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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der inhibitorische Effekt von Niclosamid auf humane Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien und Analyse der Auswirkungen auf den Wnt- und Hedgehog-Signalweg / Growth inhibition of pancreatic carcinoma cell lines by Niclosamide and the effects on the Wnt- and the Hedgehog-pathway

Stelling, Robin 10 February 2016 (has links)
Das Pankreaskarzinom ist eine der aggressivsten Krebsarten mit einer extrem schlechten Prognose für die Patienten (Robert Koch-Institut 2012). Der Entwicklung neuer Substanzen für die Therapie wird eine große Bedeutung zur Verbesserung der Behandlungsergebnisse zugesprochen (Li D et al. 2004). Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war, die Wirkung des für die Behandlung von Bandwurminfektionen eingesetzten Anthelmintikums Niclosamid auf verschiedene Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien zu untersuchen. Die humanen Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien (MIA PaCa-2, Panc-1 und L3.6pl) wurden mit aufsteigenden Konzentrationen des Medikaments Niclosamid für 24 Stunden be¬handelt (0,1; 1; 3; 10; 30 µM, Inkubation in RPMI-1640-Medium). Nachfolgend wurden die vitalen Zellen unter dem Lichtmikroskop ausgezählt. Mit Hilfe einer modifizierten Boyden-Kammer wurde die Migration der Zellen durch eine poröse Membran (Poren¬größe 8 µm) untersucht. FACS-Analysen nach Färbung mit Annexin und Propidium¬iodid dienten zur Bestimmung der Apoptose- und Nekroserate sowie zum Nachweis der Veränderungen im Zellzyklus. Um Effekte von Niclosamid auf die Signaltrans¬duktion aufzuzeigen, wurden qRT-PCR-Analysen ausgewählter Wnt- und Hedgehog-Zielgene durchgeführt. Bereits eine Konzentration von 3 µM Niclosamid führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der vitalen Zellen in allen drei Zelllinien. Bei MIA PaCa-2 und Panc-1 konnte sogar ab 0,1 µM Niclosamid eine signifikante Abnahme der Zellzahl beobachtet werden (MIA PaCa-2 auf 48 % und Panc-1 auf 55 %); p≤0,05. Außerdem konnte bei einer Konzentration von 0,5 µM eine Inhibition der Zellmigration in MIA PaCa-2 auf 28 % und Panc-1 auf 27 % des Ausgangswertes gezeigt werden. In der FACS-Analyse zeigte sich bei Konzentrationen von 1 µM (Panc-1) und 10 µM (MIA PaCa-2 und L3.6pl) Niclosamid eine signifikante Zunahme der apoptotischen und nekrotischen Populationsanteile. Weiterhin konnte eine dosisabhängige Induk-tion des Zellzyklusarrestes bei Konzentrationen zwischen 0,1-1 µM beobachtet wer-den. Signifikante Effekte auf die Expression der Wnt-Zielgene fanden sich bei allen drei Zelllinien. So kam es bei mit Niclosamid behandelten Zellen zu einem Rückgang der Expression der kanonischen Wnt-Komponenten Axin2 und MMP7 (Panc-1, L3.6pl), Cyclin D1 (MIA PaCa-2, Panc-1, L3.6pl) und BCL9 (MIA PaCa-2). Eine ein¬deutige Beeinflussung der Komponenten des nicht-kanonischen Wnt-Signalweges (c-jun, Wnt5a) und des Hedgehog-Signalweges (SHH, SMO, Ptch1, Gli1) konnte nicht ermittelt werden. Niclosamid hatte demnach mindestens drei verschiedene Wirkmechanismen: Es hemmte die Zellproliferation und Migration, förderte die Apoptose und Nekrose und be¬wirkte einen Zellzyklusarrest der Pankreaskarzinom-Zellen. Außerdem konnte mit der PCR der hemmende Einfluss von Niclosamid auf den kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg, einen der wichtigsten Signalwege in der Entwicklung des Pankreaskarzinoms, aufge¬zeigt werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass in Niclosamid ein neuer In¬hibitor des Wnt-Signalweges in Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien identifiziert werden konnte. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Dissertation berechtigen möglicherweise zur Annahme, dass Niclosamid zukünftig eine aussichtsreiche chemotherapeutische Substanz zur Behandlung des Pankreaskarzinoms darstellen könnte.

