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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Τεχνολογία γνώσης πλαισίου και μοντελοποίηση χρηστών σε διάχυτα συστήματα

Παναγιωτακόπουλος, Θεόδωρος 21 December 2011 (has links)
Σήμερα, βρισκόμαστε ήδη στο στάδιο μετάβασης από τις παραδοσιακές επιτραπέζιες υπολογιστικές τεχνολογίες στα διάχυτα (ubiquitous) υπολογιστικά περιβάλλοντα που θα μας υποστηρίζουν σχεδόν σε κάθε καθημερινή μας λειτουργία ή δραστηριότητα. Παράλληλα, υπάρχει μία αυξανόμενη τάση για τοποθέτηση του χρήστη στο κέντρο των υπηρεσιών. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι οι υπηρεσίες θα προσαρμόζονται με βάση το στενό και ευρύτερο περιβάλλον διαβίωσης (context), τις ανάγκες και τις προτιμήσεις των χρηστών. Δύο από τις βασικότερες έννοιες στις οποίες βασίζεται η προσφορά διάχυτων εξατομικευμένων υπηρεσιών είναι η γνώση πλαισίου (context awareness) και η μοντελοποίηση χρηστών (user modeling). Η έλευση του διάχυτου υπολογισμού και η χρησιμοποίηση της διάχυτης μοντελοποίησης χρηστών (ubiquitous user modeling) έχει δημιουργήσει νέες προσδοκίες και προκλήσεις για την παροχή εξατομικευμένων υπηρεσιών σε πολλούς τομείς εφαρμογών μεταξύ των οποίων είναι και ο τομέας της υγείας. Η ιατρική αντιμετώπιση αλλάζει πλέον κατεύθυνση και γίνεται προστατευτική, προληπτική και εύκολα προσεγγίσιμη (π.χ. στη δουλειά, στο σπίτι, κλπ.), συνοδευόμενη από συνεχή και εμμένουσα παροχή υψηλής ποιότητας εξατομικευμένης ιατρικής συμβουλής και υποστήριξης. Οι σύγχρονες ιατρικές υπηρεσίες αναμένονται να είναι διαθέσιμες κάθε στιγμή, 7 ημέρες την εβδομάδα και να παρέχονται με έναν εξατομικευμένο τρόπο ώστε να απευθύνονται στις ιδιαίτερες ανάγκες και απαιτήσεις κάθε ατόμου. Η παρούσα διατριβή πραγματεύεται μία μεθοδολογία παροχής διάχυτων υπηρεσιών σε εξελιγμένα τηλεπικοινωνιακά δίκτυα που συνδυάζει τη γνώση πλαισίου, τη μοντελοποίηση χρηστών και τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα (social networks). Η μεθοδολογία αυτή εφαρμόστηκε στον ιατρικό χώρο και ειδικότερα στις διαταραχές άγχους. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, στη διατριβή καθορίστηκαν πλήρως οι παράμετροι πλαισίου που σχετίζονται άμεσα με τις διαταραχές άγχους και προτάθηκε ένα μοντέλο πλαισίου που βασίζεται σε οντολογίες. Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η δομή και οι τεχνικές κατασκευής και ανανέωσης των μοντέλων χρηστών, ενώ μελετήθηκε η χρήση των κοινωνικών δικτύων για την παροχή ιατρικής φροντίδας και οι ρόλοι των μελών τους στις διαταραχές άγχους. Τέλος, προτάθηκε η αρχιτεκτονική ενός συστήματος γνώσης πλαισίου που ενσωματώνει τις ανωτέρω τεχνολογίες, τμήμα του οποίου αναπτύχθηκε, υλοποιήθηκε και αξιολογήθηκε από επαγγελματίες ιατρούς. Κατά την εφαρμογή της παραπάνω μεθοδολογίας στις διαταραχές άγχους αναπτύχθηκε η εφαρμογή PerMed που αποτελεί ένα εργαλείο αρχειοθέτησης και επεξεργασίας των προσωπικών πληροφοριών των ασθενών και τέσσερις υπηρεσίες που στοχεύουν στην υποστήριξη της θεραπείας των διαταραχών άγχους. Οι τρεις εστιάζουν στην ανακάλυψη πιθανών συσχετίσεων στα δεδομένα πλαισίου, ενώ η τέταρτη στοχεύει στην πρόβλεψη του άγχους που θα παρουσιάσει ένας ασθενής σε ένα δεδομένο πλαίσιο. Τα σχόλια που λάβαμε από επαγγελματίες ψυχιάτρους είναι αρκετά ενθαρρυντικά και ευελπιστούμε ότι η προτεινόμενη προσέγγιση θα αποτελέσει ένα ισχυρό εργαλείο υποστήριξης της θεραπείας των διαταραχών άγχους. / Today, we are already on the transition from the traditional desktop-based computing technologies towards ubiquitous computing environments that will enfold us in almost all our daily situations and activities. Simultaneously, there exists an increased tendency of putting the user into the center of service delivery. This means that the services in the ubiquitous environments should be adapted to the context, the needs and the preferences of users. Two of the key-concepts, based on which the delivery of ubiquitous personalized services is realized, are context-awareness and user modeling. The emergence of ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous user modeling has created new expectations and challenges for the delivery of personalized services in a considerable amount of application domains, among which is the healthcare domain. Healthcare provision changes direction becoming protective, proactive and more reachable (e.g. at home or at work), accompanied by continuous and persistent provision of personalized high-quality health advice and assistance. Modern healthcare services are expected to be available around the clock, seven days a week and delivered in a personalized manner addressing the specific needs and preferences of each individual. The present dissertation presents a methodology of providing ubiquitous services at advanced telecommunication networks, which combines context-awareness, user modeling and social networks. This methodology was implemented in the healthcare domain and more specifically in anxiety disorders. In particular, in this dissertation, the contextual aspects that are directly associated with anxiety disorders were defined and an ontology-based context model was proposed. In addition, the user models’ structure was determined and the techniques for the processing of their content were developed. Furthermore, the use of social networks in anxiety disorders and the role of their members were studied. Finally, the architecture of a context-aware system that integrates all the above technologies was proposed, a part of which was developed, implemented and evaluated by professional psychiatrists. During the implementation of the proposed methodology in anxiety disorders, the PerMed application that provides medical experts with a tool for archiving and processing the patient’s personal data and four treatment supportive services were developed. The three of them focus on the discovery of possible associations between the patient’s contextual data and the last service aims at predicting the stress level a patient might suffer from, in a given context. The feedback received from expertized psychiatrists was very encouraging and we hope that the proposed approach will constitute a powerful treatment supportive tool for anxiety disorders.

