Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coc"" "subject:"ooc""
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Sustainable production of bio-energy products in the sawmill industryVidlund, Anna January 2004 (has links)
<p>One of the great challenges facing society is to convert theglobal energy system to a sustainable process. Currently, 80%of the world´s energy is supplied through the combustionof fossil fuels. Not only are the fossil resources limited, theutilisation also increases the level of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere. The convertion to a sustainable energy system isproblematic since the technology needed to exploit mostnon-fossil energy sources is not yet fully developed, e.g.solar energy. Biofuel is an available renewable energy sourcewhich is already widely used in many countries. If an effectiveswitch-over from fossil fuels to biofuels is to be realised,biofuels must be viewed as a limited resource. Consequently, itis important that the handling, upgrading and utilisationprocesses involving biofuels are efficient so that itspotential can be fully exploited.</p><p>This thesis considers efficient biofuel utilisation andupgrading within the sawmill industry. The goal has been toanalyse not only the technical opportunities for energy savingsin the sawmill industry, but also to analyse the costeffectiveness and environmental impact of studied measures. Theheat demand of the sawmill industry is almost completelycovered by its own by-products; primarily bark, sawdust andwood chips. The increased demand and improved economic value ofwoody biofuels on the market is thus an incentive for thesawmill industry to place more focus on energy issues. Thesawmill industry also has a more or less constant heat loadover the year, which is a beneficial factor for integrationwith district heating networks, biofuel upgrading plants andcombined heat and power plants.</p><p>The conclusion of the study is that a variety of energyproducts such as heat, unrefined biofuel, pellets andelectricity can be efficiently produced in the sawmill industryand sold for profit to external customers. The payback periodsfor the proposed investments are moderate and both theemissions of volatile organic compounds and global CO2 aredecreased. Should the proposed measures be fully implemented atSwedish sawmills, about 2.8 TWh of biofuel could be savedannually, 0.5 TWh of waste heat could be sold as districtheating and 0.8 TWh of green electricity could be produced.Language: English</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Sawmill industry, energy efficiency, heatrecovery, integration, biofuel, upgrading, district heating,fuel pellets, CHP, VOC, CO2</p>
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Undersökningsmetodik för klorerade lösningsmedel i marken / Chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater : Investigation methodology and analysis of completed investigationsWalger, Ellen January 2006 (has links)
<p>Chlorinated solvent are volatile organic substances that can be harmful for humans and for the environment. Examples of common chlorinated solvents are perchloroethene, PCE, and trichloroethene, TCE. Chlorinated solvents appear as contaminants in soils primarily where they have been used as washing fluids in dry-cleaning facilities or as degreasers in metal industries. Chlorinated solvents are DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), which means that they are not easily dissolved in water and that they sink to the bottom of the aquifer. Adsorption to soils is low so chlorinated solvents are mobile in soils. Chlorinated solvents can be harmful at low concentrations. Complete degradation can only occur under specific conditions. Because of the properties of these substances, investigation and analysis methodology are extra important for determining transport and risks in a contaminated area.</p><p>In this work, investigation and analysis methods for chlorinated solvents are described. Planning, fieldwork, modeling and risk analysis are described.</p><p>Projects concerning chlorinated solvents completed by Golder Associates AB have been compiled and analysed. Based on the compilation, conclusions have been drawn and statistics have been calculated. Investigations of the relation between concentrations in different media have been made as well as investigations of the relation between degradation products at different distances from the source and at different times after release. The data from the environmental investigations have been compared with theoretical literature values and modelling results.</p><p>The results show that there is a large natural variation in the data and that the differences between different areas are quite large. The results confirm the theory that the percentage of degradation products increases with distance from the source and with time from release. In addition, solvents with a higher degree of chlorination seams to appear to a greater extent in the soil and the more volatile substances seams to appear to a greater extent in the soil air.</p> / <p>Klorerade lösningsmedel är flyktiga klorerade organiska ämnen som kan vara skadliga för människor och miljön. Exempel på vanliga klorerade lösningsmedel är perkloreten, PCE och trikloreten, TCE. Klorerade lösningsmedel förekommer som markföroreningar främst efter användning som tvättvätska i kemtvättar och som avfettningsmedel i metallindustrin. Klorerade lösningsmedel är DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), det innebär att de är svårlösliga i vatten och att de sjunker och lägger sig på botten av akviferen. Fastläggningen i jorden är liten hos klorerade lösningsmedel som därmed är rörliga i marken. De är farliga redan vid små koncentrationer och fullständig nedbrytning sker endast under vissa förutsättningar. Ämnenas egenskaper gör att undersöknings- och analysmetodiken är viktig för att riktigt kunna bestämma deras utbredning och risk på ett förorenat område.</p><p>I detta arbete beskrivs undersöknings- och analysmetodiken för områden förorenade med klorerade lösningsmedel. Upplägg, fältarbete, modellering och riskbedömning beskrivs.</p><p>Projekt som handlar om klorerade lösningsmedel utförda av Golder Associates AB har sammanställts. Sammanställningen har analyserats och utifrån den har olika slutsatser dragits och statistik beräknats. Bland annat har samband mellan halter i olika medier samt samband mellan halter av nedbrytningsprodukter på olika avstånd från källan respektive efter olika lång tid från läckage har undersökts. Data från miljöundersökningarna har även jämförts med teoretiska litteraturvärden samt modelleringsresultat.</p><p>Resultatet visar att den naturliga spridningen av data är stor samt att resultaten skiljer sig åt mellan olika områden. Resultaten bekräftar teorierna att halten nedbrytningsprodukter ökar med avståndet från källan och med tiden samt att ämnen med högre kloreringsgrad finns i större utsträckning i jorden och att flyktigare ämnen finns i större utsträckning i porluften.</p>
