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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinantes da sobreposição da área de vida no roedor Akodon montensis: implicações para os sistemas territoriais e de acasalamento / Determinants of home range overlap in the Montane grass mouse (Akodon montensis): implications for territorial and mating systems

Gabriela de Lima Marin 01 June 2016 (has links)
Territórios resultam de competição por interferência que leva ao uso exclusivo do espaço. A territorialidade então depende da variação espaço-temporal na disponibilidade de recursos e está, geralmente, associada ao sistema de acasalamento. A defesa de território deve ocorrer quando os benefícios superam os custos, e essa relação custo-benefício deve ser afetada por fatores ecológicos (disponibilidade de recursos e densidade populacional), assim como variações individuais (sexo e maturidade) e sazonais (época reprodutiva) que determinam quais e quando os recursos são importantes. Embora as estratégias territoriais dos indivíduos devam variar com as condições ambientais, potencialmente levando a diferentes sistemas territoriais⁄ de acasalamento em diferentes populações, estudos prévios sobre territorialidade geralmente avaliam somente uma população e⁄ou consideram condições ambientais relativamente homogêneas. Utilizando um banco de dados extenso de captura-marcação-recaptura em 9 populações de um roedor generalista (Akodon montensis), e usando a sobreposição da área de vida como proxy de não-territorialidade, pretendemos entender os determinantes ecológicos, individuais e sazonais das estratégias territoriais dos indivíduos, e avaliar se a variação nas estratégias individuais pode levar a uma transição entre sistemas territoriais⁄ de acasalamento. Como previsto, identificamos que a sobreposição das áreas de vida foi maior entre machos do que entre fêmeas e aumentou com a densidade populacional. Também aumentou de machos imaturos para machos maduros, mas diminuiu de fêmeas imaturas para fêmeas maduras, sugerindo que a diferença na territorialidade entre os sexos é definida após a maturidade sexual. O efeito negativo da disponibilidade de fêmeas na sobreposição da área de vida entre machos foi mais forte na época reprodutiva, como esperado. Mais importante, no entanto, o efeito da disponibilidade de fêmeas na sobreposição da área de vida foi fortemente dependente do sexo. À medida que a disponibilidade de fêmeas aumenta, a sobreposição da área de vida aumentou entre fêmeas, mas diminuiu entre machos, indicando que quando as fêmeas deixam de defender território (e ficam mais agregadas) devido ao aumento da competição entre elas, os machos passam a defender território. Nosso estudo ressalta que as estratégias territoriais são muito variáveis entre indivíduos, o que é consistente com a plasticidade ecológica e fisiológica em Akodon montensis reportada em outros trabalhos, e sugere que diferenças suficientes nas condições ambientais podem levar à transição entre sistemas territoriais⁄ de acasalamento / Territories result from interference competition that leads to exclusive use of space. Territoriality thus depends on the spatial and temporal variation in resource availability, and is usually associated with mating systems. Territorial defense should occur when benefits outweigh costs, and this balance should be determined by ecological factors (resource availability and population density), as well as individual (gender and sexual maturity) or seasonal (breeding season) variations that determine which and when resources are important. Although individual territorial strategies should vary with changing environmental conditions, possibly leading to multiple territorial⁄mating systems among populations, previous studies on territoriality focused mostly on single populations and/or on relatively homogeneous environmental conditions. Relying on an extensive capture-recapture dataset from 9 populations of a generalist rodent (Akodon montensis), and using home range overlap as a proxy of non-territoriality, we aim to understand the ecological, individual and seasonal determinants of individual territorial strategies, and investigate whether variation in individual strategies can lead to transitions between territorial⁄mating systems. We identified that home range overlap was larger between males than females and increased with population density, as expected. It also increased from immature to mature individuals among males, but the opposite was true among females, suggesting that differences in territoriality between genders is established after sexual maturity. The negative effect of female availability on home range overlap between males was stronger in the breeding season, as expected. More importantly, though, the effect of female availability on home range overlap was strongly gender dependent. As female availability increased, home range overlap increased between females but decreased between males, suggesting that when females become non-territorial (and thus more aggregated) because of increased competition with other females, males become territorial. Our study highlights territorial strategies are extremely variable among individuals, which is consistent with previously reported ecological and physiological plasticity in Akodon montensis, and suggests that sufficient changes in environmental conditions could lead to transitions between territorial⁄mating systems

The Influence Of Design Considerations Of Metro Stations In The Context Of City Identity: The Case Of Ankaray And Ankara Metro

