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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Luftvärmeväxlare med låg ljudnivå : Även i symbios med solfångare / Heat exchanger with low sound emission : Even in symbiosis with a solar collector

Listén, Lars-Åke, Wallin, Harald January 2007 (has links)
Rapporten handlar om ett examensarbete omfattande 20 p som är utfört för Thermia AB i Arvika. Uppdragsgivaren ville få fram förslag på möjliga åtgärder som kan minska ljudnivån från en luftvärmeväxlare. För bra helhetsbild av projektet, läs även kapitel: 6. Värmeväxlaren ingår som en komponent i ett värmepumpssystem, Thermia Aer 5, som använder uteluften som värmekälla. Huvudmålet med projektet blev alltså att undersöka och utvärdera ljudbildningen från värmeväxlaren samt att komma fram till olika förslag på möjliga åtgärder som har potential att sänka ljudnivån. Värmeväxlarens förmåga att uppta energi fick ej heller försämras. I projektets slutskede tillverkades det också en enkel prototyp på ett av designförslagen där den störande ljudnivån blev lägre. Läs mer om detta längre ner. Ett delmål som vi själva formulerade, var också att undersöka olika möjligheter att öka värmepumpssystemets totala kapacitet för energiupptagning genom att kombinera systemet med någon form av solfångare. Kombinationen solfångare och luftvärmeväxlare innebär också en lägre ljudnivå eftersom fläkten i värmeväxlaren mer sällan behöver gå på full effekt. I viss mån har även estetiska aspekter på formgivningen beaktats. Nedan presenteras fyra olika förslag på idéer för att öka luftvärmeväxlarens prestanda: Av det första förslaget tillverkades en prototyp där luftvärmeväxlarens utblås är riktat uppåt, istället för som nu åt sidan, vilket minskar risken att omgivningen nås av högfrekvent ljud. Högfrekvent ljud sprids nämligen inte så mycket i sidled. Batteridelen på värmeväxlaren har fått en större area, vilket möjliggör ett minskat volymflöde av luft, utan att den tappar i effekt, jämfört med nuvarande värmeväxlare. Dessa två åtgärder reducerar det avgivna ljudet med ca10 dB. En större batteriarea är även positivt ur energisynpunkt då värmefaktorn (COP) ökar på grund av ett minskat antal nödvändiga avfrostningar. Förslag nummer två inbegriper en solfångarlösning som, tack vare avsaknaden av direktförångning, även går att direktkoppla till köldbäraren (brinen) eller direkt mot värmepumpens ackumulatortank. Solfångaren täcker hela effektbehovet på sommaren och ger ett tillskott resten av året. Det tredje förslaget är en s.k. väggplacerad luftsolfångare som förvärmer insugsluften till värmeväxlaren. Den uppenbara fördelen med detta alternativ är den synnerligen enkla konstruktionen vilket gör att kostnaden kan hållas nere, se bild 4.4.4-2. Det fjärde förslaget, är att låta hela husets tak fungera som en solfångare som bilderna 6-1 visar. Inströmmande luft till värmeväxlaren förvärms av de soluppvärmda takpannorna som kan vara av tegel, betong eller ännu hellre av glas. Dessutom tillvaratas förlustvärme från hustak och ventilation. Detta förslag ger ett mycket gott energiutbyte. Ytterligare ett intressant sätt att sänka ljudbildningen är att driva fram luften genom värmeväxlaren, helt eller delvis, med hjälp av en hög elektrisk spänning, se kapitel: 6.6. / This report is a candidate degree and the assignment is done in the interest of Thermia AB in Arvika, Sweden. The company wanted proposals of preventive measures aiming to reduce sound emission from a heat exchanger. For a good general impression of the project, see chapter 6. The heat exchanger forms a part of a component in a heat pump system, called Thermia Aer 5, which uses air from outside as a heat source. The main target of the project was to examine and evaluate sound emission from the heat exchanger and to get different proposals on possible preventive measures in order to lower sound emission. It was not allowed to reduce the heat exchangers ability to collect energy. In the end of the project a simple prototype was built which took advantage of some of the design proposals. The sound emission from the prototype was reduced. Another target, formulated by ourselves, was to examine different possibilities to increase the capacity of the heat pump system by combining it with solar collectors. The heat pump system combined with solar collectors also produces reduced sound emission. Even some aesthetic aspects have been taken into consideration. Below, four different proposals of ideas are introduced that can increase the performance of the heat exchanger: The first solution was to direct the air exhaust upwards instead of the tangential exhaust on the present heat exchanger. This makes it more improbable that a high frequency sound wave should reach the surrounding area. Sound with high frequency doesn’t spread so much in a sideways direction. An increase of the battery area makes it possible to lower the air volume flow, because of the increased potential for energy output. These two measures reduced the sound level with a proximal amount of about 10 dB. In addition, an increased exchange battery area increases the heat factor (COP) due to the frost distribution on the battery. Solution number two include a solar panel that, due to the lack of direct vaporization in the heat pump system, is possible to serial connect direct on the brine or indirectly to the water accumulation tank. The solar panel gives hot water in the summer and an additional energy output the rest of the year. The third solution is a wall mounted air solar panel which gives the air a higher input temperature to the air heat exchanger. This is a very simple and cost effective solution. The fourth solution is to let the whole roof of the house act as a solar collector as the pictures 6-1 describes. The sun heats the roofing tile which, in turn, heats streaming air that reaches the heat exchanger. The tile can been made of tiling, concrete - or preferably - transparent glass. Furthermore heat loss from the roof and ventilation is prevented. Another interesting solution that reduces sound emission is to force air through the exchanger with a high electric voltage field. Further information chapter: 6.6.

