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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improved usability of electronic government services for the ageing population

Molnar, Tamas 26 March 2014 (has links)
Die Fragestellung dieser Arbeit ist ob derzeit angebotene e-Government Systeme von älteren Nutzern angenommen werden und wie solche aufgebaut werden müssen, damit diese Nutzergruppe solche Systeme als eine nützliche Alternative zu Behördengängen annimmt. In unserer Forschung haben wir erforscht wie solche Anwendungen, welche von der Verwaltung für die gesamte Bevölkerung angeboten werden, aufgebaut werden sollten, damit diese von der gesamten Bevölkerung erfolgreich genutzt werde können. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung wurde eine dreistufige Forschung durchgeführt, welche an das ISO 9241-210 Entwicklungsmodell angelehnt ist. Die Forschung wurde parallel in Deutschland und Ungarn in Kooperation mit dem Fraunhofer FOKUS, dem Bundesministerium des Innern, der Bundesdruckerei und der Corvinus Universität Budapest durchgeführt. In der ersten Phase wurden die Erwartungen und Vorkenntnisse der Zielgruppe erforscht um die Eckpunkte und Prämissen festlegen zu können. Diese Erkenntnisse ermöglichten in der zweiten Phase die fundierte Auswahl einer Anwendung, welche als Basis für Nutzertests genutzt werden konnte. Die Testanwendung war das AusweisApp des elektronischen Personalausweises. Bei diesen Tests wurden die Nutzerfehler erfasst und die Akzeptanz durch die ASQ Methode gemessen. Anhand der gewonnen Erkenntnisse konnte die Guideline IGUAN entwickelt werden, welche eine standardisierte Herangehensweise zur Akzeptanzsteigerung darstellt. Dieses Konzept beinhaltet neben den speziellen, an ältere Nutzer angepassten Anforderungen, einem Kriterienkatalog, sowie die Abbildung der Prozesse wodurch eine Erhöhung der Akzeptanz für Ältere ermöglicht wird. In der dritten Phase der Forschung konnte die Guideline durch eine iterative Prototypentwicklung evaluiert und geprüft werden. Wir konnten beweisen, dass Verbesserungen beim Interface e-Government Anwendungen an die alternde Gesellschaft näher bringen, die Motivation erhöhen und das Nutzerempfinden nachhaltig verbessern. / Our research focuses on the question of acceptance of current e-government systems by elderly users. It describes how such systems should be designed and offered for this user group in order to provide an acceptable alternative to offline processes. In order to answer our research question, the research was structured into three phases along the development model of the ISO 9241-210. This enabled to identify not only the main factors of acceptance, but also the expectations of elderly users. Our research was conducted in parallel in Germany and Hungary in cooperation with the Fraunhofer FOKUS, the Federal Ministry of Interior, the Bundesdruckerei and the Corvinus University Budapest. The first phase of our research provided results about the expectations and previous experience of the users with e-government systems. This set the premises for the next phases of our research and provided us with information about the theoretical acceptance of systems by the age group. The results made it possible to select an application in the second phase, which was used as a model in the remaining phases. The selected application was the AusweisApp of the electronic ID card. The test measured the encountered errors and the acceptance of the system with the ASQ method. The obtain results allowed us to develop a generalised solution, the IGUAN guideline. This guideline makes a standardised approach to the usability improvement process possible. It contains the special requirements of elderly users, and a catalogue of criteria, which helps to develop an application in line with the set requirements. The third phase of our research was used a proof of concept for the IGUAN. The guideline was evaluated and tested with an iterative prototyping. We could therefore demonstrate that improvements in the interface make e-government application possible which are perceived useful and easy to use by elderly users. These improvements will measurably increase the user motivation and experience.