Développement d’une nouvelle approche thérapeutique anticancéreuse par inhibition du récepteur Frizzled-7 dans le carcinome hépatocellulaire / Development of a new anti-cancer therapeutic approach in hepatocellular carcinoma : inhibition of the Frizzled-7 receptor

Nambotin, Sarah 11 December 2009 (has links)
Le carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC) est un cancer de très mauvais pronostic, disposant de peu d’options thérapeutiques. Il est urgent de développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Notre équipe a montré antérieurement que l’expression du récepteur Frizzled-7 (FZD7) dans le CHC jouait un rôle dans le contrôle du phénotype cancéreux. Le but de ma thèse était de développer une stratégie pour inhiber le signal FZD7 et d’étudier l’effet anti-tumoral potentiel d’une telle inhibition. A l’aide d’une approche peptidique inhibitrice de la liaison du récepteur avec son adaptateur cytoplasmique (Dishevelled), j’ai pu démontrer que l’inhibition du signal FZD7 exerce un effet anti-tumoral sur des lignées cellulaires de CHC, mais également in vivo, dans un modèle murin transgénique de CHC. J’ai élucidé une partie des mécanismes de cet effet anti-tumoral en étudiant l’impact du peptide sur les voies qui sont potentiellement activées par FZD7 dans des lignées cellulaires de CHC. Cette approche peptidique m’a permis de valider l’inhibition de FZD7 comme cible thérapeutique pour le CHC. Parallèlement, nous avons développé une collaboration avec l’entreprise IMAXIO qui a mis au point un test double-hybride permettant de cribler des molécules inhibitrices d’une interaction. Nous avons identifié 8 molécules chimiques qui inhibent l’interaction FZD7/Dishevelled. La poursuite de ce projet va permettre d’identifier, parmi ces 8 molécules, celles qui ont un potentiel anti-tumoral comparable à l’approche peptidique que j’ai développée, grâce aux modèles cellulaires et murins disponibles au laboratoire / Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a very bad prognostic cancer, with few therapeutic options. The development of new therapeutic strategies is an emergency. In previous studies, our team showed that overexpression of Frizzled-7 receptor (FZD7) in HCC plays a role in the control of cancer phenotype. The aim of my thesis was to develop a strategy to inhibit the FZD7 signal and study the potential antitumor effect of such an inhibition. I used a small-peptide approach to inhibit the binding between FZD7 and its cytoplasmic adaptator, Dishevelled, and showed that the inhibition of FZD7 signal display antitumor effects in vitro on HCC cell lines, as well as in vivo, in a murine transgenic model of HCC. I explored the molecular mechanisms of this antitumor effect on a HCC cell line. Thanks to this small-peptide approach, I validated the inhibition of FZD7 signal as a target for HCC therapy. We also developed a two-hybrid high throughput screening with IMAXIO (Lyon) to identify chemicals able to inhibit the FZD/Dvl interaction and we identified 8 compounds. Prospects of this study are to test the potential anti-tumor effect of these compounds on HCC cell lines and HCC in vivo models.

Implication de l’hormone de croissance autocrine dans le cancer du sein humain / Role of autocrine human growth hormone in breast cancer