A Study of Polycarbonate / Poly (butylene terephthalate) Compounding in a Twin Screw Extruder

Noeei Ancheh, Vahid January 2008 (has links)
Blends of poly butylene terephthalate (PBT) and polycarbonate (PC) form a very important class of commercial blends in numerous applications requiring materials with good chemical resistance, impact resistance even at low temperatures, and aesthetic and flow characteristics. PC and PBT are usually blended in a twin screw extruder (TSE). Product melt volume flow rate (MVR) is a property used to monitor product quality while blending the PC/PBT in a twin screw extruder. It is usually measured off line in a quality control laboratory using extrusion plastometer on samples collected discretely during the compounding operation. Typically a target value representing the desired value of the quality characteristics for an in-control process, along with upper and lower control limits are specified. As long as the MVR measurement is within the control limits, the sample is approved and the whole compounded blend is assumed to meet the specification. Otherwise, the blend is rejected. Because of infrequent discrete sampling, corrective actions are usually applied with delay, thus resulting in wasted material. It is important that the produced PC/PBT blend pellets have consistent properties. Variability and fault usually arise from three sources: human errors, feed material variability, and machine operation (i.e. steady state variation). Among these, the latter two are the major ones affecting product quality. The resulting variation in resin properties contributes to increased waste products, larger production cost and dissatisfied customers. Motivated by this, the objective of this project was to study the compounding operation of PC/PBT blend in a twin screw extruder and to develop a feasible methodology that can be applied on-line for monitoring properties of blends on industrial compounding operations employing available extruder input and output variables such as screw speed, material flow rate, die pressure and torque. To achieve this objective, a physics-based model for a twin screw extruder along with a MVR model were developed, examined and adapted for this study, and verified through designed experiments. This dynamic model for a TSE captures the important dynamics, and relates measurable process variables (screw speed, torque, feed rates, pressure etc.) to ones that are not being measured (material holdups and compositions at the partially and filled section along a TSE barrel). This model also provides product quality sensors or inferential estimation techniques for prediction of viscosity and accordingly MVR. The usefulness of the model for inferential MVR sensing and fault diagnosis was demonstrated on experiments performed on a 58 mm co-rotating twin-screw extruder for an industrial compounding operation at a SABIC Innovative Plastics plant involving polycarbonate – poly butylene terephthalate blends. The results showed that the model has the capability of identifying faults (i.e., process deviation from the nominal conditions) in polymer compounding operations with the twin screw extruder. For instance, the die pressure exhibited a change as a function of changes in raw materials and feed composition of PC and PBT. In the presence of deviations from nominal conditions, the die pressure parameters are updated. These die pressure model parameters were identified and updated using the recursive parameter estimation method. The recursive identification of the die pressure parameters was able to capture very well the effects of changes in raw material and/or composition on the die pressure. In addition, the developed MVR model showed a good ability in monitoring product MVR on-line and inferentially from output process variables such as die pressure which enables quick quality control to maintain products within specification limits and to minimize waste production.

