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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möglichkeiten des neuen WWW-Standards XML

Kreulich, Klaus 28 October 1998 (has links)
Overview about the use of XML; New possibilities for Digital Libraries; Introduction to basic concepts of XML and SGML

Als Web und GUI verschmolzen - Betrachtungen zu Design und Usability

Petersen, Karsten 19 May 2001 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur "Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme" der Fakultaet fuer Informatik der TU Chemnitz. Workshop-Thema: Mobilitaet Dieser Vortrag begruendet die Notwendigkeit beim Gestalten von Webseiten auf Gesichtspunkte der Benutzbarkeit einzugehen und zeigt Wege wie dies beruecksichtigt werden kann.

Vyhledávání informací na internetu a jeho trendy a směry / Internet searchings trends

Bjačková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Internet search has changed significantly since its beginning and it has also changed the way of information retrieval. Firstly, network search tools were created. However, greater development of internet search tools came after the creation of the Web. One of the first internet search tools were the web directories, such as Yahoo! or content directory Open Directory Project. Nowadays, web search engines are the most commonly used. Apart from general web search engines, there are also specialized or web search engines for particular aim or function, such as DuckDuckGo aimed at privacy, Yandex or Seznam.cz aimed at specific region or computational search engine WolframAlpha. Multimedia search and search adapted for mobile devices is technology trend in the field of internet search. Personalization, localization and social search belong among the contemporary trends. Semantic search is another long-lasting trend.

Webový prohlížeč pro Squeak Smalltalk / Web Browser for Squeak Smalltalk

Šlemr, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This Master's thesis is about web browser Scamper in Squeak Smalltalk system environment, it's actual progress, new design and implementation, which respect CSS box model and visual formatting model including tables. Also describe web browsers generally and Internet technologies such HTTP protocol, or structure MIME. Next part of this document is describing Squeak Smalltalk system and it's graphic environment Morphic.

Redakční herní systém / Editorial System for Game Playing

Šrot, Pavel Unknown Date (has links)
This work is concerned about publishing on Internet and ongoing processes. It aims to introduce the reader to some freely available editorial systems and their main functions. There is a description, how can be all the mentioned freely available editorial systems extended to support another functionality (especially possibility of extension supporting game uploading and replaying). In the next part of the work, there is an analysis of editorial game system, which is extended to support plugins for game upload and replay in a context of some article. The aim of this analysis is to demonstrate the process of developing an information system in practice, because many books concerning about demand specification and possibly about their analysis do not contain any complex example, where it would be possible for the reader to understand how is the analysis of a complex information system done.

Database Metadata Requirements for Automated Web Development. A case study using PHP.

Mgheder, Mohamed A. January 2009 (has links)
The Web has come a long way. It started as a distributed document repository and quickly became the spring board for a new type of application. Propped on top of the original HTML+HTTP architecture, this new application platform shifted the way the architecture was used so that commands and functionality were embedded in the form data of Web requests rather than in the HTTP command conveying the request. This approach enabled Web requests to convey any type of data, not just document operations. This is occurring because the Web provides such a powerful platform on which to create applications. This is occurring because web development methods are still evolving toward the structure and stability required taking on this enormous new role. As the needs of developers change, certain themes that arise more frequently than others become embedded into new environments to support those needs. Until recently, Web application programming has largely been done with a set of keywords and metaphors developed long before the Web became a popular place to program. APIs have been developed to support Web specific features, but they are no replacement for fundamental changes in the programming environment itself. The growth of Web applications requires a new type of programming designed specifically for the needs of the Web. This thesis aims to contribute towards the development of an abstract framework to generate abstract and dynamic Web user interfaces that are not developed to a specific platform. To meet this aim, this thesis suggests a general implementation of a prototype system that uses the information in database metadata in conjunction with PHP. Database metadata is richer in providing the information needed to build dynamic user interfaces. This thesis uses PHP and the abstract library ADOdb to provide us with a generalised database metadata based prototype. PHP does not have any restrictions on accessing and extracting database metadata from numerous database management systems. As a result, PHP and relational database were used to build the proposed framework. Additionally, ADOdb was used to link the two mentioned technologies. The implemented framework in this thesis demonstrates that it is possible to generate different automatic Web entry forms that are not specific at any platform.