Vouyovitch, Cécile 19 July 2010 (has links)
Notre équipe a entrepris des travaux qui ont permis d’établir un lien causal entre la production autocrine de hGH et la stimulation des propriétés prolifératives, anti-apoptotiques, migratoires et invasives des cellules carcinomateuses mammaires humaines. Ces travaux permettent aujourd’hui de considérer l’action de la hGH autocrine comme celle d’un véritable oncogène. Mon travail de thèse s’est intéressé à comprendre les effets de la hGH autocrine dans la progression tumorale mammaire selon deux axes de recherche. Le premier étant de définir le rôle de la GH autocrine dans l’angiogenèse tumorale et le second de déterminer les interactions entre la voie de signalisation de la GH autocrine et la voie de signalisation Wnt. Nous avons démontré dans notre première étude que la production autocrine de hGH par les cellules carcinomateuses mammaires MCF7 favorise la prolifération, la survie, la migration et l’invasion des cellules micro-vasculaires endothéliales HMEC1, ainsi que leurs capacités à former des tubes in vitro. Ces effets cellulaires observés sont médiés par le GHR à exprimé sur les cellules endothéliales et sont la conséquence d’une augmentation d’expression du facteur pro-angiogénique VEGF-A. L’utilisation de l’antagoniste du VEGF-A, le bevacizumab, inhibe les effets vasculaires induits par la hGH autocrine. Ces effets retrouvés in vivo soulignent la pertinence de la production de GH autocrine par les cellules cancéreuses mammaires. Grâce à un modèle de xénogreffe de cellules carcinomateuses mammaires humaines nous avons montré que le développement soutenu de l’angiogenèse et de la lymphogenèse tumorales sont activés par la GH autocrine. La production de hGH autocrine par les cellules cancéreuses mammaires est donc un acteur de l’expansion du réseau vasculaire des cancers du sein. La voie de signalisation Wingless (Wnt) est un déterminant critique du contrôle cellulaire durant le développement mais également chez l’adulte. Nous avons démontré que la hGH autocrine stimule l’expression de différents acteurs de la voie Wnt et notamment la protéine sécrétée WNT4. Une surexpression de WNT4 est identifiée sur des biopsies de cancer du sein par rapport au sein normal. La production de WNT4 exerce un effet synergique avec la GH autocrine sur la stimulation de la prolifération des cellules carcinomateuses mammaires par un mécanisme dépendant de JAK2. Surexprimé dans des cellules épithéliales mammaires humaines, WNT4 stimule leurs propriétés prolifératives, anti-apoptotiques et migratoires et induit la formation de colonies en agar. Ces effets sont médiés par l’activation transcriptionnelle et traductionnelle de protéines clés du cycle et de la survie cellulaires. Des changements phénotypiques sont induits par la surexpression de WNT4 dans les cellules épithéliales mammaires et associés à l’augmentation d’expression de marqueurs mésenchymateux, d’acteurs du remodelage du cytosquelette et d’activateurs de la migration cellulaire. La progression tumorale mammaire humaine est donc induite par les effets autocrines de la hGH sur la production de WNT4 et la surexpression épithéliale mammaire de WNT4 permet l’établissement d’un phénotype pré-oncogénique / Studies of our group demonstrated that autocrine human growth hormone promotes proliferation, apoptotic resistance, invasion and migration of human mammary carcinoma cells. The objective of my Ph.D was to understand the role of autocrine hGH in mammary tumour progression following two aspects. On one hand, characterising its impact on tumour angiogenesis and then analysing the crosstalk between GH and Wnt signalling pathways. In the first part, we demonstrated that autocrine hGH from human mammary carcinoma cell line MCF- 7, stimulates proliferation, survival, migration and invasion of human microvascular endothelial cell line and enhances in vitro tubulogenesis. These effects are mediated through the hGHR and stimulates the expression of the proangiogenic factor VEGF-A. Antagonizing VEGF-A action with bevacizumab inhibited the proangiogenic actions of autocrine hGH in vitro. Using a xenograft nude mice model we have shown that sustained angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are activated by autocrine hGH production by mammary carcinoma cells. Thus, autocrine hGH participates in the expansion of the vascular network during breast cancer formation. The Wingless (Wnt) signalling pathway is an important actor during embryonic development and in the adult. Here, we showed that autocrine hGH stimulates the expression of several actors of the Wnt pathway, including WNT4. Human breast cancer biopsies overexpressed WNT4 as compared to normal breast. WNT4 production is JAK2 kinase-dependent and synergizes with autocrine hGH on mammary carcinoma cell proliferation. Forced expression of WNT4 in normal human mammary epithelial cell lines stimulates their proliferative, survival and migratory capacities and the formation of colonies in soft agar. These effects are mediated through the transcriptional and translational activation of key regulators of cell cycle and survival. Phenotypic changes are induced by forced expression of WNT4 in mammary epithelial cells and associated with increased expression of mesenchymal markers, cytoskeletal remodelling factors and cell migration activators. Human breast cancer progression is thus activated by autocrine effects of hGH on WNT4 expression and deregulated expression of WNT4 in mammary epithelial cells induces the establishment of a pre-tumorigenic phenotype

