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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Blindenspezifische Methoden für das User-Centred Design multimodaler Anwendungen

Miao, Mei 18 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Multimodale Anwendungen bieten den blinden Benutzern neue Möglichkeiten und Chancen, die durch Verlust des Sehsinnes entstandenen Defizite über andere Sinneskanäle auszugleichen. Die benutzerorientierte Gestaltung ist der sicherste Weg, um interaktive Systeme gebrauchstauglich zu gestalten. Dabei sind die Benutzer hauptsächlich an zwei Aktivitäten beteiligt. Dies sind die Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse und die Evaluation. Hinsichtlich dieser zwei Aktivitäten wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Usability-Methoden untersucht bzw. neu entwickelt, um die nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung multimodaler Anwendungen für blinde Benutzer zu unterstützen. Bezogen auf die Aktivität Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches speziell die Besonderheiten blinder Benutzer und multimodaler Anwendungen bei der Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich wurden zwei Schritte des Verfahrens, die Erstellung mentaler Modelle und die Modalitätsauswahl, die speziell auf den Kontext multimodaler Anwendungen für blinde Benutzer ausgerichtet sind, weiter vertiefend untersucht. Für den Schritt Erstellung mentaler Modelle wurden zwei Erstellungsmethoden, Teaching-Back und Retrospective Think-Aloud, mit blinden Benutzern untersucht. Dabei sind sowohl die Gestaltung vom Teaching-Back als auch der Vergleich beider Methoden von Interesse. Für den Schritt Modalitätsauswahl stand die Analyse des multimodalen Nutzerverhaltens blinder Benutzer im Mittelpunkt. Vier Eingabemodalitäten, Sprache, Touchscreen-Gesten, Touchscreen-Tastatur und Touchscreen-Braille bzw. deren Kombinationen wurden unter Einfluss von acht Aufgabentypen bei der Bedienung einer mobilen multimodalen Navigationsanwendung untersucht. In Hinblick auf die Usability-Evaluationsmethoden wurde zuerst das Augenmerk auf die Auswertung und die Erhebung mentaler Karten von blinden Benutzern gerichtet, da sie eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Navigationssystemen spielen. Zwei Auswertungsmethoden für mentale Karten hinsichtlich des Überblicks- und Routenwissens wurden entwickelt. Beide Methoden ermöglichen es, die mentalen Karten anhand speziell entwickelter Bewertungskriterien, wie Anzahl der Elemente und Eigenschaften der Straßen, quantitativ zu bewerten. Bezüglich der Erhebung mentaler Karten wurden zwei Erhebungsmethoden – Rekonstruktion mit Magnetstreifen und verbale Beschreibung – mit blinden Probanden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Aspekten untersucht. In zwei weiteren Untersuchungen wurden taktiles Paper-Prototyping und computerbasiertes Prototyping für die frühen Entwicklungsphasen bzw. Labor- und synchroner Remote-Test für die späteren Entwicklungsphasen mit blinden Benutzern verglichen. Dabei wurden die Effektivität der Evaluation, die Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen der Probanden sowie des Testleiters als Vergleichskriterien in beiden Untersuchungen eingesetzt.

Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred Design

Chandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral adoption.

Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred Design

Chandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral adoption.

Evaluating the Usability and Usefulness of an E-Learning Module for a Patient Clinical Information System at a Large Canadian Healthcare Organization

Dafalla, Tarig Dafalla Mohamed 03 September 2013 (has links)
Alberta Health Services (AHS) has introduced e-learning for health professionals to expand their existing training, offer flexible web-based learning opportunities, and reduce training time and cost. This study is designed to evaluate the usability and usefulness of an e-learning module for a patient clinical information system scheduling application. A cost-effective framework for usability evaluation has been developed and conceptualized as part of this research. Low-Cost Rapid Usability Engineering (LCRUE), Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA), and Heuristic Evaluation (HE) criteria for web-based learning were adapted and combined with the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) questionnaire. To evaluate the introduction of the e-learning application, usability was assessed in two groups of users: frontline users and informatics consultant users. The effectiveness of the LCRUE, CTA, and HE when combined with the SUMI was also investigated. Results showed that the frontline users are satisfied with the usability of the e-learning platform. Overall, the informatics consultant users are satisfied with the application, although they rated the application as poor in terms of efficiency and control. The results showed that many areas where usability was problematic are related to general interface usability (GIU), and instructional design and content, some of which might account for the poorly rated aspects of usability. The findings should be of interest to developers, designers, researchers, and usability practitioners involved in development of e-learning systems. / Graduate / 0769 / 0984 / 0541 / tdafalla@uvic.ca; tdafalla@gmail.com