A Study of Polycarbonate / Poly (butylene terephthalate) Compounding in a Twin Screw Extruder

Tareque, Md. Hasan 25 March 2009 (has links)
In this work, the compounding of polycarbonate (PC) / poly-butylene terephthalate (PBT) blends was studied for the purpose of improving quality of products with reduced wastage and finally to satisfaction of end users. The effect of material rheological characteristics and processing conditions on compounding of PC /PBT was investigated through statistical experiments carried out on a 58 mm twin-screw extruder at SABIC Innovative Plastics Limited (formerly GE Plastics Limited) in Cobourg, Ontario. Melt Volume-Flow Rate (MVR) is the most commonly used property to monitor the quality of products of PC/PBT blends. The MVR was studied with different sampling times and correlations between product properties (melt flow) and processing conditions (screw speed, flow rates) were discussed. The rheological behavior of PC/PBT blends was investigated by dynamic and capillary rheometers. The effects of processing conditions (screw speed, feed rate) on viscosity were measured and it was found that the Cox-Merz rule is not valid for PC/PBT blends. The change of morphology of PC/PBT blends was observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) by using different types of samples. Those samples were (i) PC/PBT blends pellets, (ii) PC/PBT blend samples, but collected after completing the rheological tests in the parallel plate rheometer, and (iii) PC/PBT blend samples, but collected after completing the rheological tests in the capillary rheometer. There was evidence that the samples collected after completing the tests in the parallel and capillary rheometer might be degraded due to temperature and time.

Měření průtoku plynů / Gas flow measurement

Slováček, Antonín January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis brings a description and realization of new measuring devices which are designed to support student´s laboratory practice of air flow measurement techniques. The new devices and laboratory exercises help students get experience of several methods of measuring which they get to know during mandatory Bachelor's and Master's study programmes. The paper also includes a theoretical background, the knowledge of which is necessary for mastering the issue. Moreover, the paper comprises a literary search of sensors and a market research. The second part of the thesis presents possibilities of the laboratory workplace, and the results of the measurements of the new laboratory devices used for sample laboratory exercises.

Radar Based Solutions for Crushing andScreening Applications / Tillämpning av radarbaserade system inom gruvindustrin

Ehrlin, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This project was carried out for a Company in the mining and construction business, and focused on the development of a radar based material monitoring solution for conveyor belts. A minor prestudy showed that there are possible customer values related to material monitoring solutions for equipment relevant for the Company, and that such solutions using radar possibly can fulfil the application requirements. The main focus of the project was chosen based on this prestudy. The methods used were mainly experiments with the developed prototype, and a study of literature. The prototype was developed with an aim to measure mass flow and to monitor the material surface for deviances. Millimeter-wave pulsed coherent radar sensors were used, and data processing approaches included Kalman filtering. Results showed that mass flow can be calculated using the tested senors and data processing models, as the calculated mass flow was well in line with a belt scale reference, but that additional data is needed to prove consistency in the results. Results also showed that trends in the material surface can be observed in the radar data, indicating the possibilities to detect deviances. From a technical perspective, results and the possibilities for further development and improvement show that radar based solutions can be used for applications relevant for the Company. / Detta examensarbete genomfördes för ett företag inomgruv- och anläggningsbranschen och handlade om utvecklingen av en radarbaserad prototyp för mätningar av materialet på transportband. En mindre förstudie visade på möjliga kundvärden relaterade till sådana mätningar, samt att radar har potentialen att uppfylla kravspecifikationen för flera applikationer. Huvudfokuset för projektet valdes sedan utifrån denna förstudie. Metoderna som användes var främst experiment med den utvecklade prototypen samt litteraturstudier. Prototypen utvecklades med syfte att mäta massflöde samt att upptäcka avikelser i materialets yta. Radarsensorer med en frekvens på 60GHz användes, och för databehandling användes bland annat ett Kalman-filter. Resultaten visade att massflöde kan beräknas med de testade sensorerna och databehandlingsmodellerna, eftersom det beräknade massflödet låg i linje med referensdata från en bandvåg. Ytterligare data behövs emellertid för att visa hur resultaten påverkas av förändrade omständigheter, såsom storleken på fragmenten som mäts. Studien visade också att mönster i materialytan kan observeras i radardatan, vilket indikerar att det också är möjligt upptäcka avvikelser. Ur ett teknisktperspektiv visar resultaten och möjligheterna till vidareutveckling tillsammans att radarbaserade lösningar kan användas för applikationer relevanta för företaget.

