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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban Rain Water Harvesting and Water Management in Sri Lanka

Strand, Anders January 2013 (has links)
Denna fältstudie kommer att undersöka betydelsen av regnvattenanvändning som vattenförsörjnings alternativ. Hur kan hållbara innovativa lösningar tas fram för att lösa vattenförsörjningen på Sri Lanka? Efter lidandet av mer än 30 års inbördeskrig och efter de omfattande skadorna från tsunamin 2004, står nu Sri Lanka inför många utmaningar rörande landets återuppbyggnad. Tillgången till vatten är den viktigaste grundläggande förutsättningen för ett fungerande samhälle. I landets torra zon är det långa perioder av torka då vattenkällor sinar och inget naturligt vatten finns att tillgå. Detta trots att det under monsunen kommer tillräckligt med regn för att täcka vattenbehovet om det skulle samlas på ett optimalt sätt. Avrinningskoefficienten är här mer än 60% outnyttjat regnvatten. I ett flertal lyckade projekt har man samlat regnvatten i RWH system för senare användning. Människor i dessa områden saknar kranvatten eftersom detta område ej är täckt av vattenförsörjningsnätet. Detta gör att dessa människor har en positiv inställning till att ha RWH system..I den våta zonen, och då speciellt i Colombos stadsmiljö som denna studie handlar om, är situationen annorlunda. Här har de flesta invånare kranvatten. Det kommunala kranvattnet är högt subventionerat av regeringen vilket gör att kostnaden är låg för användarna samt ökar vattenkonsumtionen. Invånarna känner inget ansvar för vattenresurserna eftersom den gemena uppfattningen är att det är en evig källa. Majoriteten av hushållen ser inget skäl till att installera RWH på grund av den låga lönsamheten. Trots att det finns ett förordnande att det ska ingå ett RWH system, så följs inte detta. Saknande av uppföljningsplikt anges som orsak av vatten styrelsen. Kostnaden för att behandla och leverera vatten till invånarna är väldigt hög och är mycket energi krävande. Det finns ett behov av enorma investeringar för att rusta upp och bygga ut både vattenverken och vattennätet för att klara av att möta det växande invånarantalet i Colombo området. Ett annat problem är att 40% av hushållen i Colombo saknar avloppsanslutning. De leder sitt avloppsvatten direkt eller efter en septi-tank ut i jorden eller havet.Om medvetenheten kring dessa frågor ökar, samt att förhållandet mellan kranvattnets kostnad och RWH justeras med ändringar i subventionerna, kunde en hållbar lösning på vattensituationen med såväl ekonomiska som miljövinster ske.Resultatet av denna studie är att RWH får ses som ett komplement när det gäller vattenförsörjningen för hushållens del. Fokus bör istället ligga på industrier, sjukhus, skolor, kommunala byggnader och andra byggnader med stora vattenbehov och med de största möjligheterna att uppnå optimalt resultat.Studien visar också på en hållbar lösning på avloppshanteringen. Den visar DWWT och dess fördelar. / The field study will investigate the importance of Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) as a water supply option. How can sustainable innovative solutions be developed to solve the water problem of Sri Lanka? Suffering from more than 30 years of civil war and damages after being struck by the tsunami 2004, Sri Lanka faces many challenges to recover and rebuilt the country. The access to water is the most important need for a civilization´s existence. In the dry zones of the island people suffer from long drought periods with dried up wells and no natural sources for water. However the rainfall during the monsoon, even in these areas, is more than enough to provide the water needs if properly collected, thus the run-off coefficient is more than 60%. Several projects with rain water harvesting in so called RWH systems have been implemented with success. Because these areas are not covered by the water supply net and therefore have no tap water, the people are very positive to having the RWH system. In the wet zones and especially in the urban environment of Colombo the situation is different. Here most of the people have treated pipe-borne tap water. The metered tap water is highly subsidized by the government which makes the cost low for the users and increases the water consumption. The citizens do not feel a responsibility to be careful with resources since the common opinion is that water is a never ending source. The majority of the households find no reasons for installing a RWH system because it´s low economic profits. Even if there is a legislation that demands all new buildings should have a RWH system not many households have installed these systems. However the cost to deliver and treat this water is very expensive for the government and demands a lot of energy. Huge investments need to be done in both the treatment plants and the pipe-line net to meet the growing population in Colombo area. Another problem is that 40% of the households today in Colombo have no sewage connection but lead their wastewater directly or after a septic tank into the ground or the sea. If the awareness regarding these concerns could be improved and the conditions between tap water costs and RWH be adjusted with changes in the subsidized system, a sustainable solution to the water situation in Colombo with both economic and environmental benefits could be found. The result from the case study is a recommendation about installing RWH as a complimentary source of water for the households. And investments in RWH systems should be focused to industries, hospitals, schools, municipal buildings and other public buildings with a high water demand and with the best possibilities for optimal results. Further the case study treats a sustainable solution to the sewage situation. It shows the Decentralized waste water treatment plant (DWWT) and its advantages.

