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Evaluation of Fuel Saving for an AirlineBerglund, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
A study of which methods and measures that can be used to reduce fuel consumption and harmful discharges in an airline. The study begins with an investigation containing calculations of the differences between estimated fuel consumption calculated by a computer program called Skytrack and actual fuel consumption. Results from this study allows synchronization between actual consumption with calculated consumption. In addition to this methods and configurations to reduce weight and thus weight onboard aircrafts e.g. carpet exchange, lightweight trolleys and water reduction has been created and analysed. To bring the thesis to an end, the author has investigated other methods and configurations which TUIfly Nordic is implementing for fuel conservation. The thesis results in several conceivable areas for fuel conservation with calculated savings of 830 000 EUR which for the moment is implemented in TUIFly Nordic.
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Mekanisk säkring av helikopter på fartygsdäck : en konceptuell fallstudie av Saabs UAV-system Skeldar M / Mechanical securing of a helicopter on a ship deck : a conceptual case study on Saab’s UAV system Skeldar MBerg, Tobias, Carlsson, David January 2008 (has links)
Den senaste trenden inom flygvapenindustrin är utveckling av obemannade farkoster. Den svenska vapenindustrikoncernen Saab AB följer denna trend i och med den stundande introduktionen av företagets obemannade helikopter Skeldar V-150. Som ett led i vidareutvecklingen av detta system finns planer på att även lansera en marin variant, kallad Skeldar M. Tanken med denna marina variant är att möjliggöra fullständigt autonoma starter och landningar från fartyg. För att kunna genomföra detta på ett tryggt sätt även i hårt väder krävs att helikoptern hålls säkrad på fartygsdäcket såväl innan start som efter landning. Uppgiften för detta arbete har varit att ta fram koncept för hur ett sådant säkringssystem skulle kunna se ut. För att ta fram idéer för dessa koncept har en flitigt brukad produktutvecklingsmetod använts. Metoden innebär att en kravspecifikation tas fram utifrån kundens behov. Med stöd av den genereras sedan ett antal produktkoncept genom kreativt tänkande och analyser av hur andra löser samma problem. Koncepten jämförs sedan utefter hur väl de uppfyller kundens behov och de bästa idéerna kan på så sätt väljas ut och vidareutvecklas. De koncept som tagits fram i detta arbete har sträckt sig från enklare idéer där kardborrmaterial används för att säkra helikoptern, till system som mäter in helikopterns position relativt fartyget och justerar sitt eget läge därefter. Totalt framkom nio grundidéer och sammanlagt tolv varianter på antiglidsystem. I samråd med personer inblandade i Skeldar-projektet valdes sedermera tre av koncepten ut för att vidareutvecklas ytterligare, en lösning där helikoptern vinschas ner på däck, en annan där kardborrlås används för att säkra den och en tredje där sugkoppar håller Skeldar fast. Med hänsyn tagen till bland annat svårigheter att implementera en vinschlösning ombord på såväl Skeldar som fartygen valdes denna lösning slutligen bort. Svårigheterna bottnar framför allt i utrymmesbrist och problem med automatisk sammankoppling av helikopter och fartyg. De koncept som rekommenderas i detta arbete blir därför ett av systemen med kardborrlås eller sugkoppar. / The latest trend within the air force industry is development of unmanned aerial vehicles. The Swedish defense industry group Saab AB is following this trend by means of the introduction of their unmanned helicopter Skeldar V-150. As part of the further development of this system Saab has plans on introducing a marine version of the system, called Skeldar M. One of the purposes of this version is to enable completely autonomous take-offs and landings from ships. To be able to complete this in a safe manner in harsh conditions the helicopter needs to be secured to the deck before take-off as well as after landing. The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a concept for keeping Skeldar secured on deck. To establish ideas for these concepts a common method for product development has been used. The method involves acquiring customer needs and from these needs establish a list of demands on the product itself. A set of product concepts are then generated by means of creative thinking and competitor analysis. After that the concepts are compared based on how well they meet the demands put upon them and the best ideas get picked out and further developed. The concepts developed in this thesis stretch from simple ideas where hook and loop fasteners are used to secure the helicopter to more advanced ones where the helicopter’s position relative to the ship is measured and the system adjust to this position. All in all nine basic ideas were developed and a total of twelve versions on securing systems. In consultation with people involved in the Skeldar project, three of the concepts were chosen for further development, one concept where the helicopter was winched to the deck, a second where hook and loop fasteners were used to secure it and finally one where vacuum grippers keeps Skeldar on deck. With difficulties of implementing a winch system onboard Skeldar as well as on board the ships taken into account, this solution was dropped. This was primarly due to lack of space and difficulties solving an automatic connection between helicopter and ship. The concepts recommended in this thesis will therefore be one of the systems where hook and loop fasteners or vacuum grippers are used.
