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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Users perceptions about the usability of a LCDP mobile application

Andersson, Morris, Lang, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
In the last two decades, software designed to solve specific tasks for its user has seen a big rise and not least of these are mobile applications. Low-code development platforms have over the last few years been introduced as an alternative that provides lower development times and costs. These low-code development platforms do however trade features and functionality to reach these lower costs. This could affect the usability of the platform's end products. The goal of this thesis is to identify usability issues in a mobile application developed in a LCDP, analyze existing usability guidelines for native mobile applications and propose new or adapted usability guidelines for low-coded mobile applications.  To validate the gap in low-code development platform usability literature that led us to our initial problem statement we performed a literature review. Making use of individual interviews and focus groups we could produce the empirical data needed to identify potential user experienced usability issues within a low-code developed mobile application. We reviewed current native usability literature and found that most models, frameworks, and usability guidelines are in some way tied to the ISO 9241-11 standard. Individual interviews were held where we found that the overall experienced usability was positive. We then conducted seminars with focus groups which led to a thematic analysis. We summarized the quantitative data from the interviews and the qualitative data of the thematic analysis on the focus group seminars and then tied it to what we found in the literature review. Through our research, we found multiple areas of improvement in the application but the most discussed of these were that the users expected similar functionality to be presented in a similar fashion. With both the data from the literary analysis and empirical study we propose a new and adapted set of low-code usability guidelines with strong ties to the ISO 9241-11 standard and its core attributes.

Development of a 3D viewer for showing of house models in a web browser : A usability evaluation of navigation techniques / Utveckling av en 3D visare för visning av husmodeller i en webbläsare

Kastman, Pål January 2021 (has links)
The architectural industry today struggles with how to best show their models to interested suitors opposite the construction industry which have the advantage of the fact that they can build physical models of houses which they can then show. This is where BIM comes into the picture. By extracting the graphics fromthese models and visualising them in a web browser this studyhas by creating a viewer with different navigation techniques sought to find out which techniques where most efficient for navigating models in the viewer. This was done with the help of user tests which results show that when it comes to projections, users were more efficient with perspective projection than orthogonal projections, however, user interviews show that users could still find a use for orthographic projection as it was better for displaying floor plans. Egocentric perspective were more efficient than allocentric perspective, but most users preferred egocentric perspective inside the models and allocentric projection outside of it. As for clipping objects and using clip planes, it is a closer race as users completed the task faster with clip plane but to a greater extent with culling of objects. However, most users wanted to use both technologies at the same time so that they could complement each other.

Comparative study of Canvas and Google Classroom Learning Management Systems using usability heuristics

Gattupalli, Monica, Reddivari, Ananya January 2021 (has links)
Learning management systems (LMS) are playing a key role in the education systems. Education institutions are using LMS platforms to make the communication and collaboration between teacher and student easier, which inspired this study to measure the user satisfaction in using the different platforms applying usability heuristics. The survey evaluation is used to measure user satisfaction. The main objective of this study is to measure the user experience while using interactive interfaces. The selected LMS platforms for the research are canvas and google classroom. The experiment involves creating dummy course in the selected LMS platforms, fabricating the course assignments, gathering the users, and enrolling them into the platforms. The enrolled set of users will complete the assignments and take a survey on their experience with the platforms. Time taken by each user to complete assignments and survey are recorded and collected off-time comments. The responses of the survey are collected and graphically will interpret each question. Statistical attributes like populated variance and standard deviation are calculated for measuring the user experiences, and they are tabulated for the LMS platforms. User satisfaction on the canvas and google classroom was measured using usability heuristics. From the survey results, we can conclude that the canvas web application obeys all the usability heuristics, whereas the google classroom obeys only seven of the usability heuristics.