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Concentrations and fluxes of atmospheric biogenic volatile organic compounds by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometryMisztal, Pawel K. January 2010 (has links)
There are few published direct measurements of the atmosphere-surface exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particularly for biogenic VOCs (BVOCs). Global modelling of atmospheric chemistry and transport of BVOCs has large uncertainties due to the very small number of measurements in tropical regions, which are responsible for half the global BVOC emissions. This thesis presents direct measurements of concentrations and ecosystem fluxes of BVOCs in different regions (Tropics, Mediterranean) using the approach of virtual disjunct eddy covariance (vDEC) combined with proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) – a real-time BVOC sensor. The field measurements also included methodological developments of the vDEC/PTR-MS approach, which will be of value to the wider flux measurement community. A novel approach to determining the lag time between the vertical wind measurement and the air concentration measurement has been developed that will greatly reduce the uncertainty in the derived flux measurements. In the laboratory, the selectivity of PTR-MS was investigated by designing an alternating drift-voltage mode (AD-PTR-MS) to discriminate between structural isomers detected at the same m/z channel, with monoterpenes used as model compounds. The results of the measurements, particularly from the rainforest and oil palm plantations in Borneo, are novel and therefore provide important experimental constraints on models of atmospheric emissions, chemistry and transport. For example, although parameters which work reasonably well can be derived for model algorithms for the emission of isoprene from the rainforest, their performance over oil palms was less good, because of circadian controls of emissions from oil palms. However, the larger problem is the measured basal emission rates (BERs) which are significantly smaller than those used by default in the global MEGAN model. Another novel finding was the high deposition velocities of MVK and MACR (isoprene first order oxidation products) which at the oil palm plantation commonly exceeded 1 cm s-1; this result has implications for atmospheric modelling. The successful field results relied on significant developments in software for data acquisition and processing, and operational optimisation of the PTR-MS instruments in the extreme humidity encountered during the fieldwork in Borneo.
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Adsorption de composés organiques volatils et régénération de charbons actifs - Developpement d'outils de simulation / Adsorption of volatile organic compounds and regeneration of activated carbons – Development of a simulation toolRamalingam, Shivaji Ganesan 11 July 2012 (has links)
Les vapeurs organiques émises des solvants utilisés dans le produit chimique / la nourriture / les processus pharmaceutiques, ou des stations d'entreposage de combustible d'hydrocarbure aux terminus de pétrole, peuvent être efficacement capturées par l'adsorption sur les lits de charbon actif. L'objectif général du programme de recherche est les études expérimentales et les études de simulation de l'adsorption et des pas de régénération en cas de l'enlèvement COV qui estime dans les émissions industrielles par l'Adsorption (TSA – Température Swing Adsorption et VTSA -Vacuum Température Swing Adsorption). C'est accompli par les points suivants : établir les données d'équilibre d'isotherme pour 5 COV et 8 carbones activés à 293, 313, 333 et 353 K (complètement 120 expériences d'isotherme) et les utiliser ensuite dans le modèle de simulation; développer une simulation pose pour le processus de régénération et l'adsorption; concevoir et optimiser l' expérimentale de TSA qui a été établi dans Ecole des les Mines de Nantes; concevoir et optimiser l'expérimentale de VTSA qui a été établi dans GRL ARKEMA; la validation de simulation de résultats expérimentaux de le processus TSA et VTSA. Une fois après l'achèvement de tous les objectifs, le but est de se développer et le lancement un utile de simulation complet pour l'adsorption et les pas de régénération de COV avec la coopération de la Société PROSIM. / Organic vapors emitted from solvents used in chemical / food / pharmaceutical processes, or from hydrocarbon fuel storage stations at oil terminals, can be efficiently captured by adsorption onto activated carbon beds. The overall objective of the research program is the experimental and simulation studies of the adsorption and regeneration steps in the case of VOC removal which accounts into industrial emissions by Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA) and Vacuum Temperature Swing Adsorption (VTSA) processes. This is achieved by the following steps : to establish the isotherm equilibrium data for 5 VOCs and 8 activated carbons at 293, 313, 333, and 353 K (totally 120 isotherm experiments) and then use them in the simulation model; to develop a simulation model for adsorption and regeneration process; to design and optimize the experimental setup of Thermal Swing Adsorption (TSA) which has been established in Ecole des Mines de Nantes; to design and optimize the experimental setup of Vacuum Temperature Swing Adsorption processes (VTSA) which has been established in GRL ARKEMA unit ; simulation validation of experimental results of TSA and VTSA process. Once after the completion of all the objectives, the goal is to develop and launch a complete simulation package for adsorption and regeneration steps of VOCs with the co-operation from PROSIM Corporation.
