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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VMware - Windows im Fenster

Heik, Andreas 21 March 2000 (has links)
Auch eingefleischte LINUX-Nutzer bekommen mal eine eMail mit Wordanhang oder eine Coreldrawgrafik. Um Dokumente dieser Art anschauen zu können bleibt oft kein anderer Ausweg, als Windows zu booten. VMware bietet eine elegante Möglichkeit, mehrere Betriebssysteme auf einer Maschine gleichzeitig nutzen zu können. Natürlich sind dem Einsatz von VMware kaum Grenzen gesetzt.

Virtual platforms: System support to enrich the functionality of end client devices

Jang, Minsung 21 September 2015 (has links)
Client devices operating at the edges on the Internet, in homes, cars, offices, and elsewhere, are highly heterogeneous in terms of their hardware configurations, form factors, and capabilities, ranging from small sensors to wearable and mobile devices, to the stationary ones like smart TVs and desktop machines. With recent and future advances in wireless networking allowing all such devices to interact with each other and with the cloud, it becomes possible to combine and augment capabilities of individual devices via services running at the edge - in edge clouds - and/or via services running in remote datacenters. The virtual platform approach to combining and enhancing such devices developed in this research makes possible the creation of innovative end user services, using low-latency communications with nearby devices to create for each end user exactly the platform needed for current tasks, guided by permissions and policies controlled by remote, cloud-resident social network services (SNS). To end users, virtual platforms operate beyond the limitations of individual devices, as natural extensions of those devices that offer improved functionality and performance, with ease-of-use provided by cloud-level global context and knowledge.

Proyecto empresarial para brindar servicio de alquiler de espacios deportivos a través de aplicaciones para celular “Tu CanchApp”

Barrantes Flores, Keyla Geraldine, Oregon Onceguay, Karen, Polo Contreras, Eva Estela, Villanueva Zamora, Geancarlos 10 July 2019 (has links)
En estos últimos años se está experimentando en el mundo el crecimiento de la era digital, por el cual las organizaciones empresariales optan por la implementación de tecnología en sus actividades diarias y poder estar a la vanguardia que este mundo globalizado requiere. En la actualidad la mayoría de las personas tienen mayor tendencia por las compras en línea desde la comodidad de sus hogares, centros de estudios y laborales. Por ello, se lanzará al mercado peruano un modelo de negocio que se basa en el servicio tecnológico entre establecimientos de canchas deportivas sintéticas y usuario a través de un aplicativo. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo se elaboró con el objetivo de orientar adecuadamente a inversionistas interesados y exponer a lo largo del documento las estadísticas y cuadros financieros que les permitan evaluar los resultados del presente proyecto de investigación. Por este motivo el proyecto “Tu CanchApp” cuenta con el estudio de mercado y económico donde la tasa TIR del inversionista es de 92% superando el COK del inversionista 53%, por último, el periodo de recuperación de la inversión del flujo de caja neto del inversionista es de 1.79 años. “Tu CanchApp” es una aplicación virtual que permite reservar, separar, contactar equipos deportivos y realizar apuestas al usuario en línea a traves del aplicativo, que ofrece un servicio diferenciado que le permitirá posicionarse en el mercado a corto plazo. / In recent years, the digital age has increased in the world, because of that, business organizations choose to implement technology in their daily activities to be at the forefront that this globalized world requires. Currently most people are more likely to shop online from the comfort of their homes, university and work. Therefore, a business model based on the technological service between synthetic sports facilities and users through an application will be launched on the Peruvian market. The present work was developed with the objective of adequately orienting interested investors and exposing throughout the document the statistics and financial tables that allow them to evaluate the results of this project. For this reason, the "Tu CanchApp" project has a market and economic study where the IRR rate of the investor is 92%, surpassing the COK of the investor 53%, finally, the period of recovery of the investment of the investor's net cash flow is 1.79 years. "Tu CanchApp" is a virtual application that allows you to reserve, separate, contact sports teams and place bets to the user online through the application, which offers a differentiated service that will allow you to position yourself in the market in the short term. / Trabajo de investigación

Advances in SystemC/TLM virtual platforms : configuration, communication and parallelism / Contribution à l'amélioration des plateformes virtuelles SystemC/TLM : configuration, communication et parallélisme