Universell Design - en användbarhetsutvärdering av MyTobii C-series Control

Pettersson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
<p>Universal Design is a well established methodology with the fundamental purpose of designing products to be usable for as wide audience as possible, without the need of special adjustment to suit the individual. In this essay, Universal Design has had a clear influence in both the process and the result. The choice to use Universal Design as methodology in this usability evaluation, has essentiallv to do with the target audience.</p><p>As a part of the design process of MyTobii C8 has Tobii Technology ask for a usability evaluation. MyTobii C8 is an 8" touch screen computer with a windows based operating system which will initiate the software MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control is the control panel for MyTobii C8, whose interfaces constitute the platform for various modificarion of the unit. The interface of MyTobii C-Series Control is also the interface being evaluated. Because of the target audience being persons with different motoric and cognitive disabilities and theirs assistances, it is of great important that the interface is suitable for as many people as possible. With user tests, designed and analyzed with the help of Universal Design, different usability problems has been  identified and solved. Among the usability problems encountered the most vital has been the size and placement of the interactive parts and the physical interaction with the unit.</p> / <p>Universell Design är en genomarbetad metodologi, framtagen i syfte att göra produkter användbara och anpassade för så bred publik som möjligt, utan att produkten måste anpassas för individens egna förmågor. I detta arbete har Universell Design haft en tydlig och grundläggande roll i genomförandet och resultatet. Valet att använda sig av Universell Design i denna användbarhetsutvärdering har framför allt med fallstudiens målgrupp att göra.</p><p>Som en del av utvecklingsprocessen av MyTobii C8 har Tobii Technology efterfrågas en användbarhetsutvärdering. MyTobii C8 är en åtta tums touch screen dator med Windows-baserat operativsystem som vid start kommer att initiera mjukvaran MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control är kontrollpanelen för MyTobii C8 vars gränssnitt utgör plattformen för diverse inställningar av enheten det är också detta gränssnitt användbarhetsutvärdetingen har gjorts på. Då målgruppen för MyTobii C-Series Control är personer med motoriska och kognitiva handikapp samt deras assistenter och närstående personer, är det av stor vikt att gränssnittet är anpassat för så bred publik som möjligt. Genom användartester utformade och analyserade med hjälp av Universell Design har användbarhetsproblem samt förslag på lösningar presenterats. Bland de användbarhetsproblemen som påträffats har det framför allt varit storleken, placeringen av de interaktiava delarna samt själv interaktionen med touch screen skärmen  som har vant väsentliga.</p>

Automated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees

Harms, Patrick 17 December 2015 (has links)
Jedes Produkt hat eine Gebrauchstauglichkeit (Usability). Das umfasst auch Software,Webseiten und Apps auf mobilen Endgeräten und Fernsehern. Im heutigen Anbieterwettbewerb kann Usability ein entscheidender Faktor für den Erfolg eines Produktes sein. Dies gilt speziell für Software, da alternative Angebote meist schnell und einfach verfügbar sind. Daher sollte jede Softwareentwicklung Gebrauchstauglichkeit als eines ihrer Ziele definieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wird beim Usability Engineering während der Entwicklung und der Nutzung eines Produkts kontinuierlich dessen Gebrauchstauglichkeit erfasst und verbessert. Hierfür existiert eine Reihe von Methoden, mit denen in allen Projektphasen entsprechende Probleme erkannt und gelöst werden können. Die meisten dieser Methoden sind jedoch nur manuell einsetzbar und daher kostspielig in der Anwendung.    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein vollautomatisiertes Verfahren zur Bewertung der Usability von Software. Das Verfahren zählt zu den nutzerorientierten Methoden und kann für Feldstudien eingesetzt werden. In diesem Verfahren werden zunächst detailliert die Aktionen der Nutzer auf der Oberfläche einer Software aufgezeichnet. Aus diesen Aufzeichnungen berechnet das Verfahren ein Modell der Nutzeroberfläche sowie sogenannte Task-Bäume, welche ein Modell der Nutzung der Software sind. Die beiden Modelle bilden die Grundlage für eine anschließende Erkennung von 14 sogenannten Usability Smells. Diese definieren unerwartetes Nutzerverhalten, das auf ein Problem mit der Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Software hinweist. Das Ergebnis des Verfahrens sind detaillierte Beschreibungen zum Auftreten der Smells in den Task-Bäumen und den aufgezeichneten Nutzeraktionen. Dadurch wird ein Bezug zwischen den Aufgaben des Nutzers, den entsprechenden Problemen sowie ursächlichen Elementen der graphischen Oberfläche hergestellt.    Das Verfahren wird anhand von zwei Webseiten und einer Desktopanwendung validiert. Dabei wird zunächst die Repräsentativität der generierten Task-Bäume für das Nutzerverhalten überprüft. Anschließend werden Usability Smells erkannt und die Ergebnisse manuell analysiert sowie mit Ergebnissen aus der Anwendung etablierter Methoden des Usability Engineerings verglichen. Daraus ergeben sich unter anderem Bedingungen, die bei der Erkennung von Usability Smells erfüllt sein müssen.    Die drei Fallstudien, sowie die gesamte Arbeit zeigen, dass das vorgestellte Verfahren fähig ist, vollautomatisiert unterschiedlichste Usabilityprobleme zu erkennen. Dabei wird auch gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse des Verfahrens genügend Details beinhalten, um ein gefundenes Problem genauer zu beschreiben und Anhaltspunkte für dessen Lösung zu liefern. Außerdem kann das Verfahren andere Methoden der Usabilityevaluation ergänzen und dabei sehr einfach auch im großen Umfang eingesetzt werden.