SAGRES : um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo / SAGRES, an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system

Bertoletti, Ana Carolina January 1997 (has links)
A grande quantidade de informações eletrônicas disponíveis, e a crescente modificação do público da Computação, devido, principalmente, à redução dos custos de equipamentos de informática e ao surgimento da rede Internet, acentuaram a necessidade do uso de ferramentas de consulta com acesso rápido e adaptado às características dos usuários. Adicionalmente, como conseqüência do surgimento da rede Internet e da crescente expansão das redes de computadores, estão sendo desenvolvidos, cada vez mais, sistemas de suporte ao trabalho em grupo, os quais são atualmente muito encontrados em ambientes de ensino, a fim de facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um exemplo de ambiente de ensino onde podemos perceber todos os fatores acima citados é o Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS (MCT). Este Museu possui um amplo conjunto de informações armazenadas em bases de dados, e o interesse do público pela consulta a tais bases vem crescendo de forma acentuada. Neste sentido, SAGRES - um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo é um ambiente construído sobre a Internet, o qual possibilita a apresentação das bases de dados do MCT de forma adaptada às características de um ou mais visitantes. De acordo com o nível de experiência, as preferências e as atividades apresentadas pelos visitantes, o sistema determina o conjunto de links apropriados e apresenta-os em uma página HTML (HyperText Markup Language) resultante. Além da adaptação da apresentação das informações, o sistema SAGRES também apóia o aprendizado, explorando aspectos relevantes para a interação entre o visitante e o computador, e, também, entre um conjunto de visitantes, pois a interação pode ocorrer de forma individual ou através de turmas de alunos. Deste modo, é possibilitada a comunicação entre os participantes da turma que, ao compartilharem experiências, duvidas e soluções, podem obter um aprendizado mais consciente e permanente. 0 objetivo final desta pesquisa é a implementação do sistema SAGRES, o qual permite que grupos de visitantes interajam ao mesmo tempo em locais geograficamente distantes. Tal interação é realizada de forma adaptada aos objetivos, ao nível de experiência e às preferências de um visitante e/ou grupo de visitantes, os quais podem assumir três papéis distintos: gerente de turma (responsável em especificar as características de uma turma de alunos), aluno de turma (executa o conjunto de ações especificadas anteriormente pelo gerente) e visitante individual (responsável em definir suas características particulares e, com elas, interagir com o sistema). Por sua vez, o processo de cooperação pode ocorrer entre os componentes de uma turma ou entre todos os usuários do Sistema, os quais podem editar documentos e trocar mensagens, a fim de possibilitar o compartilhamento de experiências. / The great amount of electronical information available today, and the growing and changing users of Computer Science mainly due to cost cuts on computer equipment and the emergence of Internet reinforced the need of tools providing fast access to information and adapted to user's characteristics. As a consequence of the emergence of Internet and the growing expansion of computer networks, systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in learning environments have been developed in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. An example of learning environment where all aspects below can be observed is the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) at PUCRS. In this museum there is a comprehensive amount of information stored on databases and visitor's interest in querying these bases has been growing. SAGRES - an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system is a tool built on top of the Internet which enables the presentation of MCT databases concerning visitor's traits. According to visitors experience levels and preferences and intended activities the system determines the group of appropriate links and presents it on a resulting HTML page (HyperText Markup Language). Besides the adaptation in presenting the information, the system supports the learning process by exploring important aspects for interaction between visitor and computer and also among visitors since interaction can occur individually or in groups of students. Thus, communication is enabled among students and as a result they may share experiences, doubts and solutions, and consequently achieve a more effective and conscious learning process. Therefore, the final aim of this research is the development of SAGRES, a system which allows groups of visitors to interact at the same time in different places all over the world. Such interaction is accomplished according to objectives, experience level and preferences of visitors that can have three different roles: group manager (responsible for specifying characteristics of group of students), student group (perform group of actions predetermined by the group manager) and individual visitor (in charge of defining particular traits and interacting with the system). Furthermore, Cooperative Processes may occur among all system users who can edit documents and exchange messages in order to share experiences.

SAGRES : um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo / SAGRES, an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system