An investigation of the extent of implementation of EIA regulations towards health hazard prevention at Kwama Thukuza, Newcastle

Mnguni, Simphiwe Ntokozo Euphoria 18 October 2013 (has links)
Chemical (gaseous) emissions from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are perceived as odour and can generate undesirable health reactions. These could affect the quality of life to those regularly albeit intermittently exposed, although regular exposure may result in tolerance and loss of recognition of the odour. Consequently, research is necessary to establish the role of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in ensuring that facilities such as WWTP do not pose a threat to local communities, particularly in relation to housing developments for poor communities. The aim of this study was to investigate if the EIA regulations were effectively implemented before building of the Residential Development Proiect (RDP) houses at KwaMathukuza, in Newcastle South Africa. Furthermore, the study intended to determine the impact the (WWTP) has on the health of people who reside close to the site and to establish if the families staying close to the WWTP have any common ailments such as handicapped babies, early deaths within families. Findings would also indicate if RDP houses should be built in close proximity to such sites. Data was collected through a survey of 85 residents living within five kilometers and ten residing beyond five kilometers from the WWTP. The participants were selected randomly. Municipality employees who worked with the WWTP were also sampled together with healthcare givers. Data included information about health of the community, their perception of the gases released from the WWTP as well as EIA meetings and processes related to the construction of the RDP houses. The outcome of this study revealed that EIA regulations were not adequately implemented and that this residential site was unsuitable for the construction of RDP houses. It emerged that the residence regularly experience unpleasant odours released from the WWTP. These could be associated with ill-health of the residents as well as v degradation the environment in general. The study also found that the effect of the WWTP affects even those communities who reside beyond five kilometers from the WWTP. The researcher argues for more stringent mechanisms to ensure that EIA regulations are properly implemented to prevent adverse effects on the communities. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Vývoj kvality vody v povodí Mladotického potoka / Water quality development in Mladoticky Brook catchment area

Vacková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Water quality was one of the biggest problems of environment in beginning of 90. of 20th century in the Czech republic. Since 90. the level of water quality was in czech rivers rapidly better. Mainly in big rivers have accomplished great changes. The small rivers haven't notice that rapid changes. The Czech republic, after entrance to the European Union have committed to comply with Directive 91/271/EEC reduce urban waste water and which should have big influence to water quality also in small rivers. During 90. industry technology, agriculture, cleaning technology of waste water etc. reached big development. Therefore the presumption is higher quality of water in the Czech republic since 90. Goal of the thesis is comparison of results from 1999-2000 with results from 2012- 2014 from Mladoticky brook catchment, which is lined up to small river catchments (79,77km2 ). From this comparison there is obvious trend, if conditions of the water quality are really better or not since 90. [33] Since 2012 to 2014 were taken 12 times samples from 11 profiles of water from Mladotice brook catchment and they were consequential chemically analyzed. The samples were evaluated according to ČSN 757221 and compared with results from 1999-2000. From comparison with data 1999-2000 and 2012-2014 was confirmed the...