Um ambiente de avaliação da usabilidade de software apoiado por técnicas de processamento de imagens e reconhecimento de fala / An environment to support usability evaluation using image processing and speech recognition

Coleti, Thiago Adriano 17 December 2013 (has links)
A filmagem e a verbalização são métodos de teste de usabilidade considerados fundamentais para apoiar a avaliação da usabilidade de software, pois permitem ao avaliador coletar dados reais da capacidade de interação de um sistema e sua influência sobre o usuário. Os testes são, geralmente, realizados com usuário reais do software para que os mesmos possam submeter a interface as mais diversas situações. Embora eficazes, a filmagem e a verbalização são pouco eficientes, pois necessitam de muito trabalho para análise dos dados coletados e identificação de problemas de usabilidade. Pesquisas já realizadas na área apontam para um tempo de análise de duas a dez vezes o tempo do teste. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um ambiente computacional que utilizava eventos de pronuncia de palavras chave e reações faciais para apoiar o processo de coleta, análise e identificação de interfaces com possíveis problemas de usabilidade de forma rápida e segura. O ambiente foi composto por um aplicativo que monitorava (em segundo plano) a utilização de um determinado aplicativo registrando palavras chave pronunciadas pelo participante e imagens faciais em determinados intervalos de tempo. Além destes dados, imagens das telas do sistema (snapshots) também eram registrados a fim de indicar quais interfaces eram utilizadas no momento de um determinado evento. Após a coleta, estes dados eram organizados e disponibilizados para avaliador com destaques para eventos que poderiam indicar insatisfação do participante ou possíveis problemas na utilização. Foi possível concluir que os eventos relacionados à verbalização com palavras chave foram eficazes para apoiar a tarefa de análise e identificação de interfaces problemáticas, pois as palavras estavam relacionadas com classificadores que indicavam satisfação ou insatisfação por parte do usuário. A atividade de verbalização se mostrou mais eficiente quando a análise de seus dados foi aplicada em conjunto com as imagens faciais, pois permitiram uma análise mais confiável e abrangente. Nesta análise, o avaliador teve condições de identificar quais interfaces do sistema foram mal classificadas pelo usuário e qual era o foco de visão/utilização do usuário no momento do evento. Para análises efetuadas com utilização de palavras chave com/sem utilização de imagens, o tempo gasto para identificar as interfaces e possíveis problemas foi reduzido para menos de duas vezes o tempo de teste. / Filming and verbalization are considered fundamental usability test methods to support software usability evaluation, due to the reason that allows the evaluator to collect real data about the software interaction capacity and how it influences the user. The tests are, usually, performed by real software users because they can submit the system to several situations that were not presupposed by evaluator in the labs. Although effective, the filming and the verbalization are not efficient due to the reason that require a long time to analyzing the data and identify usability problems. Researches performed in the area present that the time to data analysis is two to ten times the test time. This research aimed to develop an environment that used events as words pronounced and face reactions to support the collect, analysis and identification of interfaces with usability problems easily and safe. The environment is composed by a software to monitoring (background) of the user activities. The software collects key words pronounced by the participant and face images in specific time intervals. Besides these data, snapshots of the interfaces were registered in order to present which interfaces were in used in the event moment. After the collect stage, these data were processed and available to the evaluator with highlights to events that could indicate unsatisfactory events or potential utilization problems. In this research, was possible to conclude that the verbalization events using key words were effective to support the analysis and identification of problematic interfaces because the words were related to specific context that indicated the user opinion. The verbalization activities were more effective in the moments that the data analysis was performed using the face images to support it, allowing more reliable and comprehensive data analysis. In this analysis, the evaluator was able to identify which interfaces were classified negatively by the participant and which was the user focus of view/use in the event moment. In analysis performed using key words and/or not using the face images, the time to identifying the interfaces and potentials usability problems was reduced to less than twice the time of test.

