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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Piezoelectric shunt damping of rotationally periodic structures

Mokrani, Bilal 16 January 2015 (has links)
New materials and new fabrication techniques in turbomachinery lead to monolithic<p>structures with extremely low damping which may be responsible for severe vibrations<p>and possible high-cycle fatigue problems. To solve this, various techniques<p>of damping enhancement are under investigation. The present work is focused on<p>piezoelectric shunt damping.<p>This thesis considers the RL shunt damping of rotationally periodic structures using<p>an array of piezoelectric patches, with an application to a bladed drum representative<p>of those used in turbomachinery. Due to the periodicity and the cyclic symmetry of<p>the structure, the blade modes occur by families with very close resonance frequencies,<p>and harmonic shape in the circumferential direction; the proposed RL shunt<p>approaches take advantage of these two features.<p>When a family of modes is targeted for damping, the piezoelectric patches are<p>shunted independently on identical RL circuits, and tuned roughly on the average<p>value of the resonance frequencies of the targeted modes. This independent<p>configuration offers a damping solution effective on the whole family of modes, but<p>it requires the use of synthetic inductors, which is a serious drawback for rotating<p>machines.<p>When a specific mode with n nodal diameters has been identified as critical and<p>is targeted for damping, one can take advantage of its harmonic shape to organize<p>the piezoelectric patches in two parallel loops. This parallel approach reduces considerably<p>the demand on the inductors of the tuned inductive shunt, as compared<p>to independent loops, and offers a practical solution for a fully passive integration<p>of the inductive shunt in a rotating structure.<p>Various methods are investigated numerically and experimentally on a cantilever<p>beam, a bladed rail, a circular plate, and a bladed drum. The influence of blade<p>mistuning is also investigated. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Simulations numériques et validation expérimentale du comportement dynamique d'un tube / Hybrid synthesis of fluid structure interaction by non linear feed back control strategy for characterizing steam generators tubes subjected tubes to impacts

Benmalek, Wissam 08 December 2014 (has links)
Dans les générateurs de vapeurs (GV), les tubes du circuit primaire sont sujets aux chocs et aux forces de couplage auto-excitatrices nommées forces fluides élastiques.Il est crucial, lors du dimensionnement des GV, de maîtriser la dynamique de ces tubes, ainsi que d'estimer au mieux les efforts mécaniques auxquels ils sont soumis.En effet, cela permet aux ingénieurs d'optimiser la durée de vie des installations et d’augmenter le rendement des centrales électriques.Le but de la présente thèse est de trouver une technique d'essai hybride, basée sur le contrôle actif des vibrations, pour reproduire la contribution modale des forces de couplage sur un tube. En effet, les expériences en milieu réel, dans les conditions que l'on trouve dans les GV, sont hors de prix et très difficiles à reproduire. Dans ces travaux de recherche, une structure de test interagit avec un modèle numérique, qui modélise le fluide, à travers un système de contrôle actif en temps réel. Dans un premier temps les efforts mécaniques appliqués sur le tube sont caractérisés, puis un système de contrôle, constitué de transducteurs et de la carte de contrôle, est conçu pour générer les forces de couplage sur le tube, en prenant en considération les non-linéarités dues aux impacts. / In steam generators, the primary loop tubes are subjected to fluid-elastic couplingforces and impacts. Understanding the dynamic of these tubes is crucial when designingsteam generators. Mastering coupling and impacts forces would allow engineers toimprove the design of structure components and would optimize the tube lifetime, whileimproving the overall performances of power plant.The aim of the current research is to provide a hybrid test technique reproducingthe modal coupling forces on a tube, since experiments on fluid are expensive anddifficult to set up. In this work, the experimental structure interacts with a numericalmodel (which models the fluid-elastic coupling forces) via a real time controller and aset of transducers. First, we characterize the coupling and impact forces, and then, anactive vibration control approach is set up to reproduce the modal contribution of fluidelasticforces on the tube, taking in consideration the non-linearities due to the impacts.