Mise au point de méthodes pour l’analyse de substances critiques issues des rejets industriels et de la fabrication des produits de la filière cuir / Analytical developments for the determination of critical substances of the leather field in waste water and leather goods

Rey, Aurélien 24 February 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la protection de l’environnement et du consommateur, CTC effectue des tests enchimie analytique sur de nombreux paramètres en matrices aqueuses, cuir et textile. Les nouvelles substancesmises sur le marché ainsi que les réglementations évoluant sans cesse, le développement de nouvellesméthodes d’analyses est donc nécessaire.Plusieurs méthodes analytiques ont ainsi été développées. Pour l’analyse des rejets d’effluents industriels desinstallations classées et pour l’analyse d’innocuité de produits utilisant le cuir ou le textile (chaussures,maroquinerie, prêt-à-porter…).Les chloroalcanes ont été dosés en chromatographie gazeuse (GC) associée à la spectrométrie de masse (MS)utilisant l’ionisation chimique, à la fois en matrices aqueuses (limite de quantification, LQ, à 0,6 μg/l) et sur lescuirs (LQ à 2 mg/kg).Une analyse des alkylphénols et alkylphénols ethoxylates a été développée pour les matrices aqueuses parGC/MS (LQ à 0,05 μg/l).Plusieurs familles de retardateurs de flammes ont ensuite été étudiées. Les polybromodiphénylethers peuventêtre dosés dans les eaux (LQ<0,05 µl) et le cuir (LQ <= µg/kg), par GC/MS en ionisationchimique.L’hexabromocyclododécane et des organophosphates, par chromatographie liquide et spectrométrie de masseen tandem pour des matrices textiles (LQ à 6 mg/kg). Des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques dans le cuir ont ensuite été analysés par GC/MS-MS (LQ à 250 μg/kg).Enfin, une méthode multirésidus portant sur plusieurs familles de micropolluants organiques a été mise aupoint en GC/MS pour les rejets d’effluents (LQ <0,1 µg/l) / Taking in account the increasing needs and demands in environmental and consumer protection, CTCis always seeking improvement in analytical methods and development of new ones dealing with leather,fabrics and aqueous samples. In this thesis, several new methods were developed to be able to handleanalytical requests dealing with leather and textile materials being parts of shoes, clothes and other leathergoods.A GC/MS method using chemical ionization was developed to detect short polychlorinated alkanes down to aconcentration of 0.6 μg/L in aqueous sample and 2 mg/kg in leather samples. Alkylphenols and theirethoxylates were similarly determined by GC/MS down to 0.05 μg/L.Flame retardants are another large class of chemicals becoming suspicious. Polybromodiphenylethers weredetermined in aqueous samples and leathers. The respective GC/MS highest limits of quantification (LOQ)were0.05 µg/l and 80 μg/kg. Other members of this class are hexabromocyclododecane andorganophosphates. Both were determined by LC/MS-MS with LOQ of about 6 mg/kg.Carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons were also determined in leather samples using GC/MS-MS down to250 μg/kg.The last improved GC/MS analytical method was handling sewage sludge seeking multi residues of organicpolluants down to the 0.1 µg/l level or below. The analytical performances developed or improved allowedfor an efficient and useful control of the various sample received from the CTC customers and followinginternational quality rules

Evaluation du procédé UV/H2O2 pour la désinfection et l’élimination des micropolluants en vue d’une réutilisation des eaux usées traitées en petites stations d’épuration / UV/H2O2 process assessment for disinfection and micropollutant removal in order to reuse water from small wastewater treatment plants