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Regulation of pathogen-inducible volatile compounds in Arabidopsis and their role in plant defenseAttaran, Elham January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Plants are constantly attacked by pathogenic microbes. As a result, they have evolved a plethora of constitutive and inducible defense responses to defend against attempted pathogen infection. Although volatile organic compounds have been implicated in plant defense, direct evidence of their function in plant resistance is still lacking. I have examined the role of VOCs in Arabidopsis defense against the hemibiotrophic bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola. The obtained results show that the vegetative parts of Arabidopsis produces and emits the volatile phenylpropanoid MeSA and three kinds of terpenoids, (E,E)-4,8,12-trimethyltrideca-1,3,7,11-tetraene (TMTT), alpha-ionon and beta-farnesen, upon avirulent and virulent P. syringae inoculation. Whereas the most abundant volatiles, MeSA and TMTT, are already produced at early stages of infection in the compatible and incompatible interaction, enhanced emission of alpha-ionon and beta-farnesen can only be detected in later stages of the compatible interaction. It was revealed that pathogen-induced synthesis of TMTT in Arabidopsis requires the JA signaling pathway but occurs independently of SA defense signaling. Similarly, the production of MeSA is dependent on JA signaling but not on the SA defense signaling pathway. Furthermore, production of MeSA is dependent on the function of ISOCHORISMATE SYNTHASE1, which produces its precursor SA. Upon inoculation with avirulent P. syringae, endogenously produced JA activates the JA signalling pathway to mediate MeSA and TMTT synthesis. By contrast, in the compatible Arabidopsis-Psm interaction, production of MeSA predominantly depends on the P. syringea the virulence factor coronatine, which activates JA downstream signaling. To learn more about the role of inducible VOCs in plant defense responses, I have identified an Arabidopsis T-DNA insertions line with a defect in the TERPENE SYNTHASE4 (TPS4) gene. Emission profiles from this mutant revealed that the induced production of TMTT but not of alpha-ionone, beta-farnesene or MeSA are abolished, demonstrating that TPS4 specifically regulates the P. syringae-induced synthesis of TMTT in Arabidopsis. The lack of TMTT in tps4 mutants, however, does not affect plant defense responses and resistance induction against P. syringae. This excludes a role of the terpenoid as an effective phytoalexin in Arabidopsis leaves against the bacterial pathogen. Moreover, tps4 mutant plants are still able to mount a SAR response, excluding a signaling function of TMTT during SAR. An important aim of our studies was to address the defensive role of MeSA, the major VOC emitted from P. syringae-inoculated Arabidopsis leaves. MeSA has been recently proposed as a critical long distance signal in the development of SAR. I found that two independent T-DNA insertions lines with defects in expression of the pathogen-inducible SA methyl transferase gene BSMT1 are completely devoid of pathogen-induced production of MeSA. However, bsmt1 mutant plants are capable to increase the level of SA in systemic, non-infected leaves of Arabodopsis and develop SAR like wild-type plants upon local P. syringae-inoculation. Thus, MeSA does not function as a critical SAR signal in Arabidopsis. Further experiments showed that SA accumulation in distant leaves occurs due to de novo synthesis through isochorismate synthase. In addition, we also ruled out a critical defensive role of MeSA at inoculation sites, because bsmt1 mutants are able to build up SA-dependent defense responses and local resistance in a wild-type-like manner. The conversion of SA to MeSA and subsequently emission of MeSA from the plant might help the plant to detoxify an excess of SA. This process is regulated by the JA pathway and might be one means to mediate negative crosstalk between JA and SA signaling. Moreover, the COR-triggered conversion of SA to MeSA and emission of the volatile methyl ester could be a way by which virulent P. syringae is able to attenuate the SA-defense pathway. / Pflanzen sind einer ständigen Bedrohung durch phytopathogene Mikroorganismen ausgesetzt und haben deshalb eine Vielzahl von konstitutiven und induzierbaren Abwehrstrategien entwickelt. Die Phytohormone Salicylsäure (SA), Jasmonsäure (JA) und Ethylen sind zum Beispiel entscheidende Regulatoren von induzierten Abwehrmechanismen. Eine Antwort der Pflanze auf mikrobielle Angriffe beinhaltet auch die Emission volatiler organischer Verbindungen (volatile organic