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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating industrial effluent impacts on municipal wastewater treatment plant

Iloms, Eunice Chizube 07 1900 (has links)
Industrial effluents with high concentrations of heavy metals are widespread pollutants of great concerns as they are known to be persistent and non-degradable. Continuous monitoring and treatment of the effluents become pertinent because of their impacts on wastewater treatment plants. The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between heavy metal pollution in water and the location of industries in order to ascertain the effectiveness of the municipal waste water treatment plant. Heavy metal identification and physico-chemical analysis were done using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and multi-parameter probe respectively. Correlation coefficients of the measured values were done to investigate the effect of the industrial effluents on the treatment plants. Heavy metal resistant bacteria were identified and characterised by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Leeuwkuil wastewater treatment plants were effective in maintaining temperature, pH, and chemical oxygen demand within South Africa green drop and SAGG Standards whereas the purification plant was effective in maintaining the values of Cu, Zn, Al, temperature, BOD, COD, and TDS within the SANS and WHO standard for potable water. This findings indicated the need for the treatment plants to be reviewed.The industrial wastewater were identified as a point source of heavy metal pollution that influenced Leeuwkuil wastewater treatment plants and the purification plants in Vaal, Vereenining South Africa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Bacillus sp. strain and Bacillus toyonensis that showed 100% similarity were found to be resistant to Al, Cu, Pb and Zn. These identified bacteria can be considered for further study in bioremediation. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Hyperspectral Image Generation, Processing and Analysis

Hamid Muhammed, Hamed January 2005 (has links)
<p>Hyperspectral reflectance data are utilised in many applications, where measured data are processed and converted into physical, chemical and/or biological properties of the target objects and/or processes being studied. It has been proven that crop reflectance data can be used to detect, characterise and quantify disease severity and plant density.</p><p>In this thesis, various methods were proposed and used for detection, characterisation and quantification of disease severity and plant density utilising data acquired by hand-held spectrometers. Following this direction, hyperspectral images provide both spatial and spectral information opening for more efficient analysis.</p><p>Hence, in this thesis, various surface water quality parameters of inland waters have been monitored using hyperspectral images acquired by airborne systems. After processing the images to obtain ground reflectance data, the analysis was performed using similar methods to those of the previous case. Hence, these methods may also find application in future satellite based hyperspectral imaging systems.</p><p>However, the large size of these images raises the need for efficient data reduction. Self organising and learning neural networks, that can follow and preserve the topology of the data, have been shown to be efficient for data reduction. More advanced variants of these neural networks, referred to as the weighted neural networks (WNN), were proposed in this thesis, such as the weighted incremental neural network (WINN), which can be used for efficient reduction, mapping and clustering of large high-dimensional data sets, such as hyperspectral images.</p><p>Finally, the analysis can be reversed to generate spectra from simpler measurements using multiple colour-filter mosaics, as suggested in the thesis. The acquired instantaneous single image, including the mosaic effects, is demosaicked to generate a multi-band image that can finally be transformed into a hyperspectral image.</p>

Hydrologische Modellierung urbaner Nährstoffeinträge in Gewässer auf Flussgebietsebene / Hydrological modelling of nutrient imputs from urbanised areas in waterbodies