Distributed shunted piezoelectric cells for vibroacoustic interface optimization / Distribution de cellules piézoélectriques semi-actives pour l'optimisation d'interfaces vibroacoustiquesDistributed shunted piezoelectric cells for vibroacoustical interfaces optimization

Tateo, Flaviano 19 December 2013 (has links)
Le domaine des matériaux intelligents et des structures adaptatives constitue un domaine de recherche consacré à la conception de structures architecturées ayant la faculté de modifier leur comportement en réponse à un stimulus externe. Le travail proposé dans cette thèse porte sur l’analyse et la conception d’un système pour le contrôle vibroacoustique adaptatif. Il s’attache à la conception d’une interface active faite de transducteurs piézo-électriques disposés en réseau bidimensionnel. Chaque transducteur est shunté individuellement par un circuit électronique externe synthétisant une capacité négative. Cette stratégie de contrôle se base sur le couplage multipysique entre la plaque et les circuit électroniques mis en communication et permet de contrôler les ondes se propageant au sein de la structure. Le dispositif ainsi créé est qualifié de métacomposite. La performance du metacomposite a été évaluée par le biais de nombreux essais numériques et expérimentales. Du point de vue modélisation, l’analyse a été réalisée à l’aide du théorème de Bloch adapté aux systèmes piézo-élastiques à deux dimensions. Par la suite, une procédure d’optimisation a été utilisée dans le but de sélectionner les paramètres de shunt électrique les plus appropriés.Un prototype du guide d’ondes a été fabriqué et testé. Les résultats montrent clairement que ce dispositif permet de modifier les propriétés vibratoires de la structure porteuse, que ce soit en terme d’atténuation ou de trasmission. Enfin, un modèle éléments finis de la plaque a été utiliser afin d’évaluer la robustesse de la stratégie de contrôle proposée vis-à-vis d’une modification des paramètres du circuit, de la topologie del’interface active ou des propriétés de la plaque contrôlée. / Smart materials is an active research area devoted to the design of structured materials showingphysical properties that can be modified in response to an external stimulus.This study focuses on the analysis and design of adaptive system for vibroacoustic control. Theresearch investigates the design of a active interface made of piezoelectric transducers arranged ina two-dimensional lattice. Each transducer is individually shunted to an external electric circuitsynthesizing a negative capacitance effect. It allows to control waves propagating inside a structuretaking advantage of the multi-field coupling between the structural plate and the electrical circuitsshunting the piezoelectric patches.The performance of the metacomposite has been evaluated through numerous numerical andexperimental tests. The smart wave-guide has been analyzed by using the Bloch theorem appliedto two-dimensional piezo-elastic systems. Subsequently an optimization procedure has been usedwith the purpose to select the most appropriate set of circuit’s parameters.A prototype of the smart waveguide has been manufactured and tested. The results results clearlyshow the filtering and attenuating capabilities of this device.Finally a finite element model of the finite extent smart plate has been considered in order toasses the robustness of the proposed control strategy respect to a modification of the circuit’sparameters, the topology of the active interface and the properties of the controlled plate.A brief review conclude the work delineating which aspects of the design should be modified inorder to obtain a device suitable for industrial applications.

Contrôle actif modal appliqué aux instruments de musique à cordes / Modal active control applied to string instruments

Benacchio, Simon 03 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’appliquer un contrôle actif modal aux instruments de musique de la famille des cordes. Les objectifs principaux sont de proposer une démarche et des méthodes adaptées permettant l’application de ce type de contrôle, d’explorer les possibilités qu’il offre et d’en étudier les effets sur les instruments. Tout d’abord, les types de contrôle existants et leurs applications aux instruments de musique sont rapidement présentés. Le constat que les paramètres modaux des instruments sont de bons descripteurs de ses attributs perceptifs mène à choisir la méthode de contrôle actif modal dont le formalisme est présenté. Afin de répondre à des problématiques propres aux instruments de musique, comme par exemple modifier l’amplitude de vibration des modes de la structure, des méthodes dérivées d’un contrôle d’état modal sont proposées. Une méthode d’adimensionnement en temps du modèle utilisé dans le système de contrôle ainsi qu’une méthode de contrôle des états dérivé et proportionnel sont présentées. Le contrôle est ensuite appliqué expérimentalement sur un monocorde, une guitare et un violoncelle. Pour cela, un système de contrôle temps réel fonctionnant grâce à un environnement libre est développé. Les possibilités offertes par ce type de contrôle ainsi que ses limites sont explorées grâce à ces montages expérimentaux. Enfin, un cas particulier de phénomène régissant le fonctionnement des instruments de musique à cordes est étudié à l’aide du dispositif de contrôle proposé. Le couplage corde/table d’harmonie est observé, étudié analytiquement puis contrôlé. Afin de confronter le contrôle actif à d’autres méthodes d’investigation, les résultats du contrôle sont comparés à ceux obtenus à l’aide d’une méthode de synthèse sonore. / This PhD thesis deals with modal active control applied to string musical instruments. Its main goals are to propose an approach and adapted methods to apply this kind of control, to investigate its possibilities and to study its effects on musical instruments. First, a short presentation of the different methods of active control and their applications to musical intruments is done. While the modal parameters of musical instruments are believed to be good descriptors of their perceptual attributs, the modal active control method is chosen for this work. Adapted methods from modal state control are used to answer to specific issues related to musical instruments. To modify the amplitude of the vibration modes, a time-dimensionless model and a derivative and proportionnal modal state method are proposed. Then, these control methods are experimentally applied to a single string instrument, a guitar and a cello. A real time control system based on a free and opensource framework is developped. The possibilities and the limits of modal state control are studied using this experimental setup. Finally, a case of a complex phenomenon contributing to the sound production in string instruments is studied thanks to the developped control system. The coupling between the string and the soundboard is observed, analytically studied and controlled. The results obtained with control and with a synthesis method are studied to compare this two investigation methods.