Cédat, Bruno 16 November 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de raréfaction de la ressource en eau, le traitement des eaux usées peut permettre de constituer des réserves d’eau durables et valorisables pour des usages variés tels que l’irrigation des cultures, la recharge de nappe phréatique ou encore une utilisation directe par les industries grandes consommatrices d’eau (cimenterie, aciéries…). Ainsi, la nécessité d’améliorer le traitement des eaux usées en sortie de STEU devient primordial afin d’assurer une qualité chimique et microbiologique de l’eau compatible avec sa réutilisation. Le traitement des micropolluants constitue notamment un nouveau défi pour les STEU. Si des projets de recyclage des eaux usées émergent pour les grandes STEU, le potentiel des petites ou moyennes STEU, qui constituent près de 90% des installations en France, reste inexploité à l’heure actuelle. Pour y remédier, les procédés d’oxydation avancée, notamment ceux basés sur l’UV, se présentent comme des solutions de traitement prometteuses. L’objectif de cette étude est de démontrer que la technologie UV/H2O2 est efficace et économiquement réaliste pour la désinfection et l’élimination des micropolluants organiques dans ces petites et moyennes STEU. Dans une première phase, un pilote de laboratoire UV/H2O2 a été évalué en conditions réelles (débit, matrice) sur des modèles bactériens et sur des micropolluants estrogéniques (E1, E2 et EE2) dans les eaux usées traitées d’une STEU. L’efficacité du traitement est comparée à celle de la photolyse seule. Il a été montré que le traitement UV/H2O2 permet une amélioration de la désinfection en assurant une destruction des bactéries contrairement à la photolyse seule qui ne fait qu’inactiver les micro-organismes. D’autre part, les doses UV (plus petit 600 mJ/cm²) et les concentrations en H2O2 étudiées (30-50 mg/L d’H2O2) permettent d’abattre plus de 80% de l’ensemble des micropolluants ciblés et de l’activité biologique (estrogénicité) associée, sans former de sous-produits estrogéniques ou toxiques au regard des tests d’activité employés dans l’étude (YES et Vibrio Fisheri). Parallèlement, il a été montré que le procédé UV/H2O2 est également efficace pour éliminer plus de 70% des produits pharmaceutiques (diclofénac, ibuprofène et naproxène) à 1000 mJ/cm². Sur la base des paramètres de traitement établis en pilote de laboratoire, un prototype a été dimensionné pour la STEU de Vercia (filtre planté de roseaux, 1100 EH, Jura). Les conditions de traitement mises en œuvre (dose UV plus pertit 1000 mJ/cm², [H2O2] = 15 mg/L) ont permis d’obtenir une eau de très haute qualité bactériologique et des abattements des micropolluants suivis supérieurs à 90%. Cette expérimentation à échelle réelle a permis d’estimer le coût global de cette technologie à environ 0,28 €/m³. L’ensemble de ce travail de recherche conclue à l’efficacité et au fort potentiel de la technologie UV/H2O2 pour le recyclage des eaux usées traitées des petites et moyennes STEU. / Water scarcity is a growing concern worldwide. In this context, treated wastewater is seen as a sustainable water resource which could be used for different purposes such as irrigation, groundwater recharge or industrial activities. Reclaimed water is an environmentally and economically solution, still poorly developed in France. However, an increasing demand is expected in the coming years. Therefore, treatment enhancement in wastewater treatment plant could be necessary in order to meet chemical and biological water quality requirements which will depend on the final use of the treated water. The treatment of emerging micropollutants is one of the new challenge WTP will have to cope with. Enhanced treatment processes (ozonation, activated carbon, membrane filtration) have already been set up in large WTP but small and medium WTP, representing around 90% of the French WTP, are still lacking of affordable treatment solutions. However, UV based advanced oxidation process (AOP) could be a promising technology in order to produce a water of high quality. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that UV/H2O2 process is technically and economically efficient for the disinfection and the removal of micropollutants in small and medium WTP. First of all, a UV/H2O2 pilot at a laboratory scale was assessed on bacterial models as well as estrogenic micropollutants (E1, E2 and EE2) in treated wastewater. Treatment efficiency was compared to UV photolysis. It was shown that UV/H2O2 treatment increased the disinfection process by destroying the cellular membrane integrity whereas the UV photolysis could only inactive the bacteria. Moreover, when combining UV (plus petit 600 mJ/cm²) and H2O2 (30-50 mg/L), above 80% of the estrogenic compounds and the associated estrogenic activity could be removed. No high estrogenic or toxic by-products were detected by the two bioassays used in this study (YES and vibrio fisheri). The UV/H2O2 process could also degrade pharmaceuticals such as diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen (>70 % at 1000 mJ/cm²). In a second part, a full scale pilot was designed based on the previous results and set up in a WTP in Vercia (Jura). The treatment (UV fluence ≈ 1000 mJ/cm², [H2O2] = 15 mg/L) allowed to obtain a water of a very high bacteriological and chemical quality. The global cost of the process was estimated at around 0.28 €/m³. This study demonstrates the efficiency of the UV/H2O2 process in a small WTP and its high potential for reclaimed water production

Estudo de degradação fotoquímica para reúso de águas de processo em complexo industrial petroquímico. / Study of photochemical degradation to reuse of process water at petrochemical industry.