Biegel, Markus 17 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the conception and implementation of the hydrological model ArcEGMO-URBAN and its application to the basin of the Havel river in north-eastern Germany. The model has been developed in order to make up the balance of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs from point sources in urban areas on the scale of river basins. The nutrient input can be calculated with a high spatial resolution and according to its seasonal variation. At the same time, the impact of the rainfall on the nutrient input is being focused on in this project. ArcEGMO-URBAN models rainfall-runoff processes and pollution-transport processes in urban areas taking natural, technological and social parameters into consideration. Input data are meteorological and terrestrial data with a high spatiotemporal resolution as well as statistic data on the scale of municipalities. The digitally available spatial data are being analysed with GIS functions before the actual modelling and later merged to areas with similar attributes. Technological and social parameters are assigned to these areas which were derived from statistic data. The diversity of the input data and their high spatial resolution allow for the description of relevant processes differentiated on the scale of urban patches. The model considers different urban water technologies and their determined matter fluxes as well as different sewer systems. With regard to rainfall-runoff processes the following sub-processes are considered for this model: the runoff-generation and runoff-concentration on sealed surfaces, the runoff-transformation and combination with the dry weather flow in the sewer system, and the split-up of the runoff in retention tanks and waste water treatment plants. Referring to pollution-transport processes the following sub-processes are taken into account: the atmospheric pollution and surface pollution dependent on the type of land use, and the matter transport in the sewer system. The sub-processes of matter accumulation and matter erosion on the land surface can be calculated by using mean values of pollution or, more detailed, by using special functions for processes of accumulation as well as erosion. In order to guarantee an easy application, the model's conception allows the use of input data and parameters of varying accuracy. Both, either measurements or statistical data can be used for the calculation dependent on the available data. The model is programmed in &amp;quot;C&amp;quot; and, therefore, usable on every established computer system. The model's validation succeeds for several sub-processes as well as sub catchments. Results of the model's application in the basin of the Havel river illustrate that the model calculates similar annual matter loads when compared to established other models. Furthermore, the results show the potential of the model to calculate the seasonal variation of matter loads and to calculate scenarios by using GIS based parameters. ArcEGMO-URBAN therefore is a capable tool for the identification of nutrient input from point sources on the scale of river catchments. / Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Konzeption und Realisierung des Modells ArcEGMO-URBAN sowie die Modellanwendung im Flussgebiet der Havel. ArcEGMO-URBAN wurde entwickelt um die punktuell in Gewässer eingetragenen Frachten von Gesamtstickstoff und Gesamtphosphor aus urbanen Räumen auf der Ebene von Flussgebieten zu bilanzieren. Die Nährstoffeinträge werden mit einer hohen räumlichen Auflösung und in ihrer innerjährlichen Dynamik berechnet, wobei der Einfluss des Niederschlagsgeschehens auf die Stoffeinträge besonders thematisiert wird. ArcEGMO-URBAN modelliert die Niederschlags-Abfluss- und die Schmutz-Transport-Prozesse in urbanen Räumen unter Berücksichtigung von naturräumlichen, technologischen und sozialen Parametern. Eingangsgrößen sind meteorologische und terrestrische Daten mit einer hohen zeitlichen und räumlichen Auflösung sowie statistische Angaben auf Gemeindeebene. Die digital vorliegenden Flächendaten werden vor der Modellierung mittels GIS-Funktionen ausgewertet und zu Flächen mit gleichen Eigenschaften zusammengefasst. Diesen Flächen werden technologische und soziale Parameter zugeordnet, welche aus den statistischen Angaben abgeleitet wurden. Durch die hohe inhaltliche und räumliche Auflösung der Eingangsdaten können relevante Prozesse teilflächendifferenziert beschrieben werden. Es können sowohl unterschiedliche Wasserver- und -entsorgungstechnologien und die durch sie induzierten Stoffströme als auch unterschiedliche Kanalisationsverfahren berücksichtigt werden. Bezogen auf den Niederschlags-Abfluss-Prozess werden die Abflussbildung und Abflusskonzentration auf befestigten Flächen, die Abflusstransformation und Überlagerung mit dem Trockenwetterabfluss im Kanalnetz und die Abflussaufteilung an Sonderbauwerken bzw. Kläranlagen berechnet. Für die Berücksichtigung der Stoff-Transport-Prozesse werden die durch die Atmosphäre und spezifische Nutzungen bedingten Stoffeinträge sowie der durch die Kanalisation bestimmte Stofftransport berechnet. Die auf der Oberfläche stattfindenden Teilprozesse von Stoffakkumulation und -abtrag können über mittlere Verschmutzungswerte oder detailliert über Akkumulations- und Abtragsfunktionen berechnet werden. Um ein weites Anwendungsspektrum zu gewährleisten, ist das Modell so konzipiert, dass eine Parametrisierung mit Eingangsdaten unterschiedlicher Qualität möglich ist. Abhängig von der verfügbaren Datenbasis werden entweder konkrete Messwerte oder statistische Größen verwendet. Das Programm ist in &amp;quot;C&amp;quot; programmiert und damit auf jeder Rechnerarchitektur lauffähig. Die Validierung des Modells gelingt für einzelne Teilprozesse aber auch für Teilgebiete gut. Die Ergebnisse im Flussgebiet der Havel belegen, dass das Modell ähnliche jährliche Nährstofffrachten wie bereits eingeführte Modelle berechnet. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse das Potenzial des Modells, die innerjährliche Dynamik punktueller Stoffeinträge abzubilden und durch die GIS-gestützte Parametrisierung aufwandsarm Szenarien zu berechnen. Damit ist ArcEGMO-URBAN ein geeignetes Modell zur Bestimmung von Nährstoffeinträgen aus punktuellen Quellen auf der Ebene von Flussgebieten.

