Spelling suggestions: "subject:"locational education"" "subject:"ocational education""
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The Identification and Prioritization of the Professional Development Needs for Teachers of Career, Technical, and Agricultural Subjects within Georgia Metropolitan Area School SystemsMcAdoo, Charlie Edward, II 30 August 2018 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this research study was to identify and prioritize the professional development needs for teachers of CTAE subjects within metropolitan Atlanta school systems. The methodology was primarily relational with descriptive components that relied on quantitative data. The administered survey called for participants to self-report demographic groups (i.e. Experience Level, School Type, and School Population). Secondly, participants completed online surveys yielding data that identified professional development needs relative to demographic variables. A modified Borich (1980) Needs Assessment Model was used to identify the perceived importance and perceived competency of 20 competencies prescribed by the Georgia Teacher Assessment of Performance Standards (TAPS). Once analyzed, the researcher identified and described professional development needs relative to demographic variables.</p><p>
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Globalization, Critical Post-colonialism and Career and Technical Education in Africa: Challenges and Possibilities.Goura, Tairou 01 December 2012 (has links)
In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is central to political discourses and educational concerns as a means for economic development, poverty alleviation, youth employment, and social mobility. Yet, there is an intriguing contradiction between this consideration and the real attention dedicated to TVET. Research on African TVET is varied, but tends to be narrowly focused on issues of policies, economic strategies, cost-efficiency, curriculum contents, and outdated equipment. Offering an alternative inquiry, the purpose of this conceptual dissertation was to use critical education theory and post-colonial insights to explore the macro and micro challenges SSA TVET systems are facing in a global context. Indeed, in the era of economic and cultural globalization, the African continent has the opportunity to make its way toward socioeconomic development. Still, rich countries are getting richer and the poor poorer. The African continent is rich in natural, mineral, agricultural, human, and intellectual resources. Thus, there are opportunities for well-being and educational prosperity. However, all statistics show that Africans are the poorest in the world. I argue that this poverty is socially constructed and not an inevitable condition for Africans. Unemployment is a tough reality in SSA. The number of students enrolling in TVET is increasing. From the critical and post-colonial conceptual framework I illustrate structural and systematic concerns to show how SSA TVET systems involve oppression, exploitation, marginalization, prejudice, stereotypes, gender discrimination, reproduction, hegemony, and subalternity. Through the concept of democratic education Dewey and Freire offer, I envision, idealistically and realistically, a holistic and emancipatory TVET where the main concern would not just be to train hands but also heads. In so doing, SSA TVET could develop students' critical awareness about citizenship, self-determination, and problem-solving in order to create social cohesion, peace, and stability in Africa.
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Virtuosismo e exposição : a lógica neoliberal na educação profissionalizanteCruz, Jairo Antonio da January 2017 (has links)
Esta Tese procura problematizar as feiras, mostras e exposições da educação profissional e tecnológica como espaços educativo-produtivos que operam tanto no âmbito do desenvolvimento de saberes que escapam ao ambiente escolar formal, e que, portanto, são de difícil desenvolvimento, objetivação e formalização nas salas de aulas e laboratórios, quanto no âmbito da formação das subjetividades trabalhadoras, entendendo estas estratégias como uma forma de governo das condutas dos estudantes-trabalhadores, ou como uma forma de governamento da sociedade. Para tal problematização, utilizei como lócus privilegiado de análise uma das maiores mostras de trabalhos técnicos da América Latina, a Mostratec (Mostra Brasileira/Internacional de Ciência e Tecnologia). De forma geral, pretendi analisar como esta mostra conduz as condutas dos estudantes-trabalhadores, tomando o conceito de governamentalidade como o fio condutor de minha pesquisa, de forma que ele atravessasse minhas incursões pelas teorizações e pelas análises realizadas. De forma mais detalhada, tentei mostrar que as feiras, mostras e exposições da educação técnica profissionalizante operam como lócus privilegiado para a