Bertoletti, Ana Carolina January 1997 (has links)
A grande quantidade de informações eletrônicas disponíveis, e a crescente modificação do público da Computação, devido, principalmente, à redução dos custos de equipamentos de informática e ao surgimento da rede Internet, acentuaram a necessidade do uso de ferramentas de consulta com acesso rápido e adaptado às características dos usuários. Adicionalmente, como conseqüência do surgimento da rede Internet e da crescente expansão das redes de computadores, estão sendo desenvolvidos, cada vez mais, sistemas de suporte ao trabalho em grupo, os quais são atualmente muito encontrados em ambientes de ensino, a fim de facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um exemplo de ambiente de ensino onde podemos perceber todos os fatores acima citados é o Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS (MCT). Este Museu possui um amplo conjunto de informações armazenadas em bases de dados, e o interesse do público pela consulta a tais bases vem crescendo de forma acentuada. Neste sentido, SAGRES - um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo é um ambiente construído sobre a Internet, o qual possibilita a apresentação das bases de dados do MCT de forma adaptada às características de um ou mais visitantes. De acordo com o nível de experiência, as preferências e as atividades apresentadas pelos visitantes, o sistema determina o conjunto de links apropriados e apresenta-os em uma página HTML (HyperText Markup Language) resultante. Além da adaptação da apresentação das informações, o sistema SAGRES também apóia o aprendizado, explorando aspectos relevantes para a interação entre o visitante e o computador, e, também, entre um conjunto de visitantes, pois a interação pode ocorrer de forma individual ou através de turmas de alunos. Deste modo, é possibilitada a comunicação entre os participantes da turma que, ao compartilharem experiências, duvidas e soluções, podem obter um aprendizado mais consciente e permanente. 0 objetivo final desta pesquisa é a implementação do sistema SAGRES, o qual permite que grupos de visitantes interajam ao mesmo tempo em locais geograficamente distantes. Tal interação é realizada de forma adaptada aos objetivos, ao nível de experiência e às preferências de um visitante e/ou grupo de visitantes, os quais podem assumir três papéis distintos: gerente de turma (responsável em especificar as características de uma turma de alunos), aluno de turma (executa o conjunto de ações especificadas anteriormente pelo gerente) e visitante individual (responsável em definir suas características particulares e, com elas, interagir com o sistema). Por sua vez, o processo de cooperação pode ocorrer entre os componentes de uma turma ou entre todos os usuários do Sistema, os quais podem editar documentos e trocar mensagens, a fim de possibilitar o compartilhamento de experiências. / The great amount of electronical information available today, and the growing and changing users of Computer Science mainly due to cost cuts on computer equipment and the emergence of Internet reinforced the need of tools providing fast access to information and adapted to user's characteristics. As a consequence of the emergence of Internet and the growing expansion of computer networks, systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in learning environments have been developed in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. An example of learning environment where all aspects below can be observed is the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) at PUCRS. In this museum there is a comprehensive amount of information stored on databases and visitor's interest in querying these bases has been growing. SAGRES - an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system is a tool built on top of the Internet which enables the presentation of MCT databases concerning visitor's traits. According to visitors experience levels and preferences and intended activities the system determines the group of appropriate links and presents it on a resulting HTML page (HyperText Markup Language). Besides the adaptation in presenting the information, the system supports the learning process by exploring important aspects for interaction between visitor and computer and also among visitors since interaction can occur individually or in groups of students. Thus, communication is enabled among students and as a result they may share experiences, doubts and solutions, and consequently achieve a more effective and conscious learning process. Therefore, the final aim of this research is the development of SAGRES, a system which allows groups of visitors to interact at the same time in different places all over the world. Such interaction is accomplished according to objectives, experience level and preferences of visitors that can have three different roles: group manager (responsible for specifying characteristics of group of students), student group (perform group of actions predetermined by the group manager) and individual visitor (in charge of defining particular traits and interacting with the system). Furthermore, Cooperative Processes may occur among all system users who can edit documents and exchange messages in order to share experiences.

Who Am I? uma arquitetura para a coleta, modelagem e oferta de perfis de usuários para a computação ubíqua