Renovating Sewage Effluent by Ground-Water Recharge

Bouwer, Herman, Lance, J. C., Rice, R. C. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / Sewage effluent is commonly used for the irrigation of crops that are not consumed raw. Due to continued population growth in the Salt River Valley, Arizona, economic reuse of municipal waste waters is becoming essential. The salt river bed has about 3 ft of fine loamy sand underlain by sand and gravel layers to great depth and a groundwater table at about 10 ft depth. These conditions are very favorable for high-rate waste water reclamation by groundwater recharge. The activated sludge plant in phoenix will probably be discharging 250 mgd by the year 2000. At 4.5 ft average annual water use, this could irrigate about 70,000 acres, possibly more than agriculture will need at that time. A sewage effluent renovation pilot project was located about 1.5 miles from the plant. It contains 6 parallel recharge basins 20 to 700 ft each, spaced 20 ft apart. The basins were covered by grass, gravel or were left bare. Observation wells were installed at various locations in the area. Results indicated that infiltration rates were fastest in the grassy basins. Phosphate, nitrogen and median fecal coliform levels were all lower after this form of tertiary treatment. Practical details of the application of this water reclamation method in the Salt River Valley are outlined. Costs would be 5 dollars/af, less than 1/10 the equivalent costs of in-plant tertiary treatments.

Land Treatment for Primary Sewage Effluent: Water and Energy Conservation

Rice, R. C., Gilbert, R. G. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Land treatment of secondary municipal wastewater is an economical and aesthetic method of upgrading water quality, if hydrologic and geologic conditions are favorable. Costly conventional secondary treatment, which requires large quantities of electrical energy, can be bypassed by applying the primary effluent directly to the land. Soil- denitrifying bacteria use the organic carbon in the primary effluent as an energy source for biodenitrification and nitrogen removal. Laboratory and field studies indicated the quality of renovated wastewater meets standards for unrestricted irrigation and recreational uses. Considerable savings, both in capital and energy costs, can be realized by land treatment of primary effluent.

Wastewater Reuse - How Viable is It? Another Look

Chase, W. L., Fulton, J. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Even though the Phoenix Metropolitan Area is more fortunate than other areas of the desert southwest because of the dependable Salt and Verde River supplies, they still have water problems. The Central Arizona Project (CAP), which will bring water from the Colorado River, will help those problems. But the CAP will not eliminate them. Improved water resource management will be required to bring water supply and demand back into balance. A key element of any successful water resource management program must be wastewater reuse. The communities are studying reuse through their 208 water quality program and while they are discovering that many opportunities exist they are also discovering that there are also many problems to be solved.

