The study reveals that there are many factors that play a role in the development and success of conservation plans, including: the local context, biophysical templates, city histories, social informants of how these plans emerge and evolve, contemporary governance structures as well as local pressures. Biodiversity conservation in South African cities still faces many challenges which need to be overcome in the near future. These solutions will need to be city specific.

Architecture des services de communication dans un contexte de convergence / Towards a converged environment for communication services

Bertin, Emmanuel 11 December 2009 (has links)
Les services de communication de nouvelle génération doivent pouvoir coopérer pour répondre à des besoins spécifiques tout en gardant leur autonomie. Ceci nécessite de maîtriser leurs architectures et de partager ces architectures au sein de l'entreprise. Des cadres architecturaux communs sont alors indispensables. Après avoir fait le point des travaux sur ce sujet dans les domaines télécoms, web et IT, et après avoir discuté des enjeux de la convergence des services télécoms, nous introduisons ici quatre angles de vue (métier, fonctionnel, technique et applicatif), ainsi qu'une méthodologie pour construire des vues de référence partagées au sein d'une entreprise et des vues d'architecture propres à chaque service. Nous illustrons cette démarche à l'aide d'exemples et montrons ses applications pour construire des offres de service, pour rationnaliser les services existants et pour réaliser une convergence entre différents services. / Next-generation communication services should be able to cooperate in order to meet specific needs, while keeping their autonomy. This implies to master their architectures and to share these architectures within the enterprise. Architectural frameworks are therefore essential. After a review of the state of the art in the telecom, web and IT fields, and after having discussed the stakes of the telecom service convergence, we introduce here four viewpoints (business, functional, technical and applicative), as well as a methodology to build reference views that will be shared across the enterprise, and architectural views that are dedicated to each service. We illustrate this approach through case studies and we point out its applications to build service offers, to rationalize existing services and to realize a convergence between various services.

Mind the Gap! A Spatial Analysis of the Gender Pension Gap in Swedish Municipalities.

Weigl, Kim Leonie, Hauck, Lara Sophie January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between population density and pension income as well as the Gender Pension Gap in Swedish municipalities between 2011 and 2019. Despite Sweden’s reputation as one of the most gender-equal countries, the country’s Gender Pension Gap persists and surpasses the OECD average. Additionally, the Urban Wage Premium adds another dimension to the drift in pension depending on the choice of residence. Using panel data fixed effects, our empirical findings show that both men and women benefit from a higher population density in terms of higher pension income while suggesting a reduction in the Gender Pension Gap in more dense areas. The robustness of the fixed effects model results is confirmed through various models, including the consideration of an alternative main independent variable, the exclusion of time dummies, and the inclusion of additional control variables. Our research contributes to labour economics, urban economics, and sociology regarding gender equality.

Where-Else : Creating a dialogue tool to enhance green space allocation for the mitigation of noise and water runoff in urban settings. / Where-Else : Skapandet av ett dialogverktyg för lokalisering av grönområden för att minska buller och vattenavrinning i städer.