Alencar, Tatiana Silva de 14 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6466.pdf: 5791696 bytes, checksum: 534072ee44559aaa0654340ab8533177 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-14 / One of the core requirements of Ubiquitous Computing is to be user context aware for software solutions developed may be adapted to the different skills and capabilities of users, with regard to physical and cognitive characteristics and interaction preferences. However, the focus of research has been in adapting the systems to different devices. The adaptation to different users profiles still demands further investigation, especially on how to understand and model the physical and cognitive characteristics, and users preferences. It is possible to find several studies that present user profiles models in the literature. Some of these models include a large set of features related to the users. However, only a few works provide an indication of how the information about the user is captured and how the profile already mapped in the model is turned available for applications. Moreover, these models do not take into account the user's interaction needs and preferences, since they only focus on personal information, physiological state, demographics etc. Thus, this work aims to support the flexibility of ubiquitous systems, considering different user profiles, facilitating the collection and delivery of these profiles for ubiquitous computing. To achieve this goal we defined the "Who Am I?" architecture to meet the users diversity by considering their interaction needs and preferences as part of the adopted user profile model; enables the collection of user profiles by means of a collector; and allows communication between the collector and the ubiquitous systems of an interoperable manner. To evaluate the feasibility of this architecture and verify that it meets the diversity of users, a case study was conducted with two scenarios of use. In the first scenario, a bus stop system and the second, a simulation for a smart kitchen was developed. The evaluation of the two software solutions developed was performed with real users and included both technical and emotional aspects. The results indicate that the interaction with both solutions through "Who Am I?" architecture gave satisfaction and motivation in users, and that communication and the adaptation of ubiquitous systems are given appropriately. / Um dos principais requisitos da Computação Ubíqua é ser sensível ao contexto do usuário para que as soluções de software desenvolvidas possam ser capazes de se adaptar às diferentes habilidades e capacidades dos usuários, no que diz respeito às características físicas e cognitivas, e preferências de interação. Todavia, o foco das pesquisas tem sido na adaptação dos sistemas aos diferentes dispositivos. No que se refere à adaptação aos diferentes perfis de usuários ainda é preciso investigar mais, principalmente a forma de conhecer e modelar as características físico-cognitivas e as preferências do usuário. Na literatura, são encontrados vários trabalhos que propõem modelos de perfil de usuário, sendo que alguns destes englobam um conjunto grande de características relacionadas aos usuários. Porém, apenas alguns fornecem uma indicação de como as informações sobre o usuário são capturadas e como o perfil já mapeado é disponibilizado para as aplicações. Além do mais, estes modelos não levam em consideração as necessidades e preferências de interação do usuário, visto que apenas focam em informações pessoais, estado fisiológico, dados demográficos, etc. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo apoiar a flexibilidade de aplicações ubíquas considerando diferentes perfis de usuários, facilitando a coleta e a oferta desses perfis para a computação ubíqua. Para alcançar esse objetivo definiu-se a arquitetura Who Am I? para atender a diversidade de usuários por considerar suas necessidades e preferências de interação como parte do modelo de perfil de usuário adotado; viabilizar a coleta de perfis de usuários por meio de um coletor; e permitir a comunicação entre o coletor e os sistemas ubíquos de uma forma interoperável. Para avaliar a viabilidade dessa arquitetura e verificar se ela atende à diversidade de usuários, foi realizado um estudo de caso com dois cenários de uso. No primeiro cenário foi desenvolvido um sistema de ponto de ônibus e no segundo, uma simulação para uma cozinha inteligente. A avaliação das duas soluções de software desenvolvidas foi realizada com usuários reais e contemplou tanto aspectos técnicos como emocionais. Os resultados indicam que a interação com ambas por meio da arquitetura Who Am I? proporcionou satisfação e motivação nos usuários e que a comunicação e a adaptação dos sistemas ubíquos se deram de forma adequada.

SAGRES : um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo / SAGRES, an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system