Effect of Algal Growth and Dissolved Oxygen on Redox Potentials in Soil Flooded with Secondary Sewage Effluent

Gilvert, R. G., Rice, R. C. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Algal growth and oxygen evolution at the soil -water interface of soil recharge basins intermittently flooded with secondary sewage effluent (SSE) produced diurnal fluxes in dissolved oxygen (DO) in the SSE and redox potentials (Eh) in the SSE and the surface soil of the basin. The maximum daily DO-% saturation in the SSE during flooding ranged from 30 to 450 %, depending on the length of flooding and seasonal effects of temperature and solar radiation. Diurnal cycles of Eh in the SSE and the top 0 to 2 cm of soil indicated that oxygen production by algae and bacterial nitrifying and denitrifying reactions at the soil-water interface are occurring daily for limited periods during flooding and that these reactions might contribute to the net-N removal and renovation of SSE by soil filtration.

Hyperspectral Image Generation, Processing and Analysis

Hamid Muhammed, Hamed January 2005 (has links)
Hyperspectral reflectance data are utilised in many applications, where measured data are processed and converted into physical, chemical and/or biological properties of the target objects and/or processes being studied. It has been proven that crop reflectance data can be used to detect, characterise and quantify disease severity and plant density. In this thesis, various methods were proposed and used for detection, characterisation and quantification of disease severity and plant density utilising data acquired by hand-held spectrometers. Following this direction, hyperspectral images provide both spatial and spectral information opening for more efficient analysis. Hence, in this thesis, various surface water quality parameters of inland waters have been monitored using hyperspectral images acquired by airborne systems. After processing the images to obtain ground reflectance data, the analysis was performed using similar methods to those of the previous case. Hence, these methods may also find application in future satellite based hyperspectral imaging systems. However, the large size of these images raises the need for efficient data reduction. Self organising and learning neural networks, that can follow and preserve the topology of the data, have been shown to be efficient for data reduction. More advanced variants of these neural networks, referred to as the weighted neural networks (WNN), were proposed in this thesis, such as the weighted incremental neural network (WINN), which can be used for efficient reduction, mapping and clustering of large high-dimensional data sets, such as hyperspectral images. Finally, the analysis can be reversed to generate spectra from simpler measurements using multiple colour-filter mosaics, as suggested in the thesis. The acquired instantaneous single image, including the mosaic effects, is demosaicked to generate a multi-band image that can finally be transformed into a hyperspectral image.

Grundwasseranreicherung unter den geologischen, hydrochemischen und geografischen Bedingungen des Distrito Federal, Brasilien

