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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporating aspects of flow theory to design an achievement-oriented interface / Design av ett prestationsinriktat gränssnitt med hjälp av aspekter ur flow teorin

Fredriksson, Desirée January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore how flow theory could be applied to improve the process for completing an application process to a creative education program. This was done by first formulating an approach inspired by flow theory and characteristics that promotes creativity in digital tools. The question was then explored using research through design with the goal of formulating the aspects of the flow theory inspired approach as generative intermediate level knowledge in the form of guidelines. User centered design was applied during the design process, starting with an empathizing phase where fundamental information about the application process and the users was attained. It went on to explore design implementations based on the flow theory inspired approach during a workshop and then on to creating an interactive prototype which was evaluated by six participants, iterated and tested in a second user evaluation. The findings of the study implicate that incorporating the guidelines in the flow theory inspired approach could be helpful when designing supportive achievement-oriented environments. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur flow teorin kan implementeras i syfte att förbättra ansökningsprocessen till ett kreativt utbildningsprogram. Detta undersöktes genom att först formulera ett antal riktlinjer inspirerade av aspekter ur flow teorin samt faktorer som främjar kreativitet i digitala verktyg. Forskningsfrågan utvärderades genom en användarcentrerad designprocess, processen började med att förstå användarnas upplevelse och skolans mål med ansökningsprocessen. Under en workshop undersöktes det hur de framtagna riktlinjerna kunde appliceras i ett gränssnitt. Efter denna workshop påbörjades arbetet med att generera en prototyp som sedan utvärderades i ett användartest, itererades och utvärderades i ett andra användartest. Målet med designprocessen var att undersöka huruvida riktlinjerna som formulerats hade potential att användas som generella riktlinjer vid gränssnittsdesign. Resultaten från studien tyder på att riktlinjerna som formulerades har potential att skapa bättre, mer stöttande, upplevelser i prestationsinriktade miljöer.

Assessment of Coverage and Effect of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1

Övermark, Timo January 2018 (has links)
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are an important resource for making the web more accessible for people with disabil- ities. They are used as a source of information for web content cre- ators, but also in standards as a basis for legislation when measuring whether a website is accessible or not. The guidelines have been criti- cized for poor coverage when studying real-life accessibility, especially for people with cognitive impairments. A newly released version of the guidelines, WCAG 2.1 aims to improve accessibility but has not been studied yet. This study evaluates the coverage of WCAG guidelines by con- ducting a user study and comparing the results with WCAG evalu- ation to find out if the problems found by users would be fixed by conforming to the guidelines. 3 websites were evaluated with a total of 6 users from 3 different disability groups. Same sites were evaluated with WCAG 2.0 and 2.1. The results show none of the site passed the WCAG evaluation. The users found 40 issues, of which 32,5% would be fixed if conform- ing to WCAG criteria. Most of the issues not covered by WCAG were related to understandability and readability of the content and the user interface. The blind group found the biggest number of issues, but al- most half of the issues would be fixed by WCAG, compared to only 13% for people with cognitive impairments. Despite the fact that all critical issues were covered by WCAG, the amount of serious issues not covered reveals that WCAG as a sole measure for accessibility is not enough to guarantee equal access to the web. / Riktlinjerna för tillgängligt webbinnehåll (WCAG) är en viktig resurs för att göra webbsidor mer tillgängliga för personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Riktlinjerna används som informationskälla av webbinnehållsskapare, men också i standarder som grund för lagstiftning när man mäter om en webbplats är tillgänglig. Riktlinjerna har kritiserats för att dom inte är tillräckligt omfattande när man studerar tillgänglighet med användare, särskilt med personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. En nyligen släppt version av riktlinjerna, WCAG 2.1, syftar till att förbättra tillgängligheten men har ännu inte studerats. Syftet med detta forskningsprojekt är att utvärdera om riktlinjerna ger en tillräcklig nivå av tillgänglighet for en webbplats genom att utföra en användarstudie och jämföra resultaten med WCAG riktlinjerna för att ta reda på om problemen som användarna upptäckte skulle lösas genom att följa riktlinjerna. 3 webbplatser testades med totalt 6canvändare från 3 olika funktionshindergrupper. Webbplatser granskades också med WCAG 2.0 och 2.1. Resultaten visar att ingen av webbplatserna uppfyllde alla kriterier i WCAG. Användarna hittade 40 problem, varav 32,5% skulle undvikas om webbplatserna uppfyllde WCAG-kriterierna. De flesta av de problem som inte omfattas av WCAG gällde förståelse och läsbarhet av innehållet och olika element på sidan. Blinda gruppen fann det största antalet problem, men nästan hälften av problemen skulle undvikas genom att följa WCAG, jämfört med endast 13% för personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Alla kritiska problem omfattades av WCAG, men största delen av allvarliga problem stod kvar, som visar att WCAG räcker inte som den enda sätt at mäta tillgänglighet.