formação das subjetividades dos estudantes-trabalhadores, formação essa que se dá a partir de dois processos ou tratamentos da subjetividade — sujeição social e servidão maquínica — que são complementares, interdependentes e que contribuem para o funcionamento da educação escolar e do próprio neoliberalismo. Argumenta-se que os deslocamentos contemporâneos no mundo do trabalho e na produção fazem com que algumas das tecnologias de governamento da sociedade sejam revalorizadas e reelaboradas no novo contexto do ensino técnico profissionalizante, que tem se apresentado, historicamente, como um sintoma implicado do desenvolvimento das forças produtivas. Considerando-se que a formação do estudante-trabalhador, vinculada às novas necessidades do trabalho contemporâneo, depende cada vez mais do seu caráter imaterial e da produção e do investimento cada vez mais precoce de si mesmo, ou seja, representa um processo onde o “produto” do aprendizado é inseparável do ato de produzir, podemos considerar que a produção escolar-empresarial se aproxima de uma execução virtuosística característica de atividades que encontram seu próprio cumprimento em si mesmas e que exigem a presença de um público. Busquei mostrar que feiras, mostras e exposições da educação profissional e tecnológica operam como estratégias neoliberais de governamento, tanto como um espaço público estatal que permite aos estudantes-trabalhadores executarem seu virtuosismo na presença do outro, quanto como estratégias para o desenvolvimento de saberes que escapam ao ambiente escolar formal. Por outro lado, também visam o desenvolvimento da individualização e da desigualdade concorrencial, bem como o bloqueio e a interrupção do excedente dos processos cognitivos, dos movimentos de cooperação, conhecimento e linguagem, visto que, para existir, o capital precisa bloquear os processos de captação social do valor, porque estes são excedentes, vão além de sua capacidade de comando. / This thesis seeks to problematize the fairs and exhibitions of professional and technological education as educational-productive spaces that operate both in the scope of the development of knowledges that escape the formal school environment, and which, therefore, are difficult to develop, objectify and formalize in the classrooms and laboratories, and in the context of the formation of working subjectivities, understanding these strategies as a form of governing student-worker behavior, or as a form of governing society. For this problematization, I used as the privileged locus of analysis one of the largest exhibitions of technical works in Latin America, the Mostratec (Mostra Brasileira / Internacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia). In general, I intended to analyze how this show conducts student-worker behaviors, taking the concept of governmentality as the guiding thread of my research, so that it crosses my incursions by the theorizations and the analyzes carried out. In a more detailed way, I have tried to show that the fairs, exhibitions and exhibitions of vocational technical education operate as a privileged locus for the formation of subjectivities of student-workers, a formation that takes place from two processes or treatments of subjectivity - social subjection and machinic servitude - which are complementary, interdependent and contribute to the functioning of school education and neoliberalism itself. It is argued that contemporary displacements in the world of work and production mean that some of the technologies of society governance are revalued and reworked in the new context of vocational technical education, which has performed historically, as a implicated symptom of productive forces development. Considering that the formation of student-worker, linked to new contemporary work needs, increasingly depends on its intangible character, production and the investment itself ever more precocious, is a process where the "product" of learning is inseparable from the act of producing, we can consider that the school-enterprise production approaches a feature virtuosic execution of activities that find their own fulfillment in themselves and which require the presence of a public. To analyze and discuss the fairs, shows and exhibitions of professional and technological education, we seek to show that they operate as neoliberalist strategies of government, both as a state public space that allows student-workers to perform their virtuosity in the presence of other, and as strategies for the development of knowledge that flee the formal school environment. On the other hand, also aimed at the development of individualization and the competitive inequality, as well as blocking and stopping surplus of cognitive processes, movements of cooperation, knowledge and language, since to exist, the capital needs to block the process social capture of value, because these are surplus beyond their ability to command.