Gaffron, Anne 06 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The Distrito Federal in Western Central Brazil is characterized by a high share of urban population and a predicted growth of population. The corresponding increasing water consumption is associated with a falling groundwater table. The existing wastewater treatment plants could reach their capacity limits due to further increasing amounts of urban wastewater in conjunction with heavy precipitation events. During these events, untreated wastewater can become a contamination source for protected resources such as soil and water. This problem can be solved by soil aquifer recharge. This is a unique technique to take the load off the treatment plants, to store the water in the aquifer, and to improve the water quality during the soil passage. The controlled infiltration of pretreated municipal wastewater in the tropical soils can ensure the regional groundwater balance and backup high quality water as a suitable drinking water resource. The objective of the present thesis was to define suitable soils and areas for a soil aquifer treatment in the Distrito Federal to support the decentralized wastewater treatment management. For the identification of suitable soils, representative samples were taken. The soil samples were examined with respect to their pedological and geochemical properties. For the characterization of the unsaturated hydraulic conditions, in situ infiltration tests and a 3D infiltration monitoring were performed. Additionally, the retention potentials for sewage ingredients were determined for each soil with unsaturated, hydrochemical and geoelectrical column tests. Thus, it was possible to calculate the retention potentials of each soil against the wastewater content of an artificial wastewater. The artificial wastewater with known composition was infiltrated through the soil columns. The retention potentials of the soils were calculated by balancing the hydrochemical data. Afterwards, for the implementation of the hydraulic data and the data from the column tests, a utility analysis was performed to merge all parameters. Finally, the field and laboratory studies were combined within a GIS-based usability analysis to blend the determined parameter with geo-data to identify suitable areas for a soil aquifer treatment. Parameters as slope, land use and land cover were included in this analysis. After the evaluation of the hydrochemical balances, predominantly the younger soils turn out as suitable for an artificial recharge with water of impaired quality because of their high retention potential for TOC. The Gleissolo featured a retention potential of almost 100 % for TOC. However, a high hydraulic conductivity in the soils is necessary to ensure an effective artificial recharge. The Gleissolo featured the lowest measured hydraulic conductivity in the field test with 1,12 x 10-8 m/s. Due to the consideration of the determined hydraulic and hydrochemical data in the utility analysis, each parameter was weighted to embrace the requirement of an effective artificial recharge. The results of the laboratory and field tests have shown that the soil group of Latossolos is suitable for a soil aquifer treatment. These soils offer the best infiltration characteristics and a good retention potential against sewage ingredients for an effective artificial groundwater recharge with pretreated wastewater. Additional to that, slope, land use/land cover, depth of soil, and a defined distance to conservation area were considered in a GIS-based usability analysis. Additionally, the categorized soils from the utility analysis were included to identify suitable regions. The outcome of the thesis is a GIS-based usability analysis map which shows suitable areas for a soil aquifer treatment ranked by their category of suitability. Additionally, the thesis provides crucial evidences for soil parameters which have positive effects on wastewater infiltration. In addition, the 3D infiltration monitoring and the measured resistivity distribution showed that the gravitatively controlled infiltration influences only the soil zone immediately beneath the irrigation. Furthermore, it was found that the proxy of the geoelectrical resistivity is not (sufficiently) conclusive for the sorption potential of conductive wastewater ingredients. / O Distrito Federal, localizado no Centro-Oeste Brasileiro, é caracterizado por um intenso processo de urbanização o qual deve aumentar ainda mais nas próximas décadas. O correspondente crescimento no consumo de água está, também, associado ao rebaixamento dos níveis das águas subterrâneas. O atual sistema de tratamento