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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auditing the accessibility of electronic resources.

George, Sarah, Clement, Ellie, Hudson, Grace 02 February 2015 (has links)
Yes / This paper describes a project undertaken by the University of Bradford library to assess systematically the accessibility of our electronic resources, and gives recommendations for others wishing to do the same with their collections. Since the 2001 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA), academic libraries in the UK have had a legal duty to provide all students with information in a form accessible to them, an obligation strengthened by the 2010 Equality Act (c. 15) to include all kinds of impairments, not just visual. The change in information sources from print to electronic has raised further challenges to providing access to information for all library users. Electronic resources have the potential to address many of the accessibility needs of our readers, but concerns have been growing in the higher education sector that the way in which e-resources are delivered can make them less accessible.

Optimering av Försäkringskassans tjänster: mätning och utveckling : Datadriven analys för kontinuerlig förbättring av användarupplevelsen för Försäkringskassans digitala ansökningar

Kembring, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
This report is going to evaluate Matomo, an analytic tool for forms on the web, and how Matomo can be applied to the digital services of Försäkringskassan. Försäkringskassan already has access to Matomo’s services but does not fully utilize them. Before Försäkringskassan can apply Matomo to the fullest they need to ensure that Matomo can be used securely and that the information entered by a user into an application form is not stored by Matomo. In addition to Matomo ang Matomo’s analyses, the goal has also been to evaluate Försäkringskassans digital application form based on best practies for web form design, as well as the collection and analysis of internal suggestions of improvment. The analysis and examination of Matomo and suggestion om improvement indicate that Försäkringskassan can improve their application forms, which can lead to increased usability and the submission of accurate information in the applications / Målet med denna rapport har varit att säkerställa säkerhet och utvärdera verktyget Matomo, som Försäkringskassan har tillgång till idag men inte använder fullt ut. Matomo sammanställer information om användarbeteende kring formulär och med den informationen kan man sedan analysera och utreda hur man som användare av Försäkringskassans digitala tjänster fyller i ett formulär. Förutom Matomo och Matomos analyser har målet vidare varit att utvärdera Försäkringskassans digitala ansökningsformulär dels utifrån praxis kring hur ett webbformulär ska vara uppbyggd samt inhämtning och analys kring interna förbättringsförslag. Analysen och undersökning av Matomo och förbättringsförslagen visar att Försäkringskassan med hjälp av analyser från Matomo kan förbättra deras ansökningsformulär, vilket kan bidra till en ökad användbarhet och att korrekta uppgifter inkommer på ansökningarna.

Webbapplikation för FMEA : med en System Usability Scale undersökning

Forsberg, Johan January 2024 (has links)
För att bli mer konkurrenskraftiga tillverkare är det viktigt att ha en fabrik som har en hög tillgänglighet. Ett effektivt sätt att uppnå detta är genom att implementera Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Syftet med projektet är att skapa en applikation som hanterar FMEA på ett mer användarvänligt sätt samt sparar informationen i en databas. Informationen ska sedan kunna presenteras på ett överskådligt sätt i en dashboard. Applikationen kommer utvecklas i Node.js med Express som framwork. För att lagra informationen används PostgreSQL databas. För att validera att applikationen är mer användarvänlig än nuvarande system kommer ett experiment med en faktor med två behandlingar användas. Det som ska jämföras är det befintliga systemet och applikationen. Detta sker med System Usability Scale (SUS) samt med T-tester. Målet är att nå ett SUS resultat på 68 och att applikationen är statistiskt bevisad bättre med hjälp av T-tester. Resultatet av SUS blev att det befintliga systemet fick 38,0 SUS-poäng och applikationen 75,9 poäng. / To become more competitive, it is crucial to have a factory with high availability. An effective way to achieve this is by implementing Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). By creating an application that handles FMEA in a more user-friendly manner and saves the information in a database. The information should then be presented in an easy-to-understand manner in a dashboard. The application will be developed in Node.js with Express as the framework. PostgreSQL database will be used to store the information. To validate that the application is more user-friendly, an experiment with one factor and two treatments will be used. What will be compared is the existing system and the application. This will be done with the System Usability Scale (SUS) and T-tests. The goal is to achieve a SUS result of 68 and that the application is statistically proven better with the help of T-tests. The result of SUS was that the existing system received 38.0 SUS points and the application 75.9 points.