Online Puja, Digital Darshan, and Virtual Pilgrimage: Hindu Image and Ritual, 2007

Marsh, Natalie Renee 11 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

物件網際網路資料庫系統中介模式之研究 / A Language-based Gateway between OODBMS and Web

韋凱忠 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於全球資訊網的盛行,造成網際網路上的資料需求量大增,資料庫管理系統與全球資訊網必須結合以滿足客戶端的資訊需求。但隨著網路異質性的增加,不同的平台、作業系統及通訊協定不斷地加入使用,不一致的問題亦隨之而來。   同時,物件資料庫的兩大標準,SQL3與ODMG,在許多觀念上不儘相同。因此,本研究嘗試從物件模型及查詢語言兩方面著手,以物件觀點來分析兩者的相同及相異處,提出一對應模式,並實做一個資料庫中介系統,以轉換兩種語言在語法上的差異。 / In recent years, the complexity of database systems has been enhanced under the development of client/server architecture and distributed computing systems. Usually this type of system combines different hardware, network protocols or DBMSs.   Because the Internet and WWW are more and more popular, many people regard "Network as a computer" or "Network as a global database." It is obvious heterogeneous databases will be connected via WWW in order to provide more information. In the meantime, new OODBMS standards, SQL3 and ODMG, are emerging. Although the two standards both support for object facilities, they are quite different in object model and query languages. Therefore, the mapping between these two standards is necessary. We propose a comparison model and develop an experimental gateway according to the model.

SAGRES : um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo / SAGRES, an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system

Bertoletti, Ana Carolina January 1997 (has links)
A grande quantidade de informações eletrônicas disponíveis, e a crescente modificação do público da Computação, devido, principalmente, à redução dos custos de equipamentos de informática e ao surgimento da rede Internet, acentuaram a necessidade do uso de ferramentas de consulta com acesso rápido e adaptado às características dos usuários. Adicionalmente, como conseqüência do surgimento da rede Internet e da crescente expansão das redes de computadores, estão sendo desenvolvidos, cada vez mais, sistemas de suporte ao trabalho em grupo, os quais são atualmente muito encontrados em ambientes de ensino, a fim de facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um exemplo de ambiente de ensino onde podemos perceber todos os fatores acima citados é o Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS (MCT). Este Museu possui um amplo conjunto de informações armazenadas em bases de dados, e o interesse do público pela consulta a tais bases vem crescendo de forma acentuada. Neste sentido, SAGRES - um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo é um ambiente construído sobre a Internet, o qual possibilita a apresentação das bases de dados do MCT de forma adaptada às características de um ou mais visitantes. De acordo com o nível de experiência, as preferências e as atividades apresentadas pelos visitantes, o sistema determina o conjunto de links apropriados e apresenta-os em uma página HTML (HyperText Markup Language) resultante. Além da adaptação da apresentação das informações, o sistema SAGRES também apóia o aprendizado, explorando aspectos relevantes para a interação entre o visitante e o computador, e, também, entre um conjunto de visitantes, pois a interação pode ocorrer de forma individual ou através de turmas de alunos. Deste modo, é possibilitada a comunicação entre os participantes da turma que, ao compartilharem experiências, duvidas e soluções, podem obter um aprendizado mais consciente e permanente. 0 objetivo final desta pesquisa é a implementação do sistema SAGRES, o qual permite que grupos de visitantes interajam ao mesmo tempo em locais geograficamente distantes. Tal interação é realizada de forma adaptada aos objetivos, ao nível de experiência e às preferências de um visitante e/ou grupo de visitantes, os quais podem assumir três papéis distintos: gerente de turma (responsável em especificar as características de uma turma de alunos), aluno de turma (executa o conjunto de ações especificadas anteriormente pelo gerente) e visitante individual (responsável em definir suas características particulares e, com elas, interagir com o sistema). Por sua vez, o processo de cooperação pode ocorrer entre os componentes de uma turma ou entre todos os usuários do Sistema, os quais podem editar documentos e trocar mensagens, a fim de possibilitar o compartilhamento de experiências. / The great amount of electronical information available today, and the growing and changing users of Computer Science mainly due to cost cuts on computer equipment and the emergence of Internet reinforced the need of tools providing fast access to information and adapted to user's characteristics. As a consequence of the emergence of Internet and the growing expansion of computer networks, systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in learning environments have been developed in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. An example of learning environment where all aspects below can be observed is the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) at PUCRS. In this museum there is a comprehensive amount of information stored on databases and visitor's interest in querying these bases has been growing. SAGRES - an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system is a tool built on top of the Internet which enables the presentation of MCT databases concerning visitor's traits. According to visitors experience levels and preferences and intended activities the system determines the group of appropriate links and presents it on a resulting HTML page (HyperText Markup Language). Besides the adaptation in presenting the information, the system supports the learning process by exploring important aspects for interaction between visitor and computer and also among visitors since interaction can occur individually or in groups of students. Thus, communication is enabled among students and as a result they may share experiences, doubts and solutions, and consequently achieve a more effective and conscious learning process. Therefore, the final aim of this research is the development of SAGRES, a system which allows groups of visitors to interact at the same time in different places all over the world. Such interaction is accomplished according to objectives, experience level and preferences of visitors that can have three different roles: group manager (responsible for specifying characteristics of group of students), student group (perform group of actions predetermined by the group manager) and individual visitor (in charge of defining particular traits and interacting with the system). Furthermore, Cooperative Processes may occur among all system users who can edit documents and exchange messages in order to share experiences.