Delbergue, Guillaume 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le marché de l’Internet des Objets (IdO) est en pleine progression. Il va continuer à croître et à se développer à un rythme soutenu dans les prochaines années. Les objets connectés sont constitués de composants électroniques dédiés, de processeurs et de codes logiciels. La conception de tels systèmes constitue aujourd’hui un challenge au niveau industriel. Ce challenge est renforcé par la concurrence du marché et le délai de commercialisation qui impactent directement sur le développement d’un système. Le processus de conception actuel consiste en l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges. Dans un premier temps, l’équipe en charge du développement matériel commence à développer le produit. Ensuite, la partie applicative peut être mise au point par les développeurs logiciels. Une fois le premier prototype matériel disponible, l’équipe logicielle peut alors intégrer sa partie et tenter de la valider fonctionnellement. Cette étape peut mettre en lumière des défauts dans le logiciel mais aussi lors de la conception matérielle. Malheureusement,la découverte ce type d’erreurs intervient beaucoup trop tard dans le processus de conception retardant la commercialisation du système. Afin de sécuriser au plus tôt les développements matériel et logiciel, des méthodologies basées sur le standard SystemC/Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) ont été proposées. Elles permettent de modéliser et de simuler du matériel. Durant les phases amont de conception d’un système, elles permettent de mettre en commun une version virtuelle du (futur) système entre les équipes logicielle et matérielle. Cette version virtuelle est plus couramment appelée plateforme virtuelle. Elle permet de tester et de valider le plus tôt possible lors du cycle de conception, de réduire le coût matériel en limitant la fabrication de prototypes, mais aussi de gagner du temps et donc de l’argent en diminuant les risques. Or, les objets intègrent de plus en plus de fonctionnalités aux niveaux matériel et logiciel. Les besoins ayant évolué, le standard de simulation SystemC/TLM ne répond plus à l’heure actuelle à toutes les attentes. Ces attentes concernent plus particulièrement les aspects liés à la simulation de systèmes composés de nombreuses fonctionnalités, de protocoles de communication disparates mais aussi de modèles complexes et consommateur de temps pendant la simulation. Des activités de recherche ont déjà été menées sur ces sujets. Cependant, elles ont pour la plupart abouti à des solutions qui ne sont pas interopérables. Les solutions existantes ne permettent donc pas de bénéficier de la réutilisation des modèles de la littérature. Afin de répondre à ces problèmes,une solution permettant la configuration de modèles SystemC/TLM a été recherchée. Cette dernière fait désormais partie du standard Configuration, Control and Inspection (CCI). Dans un second temps, la modélisation de protocoles de communication à un haut niveau d’abstraction(TLM Loosely Timed (LT) et Approximately Timed (AT)) a été étudiée, et plus précisément des protocoles de type non bus. Une évolution du standard actuel permettant d’améliorer le support,l’interopérabilité, la réutilisation a été proposée dans le cadre de la thèse. Ensuite, une évolution du standard SystemC et plus précisément du comportement du noyau de simulation a été étudiée pour supporter l’attente d’événements asynchrones. Ce type d’événement ouvre la voie à la parallélisation et la distribution de modèles sur différents threads / machines. Enfin, une solution permettant l’intégration de modèles de Central Processing Units (CPU) intégrés dans QuickEMUlator (QEMU), un émulateur / virtualisateur de système, a été étudiée. Finalement, toutes ces contributions ont été associées à travers la modélisation d’un ensemble d’objets connectés à une passerelle. / The market for Internet Of Things (IOT) is on the rise. It is predicted to continue to grow at a sustained pace in the coming years. Connected objects are composed of dedicated electronic components, processors and software. The design of such systems is today a challenge from an industrial point of view. This challenge is reinforced by market competition and time tomarket that directly impact the success of a system. In a current design process involvesthe development of a specification. Initially, the team in charge of hardware development beginsto design the system. Second, the application part can be done by software developers. Oncethe first hardware prototype is available, the software team can then integrate their part and try tovalidate the functionality. This step may reveal defects in the software but also in the hardware architecture. Unfortunately, the discovery of these errors occurs far too late in the design process,could impacts the marketing of the system and potentially its success. In order to ensure that the hardware and software designs will work together as early as possible, methodologies based onthe SystemC / Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) standard have been widely adopted. They involvethe modelling and simulation of the proposed hardware architectures. During the initial phasesof a product’s design, they enable the software and hardware team to share a virtual version ofthe (future) system. This virtual version is more commonly referred to as a virtual platform. It facilitates early software development, test and validation; reduces material cost by limiting the number of prototypes; saves time and money by reducing risks. However, connected objects are increasingly incorporating hardware and software features. As the requirements have evolved, theSystemC / TLM simulation standard no longer meets all expectations. It includes aspects related to the simulation of systems composed of many functionality, disparate communication protocolsbut also complex and time consuming models during the simulation. Some works have already been carried out on these subjects. However, as the number of components increases, all formsof interoperability of models and tools become increasingly difficult to handle. Moreover, mostof the research has resulted in solutions that are not inter-operable and can not reuse existingmodels. To solve these problems, this thesis proposes a solution for configuring SystemC / TLMmodels. It is now part of the standard Configuration, Control and Inspection (CCI). In a secondstep, the modeling of high-level abstraction communication protocols (TLM Loosely Timed (LT)and Approximately Timed (AT)) has been studied, as it relates to non-bus protocols. An evolution of the standard to improve support, interoperability and reuse is also proposed. In a third step,a change of the SystemC standard and more precisely of the behavior of the simulation kernelhas been studied to support asynchronous events. These open the way to parallelization and distribution of models on different threads / machines. In a fourth step, a solution to integrate Central Processing Units (CPU) models integrated in Quick EMUlator (QEMU), a system emulator/ virtualizer, has been studied. Finally, all these contributions have been applied in the modeling ofa set of objects connected to a gateway.