Dialética da interação humano-computador: tratamento didático do diálogo midiatizado / Dialectics of human-computer interaction: didactic dialogue mediatized

Matos, Ecivaldo de Souza 22 March 2013 (has links)
A Educação tem usufruído dos benefícios das tecnologias computacionais por meio da ampliação da experiência e do conhecimento humano, bem como novos tipos de interação tem sido promovidos à medida em que as tecnologias avançam. Este trabalho investiga a natureza da relação humano-computador, o uso contextualizado de recursos computacionais interativos e os fatores humanos relacionados à interação por meio de recursos de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem em uma disciplina de pós-graduação stricto-sensu por meio de uma imersão participante, em que a tecnologia se colocou como elemento midiatizador da interação dialógica promovida pela proposta pedagógica e pela ação docente intencionalmente construída. Buscou-se dar voz aos sujeitos para que eles avaliassem a usabilidade da tecnologia sob a sua perspectiva. Foram utilizadas diversas ferramentas para coleta de dados, como entrevista, grupo focal, registros de fórum, questionários de fluência digital e de avaliação de usabilidade técnica percebida. Tais ferramentas fundamentaram a compreensão do impacto do tratamento didático do diálogo midiatizado por tecnologias computacionais interativas na percepção de qualidade da Interação Humano-Computador. Por meio de uma análise dialética dos dados pautada em critérios de usabilidade técnica e nas categorias de interação dialógica da filosofia educacional de Paulo Freire, esta pesquisa inferiu que a usabilidade técnica é importante, mas não é suficiente para suportar um processo pedagógico com uso de tecnologia computacional em sua plenitude. É necessário promover maior articulação entre a usabilidade técnica dos recursos tecnológicos e um tratamento didático contextualizado aos usuários e aos recursos tecnológicos selecionados de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Os indicadores de referência didáticos direcionam-se para a rigorosidade metódica; criticidade e reflexão permanente sobre a prática com uso das tecnologias; respeito aos saberes dos estudantes; convicção de que a mudança é possível, mas exige contextualização; competência e cultura digital; compromisso, liberdade e flexibilidade; além de grande e constante disponibilidade para o diálogo entre os diferentes conhecimentos. Esta pesquisa teve como expectativa oferecer subsídios que possam apoiar a concepção de políticas educacionais para uso de tecnologia na educação e metodologias de avaliação da interação humano-computador de softwares educacionais. / Education has enjoyed the benefits of Computing through the expansion of human knowledge and experience, as well as new types of interaction has been promoted to the extent that technologies advance. This research investigates the quality of human-computer relationship, contextualized use of computational resources, and human factors related to the interaction through features of a virtual learning environment in a post-graduate course by participant observation, in which the technology is a mediator element of dialogic interaction promoted by the pedagogical and teaching action intentionally built. We tried to give voice to individuals so that they evaluate the usability of the technology from their perspective. We used several tools to collect data, such as interview, focus group, forum entries, questionnaire of digital fluency, and questionnaire of perceived usability. These tools have supported the understanding of the impact of didactic dialogue mediatized by interactive computational technologies in the perception of quality of Human-Computer Interaction. The dialectical analysis was based on criteria of technical usability and categories of dialogic interaction of the educational philosophy of Paulo Freire. This study concluded that technical usability is important, but it is not sufficient to support a pedagogical process with computational technology in its fullness. We need to link the technical usability of technological resources and a didactic contextualized on the users and technology resources selected from a virtual learning environment. The teaching benchmarks are focused on methodological rigor, criticality and ongoing reflection on practice with technologies; respect to the knowledge of the students; belief that change is possible, but requires contextualization; culture and digital competence; engagement, freedom and flexibility as well as large and constant readiness for dialogue among different knowledge. This study was expected to provide subsidies that can support the design of educational policies for use of technology in education and evaluating methodologies of human-computer interaction of educational software.