Only Screen Deep? Evaluating Aesthetics, Usability, And Satisfaction In Informational Websites

Avery, Carrie 01 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis explores the role aesthetics plays in informational websites. In commercial interfaces, aesthetics (the perceived visual appeal and appropriateness of an object) has shown to correlate positively with many aspects of usability and emotional satisfaction. This thesis examines whether aesthetics has similar positive correlations in informational websites. Heuristics or guidelines for evaluating informational websites are developed based on empirical research and practitioner expertise. Categories for heuristic evaluation include usability, credibility, visual clarity, visual richness, and emotional satisfaction. A class of graduate students browsed three academic websites, evaluated them, and critiqued the heuristics. Results indicate that aesthetics does correlate with overall impression, usability, satisfaction, and credibility. The data also suggests that there are two dimensions of aesthetics: visual richness and visual clarity. Overall impression correlated with the average of all categories. The heuristics used in this pilot study are now ready to be tested on a larger population.

A Holistic Usability Framework For Distributed Simulation Systems

Dawson, Jeffrey 01 January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation develops a holistic usability framework for distributed simulation systems (DSSs). The framework is developed considering relevant research in human-computer interaction, computer science, technical writing, engineering, management, and psychology. The methodology used consists of three steps: (1) framework development, (2) surveys of users to validate and refine the framework, and to determine attribute weights, and (3) application of the framework to two real-world systems. The concept of a holistic usability framework for DSSs arose during a project to improve the usability of the Virtual Test Bed, a prototypical DSS, and the framework is partly a result of that project. In addition, DSSs at Ames Research Center were studied for additional insights. The framework has six dimensions: end user needs, end user interface(s), programming, installation, training, and documentation. The categories of participants in this study include managers, researchers, programmers, end users, trainers, and trainees. The first survey was used to obtain qualitative and quantitative data to validate and refine the framework. Attributes that failed the validation test were dropped from the framework. A second survey was used to obtain attribute weights. The refined framework was used to evaluate two existing DSSs, measuring their holistic usabilities. Ensuring that the needs of the variety of types of users who interact with the system during design, development, and use are met is important to launch a successful system. Adequate consideration of system usability along the several dimensions in the framework will not only ensure system success but also increase productivity, lower life cycle costs, and result in a more pleasurable working experience for people who work with the system.