Juffer, Elsemieke Jolien January 2018 (has links)
Cities around the world encounter global challenges, of which climate change is one. Urbanisation is resulting in inflexible land uses that are hard to reverse and cause fragmentation of green areas, which therefore decline in quality and contribute to the cities’ vulnerability to climate change. In recent years the concept of ecosystem services has gained recognition and is used more often in urban planning. However, focus in these discussions has not always been on urban green spaces. There is a lack of tools that in an operative way link green space allocation to provision of ecosystem services in early discussions about urban development. Tools exist that place the focus on the amount of green in urban planning. It is the establishment of a dialogue on how to identify the need for green in an urban area, identifying how the distribution of greenery can be operationalised on different city scales, and how it contributes to mitigating specific problems that are missing. This thesis contributes to the knowledge on the conceptual understanding of the potential and importance of urban green spaces to mitigate water and noise challenges, and contributes to starting semi-large scale discussions on climate change challenges and solutions in urban developments. By visualising the mitigation potentials, with the goal to create better informed decision making and urban planning processes, it contributes to the development of urban planning for sustainable development. Factors that contribute to the identification on where, what and how greenery can be implemented to mitigate the effects of urban sound and water challenges are identified and merged in a discussion tool, Where-Else, that is tested for its applicability. This thesis uses a mixed method approach based on grounded theory, and consists of two phases. Phase one is data collection and analysis in order to develop two discussion tools, applying a literature overview. Two questions are answered: how does greenery contribute to mitigating effects of sound and water challenges, and secondly, what are the most important factors to recognise? Both the effects of noise and water can be mitigated using greenery. Identified and noticeable important mitigation factors by greenery are: size, location and design for noise mitigation; and retention time, infiltration, evaporation and transpiration for water. In the second phase “Where-Else” is tested for its applicability and practical value, using interviews with urban ecosystem services experts, resulting in suggestions for improvements and the acknowledgement that there is a practical value for the developed tool. / Städer runt om i världen stöter på globala utmaningar, varav klimatförändringen är en av dem Urbanisering resulterar i oflexibla markanvändningar som är svåra att vända och orsakar fragmentering av grönområden, vilket därför sänker kvaliteten och bidrar till städernas sårbarhet mot klimatförändringar. Under de senaste åren har begreppet ekosystemtjänster fått erkännande och används oftare i stadsplanering. Fokus i dessa diskussioner har dock inte alltid varit på gröna stadsområden. Det saknas verktyg som på ett operativt sätt kopplar samman grön arealfördelning till tillhandahållande av ekosystemtjänster i tidiga diskussioner om stadsutveckling. Det finns verktyg som lägger fokus på mängden gröna områden i stadsplaneringen. Det är upprättandet av en dialog om hur man identifierar behovet av grön i en del av en stad och identifierar hur distributionen av grönområden kan hanteras skötas på olika stadskalor och hur det bidrar till att mildra specifika problem som saknas. Arbete bidrar till kunskapen om den konceptuella förståelsen av de gröna stadsområdenas potential och betydelse för att mildra vatten och bullerutmaningar, samt bidrar till att påbörja diskussioner om klimatförändringar och lösningar inom stadsutveckling. Genom att visualisera mitigationspotentialen, med målet att skapa bättre informerade beslutsfattande- och stadsplaneringsprocesser, bidrar det till att utveckla stadsplanering för en hållbar utveckling. Faktorer som bidrar till identifieringen av var, vad och hur grönområden kan genomföras för att mildra effekterna av urbana ljud- och vattenutmaningar identifieras och slås samman i ett diskussionsverktyg, Where-Else, som testas för dess tillämplighet. Denna arbete använder en blandad metod som baseras på grundad teori och består av två faser. Fas ett är datainsamling och analys för att utveckla två diskussionsverktyg, vilket genomförs med en litteraturundersökning. Två frågor besvaras: Hur bidrar grönska till att mildra effekterna av ljud och vattenutmaningar, och vilka är de viktigaste faktorerna att känna igen? Effekter från både buller och vatten kan mildras med hjälp av grönska. Identifierade och märkbara viktiga begränsningsfaktorer av grönska är: storlek, plats och design för bullerreducering. och retentionstid, infiltrering, avdunstning och transpiration av vatten. I andra fasen testas "Where-Else" för användbarhet och praktiskt värde med intervjuer med experter från stadsekosystemtjänster, vilket resulterar i förslag till förbättringar och bekräftelse på att det finns ett praktiskt värde för det utvecklade verktyget.

Exploring urbanisation in the southern French Iron Age through integrated geophysical and topographic prospection

Armit, Ian, Gaffney, Christopher F., Marty, F., Thomas, N., Friel, R., Hayes, A. January 2014 (has links)

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