Utveckling av IT- Systemet Mina Vårdkontakter

Ågren, Emy January 2013 (has links)
Vårt samhälle har genomgått stora förändringar då det rör sig teknik. Många områden i dagens samhälle blev digitaliserade och Vården, vår hälsa blev inte ett undantag. Landstinget tillhandahåller ett IT- system eller e- tjänst, som möjliggör patienten att boka/ omboka tid, förnya recept, beställa sina patientjournaler och med mera. E- tjänsten Mina Vårdkontakter (MVK) skapades för drygt 10 år sedan. Tjänsten vänder sig till alla medborgare, oavsett dator- och Internetanvändningserfarenhet, kön och ålder. Eftersom alla medborgare inte är lika vana IT- användare och därför ett sådant system bör vara så användarvänlig som möjligt. Detta arbete syftar på att hitta brister i MVK och hitta förslag på förbättringar utifrån användbarhetsprinciper. Metoder som användes i detta arbete är kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Därför utvärderade jag e- tjänsten MVK, genom att genomföra ett antal användbarhetstester. Testpersoner i detta arbete var både män och kvinnor i olika åldrar, har olika erfarenhet av dator- och Internetanvändning. Mina testfrågade fick ett antal enkla uppgifter, som jag ansåg kan ha några brister. Det svåraste av alla uppgifter var att Hitta MVK på lg.se webbsida. Men det var inte heller lätt att hitta hjälp på MVK. Den bästa tjänsten av alla som finns på MVK var att avboka/ omboka tiden och förnya recept- funktionen. Med hjälp av Time- on- task observerade jag också att oerfarna personer tar alltid längre tid att utföra vissa uppgifter jämfört med experten och med erfarna testpersoner. Och det är just för dem man ska förbättra e- tjänsten för att det skulle vara så enkelt som möjligt att använda e- tjänsten och personer skulle trivas med systemet. Efter genomfört arbete identifierades förslag på förbättringar av e- tjänsten, samt man kunde ge förslag på framtida forskning. Framtid forskning kan vara en ny utvärdering av bara en grupp oerfarna användare i olika åldrar. Man kan också undersöka hur den grafiska designen ser ut och hur det går att navigera i MVK. Eller så kan man göra en ny utvärdering efter den planerade uppdateringen av MVK som skulle ske om drygt en månad, enligt MVK- utvecklare. / Our society has undergone significant changes as new techniques came into our lives. Many areas of today’s society have digitalized in very short period and even healthcare sector is not exception. The County Council (Landstinget) provides an IT- system or e- service (MVK), which allows patients to book/ cancel appointments, renew prescriptions, order Patient Medical Records and much more. E- service was created just over 10 years ago. The service is aimed to all citizens, regardless of Computer- and Internet experience, gender and age. Since not all citizens are experienced in usage of IT, such system should be as easier and as user friendly as possible. This work is aimed to find weaknesses in MVK and find suggestions for improvement based on usability principles. Methods used in this work the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Therefore, I evaluated the service MVK, by implementing a number of usability tests. Test persons in this work were both men and women of different ages and different Computer- and Internet experiences. Test persons got a number of simple tasks, in which I felt we might find some faults. The most difficult of all was to find MVK on lg.se website. But it was not easy either to find Help on MVK. The best service of all available on MVK is to cancel/ reschedule the appointment and renew- prescription function. By using Time- on- task, I observed that inexperienced computer and internet users take longer time to perform certain tasks, compared with the expert and with other test takers. And that is right for them we should improve the system so that it would be easy for them to use it. In this work I could identify suggestions to improve the e- service, and could give suggestions to future research. Future research may be a reassessment of just a group of inexperienced users of different ages. We can also examine how the graphic design looks like and how it is to navigate on MVK. Or we can also re- evaluate e- service after the planned updates of MVK that would be carried out in a month, according to MVK developers.

A study of best practice design guidelines and the development of a usability analysis tool for the evaluation of Australian academic library web sites

Raward, Roslyn, n/a January 2002 (has links)
The library profession is now heavily involved in providing access to information through library web sites and it is a challenge to design a web site that has reliable content and a user interface that is intuitive to those who use it. As web accessibility and usability are major issues in the design of library Web sites, this paper suggests that the design will be most successful when a usability analysis tool is used throughout the design and redesign of academic library web sites. The research drew on the literature of Human-computer Interaction and usability engineering examining best practice usability and accessibility design guidelines. It identified those guidelines that were relevant to academic library web sites. In order to establish the extent to which Australian academic library web sites met usability guidelines a usability analysis tool was developed and used to evaluate a randomly selected sample of web sites. The web sites were categorised under higher education institutional archetypes as suggested by DETYA (1998) and the results were discussed in light of these groups. The research found that there was no correlation of the usability of the web sites between the archetypes. In fact the pattern of usability was randomly distributed across all institutions, with the best and worst results appearing in each archetypical category. The study concluded that the web has provided a whole new start for all institutions and after examining the results, it suggested that the design of early web sites was not based on the size or the past history of the institution that it belonged to, but rather reflected those factors, already established in the literature, that faced library web managers at that time, when designing the library web page.

