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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'The Standard-bearer of the Roman Church' : Lorenzo da Brindisi (1559-1619) and Capuchin Missions in the Holy Roman Empire

Drenas, Andrew J. G. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the missionary work of the Italian Capuchin Lorenzo da Brindisi. Renowned in his own day as a preacher, Bible scholar, missionary, chaplain, and diplomat, as well as vicar general of his Order, Lorenzo led the first organised, papally-commissioned Capuchin mission among the non-Catholics of Bohemia in the Holy Roman Empire from 1599 to 1602, and returned there, again under papal mandate, from 1606 to 1613. This thesis examines Lorenzo’s evangelistic and polemical activities in Central Europe in order to shed light on some of the ways the Capuchins laboured in religiously divided territories to confirm Catholics in their faith and to win over heretics. The introduction explains, principally, the thesis’s purpose and the historiographical background. Chapter one provides a brief biographical sketch of Lorenzo’s life followed by details of his afterlife. Chapter two examines his leading role in establishing the Capuchins’ new Commissariate of Bohemia-Austria-Styria in 1600, and specifically its first three friaries in Prague, Vienna, and Graz. Chapter three treats his preaching against heresy. Chapter four focuses on how Lorenzo, while in Prague, involved himself directly in theological disputations with two different Lutheran preachers. The first dispute, with Polykarp Leyser, took place in July 1607, and dealt with good works and justification. The second, with a Lutheran whose name is not known for certain, and which occurred in August 1610, concerned Catholic veneration of the Virgin Mary. Chapter five analyses the Lutheranismi hypotyposis, Lorenzo’s literary refutation of Lutheranism following additional contact with Polykarp Leyser in 1607. The conclusion considers briefly the effectiveness of Lorenzo’s apostolate and closes with a review of the thesis as a whole.

Integrativní role Dělnických listů pro orientaci vídeňských Čechů v období politické změny 1918-1919 / Integrative role of Dělnické listy for the orientation of Viennese Czechs in the period of political change 1918-1919

Bláhová, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis examines the influence of a Czech newspaper, the Worker's Papers, that was published in Vienna. The daily paper was targeted at Czech citizens living in the Austrian capital in the times of political changes, between 1918 and 1919. First, the thesis employs the method of a quantitative analysis of articles from selected front pages of the Worker's Papers. I overview the major topics that the newspaper most often reported on: the world politics and the situation of Czechs living in Vienna. Then, I engage in a qualitative content analysis, analyzing key issues of Czechs that were often publicly discussed in the Austrian capital. Regarding the world news reporting, only articles that directly influenced Germany and Hungary are considered, since the Worker's Papers paid a special attention to this region. Using the quantitative, as well as qualitative, content analysis, I examine the extent to which the reporters in the Worker's Papers influenced their readers in terms of their audience's decision making and in terms of shaping the collective identity of the Czech minority in Vienna. The thesis discloses the topics that the Worker's Papers frequently reported on. Additionally, the thesis reveals the role of the newspaper in shaping the way Czech minority perceived themselves in the...

Pravda vítězí 1938 protičeskoslovenské vysílání vídeňského rozhlasu / The Truth Will Win 1938 anti-Czechoslovak broadcast of Vienna radio

Cvachovcová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on 1938 radio broadcast Pravda vítězí (The Truth Will Win), broadcasted from Vienna in both Czech and Slovak languages in the two months preceding and following the signing of the Munich agreement. Its theoretical part follows the genesis of the two broadcasts, the personalities involved and also the connection between Pravda vítězí and Vlajka, the infamous Czech fascist movement. In the practical part, Nazi propaganda themes are being analyzed in both broadcasts during October 1938. Main focus is on the campaigns against president Beneš, against freemasonry and bolshevism, pro-German campaign and antisemitism. In the Slovak language broadcast, anti-Czech campaign was a significant part of the Nazi propaganda, along with the support of Slovak separatism. Comparison of the ideological focus and goals of both broadcasts is supported by numerous quotations. In the final part, the thesis offers a brief look at the reactions to the broadcasts. Also, it attempts to evaluate the broadcasts' possible effects on both Czech and Slovak audience in the light of its primary goal - the disintegration of Czechoslovakia.

