Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ser awareness"" "subject:"ser atwareness""
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Examining young users’ security perceptions of mobile banking : A qualitative study on users’ insights about mobile banking.Du, Tiantian, Agami, Amro January 2017 (has links)
The advancement of mobile technology and banking services enabled users to use the mobile banking for a variety of tasks with their smartphones, bringing increased flexibility and value-added services to the customers. However, users still have still concerns regarding the security of mobile banking services. The lack of knowledge of the user about different security threats and mechanisms to improve their security represent a major opportunity for hackers and cyberattacks. Despite the fact that the younger students are more knowledgeable about technologies yet awareness is still a concern. Perceived security in the context of young users has not been examined before, although it is considered important in building customer trust. Therefore, this thesis aims to form a good understanding of this topic. On analyzing prior research, the subjects of trust and perceived security in mobile banking is approached by the literature review and an exploratory study that was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews. The information collected was carefully analyzed with proper tools. After analyzing the information an analysis of the literature findings and study finds was presented. This thesis examined and revealed that perceived security in mobile banking is important for young users. However, it was noticed that users would not leave the service due to their reliance on the bank assurances to cover their security losses, which means that most of the mobile banking young users trust their bank and technology given the security threats. In addition, this study revealed that the majority of users are unaware of security threats surrounding the mobile banking environment. It was found also that the most important mechanism for the user is authentication mechanisms. This thesis provides a general understanding of the security in mobile banking. It highlights that perceived security is a complex concept and is affected by various factors such as device, information quality, user experience and type of network connections. These factors should be carefully considered by users when using the technology. In conclusion, this thesis also implies banks to communicate effectively security information to users in order to avoid mobile banking users’ errors.
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Technische und soziale Konzepte von Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen in sozialen NetzwerkenFox, Patrick 04 January 2012 (has links)
Heutige Systeme zur Aufzeichnung von Lehrveranstaltungen arbeiten weitgehend automatisiert. Sie beschränken sich dabei nicht nur auf die reine Aufnahme einer Audio- oder Videospur, sondern sind in der Lage, Vorlesungsinhalte wie PowerPoint-Folien zu verarbeiten und diese mit Hilfe einer speziellen Wiedergabekomponente in geeigneter Form zu präsentieren. Mit dem an der Universität Osnabrück entwickelten virtPresenter- Framework existiert ein Vorlesungsaufzeichnungssystem, das alle Schritte von der Erstellung über die Aufbereitung der Aufzeichnungen bis zur Darstellung mit Hilfe einer Flash-basierten Abspielkomponente beherrscht.
Mit den Fähigkeiten des Standards HTML5, der sich zur Zeit in der finalen Entwicklungsphase befindet und der von allen Browserherstellern in weiten Teilen bereits verwendet wird, steht eine neue Technologie zur Verfügung, die neue Möglichkeiten bei der Wiedergabe von multimedialen Inhalten im Webbrowser bietet, ohne dabei auf proprietäre Browser-Plugins wie den Flash-Player zurückgreifen zu müssen. Im Rahmen der dieser Arbeit wurde daher der web virtPresenter entwickelt, der eine Wiedergabekomponente für das virtPresenter-Framework darstellt, der die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten von HTML5 ausschöpft. Mit dem web virtPresenter ist es erstmals möglich, Vorlesungsinhalte plattformunabhängig einer größeren Nutzergruppe zugänglich zu machen.
Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Integration dieser entwickelten Wiedergabekomponente web virtPresenter in das soziale Netzwerk Facebook. Die Applikation social virtPresenter verknüpft das Angebot an hochwertigen Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen mit den Kommunikationsfunktionen eines sozialen Netzwerks. Der social virtPresenter bietet durch diese Kombination einen virtuellen Hörsaal, der es dem Benutzer möglich macht, von jedem Ort mit anderen Benutzern zusammen Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen zu betrachten und gemeinsam Vorlesungsinhalte zu lernen. Über Diskussionsforen, Wikis, Kommentar- und Chatsystem können die Nutzer jederzeit untereinander in Kontakt treten, um sich in einer Art virtuellem Hörsaal während der Wiedergabe einer Aufzeichnung untereinander über Vorlesungsinhalte auszutauschen. Ein besonderer Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt dabei auf den sozialen Konzepten des social virtPresenter. Ausgehend von der User Awareness werden die Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten der Benutzer untereinander beschrieben und klassifiziert, die die Grundlage für den social virtPresenter bilden.