19 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] O controle passivo de vibrações em edifícios usando absorsores pendulares tem sido bastante estudado na literatura técnica e usado na pratica em edifícios altos como o Taipei-101 em Taiwan. Como a frequência do pêndulo depende apenas do seu comprimento e da aceleração da gravidade, para sintonizar a frequência do pêndulo com a do edifício, tem-se como única variável de projeto o comprimento do pêndulo. Entretanto, em muitos casos, o comprimento necessário e o espaço requerido não se coadunam com o projeto. Nestes casos pode-se substituir o pêndulo clássico por um sistema pendular equivalente composto por uma massa que se movimenta sobre uma superfície curva, permitindo maior flexibilidade no projeto do absorsor, já que o comprimento do pêndulo torna-se irrelevante e a forma da superfície curva pode ser otimizada. Em virtude do movimento da massa sobre a superfície curva, novas forças de inércia e amortecimento não encontradas no pêndulo clássico podem aparecer. No presente trabalho um sistema pendular composto de uma massa que se desloca através de suportes rolantes sobre uma superfície curva é proposto para controle das oscilações de estruturas sob excitação de base. Este sistema pendular tem a vantagem de poder ser usado tanto como um amortecedor pendular de massa sintonizada (APMS) quanto como isolador de base pendular (IBP). Como o sistema pendular pode, em certos casos, apresentar grandes rotações, barreiras que limitam o movimento são propostas, gerando forças de impacto cuja eficiência no controle de vibrações é aqui investigada. / [en] The passive vibration control of buildings using pendulum absorber has been extensively studied in the technical literature and used in high buildings such as the Taipei-101 in Taiwan. Since the frequency of the pendulum depends only on its length and the acceleration of gravity, to tune the frequency of the pendulum to that of the building, its length is the sole design variable. However, in many cases, the pendulum length and the space required for its installation are not consistent with the design. In these cases one can replace the classic pendulum with an equivalent pendulum system comprising a mass that moves on a curved surface, allowing greater flexibility in the absorber design as the length of pendulum becomes irrelevant and the shape of the curved surface can be optimized. Because of the mass movement on the curved surface, new inertia and stiffness forces not found in the classic pendulum may appear. In the present work a pendulum system comprising a mass that moves through rolling bearings on a curved surface is proposed for control of the oscillations of structures under base excitation. This pendulum system has the advantage of being used both as a pendulum tuned mass damper (APMS) and as a base isolation pendulum system (IBP). As the pendulum system can, in certain cases, display large rotations, barriers which limit its movement are proposed, generating impact forces whose efficiency in vibration control is here investigated.

Active Vibration Control of Axial Piston Machine using Higher Harmonic Least Mean Square Control of Swash Plate

Kim, Taeho, Ivantysynova, Monika January 2016 (has links)
Noise emission is a major drawback of the positive displacement machine. The noise source can be divided into structure borne noise source (SBNS) and fluid borne noise source (FBNS). Passive techniques such as valve plate optimization have been used for noise reduction of axial piston machines. However, passive techniques are only effective for limited operating conditions or at least need compromises in design. In this paper, active vibration control of swash plate is investigated for vibration and noise reduction over a wide range of operating conditions as an additional method to passive noise reduction techniques. A 75cc pump has been modified for implementation of active vibration control using the swash plate. One tri-axial acceleration sensor and one angle sensor are installed on the swash plate and a high speed servovalve is used for the swash plate actuation. The multi-frequency two-weight least mean square (LMS) filter synthesizes the servovalve input signal to generate a destructive interference force which minimizes the swash plate vibration. An experimental test setup has been realized using Labview field-programmable gate array (FPGA) via cRIO. Simulation and experimental studies are conducted to investigate the possibility of active vibration control.

