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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Donner une autre vie à vos besoins fonctionnels : une approche dirigée par l'entreposage et l'analyse en ligne / Give Another Life to Your Functional Requirements : An Approach Drvicen by Warehousing and Online Anaysis

Djilani, Zouhir 12 July 2017 (has links)
Les besoins fonctionnels et non fonctionnels représentent la première brique pour la conception de toute application, logiciel, système, etc. L'ensemble des traitements associés aux besoins est établi dans le cadre de l'ingénierie des Besoins (IB). Le processus de l'IB comporte plusieurs étapes consistant à découvrir, analyser, valider et faire évoluer l'ensemble des besoins relatifs aux fonctionnalités du système. La maturité de la communauté de l'IB lui a permis d'établir un cycle de vie bien déterminé pour le processus de besoins qui comprend les phases suivantes :l'élicitation, la modélisation, la spécification, la validation et la gestion des besoins. Une fois ces besoins validés, ils sont archivés ou stockés dans des référentiels ou des dépôts au sein des entreprises. Avec l'archivage continu des besoins, ces entreprises disposent d'une mine d'informations qu'il faudra analyser afin de reproduire les expériences cumulées et le savoir-faire acquis en réutilisant et en exploitant ces besoins pour des nouveaux projets. Proposer à ces entreprises un entrepôt dans lequel l'ensemble de besoins est stocké représente une excellente opportunité pour les analyser à des fins décisionnelles et les fouiller pour reproduire des anciennes expériences. Récemment, la communauté des processus (BPM) a émis le même besoin pour les processus. Dans cette thèse, nous souhaitons exploiter le succès des entrepôts de données pour le reproduire sur les besoins fonctionnels. Les problèmes rencontrés lors de la conception des entrepôts de données se retrouvent presque à l'identique dans le cas des besoins fonctionnels.Ces derniers sont souvent hétérogènes, surtout dans le cas d'entreprises de grande taille comme Airbus, où chaque partenaire a la liberté d'utiliser ses propres vocabulaire et formalisme pour décrire ses besoins. Pour réduire cette hétérogénéité, l'appel aux ontologies est nécessaire. Afin d'assurer l'autonomie de chaque source, nous supposons que chaque source a sa propre ontologie.Cela nécessite des efforts de matching entre les ontologies afin d'assurer l' intégration des besoins fonctionnels. Une particularité importante liée à l'entreposage de besoins réside dans le fait que ces derniers sont souvent exprimés à l'aide des formalismes semi-formels comme les use cases d'UML avec une partie textuelle importante. Afin de nous rapprocher le plus possible de ce que nous avons fait dans le cadre de l'entreposage de données, nous proposons un modèle pivot permettant de factoriser trois semi-formalismes répandus utilisés par les sources de besoins avec une description précise de ces derniers. Ce modèle pivot permettra de définir le modèle multidimensionnel del' entrepôt de besoins, qui sera ensuite alimenté par les besoins des sources en utilisant un algorithme ETL (Extract, Transform, Load). À l'aide des mécanismes de raisonnement offerts par les ontologies et des métriques de matching, nous avons nettoyé notre entrepôt de besoins. Une fois l'entrepôt déployé, il est exploité par des outils d'analyse OLAP.Notre méthodologie est supportée par un outil couvrant l'ensemble des phases de conception et d'exploitation d'un entrepôt de besoins. / Functiona] and non-functional requirements represent the first step for the design of any application, software, system, etc. Ail the issues associated to requirements are analyzed in the Requirements Engineering (RE) field. The RE process consists of several steps consisting of discovering, analyzing, validating and evolving the requirements related to the functionalities of the system. The RE community proposed a well-defined life-cycle for the requirements process that includes the following phases: elicitation, modeling, specification, validation and management. Once the requirements are validated, they are archived or stored in repositories in companies. With the continuous storage of requirements, companies accumulate an important amount of requirements information that needs to be analyzed in order to reproduce the previous experiences and the know-how acquired by reusing and exploiting these requirements for new projects. Proposing to these companies a warehouse in which all requirements are stored represents an excellent opportunity to analyze them for decision-making purposes. Recently, the Business Process Management Community (BPM) emitted the same needs for processes. In this thesis, we want to exploit the success of data warehouses and to replicate it for functional requirements. The issues encountered in the design of data warehouses are almost identical in the case of functional requirements. Requirements are often heterogeneous, especially in the case of large companies such Airbus, where each panner bas the freedom to use its own vocabulary and formalism to describe the requirements. To reduce this heterogeneity, using ontologies is necessary. In order to ensure the autonomy of each partner, we assume that each source bas its own ontology. This requires matching efforts between ontologies to ensure the integration of functional requirements. An important feature related to the storage of requirements is that they are often expressed using semi-forma! formalisms such as use cases of UML with an important textual part. In order to get as close as possible to our contributions in data warehousing,we proposed a pivot model factorizing three well-known semi-formalisms. This pivot model is used to define the multidimensional model of the requirements warehouse, which is then alimented by the sources requirements using an ETL algorithm (Extract,Transform, Load).Using reasoning mechanisms otfered by ontologies and matching metrics, we cleaned up our requirements warehouse. Once the warehouse is deployed, it is exploited using OLAP analysis tools. Our methodology is supported by a tool covering all design phases of the requirements warehouse

