Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocation"" "subject:"borocation""
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Ratlos oder schlecht beraten?: Diskontinuierliche Ausbildungsbiografien von AbiturientenBlaich, Ingo 04 April 2011 (has links)
Warum finden manche junge Erwachsene, trotz guter Voraussetzungen, keinen passenden Beruf? Diese Arbeit versucht Antworten auf diese Frage zu geben. Berufsfindung ist integraler Bestandteil der Individualentwicklung - und diese ist im Kontext institutioneller und struktureller Rahmenbedingen zu sehen. In Strukturperspektive auf Lebensverläufe kann im historischen Vergleich die hohe Varianz von Übergangswegen aufgezeigt und die allgegenwärtige Rede von 'Entgrenzung' relativiert werden. So zeigt sich, dass vor allem das Hochschulsystem verlängerte Übergangswege von der Schule in den Beruf ermöglicht und damit breiten Raum für 'Selbstverwirklichung' und Moratorien lässt. Mit der Problematisierung gängier Akteurskonzepte der Soziologie zeigt sich aber auch, wie die Bewältigung der Berufsfindung subjektiv problembehaftet erscheint, wenn Defizite in der Ausbildung von berufsrelevanten Interessen, in der Entscheidungsfähigkeit und dem Selbstmanagement bestehen.:1. DIE GESELLSCHAFTLICHE UND SUBJEKTIVE BEDEUTUNG DER BERUFSWAHL 5
1.1 Einleitung und Problemaufriss 5
Berufsfindung im ‚Zeitalter der Unsicherheit‘? 5
Vortheoretisches Verständnis des Untersuchungsgegenstandes 11
Thematische Einordnung und Forschungsüberblick 16
1.2 Berufsfindung und Vergesellschaftung 22
Berufswahl als sozialer Zuweisungsmechanismus 22
Berufsfindung oder Berufswahl? 33
Berufsfindungsverlauf und Berufswahltheorien 37
1.3 Zur Theorie des Lebenslaufs 42
Der institutionalisierte Lebenslauf 42
„Normalbiografie“ als sozialwissenschaftliches Konstrukt 49
Konzeptionalisierung der Berufsfindung als Statusübergang und Entwicklungsaufgabe 54
2.1 Sozialgeschichtliche Befunde zum westdeutschen Lebenslaufregime 61
Der Wandel von Jugendverläufen – Generalisierung eines ‚exklusiven‘ bürgerlichen Modells 61
Diskontinuierliche Erwerbsbiografien 74
Normative Subjektivierung der Institution Beruf 83
Verlagerung und Verweigerung: die Varianz privater Lebensformen 96
2.2 Lebensbewältigung unter Transformationsbedingungen –Besonderheiten ostdeutscher Biografien 102
Die Lebenswelt der DDR-Gesellschaft 104
Mentalitäten und Wertewandel 107
Jugend und Berufsausbildung in der DDR 110
Lebenswelt im Umbruch 114
Berufsfindung im Transformationsprozess 117
2.3 Rekonzeptionalisierung in Übergangs- und Lebensverlaufsforschung 128
Neue Lebensphasen: „junge Erwachsene“ und „Postadoleszenz“ 128
Verlaufsform und Prozesslogik des Übergangsgeschehens 132
Abkehr vom Übergangsparadigma - das Konzept der sozialen Lage 137
3.1 Der heuristische Rahmen: Theorie der reflexiven Modernisierung und ihre Kritik 142
Von der Individualisierungsthese zur Theorie reflexiver Modernisierung 142
Individualisierung im Kontext der Institutionalisierungsthese 150
Kulturelle Postmoderne - Von Einheit zu Differenz 155
Ein neues kulturelles Modell – Selbstverwirklichung und Erlebnisorientierung 160
Erlebnisgesellschaft revisited – Zur Nachhaltigkeit sozio-kultureller Wandelprozesse 164
3.2 Zur Logik biografischer Lebensbewältigung 174
Biografische Unsicherheit – institutionalisierte Subjektivität 174
Kompetenzentwicklung statt Identitätsbildung 180
Subjektidealisierungen im ‚neoliberalen‘ Zeitalter 186
3.3 Kritik des auf Handlungsfähigkeit zentrierten Akteurmodells 193
Bestimmung und Genese von Handlungsfähigkeit 193
Bedrohung von Handlungsfähigkeit in der Moderne 199
Biografische Kompetenz vs. biografische Lebensbewältigung 208
Exkurs zum Entscheidungsbegriff 215
5.1 Standortbestimmung in der Biografieforschung 233
5.2 Heuristische Sozialforschung als leitende Methodologie 242
5.3 Methodik der Datenerhebung & Datenanalyse 247
Experteninterviews 247
Einzelinterviews 249
Auswertungsverfahren 252
Operationalisierung 261
6.1 Anlage der Expertenbefragung 264
6.2 Ergebnisse der Expertenbefragung 265
Zum Verlaufstypus längerer Berufsfindungsprozesse 266
Relevanz der Einflussfaktoren auf den Berufswahlprozess 267
Einordnung der Ergebnisse 272
7.1 Allgemeine Charakterisierung 276
7.2 Typologie der Berufsfindungsverläufe 281
Typ 1 Hauptthema: Suchen 281
Typ 2 Hauptthema: Höherqualifizierung 293
Testing the Limits 296
7.3 Kausale Analyse: Einflussfaktoren auf den Berufsfindungsprozess 305
Berufswünsche und Präferenzen 305
Motivationsmängel 308
Entscheidungsstile 312
Die Rolle der Schule 321
Der Einfluss von Familien und Freunden 322
Berufsberatung 329
Institutionelle und strukturelle Faktoren 332
8.1 ‚Alles im Rahmen‘ - Verlängerte Berufsfindungsprozesse als vorstrukturierte Möglichkeit 335
8.2 Normative Subjektivität – Die Interaktion von Berufsfindung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung 342
8.3 Spezifika des ostdeutschen Sozialisationskontextes 352
8.4 Konsequenzen für die Berufsvorbereitung und Berufsberatung 354
8.5 Methodische Reflexionen 356
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The Emergence of Teacher Self in the Elementary ClassroomCole, Chelsea 06 August 2020 (has links)