Usability and Trust in E-health applications

Mårtensson, Jessica, Nilsson, Cajsa January 2019 (has links)
Tekniken är en stor del av dagens samhälle. Allt fler tjänster och saker blir digitaliserade, nu även sjukvården. Denna avhandling kommer att introducera dig till e-hälsa och hur digitaliseringen av sjukvården påverkar relationen mellan doktor och patient samt vilka förtroendeproblem som kan uppstå.E-hälsopplikationerna behöver vara användarvänliga och enkla att använda för patienterna. Patienterna behöver känna sig trygga och säkra. För att undersöka användarupplevelsen i de olika kanalerna jämförde vi de två olika flödena: personligt möte med videosamtal.Det finns många olika leverantörer av e-hälsoapplikationer i Sverige, Kry och Min Doktor är två av de mest populära. Digitaliseringen av sjukvården påverkar inte bara patienterna utan läkarna är lika involverade. För att få en läkares åsikt ställde vi ett par frågor till läkare om bedömning av patienter via videosamtal. Ett frågeformulär gjordes för att samla in information om patienternas förhållande, användning och erfarenhet av e-hälsoapplikationer.Frågeformuläret visade att det finns delade åsikter om e-hälsoapplikationerna. Vissa patienter tror att e-hälsapplikationerna kommer att gynna samhället och kan själva tänka sig att använda en e-hälsoapplikation för mindre åkommor. Andra patienter är starkt emot e-hälsa och de flesta av dem instämmer i att det är ett slöseri med skattepengar. En annan vanlig orsak emot e-hälsa är att patienter tycker att deras åkommor är för komplexa eller att de inte litar på att läkaren ger dem korrekt vård genom en applikation. / Technology is a big part of today's society. At this time more things and services become digitized, now even healthcare. This thesis will introduce you to e-health and how digitized healthcare will affect the doctor-patient relationship and the trust issue that may occur.E-health applications need to be user-friendly and easy to use. The user needs to feel comfortable and safe. To investigate the cross-channel user experience we compared the two different flows: in-person appointment and video session.There are many different providers for e-health applications in Sweden, most popular are Kry and Min Doktor. This digitizing not only affects the patients, the doctors are equally involved. We questioned doctors about their approach towards assistance through an application. A questionnaire was done to gather information about the patient's relationship and usage of e-health applications.The questionnaire showed that there are some divided opinions regarding e-health applications. Some patients think that e-health applications will benefit society and may use an e-health application for minor complaints. Other patients are strongly against e-health, and most of them agree that it is a waste of tax money. Another common reason against e-health is that patients think that their complaints are too complex or that they do not trust the doctor to provide them the accurate assistance through an application.

FrameworkFinder - Implementation av användbarhet hos webbapplikationer

SÖDERHOLM, ROBIN January 2019 (has links)
Webbutveckling och dess ekosystem kan vara frustrerande även för den initierade. Det finns en otalig mängd ramverk och bibliotek som ofta erbjuder samma eller snarlik funktion. Samtidigt förändras detta ekosystem nästan dagligen med nya tillägg som ytterligare höjer inlärningskurvan för en utvecklare. Av denna anledning är det viktigt att göra processen av att välja dessa ramverk enklare för att minska frustrationen kring det och förmedla en förklaring kring varför de finns.I denna studie undersöks det huruvida det är möjligt att utveckla en webbapplikation som väljer ut en lämplig samling ramverk och verktyg och presenterar detta för användaren. Det undersöks även huruvida ett sådant verktyg kan göras användarvänligt. / The ecosystem of web development can be frustrating even for the initiated. Nowadaysthere is a countless number of frameworks that supply functionality to web applications.Moreover, several of these frameworks o er the same or similar functionality which onlyserves to increase the di culty of choosing the right one for a given project. At the sametime, new frameworks are released almost daily, leaving predecessors obsolete. Therefore,it is increasingly important for the web developer to stay up to date with the world offrameworks.This study aims to investigate whether it is possible to develop a user-friendly tool thateducates and aids the developer in choosing a proper collection of frameworks and librariesfor a project.

