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A Multi-objective Ant Colony Optimisation-based Routing Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks Incorporating Trust / Ein Mehr-Zielvorgaben Ameisenkolonie-optimierungsbasierter Routing-Ansatz für drahtlose Sensornetzwerke unter Berücksichtigung von VertrauenKellner, Ansgar 21 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Détection de la retransmission sélective sur les réseaux de capteursHaddad, Edgard 04 1900 (has links)
L'attaque de retransmission sélective est une menace sérieuse dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN), en particulier dans les systèmes de surveillance. Les noeuds peuvent supprimer de manière malicieuse certains paquets de données sensibles, ce qui risque de détruire la valeur des données assemblées dans le réseau et de diminuer la disponibilité des services des capteurs. Nous présentons un système de sécurité léger basé sur l'envoi de faux rapports pour identifier les attaques de retransmission sélective après avoir montré les inconvénients des systèmes existants. Le grand avantage de notre approche est que la station de base attend une séquence de faux paquets à un moment précis sans avoir communiqué avec les noeuds du réseau. Par conséquent, elle sera capable de détecter une perte de paquets.
L'analyse théorique montre que le système proposé peut identifier ce type d'attaque et peut alors améliorer la robustesse du réseau dans des conditions d'un bon compromis entre la fiabilité de la sécurité et le coût de transmission.
Notre système peut atteindre un taux de réussite élevé d‟identification face à un grand nombre de noeuds malicieux, tandis que le coût de transmission peut être contrôlé dans des limites raisonnables. / The selective forwarding attack is a serious threat in wireless sensor networks (WSN), especially in surveillance systems. Nodes can maliciously delete some sensitive data packets, which could destroy the value of the data assembled in the network and reduce its sensors availability. After describing the drawbacks of the existing systems in this thesis, we will present a lightweight security system based on sending fake reports used to identify selective forwarding attacks. The great advantage in our approach is that the base station expects a number of packets at a specific time. Therefore, it will be able to detect missing or delayed packets. Theoretical analysis shows that the proposed system can identify this type of attack, which will improve the robustness of the network under conditions of a good tradeoff between the security, reliability and communication overhead. Our system can achieve a high ratio of identification when facing a large number of malicious nodes, while the communication overhead can be controlled within reasonable bounds.
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Conception et évaluation de performances d'un réseau de capteurs sans fil hétérogène pour une application domotique / Design and performance evaluation of a wireless sensor network for health-care monitoringZatout, Youssouf 07 July 2011 (has links)
Les progrès technologiques permettent aujourd'hui l’intégration à bas coût d'objets multi-capteurs hétérogènes communicants sans fil notamment pour la surveillance dans les environnements considérés à risques ou non accessibles. Le but de ces travaux de thèse est de contribuer à la sécurisation des personnes et de leur environnement de vie par la mise en réseau de dispositifs multi-capteurs de mesures sans fil. Ceux-ci doivent être spécifiés et configurés pour rendre par exemple l'environnement qu'ils surveillent intelligent et sécurisé. Le travail effectué porte sur la conception et le prototypage réel d’un réseau composé de dispositifs hétérogènes autonomes en énergie. Nos contributions comportent trois volets essentiels :Le premier volet concerne la conception d’un modèle de réseau ambiant adapté : nous avons proposé un modèle qui repose sur une architecture multi-niveaux caractérisée par des nœuds hétérogènes dont le captage (détection), le traitement et le stockage des données sont distribués par niveau. Cette architecture hiérarchique offre plusieurs avantages par rapport aux architectures linéaires classiques en termes d’évolutivité, de faible coût, de meilleure couverture, de hautes fonctionnalités et de fiabilité. Nous avons défini le comportement adapté pour chaque nœud dans le modèle et montré l’avantage de la solution par la simulation.Le deuxième volet concerne la proposition originale d’un protocole d’accès au médium efficace en énergie nommé « T-TMAC » et adapté à l’application, permettant d'organiser les échanges des messages dans l’architecture du réseau retenu. L’originalité du protocole est qu’il est composé de mécanismes de maintenance performants permettant la gestion de la mobilité et la reconfiguration du réseau (ajout et suppression d’un capteur). Pour cela, une adaptation et un paramétrage du standard IEEE 802.15.4 sont proposés.Le dernier volet présente l’évaluation et l’analyse de performances du protocole développé dans le cadre de scénarios de tests. Nous avons étudié en particulier l’impact de la taille des données et la périodicité de transfert sur l’énergie et le délai. Le protocole est validé à l’aide d’un modèle analytique dont les résultats ont été comparés à ceux obtenus par prototypage matériel. / Today technological advances allow low-cost deployment of wireless heterogeneous sensors in specific environments such as those considered risky or not accessible. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for health-care monitoring. Currently the integrated sensors must be specified and configured to make the monitored environment intelligent and secured. Our work focuses on the design of this network and the prototyping of the real devices that constitute it. Our contributions include three key components:The first part concerns the design of an ambient adapted network: we proposed a model based on a network architecture characterized by multiple tiers with heterogeneous nodes distributed: sensing, processing and data storage. This architecture offers more advantages than classical single tier architecture in terms of scalability, low cost, coverage, functionality and reliability. We have defined the appropriate behavior for each node in this network model and we showed the advantages of our solution through simulation.The second part deals with the proposition of an energy efficient medium access protocol named "T-TMAC": the protocol is adapted to the application requirements. It permits to organize the data exchange in the chosen network architecture. The originality of this protocol is that it includes efficient maintenance mechanisms that allow managing mobility and network reconfiguration (addition of a sensor, removing a sensor). In this way an adaptation and a parameterization of the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard are proposed.The final part of this work presents the performance evaluation and analysis of the proposed MAC protocol in use cases. We studied the impact of packets size and dissemination interval parameters on energy and delay. The protocol is validated by an analytical model. We proposed a reel evaluation by prototyping. A comparison of results obtained from the different approaches is finally presented.
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Návrh systému pro vzdálený upgrade firmwaru pro uzly bezdrátové senzorové sítě / Over the Air Firmware Upgrade for Wireless Sensor NetworksMinár, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to one of the problems in wireless sensor networks – over the air upgrade (OTAU) of nodes. The requirements for upgrade and possible ways how to transfer new firmware image to nodes are stated in the first chapter. The second chapter is focused on solving the problem of firmware dissemination to whole network based on analysis of known protocols. The practical part of this thesis deals with OTAU design and implementation in Lightweight Mesh software stack from Atmel. Proposed system was tested on deRFnode platform with plugged in deRFmega128 module. The upgrade process of designed system is evaluated on test network in last part. Practical test results are compared with OTAU solution for BitCloud.
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Design and development of energy-efficient transmission for wireless IoT modules / Conception et développement d'une transmission écoénergétique pour les modules IoT sans filShakya, Nikesh Man 06 February 2019 (has links)
L'Internet des objets (IoT) devrait interconnecter plus de 50 milliards d’objet d'ici à 2020. Avec l'IoT, une variété d’objets de différentes industries seront interconnectés à travers Internet. Avec un accent sur la gestion et le stockage des ressources énergétique et l'eau. L'IoT permet d’enrichir les services fournis par les distributeurs d’énergie à travers les smart-grid au-delà de la distribution, de l'automatisation et du contrôle. Les systèmes de gestion pour la domotique et les bâtiments intelligents aideront les consommateurs à surveiller et à ajuster leur consommation. Les compteurs intelligents fournissent ainsi un ensemble d’information permettant aux fournisseurs d’énergie de mettre en place des services plus intelligents pour l'ensemble de la chaîne de production d'énergie. L'objectif principal de ce projet de recherche doctorale est de développer des modules de communication très basse consommation. La consommation énergétique étant la plus grande contrainte pour les applications de compteurs intelligents. Les objets connectés alimentés par batterie tels que les capteurs et compteurs de gaz et d'eau sont concernés directement par la consommation en énergie de leur module de communication. Aujourd'hui, la plupart des solutions sans fil embarquées conçues pour capteurs alimentés ne sont pas compatible avec la pile protocolaire IPv6 afin d’économiser la consommation énergétique. Élaborer des technologies sans fil de l'IoT pour atteindre les objectifs de consommation d'énergie va démocratiser l’utilisation de ces technologies et aider les solutions de l’IoT à trouver leur place sur le marché. Ce doctorat débutera par: 1) Un état de l'art permettant d'examiner les solutions actuelles développées pour les réseaux de capteurs et des protocoles conçus pour les appareils alimentés par batterie. 2) Dans un deuxième temps en examinant les solutions Itron pour IPv6 réseau maillé. 3) La troisième phase sera la proposition et la conception d'une solution à faible consommation pour les modules sans fil et l'internet des objets. 