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Evaluation of Finite Element simulation methods for High Cycle Fatigue on engine components / Utvärdering av simuleringsmetoder för analys av högcykelutmattning på motorkomponenterPacheco Roman, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
This document reflects the results of evaluating three computational methods to analyse the fatigue life of components mounted on the cylinder block; two currently in use at Scania and one that has been further developed from its previous state. Due to the cost of testing and the exponential increase in computational power throughout the years, the cheaper computational analyses have gained in popularity. When a component is mounted in a fairly complex assembly such as an engine, simplifications need to be made in order to make the analysis as less expensive as possible while keeping a high degree of accuracy. The methods of Virtual Vibrations, VROM and VFEM have been evaluated and compared in terms of accuracy, computational cost, user friendliness and general capacities. Additionally, the method VFEM has been further developed and improved from its previous state. A in-depth investigation regarding the differences of the methods has been conducted and improvements to make them more efficient are suggested herein. The reader can also find a decision matrix and recommendations regarding which method to use depending on the general characteristics of the component of interest and other factors. Two components, which differ in complexity and mounting nature, have been used to do the research.
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Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles: Teknik och etik : Ett självständigt arbete om obemannade flygande farkoster och deras militära nytta och moraliska dilemmanNilsson, Göran January 2014 (has links)
Obemannade flygfarkoster har varit omtalat sedan kriget mot terrorn startade 11 september 2001 och det förekommer fortfarande frågor kring hur systemet nyttjas och om det är moraliskt korrekt. Det finns många användningsområden för farkosterna som exempelvis lägesuppfattning, sökandet av försvunna personer, attackuppdrag med flera. Studien undersöker hur farkosterna används inom attackföretag samt den militära nyttan av systemet. Eftersom det finns olika uppfattningar kring hur systemet används i krig och konflikt så kommer studien att redogöra för olika uppfattningar samt att konkretisera dessa. Det moraliska synsättet på Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle, UCAV, i konflikt och krig skiljer sig åt. De som talar emot systemet menar att detta i sig är hotet och inte hur det nyttjas. Andra menar att taktiken idag är densamma i konflikt och krig sedan 1960-talet. Detta användningsområde är därför inget nytt enligt de etiska teorierna gällande konflikt och krig. Tillämpningen av systemet har skapat att individer har en negativ uppfattning av det, medan andra ställer sig positiva. Enligt denna studie kan det anses moraliskt försvarbart att nyttja detta system om kriget eller konflikten uppfyller majoriteten av de sju kriterierna i rättfärdig krigsteori, Just War Theory. Dock spelar andra faktorer in för att starta ett krig vilket komplicerar eventuellt användande av systemet. Såsom nationens befolkning, dess intresse av kriget/konflikten, vilken grad hotet har och vilken nytta nationen får ut av konflikten eller kriget. Om tidigare nämnda exempel överensstämmer med nationens intresse kan det påstås vara moraliskt försvarbart att använda UCAV för attackföretag. / Unmanned aerial vehicles, popularly known as drones, have been up to debate since the start of the war on terror, 11th September 2001, and there are still a lot of questions about their use and moral legitimacy. There are a lot of useful applications for this kind of vehicle for example, situational awareness, searching for lost people and attack missions. This study is going to investigate how these vehicles are being used within attack missions and and what their military utility are. Since there are a lot of different opinions on the system in war and conflict, the aim for this study is to make the ethics more concrete and evaluate what military utility this system gives. The moral aspects of UCAV, Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle, in conflict and war differ a lot from person to person. Those who are against this kind of system mean that the UCAV, in itself, is a threat and not as much to how it is used. Supporters of the system, on the other hand, argue that similar tactics have been used in war since the 1960s hence the system does not need any change in ethics and morals. However the system has got a negative reputation because of they way it is being used. This study shows that it is morally right to use UCAVs when the conflict or war meets a majority of the seven criteria of Just War Theory. However it is not as simple as that, there are a lot more factors that come in play. The population of the nation and its interests in the conflict or war, the threat level and what kind of profit the nation will acquire through it are important factors. If all of these criteria are met then the use of UCAVs for attack missions can be seen as morally just.