Um ambiente de avaliação da usabilidade de software apoiado por técnicas de processamento de imagens e reconhecimento de fala / An environment to support usability evaluation using image processing and speech recognition

Thiago Adriano Coleti 17 December 2013 (has links)
A filmagem e a verbalização são métodos de teste de usabilidade considerados fundamentais para apoiar a avaliação da usabilidade de software, pois permitem ao avaliador coletar dados reais da capacidade de interação de um sistema e sua influência sobre o usuário. Os testes são, geralmente, realizados com usuário reais do software para que os mesmos possam submeter a interface as mais diversas situações. Embora eficazes, a filmagem e a verbalização são pouco eficientes, pois necessitam de muito trabalho para análise dos dados coletados e identificação de problemas de usabilidade. Pesquisas já realizadas na área apontam para um tempo de análise de duas a dez vezes o tempo do teste. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um ambiente computacional que utilizava eventos de pronuncia de palavras chave e reações faciais para apoiar o processo de coleta, análise e identificação de interfaces com possíveis problemas de usabilidade de forma rápida e segura. O ambiente foi composto por um aplicativo que monitorava (em segundo plano) a utilização de um determinado aplicativo registrando palavras chave pronunciadas pelo participante e imagens faciais em determinados intervalos de tempo. Além destes dados, imagens das telas do sistema (snapshots) também eram registrados a fim de indicar quais interfaces eram utilizadas no momento de um determinado evento. Após a coleta, estes dados eram organizados e disponibilizados para avaliador com destaques para eventos que poderiam indicar insatisfação do participante ou possíveis problemas na utilização. Foi possível concluir que os eventos relacionados à verbalização com palavras chave foram eficazes para apoiar a tarefa de análise e identificação de interfaces problemáticas, pois as palavras estavam relacionadas com classificadores que indicavam satisfação ou insatisfação por parte do usuário. A atividade de verbalização se mostrou mais eficiente quando a análise de seus dados foi aplicada em conjunto com as imagens faciais, pois permitiram uma análise mais confiável e abrangente. Nesta análise, o avaliador teve condições de identificar quais interfaces do sistema foram mal classificadas pelo usuário e qual era o foco de visão/utilização do usuário no momento do evento. Para análises efetuadas com utilização de palavras chave com/sem utilização de imagens, o tempo gasto para identificar as interfaces e possíveis problemas foi reduzido para menos de duas vezes o tempo de teste. / Filming and verbalization are considered fundamental usability test methods to support software usability evaluation, due to the reason that allows the evaluator to collect real data about the software interaction capacity and how it influences the user. The tests are, usually, performed by real software users because they can submit the system to several situations that were not presupposed by evaluator in the labs. Although effective, the filming and the verbalization are not efficient due to the reason that require a long time to analyzing the data and identify usability problems. Researches performed in the area present that the time to data analysis is two to ten times the test time. This research aimed to develop an environment that used events as words pronounced and face reactions to support the collect, analysis and identification of interfaces with usability problems easily and safe. The environment is composed by a software to monitoring (background) of the user activities. The software collects key words pronounced by the participant and face images in specific time intervals. Besides these data, snapshots of the interfaces were registered in order to present which interfaces were in used in the event moment. After the collect stage, these data were processed and available to the evaluator with highlights to events that could indicate unsatisfactory events or potential utilization problems. In this research, was possible to conclude that the verbalization events using key words were effective to support the analysis and identification of problematic interfaces because the words were related to specific context that indicated the user opinion. The verbalization activities were more effective in the moments that the data analysis was performed using the face images to support it, allowing more reliable and comprehensive data analysis. In this analysis, the evaluator was able to identify which interfaces were classified negatively by the participant and which was the user focus of view/use in the event moment. In analysis performed using key words and/or not using the face images, the time to identifying the interfaces and potentials usability problems was reduced to less than twice the time of test.

Avaliação de acessibilidade e usabilidade na Web: um apoio com foco nos usuários senescentes / Web accessibility and usability evaluation: a support focusing on the older users