L’inhibition de PDZRN3 est requise pour la maturation cardiomyocytaire post-natal et protège de l’insuffisance cardiaque / Repression de Pdzrn3 is required for heart maturation and protects against heart failure

Pernot, Mathieu 11 December 2017 (has links)
Durant le développement myocardique, les cardiomyocytes s'allongent et se connectent entre eux grâce à une structure spécialisée, le disque intercalaire. Cette organisation des cardiomyocytes est essentielle pour le couplage mécanique et la conduction électrique. Un des éléments responsables de l'insuffisance cardiaque est la perturbation de ces sites de contact intercellulaire. Actuellement, aucun facteur n'est connu pour coordonner l'organisation polarisée des cardiomyocytes. Ici, nous présentons une augmentation importante de Pdzrn3 dans des cardiomyopathies hypertrophiques humaines et dans des myocardes murins, corrélée à une perte de l'élongation polarisée des cardiomyocytes. De plus la délétion spécifique intramyocardique de l'expression de Pdzrn3, dans un modèle murin, protège de la survenue d'une insuffisance cardiaque secondaire à une cardiomyopathie hypertrophique. Nos résultats révèlent une nouvelle voie de signalisation qui contrôle un programme génétique essentiel pour le développement myocardique, le maintien de la géométrie et de la fonction contractile des cardiomyocytes. Cette voie de signalisation implique PDZRN3 et cette molécule constitue une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour la protection de l’insuffisance cardiaque chez l’homme. / During heart maturation, individual cardiomyocytes stretch out and connect some with the others via their extremities by intercalated disk protein complexes. This planar and directionnel organization of the myocyte sis crucial for the machanical coupling and the anisotropic conduction of the electric signal in the heart. One of the hallmarks of heart failure concerns alterations in the contact sites between cardiomyocytes. Yet no factors on its own is known to coordinate cardiomyocyte polarized organization. Here we reported enhanced levels of Pdzrn3 in the diseased hypertrophic human and mouse myocardium, correlated with the loss of cardiomyocyte polarized elongation. Furthermore, mouse cardiac Pdzrn3 deficiency protected against heart failure in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Our results reveal a novel signaling that controls a genetic program essential for heart maturation and for maintain of cardiomyocyte overall geometry and contractile function and implicates PDZRN3 as a potential therapeutic target for human heart failure protection.

Molekulární mechanismy fyziologické obnovy a nádorové transformace buněk savčí trávicí soustavy / Molecular mechanisms of physiological renewal and cancer transformation of mammalian gastrointestinal tissues

Stančíková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The plot of this PhD thesis is dedicated to investigation of the molecular pathways and events and their disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract (further abbreviated as GIT). The major role in this part plays the Wnt signaling pathway. This marvelous multipurpose machinery is responsible for epithelia renewal from stem cells (SCs) in the stomach and intestine, and for correct zonation and function of hepatic units. Of note, the Wnt pathway directs also development of embryo as well as homeostasis of many tissues apart from GIT in all metazoans, thus its flawless function is indispensable from one's origin to death. The main part of the thesis follows canonical Wnt signaling in its physiological condition and, in contrast, with pathological disturbances. This issue can be taken by variety of means as it is described in attached publications. The first publication deals with searching for new participants of Wnt signaling and their functions and describing unique markers of SCs in the intestine. Troy, the member of tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, was identified as a novel marker of intestinal SCs by probing microarray data from chromatin immunoprecipitation obtained in cultured colorectal cancer cell lines. Moreover, we found that Troy is a Wnt target gene inhibiting the...