Gunes, Serkan 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The theoretical structure of the study is composed of understanding the life cycle of metro system classified in three evolutionary phases. These process definitions respectively start with demand related to metro, continue with the acceptance of metro as the preferential alternative by inhabitants and end with the subway that embedded as an important reason that build city identity. Phases will be studied through its motives and will be analyzed through physical design considerations. The reason of the prevision is stemmed from the hypothetical approach which is stated as the influences of the design considerations of metro utilities are highly related on its life cycle and in forming local identity. The test of the hypothesis will be handled in two methods. The first will be a survey study which will include checklist to portraiture demand and course of the system in first two stages. At the preliminary stage, the topics of underground, underground use and the history of railway and urban railway network in world and Turkey are discussed to get a better and more comprehensive understanding of metro. Next method is designed to cross-examine design considerations and local identity by value judgment analysis for the last stage. In this phase, validity of the hypothesis will be audited by correspondence analysis. Value judgments depended assertion and expression of values which reached by correspondence analysis and Bertin Graphs, are accepted as the determinations that addresses the relationship between physical structure and local identity. The evaluation of the metro&rsquo / s physical qualifications during its life cycle, which can be noted under several headings and the relationship between the physical aspects and those of the local characteristics, are proposed to be put forth as contributions by this thesis.


Flora, Franchesco Della 18 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Blue manakin Chiroxiphia caudata is a bird with wide distribution in southern Atlantic forest, ranging from humid forests of the Serra do Mar to the deciduous forests of the Brazilian and Meridional highlands. Although the species is well known for its acrobatic displays, much of their behavior and ecology are unknown or poorly studied. Data about feeding behavior, use of the space and dispersal of seeds, and other results were treated in this dissertation. The study site includes the deciduous forest, far southern Atlantic Forest. Leks of Blue manakin were monitored throughout one year (2006-2007) and data structures of the environment were collected in 2009. These results were divided into four chapters (articles). The first is about the behavioral variation and the use of space throughout the reproductive period and non-reproductive period among three classes of individuals (adult males, young males and females). It is shown that there are differences in behavior patterns and use of space between the sexes and age groups, adult males being more active in the reproductive period and restricted to interior of the leks. Young males tend to live in the edge of territories of adults and they had fewer courtships and vocalizations. Females seem to prefer environments not used by males. The second chapter refers to the diet and seed dispersal. Blue manakin fed on more than 40 plants being that the species with the longest period of fruiting (e.g. Psychotria leiocarpa) or asynchronous (e.g. Ficus) were the most sought after. Besides, there was preference for berries, fruit and small seed sizes, dark-blue coloration, as well as species found in the lower strata of the forest. In relation to seed dispersal, Blue manakin was performed as good seed dispersers; it plays a different type of consumption throughout the year, depositing seeds at specific sites (perches of courtship and call) or random (perches of foraging) in the forest. The third chapter concerns the preference for the dance sites by males. In this study, raises the hypothesis that areas with more density of plants near the perches and attributes of trees that are used by Blue manakin would serve as an indication for adult males choose certain sites instead of others. Variables such as abundance, richness, plant height and number of horizontal branches in the perches of cutting were responsible for the presence of Blue manakin in these courtship sites. This fact would give more care against predators and to the quality of the cooperative and solo displays. The fourth discusses the potential effect of seed dispersal on the perches of courtship. Seedlings under the perches, the use of time by males at these sites and the total fruit consumed showed that C. caudata is effective disperser of species included in its diet. The final chapter chapter focuses on the foraging tactics of Blue manakin uses to capture the fruits of understory plants and test three hypotheses why the species foraging inside and/or outside the plants. / O Tangará Chiroxiphia caudata é um pássaro com ampla distribuição no sul da floresta atlântica, abrangendo desde florestas ombrófilas da serra do Mar até as florestas estacionais do planalto brasileiro e meridional. Embora a espécie seja bem conhecida por suas danças acrobáticas, muito do seu comportamento e ecologia são desconhecidos ou pouco estudados. Dados sobre o comportamento alimentar, uso do espaço e dispersão de sementes, foram tratados nesta dissertação. O local de estudo compreende a floresta estacional decidual, extremo sul da Floresta atlântica. Leques de tangarás foram monitorados ao longo de um ano (2006-2007) e dados referentes às estruturas do ambiente foram coletados em 2009. Esses resultados foram divididos em cinco capítulos (artigos). O primeiro capítulo trata sobre a variação comportamental e do uso do espaço ao longo do período reprodutivo e nãoreprodutivo entre três classes de indivíduos (machos adultos, machos jovens e fêmeas). Mostra-se que há diferenças quanto aos diferentes comportamentos e ao uso do espaço entre os sexos e classes etárias, sendo os machos adultos mais ativos no período reprodutivo e restritos ao interior do leque. Machos jovens tendem a viver mais na borda dos territórios dos adultos e a realizar menos cortejos e vocalizações. Fêmeas parecem preferir ambientes não utilizados pelos machos. O segundo capítulo refere-se à dieta e dispersão de sementes. O tangará alimentou-se de mais de 40 plantas. Além disso, houve preferências por bagas, frutos e sementes de tamanhos pequenos e de coloração azul-escura, bem como por espécies encontradas nos estratos mais baixos da floresta. Em relação à dispersão de sementes, o tangará se apresentou como bom dispersor de sementes, pois desempenha um tipo de consumo diferenciado ao longo do ano, depositando sementes em sítios específicos (poleiros de corte e de vocalização) ou em outros locais da floresta (poleiros de forrageamento) na floresta. Já o terceiro capítulo faz referência quanto a preferência por locais de dança pelos machos. Neste estudo levanta-se a hipótese que áreas com mais adensamento de plantas próximo aos poleiros e atributos das árvores que são utilizadas pelos tangarás, serviriam como indicativo para machos adultos escolher certos locais em relação a outros. Variáveis como abundância, riqueza, altura média das plantas e número de galhos horizontais nos poleiros de corte, foram responsáveis pela presença dos tangarás nesses locais de cortejo. O quarto capítulo trata do potencial efeito da dispersão de sementes sobre os poleiros de corte. Plântulas sob os poleiros, o uso do tempo dos machos nesses locais e o total de frutos consumidos, mostraram que C. caudata é efetivo dispersor das espécies pertencentes a sua dieta. O último capítulo trata sobre as táticas de forrageamento do tangará utiliza para capturar frutos de plantas de sub-bosque e levanta três hipóteses do por que a espécie forragearia frutos sobre e/ou fora das plantas.