Berta Zuckerkandl (1864 -1945) salonnière, journaliste et critique d'art, entre Vienne et Paris (1871-1918) / Berta Zuckerkandl (1864-1945) salonnière, journalist and art critic, between Vienna and Paris (1871-1918)

Weirich, Armelle 07 November 2014 (has links)
A la charnière des XIXe et XXe siècles, Berta Zuckerkandl (1864-1945), salonnière et journaliste autrichienne, participa activement à établir des échanges artistiques, culturels et politiques entre la France et l'Empire austro-hongrois. Alors que ses liens familiaux avec Georges Clemenceau lui permirent d'entrer en contact avec les artistes et intellectuels parisiens qu'il fréquentait - Rodin, Carrière, Raffelli, Geffroy..., son salon rassemblait à Vienne quelques-uns des acteurs emblématiques de la Wiener Moderne - Bahr, Klimt, Wagner, Mahler...-, formant le noyau d'un vaste réseau social européen. Porte-parole de la Sécession viennoise, Zuckerkandl s'imposa également comme l'une des critiques d'art les plus productives de son temps, guidant les artistes et initiant le public à l'art moderne, en s'appuyant sur les initiatives françaises pour orienter le développement de l'art. Cette étude vise ainsi à mettre en lumière son rôle dans la dynamique des échanges artistiques entre Vienne et Paris. Elle apporte d'abord des éléments biographiques éclairant la place privilégiée de Zuckerkandl à la rencontre des cultures française et autrichienne. Elle montre ensuite son implication au sein des cercles artistiques autrichiens et offre une analyse détaillée d'un corpus d'écrits sur l'art moderne. Elle expose enfin les résultats de ses interventions en faveur de la promotion des artistes français et de la réception de leurs oeuvres en Autriche, mettant en lumière les objectifs artistiques, culturels et politiques poursuivis par Zuckerkandl, décidé à préserver la culture autrichienne à l'épreuve de la guerre et de la chute de l'Empire austro-hongrois. / At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Berta Zuckerkandl (1864-1945), Austrian salonnière and journalist, engaged actively in artistic, cultural and political exchanges between France and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Being on familiar terms with Georges Clemenceau gave her the opportunity to exchange ideas with artists and intellectuals in Paris, including Rodin, Carriere, Raffaelli, and Geffroy. Her salon in Vienna gathered some of the most pioneering personalities of the Wiener Moderne...- Bahr, Klimt, Wagner, Mahler...- and thus formed the centre of a vast social network within Europe. Being a spokeswoman of the Vienna Secession, Zuckerkandl established herself as one of the most active contemporary art critics. She guided artists and introduced the public into modern art by drawing on French initiatives to influence the art's development. The present study thus aims at highlighting her role in the dynamic artistic exchange between Vienna and Paris. It will first present Zuckerkandl's biography in order to draw attention to her privileged position in the exchange of the French and Austrian cultures. Secondly, it will show her impact on artistic Austrian groups and provide a detailed analysis of a corpus of selected documents dealing with modern art. It will finally discuss her interventions in favour of French artists and the reception of their works in Austria by highlighting the artistic, cultural and political aims pursued by Zuckerkandl, who was determined to preserve the Austrian culture despite the war and the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Institut ius cogens v mezinárodním právu / Concept of Jus Cogens in International Law

Sýkorová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Die Rechtsprechung der ICSID-Schiedsgerichte