Estudo da regulação transcricional do COL18A1 e análise funcional do domínio Frizzled / Study COL18A1 transcription regulation and function analysis of Frizzled domain

Kague, Erika 19 June 2009 (has links)
A conclusão do seqüênciamento do genoma de múltiplos vertebrados trouxe um importante desafio para entender e predizer função, particularmente para seqüências não-codificantes, a partir de seqüências primarias de DNA. A hipótese de que a conservação evolutiva prediz seqüências funcionais é comumente aceita, inclusive para seqüências envolvidas na regulação da transcrição gênica, mesmo que a conservação de seqüências tenha gerado imperfeitas predições de enhancers (acentuadores) funcionais. O colágeno tipo XVIII é um componente da maioria das membranas basais; mutações no gene COL18A1 levam a síndrome de Knobloch, uma doença autossômica recessiva caracterizada por degeneração vitreoretiniana e macular e encefalocele occipital. O COL18A1 tem 43 exons que transcrevem três isoformas a partir de dois promotores diferentes. As três isoformas apresentam um complexo modelo de expressão tecido-específico, incluindo expressão em rim, pulmão, cérebro e retina. Os níveis de expressão do COL18A1 são considerados clinicamente importantes na vasculogenese, e em predisposição para o hepatocarcinoma e diabetes tipo 2. Dessa forma, a identificação de regiões regulatórias fornecerá indícios sobre a regulação da expressão do COL18A1 em estados normal e patogênico. Além disso, a endostatina e o FRZC18 são fragmentos proteolíticos do colágeno XVIII envolvidos na sinalização Wnt. No entanto, o papel in vivo do FRZC18 ainda não foi estudado. Uma profunda investigação do papel deste domínio na via de sinalização Wnt é indubitavelmente necessária, bem como a compreensão da regulação do COL18A1 pela via de Wnt. Empregamos um sistema eficiente de teste em zebrafish para analisar o potencial funcional de elementos enhancers na regulação transcricional do COL18A1. Identificamos quatro elementos enhancers que controlam a transcrição consistente com o COL18A1 endógeno de zebrafish, em tecidos incluindo retina, rim, vasos sanguíneos, intestino, cartilagem e fígado. Apesar dos algoritmos utilizados não tenham detectado conservação em seqüências não-codificantes de humanos à teleósteos no lócus do COL18A1 estudado, as seqüências humanas funcionaram apropriadamente em zebrafish transgênicos. Adicionais análises computacionais post hoc revelaram similaridade entre seqüência humana e de zebrafish dentro ou próximo das quatro regiões enhancers. Testamos funcionalmente o FRZC18 com superexpressão de seu RNAm em embriões de zebrafish. Este experimento resultou em embriões com fenótipos que assemelharam à mutantes da via não-canônica de Wnt (slb e ppt). Este resultado aponta o FRZC18 como um antagonista da via de sinalização não-canônica de Wnt, possivelmente por interação com Wnt11 e Wnt5. Dissecamos o promotor 1 do COL18A1, o qual mostrou características de genes housekeeping e similaridades com o promotor 2 do COL18A1. Também mostramos possível ligação de TCF/LEF aos promotores do COL18A1. A via de Wnt levou à redução de atividade dos promotores do COL18A1 e também redução dos níveis de expressão através de superexpressão de β-catenina. Este trabalho elucidou de forma geral, os