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Factors contributing toward attrition of engineering students at public vocational colleges in the Western CapeLawrence, Mark Neville January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Currently, there is a high attrition rate amongst students who are registered at public
technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges in the Western
Cape. In this sector, attrition rate has also been referred to as ‘through-put rate’
which both mean that there is a reduction in the number of students completing a
programme for a variety of reasons. This study focuses on the reasons why these
students are leaving the colleges before completing the programme.
Perspectives of students who registered at a technical vocational education and
training (TVET) college are analysed. As a result of students dropping out of their
studies, emphasis is being placed on what students are experiencing at the TVET
colleges, which eventually influences their decision to drop out and become part of
the TVET attrition statistics. This study provides information based specifically on the
students’ experience in the National Certificate Vocational [NC(V)] civil engineering
programme at the TVET college where they were registered. Reasons are provided
which will clearly indicate that attrition is not only the result of the students’ inability to
cope academically but that student attrition can also be the result of other factors.
The topic to be addressed in this study is: Factors contributing toward attrition of
engineering students at public vocational colleges in the Western Cape.
This study is situated within a critical research paradigm which will allow an analysis
of the reasons for attrition in civil engineering programmes at one of the TVET
colleges with the ultimate aim of contributing towards social change. This study will
apply a qualitative data collection approach and will make use of interviews. This
study makes continual reference to the work of Vincent Tinto as he has done much
research on the topic of attrition in education.
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Virtuosismo e exposição : a lógica neoliberal na educação profissionalizanteCruz, Jairo Antonio da January 2017 (has links)
Esta Tese procura problematizar as feiras, mostras e exposições da educação profissional e tecnológica como espaços educativo-produtivos que operam tanto no âmbito do desenvolvimento de saberes que escapam ao ambiente escolar formal, e que, portanto, são de difícil desenvolvimento, objetivação e formalização nas salas de aulas e laboratórios, quanto no âmbito da formação das subjetividades trabalhadoras, entendendo estas estratégias como uma forma de governo das condutas dos estudantes-trabalhadores, ou como uma forma de governamento da sociedade. Para tal problematização, utilizei como lócus privilegiado de análise uma das maiores mostras de trabalhos técnicos da América Latina, a Mostratec (Mostra Brasileira/Internacional de Ciência e Tecnologia). De forma geral, pretendi analisar como esta mostra conduz as condutas dos estudantes-trabalhadores, tomando o conceito de governamentalidade como o fio condutor de minha pesquisa, de forma que ele atravessasse minhas incursões pelas teorizações e pelas análises realizadas. De forma mais detalhada, tentei mostrar que as feiras, mostras e exposições da educação técnica profissionalizante operam como lócus privilegiado para a formação das subjetividades dos estudantes-trabalhadores, formação essa que se dá a partir de dois processos ou tratamentos da subjetividade — sujeição social e servidão maquínica — que são complementares, interdependentes e que contribuem para o funcionamento da educação escolar e do próprio neoliberalismo. Argumenta-se que os deslocamentos contemporâneos no mundo do trabalho e na produção fazem com que algumas das tecnologias de governamento da sociedade sejam revalorizadas e reelaboradas no novo contexto do ensino técnico profissionalizante, que tem se apresentado, historicamente, como um sintoma implicado do desenvolvimento das forças produtivas. Considerando-se que a formação do estudante-trabalhador, vinculada às novas necessidades do trabalho contemporâneo, depende cada vez mais do seu caráter imaterial e da produção e do investimento cada vez mais precoce de si mesmo, ou seja, representa um processo onde o “produto” do aprendizado é inseparável do ato de produzir, podemos considerar que a produção escolar-empresarial se aproxima de uma execução virtuosística característica de atividades que encontram seu próprio cumprimento em si mesmas e que exigem a presença de um público. Busquei mostrar que feiras, mostras e exposições da educação profissional e tecnológica operam como estratégias neoliberais de governamento, tanto como um espaço público estatal que permite aos estudantes-trabalhadores executarem seu virtuosismo na presença do outro, quanto como estratégias para o desenvolvimento de saberes que escapam ao ambiente escolar formal. Por outro lado, também visam o desenvolvimento da individualização e da desigualdade concorrencial, bem como o bloqueio e a interrupção do excedente dos processos cognitivos, dos movimentos de cooperação, conhecimento e linguagem, visto que, para existir, o capital precisa bloquear os processos de captação social do valor, porque estes são excedentes, vão além de sua capacidade