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The car is the most common vehicle in the world. Millions of cars are produced annually. In order for each car to find its buyer, car companies are forced to constantly improve the design of the car. Modern models are emerging, new car systems are being developed and implemented. All this is accompanied by a huge flow of information, in which it is easy to get lost. This master’s work is devoted to the trace analysis and connection of two different files. The paper proposes a developed algorithm of trace analysis for some functions of the vehicle in the C++ programming language. The files that we use to trace analysis relate to the model and the final result of its simulation.EATOP is a tool with which a model based on the EAST-ADL language was developed. Adapt is an event simulator with which our model of automotive functionality was simulated. The purpose of the study is to identify possible ways to meet timing requirements. The work is carried out in collaboration with Volvo Group Truck Technology. This company provided the LogFile, which presents results of the simulation, and model. We get an analysis of performance, one of the ways to trace data and timing. The results of our implementation are presented and discussed.
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Optimized maintenance budget planning for DB Cargo locomotivesNiedecken, Timon January 2021 (has links)
In a regional railway signalling system, object controllers are the devices responsible for controlling Track Side Equipment and act as interfaces for TSE with the interlocking computer and the Traffic control system. However, associated cabling (signal and power cabling) and civil works pose a major capital investment and it is a source of significant Capital and Operational expenses, particularly in rural areas, where accessibility andconnectivity to power grid and to the interlocking are a problem. Furthermore, cables/signalling equipment are exposed to sabotage and theft in such areas. This can increase the total Life Cycle Cost even further. The Shift2Rail research programme, which was initiated by the European Union and railway stakeholders, tries to address this issue, and revamp the Object Controller concept through the project “TD2.10 Smart radio connectedwayside object controller”, where the aim is to develop a Smart Wayside Object Controller (SWOC). A SWOC is capable of wireless communication between central interlocking and TSE as well as decentralization of interlocking logic. These innovations can reduce the cabling required, increase the availability of diagnostic data, thus reducing maintenance and operational costs and can lead to power saving by utilizing local power sources. The most important impact of the SWOC is a significant reduction of CAPEX, OPEX and of total LCC for an installation utilizing SWOCs, instead of typical OCS. This work focuses on estimating the LCC of a SWOC system and to compare it with a conventional OCS by developing an LCC model that covers both cases, as well as to use this model to examine when it is more profitable to implement a SWOC, instead of an OCS system. This is done by utilizing LCC analysis and combining a variety of methods in a parametric study. To that extend, a thorough analysis of a modern regional railway signallingsystem, as well as the basis for LCCA are being discussed. At the same time, both OC and SWOC systems are being described and factors affecting their cost discussed. The methodology is comprised of the LCC modelling part as well as the collection of methods and techniques used to calculate the LCC of OC/SWOC systems and to estimate the costs of different sub-models and parameters of the process. For the modelling process, the station of Björbo was chosen, which operates under ERTMS-R system, but for the sake of the analysis it is assumed that the typical base system in place is an OCS and together withthe existing track layout and equipment it is used as the basis of the analysis. Finally, the formed LCC model is being used in a parametric study to examine how the LCC is affected by using OC or SWOC as well as how LCC responds to changes in parameters such as number of OC/SWOC, traffic density and local power installation cost for the Björbo station. / I ett regionalt järnvägssignalsystem är utdelar de enheter som ansvarar för att kontrollera spårutrustning och fungerar de som gränsyta för spårutrustning med ställverksdatorn och tågtrafikledning systemet. Dock, tillhörande kablar (signalkablar ock kraftkablar), samt anläggningsinfrastruktur utgör en stor kapitalinvestering och de är en källa till märkbar kapitalkostnad