Computer Augmented Reality in der technischen Instandhaltung : Evaluation eines alternativen CAR-basierten Informations- und Dokumentationssystems / Computer Augmented Reality in industrial maintenance : evaluation of an alternative CAR-based system for information and documentation

Liebs, Nadine January 2007 (has links)
Die Technologie der Computer Erweiterten Realität (engl.: Computer Augmented Reality, CAR) ermöglicht die Anreicherung der Sinneswahrnehmung des Menschen mit computergenerierten Informationen. Diese situationsangepassten Informationen unterstützen den Benutzer bei der Ausführung seiner Handlungen in der Realität. Durch den Einsatz dieser Technologie im industriellen Bereich wird eine Steigerung der Qualität und Effizienz von Industrieprozessen erwartet. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den CAR-Einsatz zur Unterstützung von Tätigkeiten im Bereich technischer Instandhaltung. Am Institut für Prozess- und Produktionsleittechnik der Technischen Universität Clausthal wurde der Prototyp eines CAR-basierten Informations- und Dokumentationssystems für die Instandhaltung entwickelt. Er stellt eine alternative, praxistaugliche und kostengünstige Systemlösung dar, verglichen mit traditionellen CAR-Systemen, deren industrieller Einsatz durch technische, ergonomische und kostenbedingte Probleme nach wie vor erschwert wird. In einer Reihe von Benutzertests wurde die Gebrauchstauglichkeit dieses Prototyps zur Unterstützung von Instandhaltungstätigkeiten durch die Bereitstellung CAR-basierter Bedienungsanleitungen evaluiert. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der speziellen interaktiven Eigenschaften des virtuell erweiterten Umgebungsbildes dieses Prototyps auf die räumliche Orientierung des Benutzers in einer größeren, unbekannten Umgebung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse sprechen deutlich für eine Eignung des Systems. Neben zeitlichen Einsparungen sind insbesondere reduzierte Fehlerzahlen und eine erleichterte räumliche Orientierung in größeren, komplex aufgebauten sowie in nicht oder wenig bekannten Umgebungen zu nennen. Durch die Möglichkeit, Objekte einer Anlage eindeutig zu identifizieren, wird letztlich die Arbeitssicherheit erhöht. / The technology of Computer Augmented Reality (CAR) enriches the perception of a person with computer-generated information. This virtual information supports the user when acting in the real environment. Increased quality and efficiency of industrial processes are expected by applying this technology. This thesis examines the potentials of CAR for supporting activities in industrial maintenance. At Clausthal University of Technology the prototype of a system for information and documentation in maintenance was developed. Compared to traditional CAR-systems with their technical, ergonomic and financial problems it is an alternative solution that can easily be used in industrial environments. In various tests the usability of this prototype for giving operating instructions was evaluated. Also, the influence of this prototype’s interactive augmented live-video on the spatial orientation was examined. The results clearly speak for the suitability of this system. It reduces execution time and error rates. Allowing exact identification of objects in complex or unknown environments it increases the operational safety.

Usability Testing Of A Family Medicine Information System

Oz, Saba 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Healthcare is an important part of life in most societies that attract a significant amount of public investment. Primary healthcare is a fundamental branch of the healthcare system where patients and doctors initially meet. Family Medicine Information Systems are developed in an effort to ease the daily work of family doctors with the help of information technology. Such systems are generally used for handling critical tasks such as managing health records of patients, monitoring pregnancy and keeping track of children&rsquo / s vaccination. Like any medical information technology, the usability of such systems is a vital concern for enabling efficient and effective primary healthcare operations. Family Medicine is a recently established practice in Turkey and there are a number of systems in service to aid the daily work of family doctors. However, none of these systems have been subjected to a systematic usability analysis. In this study, a usability analysis of a popular Family Medicine Information System used in Turkey is conducted. By combining several usability evaluation techniques, the study identified several important usability issues and provided recommendations for further improving the system. The main usability issue observed in the system was the overall complexity of the information presented at the main interface that often confused and misled the users. In order to address this problem, it is suggested that features related to the most frequent family medicine operations should be placed on the main screen, whereas remaining features should be organized under auxiliary pages with clear navigation aids.