Evaluation of upstream and downstream process parameters on electrostatic precipitator performance / Gert Petrus Peens

Peens, Gert Petrus January 2013 (has links)
New emission legislation regarding air pollution control, as instructed by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to Eskom Generation Power Stations, implies a particulate emission limit of 100 mg/Nm3 for all existing power stations by 2015 and 50 mg/Nm3 for all new and existing power stations by the year 2020. Some of Eskom’s power stations which are equipped with Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP’s) were not designed for this stringent legislation. It is also experienced that ESP’s and coal quality in Eskom have deteriorated over time, resulting in the performance of the ESP’s not meeting the legislative requirements. Eskom is in the process of introducing various ESP enhancement projects to improve performance and aligning the operating philosophy to comply with the more stringent particulate emission legislation. An ESP efficiency test was conducted at Lethabo Power Station to determine the current state of the plant and performance. The results of the test were compared with the original design base specifications to determine the relevant deficiencies which contribute to high emissions and poor ESP performance. It was aimed to develop an ESP simulation model and validate the outputs with the test data. This study endeavours to demonstrate the greater impact on ESP performance when the ESP is operated outside the design specification. It is further aimed to demonstrate that a solution to the problem of high emissions is not only contributed by the variables within the ESP itself. This study is a coal to stack evaluation considering the ESP variables and the upstream conditions of the ESP that form part of the entire process. The intention of this study is to demonstrate the importance of operating an ESP at the designed parameters and highlight the significance of proper maintenance. It was learned that before any ESP enhancement technology can be implemented, the ESP and upstream conditions must be in accordance with design specifications. The implementation of an ESP enhancement technology will have no merit or justification on a unit that is being operated outside of its design specifications. The results obtained from the ESP simulation model correlated well with the ESP efficiency test data. The expectation of the model to assist operators and engineers to operate ESP’s according to the designer’s specifications was conceded. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Evaluation of upstream and downstream process parameters on electrostatic precipitator performance / Gert Petrus Peens

Peens, Gert Petrus January 2013 (has links)
New emission legislation regarding air pollution control, as instructed by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to Eskom Generation Power Stations, implies a particulate emission limit of 100 mg/Nm3 for all existing power stations by 2015 and 50 mg/Nm3 for all new and existing power stations by the year 2020. Some of Eskom’s power stations which are equipped with Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP’s) were not designed for this stringent legislation. It is also experienced that ESP’s and coal quality in Eskom have deteriorated over time, resulting in the performance of the ESP’s not meeting the legislative requirements. Eskom is in the process of introducing various ESP enhancement projects to improve performance and aligning the operating philosophy to comply with the more stringent particulate emission legislation. An ESP efficiency test was conducted at Lethabo Power Station to determine the current state of the plant and performance. The results of the test were compared with the original design base specifications to determine the relevant deficiencies which contribute to high emissions and poor ESP performance. It was aimed to develop an ESP simulation model and validate the outputs with the test data. This study endeavours to demonstrate the greater impact on ESP performance when the ESP is operated outside the design specification. It is further aimed to demonstrate that a solution to the problem of high emissions is not only contributed by the variables within the ESP itself. This study is a coal to stack evaluation considering the ESP variables and the upstream conditions of the ESP that form part of the entire process. The intention of this study is to demonstrate the importance of operating an ESP at the designed parameters and highlight the significance of proper maintenance. It was learned that before any ESP enhancement technology can be implemented, the ESP and upstream conditions must be in accordance with design specifications. The implementation of an ESP enhancement technology will have no merit or justification on a unit that is being operated outside of its design specifications. The results obtained from the ESP simulation model correlated well with the ESP efficiency test data. The expectation of the model to assist operators and engineers to operate ESP’s according to the designer’s specifications was conceded. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Optimalizace vzduchotechniky wellness / OPTIMIZATION OF WELLNESS AIR CONDITION

Kysilka, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The theme of diploma thesis is a design optimization of air distribution in swimming-pool hall with regard to free water surface evaporation. This problem was solved according to determined criterions with the aid of CFD simulation. Experimental measurement part of the thesis deals with evaporation problems where own formula for this physical phenomenon is determined. This formula is compared with already known algorithms. Author suggests that such formula might be integrated in CFD software.