VMware - Windows im Fenster

Heik, Andreas 21 March 2000 (has links)
Auch eingefleischte LINUX-Nutzer bekommen mal eine eMail mit Wordanhang oder eine Coreldrawgrafik. Um Dokumente dieser Art anschauen zu können bleibt oft kein anderer Ausweg, als Windows zu booten. VMware bietet eine elegante Möglichkeit, mehrere Betriebssysteme auf einer Maschine gleichzeitig nutzen zu können. Natürlich sind dem Einsatz von VMware kaum Grenzen gesetzt.

TEC Técnico en casa / TEC: Technicians at home

Flores Panta, Mary Rosy, Gilio Zumaeta, Margiorith Liliana, Saldarriaga Rosillo, Ivette Anel, Girón Vilchez, Valeria Lizeth Junnet 21 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto la creación de una plataforma virtual útil para conectar a técnicos y clientes que deseen satisfacer una necesidad técnica a domicilio en el menor tiempo posible. Además, mediante la plataforma virtual se garantizará la seguridad y calidad de los servicios a ofrecer, ya que la selección de técnicos será minuciosa para realizar dicho contacto. En suma, para rectificar nuestro servicio de calidad, se realizará una supervisión del servicio realizado, con el objeto de realizar mejoras y ofrecer beneficios a los clientes, en caso que el cliente no esté a gusto con el servicio ofrecido. La idea de negocio surge a consecuencia de una necesidad frecuente como reparar objetos domésticos y, ello se dificulta ante el requerimiento de un experto con experiencia y que, a su vez, éste sea confiable. Añadido a esto, contratan a trabajadores informales que proliferan sus capacidades técnicas en lugares peligrosos, pero que forman parte de su marketing personal. En los primeros apartados, se apreciará los aspectos más importantes y relevantes para el entendimiento del proyecto como es el caso del modelo del negocio, sus validaciones, estudios de mercado, entre otros puntos. En el presente documento se analiza la viabilidad y escalabilidad del negocio y se desarrollara la proyección de ventas a partir del plan concierge de TEC, asimismo, la planeación estratégica, los planes entre ellos el operativo, de marketing y financiero, definidos así por áreas. Posteriormente, se presenta un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de dichos planes mediante los estados financieros. Por último, se desarrolla un breve resumen de lo más importante por medio de conclusiones. / The purpose of this research work is to create a useful virtual platform to connect technicians and clients who wish to satisfy a technical need at home in the shortest possible time. In addition, the virtual platform will guarantee the safety and quality of the services to be offered, since the selection of technicians will be meticulous to make such contact. In short, to rectify our quality service, a supervision of the service performed will be carried out, in order to make improvements and offer benefits to customers, in case the customer is not comfortable with the service offered. The business idea arises as a result of a frequent need such as repairing household objects and this is hindered by the requirement of an experienced expert who, in turn, is reliable. Added to this, they hire informal workers who proliferate their technical skills in dangerous places, but who are part of their personal marketing. In the first sections, the most important and relevant aspects for understanding the project will be appreciated, such as the business model, its validations, market studies, among other points. This document analyzes the viability and scalability of the business and will develop the sales projection based on TEC's concierge plan, as well as strategic planning, including operational, marketing and financial plans, defined by area. Subsequently, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of these plans is presented through the financial statements. Finally, a brief summary of the most important is developed through conclusions. / Trabajo de investigación