elementos regulatórios em cis do COL18A1 e melhor caracterizou o seu papel na via de sinalização Wnt como um antagonista também da via não-canônica e como um alvo da via canônica. / The completion of multiple vertebrate genome sequences has presented an important challenge to understand and predict function from primary DNA sequence, particularly for noncoding sequence. It is commonly hypothesized that evolutionary conservation predicts functional DNA sequences, including those involved in regulating gene transcription, although sequence conservation has proven to be an imperfect predictor of enhancer function. Type XVIII collagen is a component of most basement membranes; mutations in the COL18A1 gene lead to Knobloch Syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease characterized by vitreoretinal and macular degeneration and occipital encephalocele. COL18A1 has 43 exons that transcribe three isoforms from two different promoters. The three isoforms display complex patterns of tissue-specific expression, including in kidney, lung, brain, and retina. Expression levels of COL18A1 are thought to be clinically important in vasculogenesis, and in predisposition to hepatocarcinoma and diabetes type 2. Therefore, identification of the regulatory regions will provide insight into normal and pathogenic regulation of COL18A1 expression. Furthermore, endostatin and FRZC18 are cleaved fragments from collagen XVIII that are involved in Wnt signaling, however in vivo role of FRZC18 has not been investigated yet in any model organism. Thus, a deeper investigation of FRZC18 role in Wnt signaling is indubitable necessary, as well as a comprehension of COL18A1 regulation by Wnt signaling. We have employed an efficient system of transgenesis in the zebrafish to functionally evaluate potential enhancer elements regulating COL18A1 transcription. We identified four enhancer elements that control transcription consistent with zebrafish endogenous COL18A1, in tissues including retina, kidney, blood vessels, gut, cartilage and liver. Although the algorithms we used did not detect noncoding conservation from human to teleosts at the COL18A1 locus, the human sequences functioned appropriately in zebrafish transgenics. Additional post hoc computational analysis revealed detectable sequence similarities between human and zebrafish in or near two of the four enhancer regions. We tested one of these zebrafish regions and confirmed orthologous enhancer activity. We functionally tested FRZC18 with its mRNA overexpression in zebrafish embryos. This experiment resulted in embryos with phenotype remaining slb and ppt, mutants of non-canonical wnt components. This result points FRZC18 as an antagonist of non-canonincal Wnt signaling possibly by interaction with Wnt11 and Wnt5. We dissected COL18A1 promoter 1 and it showed characteristics of a housekeeping gene and similarities with promoter 2 and we also showed possible TCF/LEF binding to COL18A1 promoters. Wnt signaling responded to downregulate promoter activity of COL18A1 and also decrease its expression by overexpression of s-catenin. This work broadly elucidated COL18A1 cis regulatory elements and better characterized its role in Wnt signaling as an antagonist of noncanonical and also as a target of canonial signaling.