de efluentes pode atingir seu limite de operação diante do crescimento demográfico e aumento de eventos extremos de chuva. Durante esses eventos, efluentes não tratados podem tornar-se uma fonte de contaminação aos recursos hídricos e solos. Uma solução é recarga artificial de águas subterrâneas. A mesma armazena o efluente pré-tratado nas águas subterrâneas e melhora a qualidade do mesmo durante o processo de percolação no solo. A infiltração controlada em solos tropicais pode contribuir para a qualidade das águas subterrâneas e balanço hídrico, servindo assim como fonte para o abastecimento de água. Essa tese tem como objetivo a identificação de áreas e solos propícios à recarga artificial de águas subterrâneas no Distrito Federal a fim de dar suporte à gestão decentralizada de tratamento de efluentes. Para a identificação dessas áreas, amostras representativas à diferentes tipos de solos foram obtidas. As amostras foram examinadas de acordo com suas propriedades pedológicas e geoquímicas. Para a caracterização das condições hidráulicas não saturadas, realizaram-se diversos testes de infiltração in situ, bem como o monitoramento 3D. Ainda, determinou-se para cada solo o potencial de retenção de poluentes através de testes de coluna insaturados, hidroquímico e geoelétricos. Dessa forma foi possível calcular os potenciais de retenção para cada solo quando utilizados efluentes sintéticos. Com base na contabilização de todos os dados hidroquímicos, calculou-se os potenciais de retenção de poluentes para o determinado efluente de composição conhecida. Mais a frente, para a implementação de dados hidráulicos e dados dos testes de coluna, utilizou-se uma análise de utilidade considerando todos os parâmetros. Finalmente, estudos de laboratório e campo foram combinados em uma análise baseada em sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). O mesmo permite o cruzamento de um determinado parâmetro obtido com uma base de dados georeferenciados (p. ex. classes de solos) a fim de identificar as áreas mais propícias. Parâmetros tais como declividade, uso e cobertura de solo foram incluídos nessa análise. Após a avaliação dos balanços hidroquímicos, identificou-se que os solos jovens possuem um alto potencial de retenção de carbono orgânico total (COT). Os mesmos mostraram-se adequados para recarga de águas subterrâneas com efluente residuário pré-tratado. Como exemplo, o Gleisolo apresentou um potencial de retenção de aproximadamente 100% de COT. No entanto, é importante lembrar que, a fim de garantir uma retenção efetiva, a condutividade hidráulica do solo deve ser alta. Nesse caso, o Gleisolo apresentou baixos valores no teste de campo com uma condutividade hidráulica de 1,12 x 10-8 m/s. Ainda, os dados hidráulicos e hidroquímicos medidos foram integrados à uma análise de uso-benefício. No caso, cada parâmetro recebe um peso de modo a atender às demandas de uma recarga efetiva de águas subterrâneas. Resultados mostram que o grupo de solo classificado com Latossolo é propício para a recarga de águas subterrâneas. O mesmo oferece a melhor característica de infiltração e potencial de retenção de contaminantes para uma recarga artificial com efluentes pré-tratados. Declividade, uso e ocupação de solo, profundidade do solo e uma distância devida de áreas de conservação foram contemplados na análise de utilidade baseada em SIG. Além disso, os colos caracterizados pela análise de uso-benefício foram incluídos com o intuito de identificar as regiões mais propícias para a prática. O resultado da tese é uma representação gráfica georeferenciada das áreas propícias para a aplicação de recarga artificial de águas subterrâneas. Ainda, a tese fornece evidências cruciais de parâmetros do solo que tem efeitos positivos na infiltração de efluentes pré-tratados. O monitoramento 3D de infiltração e a distribuição de resistividade medida mostram que infiltração controlada por gravidade influencia apenas a zona do solo imediata à superfície de irrigação. Mas a frente, foi determinado que o proxy da resistividade geoelétrica não é válido para o potencial de retenção de contaminantes condutores. / Der Distrito Federal ist durch eine starke Urbanisierung geprägt. Das ohnehin bereits starke Bevölkerungswachstum wird Prognosen zufolge weiter zunehmen. Der damit verbundene Anstieg des Wasserverbrauchs wird auch in absinkenden Grundwasserständen widergespiegelt. Weiterhin ist das westliche Zentralbrasilien aufgrund seiner Lage in den wechselfeuchten Tropen durch eine starke Saisonalität der Niederschläge geprägt. Das erhöhte Abwasseraufkommen in Verbindung mit extremen Niederschlagsereignissen kann zu einer deutlichen