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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designempfehlungen für Fragebogen auf mobilen Endgeräten

Nissen, Helge, Janneck, Monique 29 April 2019 (has links)
Online-Fragebogen werden in verschiedenen Forschungsdisziplinen eingesetzt, da sie für Wissenschaftler mit ihrer Flexibilität und als gute Grundlage zur Auswertung vergleichsweise viele Vorteile bieten. Durch den steigenden mobilen Zugriff nimmt auch die Relevanz von für kleinere Displays optimierten Fragebogenoberflächen zu. Die Bearbeitung von webbasierten Fragebogen wird schon seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr nur auf Desktop-Computern erledigt (Callegaro, 2010), sondern die Nutzung von Smartphones steigt stetig. So wurden im Jahre 2011 nur 4% der Teilnahmen über ein Smartphone abgeschlossen, während es im Jahre 2014 schon 18% waren (Sarraf et al., 2014). Smartphones sind insbesondere bei jungen Menschen verbreitet und werden für die Teilnahme an Online-Befragungen genutzt (Lugtig et al., 2016). Eine Optimierung würde also speziell die Reichweite in dieser Personengruppe erhöhen. Umgekehrt könnte eine mangelhafte Nutzbarkeit auf mobilen Geräten mit einer Unterrepräsentation dieser Gruppe einhergehen. Gerade in Situationen des Wartens werden Smartphones häufig verwendet (Thorsteinsson & Page, 2014), was großes Potenzial für die Bearbeitung von Fragebogen offenbart. [Aus der Einleitung.]

Development of Test Method for Evaluation of Interactive Media : A comparison between two different test methods / Utveckling av en testmetod för interaktiv media : En jämförelse mellan två olika testmetoder

Lutonda, Egide January 2021 (has links)
This study addresses a usability testing method and the development of a new testing procedure that includes eye-tracking. By correcting errors within the system before it reaches the end-user contributes to satisfied customers, high quality, and a useful system. Testing is all-important in identifying errors in the test procedure to be sure to capture issues in the system being tested. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and examine the testing methods used in the company and present how the development of a new testing method should be suitable for the company. The traditional testing method is compared with a new testing method that includes eye-tracking. The empirical material was generated by usability testing. Other methods such as background questionnaire, observation, interview, review thinking-aloud, and pilot test were also used. In the conclusion of the study, it was found that the traditional testing method met the criteria of how a usability test should be conducted. Another conclusion was that the new testing method helps to clearly see and identify usability problems that may be present in a system. / Denna studie behandlar en testmetod för användbarhet och vikten av att ta fram en ny utvecklad testmetod med hjälp av eye-tracking. Genom att korrigera fel inom systemet innan det når fram till slutanvändaren bidrar nöjda kunder, hög kvalitet och ett användbart system. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och utreda testmetoder som används i företaget samt kartlägga hur utvecklingen av en ny testmetod ska vara passande till verksamheten. Detta jämför jag med den nuvarande testmetoden med implementering av eye-tracking. Uppsatsens undersökningsfrågor är således: Hur kan företagets nuvarande testmetod förbättras? Hur lätt är det för företaget att använda den nya testmetoden? Är den nya testmetoden mer användbar för företaget jämfört med deras nuvarande metod? Det empiriska materialet har framställts genom användbarhetstester. Även andra metoder, såsom bakgrundsenkät, observation, intervju, retrospektiv granskning och pilottest har använts. I studiens slutsats har det framkommit att den nuvarande testmetoden uppnår kriterier på hur en användbarhetstest ska genomföras. Ytterligare slutsats har varit att den nya testmetoden bidrar med att tydligt se och identifiera användbarhetsproblem som kan finnas i ett system.