The Impact of Age on Web Site Usability

Wagner, Nicole 10 1900 (has links)
<p> As older adults increasingly make use of the Internet to enhance their personal and professional lives, the study of web site usability for older adults is becoming increasingly relevant. Web site usability is concerned with both utilitarian (i.e. functional) and hedonic (i.e. pleasure-related) aspects. This study explores the impact of age on select utilitarian (mental model accuracy and performance) and hedonic (disorientation and engagement) measures of web site usability, and the subsequent impact of these utilitarian and hedonic measures on user satisfaction. A laboratory experiment was conducted where 50 younger and 51 older participants interacted with an experimental web site. The results of the PLS analysis suggest that age has a more pronounced impact on utilitarian constructs than hedonic ones. Specifically, older adults were less able to create an accurate mental model of the web site and in turn had poorer performance with the web site. In terms of impact on user satisfaction, the contribution of hedonic constructs was significant while the impact of utilitarian constructs was not. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Inverkan av mjukvaruanvändarupplevelse (UX) på kundnöjdhet med mobiltelefon: Användare (Android och iOS) / Impact of Software User Experience (UX) on Customer Satisfaction of Mobile phone: Users (Android and iOS)

Rizvi, Syed Manzar Ali January 2023 (has links)
This research analyzes the relationship between software usability, software identification,software value (User Experience) with customer satisfaction within the dynamic landscape of mobileoperating systems. With the growing importance of user experience (UX) in software design, the studyexplores how these factors collectively influence users' overall satisfaction, with a specific focus on theAndroid and iOS platforms. The research uses the quantitative approach, surveying 200 participants, to gather data on userperceptions and satisfaction levels. The analysis reveals a robust positive correlation between softwareusability and customer satisfaction. It affirms the pivotal role of intuitive, user-friendly design inshaping user contentment. In addition, the study highlights a positive association between softwarevalue and satisfaction and significance of perceived benefits in user experience. The study also investigates disparities in satisfaction levels between Android and iOS users.While both platforms offer unique experiences, iOS users exhibit slightly higher satisfaction levels.These findings hold practical implications for software developers, marketers, and designers. It enablesthem to tailor the strategies to cater to diverse user preferences effectively. In conclusion, this research enhances the understanding of the multifaceted dynamicsunderlying user satisfaction in mobile operating systems. It underscores the importance of prioritizingusability and perceived value in software design and marketing strategies. This study contributesvaluable insights to enhance user satisfaction and ensure the continued success of mobile operatingsystems in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

DESIGNING FOR SUCCESS: ENHANCING E-COMMERCE PURCHASE INTENTION FOR ONLINE CLOTHING RESELLING PLATFORMS : A Mixed Method Multiple Case Study of Usability Factors and a Practical Usability Framework for Success

Vicente Nieto, Jorge, Hoorn, Donja January 2023 (has links)
The Online Clothing Reselling Platforms (OCRPs) industry foresees ongoing significant market growth, building upon the expansion it has achieved in recent years. This trend makes it essential to understand how website usability factors affect consumer behaviour and identify practical opportunities for optimization in this specific context of e-commerce. Through empirical research, this study aims to contribute to the existing gap in the literature by analyzing the effect of usability factors on purchase intention and developing a practical usability framework that can guide designers and developers towards the successful implementation of usability factors that facilitates consumer decision-making and purchase intention.  To address the research gap, a mixed-methods multiple case study approach was utilized, combining a heuristic evaluation, a survey of 186 participants, and usability testing with six participants augmented by eye-tracking software and semi-structured interviews. The research was conducted on two key OCRPs, building upon existing knowledge of website usability factors as well as empirical findings.  The results indicate that navigability, content relevance, credibility, and simplicity are positively correlated with increased purchase intention in OCRPs. The study suggests that these four website usability factors should be prioritized when designing and developing these platforms. Based on these findings, a practical usability framework was created to provide designers and developers with actionable insights that can assist them in prioritizing and optimizing website usability to increase purchase intention. The framework lists practical guidelines per usability factor and demonstrates the factors’ interdependence. The framework is designed to further enable the growth of OCRPs by increasing purchase intention through website usability.