User experience evaluation of electronic moderation systems : a case study at a private higher education institution in South Africa

Van Staden, Corne Johandia 02 1900 (has links)
The transformation of a manual paper-based moderation process into an electronic moderation (eModeration) process poses unique challenges. These challenges concern academic processes, people and the user experience of interactive systems. eModeration can improve the user experience of assessment processes while lowering the risk of delaying the process or losing scripts. Despite the benefits associated with optimising assessment procedures, particularly examination procedures, the use of eModeration in South Africa is limited. There are several possible reasons for a lack of eModeration adoption ranging from infrastructure and technical issues through to organisational and human factors. The focus of this study is on the human factors involved in eModeration. Since no User Experience Evaluation Framework for eModeration existed at the time of this research, an in-depth study was conducted based on the experiences of eModeration users in the context of private higher education institutions. The study focused on identifying the most important user experience constructs for the evaluation of an eModerate system within the context of private higher education institutions in South Africa towards proposing a framework. The study was based in the fields of Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction with eModeration being the application domain. The research used a Design Science Research methodology, which involved the development and testing of a User Experience Evaluation Framework for eModeration. The data generation methods included interviews with deans, eModerators and management, as well as a survey that included responses from both moderators and deans. The research was conducted at Midrand Graduate Institute and evaluated at Monash University. The study makes a validated contribution towards identifying the most important user experience constructs. The identified constructs were utilised in the design and development of the User Experience Evaluation Framework for eModeration, which can be used along with the evaluation criteria tool to evaluate eModerate systems. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Systems)

Documents Usability Estimation

Yaghmaei, Ayoub January 2018 (has links)
The improvements of technical documents quality influence the popularity of its relevant product; as the customers do not like to waste their time in the help desk’s queue, they will be more satisfied if they can independently solve their problems through the technical manuals in an acceptable time. Moreover, the cost of support issues will decrease for the product providers. In addition, the help desk team members could have more time to support the rest of unresolved issues in a better-qualified way. To afford the mentioned benefits, we have done the current thesis to estimate the usability of the documents before publishing them. As the result of such prediction, the technical documentation writers could have a goal-driven approach to improve the quality of their products or services’ manuals. Furthermore, as different structural metrics have been observed in this research, the result of the thesis could create an opportunity to have multi-discipline improvement in Information Quality (IQ) process management.

Dialética da interação humano-computador: tratamento didático do diálogo midiatizado / Dialectics of human-computer interaction: didactic dialogue mediatized