Tsatsos, Aristidis 28 February 2008 (has links)
Die Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeit erfolgt innerhalb des ICSID-Systems durch die nicht ständigen und für jeden Fall neu gebildeten ICSID-Schiedsgerichte. Mit Institutionen zur Sicherung der homogenen Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung wie die EG-Generalanwälte, die EG-Vorabentscheidung, das WTO-„Appellate Body“ oder die einem Berufungsverfahren gleichstehende Verweisung an die Große Kammer des EMRGH ist allerdings das ICSID-System nicht ausgestattet. Vielmehr ist die Möglichkeit einer Berufung innerhalb des ICSID-Systems ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Homogenität der ICSID-Rechtsprechung geprüft, um festzustellen, ob die Rechtsprechung der für jeden Fall neu gebildeten ICSID-Schiedsgerichte derartige Dissonanzen aufweist, die das ICSID-System reformbedürftig machen. Die Prüfung der Homogenität der ICSID-Rechtsprechung bezieht sich auf die Auslegung von gleichen bzw. ähnlichen Bestimmungen völkerrechtlicher Investitionsschutzabkommen sowie des ICSID-Übereinkommens selbst durch die ICSID-Schiedsgerichte und betrifft im einzelnen die folgenden Themen: (a) Definition des Begriffs „Investition“ im Sinne des ICSID-Übereinkommens. (b) Ausdehnung der Reichweite der Meistbegünstigungsklausel auf Verfahrensvorschriften. (c) Zuständigkeit der ICSID-Schiedsgerichte für reine Verletzungen von Investitionsverträgen mittels weiter Streitbeilegungsvorschriften und Regenschirmklauseln. (d) Standard der Enteignungsentschädigung und Unterscheidung zwischen indirekter Enteignung und staatlicher Regulierung. (e) Völkervertraglicher und völkergewohnheitsrechtlicher Notstand. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die ICSID-Rechtsprechung an Heterogenität leidet. Dementsprechend bildet der Mangel an Mechanismen zur Sicherung der Homogenität der ICSID-Rechtsprechung ein schwerwiegendes institutionelles Defizit. Es ist daher dringend, dass das ICSID-System unmittelbar reformiert wird, vorzugsweise durch die Schaffung einer ICSID-Berufungsinstanz. / The settlement of investment disputes within the ICSID system is carried out by the ICSID arbitral tribunals which are non-permanent judicial bodies. Every separate case is adjudicated by a different tribunal. The ICSID system, however, does not provide for any institutions similar to the EC Advocate Generals, the EC preliminary rulings, the WTO Appellate Body or to the appeal-like process of the referral to the Grand Chamber of the ECHR capable of securing the homogenous development of the case-law. Moreover, the possibility of appeal of an arbitral award is explicitly excluded within the ICSID system. The present thesis examines the homogeneity of the ICSID jurisprudence in order to ascertain whether the case-law of the separate and not standing ICSID panels proves to be so inconsistent that the ICSID system is in need of reform. The study of the homogeneity of the ICSID jurisprudence concerns the interpretation of identical and similar provisions laid down in international investment treaties as well as of the ICSID Convention itself by the ICSID panels. In particular, it deals with the following topics: (a) Definition of the term “investment” pursuant to the ICSID Convention. (b) Extension of the scope of application of the most-favoured-nation clause to procedural provisions. (c) Jurisdiction of ICSID tribunals over mere violations of an investment contract through broad dispute settlement clauses and umbrella clauses. (d) Standard of compensation for expropriation and distinction between indirect expropriation and state regulation. (e) State of necessity under customary and investment treaty law. This study comes to the conclusion that the ICSID jurisprudence suffers from heterogeneity. Thus, the lack of mechanisms able to secure the consistency of the ICSID case-law constitutes a serious institutional deficit. It is, therefore, urgent to reform the ICSID system immediately, preferably by way of establishing an ICSID appellate authority.

A critical appraisal of the legal implications of South Africa’s withdrawal from the ICC in the context of its international and regional human rights obligations

Suckling, Brian Charles 29 November 2018 (has links)
This study involves a critical appraisal of the legal implications of South Africa’s withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the context of its international and regional human rights obligations. The dissertation also investigates the history and formation of the ICC, South Africa’s involvement and its role as a guardian of international and regional human rights obligations in Africa. The study reviews the circumstances leading to South Africa’s notice of withdrawal from the ICC, including the legal implications and international human rights obligations. This inquiry considers South Africa’s proposed withdrawal from the ICC which is supported by points of departure and a comprehensive literature review. The decision to withdraw from the ICC is considered to be a political one. However, this study raises questions about the executive’s withdrawal in regard to its domestic, regional and international human rights obligations, irrespective of whether it is a member of the ICC. The study surveys the background to South Africa’s participation in the ICC, its membership of the African Union and the implications of ICC membership including the obligations imposed on member states. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. M.