Exploring the User Experience in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems

Olsson, Sara, Forsberg, Sabina January 2018 (has links)
Typ 1-diabetes kräver ordentlig uppsyn dag och natt för att upprätthålla ett fungerandeliv. Idag använder människor allt oftare kontinuerlig glukosövervakning (CGM) för atthantera sin diabetessjukdom. Detta system mäter blodsockernivån genom en sensor somplaceras på användarens hud. Användaren skannar sedan sensorn med en handenhet ellermobilapplikation för att läsa av den nuvarande blodsockernivån och i vilken riktningblodsockret är på väg. Forskare föreslår att för att kunna skapa den bästaanvändarupplevelsen för diabetespatienter måste designers verkligen förstå användarna ochhur de interagerar med sina CGM-system, vilket är målet med denna studie.Problemen med nuvarande CGM-system är att i många fall upplevs navigeringsstrukturensom otydlig och att det finns brister i användarupplevelsen. På grund av sjukdomenskomplexitet är kategorisering i navigeringen avgörande för att användarna ska kunna förstågränssnittet. Det här är ett område som de flesta studier tar upp, men en väl utformadlösning har ännu inte presenterats. Den centrala delen för att användarna ska kunna förståinformationen är genom att involvera slutanvändare i designprocessen. Medicinskinformation kan vara svår att förstå och när denna information presenteras kan användarenfå en känsla av ”information overload”. Patienterna vill ha ett väl utformat verktyg för atthantera sin sjukdom. Tidigare studier visar även att patienter vill ha ett system för allasina behov, ett så kallat ”system of systems”, snarare än flera separata system.Denna studie syftar till att undersöka tre av de tillgängliga produkterna på den svenskamarknaden för att förstå användarens behov och användarupplevelsen av dessa produkter.Genom en intervju och enkätundersökning med slutanvändare samlas data in för attutvärdera de produkter som används idag. Resultatet från den första fasen analyseras ochfynden lägger sedan grund för nästa fas, där en prototyp utvecklas. Prototypen ärutformad för att validera resultatet av den nya navigeringsstrukturen ochanvändarupplevelsen utifrån de problemområden som uppgetts i första fasen av studien.Valideringen görs genom ytterligare en enkätundersökning där deltagarna får jämföra sinnuvarande produkt med den utvecklade prototypen, i samband med de förutbestämdafrågorna i System Usability Scale (SUS).Denna studie visar på att det är möjligt att skapa en bättre navigationsstruktur ochinformationspresentation med gestaltlagarna i åtanke. Dock påpekas även behovet av attutföra ytterligare forskning av den tekniska lösning som krävs för att möjliggöra ett“system of system” för CGM-systemen.Sökord: Användarbehov, Användarupplevelse, Design, Diabetes, Kontinuerlig Glukosövervakning / Type 1 diabetes requires proper supervision day and night to maintain a healthy living. Tomanage diabetes research shows that people today more often use Continuous GlucoseMonitoring (CGM). This system measures the blood glucose levels through a sensorplaced on the users' skin. The user then scans the sensor with a hand device or mobileapplication to get a reading of current blood glucose level and in which direction the levelsare heading. Researchers suggest that to be able to create the best user experiencesolution for diabetes patients, the designers truly need to understand the users and theway that they interact with their monitoring systems, which is the goal of this study.The problems with current diabetes monitoring systems are, in most cases, the unclearstructure of the navigation and lack of thoughtful and meaningful user experience. Due tothe complexity of the disease, labeling is vital to make users understand the interface.This is an area that most studies acknowledge, but a well thought out solution has not yetbeen presented. The central part of making users understand the information is to involveend users in the design process. Medical information can be hard to grasp and when a lotof information is presented it can lead to information overload. Patients want a well-designed tool to help manage their disease. Previous studies show that patients want tohave one system for all their functions, a so-called system of systems, rather than havingmultiple ones.This study aims to examine three of the available products on the Swedish market tounderstand the user needs and the user experience of these products. Throughinterviews and surveys with end users, data is collected to evaluate currently used products.The data from the first phase is analyzed and findings then lay the foundation for the nextphase, where a prototype is made. The prototype is designed to validate the findings ofuser-needs in terms of navigation structure and user experience from the first phase. Thevalidation is conducted through a second survey where the end users are asked to comparecurrently used product versus the prototype, alongside with the predetermined questions inSystem Usability Scale (SUS).The results show that user experience in CGM systems needs further development tomake the patients satisfied with the way that they can manage their disease. This studysuggests that by designing with the gestalt laws in mind, a better navigation structure andinformation presentation is possible. But also suggests that future research within thetechnical solution of making the CGM systems to a system of system, is required.Keywords: Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Design, Diabetes, User Experience, User-Needs