de comando. / This thesis seeks to problematize the fairs and exhibitions of professional and technological education as educational-productive spaces that operate both in the scope of the development of knowledges that escape the formal school environment, and which, therefore, are difficult to develop, objectify and formalize in the classrooms and laboratories, and in the context of the formation of working subjectivities, understanding these strategies as a form of governing student-worker behavior, or as a form of governing society. For this problematization, I used as the privileged locus of analysis one of the largest exhibitions of technical works in Latin America, the Mostratec (Mostra Brasileira / Internacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia). In general, I intended to analyze how this show conducts student-worker behaviors, taking the concept of governmentality as the guiding thread of my research, so that it crosses my incursions by the theorizations and the analyzes carried out. In a more detailed way, I have tried to show that the fairs, exhibitions and exhibitions of vocational technical education operate as a privileged locus for the formation of subjectivities of student-workers, a formation that takes place from two processes or treatments of subjectivity - social subjection and machinic servitude - which are complementary, interdependent and contribute to the functioning of school education and neoliberalism itself. It is argued that contemporary displacements in the world of work and production mean that some of the technologies of society governance are revalued and reworked in the new context of vocational technical education, which has performed historically, as a implicated symptom of productive forces development. Considering that the formation of student-worker, linked to new contemporary work needs, increasingly depends on its intangible character, production and the investment itself ever more precocious, is a process where the "product" of learning is inseparable from the act of producing, we can consider that the school-enterprise production approaches a feature virtuosic execution of activities that find their own fulfillment in themselves and which require the presence of a public. To analyze and discuss the fairs, shows and exhibitions of professional and technological education, we seek to show that they operate as neoliberalist strategies of government, both as a state public space that allows student-workers to perform their virtuosity in the presence of other, and as strategies for the development of knowledge that flee the formal school environment. On the other hand, also aimed at the development of individualization and the competitive inequality, as well as blocking and stopping surplus of cognitive processes, movements of cooperation, knowledge and language, since to exist, the capital needs to block the process social capture of value, because these are surplus beyond their ability to command.
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The rise and demise of the 14-19 DiplomaSenior, Lynn January 2015 (has links)
The introduction of the 14-19 Diploma into the English Qualifications framework was the most developed attempt at creating a vocational qualification which advanced beyond mere job training. The Diploma offered vocational education with occupational capacity, underpinned by functional skills and academic subject content. It was truly the first hybrid qualification that attempted to combine the hitherto separate vocational and academic curricula. This study examines the educational policies that led to the introduction of the Diploma and the reasons behind its ultimate failure and demise. The study comprises two parts. The first is an investigation into the continuing professional development needs that this new initiative created for teachers. This led to the publication in 2010 of a book, The Essential Guide to Teaching 14-19 Diplomas, a description and account of which is presented in this thesis. This book was the first of its kind aimed at supporting teachers working with the Diploma. The key research findings addressed were the need to understand the structure and constituent elements of the Diploma and to provide practical advice on how to deliver effective Initial Advice and Guidance (IAG), Personal Thinking and Learning Skills (PTLS) and Functional Skills. The second part of the study is concerned with the aftermath of the Diploma. This involved an examination of the professional ethos and standing of vocational subject teachers within the author’s consortium of colleges and schools involved in teacher training, and their reactions to the withdrawal of support for the qualification following the change of government in 2010. The study concludes with an analysis of a series of semi-structured interviews or ‘conversations’ with leading educationalists concerning their attitudes to, and involvement with, the development of the Diploma and any ‘lessons for the future’. The key findings from the second part of the study are there were several issues in the development and implementation of the Diploma that were critical factors leading to its demise. The first issue that arose from both the initial and final phases of the research was that the vocational Diploma was introduced very quickly following the rejection of Sir Mike Tomlinson’s