compounds - VOCs). Antimikrobielle Wirkungen von VOCs wurden bisher jedoch nur in in-vitro-Assay beobachtet. Ein direkter Beweis für eine mögliche Rolle der VOCs in der Pflanzenabwehr wurde bisher nicht erbracht. Die Rolle pflanzlicher VOCs und deren Bedeutung für die Pathogenabwehr im Modellsystems Arabidopsis thaliana – Pseudomonas syringae ist das zentrale Element dieser Arbeit. Zunächst wurden Terpenoide, die die größte Gruppe der VOCs bilden, untersucht. Vegetative Teile von Arabidopsis emittieren nach Inokulation mit virulenten und avirulenten Stämmen von P. syringae pv. maculicola (Psm) vor allem drei Terpene: das Homoterpen (E,E)-4,8,12-Trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraen (TMTT), alpha-Ionon und beta-Farnesen, welches zur Gruppe der Sesquiterpene gehört. Als Hauptkomponente des pathogen-induzierten VOC-Profils wurde das Phenylpropansäurederivat Methylsalicylsäure (MeSA) identifiziert. Um einen besseren Einblick in die Rolle der VOCs in der Pflanzenabwehr zu erhalten, wurden Arabidopsis T-DNA-Insertionslinien des Terpensynthase-gens TPS4 isoliert. Die Emissionsmuster zeigten, dass die induzierbare Freisetzung von TMTT, aber nicht von alpha-Ionon und beta-Farnesen oder MeSA reduziert war. Dies zeigt, dass TPS4 spezifisch die Psm-induzierte TMTT-Synthese in A. thaliana reguliert. Die verringerte Menge TMTT in den tps4-Mutanten hat jedoch keinen Einfluss auf die pflanzlichen Abwehrreaktionen und die Resistenzinduktion gegen P. syringae, was eine Rolle von TMTT als effektives Phytoalexin in A. thaliana gegen bakterielle Pathogene ausschließt. Ebenso hat TMTT keine Signalfunktion bei der Ausbildung der Systemisch erworbenen Resistenz (SAR), da tps4-Mutanten weiterhin in der Lage sind eine SAR-Antwort zu induzieren (Attaran et al. 2008). Als weiteres Teilprojekt wurde die Regulation von pathogen-induzierten VOCs in A. thaliana untersucht. Viele induzierte Abwehrmechanismen beinhalten Signaltransduktionsnetzwerke an denen Salicyl- oder Jasmonsäure beteiligt sind. Mit A. thaliana-Mutanten, die in der SA- oder JA- Synthese oder den jeweiligen Signalwegen beeinträchtigt sind, konnte gezeigt werden, dass die pathogen-induzierte TMTT-Produktion in A. thaliana über den JA-Signalweg, aber unabhängig von Salicylsäure verläuft. Auch die MeSA-Produktion ist JA-abhängig. Für die Biosynthese von SA, genauso wie für deren Derivat MeSA, wird ISOCHORISMAT SYNTHASE1 benötigt, die den MeSA-Vorläufer SA bildet. Im Rahmen einer inkompatiblen Interaktion wird die Bildung von MeSA in Abhängigkeit von der JA-Biosynthese gesteuert. Im Gegensatz dazu ist in der kompatiblen Interaktion die MeSA-Produktion vom bakteriellen Virulenzfaktor Coronatin abhängig. Coronatin-defiziente Stämme von P. syringae sind nicht fähig, eine MeSA-Emission zu induzieren (Attaran et al., 2009). Desweiteren wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Rolle von MeSA in der Pflanzenabwehr untersucht. MeSA ist das VOC, welches von P. syringae-inokulierten A. thaliana-Blättern vorwiegend abgegeben wird. Kürzlich wurde für MeSA eine Signaleigenschaft als Langstreckensignal in der Etablierung der SAR postuliert (Park et al., 2007). Wir konnten zeigen, dass T-DNA Insertionslinien, bei denen keine Expression der pathogeninduzierten SA-Methyltransferase BSMT1 nachgewiesen werden konnte und die somit keine pathogen-induzierte MeSA-Produktion aufwiesen, auch in systemischen, nicht infizierten Blättern nach P. syringae-Inokulation einen erhöhten SA-Spiegel, eine verstärte Expression von Abwehrgenen und eine erhöhte Pathogenresistenz aufwiesen. Diese Mutantenlinien können also die SAR genauso und in demselben Maß wie Wildtyp-Pflanzen entwickeln. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass MeSA nicht als zentrales Signal für die Ausbildung der SAR in Arabidopsis wirken kann. Weitere Experimente machten deutlich, dass die SA-Akkumulation in distalen Blättern auf eine de-novo-Synthese durch die Isochorismat-Synthase zurückzuführen ist. Schließlich konnte auch eine wichtige Rolle von MeSA in der Pflanzenabwehr an den Infektionsstellen ausgeschlossen werden, da bsmt1-Mutanten SA-abhängige Abwehrreaktionen und lokale Resistenzantworten in gleicher Weise wie Wildtyp-Pflanzen zeigen (Attaran et al., 2009). Produktion und anschließende Emission von MeSA könnte daher in der Pflanze dazu beitragen, einen toxischen Überschuss an SA abzubauen. Reguliert wird dieser Prozess durch den JA-Signalweg, der dadurch einen negativen Einfluss auf den SAHaushalt der Pflanze innehat. Die Auslösung der MeSA-Produktion von dem bakteriellen Virulenzfaktor COR in der kompatiblen Wechselwirkung könnte eine Strategie von P. syringae sein, die Effizienz der SA-basierenden Abwehr zu verzögern.
