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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of user onboarding : How can a tailored user onboarding be designed for an audiobook application to increase its usage?

Rosdahl, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
User onboarding is a concept to convince and introduce users to use an application and a way for users to understand the application and what it can be used for. This research aimed to explore whether user onboarding could increase the usage of an audiobook application, and help users to find a suitable book. To examine the research question a human-center-design method was applied. It consisted of an extensive literature study, interviews, journey mapping and iterative prototyping, which resulted in an implemented user onboarding prototype for an audiobook application. The prototype was evaluated with an A/B-test, where the user onboarding prototype was compared to another prototype without user onboarding.  Interesting results have emerged through A/B-testing. Findings in this research did not provide any significant correlation between user onboarding and increased usage of an audiobook application. However, the user onboarding motivated users to listen to books, compared to one not being exposed to a user onboarding.  Furthermore, results also revealed that the prototype with user onboarding was helping the users to find a book they were interested in. The results also showed that women who were introduced to the prototype with user onboarding were more positive to use the application again. There was a significant correlation between user onboarding and the perceived simplicity of finding an interesting book in the group of participants aged between 26 and 30. Regarding the perceived usability, findings showed that the users who were introduced to the user onboarding experienced that it was easier to find a book, felt more motivated to listen to a book, felt that the application helped them to find a book that suited them and felt that the application introduced them to the audiobook format to a greater extent than those who were not exposed to user onboarding. However, it could not be proven that there was a statistically significant difference between the group that was introduced to the user onboarding and the group that was not exposed to the user onboarding.  In this research a total of 66 people participated in the A/B-test. For future research a larger number of participants could provide interesting results, since an A/B-test benefits from a high number of participants. Some of the results were bordering to prove that there were a significant correlation between being exposed to user onboarding and greater usage of an application.

Analys och optimering av user onboarding

Ekman, Julia, Frestadius, Helena, Ndwatta, Mariam, Nordqvist, Mette January 2020 (has links)
A thought-out website can guide a visitor to easily understand how the website’s service can benefit them. The process of guiding the visitor is called user onboarding. A well-designed user onboarding process enhances the user's experience and increases a visitor's understanding of the service and what the service can do to benefit the visitor. At the same time, trust is built between a visitor and the service. The aim of the project was to examine which parts of a user onboarding process that could be changed in order to build trust and give visitors a deeper understanding of the service. This project examined the user onboarding process of a start-up called Woilà through user testning. The results from the user tests served as the basis for redesigning an improved user onboarding process. Prototyping was used in order to visualize the design changes, which could be used to enhance Woilà's user onboarding. The prototypes evolved from a non-functional to a functional digital mock-up prototype. The design changes of Woilà's user onboarding process were presented in a React web application. The web application was evaluated by user testing and the results showed that well-presented information and a visually appealing design builds trust and makes a visitor understand the value of a service. / En hemsida med genomtänkt design kan hjälpa en besökare att på ett effektivt sätt förstå värdet av tjänsten som presenteras. Det är en process som kallas user onboarding. En välgjord user onboarding-process förbättrar kundupplevelsen och ökar en besökares förståelse för tjänsten och vad den kan ha för nytta för besökaren. Samtidigt förstärks besökarens förtroende för företaget samt dess tjänst. Syftet med projektet var att undersöka vilka delar av en user onboarding-process som kan förändras för att bygga förtroende mellan besökaren och företaget samt ge besökarna en djupare förståelse för tjänsten. Det här projektet undersökte user onboardingen hos ett startup-företag som heter Woilà med hjälp av användartester. Resultatet från utvärderingen låg till grund för de prototyper som utvecklats med fokus på att förbättra user onboarding-processen. Prototypning användes för att visualisera de förändringar som gjorts med målet att förbättra Woilàs user onboarding-process. Prototyperna utvecklades från en icke-funktionell prototyp till en funktionell prototyp i form av en webbapplikation skriven i React. Webbapplikationen utvärderades med hjälp av användartester. Resultatet visade att tydlig och välplacerad information och ett visuellt tilltalande gränssnitt gör det möjligt att bygga tillit och får besökaren att förstå värdet i tjänsten.