SAGRES : um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo / SAGRES, an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system

Bertoletti, Ana Carolina January 1997 (has links)
A grande quantidade de informações eletrônicas disponíveis, e a crescente modificação do público da Computação, devido, principalmente, à redução dos custos de equipamentos de informática e ao surgimento da rede Internet, acentuaram a necessidade do uso de ferramentas de consulta com acesso rápido e adaptado às características dos usuários. Adicionalmente, como conseqüência do surgimento da rede Internet e da crescente expansão das redes de computadores, estão sendo desenvolvidos, cada vez mais, sistemas de suporte ao trabalho em grupo, os quais são atualmente muito encontrados em ambientes de ensino, a fim de facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um exemplo de ambiente de ensino onde podemos perceber todos os fatores acima citados é o Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS (MCT). Este Museu possui um amplo conjunto de informações armazenadas em bases de dados, e o interesse do público pela consulta a tais bases vem crescendo de forma acentuada. Neste sentido, SAGRES - um sistema com apresentação adaptável de informações e suporte à interação em grupo é um ambiente construído sobre a Internet, o qual possibilita a apresentação das bases de dados do MCT de forma adaptada às características de um ou mais visitantes. De acordo com o nível de experiência, as preferências e as atividades apresentadas pelos visitantes, o sistema determina o conjunto de links apropriados e apresenta-os em uma página HTML (HyperText Markup Language) resultante. Além da adaptação da apresentação das informações, o sistema SAGRES também apóia o aprendizado, explorando aspectos relevantes para a interação entre o visitante e o computador, e, também, entre um conjunto de visitantes, pois a interação pode ocorrer de forma individual ou através de turmas de alunos. Deste modo, é possibilitada a comunicação entre os participantes da turma que, ao compartilharem experiências, duvidas e soluções, podem obter um aprendizado mais consciente e permanente. 0 objetivo final desta pesquisa é a implementação do sistema SAGRES, o qual permite que grupos de visitantes interajam ao mesmo tempo em locais geograficamente distantes. Tal interação é realizada de forma adaptada aos objetivos, ao nível de experiência e às preferências de um visitante e/ou grupo de visitantes, os quais podem assumir três papéis distintos: gerente de turma (responsável em especificar as características de uma turma de alunos), aluno de turma (executa o conjunto de ações especificadas anteriormente pelo gerente) e visitante individual (responsável em definir suas características particulares e, com elas, interagir com o sistema). Por sua vez, o processo de cooperação pode ocorrer entre os componentes de uma turma ou entre todos os usuários do Sistema, os quais podem editar documentos e trocar mensagens, a fim de possibilitar o compartilhamento de experiências. / The great amount of electronical information available today, and the growing and changing users of Computer Science mainly due to cost cuts on computer equipment and the emergence of Internet reinforced the need of tools providing fast access to information and adapted to user's characteristics. As a consequence of the emergence of Internet and the growing expansion of computer networks, systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in learning environments have been developed in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. An example of learning environment where all aspects below can be observed is the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) at PUCRS. In this museum there is a comprehensive amount of information stored on databases and visitor's interest in querying these bases has been growing. SAGRES - an adaptable information presentation and work group support interaction system is a tool built on top of the Internet which enables the presentation of MCT databases concerning visitor's traits. According to visitors experience levels and preferences and intended activities the system determines the group of appropriate links and presents it on a resulting HTML page (HyperText Markup Language). Besides the adaptation in presenting the information, the system supports the learning process by exploring important aspects for interaction between visitor and computer and also among visitors since interaction can occur individually or in groups of students. Thus, communication is enabled among students and as a result they may share experiences, doubts and solutions, and consequently achieve a more effective and conscious learning process. Therefore, the final aim of this research is the development of SAGRES, a system which allows groups of visitors to interact at the same time in different places all over the world. Such interaction is accomplished according to objectives, experience level and preferences of visitors that can have three different roles: group manager (responsible for specifying characteristics of group of students), student group (perform group of actions predetermined by the group manager) and individual visitor (in charge of defining particular traits and interacting with the system). Furthermore, Cooperative Processes may occur among all system users who can edit documents and exchange messages in order to share experiences.

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