Power and execution simulator for wearable devices

Yankov, Lachezar January 2015 (has links)
In the recent years, there has been a rapid development of miniature sensor based wearable devices with broad functionality. Some of these devices are designed to function continuously for weeks with a single battery charge, which requires their power usage to be as low as possible. This can be achieved either through circuit optimization, a more powerful battery, or through optimization of the software controlling the device. This thesis presents an approach to the latter option by the means of a power and energy simulator based on the Open Virtual Platform (OVP). Such a tool can simulate the embedded software and predict the power and energy usage of the system. The result of the simulator could be used in combination with other tools to optimize the software implementation of the system and to lower its overall power and energy consumption.

Pijamas Ser

Carbajal Chauca, Carolina Maria Rosa, Castro Gamarra, Jaqueline, Vidalon Avellaneda, Katherine Paola, Viena Bardales, Virginia Beatriz 14 July 2020 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es desarrollar la propuesta de negocios de una línea de pijamas femeninas multifunción, elaboradas con materiales 100º% peruanos y que satisfaga los requerimientos actuales del público objetivo. Se ha identificado que existe un amplio mercado que necesita prendas cómodas, de excelente calidad pero al mismo tiempo versátiles. Se atenderá a este público a través de una plataforma de ventas virtual y se espera que los acabados y diseños exclusivos refuercen el nivel de atracción y captación de la propuesta. Además, se promoverá el trabajo digno en las poblaciones vulnerables mediante la contratación, preferentemente, de mujeres jefas de familia en todas las áreas. En la primera parte se ha desarrollado tanto el plan estratégico y la validación, etapa en la cual se ha implementado una metodología de investigación mixta a fin de recopilar información valiosa que ha permitido corroborar supuestos y determinar los puntos más valorados por las clientas potenciales con respecto a la propuesta y así utilizarlos en la fase posterior, es decir en el plan de marketing. En efecto, en dicho plan, se identificó claramente el público objetivo y se establecieron los medios mediante los cuales se realizará la publicidad y difusión de la propuesta además de todos los componentes del marketing mix. En las secciones posteriores se detalla en plan de operaciones, la estructura organizacional y de recursos humanos, y finalmente se ejecuta un análisis financiero, el cual ha permitido confirmar la factibilidad del proyecto. / The objective of this research work is to develop a business plan for a line of multifunctional women's pajamas, made with 100% Peruvian materials and that satisfy the current requirements of the target audience, which are not fully covered by the existing local offer. It has been identified that there is a large market needing comfortable, excellent quality but at the same time versatile spleepwear. We plan to serve this public through a virtual sales platform and we hope that the exclusive finishes and designs will reinforce the level of attraction and capture of the proposal. In addition, decent work will be promoted in vulnerable populations by hiring, preferably, women heads of household in all areas. In the first part, both the strategic plan and the validation have been developed. During this stage, a mixed research methodology has been implemented in order to gather valuable information that has allowed to corroborate assumptions and determine the points most valued by potential clients with respect to the proposal and thus use them in the later stage, that is, in the marketing plan. This plan clearly identified the target audience and established the means by which the advertising and dissemination of the proposal would be carried out, as well as all the components of the marketing mix. In the following sections, the operations plan details the organizational and human resources structure, and finally a financial analysis is carried out, which has confirmed the feasibility of the project. / Trabajo de investigación