Gamification som metod för att skapa engagemang : En undersökning av användarbehov i hälsoapplikationer

Sandberg, Paulina, Johansson, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Företag blir mer effektiva när deras medarbetare mår bra och därför kan det vara till stor nytta att ta sig an en strategi som uppmuntrar detta. Wellr är en tjänst som fokuserar på helhetshälsan och är utformad för att främja en hälsosam livsstil bland medarbetare, samtidigt som det leder till ett mindre antal sjukskrivningar på arbetsplatser. De vill nå ut till så många medarbetare som möjligt på de företag som köper in tjänsten och därför är deras framtida mål att utveckla applikationen med ytterligare gamification-element som motiverar användarna. Tidigare forskning visar att utveckling av applikationer med gamification har haft ett större fokus på tekniken snarare än människan, men hävdar att det krävs en förståelse för användarens perspektiv och vad som motiverar den för att lyckas med implementeringen.  I denna studie undersöks generella designprinciper för gamification tillsammans med relevant teori för utveckling av en applikation som tillfredsställer användarnas behov. Detta kombineras med en kvalitativ enkätundersökning bland fallföretagets användare för att identifiera behov och en marknadsundersökning för att ta hänsyn till hur andra produkter på marknaden är utformade. Studien resulterade i identifierade användarbehov hos en bred målgrupp som kan fungera som ett framtida stöd vid design och utveckling av digitala hälsoplattformar som inkluderar gamification.

Automatisk profilgenerering med ChatGPT

Lundqvist, Victor, Hedman, Tomas January 2023 (has links)
Studien genomfördes med syfte att undersöka användandet av en AI-chatbott för att underlätta registreringen i en social mediaapplikation som ska kunna användas som en resurspool för doktorander och forskare. Studien undersöker hur vi kan förenkla en user onboarding process med hjälp av ChatGPT, detta för att minska belastningen för nya användare och bidra till en väl formulerad användarprofil. Hur en profil bör utformas kan skilja sig beroende på syfte, en användarprofil kan delas in i två kategorier, personlig profil och professionell profil. Denna studie inriktar sig mot den professionella användarprofilen. För att genomföra studien använde vi oss av intervjuer och enkäter för att samla in data, denna data analyserades sedan och utvärderas tematiskt. Studien har formats utifrån de resultat som samlats in via intervjuer och enkäter, dessa resultat och tillvägagångssätt presenteras i denna rapport. Studien genomförde även en analys av tidigare forskning som berör bland annat textsammanfattning för att kunna genomföra studien utifrån en grund som är vedertagen i dagens forskning. Baserat på den data som samlats in kan studien dra slutsatsen att ChatGPT’s förmåga att sammanfatta texter är mycket god och nyttjandet av denna har goda möjligheter att underlätta en registreringsprocess i en applikation. Genom detta kan vi se att en user onboarding process kan förbättras med hjälp av denna teknik. / This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the use of an AI chatbot to facilitate registration in a social media application that can be used as a resource pool for PhD students and researchers. We are investigating how we can simplify a user onboarding process using ChatGPT, this to reduce the burden on a new user and contribute to such a well-formulated user profile. How a profile should be designed can differ depending on the purpose, a user profile can be divided into two categories, personal profile and professional profile. This study focuses on the professional user profile. To conduct the study we used interviews and questionnaires to collect data, this data is then analyzed and evaluated thematically. The study has been shaped based on the results collected via interviews and surveys, these results and approach are presented in this report. We have also carried out an analysis of previous research that concerns, among other things, text summaries in order to be able to carry out the study based on a basis that is accepted in today's research. Based on the data we collected, we conclude that ChatGPT's ability to summarize texts is very good and the use of ChatGPT enables good potential to facilitate a registration process in an application. Through this we can see that a user onboarding process can be improved with the help of this technology.

Betydelsen av user onboarding : En studie om user onboardings betydelse för en SaaS-produkts användbarhet och learnability / The impact of user onboarding : A study on the significance of user onboarding for the usability and learnability of a SaaS product

Silva-Kihlén, Natalie January 2022 (has links)
User onboarding är ett grundläggande element för SaaS-företag och onlinetjänster som vill öka sin kundkrets och att sedermera bibehålla den, då detta påvisar en plattforms värde på ett omedelbart sätt samt bevarar nya kunders engagemang. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad user onboarding i form av en interaktiv produktguide har för påverkan på en SaaS-produkts användbarhet och learnability, med en förhoppning om att bidra till en ökning i dessa. I studien har användartester och enkäter använts för att undersöka eventuella skillnader innan respektive efter implementering av onboarding-aktiviteten. Resultatet pekar mot en oförändrad grad av användbarhet och learnability rent kvantitativt, samtidigt som en positiv inställning till produktguiden och en självupplevd känsla av ökad learnability även kan ses hos användarna ur ett kvalitativt perspektiv.