Proceedings of the 23th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2019

Böhme, Hans Joachim, Bahrmann, Frank, Macík, Miroslav, Balata, Jan 09 June 2020 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 23th Prague Workshop, which was held from 29th to 30th November 2019. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) Incremental Pose Estimation of multiple LiDAR Scanners using their Pointclouds, S.3 2) Soft- and Hardware Developments for Immersive Learning, S.6 3) Qualitative comparison of methods for example-based style transfer, S.13 4) External Labeling With Utilization of Containment Information, S.16 5) Real Time Viewing Direction Analysis to Store Recognized Faces, S.20 6) Raising living standards of older adults - User research, S.29 7) Raising living standards of older adults - Concept, S.33 8) Towards the RoNiSCo Mobile Application, S.36 9) Development of a Fallen People Detector, S.41 10) Interactive tactile map for visually impaired older adults, S.47 11) Physical 3D LED display, S.51

24th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden - User Interfaces & Visualization

Böhme, Hans-Joachim, Bahrmann, Frank, Slavík, Pavel, Macík, Miroslav, Erzgräber, Robert, Brose, Jan 16 May 2022 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 24th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden -User Interfaces & Visualization-, which was held on the 26th November 2021. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) Robot assisted reminiscence therapy for people with dementia, p.4 2) VENT-CONECT: System for remote monitoring of instruments used in intensive care, p.12 3) Conversational assistant for smart home, p.17 4) Perspectives and challenges of the research project ”SYNC ID” , p.23 5) Music-based emotional biofeedback: the state of the art and challenges, p.26 6) Ambient Assisted Living Lab - Smart Systems and CoCreation, p.30 7) Board Game Playing and Consuming Beverages in VR, p.36 8) An approach to measure and increase the level of participation of people with dementia in cognitive games, p.41 9) Forced perspective illusions and scaling users in VR - state of the art., p.47 10) Training Deep Learning Models for Punctuation Prediction, p.51 11) Towards an Evaluation of Ambiguity in Point-Feature Labelling, p.56 12) The ReZA method goes digital, p.60 13) Haptic interface for spatial audio web player, p.66

Affecting Usability During ERP Systems Implementations : A case study in a Medium-sized Swedish Company in the Rehab Sector

Paulander, Adam January 2021 (has links)
An ever-increasing amount of people are using ERP systems daily, but the usability of these types of systems remains low. They are often complex and hard to use. End-users’ dissatisfaction with systems of low usability can result in the product becoming ineffectively used. Providers of ERP systems are the ones with the best possibilities to attend these usability issues, but there are possibilities for the customer to affect the outcome of the system’s usability during the implementation process. The first purpose of this study is to assess where different aspects of usability can be affected during the implementation process of ERP systems. Its second purpose is to create a framework to which a company’s current ways of working with usability during ERP implementations is assessed and addressed. In the study, a collection of previous studies in relevant fields was conducted. Primary empirical data was collected in three semi-structured interviews conducted via Zoom. Further empirical data was gathered via forms. The study showed from reviewing the literature that different aspects of usability can be affected during different phases of an ERP implementation process. It further found that the company in question did affect usability to an extent during their implementation process. However, some aspects of usability were not considered by the company when implementing ERP systems.

Proceedings of the 22th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2018

Böhme, Hans Joachim, Wacker, Markus, Slavík, Pavel, Míkovec, Zdeněk 13 November 2019 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 22th Prague Workshop, which was held from 30th November to 1st December 2018. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) An approach to a self-organizing production in com- parison to a centrally planned production 4 2) Tactile symbols for visually impaired older adults 9 3) Design of Olfactory Cues for Approximate Spatial Self- Localization 11 4) Shape To Muscle: A Model for estimating Muscle Activation from Skin Deformation 13 5) Model of a Conversational System for Controlling Sec- ondary Tasks while Driving 19 6) Tools for Art and Architectural Research with His- toric Media Repositories 22 7) Direct Labels: Real-time External Labeling Without Leader Lines 25 8) Seamless Cloning with Poisson Image Editing 29 9) Multimodal user interaction for human behavior mod- eling in adaptation and personalization 32 10) Objective Feature Selection using GMLVQ with Di- rectly Incorporated L1-Regularization 35 11) How to Call a Robot in an Emergency Situation 37 12) Development of a Collaborative Computer Game for Elderly with Dementia 39