A Space for Us : Rethinking public space for the common good.

Feil, Ekaterina January 2021 (has links)
This design project delves into the realm of public spaces, considering sociocultural, sociopolitical, and participatory design aspects, catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic's lockdowns. By repurposing a parking lot, the project endeavors to scrutinize, trial, and understand the reactions and needs through a design interaction and multifunctional furniture set, the simple story of Prototype.

Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space

Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria 11 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La infraestructura verde urbana ha surgido como un instrumento de excelencia del campus, que puede mejorar la calidad de las funciones y servicios suministrados, y fortalecer las relaciones entre el campus y la comunidad universitaria, y entre el campus y la ciudad. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria interactúan a menudo con el paisaje del campus y experimentan un cierto nivel de satisfacción con los beneficios derivados de la gestión de los espacios abiertos. En la literatura, estos beneficios se conocen como servicios del paisaje. El perfil del usuario y los parámetros físicos del espacio juegan un papel crucial en la determinación de las funciones y servicios percibidos, lo que se refleja en la preferencia y en el uso del espacio por parte del público. Esta tesis contribuye al conocimiento de las relaciones entre las personas y su entorno exterior cercano en el contexto del paisaje del campus universitario de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la funcionalidad de la infraestructura verde urbana en el entorno del campus. Además, la tesis tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la percepción y la satisfacción están mediadas por el perfil de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, y cómo se relacionan los servicios con la satisfacción. Esta investigación examina si las tipologías actuales de los espacios abiertos del campus satisfacen las preferencias de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se ha diseñado una encuesta online. Se ha construido un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las relaciones entre la oferta percibida de servicios del paisaje, el perfil de los encuestados y la satisfacción. Se han realizado regresiones lineales y análisis de rutas para analizar las preferencias de los encuestados por los espacios abiertos y explorar las relaciones entre los servicios del paisaje. Los resultados revelan que los encuestados perciben los espacios abiertos del campus principalmente por sus beneficios como proporcionar un espacio para relajarse, socializar con amigos y transitar. La edad, el género, la rama de conocimiento, la frecuencia de uso y la preferencia por el espacio abierto son factores que influyen en la calidad percibida de los servicios de paisaje. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria prefieren usar espacios abiertos más grandes que se encuentren cerca de las áreas comunes y que brindan fácil acceso a los servicios e instalaciones del campus. Las características que principalmente condicionan la preferencia del espacio son la topografía variada del espacio, la diversidad de árboles y el mobiliario urbano bien equipado. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento sobre cómo las variables psicosociales, como la preferencia, la percepción y el uso, se pueden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificación y el diseño de espacios abiertos. Además, los resultados son útiles no solo para las universidades, sino también para todos los elementos de la infraestructura verde urbana que aún no tienen un diseño de paisaje multifuncional y se están adaptando a las necesidades de sus usuarios. / [CA] La infraestructura verda urbana ha sorgit com un instrument d'excel·lència del campus, que desitja millorar la qualitat de les funcions i serveis subministrats, i enfortir les relacions entre el campus i la comunitat universitària, i entre el campus i la ciutat. Els membres de la comunitat universitària interactuen sovint amb el paisatge del campus i experimenten un cert nivell de satisfacció amb els beneficis que brinda la gestió dels espais oberts. En la literatura, aquests beneficis es coneixen com a serveis del paisatge. El perfil del públic i els paràmetres físics de l'espai juguen un paper crucial en la determinació de les funcions i serveis subministrats percebuts, la qual cosa es reflecteix en la preferència i en l'ús de l'espai per part del públic. Aquesta tesi contribueix al coneixement de les relacions entre les persones i el seu entorn exterior pròxim en el context del paisatge del campus universitari de la Universitat Politècnica de València. L'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar la funcionalitat de la infraestructura verda urbana a l'entorn del campus. A més, la tesi té com a objectiu comprendre com la percepció i la satisfacció estan mediades pel perfil dels membres de la comunitat universitària, i com es relacionen els serveis amb la satisfacció. Aquesta investigació examina si les tipologies actuals dels espais oberts del campus satisfan les preferències dels membres de la comunitat universitària. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, s'ha dissenyat una enquesta en línia. S'ha construït un model d'equacions estructurals per a identificar les relacions entre l'oferta percebuda de serveis del paisatge, el perfil dels enquestats i la satisfacció. S'han realitzat regressions lineals i anàlisis de rutes per a analitzar les preferències dels enquestats pels espais oberts i explorar les relacions entre els serveis del paisatge. Els resultats revelen que els enquestats perceben els espais oberts del campus principalment pels seus beneficis com proporcionar un espai per a relaxar-se, socialitzar amb amics i passar. L'edat, el gènere, la branca de coneixement, la freqüència d'ús i la preferència per l'espai obert són factors que influeixen en la qualitat percebuda dels serveis de paisatge. Els membres de la comunitat universitària prefereixen usar espais oberts més grans que es troben prop de les àrees comunes i que brinden fàcil accés als serveis i instal·lacions del campus. Les característiques rellevants per a la preferència de l'espai són la topografia variada de l'espai, la diversitat d'arbres i el mobiliari urbà ben equipat. Aquesta investigació contribueix al coneixement sobre com les variables psicosocials, com la preferència, la percepció i l'ús, es poden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificació i el disseny d'espais oberts. A més, els resultats són útils no sols per a les universitats, sinó també per a tots els elements de la infraestructura verda urbana que encara no tenen un disseny de paisatge multifuncional i s'estan adaptant a les necessitats dels seus usuaris. / [EN] Urban green infrastructure has emerged as a campus excellency instrument, which is desired to improve the quality of provided functions and services, and strengthen the relationships between campus and university community, and between campus and city. The university community members often interact with the campus landscape and experience a certain level of satisfaction with the benefits provided by the management of open space. In the literature, these benefits are known as landscape services. The public¿s profile and space physical parameters play a crucial role in determining the functions and perceived supplied services, which echoes in the public¿s preference and use of space. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the relationships between people and their close outdoor environment in the context of the university campus landscape of Universitat Politècnica de València. The aim of the study is to assess the functionality of urban green infrastructure within the campus setting. Furthermore, the thesis aims to understand how perceptions and satisfaction are mediated by the university community profile, and how services and satisfaction are related. This research examines whether the current typologies of campus open spaces meet the preferences of university community members. To conduct this research, an online survey has been designed. A structural equation model has been built to identify the relationships between the perceived supply of landscape services, respondents¿ profile and satisfaction. Linear regression and path analysis have been conducted to analyse respondents' preferences for open space and explore the relationships among landscape services. Results highlight that respondents perceive campus open spaces mainly for its benefits such as providing a space for relaxation, socialising with friends and passing through. Age, gender, branch of knowledge, frequency of use and preference for open space are factors influencing the perceived quality of landscape services. University community members prefer using larger open spaces that are placed close to common areas and provide easy access to campus services and facilities. When it comes to preference, varied space topography, diversity of trees and well-equipped urban furniture, are relevant features. This research contributes to the knowledge on how psychosocial variables such as preference, perceptions and use, can be effectively applied in open space planning and design. Moreover, the results are helpful not only for universities, but also for all elements of urban green infrastructure that have yet to have a multifunctional landscape design and are adapting to the needs of their users. / I am grateful for the support of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the European Commission through the funding provided for the H2020 GrowGreen Project / Tudorie, CA. (2024). Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206193