Bertoletti, Ana Carolina January 1997 (has links)
A grande quantidade de informações eletrônicas disponíveis, e a crescente modificação do público da Computação, devido, principalmente, à redução dos custos de equipamentos de informática e ao surgimento da rede Internet, acentuaram a necessidade do uso de ferramentas de consulta com acesso rápido e adaptado às características dos usuários. Adicionalmente, como conseqüência do surgimento da rede Internet e da crescente expansão das redes de computadores, estão sendo desenvolvidos, cada vez mais, sistemas de suporte ao trabalho em grupo, os quais são atualmente muito encontrados em ambientes de ensino, a fim de facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um exemplo de ambiente de ensino onde podemos perceber todos os fatores acima citados é o Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS (MCT). Este Museu possui um amplo conjunto de informações armazenadas em bases de dados, e o interesse do público pela consulta a tais bases vem crescendo de forma acentuada. Neste sentido, SAGRES - um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo é um ambiente construído sobre a Internet, o qual possibilita a apresentação das bases de dados do MCT de forma adaptada às características de um ou mais visitantes. De acordo com o nível de experiência, as preferências e as atividades apresentadas pelos visitantes, o sistema determina o conjunto de links apropriados e apresenta-os em uma página HTML (HyperText Markup Language) resultante. Além da adaptação da apresentação das informações, o sistema SAGRES também apóia o aprendizado, explorando aspectos relevantes para a interação entre o visitante e o computador, e, também, entre um conjunto de visitantes, pois a interação pode ocorrer de forma individual ou através de turmas de alunos. Deste modo, é possibilitada a comunicação entre os participantes da turma que, ao compartilharem experiências, duvidas e soluções, podem obter um aprendizado mais consciente e permanente. 0 objetivo final desta pesquisa é a implementação do sistema SAGRES, o qual permite que grupos de visitantes interajam ao mesmo tempo em locais geograficamente distantes. Tal interação é realizada de forma adaptada aos objetivos, ao nível de experiência e às preferências de um visitante e/ou grupo de visitantes, os quais podem assumir três papéis distintos: gerente de turma (responsável em especificar as características de uma turma de alunos), aluno de turma (executa o conjunto de ações especificadas anteriormente pelo gerente) e visitante individual (responsável em definir suas características particulares e, com elas, interagir com o sistema). Por sua vez, o processo de cooperação pode ocorrer entre os componentes de uma turma ou entre todos os usuários do Sistema, os quais podem editar documentos e trocar mensagens, a fim de possibilitar o compartilhamento de experiências. / The great amount of electronical information available today, and the growing and changing users of Computer Science mainly due to cost cuts on computer equipment and the emergence of Internet reinforced the need of tools providing fast access to information and adapted to user's characteristics. As a consequence of the emergence of Internet and the growing expansion of computer networks, systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in learning environments have been developed in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. An example of learning environment where all aspects below can be observed is the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) at PUCRS. In this museum there is a comprehensive amount of information stored on databases and visitor's interest in querying these bases has been growing. SAGRES - an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system is a tool built on top of the Internet which enables the presentation of MCT databases concerning visitor's traits. According to visitors experience levels and preferences and intended activities the system determines the group of appropriate links and presents it on a resulting HTML page (HyperText Markup Language). Besides the adaptation in presenting the information, the system supports the learning process by exploring important aspects for interaction between visitor and computer and also among visitors since interaction can occur individually or in groups of students. Thus, communication is enabled among students and as a result they may share experiences, doubts and solutions, and consequently achieve a more effective and conscious learning