Rodrigues, Sandra Souza 26 October 2016 (has links)
A constante evolução da Web tem se mostrado como um fenômeno mundial que rapidamente precisa responder aos diversos segmentos da sociedade atual, com websites e aplicativos de compras, governo, bancos, entretenimento e outros. Nesse contexto, é necessário que o conteúdo Web possibilite acesso aos mais diferentes perfis de usuários, independentemente de suas deficiências ou necessidades especiais. Um outro fenômeno mundial é o envelhecimento da população. Os usuários senescentes (pessoas que estão em processo de envelhecimento, o qual acarreta declínio físico e mental gradual, ocorrendo geralmente nos indivíduos a partir de 60 anos de idade), apresentam algumas de suas capacidades reduzidas e, encontram, naturalmente, barreiras ao interagir com os serviços e conteúdos disponibilizados na Web. Essa população tem apresentado um índice de crescimento demográfico grande neste século em relação ao que se via nas gerações passadas. Apesar das exigências de legislação específica, recomendações e diretrizes que auxiliam o desenvolvimento de conteúdo acessível e usável, ainda há muitos problemas de acessibilidade e usabilidade que precisam ser resolvidos, diante do rápido avanço tecnológico observado nos recursos da Web atual. Em especial, observa-se pouca atenção às dificuldades que usuários senescentes possuem, pois a maioria de websites são projetados considerando como público-alvo, pessoas mais jovens e especializadas, muitas vezes, treinadas para interagir nos websites. Portanto, é relevante um apoio para avaliação das páginas Web, visando atender as necessidades dos usuários senescentes. A proposta deste projeto foi desenvolver um apoio para a avaliação de acessibilidade e usabilidade na Web, considerando-se o perfil dos senescentes, com vistas a proporcionar um feedback objetivo, aos desenvolvedores e especialistas. Esse apoio foi elaborado por meio de um Checklist que foi desenvolvido, com base em procedimentos científicos, e análises realizadas, sobre sua aplicação. / The constant evolution of the Web has proven to be a worldwide phenomenon that quickly needs to address the various segments of current society (websites and web applications, government, banks, entertainment and others). In this context, it is necessary that the Web content provides the possibility of access to the different user profiles, regardless of their disabilities or special needs. Another worldwide phenomenon is the aging population. The senescent users (people who are in the aging process, which leads to gradual physical and mental decline, usually occurring in individuals from the age of 60) have some of their capacities limited and they face barriers to interact with services and content available on the Web. This population has shown a high growth rate in this century in comparison to what was observed in past generations. Despite of the demands for specific legislation, recommendations and guidelines that assist the development of content accessible and usable, there are still many problems of accessibility and usability that need to be solved, given the rapid technological advances seen in the current Web resources. In particular, there is little attention to the difficulties that senescent users have, given that most websites are designed considering target audience that usually is composed of young people and specialists, often trained to interact on websites. Therefore, it is important to support evaluation of Web pages, to meet the requirements of senescent users. The purpose of this project is to develop a support for the evaluation of web accessibility and usability, focusing on the older people, in order to provide clear feedback to developers and experts. This support was prepared by a Checklist that was developed based on scientific procedures, and analyzes on its application.

User-Centred Systems Design : Designing Usable Interactive Systems in Practice / Användarcentrerad systemdesign : Design av användbara interaktiva system i praktiken

Göransson, Bengt January 2004 (has links)
<p>Have you ever been frustrated with that IT system at work that does not behave the way you expect it to? Or had problems with using the features on your new mobile phone? When systems and appliances do not support us in what we are doing, and do not behave the way we expect them to, then usability is neglected. Poor usability may be frustrating and irritating when trying out your mobile phone, but in a critical work situation poor usability may be disastrous.</p><p>In this thesis, user-centred systems design (UCSD) is advocated as an approach for facilitating the development of usable interactive systems. Systems that suit their intended use and users do not just “emerge”. They are the result of a UCSD <i>process</i> and a user-centred <i>attitude</i> during the development. This means in short that the real users and their needs, goals, context of use, abilities and limitations, drive the development – in contrast to technology-driven development. We define UCSD as: a process focusing on usability throughout the entire development process and further throughout the system life cycle. I argue that this definition along with a set of key principles do help organisations and individual projects in the process of developing usable interactive systems. The key principles include the necessity of having an explicit focus on users and making sure that users are actively involved in the process.</p><p>The thesis provides knowledge and insights gained from real-life situations about what UCSD is and how it can be put into practice. The most significant results are: the proposal of a clear definition of UCSD and a set of key principles encompassing UCSD; a process for usability design and the usability designer role. Furthermore, design cases from different domains are provided as examples and illustrations.</p>