Dance/movement therapy and the psychosocial well-being of learners with visual impairment : a case study

Botha, Michelle 11 1900 (has links)
This transformative mixed method case study investigated the influence of Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) as a physical activity on the psychosocial well-being of learners with the visual impairment of low vision in a school for the visually impaired in Gauteng. A study of existing literature indicated a series of psychological and social dynamics which shape a person with low vision’s self-esteem and subsequent psychosocial well-being. A DMT intervention programme was designed accordingly. Through a filtering process, six female, adolescent participants with possible self-esteem challenges were identified. These participants completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) prior to taking part in the eight 60 minute sessions of the DMT intervention programme. The RSES was completed again post-intervention. Results indicated an increase in the self-esteem levels of all six participants to various degrees. Qualitative measures, including observations schedules, process notes in a researcher’s diary and participant reflections in DMT Journey Journals supported quantitative findings. / Mokgwa o, o o tswakantseng was diphetogo wa dithuto o batlisitse thotloetso ya Motantsho/ Motsamao wa pholo jaaka ikatiso ya mmele mo go itekanelong/ boitekanelong jwa tlhaloganyo ya barutwana ba ba sa boneng sentle mo sekolong sa bana ba ba sa boneng mo kgaolong/ porofinsi ya Gauteng. Dipatlisiso tsa dikwalo tse di leng teng di supa tatelano ya tlhaloganyo le loago e e farologaneng e e bopang go tlhoka go itshepa ga motho yo a neng le pono e e bokowa le tlhaloganyo le botho jwa gagwe. Ka jalo lenaneo la tseregano la DMT le ile la diriwa. Ka mokgwa wa go tlhopha, makgarebe a baša a le marataro, a a nang le mathata a go tlhoka boitshepo a ile a tlhopiwa. Ba tsaya karolo ba ba ile ba tlatsa kgotsa ba konosetsa selekano sa boitshepo sa Rosenberg (RSES) pele ba tsaya karolo mo go lenaneong la dikarolo tse robedi tsa metsotso e le 60 ya tserenanyo ya DMT. Morago ga tsereganyo selekano se ile sa tladiwa gape. Dipholo di supile kgolo e e farologaneng ya boitshepo mo go batsayakarolo botlhe ba le barataro. Ditekanyetso tsa boleng, tse di akaretsang lenaneo la ditlhokomediso, dintlha tsa tiriso tsa letsatsi le letsatsi mmatlisisi le maikutlo a batsaakarolo di totobatsa dipholo tse.dintsi mo dikwalong tsa tsela ya DMT. / Die invloed van die fisiese aktiwiteit van Dans/Bewegingsterapie op die psigososiale welstand van leerders met lae visie in ‘n skool vir gesiggestremde leerders in Gauteng is deur hierdie transformatiewe gemengde metode gevallestudie ondersoek. ‘n Studie van bestaande literatuur het ‘n reeks sielkundige en sosiale faktore wat die persoon met lae visie se self-beeld en gevolglike psigososiale welstand vorm uitgelig en ‘n Dans/Bewegingsterapie intervensieprogram is daarvolgens ontwerp. Ses vroulike adolesente deelnemers met moontlike self-beeld uitdagings is deur middel van ‘n filtreringsproses geïdentifiseer. Hierdie deelnemers het die Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) voor en na hulle deelname aan 8 60 minute sessies van die Dans/Bewegingsterapie intervensieprogram voltooi. Resultate het onderskeidelik ‘n toename in selfbeeldvlakke van al ses deelnemers tot in verskillende mates aangedui. Kwalitatiewe maatstawwe soos die gebruik van obserwasieskedules, prosesnotas in ‘n navorserdagboek en deelnemers se refleksies in hulle persoonlike Dans/Bewegingsterapie joernale het die kwantitatiewe bevindinge ondersteun. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (School Guidance and Counselling)

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