proposals for linking academic and vocational learning. The qualification that was developed, the Vocational Diploma introduced in 2008, later renamed as the ‘Diploma’, only went part way to achieving the proposals put forward by Tomlinson. This was due to the complexity of collaboration between three sectors, pre- and post-compulsory education and employers, plus the complexity and breadth of the component parts of the qualification. Also arising from the research is that the rushed introduction did not allow the developers to pilot, review or consult effectively with the major stakeholders. The second issue, which is a thread throughout the research, is that the rush to implementation, coupled with the complexity of the qualification, demonstrated that there was a clear need for professional development within the teaching profession tasked with implementing the qualification. Indeed, the initial phase of the research highlights clear areas that teachers were unfamiliar with and were anxious about. The third issue that arises focuses on the demise of the qualification and the impact that it has had upon the teaching profession tasked with delivering it. The demise has created a certain disillusionment and loss of professional identity amongst the Diploma teachers and the teachers of vocational curriculum. There is now an uncertainty and mistrust in new vocational qualifications and there are real questions as to whether the Technical Baccalaureate, introduced in 2013, and the new 16-19 vocational study programmes are fit for purpose. The final issue is whether we should be looking back at the original proposals put forward by Tomlinson or whether we should be looking at a return to job-specific training. In conclusion, the common theme that arose from both sets of participants in the final stage of the study was of lost opportunities and the recognition that, after the demise of the diploma, there is a continuing state of policy confusion and that any new development needs to be from the ‘bottom up’.
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Dimensão da afetividade para o professor: perspectiva walloniana / Dimension of affection for the teacher: Walloniana PerspectiveAdriana Pereira Gonçalves Zacharias 30 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A afetividade presente no processo educativo encontra-se vinculada as relações que se constituem no campo social da escola, a partir de importantes vínculos entre professores e alunos. Nesse patamar tanto o professor como o aluno vão se construindo como pessoa, trazendo a observação, a escuta e o respeito como alicerces essenciais para o crescimento de ambos. Este estudo apresenta a relação do professor com o aluno e com o ensino em escola profissionalizante em enfermagem, tendo como base a dimensão da afetividade na construção do outro. Objetivos: Analisar como o professor relaciona a afetividade com o ensino, identificar como o professor qualifica a afetividade em sua prática profissional e conhecer a percepção do professor acerca da afetividade na construção como pessoa. Método: Realizado um estudo exploratório, descritivo de caráter qualitativo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com doze professores de duas escolas públicas e uma privada. Utilizada a análise de conteúdo preconizada por Bardin. Após a análise surgiram 05 categorias: 1. Relação da Afetividade na composição das disciplinas. 2. Afetividade qualificada como ferramenta pedagógica. 3. Relação professor aluno. 4. Modos de afetividade. 5. Construção do si mesmo como pessoa. Resultados: Os discursos dos professores mostraram que afetividade está presente de modo transversal em disciplinas que compõem o Plano de Curso. Também, trabalhadas nas disciplinas de Ética e Psicologia. Entendidas como conteúdo que influencia a formação do aluno, principalmente nas relações que se dão no ambiente escolar. Há muitos modos de compreender afetividade no ensino, desde o planejamento da aula até o conhecimento e vinculo com os alunos. Afetividade, associada ao cuidado e ao acolhimento do aluno é dada como componente importante para o crescimento de todos envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem. Conclusão: Afetividade está vinculada a comunicação, aprendizagem cognitiva e emocional. O ensino profissionalizante em enfermagem apresenta como característica que os alunos acabam se aproximando muito do professor, e nessa relação deve existir respeito do professor para o aluno e do aluno para o professor. De certa forma existe muita afetividade na relação professor aluno, e muitas maneiras dela ser expressada, como um cuidado do professor para com o aluno e do aluno para com o professor. / Introduction: The affectivity present in the educational process is bound in the relations that constitute the social field of the school, from important links between teachers and students. At this stage, teacher and student, will grown as person, bringing the observation, listening and respect as essential foundations for growth of both. This study presents the relationship of teacher and student in the teaching of professional nursing school, using as base the size of affectivity in the construction of other. Objectives: Analyse how teacher relates affectivity with teaching, identify how teacher qualifies the affectivity in their professional practice and the perception of teacher about the affectivity in the construction as person. Method: Conducted an exploratory study, descriptive qualitative character. Interviews were conducted with twelve teachers of two public schools and one private school. Used content analysis advocated by Bardin. After analysis arose 5 categories: 1. Relationship of affection in the composition of disciplines. 