The Dynamics of Coupled Resonant Systems and Their Applications in Sensing

Conor S Pyles (9759650) 14 December 2020 (has links)
The field of coupled resonant systems is a rich research area with enumerable real-world applications, including the fields of neural computing and pattern recognition, energy harvesting, and even modeling the behavior of certain types of biological systems. This work is primarily focused on the study of the behaviors of two subsets of this field: large networks of globally coupled resonators (which, in this work, refers to passive, damped resonant elements which require external stimulus) and smaller networks of oscillators (referring to active devices capable of self-sustained motion), which are coupled through a network of light-sensitive resistive elements. In the case of the former, we begin by developing an analytical and experimental framework to examine the behaviors of this system under various conditions, such as different coupling modalities and element-level parametric mistunings. Once a proper understanding of the dynamics of these systems has been established, we go on to develop the system into a single-input, single-output, multi-analyte volatile organic compound sensor. For the study of oscillator networks, we begin by building a device which utilizes a network of Colpitts oscillators, coupled through a series of color-filtered CdSe photocells. We then establish that through the analysis of particular emergent behaviors (most notably, frequency locking within the network), this type of system may show promise as a threshold color sensor. By exploiting these behaviors, this type of system may find applications in neuromorphic computing (particularly in optical pattern recognition).


Nikhil Felix Carneiro (12879038) 16 June 2022 (has links)
<p> </p> <p>Gas sensors have many applications. Volatile organic compound (VOC) sensors are used for monitoring air quality in homes and office spaces, as well as monitoring manufacturing environments where a wide variety of VOCs can be produced. These gases can include formaldehyde, which can be toxic to humans at concentrations as low as 1 ppm. Other applications for gas sensors include flammable refrigerant detection. With the move towards developing more environmentally friendly appliances, many companies have started to use refrigerants such as R600a (isobutane) and R32 (difluoromethane), which have a much lower global warming potential (GWP) than their predecessors, such as R134a and R410a. While this move is beneficial for the environment, steps to ensure their safe usage have not been widely implemented to date. Therefore, sensors to detect VOCs at or below exposure limits, as well as flammable refrigerants at or below lower flammability limits (LFL), should be developed to ensure undue hazards are identified and mitigated. </p>

Active Control of High­-Speed Flexible Rotors on Controllable Tilting­-Pad Journal Bearings : Theory and Experiment

Bull, Paul-Henrik January 2021 (has links)
A common choice of bearing for industrial applications such as turbomachinery and rotating compressors is the Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing (TPJB) due to its excellent stability properties. TPJB's are however limited by the reduction of damping in the fluid film at high velocities. In order to overcome this, the Active Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing (ATPJB) has been developed. By adding the possibility of high-pressure radial oil injection through servo-valves which can be controlled via a feedback-loop control system, the classically purely mechanical TPJB becomes a mechatronic device called ATPJB.  The objective of this project is to conduct an experimental evaluation of the dynamical behavior of the ATPJB test rig located at the Technical University of Denmark, use the experimental results to modify the previously developed dynamical model which is used for the calculation of a model-based control system. The control system is to be implemented and experimentally validated at high velocities. Improvements made to the test rig in order to achieve high velocities have been documented and described in this work. The mathematical modeling of the individual components, reduction methods, and the global system assembly is covered with an extensive overview. Parameters of the model have been made frequency dependant in order to have an accurate model, resulting in good agreement with experimental data over a wider operational range. With the implemented Linear Quadratic Gaussian controller it is shown that ATPJB has extended operational range compared to TPJB and shows reduction of vibrations over rotational speeds spanning from 1000 RPM to 10,000 RPM. The ATPJB-technology, as it is implemented in this project, does not improve frictional losses in the system. It is argued that the added sensing and actuating systems inherited in the ATPJB technology make the technology highly suitable for the ideas of Industry 4.0 and also allows for the implementation of Early Fault Diagnosis which gives an economical incitement to invest in ATPJB-technology.