Interactive user onboarding and its effect on activation rates : A statistical study of feature introductions in applications with complex interfaces

Stål, Filip January 2020 (has links)
User onboarding procedures and digital feature introductions are still in their infancy. Consequently, hard data on its impli-cations and its effects on user behavior is scarce and difficult to come by. To contribute to this field of research, within the context of HCI, this study was conducted. It studies the implementation of a contextually sensitive step-by-step feature in-troduction on a digital platform, presented by a complex and composite interface, providing access to a large number of features. It then proceeds to statistically evaluate the effects of the onboarding implementation on activation rates for which the onboarding was designed to improve.  The study’s findings were that users that received the step-by-step feature introduction were associated with statistically significantly lower mean times spent completing the activation requirements, compared to users that did not. Additionally, users partaking in the feature introduction had higher overall activation rates. The study also provides insight into how user time spent completing the different steps leading up to a successful activation was divided among the steps and discusses its significance for the design of user onboarding experiences in the future. / Processer för onboarding av användare till digitala applikationer och dess funktioner är fortfarande ett relativt nytt och ostuderat forskningsämne. Följaktligen är kvantitativ data om dess påverkan på användares beteende både knapphändig och svårfunnen. Studien genomfördes därför i syfte för att bidra till detta forskningsområde, inom ramen för HCI. Den studerar implementeringen av en kontextuellt medveten steg-för-steg onboarding på en digital plattform, som representeras genom ett komplext och sammansatt gränssnitt som portal till ett stort antal olika användarfunktioner. Därefter fortsätter den att statistiskt utvärdera effekterna som implementeringen av onboardingtjänsten för med sig, samt den förändrade aktiveringsgrad hos nya användare som den bidrar till.  Resultaten av studien var att användare som fick ta del av den nya interaktiva och stegvisa onboardingprocessen förknippades med statistiskt signifikant lägre genomsnittliga tider för att fullborda aktiveringskraven, jämfört med användare som inte fick ta del av den nya onboardingprocessen. En förbättrad aktiveringsgrad för användare som fått ta del av onboardingen kan också observeras. Studien ger a ven inblick i hur användarnas tid spenderades mellan de olika stegen i processen som ledde till en lyckad aktivering, samt att studien diskuterar resultatens betydelse för utformningen av onboardingprocesser för digitala applikationer i framtiden.

Improving Discoverability of New Functionality : Evaluating User Onboarding Elements and Embedded User Assistance for Highlighting New Features in a PACS

Eriksson, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore if users of a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) could benefit from User Onboarding elements and Embedded User Assistance (EUA) to discover and learn about new functionality within the system. Five sub-questions, related to perceived intrusiveness, intuitiveness, helpfulness and persuasion, as well as the need to guide users to nested functionality, were explored as well to help answer the research question. Through a combined Research through Design and Case Study approach the study resulted in a design process with four phases; Exploration, Concepting, Prototyping and Evaluation. After initial exploration and assessments, one concept was implemented in an interactive Figma prototype of the PACS. This prototype was tested and evaluated by users as well as an expert group using the Cognitive Walkthrough method. Overall positive feedback about the usefulness and intuitiveness of the suggested design proposal was found. The results suggest that implementing onboarding elements, such as highlighting features and interactive tooltips, could be a good approach to offer EUA in a PACS to help users discover and learn about new functionality. Further elaboration of the results, important considerations and suggestions regarding future implementation in a live system is discussed in greater detail in the report.

Mobile application onboarding processes effect on user attitude towards continued use of applications / Mobil applikationers onboarding processers effekt på användarattityd mot fortsatt användning av applikationer

Eriksson, Hanna, Parflo, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
The growing popularity of smartphones in recent years has led to an increase in mobile application development and use. However, a large number of mobile applications are only used once before being removed. For companies and organizations to spend time and money on application development only to achieve low user retention rates is unsustainable. During their first interaction with a mobile application it is crucial that users find functionality and value quickly to avoid discontinuation of use. User onboarding is often implemented in mobile applications to aid in first time interaction, making onboarding processes subject of investigation for effect on user attitude towards continued use of mobile applications. The study examined mobile onboarding processes and their effect on user attitude towards continued use of applications as well as the difference between onboarding processes effect on user attitude towards continued use of applications. The study was conducted within-subjects through a survey consisting of interaction with two prototypes with different onboarding processes and a questionnaire based on the technology acceptance model in order to investigate the variables of interest. The results of the survey were analyzed to measure the effects of the onboarding processes on the factors of the technology acceptance model and to investigate the differences between the onboarding processes. The results showed that user onboarding has a positive influence on perceived usefulness, attitude towards use and intention to use. There was no significant difference between the different types of onboarding patterns effect on attitude towards continued use. The positive effects on attitude and intention to use confirmed that implementing onboarding processes in mobile applications could be beneficial for value proposition and user retention. The perceived usefulness proved to be the determining factor on attitude and intention to use.