Water Kettle for Induction Stoves / Vattenkokare för induktionsspisar

Bylund, Frida, Kåwe, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
This report describes the master’s thesis Water Kettle for Induction Stoves in Industrial Design Engineering conducted by Frida Bylund and Linnea Kåwe at KTH Royal Institute of Technology incollaboration with C3 Scandinavian Lifestyle. By combining induction technique with classic ways of boiling water a design proposal for a water kettle for induction stoves was developed. The scandinavian kitchen is often installed with an induction stove and development of kitchen utensils are more and more adapted to this type of technology. The classic ways of boiling water today is either with an electric water kettle or on the stove with a stove water kettle or saucepan. Combining the features of these concepts with induction technique could make the process more efficient and improve today’s way of boiling water, that is if a water kettle for induction stoves could automatically switch off when the water has reached boiling temperature. The project was initially carried out through gathering information by investigating today’s market, relatable patents and user needs. Insights from these laid the basis for generation of initial concepts that was confirmed and evaluated through a variety of tests. Refinements in terms of mechanism, design and usability were conducted to form a final design proposal. The final design proposal is a water kettle for induction stoves that automatically switches off when the water has reached boiling temperature. It offers a new, simple way to boil water in your home and is designed for the scandinavian kitchen as one of its kind. / Denna rapport beskriver masterexamensarbetet Vattenkokare för Induktionsspisar inom Teknisk design utfört av Frida Bylund och Linnea Kåwe på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i samarbete med C3 Scandinavian Lifestyle. Genom att kombinera induktionsteknik med klassiska sätt att koka vatten på togs ett designförslag för en vattenkokare för induktionsspisar fram. Det skandinaviska köket är ofta installerat med induktionsspis och utveckling av köksprodukter är mer och mer anpassade efter denna teknik. De klassiska sätten att koka vatten på idag är antingen med en elektrisk vattenkokare eller på spisen med en spiskanna eller kastrull. Att kombinera funktionerna från dessa koncept med induktionsteknik skulle kunna effektivisera processen och förbättra dagens sätt att koka vatten, om en vattenkokare för induktionsspisar automatiskt kan stängas av när vattnet har nått koktemperatur. Projektet genomfördes inledningsvis genom att samla information m.h.a. marknadsanalys, relevanta patent och undersöka användarens behov. Insikter från detta la grunden för generering av de första koncepten, vars funktion bekräftades och utvärderades med olika tester. Vidareutveckling och förfiningar gällande mekanism, design och användbarhet formade det slutgiltiga designförslaget. Det slutgiltiga designförslaget är en vattenkokare för induktionsspisar som automatiskt stänger av sig själv när vattnet har nått koktemperatur. Den erbjuder ett nytt, enkelt sätt att koka vatten i ditt hem och är designad för det skandinaviska köket som ett original.