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Développement et évaluation d’un modèle explicite de formation d’aérosols organiques secondaires : sensibilité aux paramètres physico-chimiques / Development of an explicit modelling tool of secondary organic aerosols formation : sensitivity to physico-chemical parametersValorso, Richard 19 December 2011 (has links)
Les aérosols fins ont un impact environnemental primordial. Ils influencent notamment la santé, ont un impact sur la visibilité et le climat. Les Aérosols Organiques Secondaires (AOS) représentent une fraction importante des aérosols fins. Les AOS résultent de la conversion d'espèces gazeuses, formées au cours de l'oxydation des composés organiques volatils (COV), en particules par des processus de nucléation et/ou condensation sur des aérosols préexistants. L'oxydation gazeuse des COV implique une myriade de composés secondaires intermédiaires pouvant participer à la formation d'AOS. Les AOS regroupent ainsi une très grande variété d'espèces. Afin d'étudier la formation d'AOS, il est nécessaire de développer des schémas chimiques décrivant explicitement la formation des composés secondaires. Le LISA a développé en collaboration avec le NCAR (National Center of Atmospheric Research) un générateur de schémas chimiques d'oxydation des composés organiques volatils : le GECKO-A (Generator for Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere). Ce travail vise à tester (i) la fiabilité de GECKO-A à reproduire les concentrations d'AOS observées lors d'expériences en chambre de simulation atmosphérique (CSA) et (ii) la sensibilité de la formation d'AOS aux paramètres physico-chimiques tels que les pressions de vapeur saturante, effets de parois des CSA ou encore aux constantes cinétiques de réaction. Afin d'évaluer la pertinence des schémas chimiques générés avec GECKO-A, le modèle a été confronté à des expériences effectuées en CSA visant à évaluer la formation d'AOS. Le paramètre clé du partitionnement des composés organiques semi-volatils est la pression de vapeur saturante (Pvap) des espèces. Les trois méthodes considérées comme les plus fiables disponibles dans la littérature ont été implémentées dans GECKO-A afin de tester la sensibilité de la formation d'AOS à l'estimation des Pvap. Les pressions de vapeur saturantes estimées par les différentes méthodes présentent des valeurs très différentes s'étalant sur plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Malgré ces divergences marquées, la concentration et la spéciation simulées pour l'AOS s'avèrent en définitive peu sensibles à la méthode utilisée pour estimer les pressions de vapeur. Aucune méthode d'estimation de Pvap n'a par ailleurs permis de réconcilier les concentrations modélisées et observées. La concentration d'AOS demeure systématiquement surestimée de l'ordre d'un facteur 2. L'absorption des composés organiques gazeux semi-volatils sur les murs d'une chambre de simulation atmosphérique a ensuite été étudiée. L'intégration de ce processus dans le modèle conduit à diminuer de façon importante les concentrations simulées en AOS, jusqu'à un facteur 2. En outre, les rendements simulés après implémentation de ce processus apparaissent en bon accord avec les rendements mesurés en CSA. L'hypothèse d'une mauvaise représentation de certains processus en phase gazeuse a également été testée via des tests de sensibilité. En particulier, la sensibilité de la formation d'AOS aux constantes de réactions entre les COV et le radical OH a été explorée. Le système a montré une grande sensibilité à la variabilité des constantes cinétiques de réaction des COV avec le radical OH, que ce soit au niveau de l'estimation de la constante cinétique ou au niveau de la détermination du site d'attaque du radical OH. La sensibilité à l'estimation des constantes de décomposition des radicaux alkoxyles a également été testée. Cette étude n'a en revanche montré que peu d'effets sur le rendement en AOS formé / Fine aerosols have an important impact on health, visibility and climate. Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) represent an important fraction of fine aerosol composition. SOA are formed by nucleation or condensation onto pre-existing particles of gaseous species formed during the oxidation of emitted volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOC oxidation implies a huge number of secondary intermediates which are potentially involved in SOA formation. In order to study SOA formation, it is necessary to develop chemical schemes describing explicitly the formation and condensation of the gaseous secondary intermediates. The LISA has thus developed in collaboration with NCAR (National Center of Atmospheric Research) a generator of explicit chemical schemes : GECKO-A (Generator for Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere). This work aims at testing (i) the reliability of GECKO-A to simulate observed SOA concentrations in Atmospheric Simulation Chamber (ASC) and (ii) exploring the SOA sensitivity to physico-chemical parameters such as saturation vapour pressures, chamber walls effects or kinetics rate constants. In order to assess GECKO-A's chemical schemes, the model has been confronted to chamber experiments performed to study SOA. Saturation vapour pressure (Pvap) is the key parameter controlling the gas/particles partitioning of organic compounds The three