process. Therefore, the final aim of this research is the development of SAGRES, a system which allows groups of visitors to interact at the same time in different places all over the world. Such interaction is accomplished according to objectives, experience level and preferences of visitors that can have three different roles: group manager (responsible for specifying characteristics of group of students), student group (perform group of actions predetermined by the group manager) and individual visitor (in charge of defining particular traits and interacting with the system). Furthermore, Cooperative Processes may occur among all system users who can edit documents and exchange messages in order to share experiences.


Marinho, Leandro Balby 11 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:52:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Balby Marinho.pdf: 1280354 bytes, checksum: 9dd7494777864e76ff13f7880d7faa7b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / With the continuous migration of a great diversity of services to the Web, the need for characterizing the users in this environment increases. For that, components that can continually perceive their environment and rapidly adapt to its changes are required, thus reflecting the changes in the user behaviors. Among the existent approaches for modeling Web users, Web usage mining appears as one of the most interesting. Through Web usage mining a user can be implicitly and automatically modeled through his/her usage data, generated from his/her interaction with the Web. This work proposes ONTOWUM, a user modeling and usage mining-based multi-agent framework for Web personalization. The framework comprises two layers, where four agents are distributed according to their responsibilities: Interface agent, responsible for both capturing the user browsing information and performing the adaptation effects; User Modeling agent, responsible for creating and updating both user models and adaptation models; Acquirer agent, responsible for creating and updating an usage data repository containing past user models; and finally, Miner agent, responsible for both discovering group of users with similar browsing behavior and classifying the current user in these groups. The Interface and User modeling agents belong to the user information-processing layer, and the Acquirer and Miner agents belong to the pattern-discovering layer. The methodology and tool used to guide the analyses and design phases were MADEM ( Multi-Agent Domain Engineering Methodology ) and ONTOMADEM, respectively. For the implementation of ONTOWUM it was used the JADE framework. / Com a incessante migração das mais diversas categorias de serviços ao ambiente Web, a necessidade de caracterizar os usuários nesse ambiente nunca foi tão presente. Para isso, são necessários componentes que tenham a habilidade de continuamente perceber o ambiente e rapidamente se adaptarem a ele, refletindo assim as próprias mudanças no comportamento do usuário. Dentre as abordagens existentes para a modelagem de usuários da Web, a mineração de uso da Web figura entre as mais interessantes, pois através dessa abordagem pode-se modelar o usuário implicitamente através dos dados de uso gerados através da sua interação com a Web. Este trabalho propõe ONTOMUW", um framework multiagente para a personalização da Web baseado na modelagem de usuários e na mineração de uso. O framework é composto por duas camadas onde se distribuem quatro agentes de acordo com suas responsabilidades: agente Interfaceador, responsável tanto pela captura das informações provenientes da navegação do usuário quanto pela execução da adaptação; agente Modelador, responsável por criar e atualizar tanto modelos de usuários quanto modelos de adaptação; agente Aquisitor, responsável pela criação e manutenção de um repositório de dados de uso contendo os modelos de usuários passados; e, finalmente, agente Minerador, responsável tanto pela descoberta de grupos de usuários com comportamento de navegação similar quanto pela classificação do usuário corrente nos grupos descobertos. Os agentes Interfaceador e Modelador compõem a camada de processamento de informações do usuário, enquanto que os agentes Aquisitor e Minerador compõem a camada de descoberta de padrões. A metodologia e ferramenta utilizadas para guiar o processo de análise e projeto de domínio do ONTOMUW foram a MADEM ( Multi-Agent Domain Engineering Methodology ) e a ONTOMADEM respectivamente. Para a implementação do framework utilizou-se o ambiente JADE.