4) Et enfin l’expérimentation et la validation des solutions proposées sur des plateformes d’expérimentations / The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to grow to 50 billion connected devices by 2020. Within the IoT, devices across a variety of industries will be interconnected through the Internet and peer-to-peer connections as well as closed networks like those used in the smart grid infrastructure. With the global focus on energy and water management and conservation, the IoT will extend the connected benefits of the smart grid beyond the distribution, automation and monitoring being done by utility providers. Management systems for in-home and in-building use will help consumers monitor their own usage and adjust behaviors. These systems will eventually regulate automatically by operating during off-peak energy hours and connect to sensors to monitor occupancy, lighting conditions, and more. But it all starts with a smarter and more connected grid. Smart metering provides a base around which utilities can build up smarter advanced services for the whole chain of energy generation, transmission and distribution. The main objective of this doctoral research project is to come up with the IoT communication modules with very low consumption characteristics. The energy consumption is the most challenging issue for smart home and smart metering applications. The battery powered devices such as sensors and gas and water meters are concerned directly with the consumption of their communication module. Today most of the embedded wireless solutions designed for sensors and battery powered devices do not embed IPv6 stack in the communication module to have a basic hardware with low consumption. Elaborating IoT wireless technologies to achieve the tough energy consumption objectives imposed to them will boost up the spread of these technologies and help IoT to find its place in the market fast. This PhD program will start with: First) a state of the art and reviewing the current solutions developed for sensor networks and protocols designed for battery powered devices. Second) it continues by reviewing Itron solutions for IPv6 meshed network. Third) Design of a low consumption solution for IoT wireless modules and) finally test and experimentation on platform
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Design of Mobile and Static Sensor FabricsSridharan, Mukundan 29 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Interference mitigation strategy design and applications for wireless sensor networksYao, Fang January 2010 (has links)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard presents a very useful technology for implementing low-cost, low-power, wireless sensor networks. Its main focus, which is to applications requiring simple wireless connectivity with relaxed throughout and latency requirements, makes it suitable for connecting devices that have not been networked, such as industrial and control instrumentation equipments, agricultural equipments, vehicular equipments, and home appliances. Its usage of the license-free 2.4 GHz frequency band makes the technique successful for fast and worldwide market deployments. However, concerns about interference have arisen due to the presence of other wireless technologies using the same spectrum. Although the IEEE 802.15.4 standard has provided some mechanisms, to enhance capability to coexist with other wireless devices operating on the same frequency band, including Carrier Sensor Multiple Access (CSMA), Clear Channel Assessment (CCA), channel alignment, and low duty cycle, it is essential to design and implement adjustable mechanisms for an IEEE 802.15.4 based system integrated into a practical application to deal with interference which changes randomly over time. Among the potential interfering systems (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cordless phones, microwave ovens, wireless headsets, etc) which work on the same Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency band, Wi-Fi systems (IEEE 802.11 technique) have attracted most concerns because of their high transmission power and large deployment in both residential and office environments. This thesis aims to propose a methodology for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless systems to adopt proper adjustment in order to mitigate the effect of interference caused by IEEE 802.11 systems through energy detection, channel agility and data recovery. The contribution of this thesis consists of five parts. Firstly, a strategy is proposed to enable IEEE 802.15.4 systems to maintain normal communications using the means of consecutive transmissions, when the system s default mechanism of retransmission is insufficient to ensure successful rate due to the occurrence of Wi-Fi interference. Secondly, a novel strategy is proposed to use a feasible way for IEEE 802.15.4 systems to estimate the interference pattern, and accordingly adjust system parameters for the purpose of achieving optimized communication effectiveness during time of interference without relying on hardware changes and IEEE 802.15.4 protocol modifications. Thirdly, a data recovery mechanism is proposed for transport control to be applied for recovering lost data by associating with the proposed strategies to ensure the data integrity when IEEE 802.15.4 systems are suffering from interference. Fourthly, a practical case is studied to discuss how to design a sustainable system for home automation application constructed on the basis of IEEE 802.15.4 technique. Finally, a comprehensive design is proposed to enable the implementation of an interference mitigation strategy for IEEE 802.15.4 based ad hoc WSNs within a structure of building fire safety monitoring system. The proposed strategies and system designs are demonstrated mainly through theoretical analysis and experimental tests. The results obtained from the experimental tests have verified that the interference caused by an IEEE 802.11 system on an IEEE 802.15.4 system can be effectively mitigated through adjusting IEEE 802.15.4 system s parameters cooperating with interference pattern estimation. The proposed methods are suitable to be integrated into a system-level solution for an IEEE 802.15.4 system to deal with interference, which is also applicable to those wireless systems facing similar interference issues to enable the development of efficient mitigation strategies.