User-Centred Systems Design : Designing Usable Interactive Systems in Practice / Användarcentrerad systemdesign : Design av användbara interaktiva system i praktiken

Göransson, Bengt January 2004 (has links)
Have you ever been frustrated with that IT system at work that does not behave the way you expect it to? Or had problems with using the features on your new mobile phone? When systems and appliances do not support us in what we are doing, and do not behave the way we expect them to, then usability is neglected. Poor usability may be frustrating and irritating when trying out your mobile phone, but in a critical work situation poor usability may be disastrous. In this thesis, user-centred systems design (UCSD) is advocated as an approach for facilitating the development of usable interactive systems. Systems that suit their intended use and users do not just “emerge”. They are the result of a UCSD process and a user-centred attitude during the development. This means in short that the real users and their needs, goals, context of use, abilities and limitations, drive the development – in contrast to technology-driven development. We define UCSD as: a process focusing on usability throughout the entire development process and further throughout the system life cycle. I argue that this definition along with a set of key principles do help organisations and individual projects in the process of developing usable interactive systems. The key principles include the necessity of having an explicit focus on users and making sure that users are actively involved in the process. The thesis provides knowledge and insights gained from real-life situations about what UCSD is and how it can be put into practice. The most significant results are: the proposal of a clear definition of UCSD and a set of key principles encompassing UCSD; a process for usability design and the usability designer role. Furthermore, design cases from different domains are provided as examples and illustrations.

Levelling Up: Designing and Testing a Contextual, Web-based Dreamweaver 8 Tutorial for Students with Technological Aptitude Differences

Hatter, Alicia Nicole 21 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the user-centered design methods and methodology inherent to designing and testing a web-based Dreamweaver 8 tutorial for undergraduate and graduate students who enroll in certain English rhetoric and composition courses at Georgia State University. The tutorial’s three interfaces were rhetorically designed to support three corresponding types of user—novices, intermediates, and experts— whose familiarity with Dreamweaver and student web space determined their starting point of interaction with the artifact. Three usability tests examined each interface based on four usability attributes. Findings revealed the novice and expert interfaces to be usable, while the intermediate interface was more problematic. The analysis of findings indicated the advanced documentation theory to be sound; however, the practical implementation of the theory to this artifact was comparatively ineffective. More research is suggested for determining whether a multimodal tutorial design is the most useful and usable for the target audience(s).

Human-Computer Interaction And Online Users’ Trust / Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und Nutzervertrauen : Die Erfassung von Vertrauen in Websites vor dem Hintergrund von Nutzererleben und Sicherheitsaspekten

Bär, Nina 26 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Users’ trust in online situations is influenced by various characteristics of human-computer interaction. Looking at the increasing scope of services online, it remains an up-to-date issue, expanding its meaning for both informational and transactional websites. In this work, the Scale for Online Users’ Trust (SCOUT) was developed to assess the trustworthiness of both types of websites. Based on the scale, the effects of user experience on users’ trust were examined in several studies. For informational websites, hedonic qualities appeared to be significant predictors of trustworthiness in addition to usability. The effects could be confirmed for transactional websites. Furthermore, perceptions of security aspects were investigated in a set of studies. The effects of customer ratings, fictitious graphical elements, web assurance seals and interactive security-related feedback on users’ trust were analyzed. Findings from all together 11 studies of this work allow for inferences for website design that could support academics and practitioners in designing for trustworthy web environments. / Nutzervertrauen in Websites ist sowohl auf informationalen als auch auf transaktionalen Websites nach wie vor ein entscheidender Faktor für erfolgreiche Online-Situationen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung des Fragebogens SCOUT (Scale for Online Users’ Trust) beschrieben, mit dem die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Websites beider Kategorien gleichermaßen erfasst werden kann. Darauf aufbauend wurde die Wirkung des Nutzererlebens auf Vertrauen in mehreren Studien untersucht. Für informationale Websites ergaben sich hedonische Merkmale und Usability als signifikante Prädiktoren von Vertrauenswürdigkeit. Diese Effekte konnten für transaktionale Websites bestätigt werden. Zusätzliche wurde geprüft, wie Kundenbewertungen, fiktive grafische Elemente, Gütesiegel und interaktive sicherheitsrelevante Rückmeldungen auf Nutzervertrauen wirken. Aus insgesamt elf Studien lassen sich Empfehlungen für eine vertrauensförderliche Website-Gestaltung ableiten.

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