Nogueira, Marcelo Luís Lobato 29 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:53:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Lobato.pdf: 458668 bytes, checksum: 75a9d282a32041701f8142bf12ebb12c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-29 / In this work, a generic user model, obtained from historical data from actions of the users and inference functions of belief is proposed. The functions of belief are obtained through forecasting techniques. This model was tested with its utilization in taxpayers. Two forecasting techniques had been used: statistical Holt model and neural networks. The results obtained from tests in Government of Maranhão, in Brazil, are also reported. / Neste trabalho, um modelo genérico utilizador, obtido a partir de dados históricos e a partir de ações dos usuários, com suas inferências e funções de crença é proposto. As funções de crença são obtidas através de Previsão técnicas. Este modelo foi testado com a sua utilização nos contribuintes. Duas Previsão técnicas tinham sido utilizados: Holt modelo estatística e redes neurais. O Resultados obtidos a partir de testes de Governo do Maranhão, no Brasil, também são relatados.

Real-time Assessment, Prediction, and Scaffolding of Middle School Students’ Data Collection Skills within Physical Science Simulations

Sao Pedro, Michael A. 25 April 2013 (has links)
Despite widespread recognition by science educators, researchers and K-12 frameworks that scientific inquiry should be an essential part of science education, typical classrooms and assessments still emphasize rote vocabulary, facts, and formulas. One of several reasons for this is that the rigorous assessment of complex inquiry skills is still in its infancy. Though progress has been made, there are still many challenges that hinder inquiry from being assessed in a meaningful, scalable, reliable and timely manner. To address some of these challenges and to realize the possibility of formative assessment of inquiry, we describe a novel approach for evaluating, tracking, and scaffolding inquiry process skills. These skills are demonstrated as students experiment with computer-based simulations. In this work, we focus on two skills related to data collection, designing controlled experiments and testing stated hypotheses. Central to this approach is the use and extension of techniques developed in the Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Data Mining communities to handle the variety of ways in which students can demonstrate skills. To evaluate students' skills, we iteratively developed data-mined models (detectors) that can discern when students test their articulated hypotheses and design controlled experiments. To aggregate and track students' developing latent skill across activities, we use and extend the Bayesian Knowledge-Tracing framework (Corbett & Anderson, 1995). As part of this work, we directly address the scalability and reliability of these models' predictions because we tested how well they predict for student data not used to build them. When doing so, we found that these models demonstrate the potential to scale because they can correctly evaluate and track students' inquiry skills. The ability to evaluate students' inquiry also enables the system to provide automated, individualized feedback to students as they experiment. As part of this work, we also describe an approach to provide such scaffolding to students. We also tested the efficacy of these scaffolds by conducting a study to determine how scaffolding impacts acquisition and transfer of skill across science topics. When doing so, we found that students who received scaffolding versus students who did not were better able to acquire skills in the topic in which they practiced, and also transfer skills to a second topic when was scaffolding removed. Our overall findings suggest that computer-based simulations augmented with real-time feedback can be used to reliably measure the inquiry skills of interest and can help students learn how to demonstrate these skills. As such, our assessment approach and system as a whole shows promise as a way to formatively assess students' inquiry.

