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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The war for talent : En undersökning av högteknologiska företags arbete med employer branding samt vilka attribut ingenjörsstuderande finner attraktiva hos framtida arbetsgivare inom högteknologi

Hyrkäs, Elisa, Nilsson, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande undersökning är dels att undersöka hur företag inom den högteknologiska branschen arbetar med employer branding för att ses som attraktiv för potentiella framtida arbetstagare. Dels syftar även undersökningen till att få kunskap om vad ingenjörsstuderande, inom det för dessa högteknologiska företag intressanta utbildningar, finner attraktivt hos en framtida arbetsgivare. Metoden för undersökningen är därför både kvalitativ genom intervjuer och kvantitativ genom enkäter.   Resultaten från undersökningen visar att företagen aktivt arbetar med att synas, differentiera sig från konkurrenterna, ses som relevanta och uppfylla psykologiska kontrakt. De har insett vikten av att arbeta med employer branding för att kunna kompetenssäkra i ett tidigt stadie. De arbetar både internt samt externt för att bygga upp ett starkt employer brand som kommer skapa attraktion hos potentiella framtida arbetstagare. Resultaten visar även att det som ingenjörsstudenterna, som främst tillhör Generation Y, anser är viktigast när det kommer till vad ett företag bör erbjuda dem efter examen är känslomässiga attribut och främst ”Bra ledare/chefer”, ”Bra arbetsklimat”, ”Meningsfullt arbete”, ”Karriärmöjligheter” och ” Bra arbetsmiljö”. Vidare visar resultaten att det finns skillnader i de ingenjörsstuderades uppfattningar avseende deras ålder, tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet och kön. Undersökningen bekräftar således vad tidigare forskning visat.

Work war Z

Wismar, Gunnar, Nyman, Per January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning, både i Sverige och internationellt, har visat på en ökad rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden och att det råder brist på kvalificerade medarbetare, talanger. Denna konkurrenssituation benämns även som War for talent. Många arbetsgivare försöker att bemöta detta genom att stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke, genom att skapa en attraktiv organisation och försöka möta de olika kravställningar som talangerna har på sin nuvarande eller framtida arbetsgivare. Dessa kravställningar kan variera beroende på många faktorer men denna studie vill belysa utifrån generationsskillnader och då fokuserat på Generation Z, som är den senaste generationsgruppering att ta sig in på arbetsmarknaden. / Previous research, both in Sweden and internationally, has shown increased mobility in the labour market and that there is a shortage of qualified employees, talents. This competitive situation is also referred to as War for talent. Many employers try to address this by strengthening their employer brand, by creating an attractive organization and trying to meet the various demands the talents have on their current or future employers. These requirements may vary depending on many factors, but this study aims to shed light on generation differences and then focused on Generation Z, which is the latest generation group to enter the labour market.

Vill du vinna kriget? : Employer branding, attrahera en generation.

Köllner, Karl, Lysén, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Studien avser att skapa en employer branding-modell för att påvisa vilka faktorer företag ska profilera för att attrahera den del av generation y som pågår eftergymnasial utbildning. Frågeställning: Vilka faktorer enligt generation y som pågår eftergymnasial utbildning i städerna Västerås och Eskilstuna attraherar dem till företag? Metod: Studien har använt sig av en deduktiv metodansats med kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning. Den kvantitativa undersökningen har genomförts med enkäter genomförda på studerande generation y och den kvalitativa undersökningen genomfördes med en intervju på ett företag. Data har sammanställts i SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) för att påvisa vilka statistiska slutsatser som kan säkerställas. Därefter har en rangordning av de mest attraktiva faktorerna skapats som ligger till grund för en employer bradning-modell riktad till företag. Slutsats: Det finns en mängd faktorer som attraherar generation y och de har olika attraktionsförmåga. De statistiskt bevisade faktorerna med hög attraktion är: utveckling och organisationskultur. Statistiskt bevisade mindre attraktiva faktorer i förhållande till resterande faktorer är förmåner och branding. För att vinna war for talent ska företag därför profilera de mest attraktiva faktorerna för att attrahera generation y och stärka sitt employer branding. Företag ska utstråla igenkännande, trovärdighet och personlighet vilket leder till att företag blir ihågkomna av generation y bland mängden av företag. Slutsatserna har summerats i en modell som påvisar vilka faktorer som skapar attraktion till generation y i form av hög-, medel- och låg attraktion. / Reserarch Question: What are the contributing factors that attract the generation y students from the university of Västerås and Eskilstuna to companies? Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to form an employer branding model to contribute to the understanding how companies should profile themselves in order to attract students of generation y whom are undergoing studies at a University level. Method: This study used a deductive research approach. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to gather data. The quantitative research was conducted with a survey on generation y in the cities of Västerås and Eskilstuna. The qualitative research was conducted from an interview with a company to find additional factors of attraction. The gathered data has then been analyzed in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to determine statistical conclusions. The analyzed data has been ranked from the most attractive factor to the least attractive factor to form a model that explains the attraction levels of different factors. Conclusion: The segment of generation y has a rich quantity of attracting factors ranging from several levels of attraction. The statistically proven data has provided evidence that these factors relate to a high amount of attraction towards development and the organizational culture. The less attractive factors provided by the statistically proven data are the benefits of work and branding. To be able to win the “war for talent”, companies must profile the most attractive factors to interest generation y and strengthen their employer brand towards this segment. Companies that wish to recruit generation y shall radiate recognition, trust and personality so that generation y will remember them amongst other companies.