Überbelastung der vorhandenen Kläranlagen führen. In Extremsituationen kann ungeklärtes Abwasser in die Bodenzone gelangen und somit Schutzgüter wie Boden und Wasser kontaminieren. Eine effiziente Maßnahme gegenüber der unkontrollierten Versickerung von ungeklärtem Abwasser sowie zur Vorbeugung absinkender Grundwasserspiegel ist die gezielte Infiltration von vorbehandeltem Abwasser in Verbindung mit einer Grundwasseranreicherung. Diese Maßnahme umfasst einen zusätzlichen Reinigungsschritt des vorgereinigten Abwassers und dient zur Vorbeugung gegenüber absinkenden Grundwasserspiegeln. Ziel der Arbeit war es, geeignete Böden und Flächen für eine Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser im Distrito Federal auszuweisen. Zur Identifizierung geeigneter Böden wurden repräsentative Bodenproben auf ihre pedologischen und geochemischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden in situ Durchlässigkeitstests und ein Versickerungsmonitoring aufgebaut, um zur Klärung der Infiltrationseigenschaften beizutragen. Für die Laboruntersuchungen wurden die Bodenproben im Hinblick auf ihre Schadstoffrückhaltepotentiale untersucht. Dazu wurden kombinierte hydrochemische und geoelektrische sowie ungesättigte Säulenversuche durchgeführt. Dadurch war es möglich, Rückschlüsse auf die Sorptionsleistung der Böden gegenüber den Abwasserinhaltsstoffen einer künstlichen Abwasserlösung schließen zu können. Die Bodensäulen wurden mit einem künstlichen Abwasser mit bekannter Schadstoffzusammensetzung überstaut. Auf der Grundlage der Bilanzierung aller hydrochemischen Daten wurden die Schadstoffrückhaltepotentiale für die Abwasserinhaltsstoffe berechnet. Anschließend wurden die experimentell ermittelten Parameter in einer Nutzwertanalyse zusammengefasst, um so geeignete Böden für eine effiziente Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser zu identifizieren. Abschließend wurden die Feld- und Laboruntersuchungen mit einer GIS-basierten Nutzbarkeitsanalyse komplettiert, um die gemessenen Parameter mit weiteren vorliegenden, räumlich aufgelösten Daten verschneiden zu können. In diese Analyse wurden Parameter wie Gefälle, Landnutzung und Landbedeckung einbezogen. Bei der Auswertung der hydrochemischen Bilanzen kristallisierten sich vorwiegend die jungen Böden aufgrund ihrer hohen Schadstoffrückhaltepotentiale als geeignete Böden für eine Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser heraus. Exemplarisch wies der Gleissolo ein Sorptionspotential von fast 100 % für den Parameter TOC auf. Allerdings müssen Böden für eine effektive Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser zusätzlich zu den hohen Sorptionsleistungen auch hohe hydraulische Durchlässigkeiten aufweisen. Für den Gleissolo wurde im Feldversuch die niedrigste hydraulische Durchlässigkeit von 1,12 x 10-8 m/s bestimmt. Durch die Einbindung der gemessenen hydraulischen und hydrochemischen Daten in eine Nutzwertanalyse konnten diese Parameter gewichtet werden, um so den Ansprüchen einer effektiven Grundwasseranreicherung gerecht zu werden. Im Ergebnis der durchgeführten Untersuchungen hat sich gezeigt, dass sich die Bodengruppe der Latossole besonders gut für eine Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser eignet. Diese Böden weisen die besten Infiltrationsbedingungen sowie gute Sorptionseigenschaften für eine effizient gestaltete Grundwasseranreicherung auf. Mit Hilfe der GIS-basierten Nutzbarkeitsanalyse geografischer Parameter wurden Flächen ausgezeichnet, die sich in Bezug auf Gefälle, Landnutzung/Landbedeckung, Bodentiefe und einer adäquaten Distanz zu Schutzgebieten für eine Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser eignen. Zusätzlich wurden die mit Hilfe der Nutzwertanalyse kategorisierten Böden in die Flächenidentifizierung einbezogen. Das Resultat dieser Arbeit liegt in Form einer Karte vor, in der die Gebiete, die für eine Grundwasseranreicherung mit vorbehandeltem Abwasser geeignet sind, nach Kategorien geordnet, verzeichnet sind. Zusätzlich dazu liefert die Arbeit entscheidende Hinweise auf Bodeneigenschaften, die sich positiv auf eine Abwasserinfiltration auswirken. Darüber hinaus konnte durch das geoelektrische 3D-Monitoring und der dabei gemessenen Verteilung des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstandes gezeigt werden, dass die Infiltration gravitativ gesteuert nur die Bodenzone direkt unterhalb der Verrieselung beeinflusste. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass das Proxy des geoelektrischen Widerstandes im Labormaßstab nicht aussagekräftig genug ist, um Rückschlüsse auf die Sorption leitfähigkeitsrelevanter Abwasserinhaltsstoffe geben zu können.