Online networking and real-time interaction for musicians

Kylmänen, Ester, Tysk, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Despite the many technological advancements made in the music industry in recent years, there is still not a single widely adopted platform for musicians to play music together online. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine pushed the need for such a platform into the spotlight. As a response, the music company Elk Audio launched their new product: Aloha. Aloha is a combined hardware and web application that allows musicians to play music in real-time over the Internet. Aloha is currently only intended for musicians who already know each other to connect and play. However, Elk's ambition is to make it the go-to platform for musicians to expand their network.  The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to design the next version of the web application of Aloha, focusing on social interactions. This Master's Thesis investigates musicians' current social and musical behaviour, and their opinions of how this can be done online. Qualitative data was collected by performing semi-structured interviews with musicians of different backgrounds. The study revealed many different goals and needs of potential users of Aloha. Furthermore, we found several determining factors which enable and encourage musicians to form new musical relationships online. The final suggested design is based on the analysed data and founded in theory regarding persuasive and recommending system design, among others. / Trots de tekniska framstegen som gjorts inom musikindustrin de senaste åren, finns det fortfarande inte ett enda allmänt accepterat alternativ för musiker att spela musik tillsammans online. Covid-19 pandemin och den åtföljande karantänten förde behovet för en sådan plattform till rampljuset. I början av år 2020 insåg musikföretaget Elk Audio att de kunde fylla denna lucka med sin nya produkt: Aloha. Aloha är en kombinerad hårdvara och webbapplikation som möjliggör musiker att spela musik i realtid över Internet. Aloha är för närvarande endast avsedd för musiker som redan känner varandra. Elks ambition är dock att göra Aloha till en plattform för musiker där de kan utöka sitt musikaliska nätverk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utforma nästa version av Alohas webbapplikation, med fokus på sociala interaktioner. Detta examensarbete undersöker musikers nuvarande sociala och musikaliska beteenden och deras åsikter om musikaliska interaktioner online. Kvalitativa data samlades in genom att utföra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med musiker från olika bakgrunder. Studien avslöjade de många olika målen och behoven hos potentiella användare av Aloha. Dessutom fann vi flera avgörande faktorer som möjliggör och uppmuntrar musiker att skapa och underhålla nya musikrelationer online. Den slutliga föreslagna designen baseras på det analyserade datat och grundas i teori om design av rekommendationssystem, m. fl..

IT’S IN THE DATA 2 : A study on how effective design of a digital product’s user onboarding experience can increase user retention

Fridell, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
User retention is a key factor for Software as a Service (SaaS) companies to ensure long-term growth and profitability. One area which can have a lasting impact on a digital product’s user retention is its user onboarding experience, that is, the methods and elements that guide new users to become familiar with the product and activate them to become fully registered users. Within the area of user onboarding, multiple authors discuss “best practice” design patterns which are stated to positively influence the user retention of new users. However, none of the sources reviewed showcase any statistically significant proof of this claim. Thus, the objective of this study was to: Design and implement a set of commonly applied design patterns within a digital product’s user onboarding experience and evaluate their effects on user retention Through A/B testing on the SaaS product GetAccept, the following two design patterns were evaluated: Reduce friction – reducing the number of barriers and steps for a new user when first using a digital product; and Monitor progress – monitoring and clearly showcasing the progress of a new user’s journey when first using a digital product. The retention metric used to evaluate the two design patterns was first week user retention, defined as the share of customers who after signing up, sign in again at least once within one week. This was tested by randomly assigning new users into different groups: groups that did receive changes related to the design patterns, and one group did not receive any changes. By then comparing the first week user retention data between the groups using Fisher’s exact test, the conclusion could be drawn that with statistical significance, both of the evaluated design patterns positively influenced user retention for GetAccept. Furthermore, due to the generalizable nature of GetAccept’s product and the aspects evaluated, this conclusion should also be applicable to other companies and digital products with similar characteristics, and the method used to evaluate the impact of implementing the design patterns should be applicable for evaluating other design patterns and/or changes in digital products. However, as the method used for data collection in the study could not ensure full validity of it, the study could and should be repeated with the same design patterns on another digital product and set of users in order to strengthen the reliability of the conclusions drawn.

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