What is Usability?: A Characterization based on ISO 9241-11 and ISO/IEC 25010

Speicher, Maximilian 02 February 2015 (has links)
According to Brooke* "Usability does not exist in any absolute sense; it can only be defined with reference to particular contexts." That is, one cannot speak of usability without specifying what that particular usability is characterized by. Driven by the feedback of a reviewer at an international conference, I explore in which way one can precisely specify the kind of usability they are investigating in a given setting. Finally, I come up with a formalism that defines usability as a quintuple comprising the elements level of usability metrics, product, users, goals and context of use. Providing concrete values for these elements then constitutes the investigated type of usability. The use of this formalism is demonstrated in two case studies. * J. Brooke. SUS: A "quick and dirty" usability scale. In P. W. Jordan, B. Thomas, B. A. Weerdmeester, and A. L. McClelland, editors, Usability Evaluation in Industry. Taylor and Francis, 1996.

Usability testing of an online questionnaire application for children

Hosein, Mesam, Nguyen, Duy January 2023 (has links)
This paper presents the reasoning behind and the results from usability testing of the user- and administrative side of FIPIC (Flexible Interactive Platform for Interviews with Children), a digital questionnaire tool for children. The user side was tested with 24 elementary school children between grades 1-6. They first chose which avatar and voice they preferred and then answered six questions using FIPIC while being timed on each question. The administrative side was tested with five researchers from different universities in Sweden using a scripted list of user tasks and the think-aloud method. The researchers would then answer some follow up questions after their test session. The results showed that the user side did not have any major issues that significantly affected the usability of FIPIC. The biggest issues were the non-clickable emoji’s under the slider function and having to scroll up and down. The solution is to make the emoji’s clickable and replace the drop down with a text field to avoid the scrolling. The results of the administrative side showed that most of the usability issues were present in the newer functionalities such as question groups and group connections. Functionalities that are not present in other common questionnaire tools. The suggested improvement is to make the design more intuitive. For example, the create question group button should be placed at the top of the questions page instead of having to first click the create question button. This makes hierarchical sense because a group is needed in order to create a question.

Improving Task Performance in User Experience Writing : a validation of two methods in digital and in-person user contexts