Usability von Medizingeräten im Bereich der OP-Anwendung – eine Anwenderstudie

Schubert, Daniel, Dittrich, Frank, Leiber, Paul, Bullinger, Angelika C . 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zunahme von Meldungen über Zwischenfälle in Kliniken und deren Ursachen werden in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft diskutiert. Aus der Literatur lässt sich ableiten, dass die Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle Einfluss auf die Fehlerentstehung hat. Daher wird eine qualitative, standardisierte Befragung bei Anwendern von Medizingeräten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass anthropometrische Gestaltungsregeln bisher wenig beachtet werden und dass ergonomische Vorgaben bei der Gestaltung von Menüstrukturen nach wie vor Verzögerungen im klinischen Arbeitsfluss hervorrufen, worunter die Effizienz und besonders die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter leidet.

Usability Evaluation: Tasks Susceptible to Concurrent Think-Aloud Protocol

Ogolla, Juliana Anyango January 2011 (has links)
Think-aloud protocol is a usability testing method whereby the participant running the usability test on an interface, thinks aloud as a way of giving feedback of the task he/she is performing on the given interface. It is one of the most researched on usability testing methods. It has attracted both praises and criticisms based on the effects it has on the participants or the tests at hand. A recently done study that used simple tasks, aimed at finding out the difference between using think-aloud protocol and not using think-aloud protocol. The study concluded that no notable differences were evident on the number of fixations and the amount of screen areas viewed when using think-aloud protocol and when not using think-aloud protocol.As an extension and follow-up of the recently done study, this study focused on finding the type of tasks that the concurrent think-aloud protocol has effects on. The tasks were chosen based on the information scent concept and eye-tracking methodology was used in collecting the necessary results.The study that involved twenty participants, resulted to some effects of the concurrent think-aloud protocol being noted on the low-scent tasks but not on high-scent tasks. It therefore goes ahead to conclude the tasks onto which concurrent think-aloud protocol would be more effective and the tasks that would be executed more effectively through other usability testing methods other than concurrent think-aloud protocol.

Varför kröker sig horisonten? En studie i användbarhet relaterat till biblioteksapplikationen Horizon / Stretching the horizon : Studying usability within the context of the library application Horizon

Wahl, Heidi January 2002 (has links)
<p>Användbarhet är en term som används för att bedöma kvaliteten hos ett gränssnitt. God användbarhet är viktig då den ger en ökad produktivitet och andra affärsfördelar i form av färre misstag och bättre kvalitet på slutprodukten. Användbarhet är en viktig designprincip men är en svår egenskap att uppfylla hos applikationer. </p><p>Studien behandlar användbarhet ur olika perspektiv, dels det teoretiska genom litteraturgenomgång, dels det praktiska genom intervjuer och observationer. Syftet var att förklara vad användbarhet är, hur det bedöms och vad man kan göra för att bygga in egenskapen i applikationer man utvecklar. För att exemplifiera och finna verklig förankring har jag valt att observera hur användare interagerar med ett existerande gränssnitt för bibliotek, Horizon. </p><p>Slutsatser kring studien är att Horizon inte används till allt den var tänkt att användas till, vilket i princip är ett dåligt betyg för en applikation. Samtidigt är detta inget större problem då den negativa verkan på verksamheten kan i det här fallet vara en definitionsfråga: är studenternas produktivitet när det gäller att söka och beställa litteratur kritisk? </p><p>När det gäller användbarhet i utvecklingsskedet kan man konstatera att även om intentionerna varit goda så har användbarhetsarbetet kring Horizon inte infriat förväntningarna. Vad som gått fel är varken sensationellt eller ovanligt; det har handlat om avsaknaden av slutanvändarens perspektiv, organisatoriska problem och möjligen också bristande kunskap om användbarhet i en eller annan form. En betydelsefull insikt som inte nämns i litteraturen men som togs upp är att beakta leverantörens marknadsställning när man ska köpa ett system. Trots bristerna, som ofta relaterar till brott mot designkonventioner, upplevs Horizon som ett bra och ändamålsenligt verktyg av sina användare. </p> / <p>Usability denotes the quality of a user interface. Even though usability is an important design principle, efforts to incorporate this quality in applications often fail. In this paper I study usability from a theoretical and a practical perspective. The goal is to explain usability and how to incorporate usability in applications. In order to exemplify, I study usability within the context of the library application Horizon. </p><p>This study shows that Horizon is only partially utilized by its users which in principle is a bad grade for an application. Partial use is however in this case, not a serious problem since the negative effects partial use imply could very well be a matter of definition: is the productivity of students, when it comes to searching and ordering library material, critical for the organization? </p><p>When it comes to usability in the development phases of a project, once again one can conclude that good intentions exist but efforts fail all the same and Horizon is no exception. This time we can attribute failure to the lack of the end users’ perspective, organizational problems and perhaps also unsufficient knowledge of usability in one form or another. An important conclusion, which has not been mentioned in the literature, is the importance of considering the market position of a presumptive vendor when buying a generic system. Despite the flaws (often related to violations of well established design principles) presented in this paper, Horizon is considered a good, effective and efficient application by its users.</p>