Efeito residual da adubação orgânica com torta de mamona e impactos do reuso de águas no sistema solo-planta. / Residual effect of organic fertilization with castor bean cake and impacts of water reuse on the soil-plant system.

SILVA, Leda Veronica Benevides Dantas. 02 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-02T14:15:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LEDA VERONICA BENEVIDES DANTAS SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2010..pdf: 8993633 bytes, checksum: 842487b79f8bc587c42403b8b5aa2ec0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-02T14:15:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LEDA VERONICA BENEVIDES DANTAS SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2010..pdf: 8993633 bytes, checksum: 842487b79f8bc587c42403b8b5aa2ec0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02 / CNPq / A utilização de subprodutos na agricultura tem se tornado uma alternativa bastante promissora, uma vez que, ao conceder destinação a resíduos de alta carga orgânica, produzidos em diversas atividades humanas, permite amparar tanto ao aspecto ambiental quanto ao económico, proporcionando um elevado aporte de nutrientes às plantas, o que possibilita a redução dos custos com fertilização química. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito residual da adubação orgânica com torta de mamona e os impactos da disposição de efluentes de esgoto tratado sobre as características químicas do solo e o desenvolvimento e produção do algodoeiro herbáceo, cultivado em sucessão a um ciclo de gergelim. Para isto, plantas de algodoeiro herbáceo foram cultivadas em vasos provenientes de cultivo anterior com plantas de gergelim submetidas a tratamentos que resultaram da combinação fatorial de cinco doses de torta de mamona no substrato (0, 2, 3, 4 e 5 ton ha"1), duas qualidades de água de irrigação (água de abastecimento e efluente doméstico tratado) além de dois tratamentos adicionais com adubação química (NPK + água de abastecimento e NPK + água residuária). O efeito residual das doses e fontes de fertilizantes aplicadas em primeiro ciclo e os impactos inerentes à aplicação das duas diferentes fontes de água de irrigação na cultura do algodoeiro e no sistema solo-planta foram avaliados por meio da determinação das variáveis de crescimento e produção da cultura, da caracterização química do solo ao final do experimento e da avaliação do estado nutricional das plantas de algodoeiro ao final do ciclo. Foi possível concluir que a irrigação com água residuária contribuiu para a redução da acidez do solo e elevação dos teores de fósforo e potássio no solo e na planta. Além disso, o efluente doméstico foi capaz de suprir parcialmente o teor de nitrogénio e completamente os teores de boro e ferro requeridos pelas plantas, contribuindo para o crescimento e produção do algodoeiro. Todavia, os teores de sódio na planta e no solo se elevaram devido à irrigação com água residuária. A torta de mamona aplicada em primeiro ciclo acarretou em efeito residual, tendo as crescentes doses do biofertilizante incrementado os teores de matéria orgânica, fósforo e ferro no solo, além de aumentarem a área foliar, altura, matéria seca da parte aérea e produção do algodoeiro herbáceo cultivado em segundo ciclo. / The use of byproducts in agriculture has become quite a promising alternative by providing a destination for the highly-organic waste materiais produced by a variety of human activities, it serves to bolster both environmental and economic factor, providing elevated leveis of nutrients to the plants which, in turn, brings about a reduction in the costs of chemical fertilization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual effects of organic fertilization using castor cake as well as the impact of the disposal of treated sewage effluents on the chemical properties of the soil and the development and production of cotton cultivated in succession to a crop of sesame plants. Cotton plants were cultivated in pots which had been previously used for the cultivation of sesame that had been submitted to treatments resulted from the factorial design of five leveis of castor cake in the substrate (0, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ton ha"1), two qualities of irrigation water (potable water and treated domestic effluent) in addition to two additional treatments with chemical fertilization (NPK + potable water and NPK + wastewater). The residual effect of the castor cake and fertilizer sources applied in the first cycle and the inherent impact of the application of the two different sources of irrigation water on the cotton crop and the plant- soil system were evaluated through the determination of growth and cotton production, soil chemical properties and nutritional state of cotton plants at the end of the cycle. It was possible to conclude that the irrigation with wastewater contributed to reduce the soil acidity and elevate phosphorous and potassium contents in the soil and plant. Additionally, the domestic effluent was capable of partially supplying the nitrogen content and completely supplying the leveis of boron and iron required by the plants, contributing to the growth and production of cotton. However, the sodium leveis were elevated plant and soil as a result of irrigation with potable water. The castor cake applied during the first cycle resulted in a residual effect, with the increasing leveis of biofertilizer increasing the organic material content, phosphorous and iron in the soil, in addition to increasing the leaf area, height, dry matter of the aerial part and cotton production during the second cycle.

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