Charakterizace genu pop-1 u Caenorhabditis elegans / Characterization of the Caenorhabditis elegans pop-1 gene

Jakšová, Soňa January 2019 (has links)
The human proteom diversity is caused by the ability of a single gene locus to encode more protein isoforms. The TCF/LEF genes produce a broad spectrum of protein variants, which consequently leads to a great functional diversity of the TCF/LEF proteins. The TCF/LEF transcriptional factors regulate the canonical Wnt signaling target genes. In this diploma project we focused on the Caenorhabditis elegans gene pop-1, the ortholog of the TCF/LEF genes. Using the Northern blot analysis we tried to identify alternative isoforms of the pop-1 mRNA in C. elegans. Using quantitative RT-PCR we also analyzed the pop-1 mRNA levels. Key words: canonical Wnt signaling pathway, TCF/LEF transcription factors, Caenorhabditis elegans, pop-1

Expressão gênica e proteica de APC, E-caderina, β-catenina e Caveolina-1 no processo carcinogênico da próstata canina e suas metástases

Kobayashi, Priscila Emiko. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Renée Laufer Amorim / Resumo: As alterações na expressão de E-caderina, -catenina, APC e Caveolina-1 nas células epiteliais prostáticas têm sido estudados em humanos como mecanismos relacionados com progressão tumoral, invasão e metástase. Estas proteínas estão envolvidas no processo de adesão celular e ativação da via WNT canônica. No cão, a perda da expressão proteica de E-caderina e a translocação da -catenina da membrana para o citoplasma/núcleo foram descritas anteriormente em lesões prostáticas caninas. No entanto, nenhum estudo correlacionou alterações de expressão dessas proteínas com as proteínas APC e Caveolina-1. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável do carcinoma prostático (CaP) no cão e a importância da identificação de novos marcadores prognósticos e preditivos, o presente estudo visou avaliar as expressões gênica e proteica de E-caderina, -catenina, APC e Caveolina-1 em diferentes lesões prostáticas caninas, além de avaliar o padrão de metilação do gene APC. Foram utilizados neste estudo 10 CaPs, 4 metástases de carcinoma prostático, 10 amostras de atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA) e 10 próstatas normais de cães para análise imuno-histoquímica. Para a técnica de RT-qPCR forma utilizados 11 próstatas normais, 11 PIA, 17 CaPs e 3 metástases. Para análise de metilacão foram utilizadas seis próstatas normais, seis próstatas com PIA e 12 CaPs. Este estudo revelou aumento de expressão gênica e proteica de Caveolina-1 nas amostras de CaP e metástases, além de menor expressão nas amostras de ca... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Altered expression of E-cadherin, -catenin, APC and Caveolin-1 in prostate epithelial cells has been studied in humans as mechanisms related with tumor progression, invasion and metastasis. These proteins are envolved in cell-cell cohesion and participate in the activation of the canonical WNT pathway. In dogs, membranous E-cadherin loss and translocation of -catenin from the membrane to cytoplasm/nucleus were described previously in canine prostatic lesions. However, studies correlating these genes have not been reported their proteins with APC and Caveolin-1 expressions in canine prostatic lesions. Due to poor prognosis in canine prostate carcinoma (PC) and the need to develop new prognostic and predictive biomarkers, this study aimed to evaluate gene and protein expression of E-cadherin, -catenin, APC and Caveolin-1 in different canine prostatic lesions, and the methylation status of APC gene. We used 10 PC, 4 prostate metastasis, 10 proliferative inflammatory atrophy(PIA) and 10 canine normal prostates tissues for immunohistochemistry. For RT-qPCR we used 11 normal prostate, 11 PIA, 17 PC and 4 metastasis. For methylation analysis, we used six normal prostates, 6 PIA and 13 PC. This study revealed increased Caveolin-1 gene and protein expression in PC and metastasis and lower expression were found in tumors with lower Gleason score. Membranous E-cadherin and - catenin staining was observed in normal prostate samples whereas heterogenous loss was detected in other samples.... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Analyse moléculaire des conséquences de l’activation de la voie Wnt/b-caténine : mise en évidence del’autophagie au cours de la carcinogenèse intestinale / Molecular analysis of consequences of activation of Wnt/b-catenin pathway : description of autophagy during intestinal carcinogenesis

Cacheux, Wulfran 27 October 2011 (has links)
Plus de 80% des cancers colorectaux sont initiés par la perte de fonction du gène Apc. Afin d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques, nous avons utilisé des modèles murins présentant des mutations du gène Apc et recherché par des analyses de puces à ADN de nouveaux événements moléculaires impliqués au cours de la carcinogenèse intestinale.Cette approche nous a permis d’identifier une activation de la signalisation Notch tout au long du processus tumoral. Toutefois, cette activation n’est pas un élément clé de la progression tumorale puisque son inhibition n’empêche pas le phénotype tumoral induit par la perte du gène Apc. En parallèle, nos travaux ont permis d’identifier une induction de l’autophagie tout au long de la carcinogenèse intestinale. L’activation de ce processus biologique ouvre, quant à lui, de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques dans le traitement du CCR. / Over 80% of colorectal cancers are linked to an Apc mutation. To identify new therapeutic targets, we used mouse models with Apc mutations and performed microarray experiments to identify key molecular events involved in intestinal carcinogenesis. This approach allowed usto identify an activation of the Notch signaling all along tumor progression. However, this induction is dispensable for tumor development since its inhibition did not prevent the Apc phenotype. In addition, we have identified an induction of autophagy throughout intestinal carcinogenesis which appears to be an attractive therapeutic target in the treatment of CRC patients.