Significant research and ongoing inquiry highlight the importance of understanding and recognizing the development of identities and beliefs among teachers. These studies use techniques of reflection on the past or present to elucidate the developmental process of teacher identities and beliefs and their impact on the profession. The development of teacher identities and beliefs commence during childhood. A dearth of research exists that addresses the emerging developments of teacher identities and beliefs from the perspective of young children. This study uses qualitative methods through focus groups and individual interviews to examine the identities and beliefs held by fifth-grade students who plan to become teachers. Revealing the early developing identities of future teachers provides necessary insight into the emerging curricular needs of teacher education programs.
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The Emergence of Teacher Self in the Elementary ClassroomCole, Chelsea 06 August 2020 (has links)
Significant research and ongoing inquiry highlight the importance of understanding and recognizing the development of identities and beliefs among teachers. These studies use techniques of reflection on the past or present to elucidate the developmental process of teacher identities and beliefs and their impact on the profession. The development of teacher identities and beliefs commence during childhood. A dearth of research exists that addresses the emerging developments of teacher identities and beliefs from the perspective of young children. This study uses qualitative methods through focus groups and individual interviews to examine the identities and beliefs held by fifth-grade students who plan to become teachers. Revealing the early developing identities of future teachers provides necessary insight into the emerging curricular needs of teacher education programs.
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[pt] A presente dissertação investiga, por meio da Análise de Narrativa e do aporte teórico oferecido pela Sociolinguística Interacional, as narrativas vocacionais de futuros padres que ainda estão em processo formativo em instituições conhecidas como seminários. Os dados apresentados nesta pesquisa foram gerados em entrevistas qualitativas com seminaristas residentes no mesmo seminário que o pesquisador, que também é seminarista. A pesquisa reveste-se ainda de uma sensibilidade autoetnográfica, uma vez que o pesquisador é também parte integrante de um seminário católico e, portanto, membro ativo da mesma comunidade que serviu de campo de pesquisa. A análise, de natureza qualitativa e interpretativista, dá-se em perspectiva micro-interacional e a partir do arcabouço teórico da Análise de Narrativa (LABOV e WALETSKY, 1968; LABOV, 1972; BRUNER, 1997; LINDE, 1993; RIESSMAN, 2008, entre outros). Ainda, utilizamos a noção de Instituição Total (GOFFMAN, 1961; FOUCAULT, 2006) para entender questões acerca do contexto no qual essas narrativas são produzidas. Os resultados descrevem que essas narrativas estão fundamentadas em um sistema de coerência próprio, no qual se articulam os movimentos retóricos de orientação e avaliação, dentre os quais evidenciamos as avaliações de sucesso ou bem-sucedidas a respeito da escolha vocacional e a ideia de que o chamado divino é eterno e, portanto, inato. Também, é possível percebemos a complexa construção narrativa na qual a noção de agenciamento é por vezes atenuada pelo narrador em função da presença constante de dois agentes: eu e deus. Além disso, os dados informam que essas micronarrativas dialogam com grandes narrativas (BRUNER, 1997; SHOSHANA, 2013) entendidas por nós como canônicas e institucionalmente difundidas entre os seminaristas. / [en] The present dissertation investigates, through the Narrative Analysis and the theoretical contribution offered by Interational Sociolinguistics, the vocational narratives of future priests who are still in the formative process in institutions known as Seminary. The data presented in this research were generated in qualitative interviews with seminarians residing in the same Seminary as the researcher, who is also a seminarian. The research also has an auto-ethnographic sensitivity, since the researcher is also an integral part of a Catholic Seminary and, therefore, an active member of the same community that served as a research field. The analysis, of a qualitative and interpretative nature, takes place in a micro-interactional perspective and from the theoretical framework of Narrative Analysis (LABOV and WALETSKY, 1968; LABOV, 1972; BRUNER, 1997; LINDE, among others). Yet, we use the notion of Total Institution (GOFFMAN, 1961; FOUCAULT, 2006) to understand questions about the context in which these narratives are produced. The results describe that these narratives are based on a system of coherence of their own, in which rhetorical movements of orientation and evaluation are articulated, among which we highlight successful or successful evaluations of vocational choice and the idea of that the divine call is eternal and therefore innate. Also, it is possible to perceive the complex narrative construction in which the notion of agency is sometimes attenuated by the narrator due to the constant presence of two agents: I and God. In addition, the data indicate that these micronarratives dialogue with great narratives (BRUNER, 1997; SHOSHANA, 2013) understood by us as canonical and institutionally diffused among the seminarians.