Lira, Daniella Cristina Barbosa de 06 December 2006 (has links)
A racionalização dos recursos hídricos tem sido uma das metas das indústrias em vários setores. Tais metas exigem inovações tecnológicas tanto para novos processos produtivos quanto para novas técnicas de tratamento e reutilização de água na cadeia de produção. Os custos elevados de água industrial no Brasil, particularmente nas regiões metropolitanas, têm estimulado as indústrias nacionais a avaliar as possibilidades de reúso. O objetivo deste trabalho é a aplicação do tratamento de águas de processo contendo polipropileno utilizando radiação ultravioleta e peróxido de hidrogênio, isto é, o sistema UV/H2O2, visando adequá-las para reúso no próprio processo, reduzindo a necessidade de captação de água pré-tratada e de descarte de efluente. A primeira parte do estudo consistiu na realização de experimentos em um sistema fotoquímico de batelada, empregando quatro diferentes correntes efluentes de processo, para a avaliação da viabilidade técnico-econômica do tratamento fotoquímico, bem como para a obtenção de dados referentes à cinética das reações fotoquímicas. Com base nas informações obtidas, na segunda parte do estudo foram realizados experimentos em um sistema fotoquímico contínuo, a fim de obter dados para o aumento de escala para aplicação industrial do processo de tratamento contínuo. Os resultados experimentais indicaram a viabilidade técnica de aplicação do sistema UV/H2O2 utilizando fonte de luz artificial para todas as correntes de processo estudadas, tendo sido alcançados níveis de remoção de matéria orgânica acima de 90%. No entanto, sob o ponto de vista econômico, apenas as correntes com baixo teor de carbono orgânico total dissolvido (COT), entre 6 e 12 mgC L-1, mostraram-se adequadas ao reúso, após o tratamento. / Rationalization of water use has been one of the goals in many industrial activities, and, in particular, in the petrochemical industry. Such goals demand technological innovations in the productive processes and in techniques for treatment and reuse of water in the production chain. The high costs of industrial water, particularly in some metropolitan regions, have stimulated the industries to evaluate the possibilities of water reuse. The objective of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of the UV/H2O2 photochemical process applied to the treatment of process waste water containing polypropylene, aiming at the reuse of the waste water in the as process water in the industrial complex, thus reducing the need for tap water supply and waste water generation rate. The first part of this study consisted of laboratory-scale experiments in a batch photochemical reactor with four different waste water streams to perform the technical and economical feasibility of the photochemical treatment, as well to obtain data on the degradation rate. Based on the results of the first part, the second part of this study consisted of experiments in a continuous photochemical reactor, aimed at obtaining experimental data for reactor scale-up. Experimental results indicate that the UV/H2O2 photodegradation process is able to remove more than 90% of the organic compounds contained in the waste water. However, only waste waters containing relatively low contaminant levels (between 6 and 12 mgC L-1) can be treated at economically favourable costs.

Tratamento e recuperação da água de lavagem dos filtros de uma estação de filtração direta e simulação da disposição dos lodos em estações de tratamento de esgoto / Treatment and recovery of wastes from backwash filter on direct filter water treatment systems and simulation of sludge disposal in wastewater treatment systems

Escobar Rivera, Juan Carlos 16 February 2001 (has links)
Foi pesquisada a aplicação de métodos, em nível de laboratório, através dos quais é possível otimizar, tratar e dispor resíduos de lavagem de filtros de estações de tratamento de água (Caso ETA do rio Descoberto - ETA-RD Brasília). Na clarificação da água de lavagem dos filtros, observou-se o efeito favorável da adição de polímero para melhorar a separação líquido-sólido é, portanto, as eficiências de remoção de turbidez, cor aparente, sólidos suspensos e coliformes totais. Observou-se melhor sedimentabilidade do lodo a ser desaguado. Os ensaios de centrifugação, em escala de bancada, mostraram que o método aplicado auxilia na determinação da dosagem a ser usada numa centrífuga em escala real. Foram avaliados três métodos de disposição do lodo adensado da ETA-RD em ETE: 1) sedimentação com esgoto sanitário e posterior digestão anaeróbia do lodo; 2) Digestão anaeróbia e 3) digestão aeróbia. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a digestão anaeróbia. Os estudos realizados mostraram que há diversas alternativas de tratamento e disposição desses resíduos, mas é necessário, sempre que possível, a avaliação das diferentes alternativas para selecionar a(s) mais apropriada(s) a cada caso em particular, pois fatores como custos e disponibilidade de de sistemas ou equipamentos, definirão a aplicabilidade ou não de determinado método. / It was researched the application of methods on laboratory bench scale to optimize the reuse, treatment and disposal of wastes from filter backwash of Water Treatment Plant - WTP (WTP-RD Descoberto River, Brasília case). In the clarification process of this waste, favorable effect of addition of polymer for best liquid-solid separation and, thus, better removal efficiencies of turbidity, apparent color, suspended solids and total coliforms was observed. Better sedimentability of the sludge occurred. The centrifugation tests showed that the applied method help on determination of dosagem to be used in full scale. Three methods to dispose thickened sludge of WTP-RD on wastewater treatment Plants - WWTP were evaluated: 1) Sedimentation with domestic sewage and anaerobic digestion of sludge; 2) Anaerobic digestion and 3) Aerobic digestion. Best results were obtained with anaerobic digestion. The results showed that there are alternatives of treatment and disposal of wastes of WTP, but is necessary, if possible, to make the evaluation of this alternatives to select the most appropriate(s) in each case because factors as costs, systems or equipments availability, will define the applicability or not of a particular method.