Estudo da modulação da via Wnt pelo inibidor de Aurora-quinases AMG900 em linhagens celulares de meduloblastoma pediátrico / Study of Modulation of the Wnt pathway by Aurora kinases inhibitor AMG900 in pediatric medulloblastoma cell lines

Geron, Lenisa 12 January 2016 (has links)
O meduloblastoma (MB) é o tumor cerebral maligno mais comum na infância. A formação/progressão desta neoplasia foi associada a alterações moleculares, que inclui a desregulação da via de sinalização Wingless (Wnt), responsável pelo desenvolvimento embrionário. Além disso, as proteínas da família Aurora-quinases (A, B e C) têm sido amplamente estudadas, uma vez que a Aurora A e B foram encontrados hiperexpressas em diversas neoplasias, como o MB. Estudos recentes mostraram que existe uma associação entre a Via Wnt e as Aurora-quinases. No entanto, poucos trabalhos foram realizados para confirmar essa associação. Ademais, não existem trabalhos que relatem os efeitos do AMG900, um pan-inibidor de aurora-quinases, em MB, dando enfoque na regulação da via Wnt. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a modulação da via Wnt pelo inibidor AMG900 nas linhagens celulares de meduloblastoma pediátrico. Foram realizados os ensaios de PCR convencional, sequenciamento, qRT-PCR, transfecção transiente, ensaio clonogênico, Western Blot e ciclo celular. As linhagens celulares UW402, UW473 e ONS-76 não apresentaram mutações no éxon 3 do gene CTNNB1 (?-catenina) e no éxon 15 do gene APC. Não foi observada uma expressão significativa de CTNNB1, confirmando que as linhagens não possuíam a via Wnt ativa. Com isso foi necessário a transfecção transiente com a ?- catenina. Após este ensaio, houve um aumento da expressão de CTNNB1, Ciclina D1 e CMyc nas três linhagens, o que não ocorreu com as Auroras A e B. No ensaio clonogênico foi observado uma redução do número de colônias nas linhagens UW473 e ONS-76. Observou-se um aumento da expressão proteica da ?-catenina, da Aurora A e B na UW473, o que ocorreu somente com a ?-catenina na linhagem ONS-76. Após o tratamento com o AMG900 ocorreu uma diminuição da expressão proteica de ?-catenina, da Aurora A e B em ambas as linhagens. A transfecção não alterou o percentil celular em G2/M na UW402 e UW473. Já na ONS-76 houve um aumento significativo em G2/M, e o AMG900 potencializou esse bloqueio apenas nessa linhagem. Os resultados sugerem que pode haver alguma relação entre a inibição das proteínas Aurora-quinases e a expressão de proteínas da via Wnt. / Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in childhood. Tumor formation/progression has been associated to molecular alterations that include dysregulation of signaling pathway Wingless (Wnt), responsible for embryonic development. In addition, cell cycle proteins Aurora-kinase (A, B and C) have been widely studied since Aurora A and B were found overexpressed in many cancers such as MB. Recent studies show that there is an association between Wnt pathway and Aurora kinase proteins. However, few studies have been conducted to confirm this association. Moreover, there are no studies reporting the effects of AMG900 in MB, by focusing on the regulation of the Wnt pathway. The aim of this study is to evaluate Wnt pathway modulation by Aurora kinases inhibitor AMG900 in pediatric medulloblastoma cell lines. Conventional PCR, sequencing, qRT-PCR, transient transfection, clonogenic assay, Western Blot and cell cycle assays were performed. UW402, UW473 and ONS-76 cell lines did not present mutations in exon 3 of CTNNB1 gene and exon 15 of APC gene. There was no significant expression of CTNNB1 and their target genes in these cell lines, confirming that they did not have Wnt pathway activated. Considering this, transient transfection was necessary. After this trial, there was an increase in expression of CTNNB1 gene and its target genes Cyclin D1 and C-Myc in the three cell lines, which was not observed in Aurora kinases. Furthermore, in the clonogenic assay, a reduction in the number of colonies in UW473 and ONS-76 cell lines was observed. It was also observed an increase in ?-catenin protein, Aurora A and B in UW473 cell line, but not in ONS-76 cell line. However, after treatment there was a decrease in protein expression of ?-catenin, Aurora A and B in both cells. Transfection did not change the cellular percentile in G2 / M in UW402 and UW473. In ONS-76 there was a significant increase in G2 / M, and the treatment with AMG900 potentiated this block only in this cell line. Results suggest that there may be some relation between the inhibition of Aurora kinase protein and protein expression in Wnt pathway.

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