Holm, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
User Experience (UX) Writing is part of the product’s overall user experience design. It can be a part of a product content strategy as much as the visual design. The base for any UX centered profession is the understanding of usability — the practice of making products or services easy to use for the intended target group. The difference between the UX designer and UX writer is that the writer contributes with an in-depth understanding that textual content contributes to an overall better user experience along with the product brand. This study includes two UX writing usability evaluation methods for a defined functional service application. By performing the UX writing methods through an online form as well as in an in-person user interview, the validity of transforming an established method into an online tool was investigated. The liabilities of both contexts were evaluated and future developments are suggested. To accomplish this, a literature review was conducted and an online tool was developed. This was used to gather data from 20 users, 10 in the online context and 10 in the in-person context. The datasets were then compared for validation, which in turn served as a foundation for further discussing the possibilities of using an online tool in this situation. The conclusion is multifaceted. The in-person user tests require resources in terms of time for the UX writer, finances in terms of compensation for the users and result in a smaller data set. Digital user tests also require time and resources, but can generate a much larger data set, seeing as it provides a data set of the same quality level as the in-person user tests. Considering the advantages of an online tool, it can provide a valid replacement for in-person user tests, if one considers that the assets outweigh the minor liabilities. However, the potential of a future collaborative dataset and all the further developments suggested in this paper are what is truly worthwhile investigating further. / User Experience (UX) Writing, att anpassa text efter användaren, är en vital del av produktens övergripande användarupplevelse. Det kan vara en del av en produkts innehållsstrategi lika mycket som den visuella designen. Basen för alla användarcentrerade yrken är förståelsen för användbarhet den praxis att göra produkter eller tjänster lättanvända för den avsedda målgruppen. Skillnaden mellan en UX-designer och en UX-skribent är att skribenten bidrar med en djupgående förståelse för att även textinnehåll bidrar till en övergripande förbättrad användarupplevelse, tillsammans med produktens varumärke. Denna studie innehåller två utvärderingsmetoder inom UX writing, för en definierad service-applikation. Genom att utföra metoderna genom en online-formulär samt i en personintervju undersöktes validiteten kring att omvandla en etablerad intervjumetod till ett onlineverktyg. Svagheterna i båda sammanhangen utvärderas och framtida utveckling föreslås. För att uppnå detta genomfördes en litteraturöversikt och ett onlineverktyg utvecklades. Detta användes för att samla in data från 20 användare, 10 i ett onlinesammanhang och 10 i ett intervjusammanhang. Datan jämfördes sedan för validering, vilket i sin tur fungerade som grund för att ytterligare diskutera möjligheterna att använda ett onlineverktyg i denna situation. Slutsatsen är mångfacetterad. De personliga användartesterna kräver resurser i form av tid för UX-skribenten, kostnader vad gäller ersättning för deltagare, och resulterar i ett mindre dataset. Digitala användartester kräver också tid och resurser, men kan generera ett mycket större dataset, eftersom den ger ett dataset av samma kvalitetsnivå. Med tanke på fördelarna med ett onlineverktyg kan det fungera som en giltig ersättning för personliga användartester, om man anser att styrkorna överstiger de mindre svagheterna. Dock är potentialen i en framtida kollaborativt dataset och all ytterligare utveckling som föreslås i denna studie det som är verkligen värt att undersöka ytterligare.

Usability factors for event platform users / Användbarhetsfaktorer för användare av eventplattformar

Vainionpää, Ida January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines which functions motivate experienced event marketing platform users to continue to use a specific event platform with regards to usability. The event marketing platform service Confetti was chosen as principal. Qualitative information was gathered through usability tests with existing users of Confetti and quantitative information was collected by sending out a questionnaire to existing Confetti users. A contextual analysis was then performed on the compiled material. It was found during the study that the most highly regarded feature was customizability and that inconsistent feedback was the main source of friction experienced by the users. The main entry point for users of Confetti was via recommendations, and users with a free subscription would consider a payment model if they arranged more events in general. Lastly, the simplicity and the ease of use of the Confetti platform was highly appreciated by the majority of the contacted users. A suggestion for future research in this area would be to conduct similar studies with event marketing platforms similar to Confetti in order to get a broader perspective on the usability demands as a whole. / Examensarbetet utreder vilka funktioner som motiverar erfarna användare av eventplattformar inom marknadsföring att fortsätta använda en specifik eventplattform, med avseende på användbarhet. Uppdragsgivaren för examensarbetet har varit Confetti Events. Kvalitativ information har samlats genom användbarhetstester med befintliga användare av Confetti och kvantitativ information har samlats via en enkät som skickats ut till användare av Confetti. Materialet har därefter genomgått en innehållsanalys. Studien visade att den högst värderade funktionaliteten var anpassningsmöjligheter och att inkonsekvent feedback var den största källan till friktion som upplevdes av användarna. Den främsta ingångspunkten till tjänsten var via rekommendationer och användarna med gratisversionen skulle överväga att uppgradera till en betalmodell om de i allmänhet arrangerade fler event. Slutligen, klarheten och användbarheten var högt uppskattade av majoriteten av de kontaktade användarna. Ett förslag för framtida forskning inom området är att genomföra liknande studier på eventplattformar som liknar Confettis med avsikten att få ett ännu bredare perspektiv på vad som efterfrågas i sin helhet, ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv.

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