Neben der Software hat sich in den letzten Jahren aber auch die Hardware stark weiterentwickelt. Der aktuelle Trend entfernt sich derzeit vom klassischen Desktop-Computer und geht hin zu mobilen Tablet-Computern wie das iPad von Apple oder vergleich- baren Geräten mit dem Betriebssystem Android. Sie zeichnen sich einerseits durch eine hohe Mobilität aus, andererseits enthalten sie eine weit entwickelte Betriebssysteme, die inzwischen vollwertige Webbrowser enthalten, die die neuesten Technologien wie HTML5 bereits unterstützen. Daher wurde der web virtPresenter in die Tablet-kompatible Webapplikation mobile virtPresenter portiert, die speziell an die Bedienung durch Touch-Gesten angepasst ist, um dem Benutzer überall und jederzeit die Gelegenheit zu bieten, Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen schauen zu können.
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Strengthening the relationship between librarians and library users : A study of librarians’ and library users’ views on librarianship, services and resources at the Library of National University of Rwanda / Att stärka bibliotekariernas och biblioteksanvändarnas relation : En studie om bibliotekariernas och biblioteksanvändarnas syn på bibliotekarier, service och resurser på Rwandas Nationaluniversitets BibliotekEklöf, Sophi, Hellberg, Therese January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis we aim to study the librarians’ and library users’ views on librarianship and the library at National University of Rwanda. Accordingly, we have gathered information from these groups. The information is based on qualitative interviews as well as observations and participation in a work group for library promotion. The latter made it possible to investigate how respondents consider these issues and how librarians’ self image is expressed in their daily work and in promotion. We analyze the most important frame factors that impede on librarians’ self image and library users’ perception of library services. This makes it possible to understand what probably affects the actual situation at NUR’s library. Marked impeding frame factors established are for example the economy and the organization. Information provided through this thesis could to be shared among library personnel and used as a base for their further development of library services. Our thesis points out library users’ opinions about the library in general as well as the areas that are most critical to improve. These areas are service at the circulation desk, acquisitions and courses in how to retrieve information. It also points out the need for a more explicit professional librarian identity and that the librarians need to work more as knowledge librarians. An explicit identity would imply unified library personnel that would make it possible to work towards common goals and clarify how to conduct daily work.
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Awareness and trust of web users on information sharing in social loginsNarayana, Chaithanya Kumar January 2020 (has links)
Accessing websites using social networking credentials, also known as social login, is becoming increasingly popular as users do not need to create and maintain accounts on each and every website they access. During these social logins, the private information of users is shared with third-party websites from their social profile, and much of this happens behind the scenes which is abstracted from the user. However, as social logins are widespread, it is essential to understand the users’ views and appreciation towards the information being shared in the background. There is also a possibility of data leak or misuse when information is exchanged between a website and social networking site. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to explore the perception of users towards their awareness and trust in social login. In addition, based on users’ needs and desires, the study aims to formulate suggestions for improving the awareness and trust of social login. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 students from Linnaeus University of Sweden to collect data. These interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that users are conscious of their personal attributes being shared but are not aware that they can control, revise and revoke information sharing permissions. It was also found that users trust third parties to some extent but not the social networking sites. The study also suggested some improvement ideas for enhancing the awareness and trust of web users in social logins. In addition to contributing to the field of social login, the outcomes of this study also benefit users and web companies by helping to understand and increase the awareness and trust of web users on social logins.
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Designing for user awareness and usability : An evaluation of authorization dialogs on a mobile deviceLindegren, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Personal data is often disclosed with every registration, sharing, or request of an online service. With the increased usage of things connected to the Internet, users' information being collected and stored, the risks related to unknowingly sharing personal data increases. Sharing of personal information is a sensitive subject and can hurt people’s assets, dignity, personal integrity and other social aspects. In general, users’ concerns have grown regarding protecting their personal information which has led to the development of multiple privacy-oriented systems. In scenarios where users are logging onto a website or system, they rarely notice, understand or have desire to read the conditions to which they are implicitly agreeing. These systems are often referred to as identity management systems or single sign-on systems. Recent studies have shown that users are not aware of what data transactions take place by using various authentication solutions. It is critical for these types of system dealing with privacy that researchers examine users' understanding of the concepts through interface design. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usability and user awareness of data transactions for identity management systems on mobile devices by constructing and evaluating different design concepts. Therefore, four different mobile prototypes were designed (called CREDENTIAL Wallet) and explored to measure the usability and also the user awareness of users’ disclosures. 20 usability tests were conducted per prototype. Multiple conclusions can be drawn from this study. The findings showed that the drag-and-drop prototype scored a high user awareness score in terms of participants remembering their shared data and having a good idea of them not sharing more data than they had actually shared. Consequently, the drag-and-drop prototype achieved the highest usability result. A prototype that utilized swiping was created to fit the mobile medium. The prototype showed the highest user awareness score in the context of participants stating what data they had shared. However, people using the swiping prototype thought they were sharing more data than they actually were. Data show that users have an incorrect mental model of the sharing of their fingerprint pattern. Finally, the writing concerns recommendations and challenges of identity management systems – e.g. the importance of tutorial screens. Future studies within the CREDENTIAL project are already underway concerning users' incorrect mental model of sharing fingerprint to the service provider side. / CREDENTIAL