och driftskostnader, särskilt på landsbygdsområden, där tillgänglighet och anslutning till elnätet och ställverket är problematisk. Dessutom, kablar och signalutrustning utsätts för stöld och sabotage i sådana områden. Detta kan öka den totala livscykelkostnaden ytterligare. Shift2rail forskningsprogram, som genomförs av EU och järnvägsintressenter, försöker att ta itu med problemet och modernisera utdelar konceptet genom projektet “TD2.10 Smart Radio Connected Wayside Object Controller”, där målet är att utveckla en Smart Spårutrustning Utdelar, så kallade SWOC. En SWOC har kapacitet för trådlös kommunikation mellan central ställverket och spårutrustning, samt decentralisering av satällverkslogiken. Dessa innovationer kan minska nödvändig kabeldragning, öka tillgängligheten av diagnostiska data, vilket minskar underhålls- och driftskostnader och kan leda till energibesparing genom att använda lokala kraftkällor. Den viktigaste effekten av SWOC är en betydande minskning av kapitalkostnader, driftskostnader och totala livscykelkostnaden för en installation som använder SWOC istället för typiska utdelningsystemet. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att uppskatta LCC för ett SWOC-system och jämföra det med en konventionell utdelingsystem genom att utveckla en LCC-modell som täcker båda fallen, samt att använda denna modell för att undersöka när det är mer lönsamt att implementera en SWOC istället av ett typiskt utdelingsystem. Detta görs genom att använda LCC-analys och kombinera en mängd olika metoder i en parametrisk studie. För att göradetta genomförs en grundlig analys av ett modernt regionalt järnvägssignalsystem, samt grunden för livscykelanalys. Samtidigt beskrivs både ett typiskt utdelingssystem - och SWOC-system samt faktorer som påverkar deras kostnad deskuteras. Metoden består av LCC-modelleringsdelen samt insamling av metoder och tekniker som används för att beräkna LCC för OC / SWOC-system och för att uppskatta kostnaderna för olika delmodeller och parametrar för processen. För modelleringsprocessen valdes stationen i Björbo, som arbetar under ERTMS-R-systemet, men för analysens skull antas att det typiska bassystemet på plats är en typisk OCS och tillsammans med befintlig planritning ochkabelplan är används som grund för analys. Slutligen används den bildade LCC-modellen i en parametrisk studie för att undersöka hur LCC påverkas genom att använda OC eller SWOC samt hur LCC reagerar på förändringar i parametrar såsom antal OC / SWOC, trafiktäthet och lokala kraftinstallationskostnader för Björbo-stationen.
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Data-Driven Engine Fault Classification and Severity Estimation Using Residuals and DataLundgren, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Recent technological advances in the automotive industry have made vehicularsystems increasingly complex in terms of both hardware and software. As thecomplexity of the systems increase, so does the complexity of efficient monitoringof these system. With increasing computational power the field of diagnosticsis becoming evermore focused on software solutions for detecting and classifyinganomalies in the supervised systems. Model-based methods utilize knowledgeabout the physical system to device nominal models of the system to detect deviations,while data-driven methods uses historical data to come to conclusionsabout the present state of the system in question. This study proposes a combinedmodel-based and data-driven diagnostic framework for fault classification,severity estimation and novelty detection. An algorithm is presented which uses a system model to generate a candidate setof residuals for the system. A subset of the residuals are then selected for eachfault using L1-regularized logistic regression. The time series training data fromthe selected residuals is labelled with fault and severity. It is then compressedusing a Gaussian parametric representation, and data from different fault modesare modelled using 1-class support vector machines. The classification of datais performed by utilizing the support vector machine description of the data inthe residual space, and the fault severity is estimated as a convex optimizationproblem of minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence (kld) between the newdata and training data of different fault modes and severities. The algorithm is tested with data collected from a commercial Volvo car enginein an engine test cell and the results are presented in this report. Initial testsindicate the potential of the kld for fault severity estimation and that noveltydetection performance is closely tied to the residual selection process.