Theoretische Konzeptions eines Internetportals für Schüler für die Fakultät ET/IT

Butschke, Mandy 28 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der TU Chemnitz beabsichtigt, ein Internetportal für den Fachbereich aufzubauen. Zielgruppe des Portals sind in erster Linie Schülerinnen und Schüler, die sich für Technik und Naturwissenschaften interessieren. Mit Hilfe des Portals soll ihnen der Gegenstand der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik näher gebracht werden. Die Aufgabe der Bachelor-Arbeit besteht in der theoretischen Konzeption eines solchen Portals. Dazu wird zunächst der Begriff des Internetportals genauer beleuchtet. Es wird geklärt, welche Funktionen ein Portal erfüllt, wodurch es sich von herkömmlichen Internetseiten unterscheidet und wie es kategorisiert werden kann. Anschließend folgt eine Analyse bereits bestehender Schülerportale u.a. nach verschiedenen Kriterien der Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Die Grundlagen für diese Untersuchung werden vorab mit der Erläuterung des Verfahrens der Usability-Analyse und der Usability-Kriterien gelegt. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Analyse sowie der Portaldefinition und den Usability-Kriterien erfolgt die theoretische Konzeption des Portals. Neben der Festlegung und Erläuterung zur Umsetzung der Portalfunktionen werden Vorschläge zur inhaltlichen Gestaltung und der Navigationsstruktur gegeben. Darüber hinaus werden verschiedene Maßnahmen erläutert, die dem Portal einen hohen Grad an Benutzerfreundlichkeit verleihen und damit zu dessen Erfolg beitragen sollen. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit mittels eines grafischen Entwurfs des Portals. / The faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology intends to establish an internet portal for the department. The portal primarily addresses pupils who are interested in technology and natural sciences. It is aimed at giving them an understanding of the subjects of electrical engineering and information technology. The task of this bachelor's thesis consists in the theoretical conception of such a portal. Therefore, the term “internet portal” will be examined first. This will be done by clarifying which functions a portal fulfils, how it differs from a conventional website and how it can be categorised. Second, already existing portals for pupils will be examined, for instance for their usability. The basis for that will be laid down in advance by the explanation of the method of a usability-analysis and of the usability-criteria. The theoretical conception of the portal results from the findings of the analysis as well as the portal functions and the usability-criteria. Besides the determination of the functions of the portal which is to be created, and the explanation of their implementation, proposals for the content and the navigation structure will be given. Furthermore, different measures for the increase of the usability and the handicapped friendliness will be explained. The thesis will be completed by a graphic design of the portal.

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