Pvap estimation methods considered as the more reliable in the literature have been implemented in GECKO-A. Pvap estimated by the three methods differs highly, up to several orders of magnitude. Despite of these discrepancies, simulated SOA concentration and speciation show a low sensitivity to the method used to estimate the Pvap. Moreover, none of the methods were able to make the model fit the observations. SOA concentration is systematically overestimated of a factor 2. Semi volatile organic compounds deposition on a chamber walls has been investigated. The implementation of this process in the model leads to a significant decrease of the simulated SOA concentrations, up to factor of 2. Simulated SOA yields are in good agreement with measured SOA yields. The hypothesis of a misrepresentation of some gaseous processes has then been investigated through sensitivity tests. SOA formation sensitivity to COV+ OH reactions rate constants has been explored. Results exhibited a high sensitivity to the rate constants estimations (regarding the rate constants values estimation, as well as the determination of the OH attack sites). The estimated alkoxy radicals decomposition rate constants have also been tested. This test showed however no significant impact on the simulated SOA yields
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Réactivité atmosphérique des composés organiques volatils oxygénés biogéniques (aldéhydes et alcools insaturés). Etudes cinétiques de la réaction entre les radicaux peroxyles et le radical nitrate. / Atmospheric reactivity of oxygenated biogenic volatil organic compounds (unsaturated aldehydes and alcohols).Kinetic studies of the reaction between peroxy radicals and the nitrate radical.Kalalian, Carmen 17 October 2018 (has links)
Les composés organiques volatils d’origine biogénique (COVB) contribuent à plus de 90% des émissions des COV dans l'atmosphère. Ces composés sont éliminés de l’atmosphère par réaction avec les photo-oxydants (OH, NO3, Cl et O3) et par photolyse. Ces processus sont gouvernés par un mécanisme en chaîne dont les porteurs sont des radicaux libres tels que les radicaux peroxyles RO2 qui jouent un rôle clé dans la dégradation atmosphérique des COV. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se concentre d’une part sur l’étude cinétique en température et mécanistique de la réaction d’ozonolyse, la détermination des spectres UV et la photolyse de six COV oxygénés insaturés (trans-2-pentènal, trans-2-hexènal, 2-méthyl-2-pentènal, 1-pentèn-3-ol, cis- 2-pentèn-1-ol et trans-3-hexèn-1-ol), et d’autre part l’étude de la réactivité de trois radicaux peroxyles (CH3OCH2O2, CH3C(O)CH2O2 et (CH3)2C(OH)CH2O2) vis-à-vis des radicaux nitrates à différentes températures. Trois dispositifs expérimentaux sont utilisés : une chambre de simulation atmosphérique couplée à une spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR) et à une chromatographie en phase gazeuse associée à une spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS), un dispositif de mesure des spectres UV-Visible et la photolyse laser couplée à une spectrométrie UV-visible et diode laser. Ces dispositifs associés à des méthodes de traitement permettent d'extraire des données cinétiques en température, mécanistiques et spectroscopiques. Les paramètres cinétiques obtenus sont utilisés pour estimer les durées de vie atmosphériques des espèces étudiées. Les résultats mécanistiques sont utilisés pour élaborer les mécanismes d’ozonolyse de ces composés. Toutes ces données permettent d’enrichir les bases de données cinétiques, mécanistiques et spectroscopiques qui alimentent les modèles atmosphériques. / Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) account for 90% of VOC emissions in the atmosphere. These VOCs can be removed from the atmosphere by reaction with photo-oxidants (OH, NO3, Cl and O3) as well as by photolysis. All these processes are governed by a chain mechanism whose carriers are mainly free radicals such as peroxy radicals RO2. Hence the importance of characterizing the reactivity of these species that play a key role in the atmospheric degradation of VOCs. In this context, this thesis focuses on the determination of the temperature dependent kinetic data as well as the mechanism of the ozonolysis reaction and the UV absorption spectra along the photolysis of six unsaturated oxygenated VOCs (trans- 2-pentenal, trans-2-hexenal, 2-methyl-2-pentenal, 1-penten-3-ol, cis-2-penten-1-ol and trans-3-hexen-1-ol). Likewise, the temperature dependent kinetic parameters of the reaction of three peroxy radicals (CH3OCH2O2, CH3C(O)CH2O2 et (CH3)2C(OH)CH2O2) with nitrate radicals were also determined. Three experimental setups coupled to treatment methods were used to extract these data: an atmospheric simulation chamber coupled to both a Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a gas chromatography connected to a mass spectrometry (GC/MS), a device for measuring UV-Visible spectra and a laser photolysis coupled with UV-visible spectrometry and laser diode spectroscopy. The kinetic parameters were used to estimate the atmospheric lifetimes of the studied species. While the mechanistic data were used to establish their ozonolysis mechanisms. All the collected data enrich kinetic, mechanistic and spectroscopic databases, improving atmospheric models specially those involving VOCs.