Tratamento e recuperação da água de lavagem dos filtros de uma estação de filtração direta e simulação da disposição dos lodos em estações de tratamento de esgoto / Treatment and recovery of wastes from backwash filter on direct filter water treatment systems and simulation of sludge disposal in wastewater treatment systems

Juan Carlos Escobar Rivera 16 February 2001 (has links)
Foi pesquisada a aplicação de métodos, em nível de laboratório, através dos quais é possível otimizar, tratar e dispor resíduos de lavagem de filtros de estações de tratamento de água (Caso ETA do rio Descoberto - ETA-RD Brasília). Na clarificação da água de lavagem dos filtros, observou-se o efeito favorável da adição de polímero para melhorar a separação líquido-sólido é, portanto, as eficiências de remoção de turbidez, cor aparente, sólidos suspensos e coliformes totais. Observou-se melhor sedimentabilidade do lodo a ser desaguado. Os ensaios de centrifugação, em escala de bancada, mostraram que o método aplicado auxilia na determinação da dosagem a ser usada numa centrífuga em escala real. Foram avaliados três métodos de disposição do lodo adensado da ETA-RD em ETE: 1) sedimentação com esgoto sanitário e posterior digestão anaeróbia do lodo; 2) Digestão anaeróbia e 3) digestão aeróbia. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a digestão anaeróbia. Os estudos realizados mostraram que há diversas alternativas de tratamento e disposição desses resíduos, mas é necessário, sempre que possível, a avaliação das diferentes alternativas para selecionar a(s) mais apropriada(s) a cada caso em particular, pois fatores como custos e disponibilidade de de sistemas ou equipamentos, definirão a aplicabilidade ou não de determinado método. / It was researched the application of methods on laboratory bench scale to optimize the reuse, treatment and disposal of wastes from filter backwash of Water Treatment Plant - WTP (WTP-RD Descoberto River, Brasília case). In the clarification process of this waste, favorable effect of addition of polymer for best liquid-solid separation and, thus, better removal efficiencies of turbidity, apparent color, suspended solids and total coliforms was observed. Better sedimentability of the sludge occurred. The centrifugation tests showed that the applied method help on determination of dosagem to be used in full scale. Three methods to dispose thickened sludge of WTP-RD on wastewater treatment Plants - WWTP were evaluated: 1) Sedimentation with domestic sewage and anaerobic digestion of sludge; 2) Anaerobic digestion and 3) Aerobic digestion. Best results were obtained with anaerobic digestion. The results showed that there are alternatives of treatment and disposal of wastes of WTP, but is necessary, if possible, to make the evaluation of this alternatives to select the most appropriate(s) in each case because factors as costs, systems or equipments availability, will define the applicability or not of a particular method.