Gut vernetzt ist halb gewonnen? – Eine Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Facebook-Nutzung und sozialem sowie akademischem Erfolg von Studierenden

Staar, Henning, Ostrop, Marvin, Joo, Gabrielle, Kurzke, Jennifer, Janneck, Monique 06 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Durch die steigende Technologisierung spielen webbasierte soziale Netzwerke in der heutigen Zeit eine zentrale Rolle im gesellschaftlichen Leben. So bietet das Web 2.0 zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, auf virtueller Ebene Kontakte zu knüpfen, Beziehungen zu entwickeln und aufrecht zu erhalten, Netzwerke zu bilden und Informationen auszutauschen. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass sich mit dieser Virtualisierung interaktiver Prozesse nicht nur die Kommunikation, sondern soziale Beziehungen an sich sowie deren Voraussetzungen und Ergebnisse erheblich verändern. Aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen ist also zu untersuchen, welche sozialen Effekte mit der Nutzung von sozialen Online-Netzwerken einhergehen, und ob bzw. welche veränderten Möglichkeiten sich ergeben, die „gelebte soziale Wirklichkeit zu beeinflussen“

Desenvolvimento de um protocolo de ensino adaptativo para apoio à disciplinas de graduação / Development of an adaptive teaching protocol to support undergraduate courses

Martins, Paulo Rodolfo de Oliveira [UNESP] 18 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Paulo Rodolfo de Oliveira Martins (guppnl@gmail.com) on 2018-10-15T21:36:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto_Paulo_CONF BIBLIOTECA _15.10.2018-merged (1).pdf: 2297313 bytes, checksum: 21b98e52e0a36ed28b5d5e0db29ac4e6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Silvana Alvarez null (silvana@ict.unesp.br) on 2018-10-16T21:22:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_pro_me_sjc.pdf: 2297313 bytes, checksum: 21b98e52e0a36ed28b5d5e0db29ac4e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-16T21:22:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_pro_me_sjc.pdf: 2297313 bytes, checksum: 21b98e52e0a36ed28b5d5e0db29ac4e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-18 / Esta pesquisa buscou propor um protocolo para funcionamento de uma ferramenta de auxílio no processo de ensino/aprendizado. Tal protocolo é construído com base nos conceitos de identificação e preenchimento de lacunas de aprendizado, identificadas por intermédio de sucessivos testes rápidos (quiz) que são aplicados durante o desenvolvimento das disciplinas. A fim de verificar o potencial da proposta, e assim motivar a implementação da ferramenta em questão, foi realizado um estudo de caso envolvendo duas turmas de duas disciplinas distintas de graduação da Faculdade Anhanguera de São José dos Campos. A eficácia do processo de ensino investigado foi verificada mediante análises estatísticas, se utilizando dos testes de “Wilcoxon” que visava comparar se houve melhora entre os quizzes do mesmo assunto; “Iteração de uma amostra” que buscou verificar se as melhoras e pioras acontecem de forma aleatória; e “χ^2 para uma amostra” que verificou se a melhora difere com relação ao comportamento mediano esperado. E pôde-se observar resultados favoráveis ao método proposto, o que demonstra eficácia do protocolo, objeto desta pesquisa. / This project looked for a protocol for the operation of an aid tool in the teaching / learning process. The protocol is based on the concepts of identifying and filling learning gaps, high school sessions, quick tests and tests are applied during the development of the disciplines. In order to verify the potential of the proposal, as well as to motivate the implementation of the tool in question, a case study was carried out on the two classes of undergraduate courses of the Anhanguera Faculty of São José dos Campos. The investigation of the teaching process investigated was used as a statistical database using "Wilcoxon" tests that aimed to compare if there was improvement between the quizzes of the same subject; "Iteration of a sample" that sought to verify if the improvements and worsen happen in a random way; and "χ^2 for one sample" that verified if the improvement differs with respect to the expected median behavior. And it was possible to observe favorable results to the proposed method, which demonstrates effectiveness of the protocol, object of this reasearch.

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