Development of an Indoor Cultivation Product for Restaurant Environments : Developing a Product Specification and Creating a Product Concept using User-Centered Design

Holmqvist, Sofia, Svensson, Moa January 2019 (has links)
In today’s society there is a growing awareness of where food is produced and there is a trend to use locally grown produce in restaurants. One way for restaurants to differentiate themselves is to grow the produce inside the restaurant. This thesis has the aim on identifying the problems and user needs for an indoor cultivation solution and developing a new indoor cultivation product that solves the identified problems and meet the user needs. To achieve this aim, a usercentered design approach was utilised and the following three research questions were answered: How can the needs of the user be translated into a product specification for indoor cultivation in restaurants? What are the functionality, usability, and construction requirements for an indoor cultivation product in a restaurant? What product concept can be designed to grow classic herbs in restaurants based on the needs of the user? To identify the needs interviews were performed with the users. The needs were then translated, together with the company’s needs, into a product specification. This was done in two steps, identifying the metrics and setting values. Some of the most important requirements are that a hydroponic system is used, that the product is easy to clean and is moveable. The product development process was iterative and included different ideation, development and evaluation methods. The users were involved in some of the evaluation methods to give input on the final design. Their opinion, together with evaluations based on the product specification, were used when choosing the final concept Lärad. Lärad uses a circulating hydroponic system and have three separate growing containers each containing 16 plants. The growing containers can be pulled out to enable easy access of the plants. Both the water system and the LED grow lights, that replaces natural sunlight, are controlled automatically to minimise the users’ involvement. To test the concept, to see how well the product specification is fulfilled, both a CAD model and a functional prototype were created. The results from the tests were, even at the concept stage, that 97% of all the tested requirements were fulfilled which shows that the concept is suitable for indoor cultivation in a restaurant environment. Some further work that includes refining the design and optimising for production will be needed to launch the product.

Reflections on YU : introducing project management tools into the design process

Kürth-Landwehr, Sophie January 2013 (has links)
This article discusses the understanding of the design process in research projects by taking specific tools from project management into account. Explorative and creative design projects often run the risk of loosing focus on project goals during the process. This article aims to provide a novel approach to the ongoing discussion of the clash between creativity and efficiency during the creation of artifacts. By discussing the self-conducted case study – project „Yu‟ – this article reflects on the design process as well as the relationship between the designer and the user. The model created and presented includes two techniques; the active user dialogue and the goal and user needs definition. Both are inspired by similar approaches in project management, which illustrate the importance of the designer's responsibility for the final design outcome. The article identifies and discusses similar approaches in design theory and is aiming to emphasize the positive possibilities for an elaborate design approach. / YU project at the Mobile Life Centre

Study of consumer clothing behaviour and its relevance to the successful fashion product development

Rocha, Maria Alice Vasconcelos January 2007 (has links)
Previous research highlighted consumer dissatisfaction with fashion clothing products on offer. There is a lack of information about real consumers needs due to the industry standards of beauty and behaviour as well as a constant rush for innovation that feeds fashion cycles. This research identifies the elements that will enable fashion clothing companies to become more inclusive, and aims to find a methodological relationship between the stakeholders in the fashion industry: consumers, designers and companies. The research considered the difference between a mature market as opposed to emergent ones, and addressed differences between Western and Eastern cultures.