Evaluation of a Turfgrass - Soil System to Utilize and Purify Municipal Waste Water

Sidle, R. C., Johnson, G. V. 06 May 1972 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1972 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 5-6, 1972, Prescott, Arizona / Sewage effluent for irrigation is well established. This study determines the capacity of selective turfgrass-soil systems to purify municipal sewage effluent and to measure the degree of utilization of nitrogen in the effluent by turfgrass. Chlorinated secondarily treated sewage effluent from the city of Tucson was applied to turfgrass grown on sandy loam, silt and loam, under three levels of irrigation under laboratory conditions of duplicate pots. Each pot had 2 suction probes to estimate soil moisture tensions and to allow soil water sampling. The study operated from September to March, 1972, for 30 weeks. Purification efficiency, nitrogen utilization and percent recharge were calculated. Turfgrass can be irrigated with sewage effluent at common rates without hazard of nitrogen pollution to groundwater. Purification efficiency exceeded 90 percent for all irrigation levels on sandy loam and silt. Nitrogen utilization was greater over sandy loam. Turfgrass-soil systems can utilize nitrogen and purify waste water.

Removal of hexavalent chromium in wastewater using granular ferric hydroxides

Lovell, Jessica, Levin, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
This study took place in Malawi, south eastern Africa. Metal contamination of water and soil is a threat to the environment and human health and is a serious concern in many countries including Malawi. Blantyre is the city of commerce where most of the industry is located along the banks of the main rivers. Some of the industries produce wastewater, which due to poor access to wastewater treatment plants, is discharged without treatment into the environment. A match factory in Blantyre uses chromium as a colouring agent for match heads and very high concentrations of chromium(VI) have been measured downstream the factory with concentrations up to 56 mg/l, which is much higher than the WHO guidelines of 0.05 mg/l.  Chromium(VI) mainly occurs as chromate CrO42- and dichromate Cr2O72- ions. They are both toxic and carcinogenic and can cause mutations and chromosomal aberrations.   The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GFH) in adsorbing and removing chromium from an aqueous phase. Wastewater was collected from the match factory and by optimizing relevant parameters the removal efficiency was maximized. The parameters optimized were pH, dosage and contact time and the effect of initial concentration. After respective experiment, all samples were analysed for chromium using microwave plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (MP-AES).   The optimum pH was chosen to 8.0, the dosage to 17.4 g GFH/l and the contact time to 2 hours for a 95% removal of total chromium in undiluted wastewater. The removal efficiency of the GFH was 2.84 mg Cr/g GFH. To implement wastewater purification with GFH a number of practical issues have to be taken into consideration. Above all, a sufficient stirring method has to be devised as the removal efficiency is much affected by improper stirring. / Denna studie genomfördes i Malawi, sydöstra Afrika. Metallföroreningar i vatten och mark är ett stort problem i många länder, inklusive Malawi. Landets centrum för industri och handel ligger i Blantyre där de flesta av industrierna ligger längs med floderna. En del industrier genererar utsläppsvatten och på grund av dålig tillgång till vattenreningsteknik och vattenreningsanläggningar släpps mycket av det förorenade vattnet obehandlat ut i naturen. En tändsticksfabrik i Blantyre använder kromsalter för att färga tändstickshuvudena röda och höga koncentrationer av sexvärt krom har uppmätts nedströms fabriken. De uppmätta koncentrationerna var upp till 56 mg/l vilket är betydligt högre än WHO:s riktvärde på 0,05 mg/l. Sexvärt krom förekommer som kromat CrO42- och dikromat Cr2O72- joner vilka båda är mycket toxiska och cancerframkallande och därmed ett hot mot miljö och människor. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om granulära järnoxider (GFH) kunde användas som en adsorbent för att rena utsläppsvatten från kromater. Utsläppsvatten hämtades från tändsticksfabriken och genom att optimera relevanta parametrar kunde GFHns adsorbtionseffektivitet maximeras. Parametrarna som optimerades var pH, dos, kontakttid och initialkoncentration. Efter respektive experiment mättes kromkoncentrationen med mikrovågsplasma atomemissionsspektroskopi (MP-AES) Det optimala pH-värdet valdes till 8.0, dosen till 17.4 g GFH/l med en kontakttid på 2 timmar för en 95.3% reningsgrad på outspätt utsläppsvatten. Adsorptionseffektiviteten på GFHn var 2.84 mg Cr/g GFH. För att implementera vattenrening med GFH behöver flera praktiska aspekter tas med i beaktning. Framförallt är det viktigt med en bra omrörning för att GFHn ska kunna adsorbera effektivt.

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