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Výzkum systému GPS pro lokalizaci bezdrátových senzorových uzlů / Research into GPS system used for Wireless Sensor Node LocalizationJuračka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Theme of the thesis is research and possibility of using GPS system from localization in wireless sensor network. Paper deals with the accuracy and energy consumption of GPS localization. Thesis also solve using of localization in local anchor system. Theoretical part describes IEEE 802.15.4 standard, capability of used nodes and describe ways how to use RSSI value to resolve location
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A Model for Field Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) within the Domain of Microclimate Habitat MonitoringSanborn, Mark A. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) represent a class of miniaturized information systems designed to monitor physical environments. These smart monitoring systems form collaborative networks utilizing autonomous sensing, data-collection, and processing to provide real-time analytics of observed environments. As a fundamental research area in pervasive computing and envisioned as large-scale autonomous networks of communicating nodes capable of monitoring conditional metrics over vast geographic areas, WSNs have the potential to provide researchers and conservationists with increased knowledge of the intricacies and interrelationships of disparate environments.
The author addressed the problem of developing a methodology for the design and deployment of WSNs in uncontrolled and harsh outdoor environments. Within the context of a research and conservation field study of flora, the author developed a model for deployment of WSNs within the domain of microclimate habitat monitoring. The goal of this study was to contribute to the body of knowledge in WSN research by developing a model for deployment that was scientifically sound and replicable. To accomplish this goal, the author conducted an investigation of current technologies associated with WSNs, their capabilities, and their applications specific to the stated domain. To validate this model, the author deployed a WSN for monitoring the microclimate habitats of a population of Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis, common name, slender ladies' tresses.
During this field study, the WSN performed according to design and produced sufficient data to provide an accurate representation of the microclimate habitats of the objects of study. As a contribution to the WSN research body of knowledge, the author used an SDLC methodology to provide a pragmatic approach to deployment focused on the elements of nuance specific to WSNs for microclimate habitat monitoring.
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Integration of a Wireless Sensor Network and IoT in the HiG universityBautista Gonzalez, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
The number of Internet of Things applications for Wireless Sensor Networks is increasing every year due to the emerging of new brands such as Big Data and Industry 4.0. With the rise of new technologies related to these fields, new opportunities have become possible with a reasonable cost, but the requirements of WSNs still being the same, where energy efficiency, robustness, scalability and others must be accomplished. The commercial hardware developed by companies can be configured through different programs to be compatible among them, taking into account multiple variables, protocols, mechanisms and options provided by new solutions. Therefore, the configuration of different devices and choosing the optimum configuration can become quite challenging due to the number of paths. In this thesis, the configuration of commercial devices provided is carried out to be able to apply this hardware in different Internet of Things applications for Wireless Sensor Networks. Transceivers, sensors of temperature, relative humidity and CO2, a gateway, and different development kits are provided on this work, where the selection of the software to set these devices is made. Repeaters are configured to be compatible with the sensors and perform under the TDMA protocol and the request-response pattern, which synchronize the communication on the network, and under the flooding mechanism, which allows to route packets through the nodes due to the short range of RF low power technologies. The connection between the WSN and the Internet is made through the GW, which is also connected to the WSN, under the TCP/IP protocol, which is configured to provide Message Queue Telemetry Transport and SecureSHell services to access the GW remotely through the Internet and send requests to the WSN automatically. Node-Red is the programming tool installed upon the GW to implement data processing, storage and visualization, via the JavaScript programming language, where the user can deploy the data, which is stored in a CSV file, to make an analysis and visualize the data and the status of the network through a live data dashboard. Finally, an experiment is carried out over the HiG university where sensors are placed to measure different halls of the university and integrate an Internet of Things application for a Wireless Sensor Network. Due to the followed process, we have been able to measure data of temperature, relative humidity and CO2 concentration levels, creating a WSN, where this data has been saved in a connected USB to the gateway. Having a performance of 90% of messages received by the GW, and we have also been able to connect the GW to the Internet, creating a system that can be accessed remotely via the MQTT broker and providing different services such as data visualization.
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