2. Affectivity qualified as pedagogycal tool. 3. Teacher student relationship. 4. Modes of affectivity. 5. Self construction as person. Results: The speeches of teachers showed that affection is present transverse mode in disciplines that comprise the Course Plan. Also, worked in the disciplines of Ethics and Psychology. Understood as content that influence the students training, especially in the relationship that happens in the school environment. There are many ways to understand affection in teaching, since the class planning through the knowledge and connection with the students. Affectivity, associated with the reception and care of the student who is given as na important component for growth of all involved in the learning process. Conclusion: Affectivity is linked to communication, cognitive and emotional learning. Professional nursing education presents as characteristic that students end up approaching the teacher, and in this relationship should exist in respect from teacher to the student and from student to the teacher. In a way, there is many affection in the teacher student relationship, and many ways to be expressed, as care from teacher to student and student to teacher.
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A comparative study and model of the certification requirements for vocational office education teacher-coordinators in the United StatesBounds, Joan Karen Johnston 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was the development of a model for the certification requirements for vocational office education teacher coordinators in the United States. The data for this study were obtained from library research, documents provided by the state directors of vocational education and state departments of education, 62 questionnaires returned from randomly selected businesses and office education educators, and 735 questionnaires returned from randomly selected employed vocational office education teacher-coordinators.
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The relationship between time management behaviour, flow, happiness and life satisfaction in the hospitality training environmentGeyser, Ita 11 July 2013 (has links)
M.Comm. (Industrial Psychology) / There is ample evidence to suggest that optimal experience (flow), happiness and life satisfaction are related to one another in the creative culinary training environment. In this study, the effect of time management behaviour on these relationships was investigated within the hospitality training environment. Furthermore, the mediating role of perceived control of time on flow was explored, as well as the direct effect of happiness and life satisfaction on flow, among the different demographic groups. A quantitative research design was used and data were gathered with the use of an online questionnaire (cross-sectional survey). The sample consisted of n=229 students within the culinary training environment, in a tertiary institution spanning across different gender, age, racial groups and educational levels. Significant results were found for mechanics of time management that mediated fully through the perceived control of time on flow; goals and priorities mediated partially through the perceived control of time on flow. Happiness, however, had a direct link on flow. The practical implications of this study are that time management behaviour training should become more prominent in the culinary studies practical training for hospitality students. Successful time management behaviour skills may be beneficial in increasing the flow, happiness and life satisfaction outcomes of the students. This research further contributes to the body of knowledge of positive psychology, particularly within a South African vocational training context.
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Processes and patterns of responsiveness to the world of work in higher education institutionsGarraway, James. January 2007 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / The thesis took the general question of responsive curriculum development which meets both the needs of work and those of the academy as its starting point. The rationale for the topic flows out of education policy and societal pressures worldwide which are calling for an ever greater responsiveness from higher education to the workplace in the twenty-first century. Responsiveness to work requires collaborative and integrative work between communities of academic and non-academic practitioners. Differences between knowledge and practices at work and within the academy are broadly acknowledged in the literature, yet the ensuing nature and complexity of interactions between these two communities in curriculum design on the ground is poorly understood. A key point is to recognize that integration as such cannot be the goal; the differences remain, but have to turned into productive collaboration and joint development, for example, of a curriculum. / South Africa
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