Analyse de requêtes en langue naturelle et extraction d'informations bibliographiques pour une recherche de livres orientée contenu efficace / Natural language query analysis and bibliographic information retrieval for effective content-oriented book search

Ollagnier, Anaïs 29 November 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, le Web a connu une énorme croissance en matière de contenus et d'utilisateurs. Ce phénomène a entraîné des problèmes liés à la surcharge d'information face à laquelle les utilisateurs ont des difficultés à trouver les bonnes informations. Des systèmes de recommandation ont été développés pour résoudre ce problème afin de guider les utilisateurs dans ce flux d'informations. Les approches de recommandation se sont multipliées et ont été mises en œuvre avec succès, notamment au travers d’approches telles que le filtrage collaboratif. Cependant, il existe encore des défis et des limites qui offrent des opportunités pour de nouvelles recherches. Parmi ces défis, la conception de systèmes de recommandation de lectures est devenue un axe de recherche en pleine expansion suite à l’apparition des bibliothèques numériques.Traditionnellement, les bibliothèques jouent un rôle passif dans l’interaction avec les lecteurs et ce, faute d’outils efficaces de recherche et de recommandation. Dans ce manuscrit, nous nous sommes penchée sur la création d’un système de recommandation de lectures. Nos objectifs portent sur :- améliorer la compréhension des besoins utilisateurs exprimés au sein des requêtes en langage naturel de recherches de livres, articles et billets ; - pallier l'absence de liens explicites entre ouvrages et articles de revues par la détection et l'analyse automatique des références bibliographiques afin de proposer des liens ; - parvenir à un système de recommandation de lectures s'appuyant sur des données textuelles permettant de fournir une liste de recommandations personnalisées aux utilisateurs actifs. / In the recent years, the Web has undergone a tremendous growth regarding both content and users. This has led to an information overload problem in which people are finding it increasingly difficult to locate the right information at the right time. Recommender systems have been developed to address this problem, by guiding users through the big ocean of information. The recommendation approaches have multiplied and have been successfully implemented, particularly through approaches such as collaborative filtering. However, there are still challenges and limitations that offer opportunities for new research. Among these challenges, the design of reading recommendation systems has become a new expanding research focus following the emergence of digital libraries.Traditionally, libraries play a passive role in interaction with users due to the lack of effective search and recommendation tools. In this manuscript, we will study the creation of a reading recommendation system in which we'll try to exploit the possibilities of digital access to scientific information. Our objectives are: - to improve the understanding of user needs expressed in natural language search queries for books, articles and posts. This work will require the establishment of processes capable of exploiting the structures of data and their dimension; - to compensate for the absence of explicit links between books and journal articles by automatically detecting and analyzing bibliographic references, and then to propose links;- to achieve a reading recommendation system based on textual data to provide a customized recommendation list to active users, similar to systems already used by users profiles.