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Composés organiques volatils émis par les matériaux de construction : impact sur la qualité de l’air intérieur / Volatile organic compounds emitted by building materials : impact on indoor air qualityBourdin, Delphine,Marcelle,Jeanne 16 December 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, les bâtiments sont de plus en plus confinés afin de limiter au maximum les déperditions énergétiques et parallèlement les matériaux de construction, d’ameublement et de décoration sont une source de composés organiques volatils (COV) et de formaldéhyde. La combinaison de ces deux éléments conduit à un air intérieur davantage pollué que l’air extérieur. Au cours de cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse simultanée par SPME/GC/MS des COV et du formaldéhyde dans l’air intérieur a été développée. Une nouvelle cellule d’émission a également été mise au point pour évaluer les émissions des matériaux par couplage avec la SPME. L’ensemble de ces méthodes a été appliqué au suivi de la QAI et des émissions de matériaux de deux bâtiments neufs (un collège et un logement) durant les 6 mois suivant leur construction. Enfin, les données collectées au cours de ce suivi ont permis le développement d’un modèle prédictif de la QAI. / Nowadays, buildings are more and more airtight in order to limit heat loss as much as possible. At the same time, building, decorative and furnishing materials are known to be a volatile organic compound (VOC) and formaldehyde source. The result of these two facts is that indoor air is finally more polluted than outdoor air. During this PhD, a new analytical method based on SPME/GC/MS to analyse simultaneously VOCs and formaldehyde in indoor air was developed. A new emission cell was also designed to evaluate materials emission by coupling it with SPME. All these new methods were then applied in two new buildings (a high school and a dwelling) in order to follow indoor air quality and building materials emissions during the six month following their construction. Finally, the data collected during this study were used to develop an indoor air quality modeling.
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Development and computational studies of multi-channel adsorbent hollow fibre for the removal of volatile organic compoundsAlsharif, Aesam January 2017 (has links)
Escalating energy and environmental issues are driving researchers and industries throughout the world to study gas separation. Being common toxic gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) must be removed from the atmosphere. When compared to the conventional adsorption process, e.g. packed bed to separate VOC, the adsorbent hollow fibre has exhibited advantages in low-pressure drop, easy operation and lower capital cost with high adsorption performance. This research investigates the optimisation and development of single and multi-channel adsorbent hollow fibres to improve the mechanical properties, flexibility, adsorbent loading and enhance adsorption capacity. These fibres are made up of an adsorbent (13X zeolite, HiSiv 1000 zeolite powder and HiSiv 3000 zeolite powder) held together with a polymer (polyethersulfone) binder through wet/wet spinning followed by a phase inversion process. Single adsorbent hollow fibres were optimised by changing the ratio of adsorbent to the polymer, the viscosity of polymer/adsorbent/solvent mixtures, the pre-treatment temperature and by adding a pore former. This optimal recipe of polymer/adsorbent/solvent mixtures was then used to fabricate tri-lobe and hexagonal multi-channel adsorbent hollow fibre. The adsorption performance and mechanical properties of these multi-channel fibres were compared to those of the single adsorbent hollow fibres. Dynamic adsorption challenges were carried out using n-butane as the VOC model gas to provide breakthrough curves using a flame ionisation detector (FID) hydrocarbon analyser. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterise the surface and porous structures of the different adsorbent hollow fibres formation. Adsorption isotherm experiments were also used to measure the surface area of adsorbent hollow fibres. In order to understand the transport mechanism of gases through adsorbent hollow fibres, single and multi-channel fibres were modelled using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using COMSOL software 5.2, thus enabling the prediction of breakthrough time and mass transfer for the new geometries of adsorbent hollow fibre.