Ecivaldo de Souza Matos 22 March 2013 (has links)
A Educação tem usufruído dos benefícios das tecnologias computacionais por meio da ampliação da experiência e do conhecimento humano, bem como novos tipos de interação tem sido promovidos à medida em que as tecnologias avançam. Este trabalho investiga a natureza da relação humano-computador, o uso contextualizado de recursos computacionais interativos e os fatores humanos relacionados à interação por meio de recursos de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem em uma disciplina de pós-graduação stricto-sensu por meio de uma imersão participante, em que a tecnologia se colocou como elemento midiatizador da interação dialógica promovida pela proposta pedagógica e pela ação docente intencionalmente construída. Buscou-se dar voz aos sujeitos para que eles avaliassem a usabilidade da tecnologia sob a sua perspectiva. Foram utilizadas diversas ferramentas para coleta de dados, como entrevista, grupo focal, registros de fórum, questionários de fluência digital e de avaliação de usabilidade técnica percebida. Tais ferramentas fundamentaram a compreensão do impacto do tratamento didático do diálogo midiatizado por tecnologias computacionais interativas na percepção de qualidade da Interação Humano-Computador. Por meio de uma análise dialética dos dados pautada em critérios de usabilidade técnica e nas categorias de interação dialógica da filosofia educacional de Paulo Freire, esta pesquisa inferiu que a usabilidade técnica é importante, mas não é suficiente para suportar um processo pedagógico com uso de tecnologia computacional em sua plenitude. É necessário promover maior articulação entre a usabilidade técnica dos recursos tecnológicos e um tratamento didático contextualizado aos usuários e aos recursos tecnológicos selecionados de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Os indicadores de referência didáticos direcionam-se para a rigorosidade metódica; criticidade e reflexão permanente sobre a prática com uso das tecnologias; respeito aos saberes dos estudantes; convicção de que a mudança é possível, mas exige contextualização; competência e cultura digital; compromisso, liberdade e flexibilidade; além de grande e constante disponibilidade para o diálogo entre os diferentes conhecimentos. Esta pesquisa teve como expectativa oferecer subsídios que possam apoiar a concepção de políticas educacionais para uso de tecnologia na educação e metodologias de avaliação da interação humano-computador de softwares educacionais. / Education has enjoyed the benefits of Computing through the expansion of human knowledge and experience, as well as new types of interaction has been promoted to the extent that technologies advance. This research investigates the quality of human-computer relationship, contextualized use of computational resources, and human factors related to the interaction through features of a virtual learning environment in a post-graduate course by participant observation, in which the technology is a mediator element of dialogic interaction promoted by the pedagogical and teaching action intentionally built. We tried to give voice to individuals so that they evaluate the usability of the technology from their perspective. We used several tools to collect data, such as interview, focus group, forum entries, questionnaire of digital fluency, and questionnaire of perceived usability. These tools have supported the understanding of the impact of didactic dialogue mediatized by interactive computational technologies in the perception of quality of Human-Computer Interaction. The dialectical analysis was based on criteria of technical usability and categories of dialogic interaction of the educational philosophy of Paulo Freire. This study concluded that technical usability is important, but it is not sufficient to support a pedagogical process with computational technology in its fullness. We need to link the technical usability of technological resources and a didactic contextualized on the users and technology resources selected from a virtual learning environment. The teaching benchmarks are focused on methodological rigor, criticality and ongoing reflection on practice with technologies; respect to the knowledge of the students; belief that change is possible, but requires contextualization; culture and digital competence; engagement, freedom and flexibility as well as large and constant readiness for dialogue among different knowledge. This study was expected to provide subsidies that can support the design of educational policies for use of technology in education and evaluating methodologies of human-computer interaction of educational software.

Análise, aplicação e otimização de metodologias para a elaboração de websites: o design ergonômico na busca da usabilidade e melhor interação humano-computador

Nomiso, Lúcia Satiko [UNESP] 08 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-04-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:51:32Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 nomiso_ls_me_bauru.pdf: 11920475 bytes, checksum: 59a967a2b3720648640f47aaa829e7da (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As interfaces de sites institucionais devem basear-se em princípios de usabilidade, cujo propósito é garantir a informação de forma segura, eficiente e efetiva às audiências e a seus respectivos usuários. Os princípios teóricos sobre recomendações para o desenvolvimento de sites apresentam-se amplamente disponíveis, mas a aplicação destes, verificados com ferramentas especializadas, continuam sendo fundamentais para o alcance da efetiva usabilidade. O presente estudo objetivou testar a ferramenta CMS (Content Management System) durante o desenvolvimento de um site institucional do Programa de Pós-graduação em design da Universidade Estadual Paulista, visando ao melhoramento de sua usabilidade. Os procedimentos metodológicos caracterizaram-se por cinco etapas, iniciando-se pela revisão teórica e seguindo por aplicações laboratoriais e de simulações práticas, as quais se caracterizaram pela evolução alternada de etapas de análise, desenvolvimento de protótipo, e reanálise, resultando em um protótipo final. Esses resultados foram considerados satisfatórios, pois foi verificado que a aplicação de ferramentas CMS no desenvolvimento de sites institucionais melhora seus níveis de usabilidade. Entretanto, a principal contribuição do presente estudo está na conquista de novos conhecimentos decorrentes dos experimentos realizados, bem como no incremento dos temas ligados ao design de interfaces, à usabilidade e à ergonomia informacional, os quais colaboram de forma efetiva para o desenvolvimento do design ergonômico / The interfaces of institutional sites must be based on usability principles, whose purpose is to ensure the security, efficient and effective information to audiences and their users. The theoretical principles of recommendations for site development have become widely available, but he implementation of them checked with specialized tools remain be fundamental to the achievement of effective usability. This study aimed to test the CMS tool (Content Management System) during the development of an institutional site of the Graduate Program in Design at the Universidade Estadual Paulista intended to improve its usability. The methodological procedures were characterized by five steps, starting by the review theory and following by laboratory applications and practices simulations, which were characterized by alternating stages of development testing, prototype development, and reanalysis, resulting in a final prototype. These results were considered satisfactory, because it was verified that the use of CMS tools in the development of institucional sites improved their levels of usability. However, the main contribution of this study is to acquire new knowledge resulting from experiments, as well as the increase in issued related to interface design, usability and ergonomic information, which collaborate effectively for the development of ergonomic design

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