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Route Planning and Design of Autonomous Underwater Mine Reconnaissance Through Multi-Vehicle CooperationHanskov Palm, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Autonomous underwater vehicles have become a popular countermeasure to naval mines. Saab’s AUV62-MR detects, locates and identifies mine-like objects through three phases. By extracting functionality from the AUV62-MR and placing it on a second vehicle, it is suggested that the second and third phases can be performed in parallel. This thesis investigates how to design the second vehicle so that the runtime of the mine reconnaissance process is minimized. A simulation framework is implemented to simulate the second and third phases of the mine reconnaissance process in order to test various design choices. The vehicle design choices in focus are the size and the route planning of the second vehicle. The route-planning algorithms investigated in this thesis are a nearest neighbour algorithm, a simulated annealing algorithm, an alternating algorithm, a genetic algorithm and a proposed Dubins simulated annealing algorithm. The algorithms are evaluated both in a static environment and in the simulation framework. Two different vehicle sizes are investigated, a small and a large, by evaluating their performances in the simulation framework. This thesis takes into account the limited travelling distance of the vehicle and implements a k-means clustering algorithm to help the route planner determine which mine-like objects can be scanned without exceeding the distance limit. The simulation framework is also used to evaluate whether parallel execution of the second and third phases outperforms the current sequential execution. The performance evaluation shows that a major reduction in runtime can be gained by performing the two phases in parallel. The Dubins simulated annealing algorithm on average produces the shortest paths and is considered the preferred route-planning algorithm according to the performance evaluation. It also indicates that a small vehicle size results in a reduced runtime compared to a larger vehicle.
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Simulation and Modelling of Injection Molded Components : Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Powertrain Mounts / Simulering och modellering av formsprutade komponenter : Polymera kompositer i motorupphängningJakobsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Powertrain mounts' purpose is to mount the engine and the gearbox in the car. Besides that, it isolate the body from the powertrain movements and road excitation. The most common material in powertrain mounts bracket is aluminum but lately, fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) has been acting as a substitute for the aluminum. The major drive forces for the change is the possibility to decrease the weight and improve the attribute noise, vibrations and harshness (NVH). The main objective of this study was to compare aluminum and FRP in order to find advantages and disadvantages for use in a powertrain mount bracket. FRP's have in earlier investigations at Volvo Cars been assumed to be isotropic, although it is orthotropic due to fiber orientation. Hence, a comparison between isotropic and orthotropic material properties for the powertrain mount bracket was conducted. There was no established method for modelling orthotropic materials available at the powertrain mount department, so a suggestion of a work process was presented in this thesis. Information regarding FRP, as well as a comparison to aluminum was presented in a literature study. The different materials and material models were compared in series of stress-strain and eigenmode FEM analyses. The results from the stress-strain analyses evinced that the design for the aluminum bracket can withstand the loads without exceeding the design limit. In the FRP bracket with orthotropic material properties, the design limit was exceeded for the load cases with the highest load. The results from the stress-strain and eigenmode analyses of the isotropic and orthotropic material models showed significant differences. According to the isotropic material model, the bracket could withstand the loads, and the eigenfrequencies was 25-30% higher compared to the orthotropic material model. The conclusions drawn from this study was that FRP's may be an advantageous material for the powertrain mount bracket, compared to aluminum. The FRP's bracket will decrease the cost, weight, and carbon footprint as well as improve the NVH. However, difficulties of using FRP's have been observed and need to be further investigated. The main difficulties identified are creep, fatigue, moisture absorption, and aging. This study has also proved that orthotropic material properties must be included in order to understand the material behavior and find critical areas.
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Variable Stator Nozzle Angle Control in a Turbocharger InletCarrasco Mora, Enrique January 2015 (has links)
Turbochargers are becoming an essential device in internal combustion engines as they boost the intake air with more pressure in order to increase the power output. These devices are normally designed for a single steady design point but the pulsating flow delivered from the internal combustion engine is everything but steady. The efficiency drop experienced in the off-design points by the fixed geometry turbochargers have made some research groups to look into new variable geometry solutions for turbocharging. A nozzle ring is a device which normally achieves a higher performance under design conditions, but the efficiency rapidly drops at off-design conditions. In this paper, a variable angle nozzle ring is designed and implemented in the model of a radial turbine of a turbocharger in order to study its potential when working under real internal combustion engine cycles. To understand the profit margin the turbine performance is compared with two turbines with the same impeller geometry: one without nozzle ring and one with a nozzle ring with a fixed angle. The results show that the maximum efficiency angle function calculated for the variable angle nozzle ring achieves an improvement in the total efficiency of 5 % when comparing with a turbine with a fixed angle and 18 % when comparing with a vaneless turbine. The improved guidance achieved due to the variable blade angle leads to less turbine losses and therefore more mechanical energy can be extracted from the exhaust mass flow throughout all the combustion cycle but a further study should be made in order to match all the engine operations points. Notably, taking the pulsating boundary conditions into consideration, a remarkable improvement is achieved already for the fixed angle nozzle ring.
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