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Reatividade fotoquímica da atmosfera de Cubatão e a influência de fontes exógenas / Silva, M. F. Photochemical reactivity of the atmosphere of Cubatão and the influence of exogenous pollutants: 2012Silva, Moacir Ferreira da 11 March 2013 (has links)
Objetivo. Demonstrar que a ocorrência de episódios críticos de poluição por ozônio na região de Cubatão-Centro é influenciada pelo aporte externo de poluentes, que participam dos processos físico-químicos de formação e remoção de reagentes fotoquímicos na atmosfera. Métodos. O estudo envolveu a obtenção e o tratamento de dados meteorológicos e de concentrações de poluentes fornecidos pela rede de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, bem como a realização de campanhas de amostragem passiva de ozônio (O ) e ativa de COVs, aldeídos e etanol na atmosfera da região. A amostragem de O VI 3 foi realizada com amostradores tipo Ogawa® e as concentrações foram determinadas por cromatografia iônica, com detecção por condutividade elétrica. Na amostragem de COVs foram utilizados tubos de aço contendo o adsorvente Tenax-GR, e a quantificação das amostras foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massas. A amostragem de aldeídos foi realizada com cartuchos de sílica gel revestido com 2,4 DNPH, e a quantificação realizada por cromatografia liquida de alta performance, com detector ultravioleta (UV/VIS). A amostragem de etanol foi realizada com cartuchos revestidos de florisil, e a quantificação realizada por flame ionization detector. O transporte de massas de ar foi analisado com base em backward trajectories, calculadas pelo modelo STILT. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada por estatística descritiva, boxplot, análise de correlação e análise multivariada (clusters). Resultados. A maioria dos episódios de ultrapassagem do PQAr de ozônio ocorreu no verão, entre 15h e 16h, com ventos predominantes de S/SE e velocidades superiores a 2,5m/s, típicos de períodos diurnos (brisa marítima). As espécies orgânicas precursoras de ozônio mais importantes foram: formaldeído, acetaldeído, tolueno, 1,2,3-trimetilbenzeno, m-xileno, etanol, oxileno, etilbenzeno, 1,3,5-trimetilbenzeno e benzeno. A retrotrajetória das massas de ar que chegam à Cubatão-Centro comprovou a influência de emissões exógenas. Os resultados obtidos na circulação de mesoescala, simulada pelo modelo BRAMS, concordam com os resultados obtidos por JAESCHKE (1997), onde apenas uma parcela da concentração média de poluentes de Cubatão-Centro era oriunda de fontes locais, sendo o restante decorrente do transporte de massas, com ocorrência de elevadas concentrações de poluentes com fluxo de direção norte-noedeste (brisa terrestre) e sul-sudeste (brisa marítima) / Objective. Demonstrate that critical episode occurrences of air pollution are influenced by external input of pollutants that participate in the processes of atmospheric photochemical reagent formation and removal. Methods. The study involved meteorological data collection and processing of pollutant concentration data gathered by the air quality monitoring network. Campaigns of passive sampling of O and active sampling of VOCs, aldehydes and ethanol in the atmosphere of the region were also performed. The O 3 sampling was conducted with the Ogawa ® type samplers and the concentrations were determined by ion chromatography with electrical conductivity detector. VOCs sampling was performed using steel tubes containing Tenax GR adsorbent, and quantification was done by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Aldehyde sampling was performed with silica gel cartridges coated with 2,4 DNPH and quantification done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detector (UV / VIS). Ethanol sampling was performed with florisil coated cartridges and quantification by flame ionization detector. The transport of air masses was analyzed based on Backward trajectories calculated by the model STILT. Interpretation of the data was performed using descriptive statistics, boxplots, correlation analysis and multivariate analysis (clusters). Results. Most episodes of Ozone exceeding Air Quality Standards occurred in the summer, between 15h and 16h, with prevailing winds from S / SE and with velocities greater than 2.5 ms -1 , typical of day periods (sea breeze). Major ozone precursor organic species are: formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toluene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, m-xylene, ethanol, xylene, ethylbenzene, 1,3,5trimethylbenzene and benzene. The retro trajectory of air masses arriving at Cubatão-Center proved the influence of exogenous emissions. Results in the mesoscale circulation given by model simulation by BRAMS, agree with the results obtained by JAESCHKE (1997), showing that only a portion of the average concentration of pollutants Cubatão-Centro was due to local sources, with the rest resulting from the transport of masses, with the occurrence of high concentrations of pollutants resulting when flow directions are from NW (land breeze) and SE (sea breeze).
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