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What are Users Willing to Comply With to Avoid Phishing? : An Interview-based Case StudyBårman, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Phishing (nätfiske) fortsätter att vara ett av de vanligaste hoten för användare på Internet. På grund av detta så har mycket forskning gjorts på säkerhetsåtgärder för att identifiera och stoppa nätfiske. Mycket av detta arbete går till maskininlärning, medans ett välkänt behov av utbildning av användarsäkerhet på Internet finns. Användare är den största sårbarheten inom IT, och de borde därför bli utbildade och uppmuntrade att agera säkert på Internet. Denna studie fokuserade på ett mellanstort företag som jobbar med IT i Sverige, på dess användares förmåga och vilja att hantera sin epost säkert för att undvika att gå på nätfiske. Detta har studerats genom intervjuer med anställda på företaget. För möjlighet för transparens och replikering av studiens resultat så startades intervjuerna med att etablera respondenternas bakgrund och erfarenhet med nätfiske. Detta följdes av en demonstration av de vanligaste tecknen på nätfiske som hölls för varje intervjuade individ, för att försäkra att de hade kunskap om dem. Demonstrationen följdes sedan av ytterligare frågor som uppmuntrade deltagarna att först reflektera på ämnet, och sedan möjligheter för dem att utöka sin kunskap.Det som kom fram under intervjuerna var att användarna på företaget alla hade erfarenhet av nätfiske och visste i teorin hur man identifierar nätfiske. Detta trots att majoriteten av medverkande inte hade någon officiell utbildning inom ämnet. Alla användare som medverkade var villiga att göra det som förväntas av dem ifrån företaget. Alla respondenter i denna studie var villiga att göra det de kan för att undvika nätfiske, och några var villiga att gå längre än så på deras arbetsplats genom att utöka deras kompetens. Ingen medverkande i studien uttryckte ovilja att utbilda sig själv ytterligare i ämnet. Två av de åtta respondenterna tog emellertid upp ett starkt argument, att tiden för kontrollen av eposten inte borde överskrida användbarheten av processen. Sammanfattningsvis så har vissa användare behov av incentiv för att förbättra sin säkerhet, någon form av förklaring för varför vissa åtgärder behövs. Om sådant rättfärdigande kunde göras så fanns inga klagomål eller motvilja till att agera mer säkert. / Phishing continues to be one of the most common threats for users of the Internet. As such, a lot of research is made into security measures to identify and stop phishing. A lot of this work goes into machine learning, while it is known that user education on Internet security is needed. Users are the biggest vulnerability within IT, and should therefore be educated and encouraged to act securely on the Internet. This study's focus is on a medium-sized company working with IT in Sweden, on their users’ ability and willingness to handle their emails securely to avoid falling for phishing scams.This was studied through interviews with employees of the company. For the sake of transparency and replication, the interviews were started by establishing the respondents’ background and experiences with phishing. Following this a demonstration of some of the most common tells of phishing was held for each interviewee, to ensure that they know about them. The demonstration was then followed by further questions encouraging the interviewees to reflect upon first the subject, then possible opportunities for them to further their knowledge.What was found is that the users of the company all had experience with phishing and were knowledgeable in theory about how to identify phishing. This is despite the majority of the participants having no official education on the subject. It was found that all users who participated were willing to do what they are expected to do from the company. All respondents in this study were willing to do what they could to avoid phishing, and some were willing to go beyond that at their workplace by expanding their skills. No participant in the study expressed unwillingness to educate themselves further on the subject. However, an important opinion raised by two of the eight respondents was the aspect of time consumed to control all emails should not overshadow the usefulness of the practice. It was concluded that some users needed incentives to improve their security, justifications of why certain measures were needed. If such justifications could be made, there were no complaints or reluctance to act more securely.
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Success Factors and Challenges for E-learning Technologies in the Namibian Higher Education System : A case study of the University of NamibiaMässing, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Education is one of the deciding factors for poverty alleviation and economic growth. Governments of developing countries is struggling to meet the demand for qualitative education and the nation of Namibia is no exception. Namibia is struggling with the lack of a skilled workforce and the lack of access to qualitative higher education has been identified as one of the prime causes. ICTs have been identified as a potential enabler for an increased access and quality of education in Namibia. This study employed a qualitative approach to examining the success factors and challenges that applies to e-learning at the University of Namibia (UNAM). The study identified a multitude of critical factors within 5 different areas: i) Access, ii) User motivation, -attitude and -awareness, iii) Systematic approach, iv) Evaluation and analytical challenges, and v) Transforming the education. This rapport will discuss the role of e-learning at UNAM, the factors that are critical for e-learning at the learning institution and how this correlate with previous findings made by the scientific community on similar issues.
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