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Problematika cesty ke kněžství / The problems of the way to the priesthoodJungová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerning the way to priesthood, the diocesan priests especially, and explores mainly the moment when young men make their decision for the priesthood. This thesis wants to know the role of the Archdiocese of Prague, the priests, the Christian parents and how they can motivate and support them on their life journey towards their profession. The first chapter describes the journey towards the priesthood according to the Church documents. The second chapter is interested in the specific forms of the pastoral work within the Archdiocese of Prague. The Archdiocesan Seminary is mentioned in the third chapter. The last the fourth chapter is concerning the current status of the clergy and priestly ordination within the Archdiocese of Prague. The second, the third and the fourth chapters represent the author's contribution in the form of assessment of the questionnaires. These questionnaires were distributed and used relating the priest calling pastoral work.
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Povolání apoštola Pavla. Exegeze a teologické aspekty Sk 9; 22; 26 a Gal 1 / The Vocation of the Apostle Paul: Exegesis and Theological Aspects of Acts 9, 22, 26 and Gal 1Rejšková, Marta January 2014 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis "The Vocation of the Apostle Paul: Exegesis and Theological Aspects of Acts chs. 9, 22, 26 and Gal 1" is briefly present historical data of the Apostle Paul, present his personality. Especially it is concentrating on his conversion and vocation and New Testament texts that refer about this events (Acts chs. 9, 22, 26 and Gal 1). Part of this work is to analyze four reports of Paul's vocation. Thesis points on difference or conections between them. The thesis exposes vocation in context of biblical theology and symbol of light. This diploma thesis attempt to present St. Paul's personality and to show his merit for present. Keywords the Apostle Paul, the St. Paul, the Damascus, vocation, conversion, light, the Jesus Christ
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Ježíšovy výroky o učednictví v Matoušově evangeliu / Jesus' Sayings on Discipleship in the Gospel of MatthewZeman, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Jesus' logia about vocation contained in Matthew 8, taking into account the synoptic parallel of the text in Luke. The original Greek text is, first, translated into Czech and then linguistically analyzed. The thesis further examines the original setting of the logia and their foundation in the hypothetical Q source. With the help of selected commentators (France, Hagner, Osborne, Fausti) are the logia and their meaning interpreted within the wider context of contemporary research. These modern interpretations are supplemented by views of the early Church Fathers. The method used in the present thesis is the analysis of the original text and a comparison of relevant commentaries.
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A Follow-up Study of Mound Fort Junior High's Ninth Grade Class of 1962-63Heaps, Helen 01 May 1968 (has links)
The intent of this study was to follow up the students of Mound Fort Junior High School's ninth grade class of 1962-63 in order to secure information and facts about members of that class and to answer the following questions: (1) What has happened to the students educationally? (2) What has happened to the students vocationally? (3) How many students have served or are presently serving the armed forces? (4) What is the marital status of each student? (5) How did the high school graduate compare with the dropout in test scores, grade point average, attendance, awareness of counseling services, and use of counseling services? (6) How did the students react to the school's program?
There were 214 students (108 boys and 106 girls) who constituted the sample of this follow-up study. Sources used for obtaining desired information concerning the sample included a questionnaire and school records. Questionnaires were mailed to 214 students and it was assumed that 185 students received one. Of this number, 135 students (72.9%) completed and returned their questionnaires.
The results of this study showed that graduates scored higher in all areas than the dropouts--intelligence, achievement, grade point, and school attendance. The test scores for the average dropout indicated that they had the intelligence and the ability to achieve in school work. There was a greater awareness of counseling services among the graduates than was true of the dropouts. Suggestions and comments made by the students indicated they would like their teachers to take a personal interest in them, talk to them on their level, and treat them as an adult. Students want to be encouraged to stay in school and to have the importance of education stressed.
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The Effects of Calling and Vocational Presence and Search on Psychological Well-BeingO'Neal, April M. 07 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Jeux et enjeux de l'épistolaire : les correspondances amoureuses de Kafka - Flaubert - SartreStein, Liliane January 1996 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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