Právo mezinárodních smluv - následné dohody a následná praxe / Law of Treaties - subsequent agreements and subsequent practice

Brožová, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
The title of the dissertation: Law of Treaties - subsequent agreements and subsequent practice The topic of the dissertation is the codification of the rules of interpretation of international treaties, with special focus on the phenomenon of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of the state parties. In its general introductory section, the thesis defines international treaties as a source of international law and presents a comprehensive analysis of methods of interpretation and their codification. The fundamental part is devoted to the subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, their definition, including the difference from other similar methods, and the use of them for the interpretation of treaties before international courts and in international organizations. This thesis also focuses on the issue of evolutionary interpretation. The practical part of the thesis is based on the interpretation of treaties in three branches of international law (investments, cultural cooperation, taxes), with emphasis on the use of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice and on the current developments in the negotiation of new treaties and in the activities of international organizations.

Stodenní císařství Napoleona I. / Hundred Days Empire of Napoleon I.

Dudzik, Michael January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis studies in depth the progress and endings of both Napoleon's reigns in 1814 and 1815. The first chapter deals with belligerent campaigns in the beginning of 1814, with the first Napoleon's abdication and his deportation to Elba. His exile there is examined in the second chapter which shows his living on a small island in the Mediterranean sea. The third chapter takes place on the Continent again and describes Bonaparte's escape and his sequential armament within France including the view on Allies' forces and problems in Naples. The fourth chapter is genuinely military for it examines number of forces on both sides and mentions all three important battles. The last, fifth, chapter looks at the second Napoleon's abdication, at interlude since his departure for the South, entrance of Allies into Francie and return of Louis XVIII until Bonaparte's final embarking on a British vessel and his deportation to the island of Saint Helena. Key words: Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor, abdication, Elba island, The Congress of Vienna, Quatre Bras, Ligny, Waterloo, Gebhard von Blücher, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, Joseph Fouché, Louis XVIII

Kopf und Schädel : Methoden des Wahnsinns in Canettis roman "Die Blendung" / Brain and brawn methods of madness in Canetti's novel "Die Blendung"

Riezky, Günther Helmut Dieter 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Many treatises and disquisitions concerning "Die Blendung" concentrate on the main character, Peter Kien, as well as on other protagonists. In contrast, this dissertation deals with Pfaff, the primitive force and his influence on Peter Kien, the "Brain", the masterspirit. Common traits of these di verse characters are highlighted and it is explained why Pfaff, the brute, manages to exult over Kien, the intellectual. Their interactions and their interdependence are dealt with and it is shown that insanity which is prevalent in both protagonists prepares the way to Kien's doom whereas it leads to Pfaff's survival. / Das Interesse zahlreicher Untersuchungen Uber "Die Blendung" konzentriert sich auf die Hauptperson, Peter Kien, sowie auf andere Protagonisten. Im Gegensatz dazu beschaftigt sich diese Arbei t mi t dem Hausmeister Pfaff, dem "Schadel", und mit dem EinfluB, den er auf Peter Kien, den "Kopf", den Geistesmenschen hat. Es wird versucht, Gemeinsamkeiten, die diese beiden so gegensatzlichen Charaktere aufweisen, aufzuzeigen und darzulegen, warum der Gewaltmensch Pfaff Uber den wirklichkeitsfremden Wissenschaftler Kien zu triumphieren vermag. Der EinfluB, den sie aufeinander nehmen, und die Abhangigkeit voneinander werden aufgezeigt, und es wird aufge fUhrt, wie der Wahnsinn, dem sie be ide verf all en, zu Kiens Untergang filhrt, wahrend Pfaffs Uberleben durch seinen Wahnsinn gesichert wird / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M. A. (German)

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