Vem utspelar sig The War for Talent egentligen för? : En kritisk diskursanalys av konstruktionerna av millennials och av begreppet talang / For whom is The War for Talent actually unfolded for? : A critical discourse analysis of the constructions of Millennials and the concept of talent

Iliadis, Theofanis January 2020 (has links)
Faktumet att den föregående generationens arbetskraft pensioneras och blir substituerad av den nya millennials-generationen har lett till att företag upplever en förlust av ackumulerad kunskap och expertis. Denna förändring av arbetskraft är särskilt oroande för Professional Service Firms, eftersom deras främsta tillgång är deras medarbetare och expertisen kopplade till dem. Problematiken har gett upphov till The War for Talent. The War for Talent vill belysa den rådande problematiken som Professional Service Firms möter med att hitta medarbetare med adekvat och marknadsrelevant kunskap. Därför har behovet av strategier om hur man attraherar, rekryterar och behåller talanger lett till uppkomsten av forskningsområdet Talent Management. Trots områdets popularitet inom näringslivet finns det brister i vetenskapliga förankrade teorier och definitioner. Uppsatsen har därför som syfte att bidra till forskningsområdet genom att undersöka hur definitionen av talang konstrueras av svenska Professional Service Firms. Detta genomförs genom att analysera kopplingarna som finns mellan konstruktionen av millennialsgenerationen och begreppet talang. Metodologin inspireras av den kritiska diskursanalysens principer. Det empiriska materialet som har använts är hämtat från Deloittes, EY, KPMG och PwC webbplatser. Resultatet visar att det råder olika konstruktioner och diskursordningar av millennials, vilket även påverkar konstruktionen av begreppet talang. Dessa skillnader kan leda till spänningar mellan företag och potentiella arbetstagare. Uppsatsen argumenterar därför för att diskursordningarna som råder kan påverka Talent Management-strategin och bör därför has i åtanke vid utvecklingen av denna. / The fact that the previous generation's workforce is retiring and is being replaced by the new generation of Millennials has led to companies experiencing a loss of accumulated knowledge and expertise. This change of workforce is particularly worrying for Professional Service Firms as their main asset is their employees and the expertise associated with them. This problem has given rise to The War for Talent. The War for Talent wants to highlight the prevailing problems that Professional Service Firms face in finding employees with adequate and market-relevant knowledge. Therefore, the need for strategies on how to attract, recruit and retain talents has led to the emergence of the Talent Management research area. Despite the area's popularity among professionals, there are flaws in scientifically grounded theories and definitions. The essay therefore aims to contribute to the research area by examining how the definition of talent is constructed by Swedish Professional Service Firms. This is accomplished by analyzing the connections that exist with the construction of the Millennials generation. The methodology is inspired by the principles of the critical discourse analysis. The empirical material that has been used is taken from Deloitte's, EY, KPMG and PwC websites. The result shows that there are different constructions and discourse schemes of Millennials, which also affects the construction of the concept of talent. These differences can lead to tensions between companies and potential employees. The thesis therefore argues that the discourse schemes can influence the Talent Management strategy and should therefore be kept in mind when developing it.

Public Administration on the edge of the recruitment war : – A study about Swedish munucipalities' fight for top-management recruits

Tieu, Anna, Deppe, Christine January 2011 (has links)
“The War for talent” – the fight for talented people, that can improve an organisation’s performance – is getting tougher every day. This study focuses on the topic of employer branding, which is becoming a popular “weapon” in this battle. Private organisations, being used to applying marketing principles, have already discovered this tool. However, the public sector, with a lack of marketing experience, is perceived to have a weaker employer brand. This is why this study has been conducted with regards to public administrations. The aim of this paper has been to uncover potentials within a public organisation, that could be used to highlight the advantages of a public employer.In order to build a framework for the problem, a literature review, considering theoretical concepts about the “War for talent”, the employee value proposition and employer branding has been carried out. To gain a deeper understanding of the matter, qualitative research in the form of semi-structural interviews has been executed using the case of a Swedish municipality. Further empirical ascertainment has been achieved by reviewing recently used job advertisements.The analysis of the data has shown that the municipality’s employer brand image is perceived as rather weak, however, there are strong indicators for potential within the organisation. It is possible to say that the conveyed employer brand image is not congruent with the brand identity.Moreover the analysis of the employee value proposition has shown factors that can help to narrow the target group of applicants. One significant result considering this issue is the highlighting of social responsibility as one of the more prominent potentials.Keywords: The war for talent, employer branding, employee value proposition, public administration, recruitment

Talent management ve vybrané společnosti / Talent Management in Selected Company

Šimonová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on Talent management. First part is devoted to theoretical knowledge which includes description of basic terms like „talent”, „Talent management” or „motivation”. The practical part which uses these findings is processed in collaboration with a selected company interested in talent management implementation.