Usability hos digitala bibliotek : En heuristisk utvärdering av LIBRIS

Oscar, Levander, Jacob, Ring January 2021 (has links)
In this study we conducted a heuristic evaluation on a user interface. It was conducted in accordance to Nielsen’s theory of heuristics. The user interface that we evaluated is that of the Swedish national library database LIBRIS. The purpose of this study was to create a knowledge base for the development of LIBRIS’s user interface. The study was conducted by using three of Nielsen’s ten usability heuristics. Visibility of system status, Match between system and the real world and Aesthetic and minimalist design. The evaluation was done by three evaluators that conducted it independently and separately from each other. All of them had prior knowledge or experience in the field of human-computer interaction. This study shows that most of the usability problems was found under the criteria Aesthetic and minimalist design. The problems found under this heuristic was also the most severe. In total 37 usability problems were found.

CodeViz - A Usability-Driven Call Graph Tool

Gustafsson, Pontus, Hazem, Ibrahim January 2023 (has links)
Since the start of software, comprehension has always been an issue solved through various methods, such as bottom-up models or visualizing code, specifically graphs. They are used to obtain a bird’s-eye view and the execution path of the software. Although these tools exist, they must include important usability features. When creating software, it is essential to prioritize usability as a crucial factor. This thesis aims to identify gaps in call graph-generating software in terms of its usability. Through this, we aim to fill the gaps by creating a new call graph-generating tool with improved usability and functionality. We conducted a literature review to identify the gaps in the understanding of software comprehension. Our findings emphasize the significance of software comprehension in enhancing maintainability, usability, and guidelines. These guidelines were used to assess the open-source tools available. The gaps found helped build a foundation for creating the tool code while following the five usability guidelines. Subsequently, we conducted a within-subject study with interviews with developers and managers using our tool (CodeViz) and an open-source tool. During the interviews, we took note of the participants' feedback and completed a form. Using this data, we created graphs for the Likert data and categorizing of the text questions. We found various improvements in these aspects through Likert data, with 31\% responding more positively to comprehending the graph. With the categorizing of the questions, we found that the participants found the interactivity very useful. The simplicity of obtaining an overview of the project helped improve its effectiveness and comprehension. Furthermore, being able to aid their comprehension helps software maintainability.

Designing for usability and user engagement : Evaluating the combination of competitive, parallel and iterative design process for higher usability and user engagement in a safety-oriented mobile application / Design för användbarhet och användarengagemang : Utvärdering på kombinationen av tävlingsinriktad, parallell och iterativ designprocess för ökad användbarhet och användarengagemang i en säkerhetsinriktad mobilapplikation

Sundgren, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
Usability plays an important role in user-experience design and when designing for usability it is necessary that a suitable design process is planned and executed. A question designers may have experienced is "what is the best design process for this project?" when in reality, the best design process is a combination of several design processes. This thesis combines competitive, parallel and iterative design processes when designing for usability and user engagement. The three design processes segues into each other as they aid in the process of identifying current problems with the design, find solutions that are both tested and untested, and then iteratively improves these solutions to a point of satisfactory result. The result shows, however, that combining three design processes can be expensive in terms of resources and that instead of having a set number of design processes with then resources divided between the processes, resources should determine the numbers of design processes to combine. / Användbarhet spelar en viktig roll i design av användarupplevelser och vid design för användbarhet är det nödvändigt att en lämplig designprocess planeras och genomförs. En fråga som designers kan ha upplevt är "vilken är den bästa designprocessen för detta projekt?" när i verkligheten är den bästa designprocessen en kombination av flera designprocesser. Denna avhandling kombinerar konkurrens, parallell och iterativ designprocesser vid design för användbarhet och användarengagemang. De tre designprocesserna går in i varandra när de hjälper till att identifiera aktuella problem med designen, hitta lösningar som är både testade och oprövade och sedan iterativt förbättrar dessa lösningar till ett tillfredsställande resultat. Resultatet visar dock att att kombinera tre designprocesser kan vara dyrt resursmässigt och att istället för att ha ett visst antal designprocesser med sedan resurser uppdelade mellan processerna bör resurserna bestämma antalet designprocesser som ska kombineras.

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