Electricity at Home: Can a proper method of visualization theoretically increase awareness of electricity consumption in the household using fictional data?

Larsson Hultgren, Niklas, Dunker, Timm January 2019 (has links)
Elkonsumtion är ett ämne med både personliga och globala ändamål. Det gynnar  den privata ekonomin likväl som miljöbelastningen. För att spara el är det  fördelaktigt om man förstå mekanismerna i elförbrukningen. De senaste åren har  det skapats både hårdvara och mjukvara för att överblicka elförbrukningen i detalj  än bara den totala energiförbrukningen. Studerar man varje elektrisk apparats  förbrukning över till exempel ett år ökas därmed insikten om hur hushållets  energiförbrukning är fördelad.   En app har designats för att presentera denna information. Användare får gå  igenom appen för att sedan testas för att se om de kan förstå och använda appen.  Testerna visar att användarna har ökat sin förståelse genom visualiseringen av  datan som presenteras i appen. / Consumption of electricity is a subject with both personal and global purposes.  Reducing the use of power is positive both for the private finances and the  environment. In order to make such a reduction, it is helpful to understand how  the electricity is spent. In the recent years both hardware and software solutions to  display more detailed information on an individual’s consumption than just their  total use. If they could see how much their devices use and how their usage levels  changes over a year, they might increase their understanding of how they spend  their electricity.   An app has been designed to show this information. Users can then use the app for  a while before being tested with questions that can only be answered correctly by  using the app. These tests do show that the users have increased their  understanding of their electricity consumption

Nutzergenerierte Karten im Web 2.0. Eine kartographische Konzeption auf Basis analytischer und empirischer Untersuchungen

Hoffmann, Karsten 04 July 2014 (has links)
Karten, die von Internetnutzern im Web 2.0 mit Webmapping-APIs oder Webmapping-Anwendungen erzeugt und publiziert werden, nehmen an Bedeutung zu. Internetnutzer konsumieren nicht mehr nur die Inhalte sondern beteiligen sich im Web 2.0 an deren Erzeugung, Gestaltung und Veröffentlichung. Sie sind Produzenten und Konsumenten in einem, wofür der Begriff Prosument verwendet werden kann. Jedoch besitzen die Prosumenten i.d.R. keine Fachkenntnisse in der Gestaltung von Karten und wurden bisher kaum bei der Entwicklung von Webmapping 2.0-Anwendungen berücksichtigt. Daher entstehen häufig schlecht lesbare, wenig prägnante und die Informationen evtl. sogar falsch darstellende Karten. Auf Basis verschiedener analytischer und empirischer Untersuchungen werden Anforderungen und Gestaltungsrichtlinien für Webmapping 2.0-Anwendungen aus Nutzersicht hergeleitet. Das eigentliche Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Entwicklung einer kartographischen Konzeption für einfach zu bedienende, gebrauchstaugliche Webmapping 2.0-Anwendungen auf Basis der Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen sowie Forschungen aus der Universal Usability. In diesem Konzept werden Prosumenten mit verschiedenen Kenntnissen und Anforderungen berücksichtigt und anhand verschiedener Hilfestellungen und gestalterischer Vorgaben bei der Erstellung lesbarer und prägnanter Karten unterstützt.

Mobile application design for contextual usability and operability in underground mines / Design av en mobilapplikation för kontextuell användbarhet och genomförbarhet i en undergjordsgruva

Tesanovic, Manuela, Al-mufti, Summia January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to develop a usable mobile application prototype to be used in the underground mining environment. In order to fulfill the aim, the research question How can a mobile application be designed for usability with focus on operability for an underground mine? was researched, analysed and answered. The main methods for driving the design process were ISO 9241-210, Human-centred design for interactive systems, requirement engineering and  conceptual design. The results of the thesis were based on qualitative data, collected from semi-structured interviews from five respondents. These respondents had a background as a operator in underground mines in different countries. The qualitative data was analysed and interpreted into functional and non-functional user requirements. The user requirements in parallel with design principles were used to produce a final concept that would be transformed from a low fidelity into a high fidelity prototype. The high fidelity prototype was developed using Android Studio, Java and later tested and evaluated using SUS questionnaire and usability heuristics to rate the overall usability of the application . The answer to the research question lied in the methodology used in this thesis. This was achieved by involving the stakeholders, people affected by the future design in the entire process, with different methodology during the different phases of the design process.