Real-time Assessment, Prediction, and Scaffolding of Middle School Students’ Data Collection Skills within Physical Science Simulations

Sao Pedro, Michael A. 25 April 2013 (has links)
Despite widespread recognition by science educators, researchers and K-12 frameworks that scientific inquiry should be an essential part of science education, typical classrooms and assessments still emphasize rote vocabulary, facts, and formulas. One of several reasons for this is that the rigorous assessment of complex inquiry skills is still in its infancy. Though progress has been made, there are still many challenges that hinder inquiry from being assessed in a meaningful, scalable, reliable and timely manner. To address some of these challenges and to realize the possibility of formative assessment of inquiry, we describe a novel approach for evaluating, tracking, and scaffolding inquiry process skills. These skills are demonstrated as students experiment with computer-based simulations. In this work, we focus on two skills related to data collection, designing controlled experiments and testing stated hypotheses. Central to this approach is the use and extension of techniques developed in the Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Data Mining communities to handle the variety of ways in which students can demonstrate skills. To evaluate students' skills, we iteratively developed data-mined models (detectors) that can discern when students test their articulated hypotheses and design controlled experiments. To aggregate and track students' developing latent skill across activities, we use and extend the Bayesian Knowledge-Tracing framework (Corbett & Anderson, 1995). As part of this work, we directly address the scalability and reliability of these models' predictions because we tested how well they predict for student data not used to build them. When doing so, we found that these models demonstrate the potential to scale because they can correctly evaluate and track students' inquiry skills. The ability to evaluate students' inquiry also enables the system to provide automated, individualized feedback to students as they experiment. As part of this work, we also describe an approach to provide such scaffolding to students. We also tested the efficacy of these scaffolds by conducting a study to determine how scaffolding impacts acquisition and transfer of skill across science topics. When doing so, we found that students who received scaffolding versus students who did not were better able to acquire skills in the topic in which they practiced, and also transfer skills to a second topic when was scaffolding removed. Our overall findings suggest that computer-based simulations augmented with real-time feedback can be used to reliably measure the inquiry skills of interest and can help students learn how to demonstrate these skills. As such, our assessment approach and system as a whole shows promise as a way to formatively assess students' inquiry.

User Modeling and Optimization for Environmental Planning System Design

Singh, Vidya Bhushan January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Environmental planning is very cumbersome work for environmentalists, government agencies like USDA and NRCS, and farmers. There are a number of conflicts and issues involved in such a decision making process. This research is based on the work to provide a common platform for environmental planning called WRESTORE (Watershed Restoration using Spatio-Temporal Optimization of Resources). We have designed a system that can be used to provide the best management practices for environmental planning. A distributed system was designed to combine high performance computing power of clusters/supercomputers in running various environmental model simulations. The system is designed to be a multi-user system just like a multi-user operating system. A number of stakeholders can log-on and run environmental model simulations simultaneously, seamlessly collaborate, and make collective judgments by visualizing their landscapes. In the research, we identified challenges in running such a system and proposed various solutions. One challenge was the lack of fast optimization algorithm. In our research, several algorithms are utilized such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Learning Automaton (LA). However, the criticism is that LA has a slow rate of convergence and that both LA and GA have the problem of getting stuck in local optima. We tried to solve the multi-objective problems using LA in batch mode to make the learning faster and accurate. The problems where the evaluation of the fitness functions for optimization is a bottleneck, like running environmental model simulation, evaluation of a number of such models in parallel can give considerable speed-up. In the multi-objective LA, different weight pair solutions were evaluated independently. We created their parallel versions to make them practically faster in computation. Additionally, we extended the parallelism concept with the batch mode learning. Another challenge we faced was in User Modeling. There are a number of User Modeling techniques available. Selection of the best user modeling technique is a hard problem. In this research, we modeled user's preferences and search criteria using an ANN (Artificial Neural Network). Training an ANN with limited data is not always feasible. There are many situations where a simple modeling technique works better if the learning data set is small. We formulated ways to fine tune the ANN in case of limited data and also introduced the concept of Deep Learning in User Modeling for environmental planning system.

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