Photoplethysmography for Non-Invasive Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow: Calibration of a Wearable Custom-Made PPGSensor / Fotopletismografy för Icke-Invasiv Mätning av Cerebralt Blodflöde: Kalibering av en Egentilverkad Bärbar PPG-Sensor

Spadolini, Vittorio January 2024 (has links)
Stroke is an enormous global burden, six and a half-million people die fromstroke annually [1]. Effectively monitoring blood hemodynamic parameters suchas blood velocity and volume flow permits to help and cure people. This projectaimed to calibrate a custom-made wearable system for measuring cerebral bloodflow (CBF) using a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor. The measurementswere validated using Doppler ultrasound as a reference method. Five (N=5)subjects (age = 24±1.41 years) were selected for the project. The PPG and Dopplerultrasound probe were placed above the left and right common carotid arteries(CCA), respectively. Measurements were taken simultaneously for 12 secondseach, with six consecutive measurements per subject and 2 time-synchronizedECG recordings. Subsequently, using an extraction algorithm the velocityenvelope (TAMEAN) was extracted from the Doppler image to obtain the bloodvolume flow (ml/min). After synchronization, the PPG signal output expressedin volts was calibrated to the corresponding volume, and a calibration curve wascreated.The extraction algorithm achieved remarkable results, with almost perfectcorrelation with the Doppler image reference, rT AM EAN =0.951 and rvolume=0.975demonstrating its reliability. Challenges encountered during postprocessingand synchronization highlighted the need for careful refinement in the projectframework. Despite successful signal processing and alignment techniques,calibration results were suboptimal due to synchronization difficulties andmotion artifacts. Limitations included impractical measurement locations andsusceptibility to movement artifacts. The calibration process did not yield theexpected outcomes and the project aim was not achieved. All the linear regressionmodels for each subject failed to accurately predict the volume flow based on themeasured voltages. Future work could focus on refining calibration procedures,improving synchronization methods, and expanding studies to include largercohorts. Although the wearable device was tested, the project’s goal was onlypartially achieved, underscoring the complexity of accurately measuring cerebralblood flow using PPG sensors. / Stroke är en enorm global börda, sex och en halv miljon människor dör av strokeårligen [1]. Effektiv övervakning av hemodynamiska blodparametrar såsomblodflödeshastighet och volymflöde gör det möjligt att hjälpa och bota människor.Detta projekt syftade till att kalibrera ett specialtillverkat bärbart system föratt mäta cerebralt blodflöde (CBF) med hjälp av en fotopletysmografisensor(PPG). Mätningarna validerades med Doppler-ultraljud som referensmetod. Fem(N=5) försökspersoner (ålder = 24±1.41 år) valdes ut för projektet. PPG- ochDoppler-ultraljudssonden placerades över vänster respektive höger gemensamhalsartär (CCA). Mätningar togs samtidigt i 12 sekunder vardera, med sexpå varandra följande mätningar per försöksperson och 2 tids-synkroniseradeEKG-inspelningar. Därefter användes en extraktionsalgoritm för att extraherahastighetskuvertet (TAMEAN) från Doppler-bilden för att få blodvolymflödet(ml/min). Efter synkronisering kalibrerades PPG-signalens utgång uttryckt i volttill motsvarande volym, och en kalibreringskurva skapades.Extraktionsalgoritmen uppnådde anmärkningsvärda resultat, med nästan perfektkorrelation med Doppler-bildreferensen, rT AM EAN =0.951 och rvolume=0.975,vilket visar dess tillförlitlighet. Utmaningar som uppstod under efterbearbetningoch synkronisering betonade behovet av noggrann förfining av projektetsramverk. Trots framgångsrik signalbehandling och justeringstekniker varkalibreringsresultaten suboptimala på grund av synkroniseringssvårigheteroch rörelseartefakter. Begränsningar inkluderade opraktiska mätplatser ochkänslighet för rörelseartefakter. Kalibreringsprocessen gav inte de förväntaderesultaten och projektmålet uppnåddes inte. Alla linjära regressionsmodellerför varje försöksperson misslyckades med att noggrant förutsäga volymflödetbaserat på de uppmätta spänningarna. Framtida arbete kan fokusera på att förfinakalibreringsprocedurer, förbättra synkroniseringsmetoder och utöka studier tillatt omfatta större kohorter. Även om den bärbara enheten testades, uppnåddesprojektets mål endast delvis, vilket understryker komplexiteten i att noggrantmäta cerebralt blodflöde med hjälp av PPG-sensorer.

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