Sharing is Caring: Joint Leadership in the War for Talent : A quantitative study explaining future leaders' preferences for leadership conditions in the German job market through a conjoint experiment

Hanke, Lara G., Hofmeir, Johanna J. January 2024 (has links)
Background: German employers face the multidimensional problem of leadership shortage. Masses of former leaders retiring coupled with the marginalization of women and unwillingness of the younger generations Y/Z (both wo/men) to progress into leadership make it increasingly difficult to safeguard the future of leadership within organizations. It is evident that current leadership conditions do not seem to speak to the future leaders anymore. Heightened focus on work-life balance but simultaneously on career progression and economic benefit does not appear to align with the working ethic that employers are used to. Yet nowadays employees may not need to be ideal to employers but vice versa. To survive, talents need to be attracted, retained and lured into leadership positions. For this, leadership conditions need to be reevaluated.  Purpose: As wo/men of Gen Y/Z are the bearer of hope to tackle the (upcoming) leadership shortage in Germany, we shed light on their preferences for leadership conditions. This is achieved by investigating selected attributes of Joint Leadership which is a particular type of leadership sharing. The attributes under investigation are closely related to level of compensation, contracted working hours, speed of career progression, and leadership responsibilities. Theoretically, this study is at the forefront of investigating Joint Leadership empirically and quantitatively while also studying gender and generation in combination. Practically, this study aims to aid practitioners to protrude during the “war for talent” (Burola, 2023) by becoming more attractive by reevaluating their leadership conditions. RQ: How do demographics influence the preferences for leadership conditions? Method/ology: This study is of positivistic and deductive nature and presents a quantitative explanatory approach to preference research in the form of a laboratory choice-based conjoint experiment. Primary data of 177 participants is collected and analyzed based on gender and generation (in interaction) for Joint Leadership attributes.  Conclusion: We evidence how gender and generation (in interaction) influence preferred leadership conditions. This provides a basis for explanation and discussion on e.g., reversed gender effects, potential trade-offs, and impacts of life-stages as opposed to generation.

Kampen om rätt medarbetare: En studie om generation Z / En studie om generation Z: A study about generation Z

Josefsson, Rebecca, Le Persson, Timmy January 2019 (has links)
Titel: Kampen om rätt medarbetare. En studie om generation Z. Frågeställning: Vilka HR-strategier använder organisationer för att attrahera och behålla generation Z? Syfte: Uppsatsen syfte är att identifiera vilka HR-strategier organisationer använder för att attrahera och behålla medarbetare och hur de anpassar dem till generation Z. Studien kan komma att bidra till att ge dagens organisationer förutsättningar för hur de ska attrahera och behålla generation Z. Metod: Studien har en deduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Data utgår från sju strukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Organisationer i Sverige använder liknande strategier för att attrahera och behålla medarbetare, skillnaden är hur anpassade och välutvecklade det är för generation Z. Organisationens utformning av HR-strategier beror på vilken uppfattning de har av generation Z.

How to Win the War for Talent among Professional Engineers : An Employer Branding Perspective

Lejdeby, Nicole, Östman, Carolin January 2019 (has links)
Organisations strive to gain competitive advantages and there is an increasing demand for more advanced technology in today's dynamic and complex environment. The importance of engineering is increasing in the global world, which leads to a higher demand of professional engineers. They represent among the hardest roles to fill. The short supply of engineers, the high employment rate and low unemployment rate among engineers in Sweden makes it difficult for companies to attract them. This issue is often described as ‘The War for Talent’. The War for Talent is a greater issue for organisations within the public sector because of negative prejudices, reputations and stereotypes. This and the fact that there are limited resources for marketing within the public sector when they are funded by the government, make it difficult to compete with organisations within the private sector. The public sector in Sweden is relatively large, and The Swedish Transport Administration is a large company within the public sector that need to prepare for the war for talents among companies within the private sector. The purpose of this research is to investigate work value preferences of professional engineers and important recruitment aspects to consider, when choosing an employer. To deal with the war of talents effectively, the concept of employer branding has been developed as an effective organisational strategy for employment. In the report, we will study the concept of employer branding and the employer branding process, work value preferences and important recruitment aspects to enhance understanding of how companies can attract professional engineers in Sweden, to initiate a career within the public sector. Our data collection was through qualitative interviews with eight professional engineers, both from the private and the public sector. Our study developed an adapted framework with work values preferred by Swedish professional engineers that can be used as a guide to help and enable to attract and recruit engineers towards the public sector. We found differences between the public sector and the private, and six core values preferred by Swedish professional engineers, where organisations in the public sector should put a certain emphasis on two of them. There were some certain preferences among recruitment channels, and we found that recruitment strategies could enhance, improve or damage the brand and that the corporate reputation affects the opinion of the company. We also have some specific recommendations towards the case company.

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