Numerical and experimental analysis of vibroacoustic field of external gear pumps

Sangbeom Woo (12476442) 28 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Despite the increasing demand for the hydraulic pump noise reduction, there is yet to be an established straightforward solution to reduce noise emissions. This is primarily due to a lack of understanding of the complete mechanism underlying noise generation and propagation, which involves complex interactions between three domains. Study of the physical phenomena of the hydraulic pump noise is typically separated into three categories, namely fluid-borne noise (FBN), structure-borne noise (SBN), and air-borne noise (ABN). In this light, this study examines the noise generation and propagation of hydraulic pumps in all three domains numerically and experimentally, taking external gear pumps (EGPs) as a reference. </p> <p>In conventional pump noise studies, the outlet pressure ripple in the fluid domain, which typically refers to has been the key focus to minimize, and FBN typically refers to the outlet pressure ripple. Fortunately, attempts to minimize ripples have resulted in some promising solutions that are now on the market (e.g., dual-flank gear pumps). However, since the noise generated by gear pumps involves several other significant and coherent noise sources, this approach has some limitations. In view of this, the current study describes FBN in a wider context to include all potential noise sources in the fluid domain, and their mutual effects on noise are investigated.</p> <p>Another aspect of the vibration and noise of the pump that is not often investigated is its “field” behaviors. Many significant works in vibroacoustic analysis or noise solutions rely on the simple measurements of acceleration or sound pressure at a single or few local points. Since vibration and noise are functions of not only time but also "space", this practice has also served as one of the obstacles to a comprehensive understanding of noise generation. Therefore, this study contributes to topic of the vibroacoustic field behaviors.</p> <p>Furthermore, when prototyping or designing new pumps, inefficient trial-and-error methods are often used, and it demonstrates the necessity of the acoustic model of the pumps for virtual prototyping. The major limiting factor towards the development of this type of models is high computational costs. Another technical challenge is that most of vibroacoustic analysis commercial software usually requires the user’s manual works for the simulation setup. In this regard, another aim of this study is to develop a computationally inexpensive and automated acoustic model that does not need manual inputs of users, so that the model can be used as a virtual prototyping tool with various design parameters.</p> <p>To sum up, the primary goal of this research is to numerically and experimentally investigate the vibroacoustic field behaviors and formulate the acoustic model to be used as a virtual prototyping tool with the experimental validation. To achieve these objectives, this research employs the well-established computational and experimental methods of vibro-acoustic analysis.</p> <p>The analysis of FBN makes use of the HYGESim tool, which has been developed to study EGMs at Maha Fluid Power Research Center. This tool solves the main flow based on the lumped parameter approach in conjunction with different solution schemes for lubricating interfaces and body dynamics. From the HYGESim results, all potential noise sources within the working fluid, such as inlet and outlet pressure ripple and dynamic pressure at the tooth space volumes, hydrodynamic journal bearings, and the lateral lubricating interface, are properly mapped to the structure using appropriate simplifications. </p> <p>When it comes to SBN, the modal superposition approach is exploited for the fast prediction of vibration fields. Therefore, considerable efforts are expended both numerically and experimentally to obtain accurate modal information. Particular attention is paid to the modeling of the mechanical connections between components and modeling of constraints in numerical modal analysis using the finite element method (FEM). Moreover, the vibration mode shapes are categorized according to the dominant motions that the pump body exhibits. Then, two different approaches, namely the full numerical model and the hybrid model, are introduced for the estimation of the vibration field during the operation; for the modal expansion, the former uses numerical modal information, while the latter uses experimentally determined modal information. Finally, the numerical model results are compared to the operational deflection shape (ODS) measured during pump operation, and a good agreement is observed.</p> <p>For the ABN prediction, the boundary element method (BEM) is used by taking the predicted vibration information as an input. The BEM solver development is elaborated to numerically replicate the acoustic environments where the noise measurement is conducted. With the developed BEM solver, two units that have the different gear and groove designs that fit into the same casing are tested, and as the key outcome, their sound power level, sound power spectrum, sound pressure distributions are presented. For model validation, the noise measurements are performed according to the ISO standard in the semi-anechoic chamber at Maha using a custom-designed robot arm. These validations demonstrate the ability of the developed model to predict the overall sound power levels with an averaged error of 1.87 dB and capture the general trends of measured sound power spectrum and sound pressure level distribution under various operating conditions. Furthermore, the developed model provides the reasonably fast computation time.</p> <p>Finally, using the developed acoustic model, a parametric study is performed with the backflow groove as a design variable. It is discussed how the volumetric efficiency and noise performance vary with the design changes, which demonstrates the model potential as a virtual prototyping tool.</p>

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