Examining the Impact of Learning Management Systems in Computer Programming Courses

Alatawi, Mohammed Naif 01 January 2019 (has links)
The development of software and communication technologies in education has led the majority of universities worldwide to integrate the functions of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) into their learning environments. LMSs offers several features that encourage their use by universities and other educational institutions, such as unlimited access to course content, easy tracking of learners’ progress and performance, and reduced costs in terms of both money and time. Most existing LMS studies have been focused on experienced LMS users who are familiar with its functions, with little consideration given to new users. Furthermore, although previous researchers have identified various means of enhancing the effectiveness of LMS use, no consensus has yet been reached on which of these features most successfully improve the learning outcomes of new learners enrolled in programming courses. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the usability of particular LMS features and their impact on learning outcomes for freshman students enrolled in programming courses. Through the Virtual Programming Lab (VPL) and discussion forums, particular LMS features have been considered. For this study, a quantitative quasi-experimental design was employed, including experimental and control groups of new students enrolled in an introductory programming course that involved different LMS features. These features have been considered in the place of treatment in this experiment, in which the level of difference between participants in the two groups was compared. This study involved two main dependent variables: LMS features’ usability and learning achievement. For the first dependent variable, LMS usability, the participants completed a survey, based on the components of Shackel’s usability model (1991), to evaluate the effectiveness of the LMS features’ usability. Four constructs underpin this model: effectiveness, learnability, flexibility, a¬¬nd attitude. For the second dependent variable, learning achievement, the final grade was used to measure the impact of these two LMS features on learning achievement between the two groups. The results revealed significance differences related to LMS features’ usability and learning achievement between the experimental group and the control group. Participants in the experimental group reported greater LMS usability than did those in the control group, and overall course scores indicated improved learning performance in members of the experimental group who applied the VPL and discussion forms features of programming courses.

Webbteknologier inom industrin – Utbyte av gamla system: REST API vs. Microsoft Access

Olsson, Björn January 2022 (has links)
Microsoft Access är enkelt att komma igång med vilket är en av anledningarna till att det är så populärt,  LKAB har ett system som är skapat i Microsoft Access som kallas Teleregistret. Systemet är ett dokumentationssystem som innehåller kopplingsscheman över bland annat fiber och kopparnätet för prioriterade telefoner, CCTV med mera.LKAB tycker själva att detta system börjar kännas utdaterat, trögt att arbeta med, och har önskemål att ersätta det med ett nytt system i form av en webbapplikation med ett REST-API som även har ett stöd för mobila enheter. Syftet med denna studie utöver att skapa ett nytt dokumentationssystem åt kunden, är att jämföra det nya systemet mot det befintliga. Detta för att få reda på om ett nytt system kan innebära bättre säkerhet, samt ta reda på om tidsbesparingar kan göras genom att införa ett nytt system. För att besvara frågeställningarna har det utförts litteratursökningar, en jämförande studie där båda systemen jämförts mot sina respektive best practises för säkerhet, ett experiment där det har testats om systemen är skyddade mot SQL-injection och två användartest för att ta reda på om tidsbesparingar kan göras. Resultaten av denna studie visar att en ny webbapplikation med ett REST-API är ett säkrare alternativ för kunden och att det innebär tidsbesparingar initialt för personal som inte använder det befintliga systemet frekvent, men tidsbesparingar ses först efter en viss inlärningsperiod för personal som använder det befintliga systemet dagligen.

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