Design of Eco-Smart Homes For Elderly Independent Living

Zhang, Yiran, Liu, Xiaohui January 2015 (has links)
The aging of the world population has increased dramatically during the past century. The rapid increase of elderly population is putting a heavy strain on healthcare and social welfare. Living conditions and service provision for elderly people have thus become an increasingly hot topic worldwide. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting a conceptual model of an integrated and personalized system for an eco-smart home for elderly independent living. This approach was inspired by an on-going European project, INNOVAGE, which researchers at Blekinge Institute of Technology are currently participating in, and which focuses on regional knowledge clusters for promoting eco-smart homes for elderly independent living. Contrasting the social situation of elderly in China and Europe, we have chosen to focus on a solution for a Swedish context, which takes technical, environmental, social and human-computer interaction aspects into consideration in the design of eco-smart homes for elderly people in Sweden. Three studies have been carried out in order to clarify and explore the main issues at stake. A literature review gave an overview of on-going research and the current state-of-the-art concerning smart homes. The literature review, along with an interview of an expert on solar energy, also gave insights into additional design challenges which are introduced when focusing specifically on eco-smart building solutions. In order to explore and gain a better understanding of the perceived needs and requests of the target group, i.e. the elderly population, we carried out interviews with three experts in healthcare and homecare for the elderly, and also carried out interviews among the elderly in Karlskrona and interviews and a web survey among the elderly in China. As a way of addressing the design challenges of integrating a multitude of diverse, complicated technical systems in a home environment while at the same time high-lighting the need for comprehensive personalized service provision for elderly people, we designed a conceptual model – an exemplar – of an eco-smart home for elderly independent living. The eco-smart home exemplar aims to inspire interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder discussions around innovative design and development of environmentally friendly, comfortable, safe and supportive living for the elderly in the future. Finally, we did an evaluation of the model in two workshops with elderly people in two different towns in Blekinge. / +460720226027

A Vision for a Better User Experience in a Smart Home

Ma, Sicong, Shah, Prina, Che, Jun January 2014 (has links)
The maturity of smart home technologies and wireless capabilities, increased accessibility through mass-market availability of internet is making the feasibility of the smart home more realistic. The added incentives to better control utilities and communications to make lives more sustainable, has also driven the growth in the market. This thesis investigates the advantages of the smart home both for the environment and user. Outlining opportunities for business by finding gaps in the market is to better synthesise products and services to improve the user experience. A literature review, market research and ethnographic research was undertaken to understand the current state of the smart home industry and identify the main stakeholders that impact the user. A customer journey map was created to visualise the user process and highlighted problem areas. A survey showed users were most concerned about quality, functions and saving energy and money. The survey perceptions on interactions with technology also shed light into the necessity for robust and reliable technology and adaptable products and services. The final outcome is a prototype model to improve user experience, including stakeholder influence, user needs and the connections between different stakeholders from pre-sale, sale and after-sale.

En förstudie kring en klickbar prototyp med fokus på balansen mellan användarnas behov och kundens krav : En kundportal som erbjuder städtjänster / A pilot study on a clickable prototype with a focus on the balance between user needs and customer requirements

Olofsson, Kristin January 2016 (has links)
Denna förstudie undersöker hur man kan balansera en användarcentrerad arbetsprocess mot en verklig kund (som inte tillåter kontakt med de slutgiltiga användarna). Den undersöker utmaningarna kring skapandet av en tänkt kundportal för servicetjänster genom att utgå från kundens egen informationsmodell med de slutgiltiga användarnas behov. Med hjälp av fyra muntliga intervjuer och observationer har data samlats in om hur kunden arbetar med sina användare idag. Genom denna förståelse skapades en klickbar prototyp för att sedan testa denna på två användare genom Think Aloud-observationer. Utifrån återkoppling från testerna har prototypen itererats. Resultaten av förstudien visade på vikten av en förstudie kring användarnas behov innan skapandet av en ny portal och hur dennes informationsmodell ska se ut. Med hjälp av en förstudie kan även nya innovativa idéer kring den tänkta produkten vara till sin fördel. Att skapa en användarcentrerad prototyp utan användarna är ingen användarcentrerad prototyp. Förstudiens resultat visar på möjligheterna med att involvera användare i skapandet av en prototyp för att utesluta krockar mellan kund och användare. / This pilot study investigates how one can balance a user-centrered workprocess against the business goals of the client. It investigates the challenges in creating a service providing portal by using the clients own information model but having the users in focus. With the help of four oral interviews and observations, data has been collected on how the client work with their users today. Using this understanding a prototype was created to test on two users, using Think Aloud-observations. The feedback from the tests were used to iterate the prototype further. The results showed the importance of doing it before the creation of an information model. With the help of a pilot study new innovative ideas can come up. The conclusion was that working after a user-centered method does not work if the client does not allow involvement of the users themselves. The pilot study shows the possibilities in involving users in the creation of a prototype to eliminate future problems in interaction design of a portal.

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